/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ Cu.importGlobalProperties(["TextEncoder"]); let gTimer; function handleRequest(req, resp) { // Parse the query params. If the params aren't in the form "foo=bar", then // treat the entire query string as a search string. let params = req.queryString.split("&").reduce((memo, pair) => { let [key, val] = pair.split("="); if (!val) { // This part isn't in the form "foo=bar". Treat it as the search string // (the "query"). val = key; key = "query"; } memo[decode(key)] = decode(val); return memo; }, {}); writeResponse(params, resp); } function writeResponse(params, resp) { // Echoes back 15 results, query0, query1, query2 etc. let suffixes = [...Array(15).keys()]; let query = params.query || ""; let data = [query, suffixes.map(s => query + s)]; if (params?.richsuggestions) { data.push([]); data.push({ "google:suggestdetail": suffixes.map(s => ({ a: "Extended title", dc: "#FFFFFF", i: "", t: "Title", })), }); } resp.setHeader("Content-Type", "application/json", false); let json = JSON.stringify(data); let utf8 = String.fromCharCode(...new TextEncoder().encode(json)); resp.write(utf8); } function decode(str) { return decodeURIComponent(str.replace(/\+/g, encodeURIComponent(" "))); }