/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ add_task(async () => { let account = createAccount(); addIdentity(account); let rootFolder = account.incomingServer.rootFolder; let files = { "background.js": async () => { async function checkProperty(property, expectedDefault, ...expected) { browser.test.log( `${property}: ${expectedDefault}, ${expected.join(", ")}` ); browser.test.assertEq( expectedDefault, await browser.browserAction[property]({}), `Default value for ${property} should be correct` ); for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { browser.test.assertEq( expected[i], await browser.browserAction[property]({ tabId: tabIDs[i] }), `Specific value for ${property} of tab #${i} should be correct` ); } } async function checkRealState(property, ...expected) { await window.sendMessage(whichTest, property, expected); } let tabs = await browser.mailTabs.query({}); browser.test.assertEq(3, tabs.length); let tabIDs = tabs.map(t => t.id); let whichTest = "checkProperty"; // Test enable property. await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, true, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", true, true, true); await browser.browserAction.disable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, false, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", false, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(tabIDs[0]); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, true, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", true, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, true, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", true, true, true); await browser.browserAction.disable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, true, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", true, false, false); await browser.browserAction.disable(tabIDs[0]); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, false, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", false, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, false, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", false, true, true); // Test title property (since a label has not been set, this sets the // tooltip and the actual label of the button). await checkProperty( "getTitle", "default", "default", "default", "default" ); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[2], title: "tab2" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "default", "default", "default", "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "tab2"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ title: "new" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "new", "new", "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "new", "new", "tab2"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "new", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[1], title: "tab1" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "new", "tab1", "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "new", "tab1", "tab2"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[2], title: null }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ title: null }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "default", "default", "tab1", "default"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "tab1", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "tab1", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[1], title: null }); await checkProperty( "getTitle", "default", "default", "default", "default" ); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); // Test label property (tooltip should not change). await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[2], label: "" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, ""); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", ""); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[2], label: "tab2" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ label: "new" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "new", "new", "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "new", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[1], label: "tab1" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "new", "tab1", "tab2"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "tab2"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[2], label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, "tab1", null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "tab1", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[1], label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); // Check that properties are updated without switching tabs. We might be // relying on the tab switch to update the properties. // Tab 0's enabled state doesn't reflect the default any more, so we // can't just run the code above again. browser.test.log("checkPropertyCurrent"); whichTest = "checkPropertyCurrent"; // Test enable property. await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, false, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", false, true, true); await browser.browserAction.disable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, false, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", false, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(tabIDs[0]); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, true, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", true, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, true, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", true, true, true); await browser.browserAction.disable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, true, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", true, false, false); await browser.browserAction.disable(tabIDs[0]); await checkProperty("isEnabled", false, false, false, false); await checkRealState("enabled", false, false, false); await browser.browserAction.enable(); await checkProperty("isEnabled", true, false, true, true); await checkRealState("enabled", false, true, true); // Test title property (since a label has not been set, this sets the // tooltip and the actual label of the button). await checkProperty( "getTitle", "default", "default", "default", "default" ); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[0], title: "tab0" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "default", "tab0", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "tab0", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ title: "new" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "tab0", "new", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "tab0", "new", "new"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "new", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[1], title: "tab1" }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "tab0", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "tab0", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[0], title: null }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "new", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ title: null }); await checkProperty("getTitle", "default", "default", "tab1", "default"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "tab1", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "tab1", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setTitle({ tabId: tabIDs[1], title: null }); await checkProperty( "getTitle", "default", "default", "default", "default" ); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); // Test label property (tooltip should not change). await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[0], label: "" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, "", null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[0], label: "tab0" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, "tab0", null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "default", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ label: "new" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "tab0", "new", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "new", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[1], label: "tab1" }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "tab0", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "tab0", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[0], label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", "new", "new", "tab1", "new"); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "new", "tab1", "new"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, "tab1", null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "tab1", "default"); await browser.browserAction.setLabel({ tabId: tabIDs[1], label: null }); await checkProperty("getLabel", null, null, null, null); await checkRealState("tooltip", "default", "default", "default"); await checkRealState("label", "default", "default", "default"); await browser.tabs.remove(tabIDs[1]); await browser.tabs.remove(tabIDs[2]); browser.test.notifyPass("finished"); }, "utils.js": await getUtilsJS(), }; let extension = ExtensionTestUtils.loadExtension({ files, useAddonManager: "temporary", manifest: { applications: { gecko: { id: "browser_action_properties@mochi.test", }, }, background: { scripts: ["utils.js", "background.js"] }, browser_action: { default_title: "default", }, }, }); let tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail"); tabmail.openTab("mail3PaneTab", { folderURI: rootFolder.URI, background: false, }); tabmail.openTab("mail3PaneTab", { folderURI: rootFolder.URI, background: false, }); let mailTabs = tabmail.tabInfo; is(mailTabs.length, 3, "Expect 3 tabs"); tabmail.switchToTab(mailTabs[0]); await extension.startup(); let button = document.querySelector( `.unified-toolbar [extension="browser_action_properties@mochi.test"]` ); extension.onMessage("checkProperty", async (property, expected) => { for (let i = 0; i < 3; i++) { tabmail.switchToTab(mailTabs[i]); await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); switch (property) { case "enabled": is(button.disabled, !expected[i], `button ${i} enabled state`); break; case "tooltip": is( button.getAttribute("title"), expected[i], `button ${i} tooltip title` ); break; case "label": if (expected[i] == "") { ok( button.classList.contains("prefer-icon-only"), `button ${i} has hidden label` ); } else { is(button.getAttribute("label"), expected[i], `button ${i} label`); } break; } } tabmail.switchToTab(mailTabs[0]); extension.sendMessage(); }); extension.onMessage("checkPropertyCurrent", async (property, expected) => { await new Promise(resolve => requestAnimationFrame(resolve)); switch (property) { case "enabled": is(button.disabled, !expected[0], `button 0 enabled state`); break; case "tooltip": is(button.getAttribute("title"), expected[0], `button 0 tooltip title`); break; case "label": if (expected[0] == "") { ok( button.classList.contains("prefer-icon-only"), `button 0 has hidden label` ); } else { is(button.getAttribute("label"), expected[0], `button 0 label`); } break; } extension.sendMessage(); }); await extension.awaitFinish("finished"); await extension.unload(); tabmail.closeTab(mailTabs[2]); tabmail.closeTab(mailTabs[1]); is(tabmail.tabInfo.length, 1); });