import { GlobalOverrider } from "test/unit/utils"; import { ScreenshotUtils } from "content-src/lib/screenshot-utils"; const DEFAULT_BLOB_URL = "blob://test"; describe("ScreenshotUtils", () => { let globals; let url; beforeEach(() => { globals = new GlobalOverrider(); url = { createObjectURL: globals.sandbox.stub().returns(DEFAULT_BLOB_URL), revokeObjectURL: globals.sandbox.spy(), }; globals.set("URL", url); }); afterEach(() => globals.restore()); describe("#createLocalImageObject", () => { it("should return null if no remoteImage is supplied", () => { let localImageObject = ScreenshotUtils.createLocalImageObject(null); assert.notCalled(url.createObjectURL); assert.equal(localImageObject, null); }); it("should create a local image object with the correct properties if remoteImage is a blob", () => { let localImageObject = ScreenshotUtils.createLocalImageObject({ path: "/path1", data: new Blob([0]), }); assert.calledOnce(url.createObjectURL); assert.deepEqual(localImageObject, { path: "/path1", url: DEFAULT_BLOB_URL, }); }); it("should create a local image object with the correct properties if remoteImage is a normal image", () => { const imageUrl = "https://test-url"; let localImageObject = ScreenshotUtils.createLocalImageObject(imageUrl); assert.notCalled(url.createObjectURL); assert.deepEqual(localImageObject, { url: imageUrl }); }); }); describe("#maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL", () => { // Note that we should also ensure that all the tests for #isBlob are green. it("should call revokeObjectURL if image is a blob", () => { ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL({ path: "/path1", url: "blob://test", }); assert.calledOnce(url.revokeObjectURL); }); it("should not call revokeObjectURL if image is not a blob", () => { ScreenshotUtils.maybeRevokeBlobObjectURL({ url: "https://test-url" }); assert.notCalled(url.revokeObjectURL); }); }); describe("#isRemoteImageLocal", () => { it("should return true if both propsImage and stateImage are not present", () => { assert.isTrue(ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal(null, null)); }); it("should return false if propsImage is present and stateImage is not present", () => { assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal(null, {})); }); it("should return false if propsImage is not present and stateImage is present", () => { assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal({}, null)); }); it("should return true if both propsImage and stateImage are equal blobs", () => { const blobPath = "/test-blob-path/test.png"; assert.isTrue( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { path: blobPath, url: "blob://test" }, // state { path: blobPath, data: new Blob([0]) } // props ) ); }); it("should return false if both propsImage and stateImage are different blobs", () => { assert.isFalse( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { path: "/path1", url: "blob://test" }, // state { path: "/path2", data: new Blob([0]) } // props ) ); }); it("should return true if both propsImage and stateImage are equal normal images", () => { assert.isTrue( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { url: "test url" }, // state "test url" // props ) ); }); it("should return false if both propsImage and stateImage are different normal images", () => { assert.isFalse( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { url: "test url 1" }, // state "test url 2" // props ) ); }); it("should return false if both propsImage and stateImage are different type of images", () => { assert.isFalse( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { path: "/path1", url: "blob://test" }, // state "test url 2" // props ) ); assert.isFalse( ScreenshotUtils.isRemoteImageLocal( { url: "https://test-url" }, // state { path: "/path1", data: new Blob([0]) } // props ) ); }); }); describe("#isBlob", () => { let state = { blobImage: { path: "/test", url: "blob://test" }, normalImage: { url: "https://test-url" }, }; let props = { blobImage: { path: "/test", data: new Blob([0]) }, normalImage: "https://test-url", }; it("should return false if image is null", () => { assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(true, null)); assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(false, null)); }); it("should return true if image is a blob and type matches", () => { assert.isTrue(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(true, state.blobImage)); assert.isTrue(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(false, props.blobImage)); }); it("should return false if image is not a blob and type matches", () => { assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(true, state.normalImage)); assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(false, props.normalImage)); }); it("should return false if type does not match", () => { assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(false, state.blobImage)); assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(false, state.normalImage)); assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(true, props.blobImage)); assert.isFalse(ScreenshotUtils.isBlob(true, props.normalImage)); }); }); });