/* -*- indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set ft=javascript ts=2 et sw=2 tw=80: */ const { E10SUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/E10SUtils.sys.mjs" ); var TEST_PREFERRED_REMOTE_TYPES = [ E10SUtils.WEB_REMOTE_TYPE, E10SUtils.NOT_REMOTE, "fakeRemoteType", ]; // These test cases give a nestedURL and a plainURL that should always load in // the same remote type. By making these tests comparisons, they should work // with any pref combination. var TEST_CASES = [ { nestedURL: "jar:file:///some.file!/", plainURL: "file:///some.file", }, { nestedURL: "jar:jar:file:///some.file!/!/", plainURL: "file:///some.file", }, { nestedURL: "jar:http://some.site/file!/", plainURL: "http://some.site/file", }, { nestedURL: "view-source:http://some.site", plainURL: "http://some.site", }, { nestedURL: "view-source:file:///some.file", plainURL: "file:///some.file", }, { nestedURL: "view-source:about:home", plainURL: "about:home", }, { nestedURL: "view-source:about:robots", plainURL: "about:robots", }, { nestedURL: "view-source:pcast:http://some.site", plainURL: "http://some.site", }, ]; function run_test() { for (let testCase of TEST_CASES) { for (let preferredRemoteType of TEST_PREFERRED_REMOTE_TYPES) { let plainUri = Services.io.newURI(testCase.plainURL); let plainRemoteType = E10SUtils.getRemoteTypeForURIObject(plainUri, { multiProcess: true, remoteSubFrames: false, preferredRemoteType, }); let nestedUri = Services.io.newURI(testCase.nestedURL); let nestedRemoteType = E10SUtils.getRemoteTypeForURIObject(nestedUri, { multiProcess: true, remoteSubFrames: false, preferredRemoteType, }); let nestedStr = nestedUri.scheme + ":"; do { nestedUri = nestedUri.QueryInterface(Ci.nsINestedURI).innerURI; if (nestedUri.scheme == "about") { nestedStr += nestedUri.spec; break; } nestedStr += nestedUri.scheme + ":"; } while (nestedUri instanceof Ci.nsINestedURI); let plainStr = plainUri.scheme == "about" ? plainUri.spec : plainUri.scheme + ":"; equal( nestedRemoteType, plainRemoteType, `Check that ${nestedStr} loads in same remote type as ${plainStr}` + ` with preferred remote type: ${preferredRemoteType}` ); } } }