/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
/* exported makeMemberAttr, makeMemberAttrProperty */
var { cal } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/calendar/calUtils.jsm");
var { CalAttendee } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/CalAttendee.jsm");
var { CalRelation } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/CalRelation.jsm");
var { CalAttachment } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/CalAttachment.jsm");
var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs");
XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, {
CalAlarm: "resource:///modules/CalAlarm.jsm",
CalDateTime: "resource:///modules/CalDateTime.jsm",
CalRecurrenceInfo: "resource:///modules/CalRecurrenceInfo.jsm",
* calItemBase prototype definition
* @implements calIItemBase
* @class
function calItemBase() {
cal.ASSERT(false, "Inheriting objects call initItemBase()!");
calItemBase.prototype = {
mProperties: null,
mPropertyParams: null,
mIsProxy: false,
mHashId: null,
mImmutable: false,
mDirty: false,
mCalendar: null,
mParentItem: null,
mRecurrenceInfo: null,
mOrganizer: null,
mAlarms: null,
mAlarmLastAck: null,
mAttendees: null,
mAttachments: null,
mRelations: null,
mCategories: null,
mACLEntry: null,
* Initialize the base item's attributes. Can be called from inheriting
* objects in their constructor.
initItemBase() {
this.wrappedJSObject = this;
this.mProperties = new Map();
this.mPropertyParams = {};
this.setProperty("CREATED", cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(new Date()));
* @see nsISupports
QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["calIItemBase"]),
* @see calIItemBase
get aclEntry() {
let aclEntry = this.mACLEntry;
let aclManager = this.calendar && this.calendar.superCalendar.aclManager;
if (!aclEntry && aclManager) {
this.mACLEntry = aclManager.getItemEntry(this);
aclEntry = this.mACLEntry;
if (!aclEntry && this.parentItem != this) {
// No ACL entry on this item, check the parent
aclEntry = this.parentItem.aclEntry;
return aclEntry;
// readonly attribute AUTF8String hashId;
get hashId() {
if (this.mHashId === null) {
let rid = this.recurrenceId;
let calendar = this.calendar;
// some unused delim character:
this.mHashId = [
rid ? rid.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.UTC).icalString : "",
calendar ? encodeURIComponent(calendar.id) : "",
return this.mHashId;
// attribute AUTF8String id;
get id() {
return this.getProperty("UID");
set id(uid) {
this.mHashId = null; // recompute hashId
this.setProperty("UID", uid);
if (this.mRecurrenceInfo) {
// attribute calIDateTime recurrenceId;
get recurrenceId() {
return this.getProperty("RECURRENCE-ID");
set recurrenceId(rid) {
this.mHashId = null; // recompute hashId
this.setProperty("RECURRENCE-ID", rid);
// attribute calIRecurrenceInfo recurrenceInfo;
get recurrenceInfo() {
return this.mRecurrenceInfo;
set recurrenceInfo(value) {
this.mRecurrenceInfo = cal.unwrapInstance(value);
// attribute calIItemBase parentItem;
get parentItem() {
return this.mParentItem || this;
set parentItem(value) {
if (this.mImmutable) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE);
this.mParentItem = cal.unwrapInstance(value);
* Initializes the base item to be an item proxy. Used by inheriting
* objects createProxy() method.
* XXXdbo Explain proxy a bit better, either here or in
* calIInternalShallowCopy.
* @see calIInternalShallowCopy
* @param aParentItem The parent item to initialize the proxy on.
