/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Tests the bookmarks toolbar overflow. */ var gToolbar = document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar"); var gChevron = document.getElementById("PlacesChevron"); const BOOKMARKS_COUNT = 250; add_setup(async function () { let wasCollapsed = gToolbar.collapsed; await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); // Add bookmarks. await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insertTree({ guid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, children: Array(BOOKMARKS_COUNT) .fill("") .map((_, i) => ({ url: `http://test.places.${i}/` })), }); // Toggle the bookmarks toolbar so that we start from a stable situation and // are not affected by all bookmarks removal. await toggleToolbar(false); await toggleToolbar(true); registerCleanupFunction(async () => { if (wasCollapsed) { await toggleToolbar(false); } await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); await PlacesUtils.history.clear(); }); }); add_task(async function test_overflow() { // Check that the overflow chevron is visible. Assert.ok(!gChevron.collapsed, "The overflow chevron should be visible"); let children = getPlacesChildren(); Assert.ok( children.length < BOOKMARKS_COUNT, "Not all the nodes should be built by default" ); let visibleNodes = []; for (let node of children) { if (getComputedStyle(node).visibility == "visible") { visibleNodes.push(node); } } Assert.ok( visibleNodes.length < children.length, `The number of visible nodes (${visibleNodes.length}) should be smaller than the number of built nodes (${children.length})` ); await test_index( "Node at the last visible index", visibleNodes.length - 1, "visible" ); await test_index( "Node at the first invisible index", visibleNodes.length, "hidden" ); await test_index("First non-built node", children.length, undefined); await test_index("Later non-built node", children.length + 1, undefined); await test_move_index( "Move node from last visible to first hidden", visibleNodes.length - 1, visibleNodes.length, "visible", "hidden" ); await test_move_index( "Move node from fist visible to last built", 0, children.length - 1, "visible", "hidden" ); await test_move_index( "Move node from fist visible to first non built", 0, children.length, "visible", undefined ); }); add_task(async function test_separator_first() { await toggleToolbar(false); // Check that if a separator is the first node, we still calculate overflow // properly. let bm = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, index: 0, }); await toggleToolbar(true, 2); let children = getPlacesChildren(); Assert.greater(children.length, 2, "Multiple elements are visible"); Assert.equal( children[1]._placesNode.uri, "http://test.places.0/", "Found the first bookmark" ); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[1]).visibility, "visible", "The first bookmark is visible" ); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bm); }); add_task(async function test_newWindow_noOverflow() { info( "Check toolbar in a new widow when it was already visible and not overflowed" ); Assert.ok(!gToolbar.collapsed, "Toolbar is not collapsed in original window"); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); // Add a single bookmark. await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, url: "http://toolbar.overflow/", title: "Example", }); // Add a favicon for the bookmark. let favicon = "" + "AAAA6fptVAAAACklEQVQI12NgAAAAAgAB4iG8MwAAAABJRU5ErkJggg=="; await PlacesTestUtils.addFavicons( new Map([["http://toolbar.overflow/", favicon]]) ); let win = await BrowserTestUtils.openNewBrowserWindow(); try { let toolbar = win.document.getElementById("PersonalToolbar"); Assert.ok(!toolbar.collapsed, "The toolbar is not collapsed"); let content = win.document.getElementById("PlacesToolbarItems"); await TestUtils.waitForCondition(() => { return ( content.children.length == 1 && content.children[0].hasAttribute("image") ); }); let chevron = win.document.getElementById("PlacesChevron"); Assert.ok(chevron.collapsed, "The chevron should be collapsed"); } finally { await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(win); } }); async function test_index(desc, index, expected) { info(desc); let children = getPlacesChildren(); let originalLen = children.length; let nodeExisted = children.length > index; let previousNodeIsVisible = nodeExisted && getComputedStyle(children[index - 1]).visibility == "visible"; let promise = promiseUpdateVisibility( expected == "visible" || previousNodeIsVisible ); let bm = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, url: "http://test.places.added/", index, }); Assert.equal(bm.index, index, "Sanity check the bookmark index"); await promise; children = getPlacesChildren(); if (!expected) { Assert.ok( children.length <= index, "The new node should not have been added" ); } else { Assert.equal( children[index]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid, bm.guid, "Found the added bookmark at the expected position" ); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[index]).visibility, expected, `The bookmark node should be ${expected}` ); } Assert.equal( children.length, originalLen, "Number of built nodes should stay the same" ); info("Remove the node"); promise = promiseUpdateVisibility(expected == "visible"); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(bm); await promise; children = getPlacesChildren(); if (expected && nodeExisted) { Assert.equal( children[index]._placesNode.uri, `http://test.places.