import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { mount, shallow } from "enzyme"; import React from "react"; import { _Search as Search } from "content-src/components/Search/Search"; const DEFAULT_PROPS = { dispatch() {}, Prefs: { values: { featureConfig: {} } }, }; describe("", () => { let globals; let sandbox; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); sandbox = globals.sandbox; global.ContentSearchUIController.prototype = { search: sandbox.spy() }; }); afterEach(() => { globals.restore(); }); it("should render a Search element", () => { const wrapper = shallow(); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); }); it("should not use a
element", () => { const wrapper = mount(); assert.equal(wrapper.find("form").length, 0); }); it("should listen for ContentSearchClient on render", () => { const spy = globals.set("addEventListener", sandbox.spy()); const wrapper = mount(); assert.calledOnce(spy.withArgs("ContentSearchClient", wrapper.instance())); }); it("should stop listening for ContentSearchClient on unmount", () => { const spy = globals.set("removeEventListener", sandbox.spy()); const wrapper = mount(); // cache the instance as we can't call this method after unmount is called const instance = wrapper.instance(); wrapper.unmount(); assert.calledOnce(spy.withArgs("ContentSearchClient", instance)); }); it("should add gContentSearchController as a global", () => { // current about:home tests need gContentSearchController to exist as a global // so let's test it here too to ensure we don't break this behaviour mount();, "gContentSearchController"); assert.ok(window.gContentSearchController); }); it("should pass along search when clicking the search button", () => { const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".search-button").simulate("click"); const { search } = window.gContentSearchController; assert.calledOnce(search); assert.propertyVal(search.firstCall.args[0], "type", "click"); }); it("should send a UserEvent action", () => { = () => { dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("ContentSearchClient", { detail: { type: "Search" } }) ); }; const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = mount(); wrapper.find(".search-button").simulate("click"); assert.calledOnce(dispatch); const [action] = dispatch.firstCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "SEARCH"); }); it("should show our logo when the prop exists.", () => { const showLogoProps = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { showLogo: true }); const wrapper = shallow(); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".logo-and-wordmark"), 1); }); it("should not show our logo when the prop does not exist.", () => { const hideLogoProps = Object.assign({}, DEFAULT_PROPS, { showLogo: false }); const wrapper = shallow(); assert.lengthOf(wrapper.find(".logo-and-wordmark"), 0); }); describe("Search Hand-off", () => { it("should render a Search element when hand-off is enabled", () => { const wrapper = shallow( ); assert.ok(wrapper.exists()); assert.equal(wrapper.find(".search-handoff-button").length, 1); }); it("should hand-off search when button is clicked", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = shallow( ); wrapper .find(".search-handoff-button") .simulate("click", { preventDefault: () => {} }); assert.calledThrice(dispatch); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { data: { text: undefined }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", skipLocal: true, to: "ActivityStream:Main", }, type: "HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR", }); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: "FAKE_FOCUS_SEARCH" }); const [action] = dispatch.thirdCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "SEARCH_HANDOFF"); }); it("should hand-off search on paste", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = mount( ); wrapper.instance()._searchHandoffButton = { contains: () => true }; wrapper.instance().onSearchHandoffPaste({ clipboardData: { getData: () => "some copied text", }, preventDefault: () => {}, }); assert.equal(dispatch.callCount, 4); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { data: { text: "some copied text" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", skipLocal: true, to: "ActivityStream:Main", }, type: "HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR", }); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: "DISABLE_SEARCH" }); const [action] = dispatch.thirdCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "SEARCH_HANDOFF"); }); it("should properly handle drop events", () => { const dispatch = sinon.spy(); const wrapper = mount( ); const preventDefault = sinon.spy(); wrapper.find(".fake-editable").simulate("drop", { dataTransfer: { getData: () => "dropped text" }, preventDefault, }); assert.equal(dispatch.callCount, 4); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { data: { text: "dropped text" }, meta: { from: "ActivityStream:Content", skipLocal: true, to: "ActivityStream:Main", }, type: "HANDOFF_SEARCH_TO_AWESOMEBAR", }); assert.calledWith(dispatch, { type: "DISABLE_SEARCH" }); const [action] = dispatch.thirdCall.args; assert.isUserEventAction(action); assert.propertyVal(, "event", "SEARCH_HANDOFF"); }); }); });