* @param aRecurrenceId The recurrence id to initialize the proxy for.
initializeProxy(aParentItem, aRecurrenceId) {
this.mIsProxy = true;
aParentItem = cal.unwrapInstance(aParentItem);
this.mParentItem = aParentItem;
this.mCalendar = aParentItem.mCalendar;
this.recurrenceId = aRecurrenceId;
// Make sure organizer is unset, as the getter checks for this.
this.mOrganizer = undefined;
this.mImmutable = aParentItem.mImmutable;
// readonly attribute boolean isMutable;
get isMutable() {
return !this.mImmutable;
* This function should be called by all members that modify the item. It
* checks if the item is immutable and throws accordingly, and sets the
* mDirty property.
modify() {
if (this.mImmutable) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE);
this.mDirty = true;
* Makes sure the item is not dirty. If the item is dirty, properties like
* LAST-MODIFIED and DTSTAMP are set to now.
ensureNotDirty() {
if (this.mDirty) {
let now = cal.dtz.jsDateToDateTime(new Date());
this.setProperty("LAST-MODIFIED", now);
this.setProperty("DTSTAMP", now);
this.mDirty = false;
* Makes all properties of the base item immutable. Can be called by
* inheriting objects' makeImmutable method.
makeItemBaseImmutable() {
if (this.mImmutable) {
// make all our components immutable
if (this.mRecurrenceInfo) {
if (this.mOrganizer) {
if (this.mAttendees) {
for (let att of this.mAttendees) {
for (let propValue of this.mProperties.values()) {
if (propValue?.isMutable) {
if (this.mAlarms) {
for (let alarm of this.mAlarms) {
if (this.mAlarmLastAck) {
this.mImmutable = true;
// boolean hasSameIds(in calIItemBase aItem);
hasSameIds(that) {
return (
that &&
this.id == that.id &&
(this.recurrenceId == that.recurrenceId || // both null
(this.recurrenceId &&
that.recurrenceId &&
this.recurrenceId.compare(that.recurrenceId) == 0))
* Overridden by CalEvent to indicate the item is an event.
isEvent() {
return false;
* Overridden by CalTodo to indicate the item is a todo.
isTodo() {
return false;
// calIItemBase clone();
clone() {
return this.cloneShallow(this.mParentItem);
* Clones the base item's properties into the passed object, potentially
* setting a new parent item.
* @param m The item to clone this item into
* @param aNewParent (optional) The new parent item to set on m.
cloneItemBaseInto(cloned, aNewParent) {
cloned.mImmutable = false;
cloned.mACLEntry = this.mACLEntry;
cloned.mIsProxy = this.mIsProxy;
cloned.mParentItem = cal.unwrapInstance(aNewParent) || this.mParentItem;
cloned.mHashId = this.mHashId;
cloned.mCalendar = this.mCalendar;
if (this.mRecurrenceInfo) {
cloned.mRecurrenceInfo = cal.unwrapInstance(this.mRecurrenceInfo.clone());
cloned.mRecurrenceInfo.item = cloned;
let org = this.organizer;
if (org) {
org = org.clone();
cloned.mOrganizer = org;
cloned.mAttendees = [];
for (let att of this.getAttendees()) {
cloned.mProperties = new Map();
for (let [name, value] of this.mProperties.entries()) {
if (value instanceof CalDateTime || value instanceof Ci.calIDateTime) {
value = value.clone();
cloned.mProperties.set(name, value);
let propBucket = this.mPropertyParams[name];
if (propBucket) {
let newBucket = {};
for (let param in propBucket) {
newBucket[param] = propBucket[param];
cloned.mPropertyParams[name] = newBucket;
cloned.mAttachments = [];
for (let att of this.getAttachments()) {
cloned.mRelations = [];
for (let rel of this.getRelations()) {
cloned.mCategories = this.getCategories();
cloned.mAlarms = [];
for (let alarm of this.getAlarms()) {
// Clone alarms into new item, assume the alarms from the old item
// are valid and don't need validation.
