/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ import React, { useState, useEffect } from "react"; import panelMessaging from "../../messages"; function TagPicker(props) { const [tags, setTags] = useState(props.tags); // New tag group to store const [allTags, setAllTags] = useState([]); // All tags ever used (in no particular order) const [recentTags, setRecentTags] = useState([]); // Most recently used tags const [duplicateTag, setDuplicateTag] = useState(null); const [inputValue, setInputValue] = useState(""); // Status can be success, waiting, or error. const [{ tagInputStatus, tagInputErrorMessage }, setTagInputStatus] = useState({ tagInputStatus: "", tagInputErrorMessage: "", }); let handleKeyDown = e => { const enterKey = e.keyCode === 13; const commaKey = e.keyCode === 188; const tabKey = inputValue && e.keyCode === 9; // Submit tags on enter with no input. // Enter tag on comma, tab, or enter with input. // Tab to next element with no input. if (commaKey || enterKey || tabKey) { e.preventDefault(); if (inputValue) { addTag(inputValue.trim()); setInputValue(``); // Clear out input } else if (enterKey) { submitTags(); } } }; let addTag = tagToAdd => { if (!tagToAdd?.length) { return; } let newDuplicateTag = tags.find(item => item === tagToAdd); if (!newDuplicateTag) { setTags([...tags, tagToAdd]); } else { setDuplicateTag(newDuplicateTag); setTimeout(() => { setDuplicateTag(null); }, 1000); } }; let removeTag = index => { let updatedTags = tags.slice(0); // Shallow copied array updatedTags.splice(index, 1); setTags(updatedTags); }; let submitTags = () => { let tagsToSubmit = []; if (tags?.length) { tagsToSubmit = tags; } // Capture tags that have been typed in but not explicitly added to the tag collection if (inputValue?.trim().length) { tagsToSubmit.push(inputValue.trim()); } if (!props.itemUrl || !tagsToSubmit?.length) { return; } setTagInputStatus({ tagInputStatus: "waiting", tagInputErrorMessage: "", }); panelMessaging.sendMessage( "PKT_addTags", { url: props.itemUrl, tags: tagsToSubmit, }, function (resp) { const { data } = resp; if (data.status === "success") { setTagInputStatus({ tagInputStatus: "success", tagInputErrorMessage: "", }); } else if (data.status === "error") { setTagInputStatus({ tagInputStatus: "error", tagInputErrorMessage: data.error.message, }); } } ); }; useEffect(() => { panelMessaging.sendMessage("PKT_getTags", {}, resp => { setAllTags(resp?.data?.tags); }); }, []); useEffect(() => { panelMessaging.sendMessage("PKT_getRecentTags", {}, resp => { setRecentTags(resp?.data?.recentTags); }); }, []); return (
{!tagInputStatus && ( <>

{tags.map((tag, i) => (
setInputValue(e.target.value)} onKeyDown={e => handleKeyDown(e)} maxlength="25" /> {allTags .sort((a, b) => a.search(inputValue) - b.search(inputValue)) .map(item => (
{recentTags .slice(0, 3) .filter(recentTag => { return !tags.find(item => item === recentTag); }) .map(tag => (
)} {tagInputStatus === "waiting" && (

)} {tagInputStatus === "success" && (

)} {tagInputStatus === "error" && (


); } export default TagPicker;