/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /** * Tests translating, and then immediately translating to a new language. */ add_task(async function test_translations_panel_retry() { const { cleanup, resolveDownloads, runInPage } = await loadTestPage({ page: SPANISH_PAGE_URL, languagePairs: LANGUAGE_PAIRS, }); const { button } = await assertTranslationsButton( { button: true }, "The button is available." ); await runInPage(async TranslationsTest => { const { getH1 } = TranslationsTest.getSelectors(); await TranslationsTest.assertTranslationResult( "The page's H1 is in Spanish.", getH1, "Don Quijote de La Mancha" ); }); await waitForTranslationsPopupEvent("popupshown", () => { click(button, "Opening the popup"); }); await waitForTranslationsPopupEvent("popuphidden", () => { click( getByL10nId("translations-panel-translate-button"), "Start translating by clicking the translate button." ); }); await resolveDownloads(1); await runInPage(async TranslationsTest => { const { getH1 } = TranslationsTest.getSelectors(); await TranslationsTest.assertTranslationResult( "The pages H1 is translated.", getH1, "DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA [es to en, html]" ); }); await waitForTranslationsPopupEvent("popupshown", () => { click(button, "Re-opening the popup"); }); info('Switch to language to "fr"'); const toSelect = getById("translations-panel-to"); toSelect.value = "fr"; toSelect.dispatchEvent(new Event("command")); await waitForTranslationsPopupEvent("popuphidden", () => { click( getByL10nId("translations-panel-translate-button"), "Re-translate the page by clicking the translate button." ); }); // This is a pivot language which requires 2 models. await resolveDownloads(2); await runInPage(async TranslationsTest => { const { getH1 } = TranslationsTest.getSelectors(); await TranslationsTest.assertTranslationResult( "The pages H1 is translated using the changed languages.", getH1, "DON QUIJOTE DE LA MANCHA [es to fr, html]" ); }); await cleanup(); });