/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const TEST_PROFILE_US = { email: "address_us@mozilla.org", organization: "Mozilla", country: "US", }; const TEST_PROFILE_CA = { email: "address_ca@mozilla.org", organization: "Mozilla", country: "CA", }; const MARKUP_SELECT_COUNTRY = ` `; add_autofill_heuristic_tests([ { fixtureData: MARKUP_SELECT_COUNTRY, profile: TEST_PROFILE_US, expectedResult: [ { default: { reason: "autocomplete", }, fields: [ { fieldName: "email", autofill: TEST_PROFILE_US.email }, { fieldName: "organization", autofill: TEST_PROFILE_US.organization }, { fieldName: "country", autofill: "United States" }, ], }, ], }, { fixtureData: MARKUP_SELECT_COUNTRY, profile: TEST_PROFILE_CA, expectedResult: [ { default: { reason: "autocomplete", }, fields: [ { fieldName: "email", autofill: TEST_PROFILE_CA.email }, { fieldName: "organization", autofill: TEST_PROFILE_CA.organization }, { fieldName: "country", autofill: "Canada" }, ], }, ], }, ]);