/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Based on https://github.com/emailjs/emailjs-smtp-client * * Copyright (c) 2013 Andris Reinman * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of * this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in * the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to * use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of * the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SmtpClient"]; var { AppConstants } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.sys.mjs" ); var { setTimeout } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Timer.sys.mjs" ); var { MailStringUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailStringUtils.jsm" ); var { SmtpAuthenticator } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailAuthenticator.jsm" ); var { MsgUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MimeMessageUtils.jsm" ); class SmtpClient { /** * The number of RCPT TO commands sent on the connection by this client. * This can count-up over multiple messages. */ rcptCount = 0; /** * Set true only when doing a retry. */ isRetry = false; /** * Creates a connection object to a SMTP server and allows to send mail through it. * Call `connect` method to inititate the actual connection, the constructor only * defines the properties but does not actually connect. * * @class * * @param {nsISmtpServer} server - The associated nsISmtpServer instance. */ constructor(server) { this.options = { alwaysSTARTTLS: server.socketType == Ci.nsMsgSocketType.trySTARTTLS || server.socketType == Ci.nsMsgSocketType.alwaysSTARTTLS, requireTLS: server.socketType == Ci.nsMsgSocketType.SSL, }; this.socket = false; // Downstream TCP socket to the SMTP server, created with TCPSocket this.waitDrain = false; // Keeps track if the downstream socket is currently full and a drain event should be waited for or not // Private properties this._server = server; this._authenticator = new SmtpAuthenticator(server); this._authenticating = false; // A list of auth methods detected from the EHLO response. this._supportedAuthMethods = []; // A list of auth methods that worth a try. this._possibleAuthMethods = []; // Auth method set by user preference. this._preferredAuthMethods = { [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordCleartext]: ["PLAIN", "LOGIN"], [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordEncrypted]: ["CRAM-MD5"], [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.GSSAPI]: ["GSSAPI"], [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.NTLM]: ["NTLM"], [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.OAuth2]: ["XOAUTH2"], [Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.secure]: ["CRAM-MD5", "XOAUTH2"], }[server.authMethod] || []; // The next auth method to try if the current failed. this._nextAuthMethod = null; // A list of capabilities detected from the EHLO response. this._capabilities = []; this._dataMode = false; // If true, accepts data from the upstream to be passed directly to the downstream socket. Used after the DATA command this._lastDataBytes = ""; // Keep track of the last bytes to see how the terminating dot should be placed this._envelope = null; // Envelope object for tracking who is sending mail to whom this._currentAction = null; // Stores the function that should be run after a response has been received from the server this._parseBlock = { data: [], statusCode: null }; this._parseRemainder = ""; // If the complete line is not received yet, contains the beginning of it this.logger = MsgUtils.smtpLogger; // Event placeholders this.onerror = (e, failedSecInfo) => {}; // Will be run when an error occurs. The `onclose` event will fire subsequently. this.ondrain = () => {}; // More data can be buffered in the socket. this.onclose = () => {}; // The connection to the server has been closed this.onidle = () => {}; // The connection is established and idle, you can send mail now this.onready = failedRecipients => {}; // Waiting for mail body, lists addresses that were not accepted as recipients this.ondone = success => {}; // The mail has been sent. Wait for `onidle` next. Indicates if the message was queued by the server. // Callback when this client is ready to be reused. this.onFree = () => {}; } /** * Initiate a connection to the server */ connect() { if (this.socket?.readyState == "open") { this.logger.debug("Reusing a connection"); this.onidle(); } else { let hostname = this._server.hostname.toLowerCase(); let port = this._server.port || (this.options.requireTLS ? 