/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ @import url("chrome://messenger/skin/messenger.css"); @import url("chrome://messenger/skin/icons.css"); html { height: 100%; } :root { --bg-color: #ffffff; --bg-watermark: url("chrome://messenger/skin/images/account-watermark.png"); --header-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.05); --accounts-bg-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.03); --text-color: #36385A; --title-color: #002275; --primary-color: #0a84ff; --primary-color-hover: #0060df; --btn-color: #36385A; --btn-color-hover: #FFFFFF; --btn-bg: #FFFFFF; --btn-bg-hover: #0060df; --btn-shadow-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); --popup-bg: #EDEDF0; } @media (prefers-color-scheme: dark) { :root { --bg-color: #2f2f33; --bg-watermark: url("chrome://messenger/skin/images/account-watermark-light.png"); --header-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); --accounts-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03); --text-color: #f9f9fa; --title-color: #fefefe; --primary-color: #0a84ff; --primary-color-hover: #0a84ff; --btn-color: #FFFFFF; --btn-color-hover: #FFFFFF; --btn-bg: #38383d; --btn-bg-hover: #0060df; --btn-shadow-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); --popup-bg: #474749; } } :root[lwt-tree-brighttext] { --bg-color: #2f2f33; --bg-watermark: url("chrome://messenger/skin/images/account-watermark-light.png"); --header-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.05); --accounts-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.03); --text-color: #f9f9fa; --title-color: #fefefe; --primary-color: #0a84ff; --primary-color-hover: #0a84ff; --btn-color: #FFFFFF; --btn-color-hover: #FFFFFF; --btn-bg: #38383d; --btn-bg-hover: #0060df; --btn-shadow-hover: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.3); --popup-bg: #474749; } body { /* Overwrite rules in messenger.css. */ display: block; overflow: auto; margin: 0; height: 100vh; background-color: var(--body-background-color); text-shadow: none; } #accountCentral { display: flex; flex-direction: column; background-color: var(--bg-color); background-image: var(--bg-watermark); background-position: bottom right; background-repeat: no-repeat; color: var(--text-color); height: 100%; } #brandLogo { width: 64px; height: 64px; margin-inline-end: 20px; flex-shrink: 0; } #accountLogo { -moz-context-properties: fill, stroke, stroke-opacity; fill: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); stroke: currentColor; color: var(--primary-color); width: 20px; height: 20px; margin-inline-end: 10px; flex-shrink: 0; background: var(--account-central-mail) center no-repeat; background-size: contain; display: block; } #accountLogo[type="none"] { background-image: var(--account-central-folder); } #accountLogo[type="rss"] { background-image: var(--account-central-rss); } #accountLogo[type="nntp"] { background-image: var(--account-central-globe); margin-block-start: 3px; } .account-central-header { display: flex; align-items: center; background-color: var(--header-bg-color); padding: 20px 30px; } .account-central-header.summary-header { padding-block: 16px; } [hidden] { display: none !important; /* Ensure flex items obey hidden="hidden". */ } .account-central-header > aside { display: flex; align-items: center; width: 160px; flex: 1 1 auto; } aside.settings-btn-container { justify-content: end; } .account-central-title { font-size: x-large; margin-inline-end: 6px; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; margin-block: 0; } #accountName { font-size: 1.2em; font-weight: 600; text-overflow: ellipsis; white-space: nowrap; overflow: hidden; margin-block: 0; /* Prevents UI jumping when dynamically changing the content. */ min-height: 21px; } .account-central-version { display: flex; align-items: center; flex-shrink: 0; font-size: small; margin-top: 10px; line-height: 1em; } .account-central-version > label { margin-inline: 0 1px; } #releasenotes { cursor: pointer; } #releasenotes img { color: var(--primary-color); -moz-context-properties: fill, stroke, stroke-opacity; fill: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); stroke: currentColor; fill-opacity: 1; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-inline-start: 3px; } #releasenotes img:hover, #releasenotes img:focus { color: var(--primary-color-hover); } .account-central-section { display: flex; flex-direction: column; padding-inline: 30px; padding-block: 10px; position: relative; } .account-central-section.setup-section { padding-block-end: 30px; } .account-central-section.zebra { background-color: var(--accounts-bg-color); } #accountFeaturesSection { margin-block-start: 20px; } .section-title { font-size: larger; font-weight: 600; color: var(--title-color); margin-block: 10px 20px; /* Prevents UI jumping when dynamically changing the content. */ min-height: 21px; } .row-container { margin-inline: -10px; display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; } .row-container > p { flex: 1; display: block; min-width: 300px; max-width: 550px; margin-inline: 10px; margin-block: 0 20px; } .row-container.account-options > .btn-link { margin-inline: 5px 15px; padding-inline: 5px; } /* Custom buttons style */ .btn-hub { transition: background-color 280ms ease, color 280ms ease, box-shadow 280ms ease; appearance: none; display: flex; flex-direction: column; align-items: center; justify-content: center; font-size: 1.1em; color: var(--btn-color); background-color: var(--btn-bg); -moz-context-properties: fill, stroke, stroke-opacity; fill: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); stroke: currentColor; min-width: 110px; height: 90px; padding: 10px; border: none; border-radius: 4px; margin-inline: 10px; margin-block-end: 10px; cursor: pointer; box-shadow: 0 5px 20px -5px var(--btn-shadow-hover); } .btn-hub:not([disabled="true"]):hover { color: var(--btn-color-hover) !important; background-color: var(--btn-bg-hover); box-shadow: 0 14px 16px -12px var(--btn-shadow-hover), inset 20px 20px 50px -30px rgba(255, 255, 255, .35); } .btn-hub.btn-inline { flex-direction: row; width: auto; height: auto; padding: 8px 12px; justify-content: flex-start; min-width: 140px; } .btn-hub:focus:not(:hover) { color: var(--primary-color) !important; } .btn-hub::before { position: relative; display: block; content: ''; margin-block-end: 10px; margin-inline-end: 0; width: 20px; height: 20px; color: var(--primary-color); background-position: center; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-size: contain; transition: color 280ms ease; } .btn-hub.btn-inline::before { margin-block-end: 0; margin-inline-end: 10px; width: 16px; height: 16px; } .btn-hub:hover::before { color: var(--btn-color-hover) !important; } #setupEmail::before { background-image: var(--account-central-mail); } #setupCalendar::before { background-image: var(--account-central-calendar); } #setupAddressBook::before { background-image: var(--account-central-address-book); } #setupChat::before { background-image: var(--account-central-chat); } #setupFilelink::before { background-image: var(--account-central-link); } #setupFeeds::before, #rssSubscriptionButton::before { background-image: var(--account-central-rss); } #nntpSubscriptionButton::before { background-image: var(--account-central-globe); } #setupNewsgroups::before { background-image: var(--account-central-newsletter); } #importButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-import); } #setupEmail.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-mail); } #setupCalendar.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-calendar); } #setupAddressBook.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-address-book); } #setupChat.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-chat); } #setupFilelink.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-link); } #setupFeeds.btn-inline::before, #rssSubscriptionButton.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-rss); } #nntpSubscriptionButton.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-newsletter); } #setupNewsgroups.btn-inline::before { background-image: var(--icon-newsletter); } .account-description { position: absolute; opacity: 0; top: 100%; margin-top: -30px; width: 90vw; left: 30px; text-align: left; transition: opacity 280ms ease; z-index: 1; } .account-description > p { display: inline-block; background-color: var(--popup-bg); padding: 4px 8px; border-radius: 4px; box-shadow: 0 2px 5px -4px rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.8); } .btn-hub:hover + .account-description { opacity: 1; } /* Custom link style */ .donation-link { color: var(--primary-color); font-style: italic; font-weight: 600; transition: color .2s; cursor: pointer; } .donation-link:hover { color: var(--primary-color-hover); } .donation-link:focus:not(:hover) { outline: 1px dotted var(--selected-item-color); } .btn-link { appearance: none; display: flex; background-color: transparent; -moz-context-properties: fill, stroke, stroke-opacity; fill: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); stroke: currentColor; border: none; cursor: pointer; padding: 0; line-height: 1em; align-items: center; transition: color .2s; } .btn-link.btn-inline { margin-block-end: 20px; } .resource-link { color: var(--text-color); -moz-context-properties: fill, stroke, stroke-opacity; fill: color-mix(in srgb, currentColor 20%, transparent); stroke: currentColor; margin-block-end: 10px; margin-inline: 10px 30px; transition: color .2s; cursor: pointer; } .btn-link::before, .resource-link::before { position: relative; display: inline-block; content: ''; background-repeat: no-repeat; width: 16px; height: 16px; margin-inline-end: 5px; vertical-align: sub; } .btn-link:hover, .resource-link:hover { color: var(--primary-color-hover) !important; background-color: transparent; } .resource-link:focus:not(:hover) { outline: 1px dotted var(--selected-item-color); } #featuresLink::before { background-image: var(--icon-features); } #supportLink::before { background-image: var(--icon-question); } #involvedLink::before { background-image: var(--icon-handshake); } #developerLink::before { background-image: var(--icon-tools); } #settingsButton { padding-inline: 3px; } #settingsButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-account-settings); } #readButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-inbox); } #composeButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-pencil); } #searchButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-search); } #filterButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-filter); } #e2eButton::before { background-image: var(--icon-key); }