let alarmLastAck = this.alarmLastAck;
if (alarmLastAck) {
alarmLastAck = alarmLastAck.clone();
cloned.mAlarmLastAck = alarmLastAck;
cloned.mDirty = this.mDirty;
return cloned;
// attribute calIDateTime alarmLastAck;
get alarmLastAck() {
return this.mAlarmLastAck;
set alarmLastAck(aValue) {
if (aValue && !aValue.timezone.isUTC) {
aValue = aValue.getInTimezone(cal.dtz.UTC);
this.mAlarmLastAck = aValue;
// readonly attribute calIDateTime lastModifiedTime;
get lastModifiedTime() {
return this.getProperty("LAST-MODIFIED");
// readonly attribute calIDateTime stampTime;
get stampTime() {
return this.getProperty("DTSTAMP");
// attribute AUTF8string descriptionText;
get descriptionText() {
return this.getProperty("DESCRIPTION");
set descriptionText(text) {
this.setProperty("DESCRIPTION", text);
if (text) {
this.setPropertyParameter("DESCRIPTION", "ALTREP", null);
} // else: property parameter deleted by setProperty(..., null)
// attribute AUTF8string descriptionHTML;
get descriptionHTML() {
let altrep = this.getPropertyParameter("DESCRIPTION", "ALTREP");
if (altrep?.startsWith("data:text/html,")) {
try {
return decodeURIComponent(altrep.slice("data:text/html,".length));
} catch (ex) {
// Fallback: Upconvert the plaintext
let description = this.getProperty("DESCRIPTION");
if (!description) {
return null;
let mode = Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv.kStructPhrase | Ci.mozITXTToHTMLConv.kURLs;
description = gTextToHtmlConverter.scanTXT(description, mode);
return description.replace(/\r?\n/g, "
set descriptionHTML(html) {
if (html) {
// We need to output a plaintext version of the description, even if we're
// using the ALTREP parameter. We use the "preformatted" option in case
// the HTML contains a
tag with newlines.
let mode =
Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.OutputDropInvisibleBreak |
Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder.OutputLFLineBreak |
let text = gParserUtils.convertToPlainText(html, mode, 0);
this.setProperty("DESCRIPTION", text);
// If the text is non-empty, create a standard ALTREP representation of
// the description as HTML.
// N.B. There's logic in nsMsgCompose for determining if HTML is
// convertible to plaintext without losing formatting. We could test if we
// could leave this part off if we generalized that logic.
if (text) {
"data:text/html," + encodeURIComponent(html)
} else {
// Each inner array has two elements: a string and a nsIVariant.
// readonly attribute Array > properties;
get properties() {
let properties = this.mProperties;
if (this.mIsProxy) {
let parentProperties = this.mParentItem.wrappedJSObject.mProperties;
let thisProperties = this.mProperties;
properties = new Map(
(function* () {
yield* parentProperties;
yield* thisProperties;
return [...properties.entries()];
// nsIVariant getProperty(in AString name);
getProperty(aName) {
let name = aName.toUpperCase();
if (this.mProperties.has(name)) {
return this.mProperties.get(name);
return this.mIsProxy ? this.mParentItem.getProperty(name) : null;
// boolean hasProperty(in AString name);
hasProperty(aName) {
return this.getProperty(aName) != null;
// void setProperty(in AString name, in nsIVariant value);
setProperty(aName, aValue) {
aName = aName.toUpperCase();
if (aValue || !isNaN(parseInt(aValue, 10))) {
this.mProperties.set(aName, aValue);
if (!(aName in this.mPropertyParams)) {
this.mPropertyParams[aName] = {};
} else {
if (aName == "LAST-MODIFIED") {
// setting LAST-MODIFIED cleans/undirties the item, we use this for preserving DTSTAMP
this.mDirty = false;
// void deleteProperty(in AString name);
deleteProperty(aName) {
aName = aName.toUpperCase();
if (this.mIsProxy) {
// deleting a proxy's property will mark the bag's item as null, so we could
// distinguish it when enumerating/getting properties from the undefined ones.
this.mProperties.set(aName, null);
} else {
delete this.mPropertyParams[aName];
// AString getPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
// in AString aParameterName);
getPropertyParameter(aPropName, aParamName) {
let propName = aPropName.toUpperCase();
let paramName = aParamName.toUpperCase();
if (propName in this.mPropertyParams) {
if (paramName in this.mPropertyParams[propName]) {
// If the property is not in mPropertyParams, then this just means
// there are no properties set.
