/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
// This module exports XMPPAuthMechanisms, an object containing the supported
// SASL authentication mechanisms. Each authentication mechanism is a generator
// function which takes the following parameters:
// * The provided username (JID node),
// * The password
// * The user's domain (again from the JID).
// The generator should yield objects (or Promises which resolve to objects)
// with two properties:
// * send: The next XML stanza to send.
// * log: The plaintext content to log (instead of the stanza, which likely
// contains sensitive information).
// Alternately the object can have an error property which causes the account
// to disconnect with an ERROR_AUTHENTICATION_FAILED error.
// The response stanza from the server is sent to the generator each time it
// yields. Once the authentication negotiation is complete the generator should
// return.
// By default the PLAIN, SCRAM-SHA-1, and SCRAM-SHA-256 mechanisms are supported.
// As this is only used by XMPPSession, it may seem like an internal detail of
// the XMPP implementation, but exporting it is valuable for testing purposes.
import { CommonUtils } from "resource://services-common/utils.sys.mjs";
import { CryptoUtils } from "resource://services-crypto/utils.sys.mjs";
import { Stanza } from "resource:///modules/xmpp-xml.sys.mjs";
// Handle PLAIN authorization mechanism.
function* PlainAuth(aUsername, aPassword, aDomain) {
let data = "\0" + aUsername + "\0" + aPassword;
// btoa for Unicode, see https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/window.btoa
let base64Data = btoa(unescape(encodeURIComponent(data)));
let stanza = yield {
send: Stanza.node(
{ mechanism: "PLAIN" },
log: ' (base64 encoded username and password not logged)',
if (stanza.localName != "success") {
throw new Error("Didn't receive the expected auth success stanza.");
// Handle SCRAM-SHA-1 authorization mechanism.
const RFC3454 = {
A1: "\u0221|[\u0234-\u024f]|[\u02ae-\u02af]|[\u02ef-\u02ff]|\
B1: "\u00ad|\u034f|\u1806|[\u180b-\u180d]|[\u200b-\u200d]|\u2060|\
C12: "\u00a0|\u1680|[\u2000-\u200b]|\u202f|\u205f|\u3000",
C21: "[\u0000-\u001f]|\u007f",
C22: "[\u0080-\u009f]|\u06dd|\u070f|\u180e|\u200c|\u200d|\u2028|\u2029|\
C3: "[\ue000-\uf8ff]|[\u{f0000}-\u{ffffd}]|[\u{100000}-\u{10fffd}]",
C4: "[\ufdd0-\ufdef]|[\ufffe-\uffff]|[\u{1fffe}-\u{1ffff}]|\
C5: "[\ud800-\udfff]",
C6: "\ufff9|[\ufffa-\ufffd]",
C7: "[\u2ff0-\u2ffb]",
C8: "\u0340|\u0341|\u200e|\u200f|[\u202a-\u202e]|[\u206a-\u206f]",
C9: "\u{e0001}|[\u{e0020}-\u{e007f}]",
D1: "\u05be|\u05c0|\u05c3|[\u05d0-\u05ea]|[\u05f0-\u05f4]|\u061b|\u061f|\
D2: "[\u0041-\u005a]|[\u0061-\u007a]|\u00aa|\u00b5|\u00ba|[\u00c0-\u00d6]|\
// Generates a random nonce and returns a base64 encoded string.
// aLength in bytes.
function createNonce(aLength) {
// RFC 5802 (5.1): Printable ASCII except ",".
