/* * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from ../../../../components/compose/content/MsgComposeCommands.js */ /* import-globals-from ../../../../components/compose/content/addressingWidgetOverlay.js */ /* global MsgAccountManager */ /* global gCurrentIdentity */ var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm" ); var EnigmailCore = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/core.jsm" ).EnigmailCore; var EnigmailFuncs = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/funcs.jsm" ).EnigmailFuncs; var { EnigmailLog } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/log.jsm" ); var EnigmailArmor = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/armor.jsm" ).EnigmailArmor; var EnigmailData = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/data.jsm" ).EnigmailData; var EnigmailDialog = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/dialog.jsm" ).EnigmailDialog; var EnigmailWindows = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/windows.jsm" ).EnigmailWindows; var EnigmailKeyRing = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/keyRing.jsm" ).EnigmailKeyRing; var EnigmailURIs = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/uris.jsm" ).EnigmailURIs; var EnigmailConstants = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/constants.jsm" ).EnigmailConstants; var EnigmailDecryption = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/decryption.jsm" ).EnigmailDecryption; var EnigmailEncryption = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/encryption.jsm" ).EnigmailEncryption; var EnigmailWkdLookup = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/wkdLookup.jsm" ).EnigmailWkdLookup; var EnigmailMime = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/mime.jsm" ).EnigmailMime; var EnigmailMsgRead = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/msgRead.jsm" ).EnigmailMsgRead; var EnigmailMimeEncrypt = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/mimeEncrypt.jsm" ).EnigmailMimeEncrypt; const { EnigmailCryptoAPI } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/cryptoAPI.jsm" ); const { OpenPGPAlias } = ChromeUtils.import( "chrome://openpgp/content/modules/OpenPGPAlias.jsm" ); var { jsmime } = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/jsmime.jsm"); var l10nOpenPGP = new Localization(["messenger/openpgp/openpgp.ftl"]); // Account encryption policy values: // const kEncryptionPolicy_Never = 0; // 'IfPossible' was used by ns4. // const kEncryptionPolicy_IfPossible = 1; var kEncryptionPolicy_Always = 2; var Enigmail = {}; const IOSERVICE_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/network/io-service;1"; const LOCAL_FILE_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/file/local;1"; Enigmail.msg = { editor: null, dirty: 0, // dirty means: composer contents were modified by this code, right? processed: null, // contains information for undo of inline signed/encrypt timeoutId: null, // TODO: once set, it's never reset sendPgpMime: true, //sendMode: null, // the current default for sending a message (0, SIGN, ENCRYPT, or SIGN|ENCRYPT) //sendModeDirty: false, // send mode or final send options changed? // processed strings to signal final encrypt/sign/pgpmime state: statusEncryptedStr: "???", statusSignedStr: "???", //statusPGPMimeStr: "???", //statusSMimeStr: "???", //statusInlinePGPStr: "???", statusAttachOwnKey: "???", sendProcess: false, composeBodyReady: false, modifiedAttach: null, lastFocusedWindow: null, draftSubjectEncrypted: false, attachOwnKeyObj: { attachedObj: null, attachedKey: null, }, keyLookupDone: [], addrOnChangeTimeout: 250, /* timeout when entering something into the address field */ async composeStartup() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.composeStartup\n" ); if (!gMsgCompose || !gMsgCompose.compFields) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: no gMsgCompose, leaving\n" ); return; } gMsgCompose.RegisterStateListener(Enigmail.composeStateListener); Enigmail.msg.composeBodyReady = false; // Listen to message sending event addEventListener( "compose-send-message", Enigmail.msg.sendMessageListener.bind(Enigmail.msg), true ); await OpenPGPAlias.load().catch(console.error); Enigmail.msg.composeOpen(); //Enigmail.msg.processFinalState(); }, // TODO: call this from global compose when options change enigmailComposeProcessFinalState() { //Enigmail.msg.processFinalState(); }, /* handleClick: function(event, modifyType) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.handleClick\n"); switch (event.button) { case 2: // do not process the event any further // needed on Windows to prevent displaying the context menu event.preventDefault(); this.doPgpButton(); break; case 0: this.doPgpButton(modifyType); break; } }, */ /* return whether the account specific setting key is enabled or disabled */ /* getAccDefault: function(key) { //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getAccDefault: identity="+this.identity.key+"("+this.identity.email+") key="+key+"\n"); let res = null; let mimePreferOpenPGP = this.identity.getIntAttribute("mimePreferOpenPGP"); let isSmimeEnabled = Enigmail.msg.isSmimeEnabled(); let wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity = Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity(); let preferSmimeByDefault = false; if (isSmimeEnabled && wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity) { } if (wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity) { switch (key) { case 'sign': if (preferSmimeByDefault) { res = (this.identity.signMail); } else { res = (this.identity.getIntAttribute("defaultSigningPolicy") > 0); } break; case 'encrypt': if (preferSmimeByDefault) { res = (this.identity.encryptionPolicy > 0); } else { res = (this.identity.getIntAttribute("defaultEncryptionPolicy") > 0); } break; case 'sign-pgp': res = (this.identity.getIntAttribute("defaultSigningPolicy") > 0); break; case 'pgpMimeMode': res = this.identity.getBoolAttribute(key); break; case 'attachPgpKey': res = this.identity.attachPgpKey; break; } //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getAccDefault: "+key+"="+res+"\n"); return res; } else if (Enigmail.msg.isSmimeEnabled()) { switch (key) { case 'sign': res = this.identity.signMail; break; case 'encrypt': res = (this.identity.encryptionPolicy > 0); break; default: res = false; } return res; } else { // every detail is disabled if OpenPGP in general is disabled: switch (key) { case 'sign': case 'encrypt': case 'pgpMimeMode': case 'attachPgpKey': case 'sign-pgp': return false; } } // should not be reached EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getAccDefault: internal error: invalid key '" + key + "'\n"); return null; }, */ /** * Determine if any of Enigmail (OpenPGP) or S/MIME encryption is enabled for the account */ /* isAnyEncryptionEnabled: function() { let id = getCurrentIdentity(); return ((id.getUnicharAttribute("encryption_cert_name") !== "") || Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()); }, */ isSmimeEnabled() { return ( gCurrentIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("signing_cert_name") !== "" || gCurrentIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("encryption_cert_name") !== "" ); }, /** * Determine if any of Enigmail (OpenPGP) or S/MIME signing is enabled for the account */ /* getSigningEnabled: function() { let id = getCurrentIdentity(); return ((id.getUnicharAttribute("signing_cert_name") !== "") || Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()); }, */ /* getSmimeSigningEnabled: function() { let id = getCurrentIdentity(); if (!id.getUnicharAttribute("signing_cert_name")) return false; return id.signMail; }, */ /* // set the current default for sending a message // depending on the identity processAccountSpecificDefaultOptions: function() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.processAccountSpecificDefaultOptions\n"); const SIGN = EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; const ENCRYPT = EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; this.sendMode = 0; if (this.getSmimeSigningEnabled()) { this.sendMode |= SIGN; } if (!Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()) { return; } if (this.getAccDefault("encrypt")) { this.sendMode |= ENCRYPT; } if (this.getAccDefault("sign")) { this.sendMode |= SIGN; } //this.sendPgpMime = this.getAccDefault("pgpMimeMode"); //console.debug("processAccountSpecificDefaultOptions sendPgpMime: " + this.sendPgpMime); gAttachMyPublicPGPKey = this.getAccDefault("attachPgpKey"); this.setOwnKeyStatus(); this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedObj = null; this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey = null; //this.finalSignDependsOnEncrypt = (this.getAccDefault("signIfEnc") || this.getAccDefault("signIfNotEnc")); }, */ getOriginalMsgUri() { let draftId = gMsgCompose.compFields.draftId; let msgUri = null; if (draftId) { // original message is draft msgUri = draftId.replace(/\?.