return this.mPropertyParams[propName][paramName];
return null;
return this.mIsProxy ? this.mParentItem.getPropertyParameter(propName, paramName) : null;
// boolean hasPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
// in AString aParameterName);
hasPropertyParameter(aPropName, aParamName) {
return this.getPropertyParameter(aPropName, aParamName) != null;
// void setPropertyParameter(in AString aPropertyName,
// in AString aParameterName,
// in AUTF8String aParameterValue);
setPropertyParameter(aPropName, aParamName, aParamValue) {
let propName = aPropName.toUpperCase();
let paramName = aParamName.toUpperCase();
if (!(propName in this.mPropertyParams)) {
if (this.hasProperty(propName)) {
this.mPropertyParams[propName] = {};
} else {
throw new Error("Property " + aPropName + " not set");
if (aParamValue || !isNaN(parseInt(aParamValue, 10))) {
this.mPropertyParams[propName][paramName] = aParamValue;
} else {
delete this.mPropertyParams[propName][paramName];
return aParamValue;
// Array getParameterNames(in AString aPropertyName);
getParameterNames(aPropName) {
let propName = aPropName.toUpperCase();
if (!(propName in this.mPropertyParams)) {
if (this.mIsProxy) {
return this.mParentItem.getParameterNames(aPropName);
throw new Error("Property " + aPropName + " not set");
return Object.keys(this.mPropertyParams[propName]);
// Array getAttendees();
getAttendees() {
if (!this.mAttendees && this.mIsProxy) {
this.mAttendees = this.mParentItem.getAttendees();
if (this.mAttendees) {
return Array.from(this.mAttendees); // clone
return [];
// calIAttendee getAttendeeById(in AUTF8String id);
getAttendeeById(id) {
let attendees = this.getAttendees();
let lowerCaseId = id.toLowerCase();
for (let attendee of attendees) {
// This match must be case insensitive to deal with differing
// cases of things like MAILTO:
if (attendee.id.toLowerCase() == lowerCaseId) {
return attendee;
return null;
// void removeAttendee(in calIAttendee attendee);
removeAttendee(attendee) {
let found = false,
newAttendees = [];
let attendees = this.getAttendees();
let attIdLowerCase = attendee.id.toLowerCase();
for (let i = 0; i < attendees.length; i++) {
if (attendees[i].id.toLowerCase() == attIdLowerCase) {
found = true;
} else {
if (found) {
this.mAttendees = newAttendees;
// void removeAllAttendees();
removeAllAttendees() {
this.mAttendees = [];
// void addAttendee(in calIAttendee attendee);
addAttendee(attendee) {
if (!attendee.id) {
cal.LOG("Tried to add invalid attended");
// the duplicate check is migration code for bug 1204255
let exists = this.getAttendeeById(attendee.id);
if (exists) {
"Ignoring attendee duplicate for item " + this.id + " (" + this.title + "): " + exists.id
if (
exists.participationStatus == "NEEDS-ACTION" ||
attendee.participationStatus == "DECLINED"
) {
} else {
attendee = null;
if (attendee) {
if (attendee.commonName) {
// migration code for bug 1209399 to remove leading/training double quotes in
let commonName = attendee.commonName.replace(/^["]*([^"]*)["]*$/, "$1");
if (commonName.length == 0) {
commonName = null;
if (commonName != attendee.commonName) {
if (attendee.isMutable) {
attendee.commonName = commonName;
} else {
"Failed to cleanup malformed commonName for immutable attendee " +
attendee.toString() +
"\n" +
this.mAttendees = this.getAttendees();
// Array getAttachments();
getAttachments() {
if (!this.mAttachments && this.mIsProxy) {
this.mAttachments = this.mParentItem.getAttachments();
if (this.mAttachments) {
return this.mAttachments.concat([]); // clone
return [];
// void removeAttachment(in calIAttachment attachment);
removeAttachment(aAttachment) {
for (let attIndex in this.mAttachments) {
if (cal.data.compareObjects(this.mAttachments[attIndex], aAttachment, Ci.calIAttachment)) {
this.mAttachments.splice(attIndex, 1);
// void addAttachment(in calIAttachment attachment);
addAttachment(attachment) {
this.mAttachments = this.getAttachments();
if (!this.mAttachments.some(x => x.hashId == attachment.hashId)) {
// void removeAllAttachments();
removeAllAttachments() {
this.mAttachments = [];
// Array getRelations();
getRelations() {
if (!this.mRelations && this.mIsProxy) {
this.mRelations = this.mParentItem.getRelations();
if (this.mRelations) {
return this.mRelations.concat([]);
return [];
// void removeRelation(in calIRelation relation);
removeRelation(aRelation) {
for (let attIndex in this.mRelations) {
// Could we have the same item as parent and as child ?
