/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; async function checkOpensOnFocus(win = window) { // The view should not open when the input is focused programmatically. win.gURLBar.blur(); win.gURLBar.focus(); Assert.ok(!win.gURLBar.view.isOpen, "check urlbar panel is not open"); win.gURLBar.blur(); // Check the keyboard shortcut. await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupOpen(win, () => { win.document.getElementById("Browser:OpenLocation").doCommand(); }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(win, () => { win.gURLBar.blur(); }); // Focus with the mouse. await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupOpen(win, () => { EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(win.gURLBar.inputField, {}, win); }); await UrlbarTestUtils.promisePopupClose(win, () => { win.gURLBar.blur(); }); } add_setup(async function () { // Add some history for the empty panel. await PlacesTestUtils.addVisits([ { uri: "http://mochi.test:8888/", transition: PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS.TYPED, }, ]); registerCleanupFunction(() => PlacesUtils.history.clear()); }); add_task(async function test() { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "about:blank" }, async browser => { await checkOpensOnFocus(); } ); }); add_task(async function newtabAndHome() { for (let url of ["about:newtab", "about:home"]) { // withNewTab randomly hangs on these pages when waitForLoad = true (the // default), so pass false. await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url, waitForLoad: false }, async browser => { // We don't wait for load, but we must ensure to be on the expected url. await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => gBrowser.currentURI.spec == url, "Ensure we're on the expected page" ); await checkOpensOnFocus(); await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( { gBrowser, url: "http://example.com/" }, async otherBrowser => { await checkOpensOnFocus(); // Switch back to about:newtab/home. await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( gBrowser, gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(browser) ); await checkOpensOnFocus(); // Switch back to example.com. await BrowserTestUtils.switchTab( gBrowser, gBrowser.getTabForBrowser(otherBrowser) ); await checkOpensOnFocus(); } ); // After example.com closes, about:newtab/home is selected again. await checkOpensOnFocus(); // Load example.com in the same tab. BrowserTestUtils.loadURIString( gBrowser.selectedBrowser, "http://example.com/" ); await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); await checkOpensOnFocus(); } ); } });