// We guarantee a valid nonce value using base64 encoding.
return btoa(CryptoUtils.generateRandomBytes(aLength));
// Parses the string of server's response (aChallenge) into an object.
function parseChallenge(aChallenge) {
let attributes = {};
aChallenge.split(",").forEach(value => {
let match = /^(\w)=([\s\S]*)$/.exec(value);
if (match) {
attributes[match[1]] = match[2];
return attributes;
// RFC 4013 and RFC 3454: Stringprep Profile for User Names and Passwords.
export function saslPrep(aString) {
// RFC 4013 2.1: non-ASCII space characters (RFC 3454 C.1.2) mapped to space.
let retVal = aString.replace(new RegExp(RFC3454.C12, "u"), " ");
// RFC 4013 2.1: RFC 3454 3.1, B.1: Map certain codepoints to nothing.
retVal = retVal.replace(new RegExp(RFC3454.B1, "u"), "");
// RFC 4013 2.2 asks for Unicode normalization form KC, which corresponds to
// RFC 3454 B.2.
retVal = retVal.normalize("NFKC");
// RFC 4013 2.3: Prohibited Output and 2.5: Unassigned Code Points.
let matchStr =
RFC3454.C12 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C21 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C22 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C3 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C4 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C5 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C6 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C7 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C8 +
"|" +
RFC3454.C9 +
"|" +
let match = new RegExp(matchStr, "u").test(retVal);
if (match) {
throw new Error("String contains prohibited characters");
// RFC 4013 2.4: Bidirectional Characters.
let r = new RegExp(RFC3454.D1, "u").test(retVal);
let l = new RegExp(RFC3454.D2, "u").test(retVal);
if (l && r) {
throw new Error(
"String must not contain LCat and RandALCat characters together"
} else if (r) {
let matchFirst = new RegExp("^(" + RFC3454.D1 + ")", "u").test(retVal);
let matchLast = new RegExp("(" + RFC3454.D1 + ")$", "u").test(retVal);
if (!matchFirst || !matchLast) {
throw new Error(
"A RandALCat character must be the first and the last character"
return retVal;
// Converts aName to saslname.
function saslName(aName) {
// RFC 5802 (5.1): the client SHOULD prepare the username using the "SASLprep".
// The characters ’,’ or ’=’ in usernames are sent as ’=2C’ and
// ’=3D’ respectively.
let saslName = saslPrep(aName).replace(/=/g, "=3D").replace(/,/g, "=2C");
if (!saslName) {
throw new Error("Name is not valid");
return saslName;
// Converts aMessage to array of bytes then apply hashing.
function bytesAndHash(aMessage, aHash) {
let hasher = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/hash;1"].createInstance(
return CryptoUtils.digestBytes(aMessage, hasher);
* PBKDF2 password stretching with hmac.
* This is a copy of CryptoUtils.pbkdf2Generate, but with an additional argument to take the hash type.
* @param {string} passphrase Passphrase as an octet string.
* @param {string} salt Salt as an octet string.
* @param {string} iterations Number of iterations, a positive integer.
* @param {string} len Desired output length in bytes.
* @param {string} hash The desired hash algorithm (e.g. SHA-1 or SHA-256).
* @returns {Uint8Array}
async function pbkdf2Generate(passphrase, salt, iterations, len, hash) {
passphrase = CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer(passphrase);
salt = CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer(salt);
const key = await crypto.subtle.importKey(
{ name: "PBKDF2" },
const output = await crypto.subtle.deriveBits(
name: "PBKDF2",
len * 8
return new Uint8Array(output);
* Given hash functions return a generator to be used as an XMPP authentication
* mechanism.
* @param {string} aHashFunctionName The name of a hash, e.g. SHA-1 or SHA-256.
* @param {string} aDigestLength The length of a hash digest, e.g. 20 for SHA-1 or 32 for SHA-256.
function generateScramAuth(aHashFunctionName, aDigestLength) {
function* scramAuth(aUsername, aPassword, aDomain, aNonce) {
// The hash function name, without the '-' in it (e.g. convert SHA-1 to SHA1).
const hashFunctionProp = aHashFunctionName.replace("-", "");
// RFC 5802 (5): SCRAM Authentication Exchange.
const gs2Header = "n,,";
// If a hard-coded nonce was given (e.g. for testing), use it.
