const ORIG_STATE = ss.getBrowserState(); const multiWindowState = { windows: [ { tabs: [ { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64 }, ], }, ], _closedTabs: [ { state: { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64, }, ], }, }, { state: { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64, }, ], }, }, ], selected: 1, }, { tabs: [ { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64 }, ], }, { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64 }, ], }, ], _closedTabs: [ { state: { entries: [ { url: "", triggeringPrincipal_base64, }, ], }, }, ], selected: 1, }, ], }; async function setupWithBrowserState(browserState) { let numTabs =, winData) => { return count + winData.tabs.length; }, 0); let loadCount = 0; let windowOpenedCount = 1; // pre-count the first window let promiseRestoringTabs = new Promise(resolve => { gProgressListener.setCallback(function ( aBrowser, aNeedRestore, aRestoring, aRestored ) { if (++loadCount == numTabs) { // We don't actually care about load order in this test, just that they all // do load. is(loadCount, numTabs, "all tabs were restored"); is(aNeedRestore, 0, "there are no tabs left needing restore"); gProgressListener.unsetCallback(); resolve(); } }); }); // We also want to catch the 2nd window, so we need to observe domwindowopened Services.ww.registerNotification(function observer(aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "domwindowopened") { let win = aSubject; win.addEventListener( "load", function () { if (++windowOpenedCount == { Services.ww.unregisterNotification(observer); win.gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(gProgressListener); } }, { once: true } ); } }); const stateRestored = TestUtils.topicObserved( "sessionstore-browser-state-restored" ); await ss.setBrowserState(JSON.stringify(browserState)); await stateRestored; await promiseRestoringTabs; } add_setup(async function testSetup() { await setupWithBrowserState(multiWindowState); }); add_task(async function test_ClosedTabMethods() { let sessionStoreUpdated; const browserWindows = BrowserWindowTracker.orderedWindows; Assert.equal( browserWindows.length,, `We expect ${} open browser windows` ); for (let idx = 0; idx < browserWindows.length; idx++) { const win = browserWindows[idx]; const winData =[idx]; info(`window ${idx}: ${win.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec}`); Assert.equal( winData._closedTabs.length, SessionStore.getClosedTabDataForWindow(win).length, `getClosedTabDataForWindow() for window ${idx} returned the expected number of objects` ); } let closedCount; closedCount = SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[0]); Assert.equal(2, closedCount, "2 closed tab for this window"); closedCount = SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[1]); Assert.equal(1, closedCount, "1 closed tab for this window"); sessionStoreUpdated = TestUtils.topicObserved( "sessionstore-closed-objects-changed" ); SessionStore.undoCloseTab(browserWindows[0], 0); await sessionStoreUpdated; Assert.equal( 1, SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[0]), "Now theres one closed tab" ); Assert.equal( 1, SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[1]), "Theres still one closed tab in the 2nd window" ); sessionStoreUpdated = TestUtils.topicObserved( "sessionstore-closed-objects-changed" ); SessionStore.forgetClosedTab(browserWindows[0], 0); await sessionStoreUpdated; Assert.equal( 0, SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[0]), "No closed tabs after forgetting the last one" ); Assert.equal( 1, SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[1]), "Theres still one closed tab in the 2nd window" ); await promiseAllButPrimaryWindowClosed(); Assert.equal( 0, SessionStore.getClosedTabCountForWindow(browserWindows[0]), "Closed tab count is unchanged after closing the other browser window" ); // Cleanup. await promiseBrowserState(ORIG_STATE); });