/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
"use strict";
/* global Cr MozElements MozXULElement PluralForm Services */
// Wrap in a block to prevent leaking to window scope.
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.jsm");
* Represents an alarm in the alarms dialog. It appears there when an alarm is fired, and
* allows the alarm to be snoozed, dismissed, etc.
* @augments MozElements.MozRichlistitem
class MozCalendarAlarmWidgetRichlistitem extends MozElements.MozRichlistitem {
connectedCallback() {
if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasConnected) {
this.hasConnected = true;
["chrome://calendar/locale/global.dtd", "chrome://calendar/locale/calendar.dtd"]
this.mItem = null;
this.mAlarm = null;
this.setAttribute("is", "calendar-alarm-widget-richlistitem");
set item(val) {
this.mItem = val;
get item() {
return this.mItem;
set alarm(val) {
this.mAlarm = val;
get alarm() {
return this.mAlarm;
* Refresh UI text (dates, titles, locations) when the data has changed.
updateLabels() {
if (!this.mItem || !this.mAlarm) {
// Setup not complete, do nothing for now.
const formatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
let titleLabel = this.querySelector(".alarm-title-label");
let locationDescription = this.querySelector(".alarm-location-description");
let dateLabel = this.querySelector(".alarm-date-label");
// Dates
if (this.mItem.isEvent()) {
dateLabel.value = formatter.formatItemInterval(this.mItem);
} else if (this.mItem.isTodo()) {
let startDate = this.mItem.entryDate || this.mItem.dueDate;
if (startDate) {
// A task with a start or due date, show with label.
startDate = startDate.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.defaultTimezone);
dateLabel.value = cal.l10n.getCalString("alarmStarts", [
} else {
// If the task has no start date, then format the alarm date.
dateLabel.value = formatter.formatDateTime(this.mAlarm.alarmDate);
} else {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_VALUE);
// Relative Date
// Title, Location
titleLabel.value = this.mItem.title || "";
locationDescription.value = this.mItem.getProperty("LOCATION") || "";
if (locationDescription.value.length) {
let urlMatch = locationDescription.value.match(/(https?:\/\/[^ ]*)/);
let url = urlMatch && urlMatch[1];
if (url) {
locationDescription.setAttribute("link", url);
"launchBrowser(this.getAttribute('link'), event)"
"launchBrowser(this.getAttribute('link'), event)"
locationDescription.classList.add("text-link", "alarm-details-label");
} else {
locationDescription.hidden = true;
// Hide snooze button if read-only.
let snoozeButton = this.querySelector(".alarm-snooze-button");
if (
!cal.acl.isCalendarWritable(this.mItem.calendar) ||
) {
let tooltip = "reminderDisabledSnoozeButtonTooltip";
snoozeButton.disabled = true;
snoozeButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", cal.l10n.getString("calendar-alarms", tooltip));
} else {
snoozeButton.disabled = false;
* Refresh UI text for relative date when the data has changed.
updateRelativeDateLabel() {
const formatter = cal.dtz.formatter;
const item = this.mItem;
let relativeDateLabel = this.querySelector(".alarm-relative-date-label");
let relativeDateString;
let startDate = item[cal.dtz.startDateProp(item)] || item[cal.dtz.endDateProp(item)];
if (startDate) {
startDate = startDate.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.defaultTimezone);
let currentDate = cal.dtz.now();
const sinceDayStart = currentDate.hour * 3600 + currentDate.minute * 60;
currentDate.second = 0;
startDate.second = 0;
const sinceAlarm = currentDate.subtractDate(startDate).inSeconds;
this.mAlarmToday = sinceAlarm < sinceDayStart && sinceAlarm > sinceDayStart - 86400;
if (this.mAlarmToday) {
// The alarm is today.
relativeDateString = cal.l10n.getCalString("alarmTodayAt", [
} else if (sinceAlarm <= sinceDayStart - 86400 && sinceAlarm > sinceDayStart - 172800) {
// The alarm is tomorrow.
relativeDateString = cal.l10n.getCalString("alarmTomorrowAt", [
} else if (sinceAlarm < sinceDayStart + 86400 && sinceAlarm > sinceDayStart) {
// The alarm is yesterday.
relativeDateString = cal.l10n.getCalString("alarmYesterdayAt", [
} else {
// The alarm is way back.
relativeDateString = [formatter.formatDateTime(startDate)];
} else {
// No start or end date, therefore the alarm must be absolute
// and have an alarm date.
relativeDateString = [formatter.formatDateTime(this.mAlarm.alarmDate)];
relativeDateLabel.value = relativeDateString;
* Click/keypress handler for "Details" link. Dispatches an event to open an item dialog.
