/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, you can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from ../../../../base/content/aboutMessage.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../base/content/msgHdrView.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../base/content/msgSecurityPane.js */ // TODO: check if this is safe /* eslint-disable no-unsanitized/property */ var { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm" ); var { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); var { MimeParser } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/mimeParser.jsm"); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { CollectedKeysDB: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/CollectedKeysDB.jsm", EnigmailArmor: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/armor.jsm", EnigmailCryptoAPI: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/cryptoAPI.jsm", EnigmailConstants: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/constants.jsm", EnigmailCore: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/core.jsm", EnigmailData: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/data.jsm", EnigmailDecryption: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/decryption.jsm", EnigmailDialog: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/dialog.jsm", EnigmailFixExchangeMsg: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/fixExchangeMsg.jsm", EnigmailFuncs: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/funcs.jsm", EnigmailKey: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/key.jsm", EnigmailKeyRing: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/keyRing.jsm", EnigmailKeyServer: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/keyserver.jsm", EnigmailKeyserverURIs: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/keyserverUris.jsm", EnigmailLog: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/log.jsm", EnigmailMime: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/mime.jsm", EnigmailMsgRead: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/msgRead.jsm", EnigmailPersistentCrypto: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/persistentCrypto.jsm", EnigmailSingletons: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/singletons.jsm", EnigmailStreams: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/streams.jsm", EnigmailTrust: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/trust.jsm", EnigmailURIs: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/uris.jsm", EnigmailVerify: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/mimeVerify.jsm", EnigmailWindows: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/windows.jsm", // EnigmailWks: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/webKey.jsm", KeyLookupHelper: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/keyLookupHelper.jsm", MailStringUtils: "resource:///modules/MailStringUtils.jsm", PgpSqliteDb2: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/sqliteDb.jsm", RNP: "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/RNP.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyGetter(this, "l10n", () => { return new Localization(["messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl"], true); }); var Enigmail = {}; Enigmail.getEnigmailSvc = function () { return EnigmailCore.getService(window); }; Enigmail.msg = { decryptedMessage: null, securityInfo: null, lastSaveDir: "", messagePane: null, decryptButton: null, savedHeaders: null, removeListener: false, enableExperiments: false, headersList: [ "content-transfer-encoding", "x-enigmail-version", "x-pgp-encoding-format", //"autocrypt-setup-message", ], buggyMailType: null, changedAttributes: [], allAttachmentsDone: false, messageDecryptDone: false, showPartialDecryptionReminder: false, get notificationBox() { return gMessageNotificationBar.msgNotificationBar; }, removeNotification(value) { let item = this.notificationBox.getNotificationWithValue(value); // Remove the notification only if the user didn't previously close it. if (item) { this.notificationBox.removeNotification(item, true); } }, messengerStartup() { Enigmail.msg.messagePane = document.getElementById("messagepane"); EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: Startup\n"); Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders = null; Enigmail.msg.decryptButton = document.getElementById( "button-enigmail-decrypt" ); setTimeout(function () { // if nothing happened, then load all keys after 1 hour // to trigger the key check EnigmailKeyRing.getAllKeys(); }, 3600 * 1000); // 1 hour // Need to add event listener to Enigmail.msg.messagePane to make it work // Adding to msgFrame doesn't seem to work Enigmail.msg.messagePane.addEventListener( "unload", Enigmail.msg.messageFrameUnload.bind(Enigmail.msg), true ); EnigmailMsgRead.ensureExtraAddonHeaders(); gMessageListeners.push(Enigmail.msg.messageListener); Enigmail.msg.messageListener.onEndHeaders(); }, messageListener: { onStartHeaders() { Enigmail.hdrView.reset(); Enigmail.msg.mimeParts = null; /* if ("autocrypt" in gExpandedHeaderView) { delete gExpandedHeaderView.autocrypt; } */ if ("openpgp" in gExpandedHeaderView) { delete gExpandedHeaderView.openpgp; } }, onEndHeaders() {}, onEndAttachments() {}, }, /* viewSecurityInfo(event, displaySmimeMsg) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: viewSecurityInfo\n"); if (event && event.button !== 0) { return; } if (gSignatureStatus >= 0 || gEncryptionStatus >= 0) { showMessageReadSecurityInfo(); } else if (Enigmail.msg.securityInfo) { this.viewOpenpgpInfo(); } else { showMessageReadSecurityInfo(); } }, */ clearLastMessage() { EnigmailSingletons.clearLastDecryptedMessage(); }, messageReload(noShowReload) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageReload: " + noShowReload + "\n" ); this.clearLastMessage(); ReloadMessage(); }, messengerClose() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messengerClose()\n"); }, reloadCompleteMsg() { this.clearLastMessage(); ReloadMessage(); }, setAttachmentReveal(attachmentList) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: setAttachmentReveal\n"); var revealBox = document.getElementById("enigmailRevealAttachments"); if (revealBox) { // there are situations when evealBox is not yet present revealBox.setAttribute("hidden", !attachmentList ? "true" : "false"); } }, messageCleanup() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageCleanup\n"); for (let value of [ "decryptInlinePGReminder", "decryptInlinePG", "brokenExchangeProgress", "hasNestedEncryptedParts", "hasConflictingKeyOpenPGP", ]) { this.removeNotification(value); } Enigmail.msg.showPartialDecryptionReminder = false; let element = document.getElementById("openpgpKeyBox"); if (element) { element.hidden = true; } element = document.getElementById("signatureKeyBox"); if (element) { element.hidden = true; element.removeAttribute("keyid"); } this.setAttachmentReveal(null); Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage = null; Enigmail.msg.securityInfo = null; Enigmail.msg.allAttachmentsDone = false; Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptDone = false; let cryptoBox = document.getElementById("cryptoBox"); if (cryptoBox) { cryptoBox.removeAttribute("decryptDone"); } Enigmail.msg.toAndCCSet = null; Enigmail.msg.authorEmail = ""; Enigmail.msg.keyCollectCandidates = new Map(); EnigmailKeyRing.emailAddressesWithSecretKey = null; Enigmail.msg.attachedKeys = []; Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex = []; Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentTransactionID++; Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount = 0; Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed = 0; Enigmail.msg.unhideMissingSigKeyBoxIsTODO = false; Enigmail.msg.missingSigKey = null; Enigmail.msg.buggyMailType = null; }, messageFrameUnload() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageFrameUnload\n"); Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders = null; Enigmail.msg.messageCleanup(); }, getCurrentMsgUriSpec() { return gMessageURI || ""; }, getCurrentMsgUrl() { var uriSpec = this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(); return EnigmailMsgRead.getUrlFromUriSpec(uriSpec); }, updateOptionsDisplay() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: updateOptionsDisplay: \n"); var optList = ["autoDecrypt"]; for (let j = 0; j < optList.length; j++) { let menuElement = document.getElementById("enigmail_" + optList[j]); menuElement.setAttribute( "checked", Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.autoDecrypt") ? "true" : "false" ); menuElement = document.getElementById("enigmail_" + optList[j] + "2"); if (menuElement) { menuElement.setAttribute( "checked", Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.autoDecrypt") ? "true" : "false" ); } } optList = ["decryptverify"]; for (let j = 0; j < optList.length; j++) { let menuElement = document.getElementById("enigmail_" + optList[j]); if (Enigmail.msg.decryptButton && Enigmail.msg.decryptButton.disabled) { menuElement.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { menuElement.removeAttribute("disabled"); } menuElement = document.getElementById("enigmail_" + optList[j] + "2"); if (menuElement) { if (Enigmail.msg.decryptButton && Enigmail.msg.decryptButton.disabled) { menuElement.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { menuElement.removeAttribute("disabled"); } } } }, setMainMenuLabel() { let o = ["menu_Enigmail", "appmenu-Enigmail"]; let m0 = document.getElementById(o[0]); let m1 = document.getElementById(o[1]); m1.setAttribute("enigmaillabel", m0.getAttribute("enigmaillabel")); for (let menuId of o) { let menu = document.getElementById(menuId); if (menu) { let lbl = menu.getAttribute("enigmaillabel"); menu.setAttribute("label", lbl); } } }, displayMainMenu(menuPopup) { let obj = menuPopup.firstChild; while (obj) { if ( obj.getAttribute("enigmailtype") == "enigmail" || obj.getAttribute("advanced") == "true" ) { obj.removeAttribute("hidden"); } obj = obj.nextSibling; } EnigmailFuncs.collapseAdvanced( menuPopup, "hidden", Enigmail.msg.updateOptionsDisplay() ); }, /** * Determine if Autocrypt is enabled for the currently selected message */ /* isAutocryptEnabled() { try { let email = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail( gFolderDisplay.selectedMessage.recipients ).toLowerCase(); let identity = MailServices.accounts.allIdentities.find(id => id.email?.toLowerCase() == email ); if (identity) { let acct = EnigmailFuncs.getAccountForIdentity(identity); return acct.incomingServer.getBoolValue("enableAutocrypt"); } } catch (ex) {} return false; }, */ messageImport() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageImport:\n"); return this.messageParse( true, true, "", this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(), false ); }, /*** * check that handler for multipart/signed is set to Enigmail. * if handler is different, change it and reload message * * @return: - true if handler is OK * - false if handler was changed and message is reloaded */ checkPgpmimeHandler() { if ( EnigmailVerify.currentCtHandler !