/** * Bug 1277803 - A test case for testing favicon loading across different first party domains. */ if (SpecialPowers.useRemoteSubframes) { requestLongerTimeout(2); } const CC = Components.Constructor; const { PlacesTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PlacesTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); let EventUtils = {}; Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( "chrome://mochikit/content/tests/SimpleTest/EventUtils.js", EventUtils ); const FIRST_PARTY_ONE = "example.com"; const FIRST_PARTY_TWO = "example.org"; const THIRD_PARTY = "example.net"; const TEST_SITE_ONE = "https://" + FIRST_PARTY_ONE; const TEST_SITE_TWO = "https://" + FIRST_PARTY_TWO; const THIRD_PARTY_SITE = "https://" + THIRD_PARTY; const TEST_DIRECTORY = "/browser/browser/components/originattributes/test/browser/"; const TEST_PAGE = TEST_DIRECTORY + "file_favicon.html"; const TEST_THIRD_PARTY_PAGE = TEST_DIRECTORY + "file_favicon_thirdParty.html"; const TEST_CACHE_PAGE = TEST_DIRECTORY + "file_favicon_cache.html"; const FAVICON_URI = TEST_DIRECTORY + "file_favicon.png"; const TEST_FAVICON_CACHE_URI = TEST_DIRECTORY + "file_favicon_cache.png"; const ICON_DATA = ""; let systemPrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal(); function clearAllImageCaches() { let tools = SpecialPowers.Cc["@mozilla.org/image/tools;1"].getService( SpecialPowers.Ci.imgITools ); let imageCache = tools.getImgCacheForDocument(window.document); imageCache.clearCache(true); // true=chrome imageCache.clearCache(false); // false=content } function clearAllPlacesFavicons() { let faviconService = Cc["@mozilla.org/browser/favicon-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIFaviconService ); return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = { observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic === "places-favicons-expired") { resolve(); Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "places-favicons-expired"); } }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "places-favicons-expired"); faviconService.expireAllFavicons(); }); } function observeFavicon(aFirstPartyDomain, aExpectedCookie, aPageURI) { let expectedPrincipal = Services.scriptSecurityManager.createContentPrincipal( aPageURI, { firstPartyDomain: aFirstPartyDomain } ); return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = { observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { // Make sure that the topic is 'http-on-modify-request'. if (aTopic === "http-on-modify-request") { // We check the firstPartyDomain for the originAttributes of the loading // channel. All requests for the favicon should contain the correct // firstPartyDomain. There are two requests for a favicon loading, one // from the Places library and one from the XUL image. The difference // of them is the loading principal. The Places will use the content // principal and the XUL image will use the system principal. let httpChannel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); let reqLoadInfo = httpChannel.loadInfo; let loadingPrincipal = reqLoadInfo.loadingPrincipal; let triggeringPrincipal = reqLoadInfo.triggeringPrincipal; // Make sure this is a favicon request. if (!httpChannel.URI.spec.endsWith(FAVICON_URI)) { return; } // Check the first party domain. is( reqLoadInfo.originAttributes.firstPartyDomain, aFirstPartyDomain, "The loadInfo has correct first party domain" ); ok( loadingPrincipal.equals(expectedPrincipal), "The loadingPrincipal of favicon loads should be the content prinicpal" ); ok( triggeringPrincipal.equals(expectedPrincipal), "The triggeringPrincipal of favicon loads should be the content prinicpal" ); let faviconCookie = httpChannel.getRequestHeader("cookie"); is( faviconCookie, aExpectedCookie, "The cookie of the favicon loading is correct." ); } else { ok(false, "Received unexpected topic: ", aTopic); } Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "http-on-modify-request"); resolve(); }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "http-on-modify-request"); }); } function waitOnFaviconResponse(aFaviconURL) { return new Promise(resolve => { let observer = { observe(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if ( aTopic === "http-on-examine-response" || aTopic === "http-on-examine-cached-response" ) { let httpChannel = aSubject.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHttpChannel); let loadInfo = httpChannel.loadInfo; if (httpChannel.URI.spec !