*$/, ""); } else if (gMsgCompose.originalMsgURI) { // original message is a "true" mail msgUri = gMsgCompose.originalMsgURI; } return msgUri; }, getMsgHdr(msgUri) { try { if (!msgUri) { msgUri = this.getOriginalMsgUri(); } if (msgUri) { return gMessenger.msgHdrFromURI(msgUri); } } catch (ex) { // See also bug 1635648 console.debug("exception in getMsgHdr: " + ex); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: exception in getMsgHdr: " + ex + "\n" ); } return null; }, getMsgProperties(draft, msgUri, msgHdr, mimeMsg, obtainedDraftFlagsObj) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getMsgProperties:\n" ); obtainedDraftFlagsObj.value = false; let self = this; let properties = 0; try { if (msgHdr) { properties = msgHdr.getUint32Property("enigmail"); if (draft) { if (self.getSavedDraftOptions(mimeMsg)) { obtainedDraftFlagsObj.value = true; } updateEncryptionDependencies(); } } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getMsgProperties: got exception '" + ex.toString() + "'\n" ); } if (EnigmailURIs.isEncryptedUri(msgUri)) { properties |= EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY; } return properties; }, getSavedDraftOptions(mimeMsg) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getSavedDraftOptions\n" ); if (!mimeMsg || !mimeMsg.headers.has("x-enigmail-draft-status")) { return false; } let stat = mimeMsg.headers.get("x-enigmail-draft-status").join(""); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.getSavedDraftOptions: draftStatus: " + stat + "\n" ); if (stat.substr(0, 1) == "N") { switch (Number(stat.substr(1, 1))) { case 2: // treat as "user decision to enable encryption, disable auto" gUserTouchedSendEncrypted = true; gSendEncrypted = true; updateEncryptionDependencies(); break; case 0: // treat as "user decision to disable encryption, disable auto" gUserTouchedSendEncrypted = true; gSendEncrypted = false; updateEncryptionDependencies(); break; case 1: default: // treat as "no user decision, automatic mode" break; } switch (Number(stat.substr(2, 1))) { case 2: gSendSigned = true; gUserTouchedSendSigned = true; break; case 0: gUserTouchedSendSigned = true; gSendSigned = false; break; case 1: default: // treat as "no user decision, automatic mode, based on encryption or other prefs" break; } switch (Number(stat.substr(3, 1))) { case 1: break; case EnigmailConstants.ENIG_FORCE_SMIME: // 3 gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP = false; break; case 2: // pgp/mime case 0: // inline default: gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP = true; break; } switch (Number(stat.substr(4, 1))) { case 1: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = true; gAttachMyPublicPGPKey = true; break; case 2: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = false; break; case 0: default: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = true; gAttachMyPublicPGPKey = false; break; } switch (Number(stat.substr(4, 1))) { case 1: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = true; gAttachMyPublicPGPKey = true; break; case 2: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = false; break; case 0: default: gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey = true; gAttachMyPublicPGPKey = false; break; } switch (Number(stat.substr(5, 1))) { case 1: gUserTouchedEncryptSubject = true; gEncryptSubject = true; break; case 2: gUserTouchedEncryptSubject = false; break; case 0: default: gUserTouchedEncryptSubject = true; gEncryptSubject = false; break; } } //Enigmail.msg.setOwnKeyStatus(); return true; }, composeOpen() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.composeOpen\n" ); let msgUri = null; let msgHdr = null; msgUri = this.getOriginalMsgUri(); if (msgUri) { msgHdr = this.getMsgHdr(msgUri); if (msgHdr) { try { let msgUrl = EnigmailMsgRead.getUrlFromUriSpec(msgUri); EnigmailMime.getMimeTreeFromUrl(msgUrl.spec, false, mimeMsg => { Enigmail.msg.continueComposeOpenWithMimeTree( msgUri, msgHdr, mimeMsg ); }); } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMessengerOverlay.js: composeOpen: exception in getMimeTreeFromUrl: " + ex + "\n" ); this.continueComposeOpenWithMimeTree(msgUri, msgHdr, null); } } else { this.continueComposeOpenWithMimeTree(msgUri, msgHdr, null); } } else { this.continueComposeOpenWithMimeTree(msgUri, msgHdr, null); } }, continueComposeOpenWithMimeTree(msgUri, msgHdr, mimeMsg) { let selectedElement = document.activeElement; let msgIsDraft = gMsgCompose.type === Ci.nsIMsgCompType.Draft || gMsgCompose.type === Ci.nsIMsgCompType.Template; if (!gSendEncrypted || msgIsDraft) { let useEncryptionUnlessWeHaveDraftInfo = false; let usePGPUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; let useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; if (msgIsDraft) { let globalSaysItsEncrypted = gEncryptedURIService && gMsgCompose.originalMsgURI && gEncryptedURIService.isEncrypted(gMsgCompose.originalMsgURI); if (globalSaysItsEncrypted) { useEncryptionUnlessWeHaveDraftInfo = true; useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = true; } } let obtainedDraftFlagsObj = { value: false }; if (msgUri) { let msgFlags = this.getMsgProperties( msgIsDraft, msgUri, msgHdr, mimeMsg, obtainedDraftFlagsObj ); if (msgFlags & EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY) { usePGPUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = true; useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; } if (msgIsDraft && obtainedDraftFlagsObj.value) { useEncryptionUnlessWeHaveDraftInfo = false; usePGPUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; } if (!msgIsDraft) { if (msgFlags & EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.composeOpen: has encrypted originalMsgUri\n" ); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "originalMsgURI=" + gMsgCompose.originalMsgURI + "\n" ); gSendEncrypted = true; updateEncryptionDependencies(); gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP = true; useEncryptionUnlessWeHaveDraftInfo = false; usePGPUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise = false; } } this.removeAttachedKey(); } if (useEncryptionUnlessWeHaveDraftInfo) { gSendEncrypted = true; updateEncryptionDependencies(); } if (gSendEncrypted && !obtainedDraftFlagsObj.value) { gSendSigned = true; } if (usePGPUnlessWeKnowOtherwise) { gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP = true; } else if (useSMIMEUnlessWeKnowOtherwise) { gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP = false; } } // check for attached signature files and remove them var bucketList = document.getElementById("attachmentBucket"); if (bucketList.hasChildNodes()) { var node = bucketList.firstChild; while (node) { if (node.attachment.contentType == "application/pgp-signature") { if (!this.findRelatedAttachment(bucketList, node)) { // Let's release the attachment object held by the node else it won't go away until the window is destroyed node.attachment = null; node = bucketList.removeChild(node); } } node = node.nextSibling; } } // If we removed all the children and the bucket wasn't meant // to stay open, close it. if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.compose.show_attachment_pane")) { UpdateAttachmentBucket(bucketList.hasChildNodes()); } this.warnUserIfSenderKeyExpired(); //this.processFinalState(); if (selectedElement) { selectedElement.focus(); } }, // check if an signature is related to another attachment findRelatedAttachment(bucketList, node) { // check if filename ends with .sig if (node.attachment.name.search(/\.sig$/i) < 0) { return null; } var relatedNode = bucketList.firstChild; var findFile = node.attachment.name.toLowerCase(); var baseAttachment = null; while (relatedNode) { if (relatedNode.attachment.name.toLowerCase() + ".sig" == findFile) { baseAttachment = relatedNode.attachment; } relatedNode = relatedNode.nextSibling; } return baseAttachment; }, async attachOwnKey(id) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.attachOwnKey: " + id + "\n" ); if ( this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey && this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey != id ) { // remove attached key if user ID changed this.removeAttachedKey(); } let revokedIDs = EnigmailKeyRing.findRevokedPersonalKeysByEmail( gCurrentIdentity.email ); if (!this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey) { let hex = "0x" + id; var attachedObj = await this.extractAndAttachKey( hex, revokedIDs, gCurrentIdentity.email, true, true // one key plus revocations ); if (attachedObj) { this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedObj = attachedObj; this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey = hex; } } }, async extractAndAttachKey( primaryId, revokedIds, emailForFilename, warnOnError ) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.extractAndAttachKey: \n" ); var enigmailSvc = EnigmailCore.getService(window); if (!enigmailSvc) { return null; } var tmpFile = Services.dirsvc.get("TmpD", Ci.nsIFile); tmpFile.append("key.asc"); tmpFile.createUnique(Ci.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o600); // save file var exitCodeObj = {}; var errorMsgObj = {}; await EnigmailKeyRing.extractPublicKeys( [], // full [primaryId], // reduced revokedIds, // minimal tmpFile, exitCodeObj, errorMsgObj ); if (exitCodeObj.value !