== EnigmailConstants.MIME_HANDLER_PGPMIME ) { EnigmailVerify.registerPGPMimeHandler(); this.messageReload(); return false; } return true; }, // callback function for automatic decryption async messageAutoDecrypt() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageAutoDecrypt:\n"); await Enigmail.msg.messageDecrypt(null, true); }, async notifyMessageDecryptDone() { Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptDone = true; await Enigmail.msg.processAfterAttachmentsAndDecrypt(); // Show the partial inline encryption reminder only if the decryption action // came from a partially inline encrypted message. if (Enigmail.msg.showPartialDecryptionReminder) { Enigmail.msg.showPartialDecryptionReminder = false; this.notificationBox.appendNotification( "decryptInlinePGReminder", { label: await document.l10n.formatValue( "openpgp-reminder-partial-display" ), priority: this.notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, }, null ); } }, // analyse message header and decrypt/verify message async messageDecrypt(event, isAuto) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageDecrypt: " + event + "\n" ); event = !!event; this.mimeParts = null; if (!isAuto) { EnigmailVerify.setManualUri(this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec()); } let contentType = "text/plain"; if ("content-type" in currentHeaderData) { contentType = currentHeaderData["content-type"].headerValue; } // don't parse message if we know it's a PGP/MIME message if ( contentType.search(/^multipart\/encrypted(;|$)/i) === 0 && contentType.search(/application\/pgp-encrypted/i) > 0 ) { this.movePEPsubject(); await this.messageDecryptCb(event, isAuto, null); await this.notifyMessageDecryptDone(); return; } else if ( contentType.search(/^multipart\/signed(;|$)/i) === 0 && contentType.search(/application\/pgp-signature/i) > 0 ) { this.movePEPsubject(); await this.messageDecryptCb(event, isAuto, null); await this.notifyMessageDecryptDone(); return; } let url = this.getCurrentMsgUrl(); if (!url) { await Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptCb(event, isAuto, null); await Enigmail.msg.notifyMessageDecryptDone(); return; } await new Promise(resolve => { EnigmailMime.getMimeTreeFromUrl( url.spec, false, async function (mimeMsg) { await Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptCb(event, isAuto, mimeMsg); await Enigmail.msg.notifyMessageDecryptDone(); resolve(); } ); }); }, /*** * walk through the (sub-) mime tree and determine PGP/MIME encrypted and signed message parts * * @param mimePart: parent object to walk through * @param resultObj: object containing two arrays. The resultObj must be pre-initialized by the caller * - encrypted * - signed */ enumerateMimeParts(mimePart, resultObj) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( 'enumerateMimeParts: partNum="' + mimePart.partNum + '"\n' ); EnigmailLog.DEBUG(" " + mimePart.fullContentType + "\n"); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( " " + mimePart.subParts.length + " subparts\n" ); try { var ct = mimePart.fullContentType; if (typeof ct == "string") { ct = ct.replace(/[\r\n]/g, " "); if (ct.search(/multipart\/signed.*application\/pgp-signature/i) >= 0) { resultObj.signed.push(mimePart.partNum); } else if (ct.search(/application\/pgp-encrypted/i) >= 0) { resultObj.encrypted.push(mimePart.partNum); } } } catch (ex) { // catch exception if no headers or no content-type defined. } var i; for (i in mimePart.subParts) { this.enumerateMimeParts(mimePart.subParts[i], resultObj); } }, async messageDecryptCb(event, isAuto, mimeMsg) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageDecryptCb:\n"); let enigmailSvc; let contentType = ""; try { if (!mimeMsg) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageDecryptCb: mimeMsg is null\n" ); try { contentType = currentHeaderData["content-type"].headerValue; } catch (ex) { contentType = "text/plain"; } mimeMsg = { partNum: "1", headers: { has() { return false; }, contentType: { type: contentType, mediatype: "", subtype: "", }, }, fullContentType: contentType, body: "", parent: null, subParts: [], }; } // Copy selected headers Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders = { autocrypt: [], }; for (let h in currentHeaderData) { if (h.search(/^autocrypt\d*$/) === 0) { Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders.autocrypt.push( currentHeaderData[h].headerValue ); } } if (!mimeMsg.fullContentType) { mimeMsg.fullContentType = "text/plain"; } Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["content-type"] = mimeMsg.fullContentType; this.mimeParts = mimeMsg; for (var index = 0; index < Enigmail.msg.headersList.length; index++) { var headerName = Enigmail.msg.headersList[index]; var headerValue = ""; if (mimeMsg.headers.has(headerName)) { let h = mimeMsg.headers.get(headerName); if (Array.isArray(h)) { headerValue = h.join(""); } else { headerValue = h; } } Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders[headerName] = headerValue; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: header " + headerName + ": '" + headerValue + "'\n" ); } var msgSigned = mimeMsg.fullContentType.search(/^multipart\/signed/i) === 0 && EnigmailMime.getProtocol(mimeMsg.fullContentType).search( /^application\/pgp-signature/i ) === 0; var msgEncrypted = mimeMsg.fullContentType.search(/^multipart\/encrypted/i) === 0 && EnigmailMime.getProtocol(mimeMsg.fullContentType).search( /^application\/pgp-encrypted/i ) === 0; var resultObj = { encrypted: [], signed: [], }; if (mimeMsg.subParts.length > 0) { this.enumerateMimeParts(mimeMsg, resultObj); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: embedded objects: " + resultObj.encrypted.join(", ") + " / " + resultObj.signed.join(", ") + "\n" ); msgSigned = msgSigned || resultObj.signed.length > 0; msgEncrypted = msgEncrypted || resultObj.encrypted.length > 0; /* if ( "autocrypt-setup-message" in Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders && Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["autocrypt-setup-message"].toLowerCase() === "v1" ) { if ( currentAttachments[0].contentType.search( /^application\/autocrypt-setup$/i ) === 0 ) { Enigmail.hdrView.displayAutoCryptSetupMsgHeader(); return; } } */ // HACK for Zimbra OpenPGP Zimlet // Zimbra illegally changes attachment content-type to application/pgp-encrypted which interfers with below // see https://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/bugs/600/ try { if ( mimeMsg.subParts.length > 1 && mimeMsg.headers.has("x-mailer") && mimeMsg.headers.get("x-mailer")[0].includes("ZimbraWebClient") && mimeMsg.subParts[0].fullContentType.includes("text/plain") && mimeMsg.fullContentType.includes("multipart/mixed") && mimeMsg.subParts[1].fullContentType.includes( "application/pgp-encrypted" ) ) { await this.messageParse( event, false, Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["content-transfer-encoding"], this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(), isAuto ); return; } } catch (ex) { console.debug(ex); } // HACK for MS-EXCHANGE-Server Problem: // check for possible bad mime structure due to buggy exchange server: // - multipart/mixed Container with // - application/pgp-encrypted Attachment with name "PGPMIME Versions Identification" // - application/octet-stream Attachment with name "encrypted.asc" having the encrypted content in base64 // - see: // - http://www.mozilla-enigmail.org/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=425 // - http://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/forum/support/thread/4add2b69/ // iPGMail produces a similar broken structure, see here: // - https://sourceforge.net/p/enigmail/forum/support/thread/afc9c246/#5de7 // Don't attempt to detect again, if we have already decided // it's a buggy exchange message (buggyMailType is already set). if ( !Enigmail.msg.buggyMailType && mimeMsg.subParts.length == 3 && mimeMsg.fullContentType.search(/multipart\/mixed/i) >= 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[0].fullContentType.search(/multipart\/encrypted/i) < 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[0].fullContentType.search( /(text\/(plain|html)|multipart\/alternative)/i ) >= 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[1].fullContentType.search( /application\/pgp-encrypted/i ) >= 0 ) { if ( mimeMsg.subParts[1].fullContentType.search( /multipart\/encrypted/i ) < 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[1].fullContentType.search( /PGP\/?MIME Versions? Identification/i ) >= 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[2].fullContentType.search( /application\/octet-stream/i ) >= 0 && mimeMsg.subParts[2].fullContentType.search(/encrypted.asc/i) >= 0 ) { this.buggyMailType = "exchange"; } else { this.buggyMailType = "iPGMail"; } // signal that the structure matches to save the content later on EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay: messageDecryptCb: enabling MS-Exchange hack\n" ); await this.buggyMailHeader(); return; } } var contentEncoding = ""; var msgUriSpec = this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(); if (Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders) { contentType = Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["content-type"]; contentEncoding = Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["content-transfer-encoding"]; } let smime = contentType.search( /multipart\/signed; protocol="application\/pkcs7-signature/i ) >= 0; if (!smime && (msgSigned || msgEncrypted)) { // PGP/MIME messages enigmailSvc = Enigmail.getEnigmailSvc(); if (!enigmailSvc) { return; } if (!Enigmail.msg.checkPgpmimeHandler()) { return; } if (isAuto && !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.autoDecrypt")) { if (EnigmailVerify.getManualUri() != this.getCurrentMsgUriSpec()) { // decryption set to manual Enigmail.hdrView.updatePgpStatus( EnigmailConstants.POSSIBLE_PGPMIME, 0, // exitCode, statusFlags 0, "", "", // keyId, userId "", // sigDetails await l10n.formatValue("possibly-pgp-mime"), // infoMsg null, // blockSeparation null, // encToDetails null ); // xtraStatus } } else if (!isAuto) { Enigmail.msg.messageReload(false); } return; } // inline-PGP messages if (!isAuto || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.autoDecrypt")) { await this.messageParse( event, false, contentEncoding, msgUriSpec, isAuto ); } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.writeException( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageDecryptCb", ex ); } }, /** * Display header about reparing buggy MS-Exchange messages. */ async buggyMailHeader() { let uri = this.getCurrentMsgUrl(); Enigmail.hdrView.headerPane.updateSecurityStatus( "", 0, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", "", uri, "", "1" ); // Warn that we can't fix a message that was opened from a local file. if (!gFolder) { Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.appendNotification( "brokenExchange", { label: await document.l10n.formatValue( "openpgp-broken-exchange-opened" ), priority: Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM, }, null ); return; } let buttons = [ { "l10n-id": "openpgp-broken-exchange-repair", popup: null, callback(notification, button) { Enigmail.msg.fixBuggyExchangeMail(); return false; // Close notification. }, }, ]; Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.appendNotification( "brokenExchange", { label: await document.l10n.formatValue("openpgp-broken-exchange-info"), priority: Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM, }, buttons ); }, getFirstPGPMessageType(msgText) { let indexEncrypted = msgText.indexOf("-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"); let indexSigned = msgText.indexOf("-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE-----"); if (indexEncrypted >= 0) { if ( indexSigned == -1 || (indexSigned >= 0 && indexEncrypted < indexSigned) ) { return "encrypted"; } } if (indexSigned >= 0) { return "signed"; } return ""; }, trimIfEncrypted(msgText) { // If it's an encrypted message, we want to trim (at least) the // separator line between the header and the content. // However, trimming all lines should be safe. if (Enigmail.msg.getFirstPGPMessageType(msgText) == "encrypted") { // \xA0 is non-breaking-space msgText = msgText.replace(/^[ \t\xA0]+/gm, ""); } return msgText; }, async messageParse( interactive, importOnly, contentEncoding, msgUriSpec, isAuto, pbMessageIndex = "0" ) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParse: " + interactive + "\n" ); var bodyElement = this.getBodyElement(pbMessageIndex); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: bodyElement=" + bodyElement + "\n" ); if (!bodyElement) { return; } let topElement = bodyElement; var findStr = /* interactive ? null : */ "-----BEGIN PGP"; var msgText = null; var foundIndex = -1; let bodyElementFound = false; let hasHeadOrTailNode = false; if (bodyElement.firstChild) { let node = bodyElement.firstChild; while (node) { if ( node.firstChild && node.firstChild.nodeName.toUpperCase() == "LEGEND" && node.firstChild.className == "moz-mime-attachment-header-name" ) { // we reached the area where inline attachments are displayed // --> don't try to decrypt displayed inline attachments break; } if (node.nodeName === "DIV") { if (bodyElementFound) { hasHeadOrTailNode = true; break; } foundIndex = node.textContent.indexOf(findStr); if (foundIndex < 0) { hasHeadOrTailNode = true; node = node.nextSibling; continue; } if (foundIndex >= 0) { if ( node.textContent.indexOf(findStr + " LICENSE AUTHORIZATION") == foundIndex ) { foundIndex = -1; node = node.nextSibling; continue; } } if (foundIndex === 0) { bodyElement = node; bodyElementFound = true; } else if ( foundIndex > 0 && node.textContent.substr(foundIndex - 1, 1).search(/[\r\n]/) === 0 ) { bodyElement = node; bodyElementFound = true; } } node = node.nextSibling; } } if (foundIndex >= 0 && !this.hasInlineQuote(topElement)) { let beginIndex = {}; let endIndex = {}; let indentStr = {}; if ( Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders["content-type"].search(/^text\/html/i) === 0 ) { let p = Cc["@mozilla.org/parserutils;1"].createInstance( Ci.nsIParserUtils ); const de = Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder; msgText = p.convertToPlainText( topElement.innerHTML, de.OutputRaw | de.OutputBodyOnly, 0 ); } else { msgText = bodyElement.textContent; } if (!isAuto) { let blockType = EnigmailArmor.locateArmoredBlock( msgText, 0, "", beginIndex, endIndex, indentStr ); if (!blockType) { msgText = ""; } else { msgText = msgText.substring(beginIndex.value, endIndex.value + 1); } } msgText = this.trimIfEncrypted(msgText); } if (!msgText) { // No PGP content return; } let charset = currentCharacterSet ?? ""; if (charset != "UTF-8") { // Encode ciphertext to charset from unicode msgText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(msgText, charset); } if (isAuto) { let ht = hasHeadOrTailNode || this.hasHeadOrTailBesidesInlinePGP(msgText); if (ht) { let infoId; let buttonId; if ( ht & EnigmailConstants.UNCERTAIN_SIGNATURE || Enigmail.msg.getFirstPGPMessageType(msgText) == "signed" ) { infoId = "openpgp-partially-signed"; buttonId = "openpgp-partial-verify-button"; } else { infoId = "openpgp-partially-encrypted"; buttonId = "openpgp-partial-decrypt-button"; } let [description, buttonLabel] = await document.l10n.formatValues([ { id: infoId }, { id: buttonId }, ]); let buttons = [ { label: buttonLabel, popup: null, callback(aNotification, aButton) { Enigmail.msg.processOpenPGPSubset(); return false; // Close notification. }, }, ]; this.notificationBox.appendNotification( "decryptInlinePG", { label: description, priority: this.notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, }, buttons ); return; } } var mozPlainText = bodyElement.innerHTML.search(/class="moz-text-plain"/); if (mozPlainText >= 0 && mozPlainText < 40) { // workaround for too much expanded emoticons in plaintext msg var r = new RegExp( /( )(;-\)|:-\)|;\)|:\)|:-\(|:\(|:-\\|:-P|:-D|:-\[|:-\*|>:o|8-\)|:-\$|:-X|=-O|:-!|O:-\)|:'\()( )/g ); if (msgText.search(r) >= 0) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParse: performing emoticons fixing\n" ); msgText = msgText.replace(r, "$2"); } } // ignoring text following armored block //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: msgText='"+msgText+"'\n"); var mailNewsUrl = EnigmailMsgRead.getUrlFromUriSpec(msgUriSpec); var urlSpec = mailNewsUrl ? mailNewsUrl.spec : ""; let retry = 1; await Enigmail.msg.messageParseCallback( msgText, EnigmailDecryption.getMsgDate(window), contentEncoding, charset, interactive, importOnly, urlSpec, "", retry, "", // head "", // tail msgUriSpec, isAuto, pbMessageIndex ); }, hasInlineQuote(node) { if (node.innerHTML.search(/ 0) { let pgpMsg = msgText.match(/(-----BEGIN PGP (SIGNED )?MESSAGE-----)/m)[0]; if (pgpMsg.search(/SIGNED/) > 0) { crypto = EnigmailConstants.UNCERTAIN_SIGNATURE; } else { crypto = EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_FAILED; } let startSection = msgText.substr(0, startIndex - 1); hasHead = startSection.search(/\S/) >= 0; } if (endIndex > startIndex) { let nextLine = msgText.substring(endIndex).search(/[\n\r]/); if (nextLine > 0) { hasTail = msgText.substring(endIndex + nextLine).search(/\S/) >= 0; } } if (hasHead || hasTail) { return EnigmailConstants.PARTIALLY_PGP | crypto; } return 0; }, async processOpenPGPSubset() { Enigmail.msg.showPartialDecryptionReminder = true; await this.messageDecrypt(null, false); }, getBodyElement() { let msgFrame = document.getElementById("messagepane"); if (!msgFrame || !msgFrame.contentDocument) { return null; } return msgFrame.contentDocument.getElementsByTagName("body")[0]; }, async messageParseCallback( msgText, msgDate, contentEncoding, charset, interactive, importOnly, messageUrl, signature, retry, head, tail, msgUriSpec, isAuto, pbMessageIndex ) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParseCallback: " + interactive + ", " + interactive + ", importOnly=" + importOnly + ", charset=" + charset + ", msgUrl=" + messageUrl + ", retry=" + retry + ", signature='" + signature + "'\n" ); if (!msgText) { return; } var enigmailSvc = Enigmail.getEnigmailSvc(); if (!enigmailSvc) { return; } var plainText; var exitCode; var newSignature = ""; var statusFlags = 0; var extStatusFlags = 0; var errorMsgObj = { value: "", }; var keyIdObj = {}; var userIdObj = {}; var sigDetailsObj = {}; var encToDetailsObj = {}; var blockSeparationObj = { value: "", }; if (importOnly) { // Import public key await this.importKeyFromMsgBody(msgText); return; } let armorHeaders = EnigmailArmor.getArmorHeaders(msgText); if ("charset" in armorHeaders) { charset = armorHeaders.charset; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParseCallback: OVERRIDING charset=" + charset + "\n" ); } var exitCodeObj = {}; var statusFlagsObj = {}; var signatureObj = {}; signatureObj.value = signature; var uiFlags = interactive ? EnigmailConstants.UI_INTERACTIVE | // EnigmailConstants.UI_ALLOW_KEY_IMPORT | EnigmailConstants.UI_UNVERIFIED_ENC_OK : 0; plainText = EnigmailDecryption.decryptMessage( window, uiFlags, msgText, msgDate, signatureObj, exitCodeObj, statusFlagsObj, keyIdObj, userIdObj, sigDetailsObj, errorMsgObj, blockSeparationObj, encToDetailsObj ); //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParseCallback: plainText='"+plainText+"'\n"); exitCode = exitCodeObj.value; newSignature = signatureObj.value; if (plainText === "" && exitCode === 0) { plainText = " "; } statusFlags = statusFlagsObj.value; extStatusFlags = statusFlagsObj.ext; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: messageParseCallback: newSignature='" + newSignature + "'\n" ); var errorMsg = errorMsgObj.value; if (importOnly) { if (interactive && errorMsg) { EnigmailDialog.alert(window, errorMsg); } return; } var displayedUriSpec = Enigmail.msg.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(); if (!msgUriSpec || displayedUriSpec == msgUriSpec) { if (exitCode && !statusFlags) { // Failure, but we don't know why it failed. // Peek inside msgText, and check what kind of content it is, // so we can show a minimal error. let msgType = Enigmail.msg.getFirstPGPMessageType(msgText); if (msgType == "encrypted") { statusFlags = EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_FAILED; } else if (msgType == "signed") { statusFlags = EnigmailConstants.BAD_SIGNATURE; } } Enigmail.hdrView.updatePgpStatus( exitCode, statusFlags, extStatusFlags, keyIdObj.value, userIdObj.value, sigDetailsObj.value, errorMsg, null, // blockSeparation encToDetailsObj.value, null ); // xtraStatus } var noSecondTry = EnigmailConstants.GOOD_SIGNATURE | EnigmailConstants.EXPIRED_SIGNATURE | EnigmailConstants.EXPIRED_KEY_SIGNATURE | EnigmailConstants.EXPIRED_KEY | EnigmailConstants.REVOKED_KEY | EnigmailConstants.NO_PUBKEY | EnigmailConstants.NO_SECKEY | EnigmailConstants.IMPORTED_KEY | EnigmailConstants.MISSING_PASSPHRASE | EnigmailConstants.BAD_PASSPHRASE | EnigmailConstants.UNKNOWN_ALGO | EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY | EnigmailConstants.OVERFLOWED; if (exitCode !== 0 && !(statusFlags & noSecondTry)) { // Bad signature/armor if (retry == 1) { msgText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(msgText, "UTF-8"); await Enigmail.msg.messageParseCallback( msgText, msgDate, contentEncoding, charset, interactive, importOnly, messageUrl, signature, retry + 1, head, tail, msgUriSpec, isAuto, pbMessageIndex ); return; } else if (retry == 2) { // Try to verify signature by accessing raw message text directly // (avoid recursion by setting retry parameter to false on callback) newSignature = ""; await Enigmail.msg.msgDirectDecrypt( interactive, importOnly, contentEncoding, charset, newSignature, 0, head, tail, msgUriSpec, msgDate, Enigmail.msg.messageParseCallback, isAuto ); return; } else if (retry == 3) { msgText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(msgText, "UTF-8"); await Enigmail.msg.messageParseCallback( msgText, msgDate, contentEncoding, charset, interactive, importOnly, messageUrl, null, retry + 1, head, tail, msgUriSpec, isAuto, pbMessageIndex ); return; } } if (!plainText) { // Show the subset that we cannot process, together with status. plainText = msgText; } if (retry >= 2) { plainText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode( EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(plainText, "UTF-8"), charset ); } // TODO: what is blockSeparation ? How to emulate with RNP? /* if (blockSeparationObj.value.includes(" ")) { var blocks = blockSeparationObj.value.split(/ /); var blockInfo = blocks[0].split(/:/); plainText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode( "*Parts of the message have NOT been signed nor encrypted*", charset ) + "\n\n" + plainText.substr(0, blockInfo[1]) + "\n\n" + "*Multiple message blocks found -- decryption/verification aborted*"; } */ // Save decrypted message status, headers, and content var headerList = { subject: "", from: "", date: "", to: "", cc: "", }; var index, headerName; if (!gViewAllHeaders) { for (index = 0; index < headerList.length; index++) { headerList[index] = ""; } } else { for (index = 0; index < gExpandedHeaderList.length; index++) { headerList[gExpandedHeaderList[index].name] = ""; } for (headerName in currentHeaderData) { headerList[headerName] = ""; } } for (headerName in headerList) { if (currentHeaderData[headerName]) { headerList[headerName] = currentHeaderData[headerName].headerValue; } } // WORKAROUND if (headerList.cc == headerList.to) { headerList.cc = ""; } var hasAttachments = currentAttachments && currentAttachments.length; var attachmentsEncrypted = true; for (index in currentAttachments) { if (!Enigmail.msg.checkEncryptedAttach(currentAttachments[index])) { if ( !EnigmailMsgRead.checkSignedAttachment( currentAttachments, index, currentAttachments ) ) { attachmentsEncrypted = false; } } } Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage = { url: messageUrl, uri: msgUriSpec, headerList, hasAttachments, attachmentsEncrypted, charset, plainText, }; // don't display decrypted message if message selection has changed displayedUriSpec = Enigmail.msg.getCurrentMsgUriSpec(); if (msgUriSpec && displayedUriSpec && displayedUriSpec != msgUriSpec) { return; } // Create and load one-time message URI var messageContent = Enigmail.msg.getDecryptedMessage( "message/rfc822", false ); var node; var bodyElement = Enigmail.msg.getBodyElement(pbMessageIndex); if (bodyElement.firstChild) { node = bodyElement.firstChild; let divFound = false; while (node) { if (node.nodeName == "DIV") { if (divFound) { node.innerHTML = ""; } else { // for safety reasons, we replace the complete visible message with // the decrypted or signed part (bug 983) divFound = true; node.innerHTML = EnigmailFuncs.formatPlaintextMsg( EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(messageContent, charset) ); Enigmail.msg.movePEPsubject(); } } node = node.nextSibling; } if (divFound) { return; } let preFound = false; // if no
node is found, try with
 (bug 24762)
      node = bodyElement.firstChild;
      while (node) {
        if (node.nodeName == "PRE") {
          if (preFound) {
            node.innerHTML = "";
          } else {
            preFound = true;
            node.innerHTML = EnigmailFuncs.formatPlaintextMsg(
              EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(messageContent, charset)
        node = node.nextSibling;

