/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ // Load subscript shared with all menu tests. Services.scriptloader.loadSubScript( new URL("head_menus.js", gTestPath).href, this ); let gAccount, gFolders, gMessage; add_setup(async () => { await Services.search.init(); gAccount = createAccount(); addIdentity(gAccount); gFolders = gAccount.incomingServer.rootFolder.subFolders; createMessages(gFolders[0], { count: 1, body: { contentType: "text/html", body: await fetch(`${URL_BASE}/content.html`).then(r => r.text()), }, }); gMessage = [...gFolders[0].messages][0]; document.getElementById("tabmail").currentAbout3Pane.restoreState({ folderPaneVisible: true, folderURI: gAccount.incomingServer.rootFolder.URI, }); }); async function subtest_tab(manifest) { async function checkTabEvent(index, active, mailTab) { await rightClick(menu, tabs[index]); Assert.ok(menu.querySelector("#menus_mochi_test-menuitem-_tab")); menu.hidePopup(); await checkShownEvent( extension, { menuIds: ["tab"], contexts: ["tab"] }, { active, index, mailTab } ); } let extension = await getMenuExtension(manifest); await extension.startup(); await extension.awaitMessage("menus-created"); let tabmail = document.getElementById("tabmail"); window.openContentTab("about:config"); window.openContentTab("about:mozilla"); tabmail.openTab("mail3PaneTab", { folderURI: gFolders[0].URI }); let tabs = document.getElementById("tabmail-tabs").allTabs; let menu = document.getElementById("tabContextMenu"); await checkTabEvent(0, false, true); await checkTabEvent(1, false, false); await checkTabEvent(2, false, false); await checkTabEvent(3, true, true); await extension.unload(); tabmail.closeOtherTabs(0); } add_task(async function test_tab_mv2() { await subtest_tab({ manifest_version: 2, }); }); add_task(async function test_tab_mv3() { await subtest_tab({ manifest_version: 3, }); });