== 0) { if (warnOnError) { EnigmailDialog.alert(window, errorMsgObj.value); } return null; } // create attachment var tmpFileURI = Services.io.newFileURI(tmpFile); var keyAttachment = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/messengercompose/attachment;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIMsgAttachment); keyAttachment.url = tmpFileURI.spec; keyAttachment.name = primaryId.substr(-16, 16); if (keyAttachment.name.search(/^0x/) < 0) { keyAttachment.name = "0x" + keyAttachment.name; } let withRevSuffix = ""; if (revokedIds && revokedIds.length) { withRevSuffix = "_and_old_rev"; } keyAttachment.name = "OpenPGP_" + keyAttachment.name + withRevSuffix + ".asc"; keyAttachment.temporary = true; keyAttachment.contentType = "application/pgp-keys"; keyAttachment.size = tmpFile.fileSize; if ( !gAttachmentBucket.itemChildren.find( item => item.attachment.name == keyAttachment.name ) ) { await this.addAttachment(keyAttachment); } gContentChanged = true; return keyAttachment; }, addAttachment(attachment) { return AddAttachments([attachment]); }, removeAttachedKey() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.removeAttachedKey: \n" ); let bucketList = document.getElementById("attachmentBucket"); let node = bucketList.firstElementChild; if (bucketList.itemCount && this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedObj) { // Undo attaching own key. while (node) { if (node.attachment.url == this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedObj.url) { node = bucketList.removeChild(node); // Let's release the attachment object held by the node else it won't // go away until the window is destroyed. node.attachment = null; this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedObj = null; this.attachOwnKeyObj.attachedKey = null; node = null; // exit loop. } else { node = node.nextSibling; } } // Update the visibility of the attachment pane. UpdateAttachmentBucket(bucketList.itemCount); } }, getSecurityParams(compFields = null) { if (!compFields) { if (!gMsgCompose) { return null; } compFields = gMsgCompose.compFields; } return compFields.composeSecure; }, setSecurityParams(newSecurityParams) { if (!gMsgCompose || !gMsgCompose.compFields) { return; } gMsgCompose.compFields.composeSecure = newSecurityParams; }, // Used on send failure, to reset the pre-send modifications resetUpdatedFields() { this.removeAttachedKey(); // reset subject let p = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(); if (p && EnigmailMimeEncrypt.isEnigmailCompField(p)) { let si = p.wrappedJSObject; if (si.originalSubject) { gMsgCompose.compFields.subject = si.originalSubject; } } }, replaceEditorText(text) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.replaceEditorText:\n" ); this.editorSelectAll(); // Overwrite text in clipboard for security // (Otherwise plaintext will be available in the clipbaord) if (this.editor.textLength > 0) { this.editorInsertText("Enigmail"); } else { this.editorInsertText(" "); } this.editorSelectAll(); this.editorInsertText(text); }, /** * Determine if Enigmail is enabled for the account */ isEnigmailEnabledForIdentity() { return !!gCurrentIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id"); }, /** * Determine if Autocrypt is enabled for the account */ isAutocryptEnabled() { return false; /* if (Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()) { let srv = this.getCurrentIncomingServer(); return (srv ? srv.getBoolValue("enableAutocrypt") : false); } return false; */ }, /* doPgpButton: function(what) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.doPgpButton: what=" + what + "\n"); if (Enigmail.msg.wasEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()) { EnigmailCore.getService(window); // try to access Enigmail to launch the wizard if needed } // ignore settings for this account? try { if (!this.isAnyEncryptionEnabled() && !this.getSigningEnabled()) { return; } } catch (ex) {} switch (what) { case 'sign': case 'encrypt': this.setSendMode(what); break; case 'trustKeys': this.tempTrustAllKeys(); break; case 'nothing': break; case 'displaySecuritySettings': this.displaySecuritySettings(); break; default: this.displaySecuritySettings(); } }, */ // changes the DEFAULT sendMode // - also called internally for saved emails /* setSendMode: function(sendMode) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.setSendMode: sendMode=" + sendMode + "\n"); const SIGN = EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; const ENCRYPT = EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; var origSendMode = this.sendMode; switch (sendMode) { case 'sign': this.sendMode |= SIGN; break; case 'encrypt': this.sendMode |= ENCRYPT; break; default: EnigmailDialog.alert(window, "Enigmail.msg.setSendMode - unexpected value: " + sendMode); break; } // sendMode changed ? // - sign and send are internal initializations if (!this.sendModeDirty && (this.sendMode != origSendMode) && sendMode != 'sign' && sendMode != 'encrypt') { this.sendModeDirty = true; } this.processFinalState(); }, */ /** key function to process the final encrypt/sign/pgpmime state from all settings * @param sendFlags: contains the sendFlags if the message is really processed. Optional, can be null - uses as INPUT: - this.sendMode - this.encryptForced, this.encryptSigned - uses as OUTPUT: - this.statusEncrypt, this.statusSign no return value */ processFinalState(sendFlags) {}, /* check if encryption is possible (have keys for everyone or not) */ async determineSendFlags() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.focusChange: Enigmail.msg.determineSendFlags\n" ); let detailsObj = {}; var compFields = gMsgCompose.compFields; if (!Enigmail.msg.composeBodyReady) { compFields = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/messengercompose/composefields;1" ].createInstance(Ci.nsIMsgCompFields); } Recipients2CompFields(compFields); // disabled, see bug 1625135 // gMsgCompose.expandMailingLists(); if (Enigmail.msg.isEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()) { var toAddrList = []; var arrLen = {}; var recList; if (compFields.to) { recList = compFields.splitRecipients(compFields.to, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } if (compFields.cc) { recList = compFields.splitRecipients(compFields.cc, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } if (compFields.bcc) { recList = compFields.splitRecipients(compFields.bcc, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } let addresses = []; try { addresses = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(toAddrList.join(", ")).split(","); } catch (ex) {} // Resolve all the email addresses if possible. await EnigmailKeyRing.getValidKeysForAllRecipients(addresses, detailsObj); //this.autoPgpEncryption = (validKeyList !== null); } // process and signal new resulting state //this.processFinalState(); return detailsObj; }, /* displaySecuritySettings: function() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.displaySecuritySettings\n"); var inputObj = { gSendEncrypted: gSendEncrypted, gSendSigned: gSendSigned, success: false, resetDefaults: false }; window.openDialog("chrome://openpgp/content/ui/enigmailEncryptionDlg.xhtml", "", "dialog,modal,centerscreen", inputObj); if (!inputObj.success) return; // Cancel pressed if (inputObj.resetDefaults) { // reset everything to defaults this.encryptForced = 1; this.signForced = 1; } else { if (this.signForced != inputObj.sign) { this.dirty = 2; this.signForced = inputObj.sign; } this.dirty = 2; this.encryptForced = inputObj.encrypt; } //this.processFinalState(); }, */ addRecipients(toAddrList, recList) { for (var i = 0; i < recList.length; i++) { try { toAddrList.push( EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(recList[i].replace(/[",]/g, "")) ); } catch (ex) {} } }, setDraftStatus(doEncrypt) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.setDraftStatus - enabling draft mode\n" ); // Draft Status: // N (for new style) plus 5 digits: // 1: encryption // 2: signing // 3: PGP/MIME // 4: attach own key // 5: subject encrypted var draftStatus = "N"; // Encryption: // 2 -> required/enabled // 0 -> disabled if (!gUserTouchedSendEncrypted && !gIsRelatedToEncryptedOriginal) { // After opening draft, it's allowed to use automatic decision. draftStatus += "1"; } else { // After opening draft, use the same state that is set now. draftStatus += gSendEncrypted ? "2" : "0"; } if (!gUserTouchedSendSigned) { // After opening draft, it's allowed to use automatic decision. draftStatus += "1"; } else { // After opening draft, use the same state that is set now. // Signing: // 2 -> enabled // 0 -> disabled draftStatus += gSendSigned ? "2" : "0"; } // MIME/technology // ENIG_FORCE_SMIME == 3 -> S/MIME // ENIG_FORCE_ALWAYS == 2 -> PGP/MIME // 0 -> PGP inline if (gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP) { // inline signing currently not implemented draftStatus += "2"; } else { draftStatus += "3"; } if (!gUserTouchedAttachMyPubKey) { draftStatus += "2"; } else { draftStatus += gAttachMyPublicPGPKey ? "1" : "0"; } if (!gUserTouchedEncryptSubject) { draftStatus += "2"; } else { draftStatus += gSendEncrypted && gEncryptSubject ? "1" : "0"; } this.setAdditionalHeader("X-Enigmail-Draft-Status", draftStatus); }, getSenderUserId() { let keyId = gCurrentIdentity?.