* @param event {Event} The click or keypress event.
showDetails(event) {
if (event.type == "click" || (event.type == "keypress" && event.key == "Enter")) {
const detailsEvent = new Event("itemdetails", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false });
* Click handler for "Dismiss" button. Dispatches an event to dismiss the alarm.
dismissAlarm() {
const dismissEvent = new Event("dismiss", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false });
customElements.define("calendar-alarm-widget-richlistitem", MozCalendarAlarmWidgetRichlistitem, {
extends: "richlistitem",
* A popup panel for selecting how long to snooze alarms/reminders.
* It appears when a snooze button is clicked.
* @augments MozElements.MozMenuPopup
class MozCalendarSnoozePopup extends MozElements.MozMenuPopup {
connectedCallback() {
if (this.delayConnectedCallback() || this.hasConnected) {
this.hasConnected = true;
["chrome://calendar/locale/global.dtd", "chrome://calendar/locale/calendar.dtd"]
const defaultSnoozeLength = Services.prefs.getIntPref(
const snoozeLength = defaultSnoozeLength <= 0 ? 5 : defaultSnoozeLength;
let unitList = this.querySelector(".snooze-unit-menulist");
let unitValue = this.querySelector(".snooze-value-textbox");
if ((snoozeLength / 60) % 24 == 0) {
// Days
unitValue.value = snoozeLength / 60 / 24;
unitList.selectedIndex = 2;
} else if (snoozeLength % 60 == 0) {
// Hours
unitValue.value = snoozeLength / 60;
unitList.selectedIndex = 1;
} else {
// Minutes
unitValue.value = snoozeLength;
unitList.selectedIndex = 0;
* Dispatch a snooze event when an alarm is snoozed.
* @param minutes {number|string} The number of minutes to snooze for.
snoozeAlarm(minutes) {
let snoozeEvent = new Event("snooze", { bubbles: true, cancelable: false });
snoozeEvent.detail = minutes;
// For single alarms the event.target has to be the calendar-alarm-widget element,
// (so call dispatchEvent on that). For snoozing all alarms the event.target is not
// relevant but the snooze all popup is not inside a calendar-alarm-widget (so call
// dispatchEvent on 'this').
const eventTarget = this.id == "alarm-snooze-all-popup" ? this : this.closest("richlistitem");
* Click handler for snooze popup menu items (like "5 Minutes", "1 Hour", etc.).
* @param event {Event} The click event.
snoozeItem(event) {
* Click handler for the "OK" (checkmark) button when snoozing for a custom amount of time.
snoozeOk() {
const unitList = this.querySelector(".snooze-unit-menulist");
const unitValue = this.querySelector(".snooze-value-textbox");
const minutes = (unitList.value || 1) * unitValue.value;
* Click handler for the "cancel" ("X") button for not snoozing a custom amount of time.
snoozeCancel() {
* Initializes and updates the dynamic UI text. This text can change depending on
* input, like for plurals, when you change from "[1] [minute]" to "[2] [minutes]".
updateUIText() {
const unitList = this.querySelector(".snooze-unit-menulist");
const unitPopup = this.querySelector(".snooze-unit-menupopup");
const unitValue = this.querySelector(".snooze-value-textbox");
let okButton = this.querySelector(".snooze-popup-ok-button");
function unitName(list) {
return { 1: "unitMinutes", 60: "unitHours", 1440: "unitDays" }[list.value] || "unitMinutes";
let pluralString = cal.l10n.getCalString(unitName(unitList));
const unitPlural = PluralForm.get(unitValue.value, pluralString).replace(
let okButtonAriaLabel = cal.l10n.getString("calendar-alarms", "reminderSnoozeOkA11y", [
okButton.setAttribute("aria-label", okButtonAriaLabel);
const items = unitPopup.getElementsByTagName("menuitem");
for (let menuItem of items) {
pluralString = cal.l10n.getCalString(unitName(menuItem));
menuItem.label = PluralForm.get(unitValue.value, pluralString).replace("#1", "").trim();
customElements.define("calendar-snooze-popup", MozCalendarSnoozePopup, { extends: "menupopup" });