== aFaviconURL) { return; } let result = { topic: aTopic, firstPartyDomain: loadInfo.originAttributes.firstPartyDomain, }; resolve(result); Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "http-on-examine-response"); Services.obs.removeObserver( observer, "http-on-examine-cached-response" ); } }, }; Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "http-on-examine-response"); Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "http-on-examine-cached-response"); }); } function waitOnFaviconLoaded(aFaviconURL) { return PlacesTestUtils.waitForNotification("favicon-changed", events => events.some(e => e.faviconUrl == aFaviconURL) ); } async function openTab(aURL) { let tab = BrowserTestUtils.addTab(gBrowser, aURL); // Select tab and make sure its browser is focused. gBrowser.selectedTab = tab; tab.ownerGlobal.focus(); let browser = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(tab); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); return { tab, browser }; } async function assignCookiesUnderFirstParty(aURL, aFirstParty, aCookieValue) { // Open a tab under the given aFirstParty, and this tab will have an // iframe which loads the aURL. let tabInfo = await openTabInFirstParty(aURL, aFirstParty); // Add cookies into the iframe. await SpecialPowers.spawn( tabInfo.browser, [aCookieValue], async function (value) { content.document.cookie = value + "; SameSite=None; Secure;"; } ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfo.tab); } async function generateCookies(aThirdParty) { // we generate two different cookies for two first party domains. let cookies = []; cookies.push(Math.random().toString()); cookies.push(Math.random().toString()); let firstSiteURL; let secondSiteURL; if (aThirdParty) { // Add cookies into the third party site with different first party domain. firstSiteURL = THIRD_PARTY_SITE; secondSiteURL = THIRD_PARTY_SITE; } else { // Add cookies into sites. firstSiteURL = TEST_SITE_ONE; secondSiteURL = TEST_SITE_TWO; } await assignCookiesUnderFirstParty(firstSiteURL, TEST_SITE_ONE, cookies[0]); await assignCookiesUnderFirstParty(secondSiteURL, TEST_SITE_TWO, cookies[1]); return cookies; } function assertIconIsData(item) { let icon = item.getAttribute("image"); is( icon.substring(0, 5), "data:", "Expected the image element to be a data URI" ); is(icon, ICON_DATA, "Expected to see the correct data."); } async function doTest(aTestPage, aExpectedCookies, aFaviconURL) { let firstPageURI = Services.io.newURI(TEST_SITE_ONE + aTestPage); let secondPageURI = Services.io.newURI(TEST_SITE_TWO + aTestPage); // Start to observe the event of that favicon has been fully loaded. let promiseFaviconLoaded = waitOnFaviconLoaded(aFaviconURL); // Start to observe the favicon requests earlier in case we miss it. let promiseObserveFavicon = observeFavicon( FIRST_PARTY_ONE, aExpectedCookies[0], firstPageURI ); // Open the tab for the first site. let tabInfo = await openTab(TEST_SITE_ONE + aTestPage); // Waiting until favicon requests are all made. await promiseObserveFavicon; // Waiting until favicon loaded. await promiseFaviconLoaded; assertIconIsData(tabInfo.tab); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfo.tab); // FIXME: We need to wait for the next event tick here to avoid observing // the previous tab info in the next step (bug 1446725). await new Promise(executeSoon); // Start to observe the favicon requests earlier in case we miss it. promiseObserveFavicon = observeFavicon( FIRST_PARTY_TWO, aExpectedCookies[1], secondPageURI ); // Open the tab for the second site. tabInfo = await openTab(TEST_SITE_TWO + aTestPage); // Waiting until favicon requests are all made. await promiseObserveFavicon; BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfo.tab); } async function doTestForAllTabsFavicon( aTestPage, aExpectedCookies, aIsThirdParty ) { let faviconURI = aIsThirdParty ? THIRD_PARTY_SITE + FAVICON_URI : TEST_SITE_ONE + FAVICON_URI; // Set the 'overflow' attribute to make allTabs button available. let tabBrowser = document.getElementById("tabbrowser-tabs"); tabBrowser.setAttribute("overflow", true); // Start to observe the event of that the favicon has been fully loaded. let promiseFaviconLoaded = waitOnFaviconLoaded(faviconURI); // Open the tab for the first site. let tabInfo = await openTab(TEST_SITE_ONE + aTestPage); // Waiting until the favicon loaded. await promiseFaviconLoaded; assertIconIsData(tabInfo.tab); gTabsPanel.init(); // Make the popup of allTabs showing up and trigger the loading of the favicon. let allTabsView = document.getElementById("allTabsMenu-allTabsView"); let allTabsPopupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( allTabsView, "ViewShown" ); gTabsPanel.showAllTabsPanel(); await allTabsPopupShownPromise; assertIconIsData( gTabsPanel.allTabsViewTabs.lastElementChild.firstElementChild ); // Close the popup of allTabs and wait until it's done. let allTabsPopupHiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( allTabsView.panelMultiView, "PanelMultiViewHidden" ); gTabsPanel.hideAllTabsPanel(); await