/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ #include "nsISupports.idl" interface nsIMsgFolder; interface nsIMsgCopyServiceListener; interface nsIMsgDBHdr; interface nsIMsgWindow; interface nsIOutputStream; interface nsIInputStream; interface nsIUrlListener; interface nsIMsgDatabase; interface nsITransaction; [scriptable, uuid(F732CE58-E540-4dc4-B803-9456056EBEFC)] /** * Pluggable message store interface. Each incoming server can have a different * message store. * All methods are synchronous unless otherwise specified. */ interface nsIMsgPluggableStore : nsISupports { /** * Examines the store and adds subfolders for the existing folders in the * profile directory. aParentFolder->AddSubfolder is the normal way * to register the subfolders. This method is expected to be synchronous. * This shouldn't be confused with server folder discovery, which is allowed * to be asynchronous. * * @param aParentFolder folder whose existing children we want to discover. * This will be the root folder for the server object. * @param aDeep true if we should discover all descendents. Would we ever * not want to do this? */ void discoverSubFolders(in nsIMsgFolder aParentFolder, in boolean aDeep); /** * Creates storage for a new, empty folder. * * @param aParent parent folder * @param aFolderName leaf name of folder. * @return newly created folder. * @exception NS_MSG_FOLDER_EXISTS If the child exists. * @exception NS_MSG_CANT_CREATE_FOLDER for other errors. */ nsIMsgFolder createFolder(in nsIMsgFolder aParent, in AString aFolderName); /** * Delete storage for a folder and its subfolders, if any. * This is a real delete, not a move to the trash folder. * * @param aFolder folder to delete */ void deleteFolder(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder); /** * Rename storage for an existing folder. * * @param aFolder folder to rename * @param aNewName name to give new folder * @return the renamed folder object */ nsIMsgFolder renameFolder(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in AString aNewName); /** * Tells if the store has the requested amount of space available in the * specified folder. * * @param aFolder folder we want to add messages to. * @param aSpaceRequested How many bytes we're trying to add to the store. * * The function returns an exception if there is not enough space to * indicate the reason of the shortage: * NS_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG = the store cannot grow further due to internal limits * NS_ERROR_FILE_NO_DEVICE_SPACE = there is not enough space on the disk */ boolean hasSpaceAvailable(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in long long aSpaceRequested); /** * Move/Copy a folder to a new parent folder. This method is asynchronous. * The store needs to use the aListener to notify the core code of the * completion of the operation. And it must send the appropriate * nsIMsgFolderNotificationService notifications. * * @param aSrcFolder folder to move/copy * @param aDstFolder parent dest folder * @param aIsMoveFolder true if move, false if copy. If move, source folder * is deleted when copy completes. * @param aMsgWindow used to display progress, may be null * @param aListener - used to get notification when copy is done. * @param aNewName Optional new name for the target folder. * If rename is not needed, set this to empty string. */ void copyFolder(in nsIMsgFolder aSrcFolder, in nsIMsgFolder aDstFolder, in boolean aIsMoveFolder, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIMsgCopyServiceListener aListener, in AString aNewName); /** * Get an output stream for a message in a folder. * * @param aFolder folder to create a message output stream for. * @param aNewHdr If aNewHdr is set on input, then this is probably for * offline storage of an existing message. If null, the * this is a newly downloaded message and the store needs * to create a new header for the new message. If the db * is invalid, this can be null. But if the db is valid, * the store should create a message header with the right * message key, or whatever other property it needs to set to * be able to retrieve the message contents later. If the store * needs to base any of this on the contents of the message, * it will need remember the message header and hook into * the output stream somehow to alter the message header. * * @return The output stream to write to. The output stream will be positioned * for writing (e.g., for berkeley mailbox, it will be at the end). */ nsIOutputStream getNewMsgOutputStream(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, inout nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr); /** * Called when the current message is discarded, e.g., it is moved * to an other folder as a filter action, or is deleted because it's * a duplicate. This gives the berkeley mailbox store a chance to simply * truncate the Inbox w/o leaving a deleted message in the store. * * discardNewMessage closes aOutputStream always unless the passed stream * is nullptr due to error processing.. * (Clarification/Rationale in Bug 1121842, 1122698, 1242030) * * @param aOutputStream stream we were writing the message to be discarded to * @param aNewHdr header of message to discard */ void discardNewMessage(in nsIOutputStream aOutputStream, in nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr); /** * Must be called by code that calls getNewMsgOutputStream to finish * the process of storing a new message, if the new msg has not been * discarded. Could/should this be combined with discardNewMessage? * * finishNewMessage closes aOutputStream always unless the passed stream * is nullptr due to error processing. * (Clarification/Rationale in Bug 1121842, 1122698, 1242030) * * @param aOutputStream stream we were writing the message to. * @param aNewHdr header of message finished. */ void finishNewMessage(in nsIOutputStream aOutputStream, in nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr); /** * Called by pop3 message filters when a newly downloaded message is being * moved by an incoming filter. This is called before finishNewMessage, and * it allows the store to optimize that case. * * @param aNewHdr msg hdr of message being moved. * @param aDestFolder folder to move message to, in the same store. * * @return true if successful, false if the store doesn't want to optimize * this. * @exception If the moved failed. values TBD */ boolean moveNewlyDownloadedMessage(in nsIMsgDBHdr aNewHdr, in nsIMsgFolder aDestFolder); /** * Get an input stream that we can read the contents of a message from. * * @param aMsgFolder Folder containing the message * @param aMsgToken token that identifies message. This is