465 : 587); this.logger.debug(`Connecting to smtp://${hostname}:${port}`); this._secureTransport = this.options.requireTLS; this.socket = new TCPSocket(hostname, port, { binaryType: "arraybuffer", useSecureTransport: this._secureTransport, }); this.socket.onerror = this._onError; this.socket.onopen = this._onOpen; } this._freed = false; } /** * Sends QUIT */ quit() { this._authenticating = false; this._freed = true; this._sendCommand("QUIT"); this._currentAction = this.close; } /** * Closes the connection to the server * * @param {boolean} [immediately] - Close the socket without waiting for * unsent data. */ close(immediately) { if (this.socket && this.socket.readyState === "open") { if (immediately) { this.logger.debug( `Closing connection to ${this._server.hostname} immediately!` ); this.socket.closeImmediately(); } else { this.logger.debug(`Closing connection to ${this._server.hostname}...`); this.socket.close(); } } else { this.logger.debug(`Connection to ${this._server.hostname} closed`); this._free(); } } // Mail related methods /** * Initiates a new message by submitting envelope data, starting with * `MAIL FROM:` command. Use after `onidle` event * * @param {object} envelope - The envelope object. * @param {string} envelope.from - The from address. * @param {string[]} envelope.to - The to addresses. * @param {number} envelope.size - The file size. * @param {boolean} envelope.requestDSN - Whether to request Delivery Status Notifications. * @param {boolean} envelope.messageId - The message id. */ useEnvelope(envelope) { this._envelope = envelope || {}; this._envelope.from = [].concat( this._envelope.from || "anonymous@" + this._getHelloArgument() )[0]; if (!this._capabilities.includes("SMTPUTF8")) { // If server doesn't support SMTPUTF8, check if addresses contain invalid // characters. let recipients = this._envelope.to; this._envelope.to = []; for (let recipient of recipients) { let lastAt = null; let firstInvalid = null; for (let i = 0; i < recipient.length; i++) { let ch = recipient[i]; if (ch == "@") { lastAt = i; } else if ((ch < " " || ch > "~") && ch != "\t") { firstInvalid = i; break; } } if (!recipient || firstInvalid != null) { if (!lastAt) { // Invalid char found in the localpart, throw error until we implement RFC 6532. this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_LOCALPART, recipient); return; } // Invalid char found in the domainpart, convert it to ACE. let idnService = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/idn-service;1"].getService( Ci.nsIIDNService ); let domain = idnService.convertUTF8toACE(recipient.slice(lastAt + 1)); recipient = `${recipient.slice(0, lastAt)}@${domain}`; } this._envelope.to.push(recipient); } } // clone the recipients array for latter manipulation this._envelope.rcptQueue = [...new Set(this._envelope.to)]; this._envelope.rcptFailed = []; this._envelope.responseQueue = []; if (!this._envelope.rcptQueue.length) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_MSG_NO_RECIPIENTS); return; } this._currentAction = this._actionMAIL; let cmd = `MAIL FROM:<${this._envelope.from}>`; if ( this._capabilities.includes("8BITMIME") && !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.strictly_mime", false) ) { cmd += " BODY=8BITMIME"; } if (this._capabilities.includes("SMTPUTF8")) { // Should not send SMTPUTF8 if all ascii, see RFC6531. // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex let ascii = /^[\x00-\x7F]+$/; if ([envelope.from, ...envelope.to].some(x => !ascii.test(x))) { cmd += " SMTPUTF8"; } } if (this._capabilities.includes("SIZE")) { cmd += ` SIZE=${this._envelope.size}`; } if (this._capabilities.includes("DSN") && this._envelope.requestDSN) { let ret = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.dsn.ret_full_on") ? "FULL" : "HDRS"; cmd += ` RET=${ret} ENVID=${envelope.messageId}`; } this._sendCommand(cmd); } /** * Send ASCII data to the server. Works only in data mode (after `onready` event), ignored * otherwise * * @param {string} chunk ASCII string (quoted-printable, base64 etc.) to be sent to the server * @returns {boolean} If true, it is safe to send more data, if false, you *should* wait for the ondrain event before sending more */ send(chunk) { // works only in data mode if (!this._dataMode) { // this line should never be reached but if it does, // act like everything's normal. return true; } // TODO: if the chunk is an arraybuffer, use a separate function to send the data return this._sendString(chunk); } /** * Indicates that a data stream for the socket is ended. Works only in data * mode (after `onready` event), ignored otherwise. Use it when you are done * with sending the mail. This method does not close the socket. Once the mail * has been queued by the server, `ondone` and `onidle` are emitted. * * @param {Buffer} [chunk] Chunk of data to be sent to the server */ end(chunk) { // works only in data mode if (!this._dataMode) { // this line should never be reached but if it does, // act like everything's normal. return true; } if (chunk && chunk.length) { this.send(chunk); } // redirect output from the server to _actionStream this._currentAction = this._actionStream; // indicate that the stream has ended by sending a single dot on its own line // if the client already closed the data with \r\n no need to do it again if (this._lastDataBytes === "\r\n") { this.waitDrain = this._send(new Uint8Array([0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0a]).buffer); // .