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id"); return keyId ? "0x" + keyId : null; }, /** * Determine if S/MIME or OpenPGP should be used * * @param sendFlags: Number - input send flags. * * @return: Boolean: * 1: use OpenPGP * 0: use S/MIME */ /* preferPgpOverSmime: function(sendFlags) { let si = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(null); let isSmime = !EnigmailMimeEncrypt.isEnigmailCompField(si); if (isSmime && (sendFlags & (EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED | EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED))) { if (si.requireEncryptMessage || si.signMessage) { if (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SAVE_MESSAGE) { // use S/MIME if it's enabled for saving drafts return 0; } else { return this.mimePreferOpenPGP; } } } return 1; }, */ /* Manage the wrapping of inline signed mails * * @wrapresultObj: Result: * @wrapresultObj.cancelled, true if send operation is to be cancelled, else false * @wrapresultObj.usePpgMime, true if message send option was changed to PGP/MIME, else false */ async wrapInLine(wrapresultObj) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: WrapInLine\n"); wrapresultObj.cancelled = false; wrapresultObj.usePpgMime = false; try { const dce = Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder; var editor = gMsgCompose.editor.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIEditorMailSupport); var encoderFlags = dce.OutputFormatted | dce.OutputLFLineBreak; var wrapWidth = Services.prefs.getIntPref("mailnews.wraplength"); if (wrapWidth > 0 && wrapWidth < 68 && editor.wrapWidth > 0) { if ( EnigmailDialog.confirmDlg( window, await l10nOpenPGP.formatValue("minimal-line-wrapping", { width: wrapWidth, }) ) ) { wrapWidth = 68; Services.prefs.setIntPref("mailnews.wraplength", wrapWidth); } } if (wrapWidth && editor.wrapWidth > 0) { // First use standard editor wrap mechanism: editor.wrapWidth = wrapWidth - 2; editor.rewrap(true); editor.wrapWidth = wrapWidth; // Now get plaintext from editor var wrapText = this.editorGetContentAs("text/plain", encoderFlags); // split the lines into an array wrapText = wrapText.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g); var i = 0; var excess = 0; // inspect all lines of mail text to detect if we still have excessive lines which the "standard" editor wrapper leaves for (i = 0; i < wrapText.length; i++) { if (wrapText[i].length > wrapWidth) { excess = 1; } } if (excess) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Excess lines detected\n" ); var resultObj = {}; window.openDialog( "chrome://openpgp/content/ui/enigmailWrapSelection.xhtml", "", "dialog,modal,centerscreen", resultObj ); try { if (resultObj.cancelled) { // cancel pressed -> do not send, return instead. wrapresultObj.cancelled = true; return; } } catch (ex) { // cancel pressed -> do not send, return instead. wrapresultObj.cancelled = true; return; } var limitedLine = ""; var restOfLine = ""; var WrapSelect = resultObj.Select; switch (WrapSelect) { case "0": // Selection: Force rewrap for (i = 0; i < wrapText.length; i++) { if (wrapText[i].length > wrapWidth) { // If the current line is too long, limit it hard to wrapWidth and insert the rest as the next line into wrapText array limitedLine = wrapText[i].slice(0, wrapWidth); restOfLine = wrapText[i].slice(wrapWidth); // We should add quotes at the beginning of "restOfLine", if limitedLine is a quoted line // However, this would be purely academic, because limitedLine will always be "standard"-wrapped // by the editor-rewrapper at the space between quote sign (>) and the quoted text. wrapText.splice(i, 1, limitedLine, restOfLine); } } break; case "1": // Selection: Send as is break; case "2": // Selection: Use MIME wrapresultObj.usePpgMime = true; break; case "3": // Selection: Edit manually -> do not send, return instead. wrapresultObj.cancelled = true; return; } //switch } // Now join all lines together again and feed it back into the compose editor. var newtext = wrapText.join("\n"); this.replaceEditorText(newtext); } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Exception while wrapping=" + ex + "\n" ); } }, // Save draft message. We do not want most of the other processing for encrypted mails here... async saveDraftMessage(senderKeyIsGnuPG) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: saveDraftMessage()\n"); // If we have an encryption key configured, then encrypt saved // drafts by default, as a precaution. This is independent from the // final decision of sending the message encrypted or not. // However, we allow the user to disable encrypted drafts. let doEncrypt = Enigmail.msg.isEnigmailEnabledForIdentity() && gCurrentIdentity.autoEncryptDrafts; this.setDraftStatus(doEncrypt); if (!doEncrypt) { try { let p = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(); if (EnigmailMimeEncrypt.isEnigmailCompField(p)) { p.wrappedJSObject.sendFlags = 0; } } catch (ex) { console.debug(ex); } return true; } let sendFlags = EnigmailConstants.SEND_PGP_MIME | EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED | EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF | EnigmailConstants.SAVE_MESSAGE; if (gEncryptSubject) { sendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.ENCRYPT_SUBJECT; } if (senderKeyIsGnuPG) { sendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_SENDER_KEY_EXTERNAL; } let fromAddr = this.getSenderUserId(); let enigmailSvc = EnigmailCore.getService(window); if (!enigmailSvc) { return true; } let senderKeyUsable = await EnigmailEncryption.determineOwnKeyUsability( sendFlags, fromAddr, senderKeyIsGnuPG ); if (senderKeyUsable.errorMsg) { let fullAlert = await document.l10n.formatValue( "msg-compose-cannot-save-draft" ); fullAlert += " - " + senderKeyUsable.errorMsg; EnigmailDialog.alert(window, fullAlert); return false; } //if (this.preferPgpOverSmime(sendFlags) === 0) return true; // use S/MIME let secInfo; let param = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(); if (EnigmailMimeEncrypt.isEnigmailCompField(param)) { secInfo = param.wrappedJSObject; } else { try { secInfo = EnigmailMimeEncrypt.createMimeEncrypt(param); if (secInfo) { Enigmail.msg.setSecurityParams(secInfo); } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.writeException( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.saveDraftMessage", ex ); return false; } } secInfo.sendFlags = sendFlags; secInfo.UIFlags = 0; secInfo.senderEmailAddr = fromAddr; secInfo.recipients = ""; secInfo.bccRecipients = ""; secInfo.originalSubject = gMsgCompose.compFields.subject; this.dirty = 1; if (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.ENCRYPT_SUBJECT) { gMsgCompose.compFields.subject = ""; } return true; }, createEnigmailSecurityFields(oldSecurityInfo) { let newSecurityInfo = EnigmailMimeEncrypt.createMimeEncrypt( Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams() ); if (!newSecurityInfo) { throw Components.Exception("", Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE); } Enigmail.msg.setSecurityParams(newSecurityInfo); }, /* sendSmimeEncrypted: function(msgSendType, sendFlags, isOffline) { let recList; let toAddrList = []; let arrLen = {}; const DeliverMode = Ci.nsIMsgCompDeliverMode; switch (msgSendType) { case DeliverMode.SaveAsDraft: case DeliverMode.SaveAsTemplate: case DeliverMode.AutoSaveAsDraft: break; default: if (gAttachMyPublicPGPKey) { await this.attachOwnKey(); Attachments2CompFields(gMsgCompose.compFields); // update list of attachments } } gSMFields.signMessage = (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED ? true : false); gSMFields.requireEncryptMessage = (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED ? true : false); Enigmail.msg.setSecurityParams(gSMFields); let conf = this.isSendConfirmationRequired(sendFlags); if (conf === null) return false; if (conf) { // confirm before send requested let msgCompFields = gMsgCompose.compFields; let splitRecipients = msgCompFields.splitRecipients; if (msgCompFields.to.length > 0) { recList = splitRecipients(msgCompFields.to, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } if (msgCompFields.cc.length > 0) { recList = splitRecipients(msgCompFields.cc, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } switch (msgSendType) { case DeliverMode.SaveAsDraft: case DeliverMode.SaveAsTemplate: case DeliverMode.AutoSaveAsDraft: break; default: if (!this.confirmBeforeSend(toAddrList.join(", "), "", sendFlags, isOffline)) { return false; } } } return true; }, */ getEncryptionFlags() { let f = 0; if (gSendEncrypted) { f |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; } else { f &= ~EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; } if (gSendSigned) { f |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; } else { f &= ~EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; } if (gSendEncrypted && gSendSigned) { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.openpgp.separate_mime_layers")) { f |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_TWO_MIME_LAYERS; } } if (gSendEncrypted && gEncryptSubject) { f |= EnigmailConstants.ENCRYPT_SUBJECT; } return f; }, resetDirty() { let newSecurityInfo = null; if (this.dirty) { // make sure the sendFlags are reset before the message is processed // (it may have been set by