store-dependent, * and must be set as a string property "storeToken" on the * message hdr by the store when the message is added * to the store. */ nsIInputStream getMsgInputStream(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in ACString aMsgToken); /** * This is a hack to expose to allow JsAccount folders to implement a * working getLocalMsgStream(). * It just provides a way to construct a SlicedInputStream from JS. * It'll be removed once Bug 1733849 is complete. * * @param inStream The stream providing the data to be sliced. * Should not be read after calling this function. * @param start Where slice begins, from current position of inStream. * @param length The size of the slice. * * @return A new input stream which produces the data slice when read from. */ nsIInputStream sliceStream(in nsIInputStream inStream, in unsigned long long start, in unsigned long length); /** * Delete the passed in messages. These message should all be in the * same folder. * @param aHdrArray array of nsIMsgDBHdr's. */ void deleteMessages(in Array aHdrArray); /** * This allows the store to handle a msg move/copy if it wants. This lets * it optimize move/copies within the same store. E.g., for maildir, a * msg move mostly entails moving the file containing the message, and * updating the db. * If the store does the copy, it must return the appropriate undo action, * which can be store dependent. And it must send the appropriate * nsIMsgFolderNotificationService notifications. * If the store does not perform the copy, it returns false and the caller * has to handle the copy itself (by streaming messages). * This function is synchronous. * * @param isMove true if this is a move, false if it is a copy. * @param aHdrArray array of nsIMsgDBHdr's, all in the same folder * @param aDstFolder folder to move/copy the messages to. * @param aDstHdrs array of nsIMsgDBHdr's in the destination folder. * @param[out,optional] aUndoAction transaction to provide undo, if * the store does the copy itself. * @return true if messages were copied, false if the core code should * do the copy. */ boolean copyMessages(in boolean isMove, in Array aHdrArray, in nsIMsgFolder aDstFolder, out Array aDstHdrs, out nsITransaction aUndoAction); /** * Does this store require compaction? For example, maildir doesn't require * compaction at all. Berkeley mailbox does. A sqlite store probably doesn't. * This is a static property of the store. It doesn't mean that any particular * folder has space that can be reclaimed via compaction. Right now, the core * code keeps track of the size of messages deleted, which it can use in * conjunction with this store attribute. */ readonly attribute boolean supportsCompaction; /** * Remove deleted messages from the store, reclaiming space. Some stores * won't need to do anything here (e.g., maildir), and those stores * should return false for needsCompaction. This operation is asynchronous, * and the passed url listener should be called when the operation is done. * * @param aFolder folder whose storage is to be compacted * @param aListener listener notified when compaction is done. * @param aMsgWindow window to display progress/status in. */ void compactFolder(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in nsIUrlListener aListener, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow); /** * Is the summary file for the passed folder valid? For Berkeley Mailboxes, * for local mail folders, this checks the timestamp and size of the local * mail folder against values stored in the db. For other stores, this may * be a noop, though other stores could certainly become invalid. For * Berkeley Mailboxes, this is to deal with the case of other apps altering * mailboxes from outside mailnews code, and this is certainly possible * with other stores. * * @param aFolder Folder to check if summary is valid for. * @param aDB DB to check validity of. * * @return return true if the summary file is valid, false otherwise. */ boolean isSummaryFileValid(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in nsIMsgDatabase aDB); /** * Marks the summary file for aFolder as valid or invalid. This method * may not be required, since it's really used by Berkeley Mailbox code * to fix the timestamp and size for a folder. * * @param aFolder folder whose summary file should be marked (in)valid. * @param aDB db to mark valid (may not be the folder's db in odd cases * like folder compaction. * @param aValid whether to mark it valid or invalid. */ void setSummaryFileValid(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in nsIMsgDatabase aDB, in boolean aValid); /** * Rebuild the index from information in the store. This involves creating * a new nsIMsgDatabase for the folder, adding the information for all the * messages in the store, and then copying the new msg database over the * existing database. For Berkeley mailbox, we try to maintain meta data * stored in the existing database when possible, and other stores should do * the same. Ideally, I would figure out a way of making that easy. That * might entail reworking the rebuild index process into one where the store * would iterate over the messages, and stream each message through the * message parser, and the common code would handle maintaining the * meta data. But the berkeley mailbox code needs to do some parsing because * it doesn't know how big the message is (i.e., the stream can't simply be * a file stream). * This operation is asynchronous, * and the passed url listener should be called when the operation is done. * * @param aFolder folder whose storage is to be compacted * @param aMsgDB db to put parsed headers in. * @param aMsgWindow msgWindow to use for progress updates. * @param aListener listener notified when the index is rebuilt. */ void rebuildIndex(in nsIMsgFolder aFolder, in nsIMsgDatabase aMsgDB, in nsIMsgWindow aMsgWindow, in nsIUrlListener aListener); /** * Sets/Clears the passed flags on the passed messages. * @param aHdrArray array of nsIMsgDBHdr's * @param aFlags flags to set/clear * @param aSet true to set the flag(s), false to clear. */ void changeFlags(in Array aHdrArray, in unsigned long aFlags, in boolean aSet); /** *Sets/Clears the passed keywords on the passed messages. * @param aHdrArray array of nsIMsgDBHdr's * @param aKeywords keywords to set/clear * @param aAdd true to add the keyword(s), false to remove. */ void changeKeywords(in Array aHdrArray, in ACString aKeywords, in boolean aAdd); /** * Identifies a specific type of store. Please use this only for legacy * bug fixes, and not as a method to change behavior! * * Typical values: "mbox", "maildir" */ readonly attribute ACString storeType; };