\r\n } else if (this._lastDataBytes.substr(-1) === "\r") { this.waitDrain = this._send( new Uint8Array([0x0a, 0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0a]).buffer ); // \n.\r\n } else { this.waitDrain = this._send( new Uint8Array([0x0d, 0x0a, 0x2e, 0x0d, 0x0a]).buffer ); // \r\n.\r\n } // End data mode. this._dataMode = false; return this.waitDrain; } // PRIVATE METHODS /** * Queue some data from the server for parsing. * * @param {string} chunk Chunk of data received from the server */ _parse(chunk) { // Lines should always end with but you never know, might be only as well var lines = (this._parseRemainder + (chunk || "")).split(/\r?\n/); this._parseRemainder = lines.pop(); // not sure if the line has completely arrived yet for (let i = 0, len = lines.length; i < len; i++) { if (!lines[i].trim()) { // nothing to check, empty line continue; } // possible input strings for the regex: // 250-MULTILINE REPLY // 250 LAST LINE OF REPLY // 250 1.2.3 MESSAGE const match = lines[i].match( /^(\d{3})([- ])(?:(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)(?: ))?(.*)/ ); if (match) { this._parseBlock.data.push(match[4]); if (match[2] === "-") { // this is a multiline reply this._parseBlock.statusCode = this._parseBlock.statusCode || Number(match[1]); } else { const statusCode = Number(match[1]) || 0; const response = { statusCode, data: this._parseBlock.data.join("\n"), // Success means can move to the next step. Though 3xx is not // failure, we don't consider it success here. success: statusCode >= 200 && statusCode < 300, }; this._onCommand(response); this._parseBlock = { data: [], statusCode: null, }; } } else { this._onCommand({ success: false, statusCode: this._parseBlock.statusCode || null, data: [lines[i]].join("\n"), }); this._parseBlock = { data: [], statusCode: null, }; } } } // EVENT HANDLERS FOR THE SOCKET /** * Connection listener that is run when the connection to the server is opened. * Sets up different event handlers for the opened socket */ _onOpen = () => { this.logger.debug("Connected"); this.socket.ondata = this._onData; this.socket.onclose = this._onClose; this.socket.ondrain = this._onDrain; this._currentAction = this._actionGreeting; this.socket.transport.setTimeout( Ci.nsISocketTransport.TIMEOUT_READ_WRITE, Services.prefs.getIntPref("mailnews.tcptimeout") ); }; /** * Data listener for chunks of data emitted by the server * * @param {Event} evt - Event object. See `evt.data` for the chunk received */ _onData = async evt => { let stringPayload = new TextDecoder("UTF-8").decode( new Uint8Array(evt.data) ); // "S: " to denote that this is data from the Server. this.logger.debug(`S: ${stringPayload}`); // Prevent blocking the main thread, otherwise onclose/onerror may not be // called in time. test_smtpPasswordFailure3 is such a case, the server // rejects AUTH PLAIN then closes the connection, the client then sends AUTH // LOGIN. This line guarantees onclose is called before sending AUTH LOGIN. await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve)); this._parse(stringPayload); }; /** * More data can be buffered in the socket, `waitDrain` is reset to false */ _onDrain = () => { this.waitDrain = false; this.ondrain(); }; /** * Error handler. Emits an nsresult value. * * @param {Error|TCPSocketErrorEvent} event - An Error or TCPSocketErrorEvent object. */ _onError = async event => { this.logger.error(`${event.name}: a ${event.message} error occurred`); if (this._freed) { // Ignore socket errors if already freed. return; } this._free(); this.quit(); let nsError = Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; let secInfo = null; if (TCPSocketErrorEvent.isInstance(event)) { nsError = event.errorCode; secInfo = await event.target.transport?.tlsSocketControl?.asyncGetSecurityInfo(); if (secInfo) { this.logger.error(`SecurityError info: ${secInfo.errorCodeString}`); if (secInfo.failedCertChain.length) { let chain = secInfo.failedCertChain.map(c => { return c.commonName + "; serial# " + c.serialNumber; }); this.logger.error(`SecurityError cert chain: ${chain.join(" <- ")}`); } this._server.closeCachedConnections(); } } // Use nsresult to integrate with other parts of sending process, e.g. // MessageSend.jsm will show an error message depending on the nsresult. this.onerror(nsError, "", secInfo); }; /** * Error handler. Emits