a previously cancelled send operation!) let si = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(); if (EnigmailMimeEncrypt.isEnigmailCompField(si)) { si.sendFlags = 0; si.originalSubject = gMsgCompose.compFields.subject; } else { try { newSecurityInfo = EnigmailMimeEncrypt.createMimeEncrypt(si); if (newSecurityInfo) { newSecurityInfo.sendFlags = 0; newSecurityInfo.originalSubject = gMsgCompose.compFields.subject; Enigmail.msg.setSecurityParams(newSecurityInfo); } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.writeException( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.resetDirty", ex ); } } } return newSecurityInfo; }, async determineMsgRecipients(sendFlags) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.determineMsgRecipients: currentId=" + gCurrentIdentity + ", " + gCurrentIdentity.email + "\n" ); let fromAddr = gCurrentIdentity.email; let toAddrList = []; let recList; let bccAddrList = []; let arrLen = {}; let splitRecipients; if (!Enigmail.msg.isEnigmailEnabledForIdentity()) { return true; } let optSendFlags = 0; let msgCompFields = gMsgCompose.compFields; let newsgroups = msgCompFields.newsgroups; if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.encryptToSelf")) { optSendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPT_TO_SELF; } sendFlags |= optSendFlags; var userIdValue = this.getSenderUserId(); if (userIdValue) { fromAddr = userIdValue; } EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.determineMsgRecipients:gMsgCompose=" + gMsgCompose + "\n" ); splitRecipients = msgCompFields.splitRecipients; if (msgCompFields.to.length > 0) { recList = splitRecipients(msgCompFields.to, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } if (msgCompFields.cc.length > 0) { recList = splitRecipients(msgCompFields.cc, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(toAddrList, recList); } // We allow sending to BCC recipients, we assume the user interface // has warned the user that there is no privacy of BCC recipients. if (msgCompFields.bcc.length > 0) { recList = splitRecipients(msgCompFields.bcc, true, arrLen); this.addRecipients(bccAddrList, recList); } if (newsgroups) { toAddrList.push(newsgroups); if (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED) { if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.encryptToNews")) { document.l10n.formatValue("sending-news").then(value => { EnigmailDialog.alert(window, value); }); return false; } else if ( !EnigmailDialog.confirmBoolPref( window, await l10nOpenPGP.formatValue("send-to-news-warning"), "temp.openpgp.warnOnSendingNewsgroups", await l10nOpenPGP.formatValue("msg-compose-button-send") ) ) { return false; } } } return { sendFlags, optSendFlags, fromAddr, toAddrList, bccAddrList, }; }, prepareSending(sendFlags, toAddrStr, gpgKeys, isOffline) { // perform confirmation dialog if necessary/requested if ( sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_WITH_CHECK && !this.messageSendCheck() ) { // Abort send if (!this.processed) { this.removeAttachedKey(); } return false; } return true; }, prepareSecurityInfo( sendFlags, uiFlags, rcpt, newSecurityInfo, autocryptGossipHeaders ) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSecurityInfo(): Using PGP/MIME, flags=" + sendFlags + "\n" ); let oldSecurityInfo = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSecurityInfo: oldSecurityInfo = " + oldSecurityInfo + "\n" ); if (!newSecurityInfo) { this.createEnigmailSecurityFields(Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams()); newSecurityInfo = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams().wrappedJSObject; } newSecurityInfo.originalSubject = gMsgCompose.compFields.subject; newSecurityInfo.originalReferences = gMsgCompose.compFields.references; if (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED) { if (sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.ENCRYPT_SUBJECT) { gMsgCompose.compFields.subject = ""; } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.protectReferencesHdr")) { gMsgCompose.compFields.references = ""; } } newSecurityInfo.sendFlags = sendFlags; newSecurityInfo.UIFlags = uiFlags; newSecurityInfo.senderEmailAddr = rcpt.fromAddr; newSecurityInfo.bccRecipients = rcpt.bccAddrStr; newSecurityInfo.autocryptGossipHeaders = autocryptGossipHeaders; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSecurityInfo: securityInfo = " + newSecurityInfo + "\n" ); return newSecurityInfo; }, async prepareSendMsg(msgSendType) { // msgSendType: value from nsIMsgCompDeliverMode EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSendMsg: msgSendType=" + msgSendType + ", gSendSigned=" + gSendSigned + ", gSendEncrypted=" + gSendEncrypted + "\n" ); const SIGN = EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; const ENCRYPT = EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; const DeliverMode = Ci.nsIMsgCompDeliverMode; var ioService = Services.io; // EnigSend: Handle both plain and encrypted messages below var isOffline = ioService && ioService.offline; let senderKeyIsGnuPG = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.openpgp.allow_external_gnupg") && gCurrentIdentity.getBoolAttribute("is_gnupg_key_id"); let sendFlags = this.getEncryptionFlags(); switch (msgSendType) { case DeliverMode.SaveAsDraft: case DeliverMode.SaveAsTemplate: case DeliverMode.AutoSaveAsDraft: EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSendMsg: detected save draft\n" ); // saving drafts is simpler and works differently than the rest of Enigmail. // All rules except account-settings are ignored. return this.saveDraftMessage(senderKeyIsGnuPG); } this.unsetAdditionalHeader("x-enigmail-draft-status"); let msgCompFields = gMsgCompose.compFields; let newsgroups = msgCompFields.newsgroups; // Check if sending to any newsgroups if ( msgCompFields.to === "" && msgCompFields.cc === "" && msgCompFields.bcc === "" && newsgroups === "" ) { // don't attempt to send message if no recipient specified var bundle = document.getElementById("bundle_composeMsgs"); EnigmailDialog.alert(window, bundle.getString("12511")); return false; } let senderKeyId = gCurrentIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id"); if ((gSendEncrypted || gSendSigned) && !senderKeyId) { let msgId = gSendEncrypted ? "cannot-send-enc-because-no-own-key" : "cannot-send-sig-because-no-own-key"; let fullAlert = await document.l10n.formatValue(msgId, { key: gCurrentIdentity.email, }); EnigmailDialog.alert(window, fullAlert); return false; } if (senderKeyIsGnuPG) { sendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_SENDER_KEY_EXTERNAL; } if ((gSendEncrypted || gSendSigned) && senderKeyId) { let senderKeyUsable = await EnigmailEncryption.determineOwnKeyUsability( sendFlags, senderKeyId, senderKeyIsGnuPG ); if (senderKeyUsable.errorMsg) { let fullAlert = await document.l10n.formatValue( "cannot-use-own-key-because", { problem: senderKeyUsable.errorMsg, } ); EnigmailDialog.alert(window, fullAlert); return false; } } let cannotEncryptMissingInfo = false; if (gSendEncrypted) { let canEncryptDetails = await this.determineSendFlags(); if (canEncryptDetails.errArray.length != 0) { cannotEncryptMissingInfo = true; } } if (gWindowLocked) { EnigmailDialog.alert( window, await document.l10n.formatValue("window-locked") ); return false; } let newSecurityInfo = this.resetDirty(); this.dirty = 1; try { this.modifiedAttach = null; // fill fromAddr, toAddrList, bcc etc let rcpt = await this.determineMsgRecipients(sendFlags); if (typeof rcpt === "boolean") { return rcpt; } sendFlags = rcpt.sendFlags; if (cannotEncryptMissingInfo) { showMessageComposeSecurityStatus(true); return false; } if (this.sendPgpMime) { // Use PGP/MIME sendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_PGP_MIME; } let toAddrStr = rcpt.toAddrList.join(", "); let bccAddrStr = rcpt.bccAddrList.join(", "); if (gAttachMyPublicPGPKey) { await this.attachOwnKey(senderKeyId); } let autocryptGossipHeaders = await this.getAutocryptGossip(); /* if (this.preferPgpOverSmime(sendFlags) === 0) { // use S/MIME Attachments2CompFields(gMsgCompose.compFields); // update list of attachments sendFlags = 0; return true; } */ var usingPGPMime = sendFlags & EnigmailConstants.SEND_PGP_MIME && sendFlags & (ENCRYPT | SIGN); // ----------------------- Rewrapping code, taken from function "encryptInline" if (sendFlags & ENCRYPT && !usingPGPMime) { throw new Error("Sending encrypted inline not supported!"); } if (sendFlags & SIGN && !usingPGPMime && gMsgCompose.composeHTML) { throw new Error( "Sending signed inline only supported for plain text composition!" ); } // Check wrapping, if sign only and inline and plaintext if ( sendFlags & SIGN && !(sendFlags & ENCRYPT) && !usingPGPMime && !gMsgCompose.composeHTML ) { var wrapresultObj = {}; await this.wrapInLine(wrapresultObj); if (wrapresultObj.usePpgMime) { sendFlags |= EnigmailConstants.SEND_PGP_MIME; usingPGPMime = EnigmailConstants.SEND_PGP_MIME; } if (wrapresultObj.cancelled) { return false; } } var uiFlags = EnigmailConstants.UI_INTERACTIVE; if (usingPGPMime) { uiFlags |= EnigmailConstants.UI_PGP_MIME; } if (sendFlags & (ENCRYPT | SIGN) && usingPGPMime) { // Use PGP/MIME newSecurityInfo = this.prepareSecurityInfo( sendFlags, uiFlags, rcpt, newSecurityInfo, autocryptGossipHeaders ); newSecurityInfo.recipients = toAddrStr; newSecurityInfo.bccRecipients = bccAddrStr; } else if (!this.processed && sendFlags & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)) { // use inline PGP let sendInfo = { sendFlags, fromAddr: rcpt.fromAddr, toAddr: toAddrStr, bccAddr: bccAddrStr, uiFlags, bucketList: document.getElementById("attachmentBucket"), }; if (!