      if (preFound) {

      "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: no node found to replace message display\n"

  importAttachedSenderKey() {
    for (let info of Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex) {
        ["0x" + info.keyInfo.fpr]

  async searchSignatureKey() {
    let keyId = document
    if (!keyId) {
      return false;
    return KeyLookupHelper.lookupAndImportByKeyID(

  notifySigKeyMissing(keyId) {
    Enigmail.msg.missingSigKey = keyId;
    if (
      Enigmail.msg.allAttachmentsDone &&
      Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptDone &&
      Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed ==
    ) {
    } else {
      Enigmail.msg.unhideMissingSigKeyBoxIsTODO = true;

  unhideMissingSigKeyBox() {
    let sigKeyIsAttached = false;
    for (let info of Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex) {
      if (info.keyInfo.keyId == Enigmail.msg.missingSigKey) {
        sigKeyIsAttached = true;
    if (!sigKeyIsAttached) {
      let b = document.getElementById("signatureKeyBox");
      b.setAttribute("keyid", Enigmail.msg.missingSigKey);

  async importKeyFromMsgBody(msgData) {
    let beginIndexObj = {};
    let endIndexObj = {};
    let indentStrObj = {};
    let blockType = EnigmailArmor.locateArmoredBlock(
    if (!blockType || blockType !== "PUBLIC KEY BLOCK") {

    let keyData = msgData.substring(beginIndexObj.value, endIndexObj.value);

    let errorMsgObj = {};
    let preview = await EnigmailKey.getKeyListFromKeyBlock(
    if (preview && errorMsgObj.value === "") {
    } else {
      document.l10n.formatValue("preview-failed").then(value => {
        EnigmailDialog.alert(window, value + "\n" + errorMsgObj.value);

   * Extract the subject from the 1st content line and move it to the subject line
  movePEPsubject() {
    EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: movePEPsubject:\n");

    let bodyElement = this.getBodyElement();
    if (
      bodyElement.textContent.search(/^\r?\n?Subject: [^\r\n]+\r?\n\r?\n/i) ===
        0 &&
      "subject" in currentHeaderData &&
      currentHeaderData.subject.headerValue === "pEp"
    ) {
      let m = EnigmailMime.extractSubjectFromBody(bodyElement.textContent);
      if (m) {
        let node = bodyElement.firstChild;
        let found = false;

        while (!found && node) {
          if (node.nodeName == "DIV") {
            node.innerHTML = EnigmailFuncs.formatPlaintextMsg(m.messageBody);
            found = true;
          node = node.nextSibling;

        // if no 
node is found, try with
 (bug 24762)
        node = bodyElement.firstChild;
        while (!found && node) {
          if (node.nodeName == "PRE") {
            node.innerHTML = EnigmailFuncs.formatPlaintextMsg(m.messageBody);
            found = true;
          node = node.nextSibling;


   * Fix broken PGP/MIME messages from MS-Exchange by replacing the broken original
   * message with a fixed copy.
   * no return
  async fixBuggyExchangeMail() {
    EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: fixBuggyExchangeMail:\n");

        label: await document.l10n.formatValue("openpgp-broken-exchange-wait"),
        priority: this.notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH,

    let msg = gMessage;
    EnigmailFixExchangeMsg.fixExchangeMessage(msg, this.buggyMailType)
      .then(msgKey => {
        // Display the new message which now has the key msgKey.
          "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: fixBuggyExchangeMail: _success: msgKey=" +
            msgKey +
        // TODO: scope is about:message, and this doesn't work
        // parent.gDBView.selectMsgByKey(msgKey);
        // ReloadMessage();
      .catch(async function (ex) {
          await l10n.formatValue("fix-broken-exchange-msg-failed")

    // Remove the brokenExchangeProgress notification at the end of the process.