an nsresult value. * * @param {nsresult} nsError - A nsresult. * @param {string} errorParam - Param to form the error message. * @param {string} [extra] - Some messages take two arguments to format. * @param {number} [statusCode] - Only needed when checking need to retry. */ _onNsError(nsError, errorParam, extra, statusCode) { // First check if handling an error response that might need a retry. if ([this._actionMAIL, this._actionRCPT].includes(this._currentAction)) { if (statusCode >= 400 && statusCode < 500) { // Possibly too many recipients, too many messages, to much data // or too much time has elapsed on this connection. if (!this.isRetry) { // Now seeing error 4xx meaning that the current message can't be // accepted. We close the connection and try again to send on a new // connection using this same client instance. If the retry also // fails on the new connection, we give up and report the error. this.logger.debug("Retry send on new connection."); this.quit(); this.isRetry = true; // flag that we will retry on new connection this.close(true); this.connect(); return; // return without reporting the error yet } } } let errorName = MsgUtils.getErrorStringName(nsError); let errorMessage = ""; if ( [ MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_TEMP_SIZE_EXCEEDED, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_PERM_SIZE_EXCEEDED_2, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_FROM_COMMAND, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_RCPT_COMMAND, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_DATA_COMMAND, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_MESSAGE, MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_LOCALPART, ].includes(nsError) ) { let bundle = Services.strings.createBundle( "chrome://messenger/locale/messengercompose/composeMsgs.properties" ); if (nsError == MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_ILLEGAL_LOCALPART) { errorMessage = bundle .GetStringFromName(errorName) .replace("%s", errorParam); } else { errorMessage = bundle.formatStringFromName(errorName, [ errorParam, extra, ]); } } this.onerror(nsError, errorMessage); this.close(); } /** * Indicates that the socket has been closed */ _onClose = () => { this.logger.debug("Socket closed."); this._free(); this.rcptCount = 0; if (this._authenticating) { // In some cases, socket is closed for invalid username/password. this._onAuthFailed({ data: "Socket closed." }); } }; /** * This is not a socket data handler but the handler for data emitted by the parser, * so this data is safe to use as it is always complete (server might send partial chunks) * * @param {object} command - Parsed data. */ _onCommand(command) { if (command.statusCode < 200 || command.statusCode >= 400) { // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321#section-3.8 // 421: SMTP service shutting down and closing transmission channel. // When that happens during idle, just close the connection. if ( command.statusCode == 421 && this._currentAction == this._actionIdle ) { this.close(true); return; } this.logger.error( `Command failed: ${command.statusCode} ${command.data}; currentAction=${this._currentAction?.name}` ); } if (typeof this._currentAction === "function") { this._currentAction(command); } } /** * This client has finished the current process and ready to be reused. */ _free() { if (!this._freed) { this._freed = true; this.onFree(); } } /** * Sends a string to the socket. * * @param {string} chunk ASCII string (quoted-printable, base64 etc.) to be sent to the server * @returns {boolean} If true, it is safe to send more data, if false, you *should* wait for the ondrain event before sending more */ _sendString(chunk) { // escape dots if (!this.options.disableEscaping) { chunk = chunk.replace(/\n\./g, "\n.."); if ( (this._lastDataBytes.substr(-1) === "\n" || !this._lastDataBytes) && chunk.charAt(0) === "." ) { chunk = "." + chunk; } } // Keeping eye on the last bytes sent, to see if there is a sequence // at the end which is needed to end the data stream if (chunk.length > 2) { this._lastDataBytes = chunk.substr(-2); } else if (chunk.length === 1) { this._lastDataBytes = this._lastDataBytes.substr(-1) + chunk; } this.logger.debug("Sending " + chunk.length + " bytes of payload"); // pass the chunk to the socket this.waitDrain = this._send( MailStringUtils.byteStringToUint8Array(chunk).buffer ); return this.waitDrain; } /** * Send a string command to the server, also append CRLF if needed. * * @param {string} str - String to be sent to the server. * @param {boolean} [suppressLogging=false] - If true and not in dev mode, * do not log the str. For non-release builds output won't be suppressed, * so that debugging auth problems is easier. */ _sendCommand(str, suppressLogging = false) { if (this.socket.readyState !