if (
this.mRelations[attIndex].relId == aRelation.relId &&
this.mRelations[attIndex].relType == aRelation.relType
) {
this.mRelations.splice(attIndex, 1);
// void addRelation(in calIRelation relation);
addRelation(aRelation) {
this.mRelations = this.getRelations();
// XXX ensure that the relation isn't already there?
// void removeAllRelations();
removeAllRelations() {
this.mRelations = [];
// attribute calICalendar calendar;
get calendar() {
if (!this.mCalendar && this.parentItem != this) {
return this.parentItem.calendar;
return this.mCalendar;
set calendar(calendar) {
if (this.mImmutable) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_OBJECT_IS_IMMUTABLE);
this.mHashId = null; // recompute hashId
this.mCalendar = calendar;
// attribute calIAttendee organizer;
get organizer() {
if (this.mIsProxy && this.mOrganizer === undefined) {
return this.mParentItem.organizer;
return this.mOrganizer;
set organizer(organizer) {
this.mOrganizer = organizer;
// Array getCategories();
getCategories() {
if (!this.mCategories && this.mIsProxy) {
this.mCategories = this.mParentItem.getCategories();
if (this.mCategories) {
return this.mCategories.concat([]); // clone
return [];
// void setCategories(in Array aCategories);
setCategories(aCategories) {
this.mCategories = aCategories.concat([]);
// attribute AUTF8String icalString;
get icalString() {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
set icalString(str) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
* The map of promoted properties is a list of those properties that are
* represented directly by getters/setters.
* All of these property names must be in upper case isPropertyPromoted to
* function correctly. The has/get/set/deleteProperty interfaces
* are case-insensitive, but these are not.
itemBasePromotedProps: {
CREATED: true,
UID: true,
SUMMARY: true,
STATUS: true,
DTSTAMP: true,
RRULE: true,
EXDATE: true,
RDATE: true,
ATTACH: true,
"X-MOZ-LASTACK": true,
"RELATED-TO": true,
* A map of properties that need translation between the ical component
* property and their ICS counterpart.
icsBasePropMap: [
{ cal: "CREATED", ics: "createdTime" },
{ cal: "LAST-MODIFIED", ics: "lastModified" },
{ cal: "DTSTAMP", ics: "stampTime" },
{ cal: "UID", ics: "uid" },
{ cal: "SUMMARY", ics: "summary" },
{ cal: "PRIORITY", ics: "priority" },
{ cal: "STATUS", ics: "status" },
{ cal: "RECURRENCE-ID", ics: "recurrenceId" },
* Walks through the propmap and sets all properties on this item from the
* given icalcomp.
* @param icalcomp The calIIcalComponent to read from.
* @param propmap The property map to walk through.
mapPropsFromICS(icalcomp, propmap) {
for (let i = 0; i < propmap.length; i++) {
let prop = propmap[i];
let val = icalcomp[prop.ics];
if (val != null && val != Ci.calIIcalComponent.INVALID_VALUE) {
this.setProperty(prop.cal, val);
* Walks through the propmap and sets all properties on the given icalcomp
* from the properties set on this item.