   * Hide attachments containing OpenPGP keys
  hidePgpKeys() {
    let keys = [];
    for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length; i++) {
      if (
        currentAttachments[i].contentType.search(/^application\/pgp-keys/i) ===
      ) {

    if (keys.length > 0) {
      let attachmentList = document.getElementById("attachmentList");

      for (let i = keys.length; i > 0; i--) {
        currentAttachments.splice(keys[i - 1], 1);

      if (attachmentList) {
        // delete all keys from attachment list
        while (attachmentList.firstChild) {

        // build new attachment list

        /* global gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg: true */
        let orig = gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg;
        gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg = false;
        gBuildAttachmentsForCurrentMsg = orig;

  // check if the attachment could be encrypted
  checkEncryptedAttach(attachment) {
    return (
      ) ||
      (attachment.contentType.match(/^application\/pgp(-.*)?$/i) &&
        attachment.contentType.search(/^application\/pgp-signature/i) < 0)

  getDecryptedMessage(contentType, includeHeaders) {
      "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: getDecryptedMessage: " +
        contentType +
        ", " +
        includeHeaders +

    if (!Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage) {
      return "No decrypted message found!\n";

    var enigmailSvc = Enigmail.getEnigmailSvc();
    if (!enigmailSvc) {
      return "";

    var headerList = Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.headerList;
    var statusLine = Enigmail.msg.securityInfo
      ? Enigmail.msg.securityInfo.statusLine
      : "";
    var contentData = "";
    var headerName;

    if (contentType == "message/rfc822") {
      // message/rfc822

      if (includeHeaders) {
        try {
          var msg = gMessage;
          if (msg) {
            let msgHdr = {
              From: msg.author,
              Subject: msg.subject,
              To: msg.recipients,
              Cc: msg.ccList,
              Date: new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, {
                dateStyle: "short",
                timeStyle: "short",
              }).format(new Date(msg.dateInSeconds * 1000)),

            if (
              msg?.folder?.flags & Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Newsgroup &&
            ) {
              msgHdr.Newsgroups = currentHeaderData.newsgroups.headerValue;

            for (let headerName in msgHdr) {
              if (msgHdr[headerName] && msgHdr[headerName].length > 0) {
                contentData += headerName + ": " + msgHdr[headerName] + "\r\n";
        } catch (ex) {
          // the above seems to fail every now and then
          // so, here is the fallback
          for (let headerName in headerList) {
            let headerValue = headerList[headerName];
            contentData += headerName + ": " + headerValue + "\r\n";

        contentData += "Content-Type: text/plain";

        if (Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.charset) {
          contentData += "; charset=" + Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.charset;

        contentData += "\r\n";

      contentData += "\r\n";

      if (
        Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.hasAttachments &&
      ) {
        contentData += EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(
          l10n.formatValueSync("enig-content-note") + "\r\n\r\n",

      contentData += Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.plainText;
    } else {
      // text/html or text/plain

      if (contentType == "text/html") {
        contentData +=
        contentData += "\r\n";

