import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import { DSLinkMenu } from "content-src/components/DiscoveryStreamComponents/DSLinkMenu/DSLinkMenu"; import { ContextMenuButton } from "content-src/components/ContextMenu/ContextMenuButton"; import { LinkMenu } from "content-src/components/LinkMenu/LinkMenu"; import React from "react"; describe("", () => { let wrapper; describe("DS link menu actions", () => { beforeEach(() => { wrapper = mount(); }); afterEach(() => { wrapper.unmount(); }); it("should parse args for fluent correctly ", () => { const title = '"fluent"'; wrapper = mount(); const button = wrapper.find( "button[data-l10n-id='newtab-menu-content-tooltip']" ); assert.equal(button.prop("data-l10n-args"), JSON.stringify({ title })); }); }); describe("DS context menu options", () => { const ValidDSLinkMenuProps = { site: {}, pocket_button_enabled: true, }; beforeEach(() => { wrapper = shallow(); }); it("should render a context menu button", () => { assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.ok( wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton).exists(), "context menu button exists" ); }); it("should render LinkMenu when context menu button is clicked", () => { let button = wrapper.find(ContextMenuButton); button.simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); assert.equal(wrapper.find(LinkMenu).length, 1); }); it("should pass dispatch, onShow, site, options, shouldSendImpressionStats, source and index to LinkMenu", () => { wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); [ "dispatch", "onShow", "site", "index", "options", "source", "shouldSendImpressionStats", ].forEach(prop =>, prop)); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu", () => { wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.deepEqual(linkMenuProps.options, [ "CheckBookmark", "CheckArchiveFromPocket", "CheckSavedToPocket", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ]); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu for spocs", () => { wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.deepEqual(linkMenuProps.options, [ "CheckBookmark", "CheckArchiveFromPocket", "CheckSavedToPocket", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", "ShowPrivacyInfo", ]); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu for save to Pocket button", () => { wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.deepEqual(linkMenuProps.options, [ "CheckBookmark", "CheckArchiveFromPocket", "CheckDeleteFromPocket", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ]); }); it("should pass through the correct menu options to LinkMenu if Pocket is disabled", () => { wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper .find(ContextMenuButton) .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); const linkMenuProps = wrapper.find(LinkMenu).props(); assert.deepEqual(linkMenuProps.options, [ "CheckBookmark", "CheckArchiveFromPocket", "Separator", "OpenInNewWindow", "OpenInPrivateWindow", "Separator", "BlockUrl", ]); }); }); });