/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const EXPORTED_SYMBOLS = ["SmtpServer"]; const { XPCOMUtils } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.sys.mjs" ); var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm" ); const lazy = {}; XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { SmtpClient: "resource:///modules/SmtpClient.jsm", }); /** * This class represents a single SMTP server. * * @implements {nsISmtpServer} * @implements {nsIObserver} */ class SmtpServer { QueryInterface = ChromeUtils.generateQI(["nsISmtpServer", "nsIObserver"]); constructor() { this._key = ""; this._loadPrefs(); Services.obs.addObserver(this, "passwordmgr-storage-changed"); } /** * Observe() receives notifications for all accounts, not just this SMTP * server's * account. So we ignore all notifications not intended for this * server. When the state of the password manager changes we need to clear the * this server's password from the cache in case the user just changed or * removed the password or username. * OAuth2 servers often automatically change the password manager's stored * password (the token). */ observe(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "passwordmgr-storage-changed") { // Check that the notification is for this server and user. let otherFullName = ""; let otherUsername = ""; if (subject instanceof Ci.nsILoginInfo) { // The login info for a server has been removed with aData being // "removeLogin" or "removeAllLogins". otherFullName = subject.origin; otherUsername = subject.username; } else if (subject instanceof Ci.nsIArray) { // Probably a 2 element array containing old and new login info due to // aData being "modifyLogin". E.g., a user has modified the password or // username in the password manager or an OAuth2 token string has // automatically changed. Only need to look at names in first array // element (login info before any modification) since the user might // have changed the username as found in the 2nd elements. (The // hostname can't be modified in the password manager. otherFullName = subject.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsISupports).origin; otherUsername = subject.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsISupports).username; } if (otherFullName) { if ( otherFullName != "smtp://" + this.hostname || otherUsername != this.username ) { // Not for this account; keep this account's password. return; } } else if (data != "hostSavingDisabled") { // "hostSavingDisabled" only occurs during test_smtpServer.js and // expects the password to be removed from memory cache. Otherwise, we // don't have enough information to decide to remove the cached // password, so keep it. return; } // Remove the password for this server cached in memory. this.password = ""; } } get key() { return this._key; } set key(key) { this._key = key; this._loadPrefs(); } get UID() { let uid = this._prefs.getStringPref("uid", ""); if (uid) { return uid; } return (this.UID = Services.uuid .generateUUID() .toString() .substring(1, 37)); } set UID(uid) { if (this._prefs.prefHasUserValue("uid")) { throw new Components.Exception("uid is already set", Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); } this._prefs.setStringPref("uid", uid); } get description() { return this._prefs.getStringPref("description", ""); } set description(value) { this._prefs.setStringPref("description", value); } get hostname() { return this._prefs.getStringPref("hostname", ""); } set hostname(value) { if (value.toLowerCase() != this.hostname.toLowerCase()) { // Reset password so that users are prompted for new password for the new // host. this.forgetPassword(); } this._prefs.setStringPref("hostname", value); } get port() { return this._prefs.getIntPref("port", 0); } set port(value) { if (value) { this._prefs.setIntPref("port", value); } else { this._prefs.clearUserPref("port"); } } get displayname() { return `${this.hostname}` + (this.port ? `:${this.port}` : ""); } get username() { return this._prefs.getCharPref("username", ""); } set username(value) { if (value != this.username) { // Reset password so that users are prompted for new password for the new // username. this.forgetPassword(); } this._setCharPref("username", value); } get clientid() { return this._getCharPrefWithDefault("clientid"); } set clientid(value) { this._setCharPref("clientid", value); } get clientidEnabled() { try { return this._prefs.getBoolPref("clientidEnabled"); } catch (e) { return this._defaultPrefs.getBoolPref("clientidEnabled", false); } } set clientidEnabled(value) { this._prefs.setBoolPref("clientidEnabled", value); } get