      if (statusLine) {
        if (contentType == "text/html") {
          contentData +=
            EnigmailMsgRead.escapeTextForHTML(statusLine, false) +
\r\n"; } else { contentData += statusLine + "\r\n\r\n"; } } if (includeHeaders) { for (headerName in headerList) { let headerValue = headerList[headerName]; if (headerValue) { if (contentType == "text/html") { contentData += "" + EnigmailMsgRead.escapeTextForHTML(headerName, false) + ": " + EnigmailMsgRead.escapeTextForHTML(headerValue, false) + "
\r\n"; } else { contentData += headerName + ": " + headerValue + "\r\n"; } } } } if (contentType == "text/html") { contentData += "
" +
          ) +
\r\n"; contentData += "\r\n"; } else { contentData += "\r\n" + Enigmail.msg.decryptedMessage.plainText; } if (AppConstants.platform != "win") { contentData = contentData.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); } } return contentData; }, async msgDirectDecrypt( interactive, importOnly, contentEncoding, charset, signature, bufferSize, head, tail, msgUriSpec, msgDate, callbackFunction, isAuto ) { EnigmailLog.WRITE( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: msgDirectDecrypt: contentEncoding=" + contentEncoding + ", signature=" + signature + "\n" ); let mailNewsUrl = this.getCurrentMsgUrl(); if (!mailNewsUrl) { return; } let PromiseStreamListener = function () { this._promise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this._resolve = resolve; this._reject = reject; }); this._data = null; this._stream = null; }; PromiseStreamListener.prototype = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIStreamListener"]), onStartRequest(request) { this.data = ""; this.inStream = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/scriptableinputstream;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableInputStream); }, onStopRequest(request, statusCode) { if (statusCode != Cr.NS_OK) { this._reject(`Streaming failed: ${statusCode}`); return; } let start = this.data.indexOf("-----BEGIN PGP"); let end = this.data.indexOf("-----END PGP"); if (start >= 0 && end > start) { let tStr = this.data.substr(end); let n = tStr.indexOf("\n"); let r = tStr.indexOf("\r"); let lEnd = -1; if (n >= 0 && r >= 0) { lEnd = Math.min(r, n); } else if (r >= 0) { lEnd = r; } else if (n >= 0) { lEnd = n; } if (lEnd >= 0) { end += lEnd; } let data = Enigmail.msg.trimIfEncrypted( this.data.substring(start, end + 1) ); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: data: >" + data.substr(0, 100) + "<\n" ); let currentMsgURL = Enigmail.msg.getCurrentMsgUrl(); let urlSpec = currentMsgURL ? currentMsgURL.spec : ""; let l = urlSpec.length; if (urlSpec.substr(0, l) != mailNewsUrl.spec.substr(0, l)) { EnigmailLog.ERROR( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: Message URL mismatch " + currentMsgURL + " vs. " + urlSpec + "\n" ); this._reject(`Msg url mismatch: ${currentMsgURL} vs ${urlSpec}`); return; } Enigmail.msg .messageParseCallback( data, msgDate, contentEncoding, charset, interactive, importOnly, mailNewsUrl.spec, signature, 3, head, tail, msgUriSpec, isAuto ) .then(() => this._resolve(this.data)); } }, onDataAvailable(request, stream, off, count) { this.inStream.init(stream); this.data += this.inStream.read(count); }, get promise() { return this._promise; }, }; let streamListener = new PromiseStreamListener(); let msgSvc = MailServices.messageServiceFromURI(msgUriSpec); msgSvc.streamMessage( msgUriSpec, streamListener, top.msgWindow, null, false, null, false ); await streamListener; }, revealAttachments(index) { if (!index) { index = 0; } if (index < currentAttachments.length) { this.handleAttachment( "revealName/" + index.toString(), currentAttachments[index] ); } }, /** * Set up some event handlers for the attachment items in #attachmentList. */ handleAttachmentEvent() { let attList = document.getElementById("attachmentList"); for (let att of attList.itemChildren) { att.addEventListener("click", this.attachmentItemClick.bind(this), true); } }, // handle a selected attachment (decrypt & open or save) handleAttachmentSel(actionType) { let contextMenu = document.getElementById("attachmentItemContext"); let anAttachment = contextMenu.attachments[0]; switch (actionType) { case "saveAttachment": case "openAttachment": case "importKey": case "revealName": this.handleAttachment(actionType, anAttachment); break; case "verifySig": this.verifyDetachedSignature(anAttachment); break; } }, /** * save the original file plus the signature file to disk and then verify the signature */ async verifyDetachedSignature(anAttachment) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: verifyDetachedSignature: url=" + anAttachment.url + "\n" ); var enigmailSvc = Enigmail.getEnigmailSvc(); if (!enigmailSvc) { return; } var origAtt, signatureAtt; var isEncrypted = false; if ( EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(anAttachment).search(/\.sig$/i) > 0 || anAttachment.contentType.search(/^application\/pgp-signature/i) === 0 ) { // we have the .sig file; need to know the original file; signatureAtt = anAttachment; var origName = EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(anAttachment).replace( /\.sig$/i, "" ); for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length; i++) { if ( origName == EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(currentAttachments[i]) ) { origAtt = currentAttachments[i]; break; } } if (!origAtt) { for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length; i++) { if ( origName == EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(currentAttachments[i]).replace( /\.pgp$/i, "" ) ) { isEncrypted = true; origAtt = currentAttachments[i]; break; } } } } else { // we have a supposedly original file; need to know the .sig file; origAtt = anAttachment; var attachName = EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(anAttachment); var sigName = attachName + ".sig"; for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length; i++) { if ( sigName == EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(currentAttachments[i]) ) { signatureAtt = currentAttachments[i]; break; } } if (!signatureAtt && attachName.search(/\.pgp$/i) > 0) { sigName = attachName.replace(/\.pgp$/i, ".sig"); for (let i = 0; i < currentAttachments.length; i++) { if ( sigName == EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(currentAttachments[i]) ) { isEncrypted = true; signatureAtt = currentAttachments[i]; break; } } } } if (!signatureAtt) { EnigmailDialog.alert( window, l10n.formatValueSync("attachment-no-match-to-signature", { attachment: EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(origAtt), }) ); return; } if (!origAtt) { EnigmailDialog.alert( window, l10n.formatValueSync("attachment-no-match-from-signature", { attachment: EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(signatureAtt), }) ); return; } // open var outFile1 = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); outFile1.append(EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(origAtt)); outFile1.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600); let response = await fetch(origAtt.url); if (!response.ok) { throw new Error(`Bad response for url=${origAtt.url}`); } await IOUtils.writeUTF8(outFile1.path, await response.text()); if (isEncrypted) { // Try to decrypt message if we suspect the message is encrypted. // If it fails we will just verify the encrypted data. let readBinaryFile = async () => { let data = await IOUtils.read(outFile1.path); return MailStringUtils.uint8ArrayToByteString(data); }; await EnigmailDecryption.decryptAttachment( window, outFile1, EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(origAtt), readBinaryFile, {}, {}, {} ); } var outFile2 = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); outFile2.append(EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(signatureAtt)); outFile2.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600); let response2 = await fetch(signatureAtt.url); if (!response2.ok) { throw new Error(`Bad response for url=${signatureAtt.url}`); } await IOUtils.writeUTF8(outFile2.path, await response2.text()); let cApi = EnigmailCryptoAPI(); let promise = cApi.verifyAttachment(outFile1.path, outFile2.path); promise.then(async function (message) { EnigmailDialog.info( window, l10n.formatValueSync("signature-verified-ok", { attachment: EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(origAtt), }) + "\n\n" + message ); }); promise.catch(async function (err) { EnigmailDialog.alert( window, l10n.formatValueSync("signature-verify-failed", { attachment: EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(origAtt), }) + "\n\n" + err ); }); outFile1.remove(false); outFile2.remove(false); }, handleAttachment(actionType, attachment) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: handleAttachment: actionType=" + actionType + ", attachment(url)=" + attachment.url + "\n" ); let bufferListener = EnigmailStreams.newStringStreamListener(async data => { Enigmail.msg.decryptAttachmentCallback([ { actionType, attachment, forceBrowser: false, data, }, ]); }); let msgUri = Services.io.newURI(attachment.url); let channel = EnigmailStreams.createChannel(msgUri); channel.asyncOpen(bufferListener, msgUri); }, setAttachmentName(attachment, newLabel, index) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: setAttachmentName (" + newLabel + "):\n" ); var attList = document.getElementById("attachmentList"); if (attList) { var attNode = attList.firstChild; while (attNode) { if (attNode.getAttribute("name") == attachment.name) { attNode.setAttribute("name", newLabel); } attNode = attNode.nextSibling; } } if (typeof attachment.displayName == "undefined") { attachment.name = newLabel; } else { attachment.displayName = newLabel; } if (index && index.length > 0) { this.revealAttachments(parseInt(index, 10) + 1); } }, async decryptAttachmentCallback(cbArray) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: decryptAttachmentCallback:\n" ); var callbackArg = cbArray[0]; var exitCodeObj = {}; var statusFlagsObj = {}; var errorMsgObj = {}; var exitStatus = -1; var outFile; var origFilename; var rawFileName = EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName( callbackArg.attachment ).replace(/\.(asc|pgp|gpg)$/i, ""); // TODO: We don't have code yet to extract the original filename // from an encrypted data block. /* if (callbackArg.actionType != "importKey") { let cApi = EnigmailCryptoAPI(); let origFilename = await cApi.getFileName(window, callbackArg.data); if (origFilename && origFilename.length > rawFileName.length) { rawFileName = origFilename; } } */ if (callbackArg.actionType == "saveAttachment") { outFile = EnigmailDialog.filePicker( window, l10n.formatValueSync("save-attachment-header"), Enigmail.msg.lastSaveDir, true, false, "", rawFileName, null ); if (!outFile) { return; } } else if (callbackArg.actionType.substr(0, 10) == "revealName") { if (origFilename && origFilename.length > 0) { Enigmail.msg.setAttachmentName( callbackArg.attachment, origFilename + ".pgp", callbackArg.actionType.substr(11, 10) ); } Enigmail.msg.setAttachmentReveal(null); return; } else { // open outFile = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); outFile.append(rawFileName); outFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600); } if (callbackArg.actionType == "importKey") { var preview = await EnigmailKey.getKeyListFromKeyBlock( callbackArg.data, errorMsgObj, true, true, false ); if (errorMsgObj.value !== "" || !preview || preview.length === 0) { // try decrypting the attachment exitStatus = await EnigmailDecryption.decryptAttachment( window, outFile, EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(callbackArg.attachment), callbackArg.data, exitCodeObj, statusFlagsObj, errorMsgObj ); if (exitStatus && exitCodeObj.value === 0) { // success decrypting, let's try again callbackArg.data = String.fromCharCode( ...(await IOUtils.read(outFile.path)) ); preview = await EnigmailKey.getKeyListFromKeyBlock( callbackArg.data, errorMsgObj, true, true, false ); } } if (preview && errorMsgObj.value === "") { EnigmailKeyRing.importKeyDataWithConfirmation( window, preview, callbackArg.data, false ); } else { document.l10n.formatValue("preview-failed").then(value => { EnigmailDialog.alert(window, value + "\n" + errorMsgObj.value); }); } outFile.remove(true); return; } exitStatus = await EnigmailDecryption.decryptAttachment( window, outFile, EnigmailMsgRead.getAttachmentName(callbackArg.attachment), callbackArg.data, exitCodeObj, statusFlagsObj, errorMsgObj ); if (!exitStatus || exitCodeObj.value !== 0) { exitStatus = false; if ( statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY && statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.UNCERTAIN_SIGNATURE ) { if (callbackArg.actionType == "openAttachment") { let [title, button] = await document.l10n.formatValues([ { id: "decrypt-ok-no-sig" }, { id: "msg-ovl-button-cont-anyway" }, ]); exitStatus = EnigmailDialog.confirmDlg(window, title, button); } else { EnigmailDialog.info( window, await document.l10n.formatValue("decrypt-ok-no-sig") ); } } else { let msg = await document.l10n.formatValue("failed-decrypt"); if (errorMsgObj.errorMsg) { msg += "\n\n" + errorMsgObj.errorMsg; } EnigmailDialog.info(window, msg); exitStatus = false; } } if (exitStatus) { if (statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.IMPORTED_KEY) { if (exitCodeObj.keyList) { let importKeyList = exitCodeObj.keyList.map(function (a) { return a.id; }); EnigmailDialog.keyImportDlg(window, importKeyList); } } else if (statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.DISPLAY_MESSAGE) { HandleSelectedAttachments("open"); } else if ( statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.DISPLAY_MESSAGE || callbackArg.actionType == "openAttachment" ) { var ioServ = Services.io; var outFileUri = ioServ.newFileURI(outFile); var fileExt = outFile.leafName.replace(/(.