(await this.signInline(sendInfo))) { return false; } } // update the list of attachments Attachments2CompFields(msgCompFields); if ( !this.prepareSending( sendFlags, rcpt.toAddrList.join(", "), toAddrStr + ", " + bccAddrStr, isOffline ) ) { return false; } if (msgCompFields.characterSet != "ISO-2022-JP") { if ( (usingPGPMime && sendFlags & (ENCRYPT | SIGN)) || (!usingPGPMime && sendFlags & ENCRYPT) ) { try { // make sure plaintext is not changed to 7bit if (typeof msgCompFields.forceMsgEncoding == "boolean") { msgCompFields.forceMsgEncoding = true; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSendMsg: enabled forceMsgEncoding\n" ); } } catch (ex) { console.debug(ex); } } } } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.writeException( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.prepareSendMsg", ex ); return false; } // The encryption process for PGP/MIME messages follows "here". It's // called automatically from nsMsgCompose->sendMsg(). // registration for this is done in core.jsm: startup() return true; }, async signInline(sendInfo) { // sign message using inline-PGP if (sendInfo.sendFlags & ENCRYPT) { throw new Error("Encryption not supported in inline messages!"); } if (gMsgCompose.composeHTML) { throw new Error( "Signing inline only supported for plain text composition!" ); } const dce = Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder; const SIGN = EnigmailConstants.SEND_SIGNED; const ENCRYPT = EnigmailConstants.SEND_ENCRYPTED; var enigmailSvc = EnigmailCore.getService(window); if (!enigmailSvc) { return false; } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.strictly_mime")) { if ( EnigmailDialog.confirmIntPref( window, await l10nOpenPGP.formatValue("quoted-printable-warn"), "temp.openpgp.quotedPrintableWarn" ) ) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.strictly_mime", false); } } var sendFlowed = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "mailnews.send_plaintext_flowed" ); var encoderFlags = dce.OutputFormatted | dce.OutputLFLineBreak; // plaintext: Wrapping code has been moved to superordinate function prepareSendMsg to enable interactive format switch var exitCodeObj = {}; var statusFlagsObj = {}; var errorMsgObj = {}; var exitCode; // Get plain text // (Do we need to set the nsIDocumentEncoder.* flags?) var origText = this.editorGetContentAs("text/plain", encoderFlags); if (!origText) { origText = ""; } if (origText.length > 0) { // Sign/encrypt body text var escText = origText; // Copy plain text for possible escaping if (sendFlowed) { // Prevent space stuffing a la RFC 2646 (format=flowed). //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: escText["+encoderFlags+"] = '"+escText+"'\n"); escText = escText.replace(/^From /gm, "~From "); escText = escText.replace(/^>/gm, "|"); escText = escText.replace(/^[ \t]+$/gm, ""); escText = escText.replace(/^ /gm, "~ "); //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: escText = '"+escText+"'\n"); // Replace plain text and get it again this.replaceEditorText(escText); escText = this.editorGetContentAs("text/plain", encoderFlags); } // Replace plain text and get it again (to avoid linewrapping problems) this.replaceEditorText(escText); escText = this.editorGetContentAs("text/plain", encoderFlags); //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: escText["+encoderFlags+"] = '"+escText+"'\n"); var charset = this.editorGetCharset(); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.signInline: charset=" + charset + "\n" ); // Encode plaintext to charset from unicode var plainText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(escText, charset); // this will sign, not encrypt var cipherText = EnigmailEncryption.encryptMessage( window, sendInfo.uiFlags, plainText, sendInfo.fromAddr, sendInfo.toAddr, sendInfo.bccAddr, sendInfo.sendFlags, exitCodeObj, statusFlagsObj, errorMsgObj ); exitCode = exitCodeObj.value; //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: cipherText = '"+cipherText+"'\n"); if (cipherText && exitCode === 0) { // Encryption/signing succeeded; overwrite plaintext cipherText = cipherText.replace(/\r\n/g, "\n"); // Decode ciphertext from charset to unicode and overwrite this.replaceEditorText( EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(cipherText, charset) ); // Save original text (for undo) this.processed = { origText, charset, }; } else { // Restore original text this.replaceEditorText(origText); if (sendInfo.sendFlags & SIGN) { // Encryption/signing failed this.sendAborted(window, errorMsgObj); return false; } } } return true; }, async sendAborted(window, errorMsgObj) { if (errorMsgObj && errorMsgObj.value) { var txt = errorMsgObj.value; var txtLines = txt.split(/\r?\n/); var errorMsg = ""; for (var i = 0; i < txtLines.length; ++i) { var line = txtLines[i]; var tokens = line.split(/ /); // process most important business reasons for invalid recipient (and sender) errors: if ( tokens.length == 3 && (tokens[0] == "INV_RECP" || tokens[0] == "INV_SGNR") ) { var reason = tokens[1]; var key = tokens[2]; if (reason == "10") { errorMsg += (await document.l10n.formatValue("key-not-trusted", { key })) + "\n"; } else if (reason == "1") { errorMsg += (await document.l10n.formatValue("key-not-found", { key })) + "\n"; } else if (reason == "4") { errorMsg += (await document.l10n.formatValue("key-revoked", { key })) + "\n"; } else if (reason == "5") { errorMsg += (await document.l10n.formatValue("key-expired", { key })) + "\n"; } } } if (errorMsg !== "") { txt = errorMsg + "\n" + txt; } EnigmailDialog.info( window, (await document.l10n.formatValue("send-aborted")) + "\n" + txt ); } else { let [title, message] = await document.l10n.formatValues([ { id: "send-aborted" }, { id: "msg-compose-internal-error" }, ]); EnigmailDialog.info(window, title + "\n" + message); } }, messageSendCheck() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.messageSendCheck\n" ); try { var warn = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.warn_on_send_accel_key"); if (warn) { var checkValue = { value: false, }; var bundle = document.getElementById("bundle_composeMsgs"); var buttonPressed = EnigmailDialog.getPromptSvc().confirmEx( window, bundle.getString("sendMessageCheckWindowTitle"), bundle.getString("sendMessageCheckLabel"), EnigmailDialog.getPromptSvc().BUTTON_TITLE_IS_STRING * EnigmailDialog.getPromptSvc().BUTTON_POS_0 + EnigmailDialog.getPromptSvc().BUTTON_TITLE_CANCEL * EnigmailDialog.getPromptSvc().BUTTON_POS_1, bundle.getString("sendMessageCheckSendButtonLabel"), null, null, bundle.getString("CheckMsg"), checkValue ); if (buttonPressed !== 0) { return false; } if (checkValue.value) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("mail.warn_on_send_accel_key", false); } } } catch (ex) {} return true; }, /** * set non-standard message Header * (depending on TB version) * * hdr: String: header type (e.g. X-Enigmail-Version) * val: String: header data (e.g. */ setAdditionalHeader(hdr, val) { if ("otherRandomHeaders" in gMsgCompose.compFields) { // TB <= 36 gMsgCompose.compFields.otherRandomHeaders += hdr + ": " + val + "\r\n"; } else { gMsgCompose.compFields.setHeader(hdr, val); } }, unsetAdditionalHeader(hdr) { gMsgCompose.compFields.deleteHeader(hdr); }, // called just before sending modifyCompFields() { try { if ( !Enigmail.msg.isEnigmailEnabledForIdentity() || !gCurrentIdentity.sendAutocryptHeaders ) { return; } if ((gSendSigned || gSendEncrypted) && !gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP) { // If we're sending an S/MIME message, we don't want to send // the OpenPGP autocrypt header. return; } this.setAutocryptHeader(); } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.writeException( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.modifyCompFields", ex ); } }, getCurrentIncomingServer() { let currentAccountKey = getCurrentAccountKey(); let account = MailServices.accounts.getAccount(currentAccountKey); return account.incomingServer; /* returns nsIMsgIncomingServer */ }, /** * Obtain all Autocrypt-Gossip header lines that should be included in * the outgoing message, excluding the sender's (from) email address. * If there is just one recipient (ignoring the from address), * no headers will be returned. * * @returns {string} - All header lines including line endings, * could be the empty string. */ async getAutocryptGossip() { let fromMail = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(gMsgCompose.compFields.from); let replyToMail = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(gMsgCompose.compFields.replyTo); let optionalReplyToGossip = ""; if (replyToMail != fromMail) { optionalReplyToGossip = ", " + gMsgCompose.compFields.replyTo; } // Assumes that extractHeaderAddressMailboxes will separate all // entries with the sequence comma-space. let allEmails = MailServices.headerParser .extractHeaderAddressMailboxes( gMsgCompose.compFields.to + ", " + gMsgCompose.compFields.cc + optionalReplyToGossip ) .split(/, /); // Use a Set to ensure we have each address only once. let uniqueEmails = new Set(); for (let e of allEmails) { uniqueEmails.add(e); } // Potentially to/cc might contain the sender email address. // Remove it, if it's there. uniqueEmails.delete(fromMail); // When sending to yourself, only, allEmails.length is 0. // When sending to exactly one other person (with or without // "from" in to/cc), then allEmails.length is 1. In that scenario, // that recipient obviously already has their own key, and doesn't // need the gossip. The sender's key will be included in the // separate autocrypt (non-gossip) header. if (uniqueEmails.size < 2) { return ""; } let gossip = ""; for (const email of uniqueEmails) { let k = await EnigmailKeyRing.getRecipientAutocryptKeyForEmail(email); if (!k) { continue; } let keyData = " " + k.replace(/(.