/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /** * Tests for the display of the Message Security popup panel, which displays * encryption information for both OpenPGP and S/MIME. */ "use strict"; const { create_encrypted_smime_message, add_message_to_folder, be_in_folder, get_about_message, get_special_folder, mc, select_click_row, press_delete, plan_for_message_display, wait_for_message_display_completion, } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mozmill/FolderDisplayHelpers.jsm" ); const { get_notification_button, wait_for_notification_to_show, wait_for_notification_to_stop, } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mozmill/NotificationBoxHelpers.jsm" ); const { OpenPGPTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mozmill/OpenPGPTestUtils.jsm" ); const { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mailnews/PromiseTestUtils.jsm" ); const { SmimeUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mailnews/smimeUtils.jsm" ); const { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm" ); const MSG_TEXT = "Sundays are nothing without callaloo."; function getMsgBodyTxt(mc) { let msgPane = get_about_message(mc.window).getMessagePaneBrowser(); return msgPane.contentDocument.documentElement.textContent; } var aliceAcct; var aliceIdentity; var initialKeyIdPref = ""; var gInbox; /** * Set up the base account, identity and keys needed for the tests. */ add_setup(async function () { SmimeUtils.ensureNSS(); SmimeUtils.loadCertificateAndKey( new FileUtils.File(getTestFilePath("data/smime/Bob.p12")), "nss" ); aliceAcct = MailServices.accounts.createAccount(); aliceAcct.incomingServer = MailServices.accounts.createIncomingServer( "alice", "openpgp.example", "pop3" ); aliceIdentity = MailServices.accounts.createIdentity(); aliceIdentity.email = "alice@openpgp.example"; aliceAcct.addIdentity(aliceIdentity); // Set up the alice's private key. let [id] = await OpenPGPTestUtils.importPrivateKey( window, new FileUtils.File( getTestFilePath( "data/keys/alice@openpgp.example-0xf231550c4f47e38e-secret.asc" ) ) ); initialKeyIdPref = aliceIdentity.getUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id"); aliceIdentity.setUnicharAttribute("openpgp_key_id", id); // Import and accept the public key for Bob, our verified sender. await OpenPGPTestUtils.importPublicKey( window, new FileUtils.File( getTestFilePath( "data/keys/bob@openpgp.example-0xfbfcc82a015e7330-pub.asc" ) ) ); gInbox = await get_special_folder(Ci.nsMsgFolderFlags.Inbox, true); await be_in_folder(gInbox); }); /** * Test that the encryption icons and the message security popup properly update * when selecting an S/MIME or OpenPGP message with different signature and * encryption states. */ add_task(async function testSmimeOpenPgpSelection() { let smimeFile = new FileUtils.File( getTestFilePath("data/smime/alice.env.eml") ); // Fetch a local OpenPGP message. let openPgpFile = new FileUtils.File( getTestFilePath( "data/eml/signed-by-0xfbfcc82a015e7330-encrypted-to-0xf231550c4f47e38e.eml" ) ); // Add the fetched S/MIME message to the inbox folder. let copyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener(); MailServices.copy.copyFileMessage( smimeFile, gInbox, null, false, 0, "", copyListener, null ); await copyListener.promise; // Add the fetched OpenPGP message to the inbox folder. copyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener(); MailServices.copy.copyFileMessage( openPgpFile, gInbox, null, false, 0, "", copyListener, null ); await copyListener.promise; // Select the second row, which should contain the S/MIME message. select_click_row(1); let aboutMessage = get_about_message(); Assert.equal( aboutMessage.document .getElementById("encryptionTechBtn") .querySelector("span").textContent, "S/MIME" ); Assert.ok( OpenPGPTestUtils.hasEncryptedIconState(aboutMessage.document, "ok"), "S/MIME message should be decrypted" ); let openpgpprocessed = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( aboutMessage.document, "openpgpprocessed" ); // Select the first row, which should contain the OpenPGP message. select_click_row(0); await openpgpprocessed; Assert.equal( aboutMessage.document .getElementById("encryptionTechBtn") .querySelector("span").textContent, "OpenPGP" ); Assert.ok(getMsgBodyTxt(mc).includes(MSG_TEXT), "message text is in body"); Assert.ok( OpenPGPTestUtils.hasSignedIconState(aboutMessage.document, "verified"), "signed verified icon is displayed" ); Assert.ok( OpenPGPTestUtils.hasEncryptedIconState(aboutMessage.document, "ok"), "encrypted icon is displayed" ); // Delete the two generated messages. press_delete(); select_click_row(0); press_delete(); }); /** * Test the notification and repairing of a message corrupted by MS-Exchange. */ add_task(async function testBrokenMSExchangeEncryption() { // Fetch a broken MS-Exchange encrypted message. let brokenFile = new FileUtils.File( getTestFilePath("data/eml/alice-broken-exchange.eml") ); let notificationBox = "mail-notification-top"; let notificationValue = "brokenExchange"; // Add the broken OpenPGP message to the inbox folder. let copyListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseCopyListener(); MailServices.copy.copyFileMessage( brokenFile, gInbox, null, false, 0, "", copyListener, null ); await copyListener.promise; // Select the first row, which should contain the OpenPGP message. select_click_row(0); // Assert the "corrupted by MS-Exchange" notification is visible. let aboutMessage = get_about_message(); wait_for_notification_to_show( aboutMessage, notificationBox, notificationValue ); // Click on the "repair" button. let repairButton = get_notification_button( aboutMessage, notificationBox, notificationValue, { popup: null, } ); plan_for_message_display(mc); EventUtils.synthesizeMouseAtCenter(repairButton, {}, aboutMessage); // Wait for the "fixing in progress" notification to go away. wait_for_notification_to_stop( aboutMessage, notificationBox, "brokenExchangeProgress" ); // The broken exchange repair process generates a new fixed message body and // then copies the new message in the same folder. Therefore, we need to wait // for the message to be automatically reloaded and reselected. wait_for_message_display_completion(mc, true); // Assert that the message was repaired and decrypted. await TestUtils.waitForCondition( () => OpenPGPTestUtils.hasEncryptedIconState(aboutMessage.document, "ok"), "encrypted icon is displayed" ); // Delete the message. press_delete(); }).skip(); // TODO /** * Test the working keyboard shortcut event listener for the message header. * Ctrl+Alt+S for Windows and Linux, Control+Cmd+S for macOS. */ add_task(async function testMessageSecurityShortcut() { // Create an S/MIME message and add it to the inbox folder. await add_message_to_folder([gInbox], create_encrypted_smime_message()); // Select the first row, which should contain the S/MIME message. select_click_row(0); let aboutMessage = get_about_message(); Assert.equal( aboutMessage.document .getElementById("encryptionTechBtn") .querySelector("span").textContent, "S/MIME" ); let modifiers = AppConstants.platform == "macosx" ? { accelKey: true, ctrlKey: true } : { accelKey: true, altKey: true }; let popupshown = BrowserTestUtils.waitForEvent( aboutMessage.document.getElementById("messageSecurityPanel"), "popupshown" ); EventUtils.synthesizeKey("s", modifiers, aboutMessage); // The Message Security popup panel should show up. await popupshown; // Select the row again since the focus moved to the popup panel. select_click_row(0); // Delete the message. press_delete(); }).skip(); // TODO registerCleanupFunction(async function tearDown() { // Reset the OpenPGP key and delete the account. MailServices.accounts.removeAccount(aliceAcct, true); aliceAcct = null; await OpenPGPTestUtils.removeKeyById("0xf231550c4f47e38e", true); });