*\.)(\w+)$/, "$2"); if (fileExt && !callbackArg.forceBrowser) { var extAppLauncher = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-helper-app-service;1" ].getService(Ci.nsPIExternalAppLauncher); extAppLauncher.deleteTemporaryFileOnExit(outFile); try { var mimeService = Cc["@mozilla.org/mime;1"].getService( Ci.nsIMIMEService ); var fileMimeType = mimeService.getTypeFromFile(outFile); var fileMimeInfo = mimeService.getFromTypeAndExtension( fileMimeType, fileExt ); fileMimeInfo.launchWithFile(outFile); } catch (ex) { // if the attachment file type is unknown, an exception is thrown, // so let it be handled by a browser window Enigmail.msg.loadExternalURL(outFileUri.asciiSpec); } } else { // open the attachment using an external application Enigmail.msg.loadExternalURL(outFileUri.asciiSpec); } } } }, loadExternalURL(url) { Cc["@mozilla.org/uriloader/external-protocol-service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIExternalProtocolService) .loadURI(Services.io.newURI(url)); }, // retrieves the most recent navigator window (opens one if need be) loadURLInNavigatorWindow(url, aOpenFlag) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: loadURLInNavigatorWindow: " + url + ", " + aOpenFlag + "\n" ); var navWindow; // if this is a browser window, just use it if ("document" in top) { var possibleNavigator = top.document.getElementById("main-window"); if ( possibleNavigator && possibleNavigator.getAttribute("windowtype") == "navigator:browser" ) { navWindow = top; } } // if not, get the most recently used browser window if (!navWindow) { var wm = Services.wm; navWindow = wm.getMostRecentWindow("navigator:browser"); } if (navWindow) { if ("fixupAndLoadURIString" in navWindow) { navWindow.fixupAndLoadURIString(url); } else { navWindow._content.location.href = url; } } else if (aOpenFlag) { // if no browser window available and it's ok to open a new one, do so navWindow = window.open(url, "Enigmail"); } EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: loadURLInNavigatorWindow: navWindow=" + navWindow + "\n" ); return navWindow; }, /** * Open an encrypted attachment item. */ attachmentItemClick(event) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: attachmentItemClick: event=" + event + "\n" ); let attachment = event.currentTarget.attachment; if (this.checkEncryptedAttach(attachment)) { if (event.button === 0 && event.detail == 2) { // double click this.handleAttachment("openAttachment", attachment); event.stopPropagation(); } } }, // decrypted and copy/move all selected messages in a target folder async decryptToFolder(destFolder, move) { let msgHdrs = gDBView.getSelectedMsgHdrs(); if (!msgHdrs || msgHdrs.length === 0) { return; } let total = msgHdrs.length; let failures = 0; for (let msgHdr of msgHdrs) { await EnigmailPersistentCrypto.cryptMessage( msgHdr, destFolder.URI, move, false ).catch(err => { failures++; }); } if (failures) { let info = await document.l10n.formatValue( "decrypt-and-copy-failures-multiple", { failures, total, } ); Services.prompt.alert(null, document.title, info); } }, async searchKeysOnInternet(event) { return KeyLookupHelper.lookupAndImportByEmail( "interactive-import", window, event.currentTarget.parentNode.headerField?.emailAddress, true ); }, onUnloadEnigmail() { window.removeEventListener("unload", Enigmail.msg.messengerClose); window.removeEventListener( "unload-enigmail", Enigmail.msg.onUnloadEnigmail ); window.removeEventListener("load-enigmail", Enigmail.msg.messengerStartup); this.messageCleanup(); if (this.messagePane) { this.messagePane.removeEventListener( "unload", Enigmail.msg.messageFrameUnload, true ); } for (let c of this.changedAttributes) { let elem = document.getElementById(c.id); if (elem) { elem.setAttribute(c.attrib, c.value); } } this.messengerClose(); if (Enigmail.columnHandler) { Enigmail.columnHandler.onUnloadEnigmail(); } if (Enigmail.hdrView) { Enigmail.hdrView.onUnloadEnigmail(); } // eslint-disable-next-line no-global-assign Enigmail = undefined; }, /** * Process key data from a message. * * @param {string} keyData - The key data. * @param {boolean} isBinaryAutocrypt - false if ASCII armored data. * @param {string} [description] - Key source description, if any. */ async commonProcessAttachedKey(keyData, isBinaryAutocrypt, description) { if (!keyData) { return; } // Processing is slow for some types of keys. // We want to avoid automatic key import/updates for users who // have OpenPGP disabled (no account has an OpenPGP key configured). if ( !MailServices.accounts.allIdentities.find(id => id.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id") ) ) { return; } let errorMsgObj = {}; let preview = await EnigmailKey.getKeyListFromKeyBlock( keyData, errorMsgObj, true, true, false, true ); // If we cannot analyze the keyblock, or if it's empty, or if we // got an error message, then the key is bad and shouldn't be used. if (!preview || !preview.length || errorMsgObj.value) { return; } this.fetchParticipants(); for (let newKey of preview) { let oldKey = EnigmailKeyRing.getKeyById(newKey.fpr); if (!oldKey) { // If the key is unknown, an expired key cannot help us // for anything new, so don't use it. if (newKey.keyTrust == "e") { continue; } // Potentially merge the revocation into CollectedKeysDB, it if // already has that key. if (newKey.keyTrust == "r") { let db = await CollectedKeysDB.getInstance(); let existing = await db.findKeyForFingerprint(newKey.fpr); if (existing) { let key = await db.mergeExisting(newKey, newKey.pubKey, { uri: `mid:${gMessage.messageId}`, type: isBinaryAutocrypt ? "autocrypt" : "attachment", description, }); await db.storeKey(key); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "openpgp-key-change"); } continue; } // It doesn't make sense to import a public key, // if we have a secret key for that email address. // Because, if we are the owner of that email address, why would // we need a public key referring to our own email address, // sent to us by someone else? let keyInOurName = false; for (let userId of newKey.userIds) { if (userId.type !== "uid") { continue; } if (EnigmailTrust.isInvalid(userId.keyTrust)) { continue; } if ( await EnigmailKeyRing.hasSecretKeyForEmail( EnigmailFuncs.getEmailFromUserID(userId.userId).toLowerCase() ) ) { keyInOurName = true; break; } } if (keyInOurName) { continue; } // Only advertise the key for import if it contains a user ID // that points to the email author email address. let relatedParticipantEmailAddress = null; if (this.hasUserIdForEmail(newKey.userIds, this.authorEmail)) { relatedParticipantEmailAddress = this.authorEmail; } if (relatedParticipantEmailAddress) { // If it's a non expired, non revoked new key, in the email // author's name (email address match), then offer it for // manual (immediate) import. let nextIndex = Enigmail.msg.attachedKeys.length; let info = { fpr: "0x" + newKey.fpr, idx: nextIndex, keyInfo: newKey, binary: isBinaryAutocrypt, }; Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex.push(info); Enigmail.msg.attachedKeys.push(newKey.pubKey); } // We want to collect keys for potential later use, however, // we also want to avoid that an attacker can send us a large // number of keys to poison our cache, so we only collect keys // that are related to the author or one of the recipients. // Also, we don't want a public key, if we already have a // secret key for that email address. if (!relatedParticipantEmailAddress) { // Not related to the author for (let toOrCc of this.toAndCCSet) { if (this.hasUserIdForEmail(newKey.userIds, toOrCc)) { // Might be ok to import, so remember to which email // the key is related and leave the loop. relatedParticipantEmailAddress = toOrCc; break; } } } if (relatedParticipantEmailAddress) { // It seems OK to import, however, don't import yet. // Wait until after we have processed all attachments to // the current message. Because we don't want to import // multiple keys for the same email address, that wouldn't // make sense. Remember the import candidate, and postpone // until we are done looking at all attachments. if (this.keyCollectCandidates.has(relatedParticipantEmailAddress)) { // The email contains more than one public key for this // email address. this.keyCollectCandidates.set(relatedParticipantEmailAddress, { skip: true, }); } else { let candidate = {}; candidate.skip = false; candidate.newKeyObj = newKey; candidate.pubKey = newKey.pubKey; candidate.source = { uri: `mid:${gMessage.messageId}`, type: isBinaryAutocrypt ? "autocrypt" : "attachment", description, }; this.keyCollectCandidates.set( relatedParticipantEmailAddress, candidate ); } } // done with processing for new keys (!oldKey) continue; } // The key is known (we have an oldKey), then it makes sense to // import, even if it's expired/revoked, to learn about the // changed validity. // Also, we auto import/merge such keys, even if the sender // doesn't match any key user ID. Why is this useful? // If I am Alice, and the email is from Bob, the email could have // Charlie's revoked or extended key attached. It's useful for // me to learn that. // User IDs are another reason. The key might contain a new // additional user ID, or a revoked user ID. // That's relevant for Autocrypt headers, which only have one user // ID. If we had imported the key with just one user ID in the // past, and now we're being sent the same key for a different // user ID, we must not skip it, even if it the validity is the // same. // Let's update on all possible changes of the user ID list, // additions, removals, differences. let shouldUpdate = false; // new validity? if ( oldKey.expiryTime < newKey.expiryTime || (oldKey.keyTrust != "r" && newKey.keyTrust == "r") ) { shouldUpdate = true; } else if ( oldKey.userIds.length != newKey.userIds.length || !oldKey.userIds.every((el, ix) => el === newKey.userIds[ix]) ) { shouldUpdate = true; } if (!shouldUpdate) { continue; } if ( !(await EnigmailKeyRing.importKeyDataSilent( window, newKey.pubKey, isBinaryAutocrypt, "0x" + newKey.fpr )) ) { console.debug( "EnigmailKeyRing.importKeyDataSilent failed 0x" + newKey.fpr ); } } }, /** * Show the import key notification. */ async unhideImportKeyBox() { Enigmail.hdrView.notifyHasKeyAttached(); document.getElementById("openpgpKeyBox").removeAttribute("hidden"); // Check if the proposed key to import was previously accepted. let hasAreadyAcceptedOther = await PgpSqliteDb2.hasAnyPositivelyAcceptedKeyForEmail( Enigmail.msg.authorEmail ); if (hasAreadyAcceptedOther) { Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.appendNotification( "hasConflictingKeyOpenPGP", { label: await document.l10n.formatValue("openpgp-be-careful-new-key", { email: Enigmail.msg.authorEmail, }), priority: Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, }, null ); } }, /* * This function is called from several places. Any call may trigger * the final processing for this message, it depends on the amount * of attachments present, and whether we decrypt immediately, or * after a delay (for inline encryption). */ async processAfterAttachmentsAndDecrypt() { // Return early if message processing isn't ready yet. if (!Enigmail.msg.allAttachmentsDone || !Enigmail.msg.messageDecryptDone) { return; } // Return early if we haven't yet processed all attachments. if ( Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed < Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount ) { return; } if (Enigmail.msg.unhideMissingSigKeyBoxIsTODO) { Enigmail.msg.unhideMissingSigKeyBox(); } // We have already processed all attached pgp-keys, we're ready // to make final decisions on how to notify the user about // available or missing keys. // If we already found a good key for the sender's email // in attachments, then don't look at the autocrypt header. if (Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex.length) { this.unhideImportKeyBox(); } else if ( Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders && "autocrypt" in Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders && Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders.autocrypt.length > 0 && "from" in currentHeaderData ) { let fromAddr = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail( currentHeaderData.from.headerValue ).toLowerCase(); // There might be multiple headers, we only want the one // matching the sender's address. for (let ac of Enigmail.msg.savedHeaders.autocrypt) { let acAddr = MimeParser.getParameter(ac, "addr"); if (fromAddr == acAddr) { let senderAutocryptKey; try { senderAutocryptKey = atob( MimeParser.getParameter(ac.replace(/ /g, ""), "keydata") ); } catch {} if (senderAutocryptKey) { // Make sure to let the message load before doing potentially *very* // time consuming auto processing (seconds!?). await new Promise(resolve => ChromeUtils.idleDispatch(resolve)); await this.commonProcessAttachedKey(senderAutocryptKey, true); if (Enigmail.msg.attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex.length) { this.unhideImportKeyBox(); } } } } } for (let gossipKey of EnigmailSingletons.lastDecryptedMessage.gossip) { await this.commonProcessAttachedKey(gossipKey, true); } if (this.keyCollectCandidates && this.keyCollectCandidates.size) { let db = await CollectedKeysDB.getInstance(); for (let candidate of this.keyCollectCandidates.values()) { if (candidate.skip) { continue; } // If key is known in the db: merge + update. let key = await db.mergeExisting( candidate.newKeyObj, candidate.pubKey, candidate.source ); await db.storeKey(key); Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "openpgp-key-change"); } } // Should we notify the user about available encrypted nested parts, // which have not been automatically decrypted? if ( EnigmailSingletons.isRecentUriWithNestedEncryptedPart( Enigmail.msg.getCurrentMsgUriSpec() ) ) { let buttons = [ { "l10n-id": "openpgp-show-encrypted-parts", popup: null, callback(notification, button) { top.viewEncryptedPart(Enigmail.msg.getCurrentMsgUriSpec()); return true; // keep notification }, }, ]; Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.appendNotification( "hasNestedEncryptedParts", { label: await document.l10n.formatValue( "openpgp-has-nested-encrypted-parts" ), priority: Enigmail.msg.notificationBox.PRIORITY_INFO_HIGH, }, buttons ); } document.dispatchEvent( new CustomEvent("openpgpprocessed", { detail: { messageDecryptDone: true }, }) ); }, async notifyEndAllAttachments() { Enigmail.msg.allAttachmentsDone = true; if (!Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount) { await Enigmail.msg.processAfterAttachmentsAndDecrypt(); } }, toAndCCSet: null, authorEmail: "", // Used to remember the list of keys that we might want to add to // our cache of seen keys. Will be used after we are done looking // at all attachments. keyCollectCandidates: new Map(), attachedKeys: [], attachedSenderEmailKeysIndex: [], // each: {idx (to-attachedKeys), keyInfo, binary} fetchParticipants() { if (this.toAndCCSet) { return; } // toAndCCSet non-null indicates that we already fetched. this.toAndCCSet = new Set(); // This message may have already disappeared. if (!gMessage) { return; } let addresses = MailServices.headerParser.parseEncodedHeader( gMessage.author ); if (addresses.length) { this.authorEmail = addresses[0].email.toLowerCase(); } addresses = MailServices.headerParser.parseEncodedHeader( gMessage.recipients + "," + gMessage.ccList ); for (let addr of addresses) { this.toAndCCSet.add(addr.email.toLowerCase()); } }, hasUserIdForEmail(userIds, authorEmail) { authorEmail = authorEmail.toLowerCase(); for (let id of userIds) { if (id.type !== "uid") { continue; } if ( EnigmailFuncs.getEmailFromUserID(id.userId).toLowerCase() == authorEmail ) { return true; } } return false; }, autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentTransactionID: 0, autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount: 0, autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed: 0, unhideMissingSigKeyBoxIsTODO: false, unhideMissingSigKey: null, autoProcessPgpKeyAttachment(attachment) { if ( attachment.contentType != "application/pgp-keys" && !attachment.name.endsWith(".asc") ) { return; } Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount++; let bufferListener = EnigmailStreams.newStringStreamListener(async data => { // Make sure to let the message load before doing potentially *very* // time consuming auto processing (seconds!?). await new Promise(resolve => ChromeUtils.idleDispatch(resolve)); await this.commonProcessAttachedKey(data, false, attachment.name); Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed++; if ( Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentProcessed == Enigmail.msg.autoProcessPgpKeyAttachmentCount ) { await Enigmail.msg.processAfterAttachmentsAndDecrypt(); } }); let msgUri = Services.io.newURI(attachment.url); let channel = EnigmailStreams.createChannel(msgUri); channel.asyncOpen(bufferListener, msgUri); }, /** * Populate the message security popup panel with OpenPGP data. */ async loadOpenPgpMessageSecurityInfo() { let sigInfoWithDateLabel = null; let sigInfoLabel = null; let sigInfo = null; let sigClass = null; let wantToShowDate = false; // All scenarios that set wantToShowDate to true should set both // sigInfoWithDateLabel and sigInfoLabel, to ensure we have a // fallback label, if the date is unavailable. switch (Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureState) { case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_NONE: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-no-sig"; sigClass = "none"; sigInfo = "openpgp-no-sig-info"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_UNCERTAIN_KEY_UNAVAILABLE: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-uncertain-sig"; sigClass = "unknown"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-uncertain-no-key"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_UNCERTAIN_UID_MISMATCH: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-uncertain-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-uncertain-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "mismatch"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-uncertain-uid-mismatch"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_UNCERTAIN_KEY_NOT_ACCEPTED: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-uncertain-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-uncertain-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "unknown"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-uncertain-not-accepted"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_INVALID_KEY_REJECTED: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-invalid-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-invalid-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "mismatch"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-invalid-rejected"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_INVALID: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-invalid-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-invalid-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "mismatch"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-invalid-technical-problem"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_VALID_KEY_UNVERIFIED: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-good-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-good-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "unverified"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-valid-unverified"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_VALID_KEY_VERIFIED: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-good-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-good-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "verified"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-valid-verified"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_SIG_VALID_SELF: sigInfoLabel = "openpgp-good-sig"; sigInfoWithDateLabel = "openpgp-good-sig-with-date"; wantToShowDate = true; sigClass = "ok"; sigInfo = "openpgp-sig-valid-own-key"; break; default: console.error( "Unexpected msgSignatureState: " + Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureState ); } let signatureLabel = document.getElementById("signatureLabel"); if (wantToShowDate && Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureDate) { let date = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { dateStyle: "short", timeStyle: "short", }).format(Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureDate); document.l10n.setAttributes(signatureLabel, sigInfoWithDateLabel, { date, }); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(signatureLabel, sigInfoLabel); } // Remove the second class to properly update the signature icon. signatureLabel.classList.remove(signatureLabel.classList.item(1)); signatureLabel.classList.add(sigClass); let signatureExplanation = document.getElementById("signatureExplanation"); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/prefer-formatValues signatureExplanation.textContent = await document.l10n.formatValue(sigInfo); let encInfoLabel = null; let encInfo = null; let encClass = null; switch (Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionState) { case EnigmailConstants.MSG_ENC_NONE: encInfoLabel = "openpgp-enc-none"; encInfo = "openpgp-enc-none-label"; encClass = "none"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_ENC_NO_SECRET_KEY: encInfoLabel = "openpgp-enc-invalid-label"; encInfo = "openpgp-enc-invalid"; encClass = "notok"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_ENC_FAILURE: encInfoLabel = "openpgp-enc-invalid-label"; encInfo = "openpgp-enc-clueless"; encClass = "notok"; break; case EnigmailConstants.MSG_ENC_OK: encInfoLabel = "openpgp-enc-valid-label"; encInfo = "openpgp-enc-valid"; encClass = "ok"; break; default: console.error( "Unexpected msgEncryptionState: " + Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionState ); } document.getElementById("techLabel").textContent = "- OpenPGP"; let encryptionLabel = document.getElementById("encryptionLabel"); // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/prefer-formatValues encryptionLabel.textContent = await document.l10n.formatValue(encInfoLabel); // Remove the second class to properly update the encryption icon. encryptionLabel.classList.remove(encryptionLabel.classList.item(1)); encryptionLabel.classList.add(encClass); document.getElementById("encryptionExplanation").textContent = // eslint-disable-next-line mozilla/prefer-formatValues await document.l10n.formatValue(encInfo); if (Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId) { let sigKeyInfo = EnigmailKeyRing.getKeyById( Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId ); document.getElementById("signatureKey").collapsed = false; if ( sigKeyInfo && sigKeyInfo.keyId != Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId ) { document.l10n.setAttributes( document.getElementById("signatureKeyId"), "openpgp-sig-key-id-with-subkey-id", { key: `0x${sigKeyInfo.keyId}`, subkey: `0x${Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId}`, } ); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes( document.getElementById("signatureKeyId"), "openpgp-sig-key-id", { key: `0x${Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId}`, } ); } if (sigKeyInfo) { document.getElementById("viewSignatureKey").collapsed = false; gSigKeyId = Enigmail.hdrView.msgSignatureKeyId; } } let myIdToSkipInList; if ( Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId && Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId ) { myIdToSkipInList = Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId; // If we were given a separate primaryKeyId, it means keyId is a subkey. let havePrimaryId = !!Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.primaryKeyId; document.getElementById("encryptionKey").collapsed = false; if (havePrimaryId) { document.l10n.setAttributes( document.getElementById("encryptionKeyId"), "openpgp-enc-key-with-subkey-id", { key: `0x${Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.primaryKeyId}`, subkey: `0x${Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId}`, } ); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes( document.getElementById("encryptionKeyId"), "openpgp-enc-key-id", { key: `0x${Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId}`, } ); } if ( EnigmailKeyRing.getKeyById(Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId) ) { document.getElementById("viewEncryptionKey").collapsed = false; gEncKeyId = Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionKeyId.keyId; } } let otherLabel = document.getElementById("otherLabel"); if (myIdToSkipInList) { document.l10n.setAttributes(otherLabel, "openpgp-other-enc-all-key-ids"); } else { document.l10n.setAttributes( otherLabel, "openpgp-other-enc-additional-key-ids" ); } if (!Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionAllKeyIds) { return; } let keyList = document.getElementById("otherEncryptionKeysList"); // Remove all the previously populated keys. while (keyList.lastChild) { keyList.removeChild(keyList.lastChild); } let showExtraKeysList = false; for (let key of Enigmail.hdrView.msgEncryptionAllKeyIds) { if (key.keyId == myIdToSkipInList) { continue; } let container = document.createXULElement("vbox"); container.classList.add("other-key-row"); let havePrimaryId2 = !!key.primaryKeyId; let keyInfo = EnigmailKeyRing.getKeyById( havePrimaryId2 ? key.primaryKeyId : key.keyId ); // Use textContent for label XUl elements to enable text wrapping. let name = document.createXULElement("label"); name.classList.add("openpgp-key-name"); name.setAttribute("context", "simpleCopyPopup"); if (keyInfo) { name.textContent = keyInfo.userId; } else { document.l10n.setAttributes(name, "openpgp-other-enc-all-key-ids"); } let id = document.createXULElement("label"); id.setAttribute("context", "simpleCopyPopup"); id.classList.add("openpgp-key-id"); id.textContent = havePrimaryId2 ? ` 0x${key.primaryKeyId} (0x${key.keyId})` : ` 0x${key.keyId}`; container.appendChild(name); container.appendChild(id); keyList.appendChild(container); showExtraKeysList = true; } // Show extra keys if present in the message. document.getElementById("otherEncryptionKeys").collapsed = !showExtraKeysList; }, }; window.addEventListener( "load-enigmail", Enigmail.msg.messengerStartup.bind(Enigmail.msg) ); window.addEventListener( "unload", Enigmail.msg.messengerClose.bind(Enigmail.msg) ); window.addEventListener( "unload-enigmail", Enigmail.msg.onUnloadEnigmail.bind(Enigmail.msg) );