* given icalcomp.
* @param icalcomp The calIIcalComponent to write to.
* @param propmap The property map to walk through.
mapPropsToICS(icalcomp, propmap) {
for (let i = 0; i < propmap.length; i++) {
let prop = propmap[i];
let val = this.getProperty(prop.cal);
if (val != null && val != Ci.calIIcalComponent.INVALID_VALUE) {
icalcomp[prop.ics] = val;
* Reads an ical component and sets up the base item's properties to match
* it.
* @param icalcomp The ical component to read.
setItemBaseFromICS(icalcomp) {
// re-initializing from scratch -- no light proxy anymore:
this.mIsProxy = false;
this.mProperties = new Map();
this.mPropertyParams = {};
this.mapPropsFromICS(icalcomp, this.icsBasePropMap);
this.mAttendees = []; // don't inherit anything from parent
for (let attprop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp, "ATTENDEE")) {
let att = new CalAttendee();
att.icalProperty = attprop;
this.mAttachments = []; // don't inherit anything from parent
for (let attprop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp, "ATTACH")) {
let att = new CalAttachment();
att.icalProperty = attprop;
this.mRelations = []; // don't inherit anything from parent
for (let relprop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp, "RELATED-TO")) {
let rel = new CalRelation();
rel.icalProperty = relprop;
let org = null;
let orgprop = icalcomp.getFirstProperty("ORGANIZER");
if (orgprop) {
org = new CalAttendee();
org.icalProperty = orgprop;
org.isOrganizer = true;
this.mOrganizer = org;
this.mCategories = [];
for (let catprop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp, "CATEGORIES")) {
// find recurrence properties
let rec = null;
if (!this.recurrenceId) {
for (let recprop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp)) {
let ritem = null;
switch (recprop.propertyName) {
case "RRULE":
case "EXRULE":
ritem = cal.createRecurrenceRule();
case "RDATE":
case "EXDATE":
ritem = cal.createRecurrenceDate();
ritem.icalProperty = recprop;
if (!rec) {
rec = new CalRecurrenceInfo(this);
this.mRecurrenceInfo = rec;
this.mAlarms = []; // don't inherit anything from parent
for (let alarmComp of cal.iterate.icalSubcomponent(icalcomp, "VALARM")) {
let alarm = new CalAlarm();
try {
alarm.icalComponent = alarmComp;
this.addAlarm(alarm, true);
} catch (e) {
"Invalid alarm for item: " +
this.id +
" (" +
alarmComp.serializeToICS() +
")" +
" exception: " +
let lastAck = icalcomp.getFirstProperty("X-MOZ-LASTACK");
this.mAlarmLastAck = null;
if (lastAck) {
this.mAlarmLastAck = cal.createDateTime(lastAck.value);
this.mDirty = false;
* Import all properties not in the promoted map into this item's extended
* properties bag.
* @param icalcomp The ical component to read.
* @param promoted The map of promoted properties.
importUnpromotedProperties(icalcomp, promoted) {
for (let prop of cal.iterate.icalProperty(icalcomp)) {
let propName = prop.propertyName;
if (!promoted[propName]) {
this.setProperty(propName, prop.value);
for (let [paramName, paramValue] of cal.iterate.icalParameter(prop)) {
if (!(propName in this.mPropertyParams)) {
this.mPropertyParams[propName] = {};
this.mPropertyParams[propName][paramName] = paramValue;
// boolean isPropertyPromoted(in AString name);
isPropertyPromoted(name) {
return this.itemBasePromotedProps[name.toUpperCase()];
// attribute calIIcalComponent icalComponent;
get icalComponent() {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
set icalComponent(val) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED);
// attribute PRUint32 generation;
get generation() {
let gen = this.getProperty("X-MOZ-GENERATION");
return gen ? parseInt(gen, 10) : 0;
set generation(aValue) {
this.setProperty("X-MOZ-GENERATION", String(aValue));
* Fills the passed ical component with the base item's properties.
