/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; // Tests the "Forget About This Site" button from the libary view const { PromptTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/PromptTestUtils.sys.mjs" ); const { sinon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/Sinon.sys.mjs" ); const { ForgetAboutSite } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/ForgetAboutSite.sys.mjs" ); const TEST_URIs = [ { title: "0", uri: "http://example.com" }, { title: "1", uri: "http://www.mozilla.org/test1" }, { title: "2", uri: "http://www.mozilla.org/test2" }, { title: "3", uri: "" }, ]; async function setup() { registerCleanupFunction(async function () { // Clean up any leftover stubs. sinon.restore(); }); let places = []; let transition = PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITION_TYPED; TEST_URIs.forEach(({ title, uri }) => places.push({ uri: Services.io.newURI(uri), transition, title }) ); await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits(places); } async function teardown(organizer) { // Close the library window. await promiseLibraryClosed(organizer); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); } // Selects the sites specified by sitesToSelect // If multiple sites are selected they can't be forgotten // Should forget selects the answer in the confirmation dialogue // removedEntries specifies which entries should be forgotten async function testForgetAboutThisSite( sitesToSelect, shouldForget, removedEntries, cancelConfirmWithEsc = false ) { if (cancelConfirmWithEsc) { ok( !shouldForget, "If cancelConfirmWithEsc is set we don't expect to clear entries." ); } ok(PlacesUtils, "checking PlacesUtils, running in chrome context?"); await setup(); let organizer = await promiseHistoryView(); let doc = organizer.document; let tree = doc.getElementById("placeContent"); //Sort by name in descreasing order tree.view._result.sortingMode = Ci.nsINavHistoryQueryOptions.SORT_BY_TITLE_ASCENDING; let selection = tree.view.selection; selection.clearSelection(); sitesToSelect.forEach(index => selection.rangedSelect(index, index, true)); let selectionCount = sitesToSelect.length; is( selection.count, selectionCount, "The selected range is as big as expected" ); // Open the context menu. let contextmenu = doc.getElementById("placesContext"); let popupShown = promisePopupShown(contextmenu); // Get cell coordinates. let rect = tree.getCoordsForCellItem( sitesToSelect[0], tree.columns[0], "text" ); // Initiate a context menu for the selected cell. EventUtils.synthesizeMouse( tree.body, rect.x + rect.width / 2, rect.y + rect.height / 2, { type: "contextmenu", button: 2 }, organizer ); await popupShown; let forgetThisSite = doc.getElementById("placesContext_deleteHost"); let hideForgetThisSite = selectionCount > 1; is( forgetThisSite.hidden, hideForgetThisSite, `The Forget this site menu item should ${ hideForgetThisSite ? "" : "not " }be hidden with ${selectionCount} items selected` ); if (hideForgetThisSite) { // Close the context menu. contextmenu.hidePopup(); await teardown(organizer); return; } // Resolves once the confirmation prompt has been closed. let promptPromise; // Cancel prompt via esc key. We have to get the prompt closed promise // ourselves. if (cancelConfirmWithEsc) { promptPromise = PromptTestUtils.waitForPrompt(organizer, { modalType: Services.prompt.MODAL_TYPE_WINDOW, promptType: "confirmEx", }).then(dialog => { let dialogWindow = dialog.ui.prompt; let dialogClosedPromise = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( dialogWindow.opener, "DOMModalDialogClosed" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("KEY_Escape", undefined, dialogWindow); return dialogClosedPromise; }); } else { // Close prompt via buttons. PromptTestUtils supplies the closed promise. promptPromise = PromptTestUtils.handleNextPrompt( organizer, { modalType: Services.prompt.MODAL_TYPE_WINDOW, promptType: "confirmEx" }, { buttonNumClick: shouldForget ? 0 : 1 } ); } // If we cancel the prompt, create stubs to check that none of the clear // methods are called. if (!shouldForget) { sinon.stub(ForgetAboutSite, "removeDataFromBaseDomain").resolves(); sinon.stub(ForgetAboutSite, "removeDataFromDomain").resolves(); } let pageRemovedEventPromise; if (shouldForget) { pageRemovedEventPromise = PlacesTestUtils.waitForNotification("page-removed"); } // Execute the delete command. contextmenu.activateItem(forgetThisSite); // Wait for prompt to be handled. await promptPromise; // If we expect to remove items, wait the page-removed event to fire. If we // don't wait, we may test the list before any items have been removed. await pageRemovedEventPromise; if (!shouldForget) { ok( ForgetAboutSite.removeDataFromBaseDomain.notCalled && ForgetAboutSite.removeDataFromDomain.notCalled, "Should not call ForgetAboutSite when the confirmation prompt is cancelled." ); // Remove the stubs. sinon.restore(); } // Check that the entries have been removed. await Promise.all( removedEntries.map(async ({ uri }) => { Assert.ok( !(await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(uri)), `History entry for ${uri} has been correctly removed` ); }) ); await Promise.all( TEST_URIs.filter(x => !removedEntries.includes(x)).map(async ({ uri }) => { Assert.ok( await PlacesUtils.history.fetch(uri), `History entry for ${uri} has been kept` ); }) ); // Cleanup. await teardown(organizer); } /* * Opens the history view in the PlacesOrganziner window * @returns {Promise} * @resolves The PlacesOrganizer */ async function promiseHistoryView() { let organizer = await promiseLibrary(); // Select History in the left pane. let po = organizer.PlacesOrganizer; po.selectLeftPaneBuiltIn("History"); let histContainer = po._places.selectedNode.QueryInterface( Ci.nsINavHistoryContainerResultNode ); histContainer.containerOpen = true; po._places.selectNode(histContainer.getChild(0)); return organizer; } /* * @returns {Promise} * @resolves once the popup is shown */ function promisePopupShown(popup) { return new Promise(resolve => { popup.addEventListener( "popupshown", function () { resolve(); }, { capture: true, once: true } ); }); } // This test makes sure that the Forget This Site command is hidden for multiple // selections. add_task(async function selectMultiple() { await testForgetAboutThisSite([0, 1]); }); // This test makes sure that forgetting "http://www.mozilla.org/test2" also removes "http://www.mozilla.org/test1" add_task(async function forgettingBasedomain() { await testForgetAboutThisSite([1], true, TEST_URIs.slice(1, 3)); }); // This test makes sure that forgetting by IP address works add_task(async function forgettingIPAddress() { await testForgetAboutThisSite([3], true, TEST_URIs.slice(3, 4)); }); // This test makes sure that forgetting file URLs works add_task(async function dontAlwaysForget() { await testForgetAboutThisSite([0], false, []); }); // When cancelling the confirmation prompt via ESC key, no entries should be // cleared. add_task(async function cancelConfirmWithEsc() { await testForgetAboutThisSite([0], false, [], true); });