== "open") { if (str != "QUIT") { this.logger.warn( `Failed to send "${str}" because socket state is ${this.socket.readyState}` ); } return; } // "C: " is used to denote that this is data from the Client. if (suppressLogging && AppConstants.MOZ_UPDATE_CHANNEL != "default") { this.logger.debug( "C: Logging suppressed (it probably contained auth information)" ); } else { this.logger.debug(`C: ${str}`); } this.waitDrain = this._send( new TextEncoder().encode(str + (str.substr(-2) !== "\r\n" ? "\r\n" : "")) .buffer ); } _send(buffer) { return this.socket.send(buffer); } /** * Intitiate authentication sequence if needed * * @param {boolean} forceNewPassword - Discard cached password. */ async _authenticateUser(forceNewPassword) { if ( this._preferredAuthMethods.length == 0 || this._supportedAuthMethods.length == 0 ) { // no need to authenticate, at least no data given this._currentAction = this._actionIdle; this.onidle(); // ready to take orders return; } if (!this._nextAuthMethod) { this._onAuthFailed({ data: "No available auth method." }); return; } this._authenticating = true; this._currentAuthMethod = this._nextAuthMethod; this._nextAuthMethod = this._possibleAuthMethods[ this._possibleAuthMethods.indexOf(this._currentAuthMethod) + 1 ]; this.logger.debug(`Current auth method: ${this._currentAuthMethod}`); switch (this._currentAuthMethod) { case "LOGIN": // LOGIN is a 3 step authentication process // C: AUTH LOGIN // C: BASE64(USER) // C: BASE64(PASS) this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH LOGIN"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_LOGIN_USER; this._sendCommand("AUTH LOGIN"); return; case "PLAIN": // AUTH PLAIN is a 1 step authentication process // C: AUTH PLAIN BASE64(\0 USER \0 PASS) this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH PLAIN"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTHComplete; this._sendCommand( "AUTH PLAIN " + this._authenticator.getPlainToken(), true ); return; case "CRAM-MD5": this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH CRAM-MD5"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_CRAM; this._sendCommand("AUTH CRAM-MD5"); return; case "XOAUTH2": // See https://developers.google.com/gmail/xoauth2_protocol#smtp_protocol_exchange this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH XOAUTH2"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_XOAUTH2; let oauthToken = await this._authenticator.getOAuthToken(); this._sendCommand("AUTH XOAUTH2 " + oauthToken, true); return; case "GSSAPI": { this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH GSSAPI"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_GSSAPI; this._authenticator.initGssapiAuth("smtp"); let token; try { token = this._authenticator.getNextGssapiToken(""); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(e); this._actionAUTHComplete({ success: false, data: "AUTH GSSAPI" }); return; } this._sendCommand(`AUTH GSSAPI ${token}`, true); return; } case "NTLM": { this.logger.debug("Authentication via AUTH NTLM"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_NTLM; this._authenticator.initNtlmAuth("smtp"); let token; try { token = this._authenticator.getNextNtlmToken(""); } catch (e) { this.logger.error(e); this._actionAUTHComplete({ success: false, data: "AUTH NTLM" }); return; } this._sendCommand(`AUTH NTLM ${token}`, true); return; } } this._onAuthFailed({ data: `Unknown authentication method ${this._currentAuthMethod}`, }); } _onAuthFailed(command) { this.logger.error(`Authentication failed: ${command.data}`); if (!this._freed) { if (this._nextAuthMethod) { // Try the next auth method. this._authenticateUser(); return; } else if (!this._currentAuthMethod) { // No auth method was even tried. let err; if ( this._server.authMethod == Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordEncrypted && (this._supportedAuthMethods.includes("PLAIN") || this._supportedAuthMethods.includes("LOGIN")) ) { // Pref has encrypted password, server claims to support plaintext // password. err = [ Ci.nsMsgSocketType.alwaysSTARTTLS, Ci.nsMsgSocketType.SSL, ].includes(this._server.socketType) ? MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_CHANGE_ENCRYPT_TO_PLAIN_SSL : MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_CHANGE_ENCRYPT_TO_PLAIN_NO_SSL; } else if ( this._server.authMethod == Ci.nsMsgAuthMethod.passwordCleartext && this._supportedAuthMethods.includes("CRAM-MD5") ) { // Pref has plaintext password, server claims to support encrypted // password. err = MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_CHANGE_PLAIN_TO_ENCRYPT; } else { err = MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_MECH_NOT_SUPPORTED; } this._onNsError(err); return; } } // Ask user what to do. let action = this._authenticator.promptAuthFailed(); if (action == 1) { // Cancel button pressed. this.logger.error(`Authentication failed: ${command.data}`); this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILURE); return; } else if (action == 2) { // 'New password' button pressed. Forget cached password, new password // will be asked. this._authenticator.forgetPassword(); } if (this._freed) { // If connection is lost, reconnect. this.connect(); return; } // Reset _nextAuthMethod to start again. this._nextAuthMethod = this._possibleAuthMethods[0]; if (action == 2 || action == 0) { // action = 0 means retry button pressed. this._authenticateUser(); } } _getHelloArgument() { let helloArgument = this._server.helloArgument; if (helloArgument) { return helloArgument; } try { // The address format follows rfc5321#section-4.1.3. let netAddr = this.socket?.transport.getScriptableSelfAddr(); let address = netAddr.address; if (netAddr.family === Ci.nsINetAddr.FAMILY_INET6) { return `[IPV6:${address}]`; } return `[${address}]`; } catch (e) {} return "[]"; } // ACTIONS FOR RESPONSES FROM THE SMTP SERVER /** * Initial response from the server, must have a status 220 * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionGreeting(command) { if (command.statusCode !== 220) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } if (this.options.lmtp) { this._currentAction = this._actionLHLO; this._sendCommand("LHLO " + this._getHelloArgument()); } else { this._currentAction = this._actionEHLO; this._sendCommand("EHLO " + this._getHelloArgument()); } } /** * Response to LHLO * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionLHLO(command) { if (!command.success) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } // Process as EHLO response this._actionEHLO(command); } /** * Response to EHLO. If the response is an error, try HELO instead * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionEHLO(command) { if ([500, 502].includes(command.statusCode)) { // EHLO is not implemented by the server. if (this.options.alwaysSTARTTLS) { // If alwaysSTARTTLS is set by the user, EHLO is required to advertise it. this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_STARTTLS_FAILED_EHLO_STARTTLS); return; } // Try HELO instead this.logger.warn( "EHLO not successful, trying HELO " + this._getHelloArgument() ); this._currentAction = this._actionHELO; this._sendCommand("HELO " + this._getHelloArgument()); return; } else if (!command.success) { // 501 Syntax error or some other error. this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } this._supportedAuthMethods = []; let lines = command.data.toUpperCase().split("\n"); // Skip the first greeting line. for (let line of lines.slice(1)) { if (line.startsWith("AUTH ")) { this._supportedAuthMethods = line.slice(5).split(" "); } else { this._capabilities.push(line.split(" ")[0]); } } if (!this._secureTransport && this.options.alwaysSTARTTLS) { // STARTTLS is required by the user. Detect if the server supports it. if (this._capabilities.includes("STARTTLS")) { this._currentAction = this._actionSTARTTLS; this._sendCommand("STARTTLS"); return; } // STARTTLS is required but not advertised. this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_STARTTLS_FAILED_EHLO_STARTTLS); return; } // If a preferred method is not supported by the server, no need to try it. this._possibleAuthMethods = this._preferredAuthMethods.filter(x => this._supportedAuthMethods.includes(x) ); this.logger.debug(`Possible auth methods: ${this._possibleAuthMethods}`); this._nextAuthMethod = this._possibleAuthMethods[0]; if ( this._capabilities.includes("CLIENTID") && (this._secureTransport || // For test purpose. ["localhost", "", "::1"].includes(this._server.hostname)) && this._server.clientidEnabled && this._server.clientid ) { // Client identity extension, still a draft. this._currentAction = this._actionCLIENTID; this._sendCommand("CLIENTID UUID " + this._server.clientid, true); } else { this._authenticateUser(); } } /** * Handles server response for STARTTLS command. If there's an error * try HELO instead, otherwise initiate TLS upgrade. If the upgrade * succeeds restart the EHLO * * @param {string} command - Message from the server. */ _actionSTARTTLS(command) { if (!command.success) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } this.socket.upgradeToSecure(); this._secureTransport = true; // restart protocol flow this._currentAction = this._actionEHLO; this._sendCommand("EHLO " + this._getHelloArgument()); } /** * Response to HELO * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionHELO(command) { if (!command.success) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } this._authenticateUser(); } /** * Handles server response for CLIENTID command. If successful then will * initiate the authenticateUser process. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionCLIENTID(command) { if (!command.success) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); return; } this._authenticateUser(); } /** * Returns the saved/cached server password, or show a password dialog. If the * user cancels the dialog, abort sending. * * @returns {string} The server password. */ _getPassword() { try { return this._authenticator.getPassword(); } catch (e) { if (e.result == Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT) { this.quit(); this.onerror(e.result); } else { throw e; } } return null; } /** * Response to AUTH LOGIN, if successful expects base64 encoded username * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionAUTH_LOGIN_USER(command) { if (command.statusCode !== 334 || command.data !== "VXNlcm5hbWU6") { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILURE, command.data); return; } this.logger.debug("AUTH LOGIN USER"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_LOGIN_PASS; this._sendCommand(btoa(this._authenticator.username), true); } /** * Process the response to AUTH LOGIN with a username. If successful, expects * a base64-encoded password. * * @param {{statusCode: number, data: string}} command - Parsed command from * the server. */ _actionAUTH_LOGIN_PASS(command) { if ( command.statusCode !== 334 || (command.data !== btoa("Password:") && command.data !== btoa("password:")) ) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILURE, command.data); return; } this.logger.debug("AUTH LOGIN PASS"); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTHComplete; let password = this._getPassword(); if ( !Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "mail.smtp_login_pop3_user_pass_auth_is_latin1", true ) || !/^[\x00-\xFF]+$/.test(password) // eslint-disable-line no-control-regex ) { // Unlike PLAIN auth, the payload of LOGIN auth is not standardized. When // `mail.smtp_login_pop3_user_pass_auth_is_latin1` is true, we apply // base64 encoding directly. Otherwise, we convert it to UTF-8 // BinaryString first. password = MailStringUtils.stringToByteString(password); } this._sendCommand(btoa(password), true); } /** * Response to AUTH CRAM, if successful expects base64 encoded challenge. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ async _actionAUTH_CRAM(command) { if (command.statusCode !== 334) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILURE, command.data); return; } this._currentAction = this._actionAUTHComplete; this._sendCommand( this._authenticator.getCramMd5Token(this._getPassword(), command.data), true ); } /** * Response to AUTH XOAUTH2 token, if error occurs send empty response * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionAUTH_XOAUTH2(command) { if (!command.success) { this.logger.warn("Error during AUTH XOAUTH2, sending empty response"); this._sendCommand(""); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTHComplete; } else { this._actionAUTHComplete(command); } } /** * Response to AUTH GSSAPI, if successful expects a base64 encoded challenge. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionAUTH_GSSAPI(command) { // GSSAPI auth can be multiple steps. We exchange tokens with the server // until success or failure. if (command.success) { this._actionAUTHComplete(command); return; } if (command.statusCode !== 334) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_GSSAPI, command.data); return; } let token = this._authenticator.getNextGssapiToken(command.data); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_GSSAPI; this._sendCommand(token, true); } /** * Response to AUTH NTLM, if successful expects a base64 encoded challenge. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionAUTH_NTLM(command) { // NTLM auth can be multiple steps. We exchange tokens with the server // until success or failure. if (command.success) { this._actionAUTHComplete(command); return; } if (command.statusCode !== 334) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_AUTH_FAILURE, command.data); return; } let token = this._authenticator.getNextNtlmToken(command.data); this._currentAction = this._actionAUTH_NTLM; this._sendCommand(token, true); } /** * Checks if authentication succeeded or not. If successfully authenticated * emit `idle` to indicate that an e-mail can be sent using this connection * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionAUTHComplete(command) { this._authenticating = false; if (!command.success) { this._onAuthFailed(command); return; } this.logger.debug("Authentication successful."); this._currentAction = this._actionIdle; this.onidle(); // ready to take orders } /** * Used when the connection is idle, not expecting anything from the server. