/* -*- Mode: indent-tabs-mode: nil; js-indent-level: 2 -*- */ /* vim: set sts=2 sw=2 et tw=80: */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* This file is a much-modified copy of browser/components/extensions/ExtensionPopups.sys.mjs. */ import { XPCOMUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs"; const lazy = {}; ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { ExtensionParent: "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionParent.sys.mjs", setTimeout: "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs", }); import { AppConstants } from "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs"; import { ExtensionUtils } from "resource://gre/modules/ExtensionUtils.sys.mjs"; var { DefaultWeakMap, ExtensionError, promiseEvent } = ExtensionUtils; const POPUP_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MS = 200; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(lazy, "standaloneStylesheets", () => { let stylesheets = []; if (AppConstants.platform === "macosx") { stylesheets.push("chrome://browser/content/extension-mac-panel.css"); } else if (AppConstants.platform === "win") { stylesheets.push("chrome://browser/content/extension-win-panel.css"); } else if (AppConstants.platform === "linux") { stylesheets.push("chrome://browser/content/extension-linux-panel.css"); } return stylesheets; }); const REMOTE_PANEL_ID = "webextension-remote-preload-panel"; export class BasePopup { constructor( extension, viewNode, popupURL, browserStyle, fixedWidth = false, blockParser = false ) { this.extension = extension; this.popupURL = popupURL; this.viewNode = viewNode; this.browserStyle = browserStyle; this.window = viewNode.ownerGlobal; this.destroyed = false; this.fixedWidth = fixedWidth; this.blockParser = blockParser; extension.callOnClose(this); this.contentReady = new Promise(resolve => { this._resolveContentReady = resolve; }); this.window.addEventListener("unload", this); this.viewNode.addEventListener("popuphiding", this); this.panel.addEventListener("popuppositioned", this, { once: true, capture: true, }); this.browser = null; this.browserLoaded = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.browserLoadedDeferred = { resolve, reject }; }); this.browserReady = this.createBrowser(viewNode, popupURL); BasePopup.instances.get(this.window).set(extension, this); } static for(extension, window) { return BasePopup.instances.get(window).get(extension); } close() { this.closePopup(); } destroy() { this.extension.forgetOnClose(this); this.window.removeEventListener("unload", this); this.destroyed = true; this.browserLoadedDeferred.reject(new ExtensionError("Popup destroyed")); // Ignore unhandled rejections if the "attach" method is not called. this.browserLoaded.catch(() => {}); BasePopup.instances.get(this.window).delete(this.extension); return this.browserReady.then(() => { if (this.browser) { this.destroyBrowser(this.browser, true); this.browser.parentNode.remove(); } if (this.stack) { this.stack.remove(); } if (this.viewNode) { this.viewNode.removeEventListener("popuphiding", this); delete this.viewNode.customRectGetter; } let { panel } = this; if (panel) { panel.removeEventListener("popuppositioned", this, { capture: true }); } if (panel && panel.id !== REMOTE_PANEL_ID) { panel.style.removeProperty("--arrowpanel-background"); panel.style.removeProperty("--arrowpanel-border-color"); panel.removeAttribute("remote"); } this.browser = null; this.stack = null; this.viewNode = null; }); } destroyBrowser(browser, finalize = false) { let mm = browser.messageManager; // If the browser has already been removed from the document, because the // popup was closed externally, there will be no message manager here, so // just replace our receiveMessage method with a stub. if (mm) { mm.removeMessageListener("Extension:BrowserBackgroundChanged", this); mm.removeMessageListener("Extension:BrowserContentLoaded", this); mm.removeMessageListener("Extension:BrowserResized", this); } else if (finalize) { this.receiveMessage = () => {}; } browser.removeEventListener("pagetitlechanged", this); browser.removeEventListener("DOMWindowClose", this); } get STYLESHEETS() { let sheets = []; if (this.browserStyle) { sheets.push(...lazy.ExtensionParent.extensionStylesheets); } if (!this.fixedWidth) { sheets.push(...lazy.standaloneStylesheets); } return sheets; } get panel() { let panel = this.viewNode; while (panel && panel.localName != "panel") { panel = panel.parentNode; } return panel; } receiveMessage({ name, data }) { switch (name) { case "Extension:BrowserBackgroundChanged": this.setBackground(data.background); break; case "Extension:BrowserContentLoaded": this.browserLoadedDeferred.resolve(); break; case "Extension:BrowserResized": this._resolveContentReady(); if (this.ignoreResizes) { this.dimensions = data; } else { this.resizeBrowser(data); } break; } } handleEvent(event) { switch (event.type) { case "unload": case "popuphiding": if (!this.destroyed) { this.destroy(); } break; case "popuppositioned": if (!this.destroyed) { this.browserLoaded .then(() => { if (this.destroyed) { return; } // Wait the reflow before asking the popup panel to grab the focus, otherwise // `nsFocusManager::SetFocus` may ignore out request because the panel view // visibility is still set to `nsViewVisibility_kHide` (waiting the document // to be fully flushed makes us sure that when the popup panel grabs the focus // nsMenuPopupFrame::LayoutPopup has already been colled and set the frame // visibility to `nsViewVisibility_kShow`). this.browser.ownerGlobal.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage( "Extension:GrabFocus", {} ); }); }) .catch(() => { // If the panel closes too fast an exception is raised here and tests will fail. }); } break; case "pagetitlechanged": this.viewNode.setAttribute("aria-label", this.browser.contentTitle); break; case "DOMWindowClose": this.closePopup(); break; } } createBrowser(viewNode, popupURL = null) { let document = viewNode.ownerDocument; let stack = document.createXULElement("stack"); stack.setAttribute("class", "webextension-popup-stack"); let browser = document.createXULElement("browser"); browser.setAttribute("type", "content"); browser.setAttribute("disableglobalhistory", "true"); browser.setAttribute("messagemanagergroup", "webext-browsers"); browser.setAttribute("class", "webextension-popup-browser"); browser.setAttribute("webextension-view-type", "popup"); browser.setAttribute("tooltip", "aHTMLTooltip"); browser.setAttribute("context", "browserContext"); browser.setAttribute("autocompletepopup", "PopupAutoComplete"); browser.setAttribute("selectmenulist", "ContentSelectDropdown"); browser.setAttribute("constrainpopups", "false"); browser.setAttribute("datetimepicker", "DateTimePickerPanel"); // Ensure the browser will initially load in the same group as other // browsers from the same extension. browser.setAttribute( "initialBrowsingContextGroupId", this.extension.policy.browsingContextGroupId ); if (this.extension.remote) { browser.setAttribute("remote", "true"); browser.setAttribute("remoteType", this.extension.remoteType); browser.setAttribute("maychangeremoteness", "true"); } // We only need flex sizing for the sake of the slide-in sub-views of the // main menu panel, so that the browser occupies the full width of the view, // and also takes up any extra height that's available to it. browser.setAttribute("flex", "1"); stack.setAttribute("flex", "1"); // Note: When using noautohide panels, the popup manager will add width and // height attributes to the panel, breaking our resize code, if the browser // starts out smaller than 30px by 10px. This isn't an issue now, but it // will be if and when we popup debugging. this.browser = browser; this.stack = stack; let readyPromise; if (this.extension.remote) { readyPromise = promiseEvent(browser, "XULFrameLoaderCreated"); } else { readyPromise = promiseEvent(browser, "load"); } stack.appendChild(browser); viewNode.appendChild(stack); if (!this.extension.remote) { // FIXME: bug 1494029 - this code used to rely on the browser binding // accessing browser.contentWindow. This is a stopgap to continue doing // that, but we should get rid of it in the long term. browser.contentWindow; // eslint-disable-line no-unused-expressions } let setupBrowser = browser => { let mm = browser.messageManager; mm.addMessageListener("Extension:BrowserBackgroundChanged", this); mm.addMessageListener("Extension:BrowserContentLoaded", this); mm.addMessageListener("Extension:BrowserResized", this); browser.addEventListener("pagetitlechanged", this); browser.addEventListener("DOMWindowClose", this); lazy.ExtensionParent.apiManager.emit( "extension-browser-inserted", browser ); return browser; }; const initBrowser = () => { setupBrowser(browser); let mm = browser.messageManager; mm.loadFrameScript( "chrome://extensions/content/ext-browser-content.js", false, true ); mm.sendAsyncMessage("Extension:InitBrowser", { allowScriptsToClose: true, blockParser: this.blockParser, fixedWidth: this.fixedWidth, maxWidth: 800, maxHeight: 600, stylesheets: this.STYLESHEETS, }); }; browser.addEventListener("DidChangeBrowserRemoteness", initBrowser); // eslint-disable-line mozilla/balanced-listeners if (!popupURL) { // For remote browsers, we can't do any setup until the frame loader is // created. Non-remote browsers get a message manager immediately, so // there's no need to wait for the load event. if (this.extension.remote) { return readyPromise.then(() => setupBrowser(browser)); } return setupBrowser(browser); } return readyPromise.then(() => { initBrowser(); browser.fixupAndLoadURIString(popupURL, { triggeringPrincipal: this.extension.principal, }); }); } unblockParser() { this.browserReady.then(browser => { if (this.destroyed) { return; } this.browser.messageManager.sendAsyncMessage("Extension:UnblockParser"); }); } resizeBrowser({ width, height, detail }) { if (this.fixedWidth) { // Figure out how much extra space we have on the side of the panel // opposite the arrow. let side = this.panel.getAttribute("side") == "top" ? "bottom" : "top"; let maxHeight = this.viewHeight + this.extraHeight[side]; height = Math.min(height, maxHeight); this.browser.style.height = `${height}px`; // Used by the panelmultiview code to figure out sizing without reparenting // (which would destroy the browser and break us). this.lastCalculatedInViewHeight = Math.max(height, this.viewHeight); } else { this.browser.style.width = `${width}px`; this.browser.style.minWidth = `${width}px`; this.browser.style.height = `${height}px`; this.browser.style.minHeight = `${height}px`; } let event = new this.window.CustomEvent("WebExtPopupResized", { detail }); this.browser.dispatchEvent(event); } setBackground(background) { // Panels inherit the applied theme (light, dark, etc) and there is a high // likelihood that most extension authors will not have tested with a dark theme. // If they have not set a background-color, we force it to white to ensure visibility // of the extension content. Passing `null` should be treated the same as no argument, // which is why we can't use default parameters here. if (!background) { background = "#fff"; } if (this.panel.id != "widget-overflow") { this.panel.style.setProperty("--arrowpanel-background", background); } if (background == "#fff") { // Set a usable default color that work with the default background-color. this.panel.style.setProperty( "--arrowpanel-border-color", "hsla(210,4%,10%,.15)" ); } this.background = background; } } export class ViewPopup extends BasePopup { constructor( extension, window, popupURL, browserStyle, fixedWidth, blockParser ) { let document = window.document; let createPanel = remote => { let panel = document.createXULElement("panel"); panel.setAttribute("type", "arrow"); panel.setAttribute("class", "panel-no-padding"); if (remote) { panel.setAttribute("remote", "true"); } panel.setAttribute("neverhidden", "true"); document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(panel); return panel; }; // Firefox creates a temporary panel to hold the browser while it pre-loads // its content (starting on mouseover already). This panel will never be shown, // but the browser's docShell will be swapped with the browser in the real // panel when it's ready (in ViewPopup.attach()). // For remote extensions, Firefox shares this temporary panel between all // extensions. // NOTE: Thunderbird currently does not pre-load the popup and really uses // the "temporary" panel when displaying the popup to the user. let panel; if (extension.remote) { panel = document.getElementById(REMOTE_PANEL_ID); if (!panel) { panel = createPanel(true); panel.id = REMOTE_PANEL_ID; } } else { panel = createPanel(); } super(extension, panel, popupURL, browserStyle, fixedWidth, blockParser); this.ignoreResizes = true; this.attached = false; this.shown = false; this.tempPanel = panel; this.tempBrowser = this.browser; this.browser.classList.add("webextension-preload-browser"); } /** * Attaches the pre-loaded browser to the given view node, and reserves a * promise which resolves when the browser is ready. * * NOTE: Not used by Thunderbird. * * @param {Element} viewNode * The node to attach the browser to. * @returns {Promise} * Resolves when the browser is ready. Resolves to `false` if the * browser was destroyed before it was fully loaded, and the popup * should be closed, or `true` otherwise. */ async attach(viewNode) { if (this.destroyed) { return false; } this.viewNode.removeEventListener(this.DESTROY_EVENT, this); this.panel.removeEventListener("popuppositioned", this, { once: true, capture: true, }); this.viewNode = viewNode; this.viewNode.addEventListener(this.DESTROY_EVENT, this); this.viewNode.setAttribute("closemenu", "none"); this.panel.addEventListener("popuppositioned", this, { once: true, capture: true, }); if (this.extension.remote) { this.panel.setAttribute("remote", "true"); } // Wait until the browser element is fully initialized, and give it at least // a short grace period to finish loading its initial content, if necessary. // // In practice, the browser that was created by the mousdown handler should // nearly always be ready by this point. await Promise.all([ this.browserReady, Promise.race([ // This promise may be rejected if the popup calls window.close() // before it has fully loaded. this.browserLoaded.catch(() => {}), new Promise(resolve => lazy.setTimeout(resolve, POPUP_LOAD_TIMEOUT_MS)), ]), ]); const { panel } = this; if (!this.destroyed && !panel) { this.destroy(); } if (this.destroyed) { this.viewNode.hidePopup(); return false; } this.attached = true; this.setBackground(this.background); let flushPromise = this.window.promiseDocumentFlushed(() => { let win = this.window; // Calculate the extra height available on the screen above and below the // menu panel. Use that to calculate the how much the sub-view may grow. let popupRect = panel.getBoundingClientRect(); let screenBottom = win.screen.availTop + win.screen.availHeight; let popupBottom = win.mozInnerScreenY + popupRect.bottom; let popupTop = win.mozInnerScreenY + popupRect.top; // Store the initial height of the view, so that we never resize menu panel // sub-views smaller than the initial height of the menu. this.viewHeight = viewNode.getBoundingClientRect().height; this.extraHeight = { bottom: Math.max(0, screenBottom - popupBottom), top: Math.max(0, popupTop - win.screen.availTop), }; }); // Create a new browser in the real popup. let browser = this.browser; await this.createBrowser(this.viewNode); this.browser.swapDocShells(browser); this.destroyBrowser(browser); await flushPromise; // Check if the popup has been destroyed while we were waiting for the // document flush promise to be resolve. if (this.destroyed) { this.closePopup(); this.destroy(); return false; } if (this.dimensions) { if (this.fixedWidth) { delete this.dimensions.width; } this.resizeBrowser(this.dimensions); } this.ignoreResizes = false; this.viewNode.customRectGetter = () => { return { height: this.lastCalculatedInViewHeight || this.viewHeight }; }; this.removeTempPanel(); this.shown = true; if (this.destroyed) { this.closePopup(); this.destroy(); return false; } let event = new this.window.CustomEvent("WebExtPopupLoaded", { bubbles: true, detail: { extension: this.extension }, }); this.browser.dispatchEvent(event); return true; } removeTempPanel() { if (this.tempPanel) { // NOTE: Thunderbird currently does not pre-load the popup into a temporary // panel as Firefox is doing it. We therefore do not have to "save" // the temporary panel for later re-use, but really have to remove it. // See Bug 1451058 for why Firefox uses the following conditional // remove(). // if (this.tempPanel.id !== REMOTE_PANEL_ID) { this.tempPanel.remove(); // } this.tempPanel = null; } if (this.tempBrowser) { this.tempBrowser.parentNode.remove(); this.tempBrowser = null; } } destroy() { return super.destroy().then(() => { this.removeTempPanel(); }); } closePopup() { this.viewNode.hidePopup(); } } /** * A map of active popups for a given browser window. * * WeakMap[window -> WeakMap[Extension -> BasePopup]] */ BasePopup.instances = new DefaultWeakMap(() => new WeakMap());