{72})/g, "$1\r\n ").replace(/\r\n $/, ""); gossip += "Autocrypt-Gossip: addr=" + email + "; keydata=\r\n" + keyData + "\r\n"; } return gossip; }, setAutocryptHeader() { let senderKeyId = gCurrentIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id"); if (!senderKeyId) { return; } let fromMail = gCurrentIdentity.email; try { fromMail = EnigmailFuncs.stripEmail(gMsgCompose.compFields.from); } catch (ex) {} let keyData = EnigmailKeyRing.getAutocryptKey("0x" + senderKeyId, fromMail); if (keyData) { keyData = " " + keyData.replace(/(.{72})/g, "$1\r\n ").replace(/\r\n $/, ""); this.setAdditionalHeader( "Autocrypt", "addr=" + fromMail + "; keydata=\r\n" + keyData ); } }, /** * Handle the 'compose-send-message' event from TB */ sendMessageListener(event) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.sendMessageListener\n" ); let msgcomposeWindow = document.getElementById("msgcomposeWindow"); let sendMsgType = Number(msgcomposeWindow.getAttribute("msgtype")); if ( !( this.sendProcess && sendMsgType == Ci.nsIMsgCompDeliverMode.AutoSaveAsDraft ) ) { this.modifyCompFields(); if (!gSelectedTechnologyIsPGP) { return; } this.sendProcess = true; //let bc = document.getElementById("enigmail-bc-sendprocess"); try { const cApi = EnigmailCryptoAPI(); let encryptResult = cApi.sync(this.prepareSendMsg(sendMsgType)); if (!encryptResult) { this.resetUpdatedFields(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } catch (ex) { console.error("GenericSendMessage FAILED: " + ex); this.resetUpdatedFields(); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } } else { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.sendMessageListener: sending in progress - autosave aborted\n" ); event.preventDefault(); event.stopPropagation(); } this.sendProcess = false; }, async decryptQuote(interactive) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: " + interactive + "\n" ); if (gWindowLocked || this.processed) { return; } var enigmailSvc = EnigmailCore.getService(window); if (!enigmailSvc) { return; } const dce = Ci.nsIDocumentEncoder; var encoderFlags = dce.OutputFormatted | dce.OutputLFLineBreak; var docText = this.editorGetContentAs("text/plain", encoderFlags); var blockBegin = docText.indexOf("-----BEGIN PGP "); if (blockBegin < 0) { return; } // Determine indentation string var indentBegin = docText.substr(0, blockBegin).lastIndexOf("\n"); var indentStr = docText.substring(indentBegin + 1, blockBegin); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: indentStr='" + indentStr + "'\n" ); var beginIndexObj = {}; var endIndexObj = {}; var indentStrObj = {}; var blockType = EnigmailArmor.locateArmoredBlock( docText, 0, indentStr, beginIndexObj, endIndexObj, indentStrObj ); if (blockType != "MESSAGE" && blockType != "SIGNED MESSAGE") { return; } var beginIndex = beginIndexObj.value; var endIndex = endIndexObj.value; var head = docText.substr(0, beginIndex); var tail = docText.substr(endIndex + 1); var pgpBlock = docText.substr(beginIndex, endIndex - beginIndex + 1); var indentRegexp; if (indentStr) { if (indentStr == "> ") { // replace ">> " with "> > " to allow correct quoting pgpBlock = pgpBlock.replace(/^>>/gm, "> >"); } // Escape regex chars. let escapedIndent1 = indentStr.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); // Delete indentation indentRegexp = new RegExp("^" + escapedIndent1, "gm"); pgpBlock = pgpBlock.replace(indentRegexp, ""); //tail = tail.replace(indentRegexp, ""); if (indentStr.match(/[ \t]*$/)) { indentStr = indentStr.replace(/[ \t]*$/gm, ""); // Escape regex chars. let escapedIndent2 = indentStr.replace(/[.*+\-?^${}()|[\]\\]/g, "\\$&"); indentRegexp = new RegExp("^" + escapedIndent2 + "$", "gm"); pgpBlock = pgpBlock.replace(indentRegexp, ""); } // Handle blank indented lines pgpBlock = pgpBlock.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]*$/gm, ""); //tail = tail.replace(/^[ \t]*>[ \t]*$/g, ""); // Trim leading space in tail tail = tail.replace(/^\s*\n/m, "\n"); } if (tail.search(/\S/) < 0) { // No non-space characters in tail; delete it tail = ""; } //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: pgpBlock='"+pgpBlock+"'\n"); var charset = this.editorGetCharset(); EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: charset=" + charset + "\n" ); // Encode ciphertext from unicode to charset var cipherText = EnigmailData.convertFromUnicode(pgpBlock, charset); // Decrypt message var signatureObj = {}; signatureObj.value = ""; var exitCodeObj = {}; var statusFlagsObj = {}; var userIdObj = {}; var keyIdObj = {}; var sigDetailsObj = {}; var errorMsgObj = {}; var blockSeparationObj = {}; var encToDetailsObj = {}; var uiFlags = EnigmailConstants.UI_UNVERIFIED_ENC_OK; var plainText = ""; plainText = EnigmailDecryption.decryptMessage( window, uiFlags, cipherText, null, // date signatureObj, exitCodeObj, statusFlagsObj, keyIdObj, userIdObj, sigDetailsObj, errorMsgObj, blockSeparationObj, encToDetailsObj ); // Decode plaintext from charset to unicode plainText = EnigmailData.convertToUnicode(plainText, charset).replace( /\r\n/g, "\n" ); //if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("temp.openpgp.keepSettingsForReply")) { if (statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY) { //this.setSendMode('encrypt'); // TODO : Check, when is this code reached? // automatic enabling encryption currently depends on // adjustSignEncryptAfterIdentityChanged to be always reached gIsRelatedToEncryptedOriginal = true; gSendEncrypted = true; updateEncryptionDependencies(); } //} var exitCode = exitCodeObj.value; if (exitCode !== 0) { // Error processing var errorMsg = errorMsgObj.value; var statusLines = errorMsg ? errorMsg.split(/\r?\n/) : []; var displayMsg; if (statusLines && statusLines.length) { // Display only first ten lines of error message while (statusLines.length > 10) { statusLines.pop(); } displayMsg = statusLines.join("\n"); if (interactive) { EnigmailDialog.info(window, displayMsg); } } } if (blockType == "MESSAGE" && exitCode === 0 && plainText.length === 0) { plainText = " "; } if (!plainText) { if (blockType != "SIGNED MESSAGE") { return; } // Extract text portion of clearsign block plainText = EnigmailArmor.extractSignaturePart( pgpBlock, EnigmailConstants.SIGNATURE_TEXT ); } const nsIMsgCompType = Ci.nsIMsgCompType; var doubleDashSeparator = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "temp.openpgp.doubleDashSeparator" ); if ( gMsgCompose.type != nsIMsgCompType.Template && gMsgCompose.type != nsIMsgCompType.Draft && doubleDashSeparator ) { var signOffset = plainText.search(/[\r\n]-- +[\r\n]/); if (signOffset < 0 && blockType == "SIGNED MESSAGE") { signOffset = plainText.search(/[\r\n]--[\r\n]/); } if (signOffset > 0) { // Strip signature portion of quoted message plainText = plainText.substr(0, signOffset + 1); } } this.editorSelectAll(); //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: plainText='"+plainText+"'\n"); if (head) { this.editorInsertText(head); } var quoteElement; if (indentStr) { quoteElement = this.editorInsertAsQuotation(plainText); } else { this.editorInsertText(plainText); } if (tail) { this.editorInsertText(tail); } if (statusFlagsObj.value & EnigmailConstants.DECRYPTION_OKAY) { this.checkInlinePgpReply(head, tail); } if (interactive) { return; } // Position cursor var replyOnTop = gCurrentIdentity.replyOnTop; if (!indentStr || !quoteElement) { replyOnTop = 1; } EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote: replyOnTop=" + replyOnTop + ", quoteElement=" + quoteElement + "\n" ); if (this.editor.selectionController) { var selection = this.editor.selectionController; selection.completeMove(false, false); // go to start; switch (replyOnTop) { case 0: // Position after quote this.editor.endOfDocument(); if (tail) { for (let cPos = 0; cPos < tail.length; cPos++) { selection.characterMove(false, false); // move backwards } } break; case 2: // Select quote if (head) { for (let cPos = 0; cPos < head.length; cPos++) { selection.characterMove(true, false); } } selection.completeMove(true, true); if (tail) { for (let cPos = 0; cPos < tail.length; cPos++) { selection.characterMove(false, true); // move backwards } } break; default: // Position at beginning of document if (this.editor) { this.editor.beginningOfDocument(); } } this.editor.selectionController.scrollSelectionIntoView( Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_NORMAL, Ci.nsISelectionController.SELECTION_ANCHOR_REGION, true ); } //this.processFinalState(); }, checkInlinePgpReply(head, tail) { const CT = Ci.nsIMsgCompType; let hLines = head.search(/[^\s>]/) < 0 ? 