let cNonce = aNonce ? aNonce : createNonce(32);
let clientFirstMessageBare = "n=" + saslName(aUsername) + ",r=" + cNonce;
let clientFirstMessage = gs2Header + clientFirstMessageBare;
let receivedStanza = yield {
send: Stanza.node(
{ mechanism: "SCRAM-" + aHashFunctionName },
if (receivedStanza.localName != "challenge") {
throw new Error("Not authorized");
// RFC 5802 (3): SCRAM Algorithm Overview.
let decodedChallenge = atob(receivedStanza.innerText);
// Expected to contain the user’s iteration count (i) and the user’s
// salt (s), and the server appends its own nonce to the client-specified
// one (r).
let attributes = parseChallenge(decodedChallenge);
if (attributes.hasOwnProperty("e")) {
throw new Error("Authentication failed: " + attributes.e);
} else if (
!attributes.hasOwnProperty("i") ||
!attributes.hasOwnProperty("s") ||
) {
throw new Error("Unexpected response: " + decodedChallenge);
if (!attributes.r.startsWith(cNonce)) {
throw new Error("Nonce is not correct");
let clientFinalMessageWithoutProof =
"c=" + btoa(gs2Header) + ",r=" + attributes.r;
// The server signature is calculated below, but needs to escape back to the main scope.
let serverSignature;
// Once the promise resolves, continue with the handshake.
receivedStanza = yield (async () => {
// SaltedPassword := Hi(Normalize(password), salt, i)
// Normalize using saslPrep.
// dkLen MUST be equal to the SHA digest size.
let saltedPassword = await pbkdf2Generate(
// Calculate ClientProof.
// ClientKey := HMAC(SaltedPassword, "Client Key")
let clientKeyBuffer = await CryptoUtils.hmac(
CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer("Client Key")
let clientKey = CommonUtils.arrayBufferToByteString(clientKeyBuffer);
// StoredKey := H(ClientKey)
let storedKey = bytesAndHash(clientKey, hashFunctionProp);
let authMessage = CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer(
clientFirstMessageBare +
"," +
decodedChallenge +
"," +
// ClientSignature := HMAC(StoredKey, AuthMessage)
let clientSignatureBuffer = await CryptoUtils.hmac(
let clientSignature = CommonUtils.arrayBufferToByteString(
// ClientProof := ClientKey XOR ClientSignature
let clientProof = CryptoUtils.xor(clientKey, clientSignature);
// Calculate ServerSignature.
// ServerKey := HMAC(SaltedPassword, "Server Key")
let serverKeyBuffer = await CryptoUtils.hmac(
CommonUtils.byteStringToArrayBuffer("Server Key")
// ServerSignature := HMAC(ServerKey, AuthMessage)
let serverSignatureBuffer = await CryptoUtils.hmac(
serverSignature = CommonUtils.arrayBufferToByteString(
let clientFinalMessage =
clientFinalMessageWithoutProof + ",p=" + btoa(clientProof);
return {
send: Stanza.node(
log: " (base64 encoded SCRAM response containing password not logged)",
// Only check server signature if we succeed to authenticate.
if (receivedStanza.localName != "success") {
throw new Error("Didn't receive the expected auth success stanza.");
let decodedResponse = atob(receivedStanza.innerText);
// Expected to contain a base64-encoded ServerSignature (v).
attributes = parseChallenge(decodedResponse);
if (!attributes.hasOwnProperty("v")) {
throw new Error("Unexpected response: " + decodedResponse);
// Compare ServerSignature with our ServerSignature which we calculated in
// _generateResponse.
let serverSignatureResponse = atob(attributes.v);
if (serverSignature != serverSignatureResponse) {
throw new Error("Server signature does not match");
return scramAuth;
export var XMPPAuthMechanisms = {
PLAIN: PlainAuth,
"SCRAM-SHA-1": generateScramAuth("SHA-1", 20),
"SCRAM-SHA-256": generateScramAuth("SHA-256", 32),