In order to get gnome shell search provider registered and active you need to install the firefox-search-provider.ini and firefox.desktop files system wide. The locations may be distro specific, for instance Fedora and Ubuntu expect the files at: /usr/share/gnome-shell/search-providers/firefox-search-provider.ini /usr/share/applications/firefox.desktop firefox.desktop is a system-wide Firefox launcher. It may come with your distribution or you can use this one. Update name of firefox desktop file at firefox-search-provider.ini according your actual file at /usr/share/applications. firefox-search-provider.ini registers Firefox as a search provider. When the file is correctly installed you can see Firefox as a searchable application at Settings -> Search at Gnome controll center. Gnome shell search provider is active only when Firefox is running. When it's active you can see it as org.mozilla.Firefox.SearchProvider D-Bus service.