0 : 1; if (hLines > 0) { switch (gMsgCompose.type) { case CT.Reply: case CT.ReplyAll: case CT.ReplyToSender: case CT.ReplyToGroup: case CT.ReplyToSenderAndGroup: case CT.ReplyToList: { // if head contains at only a few line of text, we assume it's the // header above the quote (e.g. XYZ wrote:) and the user's signature let h = head.split(/\r?\n/); hLines = -1; for (let i = 0; i < h.length; i++) { if (h[i].search(/[^\s>]/) >= 0) { hLines++; } } } } } if ( hLines > 0 && (!gCurrentIdentity.sigOnReply || gCurrentIdentity.sigBottom) ) { // display warning if no signature on top of message this.displayPartialEncryptedWarning(); } else if (hLines > 10) { this.displayPartialEncryptedWarning(); } else if ( tail.search(/[^\s>]/) >= 0 && !(gCurrentIdentity.sigOnReply && gCurrentIdentity.sigBottom) ) { // display warning if no signature below message this.displayPartialEncryptedWarning(); } }, editorInsertText(plainText) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorInsertText\n" ); if (this.editor) { var mailEditor; try { mailEditor = this.editor.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIEditorMailSupport); mailEditor.insertTextWithQuotations(plainText); } catch (ex) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorInsertText: no mail editor\n" ); this.editor.insertText(plainText); } } }, editorInsertAsQuotation(plainText) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorInsertAsQuotation\n" ); if (this.editor) { var mailEditor; try { mailEditor = this.editor.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIEditorMailSupport); } catch (ex) {} if (!mailEditor) { return 0; } EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorInsertAsQuotation: mailEditor=" + mailEditor + "\n" ); mailEditor.insertAsCitedQuotation(plainText, "", false); return 1; } return 0; }, isSenderKeyExpired() { const senderKeyId = this.getSenderUserId(); if (senderKeyId) { const key = EnigmailKeyRing.getKeyById(senderKeyId); return key?.expiryTime && Math.round(Date.now() / 1000) > key.expiryTime; } return false; }, removeNotificationIfPresent(name) { const notif = gComposeNotification.getNotificationWithValue(name); if (notif) { gComposeNotification.removeNotification(notif); } }, warnUserThatSenderKeyExpired() { const label = { "l10n-id": "openpgp-selection-status-error", "l10n-args": { key: this.getSenderUserId() }, }; const buttons = [ { "l10n-id": "settings-context-open-account-settings-item2", callback() { MsgAccountManager( "am-e2e.xhtml", MailServices.accounts.getServersForIdentity(gCurrentIdentity)[0] ); Services.wm.getMostRecentWindow("mail:3pane")?.focus(); return true; }, }, ]; gComposeNotification.appendNotification( "openpgpSenderKeyExpired", { label, priority: gComposeNotification.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM, }, buttons ); }, warnUserIfSenderKeyExpired() { if (!this.isSenderKeyExpired()) { this.removeNotificationIfPresent("openpgpSenderKeyExpired"); return; } this.warnUserThatSenderKeyExpired(); }, /** * Display a notification to the user at the bottom of the window * * @param priority: Number - Priority of the message [1 = high (error) ... 3 = low (info)] * @param msgText: String - Text to be displayed in notification bar * @param messageId: String - Unique message type identification * @param detailsText: String - optional text to be displayed by clicking on "Details" button. * if null or "", then the Detail button will no be displayed. */ async notifyUser(priority, msgText, messageId, detailsText) { let prio; switch (priority) { case 1: prio = gComposeNotification.PRIORITY_CRITICAL_MEDIUM; break; case 3: prio = gComposeNotification.PRIORITY_INFO_MEDIUM; break; default: prio = gComposeNotification.PRIORITY_WARNING_MEDIUM; } let buttonArr = []; if (detailsText && detailsText.length > 0) { let [accessKey, label] = await document.l10n.formatValues([ { id: "msg-compose-details-button-access-key" }, { id: "msg-compose-details-button-label" }, ]); buttonArr.push({ accessKey, label, callback(aNotificationBar, aButton) { EnigmailDialog.info(window, detailsText); }, }); } gComposeNotification.appendNotification( messageId, { label: msgText, priority: prio, }, buttonArr ); }, /** * Display a warning message if we are replying to or forwarding * a partially decrypted inline-PGP email */ async displayPartialEncryptedWarning() { let [msgLong, msgShort] = await document.l10n.formatValues([ { id: "msg-compose-partially-encrypted-inlinePGP" }, { id: "msg-compose-partially-encrypted-short" }, ]); this.notifyUser(1, msgShort, "notifyPartialDecrypt", msgLong); }, editorSelectAll() { if (this.editor) { this.editor.selectAll(); } }, editorGetCharset() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorGetCharset\n" ); return this.editor.documentCharacterSet; }, editorGetContentAs(mimeType, flags) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: Enigmail.msg.editorGetContentAs\n" ); if (this.editor) { return this.editor.outputToString(mimeType, flags); } return null; }, async focusChange() { // call original TB function CommandUpdate_MsgCompose(); var focusedWindow = top.document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; // we're just setting focus to where it was before if (focusedWindow == Enigmail.msg.lastFocusedWindow) { // skip return; } Enigmail.msg.lastFocusedWindow = focusedWindow; }, /** * Merge multiple Re: Re: into one Re: in message subject */ fixMessageSubject() { let subjElem = document.getElementById("msgSubject"); if (subjElem) { let r = subjElem.value.replace(/^(Re: )+/, "Re: "); if (r !== subjElem.value) { subjElem.value = r; if (typeof subjElem.oninput === "function") { subjElem.oninput(); } } } }, }; Enigmail.composeStateListener = { NotifyComposeFieldsReady() { // Note: NotifyComposeFieldsReady is only called when a new window is created (i.e. not in case a window object is reused). EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.NotifyComposeFieldsReady\n" ); try { Enigmail.msg.editor = gMsgCompose.editor.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIEditor); } catch (ex) {} if (!Enigmail.msg.editor) { return; } Enigmail.msg.fixMessageSubject(); function enigDocStateListener() {} enigDocStateListener.prototype = { QueryInterface: ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsIDocumentStateListener"]), NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: EDSL.enigDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentWillBeDestroyed\n" ); }, NotifyDocumentStateChanged(nowDirty) { EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: EDSL.enigDocStateListener.NotifyDocumentStateChanged\n" ); }, }; var docStateListener = new enigDocStateListener(); Enigmail.msg.editor.addDocumentStateListener(docStateListener); }, ComposeProcessDone(aResult) { // Note: called after a mail was sent (or saved) EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.ComposeProcessDone: " + aResult + "\n" ); if (aResult != Cr.NS_OK) { Enigmail.msg.removeAttachedKey(); } // ensure that securityInfo is set back to S/MIME flags (especially required if draft was saved) if (gSMFields) { Enigmail.msg.setSecurityParams(gSMFields); } }, NotifyComposeBodyReady() { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.ComposeBodyReady\n"); var isEmpty, isEditable; isEmpty = Enigmail.msg.editor.documentIsEmpty; isEditable = Enigmail.msg.editor.isDocumentEditable; Enigmail.msg.composeBodyReady = true; EnigmailLog.DEBUG( "enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.ComposeBodyReady: isEmpty=" + isEmpty + ", isEditable=" + isEditable + "\n" ); /* if (Enigmail.msg.disableSmime) { if (gMsgCompose && gMsgCompose.compFields && Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams()) { let si = Enigmail.msg.getSecurityParams(null); si.signMessage = false; si.requireEncryptMessage = false; } else { EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.ComposeBodyReady: could not disable S/MIME\n"); } } */ if (isEditable && !isEmpty) { if (!Enigmail.msg.timeoutId && !Enigmail.msg.dirty) { Enigmail.msg.timeoutId = setTimeout(function () { Enigmail.msg.decryptQuote(false); }, 0); } } // This must be called by the last registered NotifyComposeBodyReady() // stateListener. We need this in order to know when the entire init // sequence of the composeWindow has finished, so the WebExtension compose // API can do its final modifications. window.composeEditorReady = true; window.dispatchEvent(new CustomEvent("compose-editor-ready")); }, SaveInFolderDone(folderURI) { //EnigmailLog.DEBUG("enigmailMsgComposeOverlay.js: ECSL.SaveInFolderDone\n"); }, }; window.addEventListener( "load", Enigmail.msg.composeStartup.bind(Enigmail.msg), { capture: false, once: true, } ); window.addEventListener("compose-window-unload", () => { if (gMsgCompose) { gMsgCompose.UnregisterStateListener(Enigmail.composeStateListener); } });