/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* eslint-disable @microsoft/sdl/no-insecure-url */ let { MockRegistrar } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/MockRegistrar.sys.mjs" ); const TEST_DOMAIN = "http://example.org"; const TEST_IP = ""; const TEST_PATH = "/browser/comm/mail/base/test/browser/files/links.html"; let links = new Map([ ["#this-hash", `${TEST_PATH}#hash`], ["#this-nohash", `${TEST_PATH}`], [ "#local-here", "/browser/comm/mail/base/test/browser/files/sampleContent.html", ], [ "#local-elsewhere", "/browser/comm/mail/components/extensions/test/browser/data/content.html", ], ["#other-https", `https://example.org${TEST_PATH}`], ["#other-port", `http://example.org:8000${TEST_PATH}`], ["#other-subdomain", `http://test1.example.org${TEST_PATH}`], ["#other-subsubdomain", `http://sub1.test1.example.org${TEST_PATH}`], ["#other-domain", `http://mochi.test:8888${TEST_PATH}`], ]); /** @implements {nsIWebProgressListener} */ let webProgressListener = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI([ "nsIWebProgressListener", "nsISupportsWeakReference", ]), _browser: null, _deferred: null, onStateChange(webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) { if ( !(stateFlags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP) || this._browser?.currentURI.spec == "about:blank" ) { return; } if (this._deferred) { let deferred = this._deferred; let url = this._browser.currentURI.spec; this.cancelPromise(); deferred.resolve(url); } else { this.cancelPromise(); Assert.ok(false, "unexpected state change"); } }, onLocationChange(webProgress, request, location, flags) { if (!(flags & Ci.nsIWebProgressListener.LOCATION_CHANGE_HASHCHANGE)) { return; } if (this._deferred) { let deferred = this._deferred; let url = this._browser.currentURI.spec; this.cancelPromise(); deferred.resolve(url); } else { this.cancelPromise(); Assert.ok(false, "unexpected location change"); } }, promiseEvent(browser) { this._browser = browser; browser.webProgress.addProgressListener( this, Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_ALL | Ci.nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_LOCATION ); this._deferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); return this._deferred.promise; }, cancelPromise() { this._deferred = null; this._browser.removeProgressListener(this); this._browser = null; }, }; /** @implements {nsIExternalProtocolService} */ let mockExternalProtocolService = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIExternalProtocolService"]), _deferred: null, loadURI(aURI, aWindowContext) { if (this._deferred) { let deferred = this._deferred; this._deferred = null; deferred.resolve(aURI.spec); } else { this.cancelPromise(); Assert.ok(false, "unexpected call to external protocol service"); } }, promiseEvent() { this._deferred = PromiseUtils.defer(); return this._deferred.promise; }, cancelPromise() { this._deferred = null; }, }; let mockExternalProtocolServiceCID = MockRegistrar.register( "@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1", mockExternalProtocolService ); registerCleanupFunction(() => { let tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail"); Assert.equal(tabmail.tabInfo.length, 1); while (tabmail.tabInfo.length > 1) { tabmail.closeTab(tabmail.tabInfo[1]); } MockRegistrar.unregister(mockExternalProtocolServiceCID); }); async function clickOnLink( browser, selector, url, pageURL, shouldLoadInternally ) { if ( browser.webProgress?.isLoadingDocument || browser.currentURI?.spec == "about:blank" ) { await BrowserTestUtils.browserLoaded(browser); // Clear the event queue. // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/no-arbitrary-setTimeout await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 250)); } Assert.equal( browser.currentURI?.spec, pageURL, "original URL should be loaded" ); let webProgressPromise = webProgressListener.promiseEvent(browser); let externalProtocolPromise = mockExternalProtocolService.promiseEvent(); info(`clicking on ${selector}`); await BrowserTestUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(selector, {}, browser); await Promise.any([webProgressPromise, externalProtocolPromise]); if (selector == "#this-hash") { await SpecialPowers.spawn(browser, [], () => { let doc = content.document; let target = doc.querySelector("#hash"); let targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect(); Assert.less( targetRect.bottom, doc.documentElement.clientHeight, "page did scroll" ); }); } if (shouldLoadInternally) { Assert.equal( await webProgressPromise, url, `${url} should load internally` ); mockExternalProtocolService.cancelPromise(); } else { Assert.equal( await externalProtocolPromise, url, `${url} should load externally` ); webProgressListener.cancelPromise(); } if (browser.currentURI?.spec != pageURL) { let promise = webProgressListener.promiseEvent(browser); browser.browsingContext.goBack(); await promise; Assert.equal(browser.currentURI?.spec, pageURL, "should have gone back"); } } async function subtest(pagePrePath, group, shouldLoadCB) { let tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail"); let tab = window.openContentTab( `${pagePrePath}${TEST_PATH}`, undefined, group ); let expectedGroup = group; if (group === null) { expectedGroup = "browsers"; } else if (group === undefined) { expectedGroup = "single-site"; } Assert.equal(tab.browser.getAttribute("messagemanagergroup"), expectedGroup); try { for (let [selector, url] of links) { if (url.startsWith("/")) { url = `${pagePrePath}${url}`; } await clickOnLink( tab.browser, selector, url, `${pagePrePath}${TEST_PATH}`, shouldLoadCB(selector) ); } } finally { tabmail.closeTab(tab); } } add_task(function testNoGroup() { return subtest( TEST_DOMAIN, undefined, selector => selector != "#other-domain" ); }); add_task(function testBrowsersGroup() { return subtest(TEST_DOMAIN, null, selector => true); }); add_task(function testSingleSiteGroup() { return subtest( TEST_DOMAIN, "single-site", selector => selector != "#other-domain" ); }); add_task(function testSinglePageGroup() { return subtest(TEST_DOMAIN, "single-page", selector => selector.startsWith("#this") ); }); add_task(function testNoGroupWithIP() { return subtest( TEST_IP, undefined, selector => selector.startsWith("#this") || selector.startsWith("#local") ); }); add_task(function testBrowsersGroupWithIP() { return subtest(TEST_IP, null, selector => true); }); add_task(function testSingleSiteGroupWithIP() { return subtest( TEST_IP, "single-site", selector => selector.startsWith("#this") || selector.startsWith("#local") ); }); add_task(function testSinglePageGroupWithIP() { return subtest(TEST_IP, "single-page", selector => selector.startsWith("#this") ); });