allTabsPopupHiddenPromise; // Close the tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfo.tab); faviconURI = aIsThirdParty ? THIRD_PARTY_SITE + FAVICON_URI : TEST_SITE_TWO + FAVICON_URI; // Start to observe the event of that favicon has been fully loaded. promiseFaviconLoaded = waitOnFaviconLoaded(faviconURI); // Open the tab for the second site. tabInfo = await openTab(TEST_SITE_TWO + aTestPage); // Wait until the favicon is fully loaded. await promiseFaviconLoaded; assertIconIsData(tabInfo.tab); // Make the popup of allTabs showing up again. allTabsPopupShownPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( allTabsView, "ViewShown" ); gTabsPanel.showAllTabsPanel(); await allTabsPopupShownPromise; assertIconIsData( gTabsPanel.allTabsViewTabs.lastElementChild.firstElementChild ); // Close the popup of allTabs and wait until it's done. allTabsPopupHiddenPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( allTabsView.panelMultiView, "PanelMultiViewHidden" ); gTabsPanel.hideAllTabsPanel(); await allTabsPopupHiddenPromise; // Close the tab. BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfo.tab); // Reset the 'overflow' attribute to make the allTabs button hidden again. tabBrowser.removeAttribute("overflow"); } add_setup(async function () { // Make sure first party isolation is enabled. await SpecialPowers.pushPrefEnv({ set: [["privacy.firstparty.isolate", true]], }); }); // A clean up function to prevent affecting other tests. registerCleanupFunction(() => { // Clear all cookies. Services.cookies.removeAll(); // Clear all image caches and network caches. clearAllImageCaches(); Services.cache2.clear(); }); add_task(async function test_favicon_firstParty() { for (let testThirdParty of [false, true]) { // Clear all image caches and network caches before running the test. clearAllImageCaches(); Services.cache2.clear(); // Clear Places favicon caches. await clearAllPlacesFavicons(); let cookies = await generateCookies(testThirdParty); if (testThirdParty) { await doTest( TEST_THIRD_PARTY_PAGE, cookies, THIRD_PARTY_SITE + FAVICON_URI ); } else { await doTest(TEST_PAGE, cookies, TEST_SITE_ONE + FAVICON_URI); } } }); add_task(async function test_allTabs_favicon_firstParty() { for (let testThirdParty of [false, true]) { // Clear all image caches and network caches before running the test. clearAllImageCaches(); Services.cache2.clear(); // Clear Places favicon caches. await clearAllPlacesFavicons(); let cookies = await generateCookies(testThirdParty); if (testThirdParty) { await doTestForAllTabsFavicon( TEST_THIRD_PARTY_PAGE, cookies, testThirdParty ); } else { await doTestForAllTabsFavicon(TEST_PAGE, cookies, testThirdParty); } } }); add_task(async function test_favicon_cache_firstParty() { // Clear all image caches and network caches before running the test. clearAllImageCaches(); Services.cache2.clear(); // Start to observer the event of that favicon has been fully loaded and cached. let promiseForFaviconLoaded = waitOnFaviconLoaded( THIRD_PARTY_SITE + TEST_FAVICON_CACHE_URI ); // Start to observer for the favicon response of the first tab. let responsePromise = waitOnFaviconResponse( THIRD_PARTY_SITE + TEST_FAVICON_CACHE_URI ); // Open the tab for the first site. let tabInfoA = await openTab(TEST_SITE_ONE + TEST_CACHE_PAGE); // Waiting for the favicon response. let response = await responsePromise; // Make sure the favicon is loaded through the network and its first party domain is correct. is( response.topic, "http-on-examine-response", "The favicon image should be loaded through network." ); is( response.firstPartyDomain, FIRST_PARTY_ONE, "We should only observe the network response for the first first party." ); // Waiting until the favicon has been loaded and cached. await promiseForFaviconLoaded; // Here, we are going to observe the favicon response for the third tab which // opens with the second first party. let promiseForFaviconResponse = waitOnFaviconResponse( THIRD_PARTY_SITE + TEST_FAVICON_CACHE_URI ); // Open the tab for the second site. let tabInfoB = await openTab(TEST_SITE_TWO + TEST_CACHE_PAGE); // Wait for the favicon response. In this case, we suppose to catch the // response for the third tab but not the second tab since it will not // go through the network. response = await promiseForFaviconResponse; // Check that the favicon response has came from the network and it has the // correct first party domain. is( response.topic, "http-on-examine-response", "The favicon image should be loaded through network again." ); is( response.firstPartyDomain, FIRST_PARTY_TWO, "We should only observe the network response for the second first party." ); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfoA.tab); BrowserTestUtils.removeTab(tabInfoB.tab); });