/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. * http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const MASTER_PASSWORD = "omgsecret!"; const mpToken = Cc["@mozilla.org/security/pk11tokendb;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIPK11TokenDB) .getInternalKeyToken(); async function checkDeviceManager({ buttonIsDisabled }) { let deviceManagerWindow = window.openDialog( "chrome://pippki/content/device_manager.xhtml", "", "" ); await BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent(deviceManagerWindow, "load"); let tree = deviceManagerWindow.document.getElementById("device_tree"); ok(tree, "The device tree exists"); // Find and select the item related to the internal key token for (let i = 0; i < tree.view.rowCount; i++) { tree.view.selection.select(i); try { let selected_token = deviceManagerWindow.selected_slot.getToken(); if (selected_token.isInternalKeyToken) { break; } } catch (e) {} } // Check to see if the button was updated correctly let changePwButton = deviceManagerWindow.document.getElementById("change_pw_button"); is( changePwButton.getAttribute("disabled") == "true", buttonIsDisabled, "Change Password button is in the correct state: " + buttonIsDisabled ); await BrowserTestUtils.closeWindow(deviceManagerWindow); } async function checkAboutPreferences({ checkboxIsDisabled }) { await BrowserTestUtils.withNewTab( "about:preferences#privacy", async browser => { is( browser.contentDocument.getElementById("useMasterPassword").disabled, checkboxIsDisabled, "Primary Password checkbox is in the correct state: " + checkboxIsDisabled ); } ); } add_task(async function test_policy_disable_masterpassword() { ok(!mpToken.hasPassword, "Starting the test with no password"); // No password and no policy: access to setting a primary password // should be enabled. await checkDeviceManager({ buttonIsDisabled: false }); await checkAboutPreferences({ checkboxIsDisabled: false }); await setupPolicyEngineWithJson({ policies: { DisableMasterPasswordCreation: true, }, }); // With the `DisableMasterPasswordCreation: true` policy active, the // UI entry points for creating a Primary Password should be disabled. await checkDeviceManager({ buttonIsDisabled: true }); await checkAboutPreferences({ checkboxIsDisabled: true }); mpToken.changePassword("", MASTER_PASSWORD); ok(mpToken.hasPassword, "Master password was set"); // If a Primary Password is already set, there's no point in disabling // the await checkDeviceManager({ buttonIsDisabled: false }); await checkAboutPreferences({ checkboxIsDisabled: false }); // Clean up mpToken.changePassword(MASTER_PASSWORD, ""); ok(!mpToken.hasPassword, "Master password was cleaned up"); });