${index}/`, "Found the previous bookmark at the expected position" ); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[index]).visibility, expected, `The bookmark node should be ${expected}` ); } Assert.equal( children.length, originalLen, "Number of built nodes should stay the same" ); } async function test_move_index(desc, fromIndex, toIndex, original, expected) { info(desc); let children = getPlacesChildren(); let originalLen = children.length; let movedGuid = children[fromIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid; let existingGuid = children[toIndex] ? children[toIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid : null; let existingIndex = fromIndex < toIndex ? toIndex - 1 : toIndex + 1; Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[fromIndex]).visibility, original, `The bookmark node should be ${original}` ); let promise = promiseUpdateVisibility( original == "visible" || expected == "visible" ); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: movedGuid, index: toIndex, }); await promise; children = getPlacesChildren(); if (!expected) { Assert.ok( children.length <= toIndex, "Node in the new position is not expected" ); Assert.ok( children[originalLen - 1], "We should keep number of built nodes consistent" ); } else { Assert.equal( children[toIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid, movedGuid, "Found the moved bookmark at the expected position" ); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[toIndex]).visibility, expected, `The destination bookmark node should be ${expected}` ); } Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[fromIndex]).visibility, original, `The origin bookmark node should be ${original}` ); if (existingGuid) { Assert.equal( children[existingIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid, existingGuid, "Found the pushed away bookmark at the expected position" ); } Assert.equal( children.length, originalLen, "Number of built nodes should stay the same" ); info("Moving back the node"); promise = promiseUpdateVisibility( original == "visible" || expected == "visible" ); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.update({ guid: movedGuid, index: fromIndex, }); await promise; children = getPlacesChildren(); Assert.equal( children[fromIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid, movedGuid, "Found the moved bookmark at the expected position" ); if (expected) { Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[toIndex]).visibility, expected, `The bookmark node should be ${expected}` ); } Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[fromIndex]).visibility, original, `The bookmark node should be ${original}` ); if (existingGuid) { Assert.equal( children[toIndex]._placesNode.bookmarkGuid, existingGuid, "Found the pushed away bookmark at the expected position" ); } Assert.equal( children.length, originalLen, "Number of built nodes should stay the same" ); } add_task(async function test_separator_first() { // Check that if there are only separators, we still show nodes properly. await toggleToolbar(false); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, index: 0, }); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.toolbarGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_SEPARATOR, index: 0, }); await toggleToolbar(true, 2); let children = getPlacesChildren(); Assert.equal(children.length, 2, "The expected elements are visible"); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[0]).visibility, "visible", "The first bookmark is visible" ); Assert.equal( getComputedStyle(children[1]).visibility, "visible", "The second bookmark is visible" ); await toggleToolbar(false); await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.eraseEverything(); }); /** * If the passed-in condition is fulfilled, awaits for the toolbar nodes * visibility to have been updated. * * @param {boolean} [condition] Awaits for visibility only if this condition is true. * @returns {Promise} resolved when the condition is not fulfilled or the * visilibily update happened. */ function promiseUpdateVisibility(condition = true) { if (condition) { return BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( gToolbar, "BookmarksToolbarVisibilityUpdated" ); } return Promise.resolve(); } /** * Returns an array of toolbar children that are Places nodes, ignoring things * like the chevron or other additional buttons. * * @returns {Array} An array of Places element nodes. */ function getPlacesChildren() { return Array.prototype.filter.call( document.getElementById("PlacesToolbarItems").children, c => c._placesNode?.itemId ); } /** * Toggles the toolbar on or off. * * @param {boolean} show Whether to show or hide the toolbar. * @param {number} [expectedMinChildCount] Optional number of Places nodes that * should be visible on the toolbar. */ async function toggleToolbar(show, expectedMinChildCount = 0) { let promiseReady = Promise.resolve(); if (show) { promiseReady = promiseUpdateVisibility(); } await promiseSetToolbarVisibility(gToolbar, show); await promiseReady; if (show) { if (getPlacesChildren().length < expectedMinChildCount) { await new Promise(resolve => { info("Waiting for bookmark elements to appear"); let mut = new MutationObserver(mutations => { let children = getPlacesChildren(); info(`${children.length} bookmark elements appeared`); if (children.length >= expectedMinChildCount) { resolve(); mut.disconnect(); } }); mut.observe(document.getElementById("PlacesToolbarItems"), { childList: true, }); }); } } }