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionIdle(command) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_SERVER_ERROR, command.data); } /** * Response to MAIL FROM command. Proceed to defining RCPT TO list if successful * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionMAIL(command) { if (!command.success) { let errorCode = MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_FROM_COMMAND; // default code if (command.statusCode == 552) { // Too much mail data indicated by "size" parameter of MAIL FROM. // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321#section- errorCode = MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_PERM_SIZE_EXCEEDED_2; } if (command.statusCode == 452 || command.statusCode == 451) { // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321#section- errorCode = MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SMTP_TEMP_SIZE_EXCEEDED; } this._onNsError(errorCode, command.data, null, command.statusCode); return; } this.logger.debug( "MAIL FROM successful, proceeding with " + this._envelope.rcptQueue.length + " recipients" ); this.logger.debug("Adding recipient..."); this._envelope.curRecipient = this._envelope.rcptQueue.shift(); this._currentAction = this._actionRCPT; this._sendCommand( `RCPT TO:<${this._envelope.curRecipient}>${this._getRCPTParameters()}` ); } /** * Prepare the RCPT params, currently only DSN params. If the server supports * DSN and sender requested DSN, append DSN params to each RCPT TO command. */ _getRCPTParameters() { if (this._capabilities.includes("DSN") && this._envelope.requestDSN) { let notify = []; if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.dsn.request_never_on")) { notify.push("NEVER"); } else { if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.dsn.request_on_success_on")) { notify.push("SUCCESS"); } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.dsn.request_on_failure_on")) { notify.push("FAILURE"); } if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("mail.dsn.request_on_delay_on")) { notify.push("DELAY"); } } if (notify.length > 0) { return ` NOTIFY=${notify.join(",")}`; } } return ""; } /** * Response to a RCPT TO command. If the command is unsuccessful, emit an * error to abort the sending. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionRCPT(command) { if (!command.success) { this._onNsError( MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_RCPT_COMMAND, command.data, this._envelope.curRecipient, command.statusCode ); return; } this.rcptCount++; this._envelope.responseQueue.push(this._envelope.curRecipient); if (this._envelope.rcptQueue.length) { // Send the next recipient. this._envelope.curRecipient = this._envelope.rcptQueue.shift(); this._currentAction = this._actionRCPT; this._sendCommand( `RCPT TO:<${this._envelope.curRecipient}>${this._getRCPTParameters()}` ); } else { this.logger.debug( `Total RCPTs during this connection: ${this.rcptCount}` ); this.logger.debug("RCPT TO done. Proceeding with payload."); this._currentAction = this._actionDATA; this._sendCommand("DATA"); } } /** * Response to the DATA command. Server is now waiting for a message, so emit `onready` * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionDATA(command) { // response should be 354 but according to this issue https://github.com/eleith/emailjs/issues/24 // some servers might use 250 instead if (![250, 354].includes(command.statusCode)) { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_DATA_COMMAND, command.data); return; } this._dataMode = true; this._currentAction = this._actionIdle; this.onready(this._envelope.rcptFailed); } /** * Response from the server, once the message stream has ended with . * Emits `ondone`. * * @param {object} command Parsed command from the server {statusCode, data} */ _actionStream(command) { var rcpt; if (this.options.lmtp) { // LMTP returns a response code for *every* successfully set recipient // For every recipient the message might succeed or fail individually rcpt = this._envelope.responseQueue.shift(); if (!command.success) { this.logger.error("Local delivery to " + rcpt + " failed."); this._envelope.rcptFailed.push(rcpt); } else { this.logger.error("Local delivery to " + rcpt + " succeeded."); } if (this._envelope.responseQueue.length) { this._currentAction = this._actionStream; return; } this._currentAction = this._actionIdle; this.ondone(0); } else { // For SMTP the message either fails or succeeds, there is no information // about individual recipients if (!command.success) { this.logger.error("Message sending failed."); } else { this.logger.debug("Message sent successfully."); this.isRetry = false; } this._currentAction = this._actionIdle; if (command.success) { this.ondone(0); } else { this._onNsError(MsgUtils.NS_ERROR_SENDING_MESSAGE, command.data); } } this._freed = true; this.onFree(); } }