/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. https://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ /** * These tests unit test the functionality of UrlbarController by stubbing out the * model and providing stubs to be called. */ "use strict"; function getPostDataString(aIS) { if (!aIS) { return null; } let sis = Cc["@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream ); sis.init(aIS); let dataLines = sis.read(aIS.available()).split("\n"); // only want the last line return dataLines[dataLines.length - 1]; } function keywordResult(aURL, aPostData, aIsUnsafe) { this.url = aURL; this.postData = aPostData; this.isUnsafe = aIsUnsafe; } function keyWordData() {} keyWordData.prototype = { init(aKeyWord, aURL, aPostData, aSearchWord) { this.keyword = aKeyWord; this.uri = Services.io.newURI(aURL); this.postData = aPostData; this.searchWord = aSearchWord; this.method = this.postData ? "POST" : "GET"; }, }; function bmKeywordData(aKeyWord, aURL, aPostData, aSearchWord) { this.init(aKeyWord, aURL, aPostData, aSearchWord); } bmKeywordData.prototype = new keyWordData(); function searchKeywordData(aKeyWord, aURL, aPostData, aSearchWord) { this.init(aKeyWord, aURL, aPostData, aSearchWord); } searchKeywordData.prototype = new keyWordData(); var testData = [ [ new bmKeywordData("bmget", "https://bmget/search=%s", null, "foo"), new keywordResult("https://bmget/search=foo", null), ], [ new bmKeywordData("bmpost", "https://bmpost/", "search=%s", "foo2"), new keywordResult("https://bmpost/", "search=foo2"), ], [ new bmKeywordData( "bmpostget", "https://bmpostget/search1=%s", "search2=%s", "foo3" ), new keywordResult("https://bmpostget/search1=foo3", "search2=foo3"), ], [ new bmKeywordData("bmget-nosearch", "https://bmget-nosearch/", null, ""), new keywordResult("https://bmget-nosearch/", null), ], [ new searchKeywordData( "searchget", "https://searchget/?search={searchTerms}", null, "foo4" ), new keywordResult("https://searchget/?search=foo4", null, true), ], [ new searchKeywordData( "searchpost", "https://searchpost/", "search={searchTerms}", "foo5" ), new keywordResult("https://searchpost/", "search=foo5", true), ], [ new searchKeywordData( "searchpostget", "https://searchpostget/?search1={searchTerms}", "search2={searchTerms}", "foo6" ), new keywordResult( "https://searchpostget/?search1=foo6", "search2=foo6", true ), ], // Bookmark keywords that don't take parameters should not be activated if a // parameter is passed (bug 420328). [ new bmKeywordData("bmget-noparam", "https://bmget-noparam/", null, "foo7"), new keywordResult(null, null, true), ], [ new bmKeywordData( "bmpost-noparam", "https://bmpost-noparam/", "not_a=param", "foo8" ), new keywordResult(null, null, true), ], // Test escaping (%s = escaped, %S = raw) // UTF-8 default [ new bmKeywordData( "bmget-escaping", "https://bmget/?esc=%s&raw=%S", null, "fo\xE9" ), new keywordResult("https://bmget/?esc=fo%C3%A9&raw=fo\xE9", null), ], // Explicitly-defined ISO-8859-1 [ new bmKeywordData( "bmget-escaping2", "https://bmget/?esc=%s&raw=%S&mozcharset=ISO-8859-1", null, "fo\xE9" ), new keywordResult("https://bmget/?esc=fo%E9&raw=fo\xE9", null), ], // Bug 359809: Test escaping +, /, and @ // UTF-8 default [ new bmKeywordData( "bmget-escaping", "https://bmget/?esc=%s&raw=%S", null, "+/@" ), new keywordResult("https://bmget/?esc=%2B%2F%40&raw=+/@", null), ], // Explicitly-defined ISO-8859-1 [ new bmKeywordData( "bmget-escaping2", "https://bmget/?esc=%s&raw=%S&mozcharset=ISO-8859-1", null, "+/@" ), new keywordResult("https://bmget/?esc=%2B%2F%40&raw=+/@", null), ], // Test using a non-bmKeywordData object, to test the behavior of // getShortcutOrURIAndPostData for non-keywords (setupKeywords only adds keywords for // bmKeywordData objects) [{ keyword: "https://gavinsharp.com" }, new keywordResult(null, null, true)], ]; add_task(async function test_getshortcutoruri() { await setupKeywords(); for (let item of testData) { let [data, result] = item; let query = data.keyword; if (data.searchWord) { query += " " + data.searchWord; } let returnedData = await UrlbarUtils.getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(query); // null result.url means we should expect the same query we sent in let expected = result.url || query; Assert.equal( returnedData.url, expected, "got correct URL for " + data.keyword ); Assert.equal( getPostDataString(returnedData.postData), result.postData, "got correct postData for " + data.keyword ); Assert.equal( returnedData.mayInheritPrincipal, !result.isUnsafe, "got correct mayInheritPrincipal for " + data.keyword ); } await cleanupKeywords(); }); var folder = null; async function setupKeywords() { folder = await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ parentGuid: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.unfiledGuid, type: PlacesUtils.bookmarks.TYPE_FOLDER, title: "keyword-test", }); for (let item of testData) { let data = item[0]; if (data instanceof bmKeywordData) { await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.insert({ url: data.uri, parentGuid: folder.guid, }); await PlacesUtils.keywords.insert({ keyword: data.keyword, url: data.uri.spec, postData: data.postData, }); } if (data instanceof searchKeywordData) { await SearchTestUtils.installSearchExtension({ name: data.keyword, keyword: data.keyword, search_url: data.uri.spec, search_url_get_params: "", search_url_post_params: data.postData, }); } } } async function cleanupKeywords() { await PlacesUtils.bookmarks.remove(folder); }