* @param icalcomp The ical component to write to.
fillIcalComponentFromBase(icalcomp) {
this.mapPropsToICS(icalcomp, this.icsBasePropMap);
let org = this.organizer;
if (org) {
for (let attendee of this.getAttendees()) {
for (let attachment of this.getAttachments()) {
for (let relation of this.getRelations()) {
if (this.mRecurrenceInfo) {
for (let ritem of this.mRecurrenceInfo.getRecurrenceItems()) {
for (let cat of this.getCategories()) {
let catprop = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("CATEGORIES");
catprop.value = cat;
if (this.mAlarms) {
for (let alarm of this.mAlarms) {
let alarmLastAck = this.alarmLastAck;
if (alarmLastAck) {
let lastAck = cal.icsService.createIcalProperty("X-MOZ-LASTACK");
// - should we further ensure that those are UTC or rely on calAlarmService doing so?
lastAck.value = alarmLastAck.icalString;
// Array getAlarms();
getAlarms() {
if (!this.mAlarms && this.mIsProxy) {
this.mAlarms = this.mParentItem.getAlarms();
if (this.mAlarms) {
return this.mAlarms.concat([]); // clone
return [];
* Adds an alarm. The second parameter is for internal use only, i.e not
* provided on the interface.
* @see calIItemBase
* @param aDoNotValidate Don't serialize the component to check for
* errors.
addAlarm(aAlarm, aDoNotValidate) {
if (!aDoNotValidate) {
try {
// Trigger the icalComponent getter to make sure the alarm is valid.
aAlarm.icalComponent; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions
} catch (e) {
throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_INVALID_ARG);
this.mAlarms = this.getAlarms();
// void deleteAlarm(in calIAlarm aAlarm);
deleteAlarm(aAlarm) {
this.mAlarms = this.getAlarms();
for (let i = 0; i < this.mAlarms.length; i++) {
if (cal.data.compareObjects(this.mAlarms[i], aAlarm, Ci.calIAlarm)) {
this.mAlarms.splice(i, 1);
// void clearAlarms();
clearAlarms() {
this.mAlarms = [];
// Array getOccurrencesBetween(in calIDateTime aStartDate, in calIDateTime aEndDate);
getOccurrencesBetween(aStartDate, aEndDate) {
if (this.recurrenceInfo) {
return this.recurrenceInfo.getOccurrences(aStartDate, aEndDate, 0);
if (cal.item.checkIfInRange(this, aStartDate, aEndDate)) {
return [this];
return [];
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "CREATED", "creationDate");
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "SUMMARY", "title");
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "PRIORITY", "priority");
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "CLASS", "privacy");
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "STATUS", "status");
makeMemberAttrProperty(calItemBase, "ALARMTIME", "alarmTime");
* Adds a member attribute to the given prototype.
* @param {Function} ctor - The constructor function of the prototype.
* @param {string} varname - The variable name to get/set.
* @param {string} attr - The attribute name to be used.
* @param {*} dflt - The default value in case none is set.
function makeMemberAttr(ctor, varname, attr, dflt) {
let getter = function () {
return varname in this ? this[varname] : dflt;
let setter = function (value) {
this[varname] = value;
return value;
ctor.prototype.__defineGetter__(attr, getter);
ctor.prototype.__defineSetter__(attr, setter);
* Adds a member attribute to the given prototype, using `getProperty` and
* `setProperty` for access.
* Default values are not handled here, but instead are set in constructors,
* which makes it possible to e.g. iterate through `mProperties` when cloning
* an object.
* @param {Function} ctor - The constructor function of the prototype.
* @param {string} name - The property name to get/set.
* @param {string} attr - The attribute name to be used.
function makeMemberAttrProperty(ctor, name, attr) {
let getter = function () {
return this.getProperty(name);
let setter = function (value) {
return this.setProperty(name, value);
ctor.prototype.__defineGetter__(attr, getter);
ctor.prototype.__defineSetter__(attr, setter);