/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; // Test for the following data of impression telemetry. // - interaction add_setup(async function () { await initInteractionTest(); }); add_task(async function topsites() { await doTopsitesTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: () => assertImpressionTelemetry([{ reason: "pause", interaction: "topsites" }]), }); }); add_task(async function typed() { await doTypedTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: () => assertImpressionTelemetry([{ reason: "pause", interaction: "typed" }]), }); await doTypedWithResultsPopupTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: () => assertImpressionTelemetry([{ reason: "pause", interaction: "typed" }]), }); }); add_task(async function pasted() { await doPastedTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: () => assertImpressionTelemetry([{ reason: "pause", interaction: "pasted" }]), }); await doPastedWithResultsPopupTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: () => assertImpressionTelemetry([{ reason: "pause", interaction: "pasted" }]), }); }); add_task(async function topsite_search() { // TODO: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1804010 // assertImpressionTelemetry([{ interaction: "topsite_search" }]); }); add_task(async function returned_restarted_refined() { await doReturnedRestartedRefinedTest({ trigger: () => waitForPauseImpression(), assert: expected => assertImpressionTelemetry([ { reason: "pause" }, { reason: "pause", interaction: expected }, ]), }); });