authMethod() { return this._getIntPrefWithDefault("authMethod", 3); } set authMethod(value) { this._prefs.setIntPref("authMethod", value); } get socketType() { return this._getIntPrefWithDefault("try_ssl", 0); } set socketType(value) { this._prefs.setIntPref("try_ssl", value); } get helloArgument() { return this._getCharPrefWithDefault("hello_argument"); } get serverURI() { return this._getServerURI(true); } /** * If pref max_cached_connection is set to less than 1, allow only one * connection and one message to be sent on that connection. Otherwise, allow * up to max_cached_connection (default to 3) with each connection allowed to * send multiple messages. */ get maximumConnectionsNumber() { let maxConnections = this._getIntPrefWithDefault( "max_cached_connections", 3 ); // Always return a value >= 0. return maxConnections > 0 ? maxConnections : 0; } set maximumConnectionsNumber(value) { this._prefs.setIntPref("max_cached_connections", value); } get password() { if (this._password) { return this._password; } let incomingAccountKey = this._prefs.getCharPref("incomingAccount", ""); let incomingServer; if (incomingAccountKey) { incomingServer = MailServices.accounts.getIncomingServer(incomingAccountKey); } else { let useMatchingHostNameServer = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "mail.smtp.useMatchingHostNameServer" ); let useMatchingDomainServer = Services.prefs.getBoolPref( "mail.smtp.useMatchingDomainServer" ); if (useMatchingHostNameServer || useMatchingDomainServer) { if (useMatchingHostNameServer) { // Pass in empty type and port=0, to match imap and pop3. incomingServer = MailServices.accounts.findServer( this.username, this.hostname, "", 0 ); } if ( !incomingServer && useMatchingDomainServer && this.hostname.includes(".") ) { let newHostname = this.hostname.slice(0, this.hostname.indexOf(".")); for (let server of MailServices.accounts.allServers) { if (server.username == this.username) { let serverHostName = server.hostName; if ( serverHostName.includes(".") && serverHostName.slice(0, serverHostName.indexOf(".")) == newHostname ) { incomingServer = server; break; } } } } } } return incomingServer?.password || ""; } set password(password) { this._password = password; } getPasswordWithUI(promptMessage, promptTitle) { let authPrompt; try { // This prompt has a checkbox for saving password. authPrompt = Cc["@mozilla.org/messenger/msgAuthPrompt;1"].getService( Ci.nsIAuthPrompt ); } catch (e) { // Often happens in tests. This prompt has no checkbox for saving password. authPrompt = Services.ww.getNewAuthPrompter(null); } let password = this._getPasswordWithoutUI(); if (password) { this.password = password; return this.password; } let outUsername = {}; let outPassword = {}; let ok; if (this.username) { ok = authPrompt.promptPassword( promptTitle, promptMessage, this.serverURI, Ci.nsIAuthPrompt.SAVE_PASSWORD_PERMANENTLY, outPassword ); } else { ok = authPrompt.promptUsernameAndPassword( promptTitle, promptMessage, this.serverURI, Ci.nsIAuthPrompt.SAVE_PASSWORD_PERMANENTLY, outUsername, outPassword ); } if (ok) { if (outUsername.value) { this.username = outUsername.value; } this.password = outPassword.value; } else { throw Components.Exception("Password dialog canceled", Cr.NS_ERROR_ABORT); } return this.password; } forgetPassword() { let serverURI = this._getServerURI(); let logins = Services.logins.findLogins(serverURI, "", serverURI); for (let login of logins) { if (login.username == this.username) { Services.logins.removeLogin(login); } } this.password = ""; } verifyLogon(urlListener, msgWindow) { return MailServices.smtp.verifyLogon(this, urlListener, msgWindow); } clearAllValues() { for (let prefName of this._prefs.getChildList("")) { this._prefs.clearUserPref(prefName); } } /** * @returns {string} */ _getPasswordWithoutUI() { let serverURI = this._getServerURI(); let logins = Services.logins.findLogins(serverURI, "", serverURI); for (let login of logins) { if (login.username == this.username) { return login.password; } } return null; } /** * Get server URI in the form of smtp://[user@]hostname. * * @param {boolean} includeUsername - Whether to include the username. * @returns {string} */ _getServerURI(includeUsername) { // When constructing nsIURI, need to wrap IPv6 address in []. let hostname = this.hostname.includes(":") ? `[${this.hostname}]` : this.hostname; return ( "smtp://" + (includeUsername && this.username ? `${encodeURIComponent(this.username)}@` : "") + hostname ); } /** * Get the associated pref branch and the default SMTP server branch. */ _loadPrefs() { this._prefs = Services.prefs.getBranch(`mail.smtpserver.${this._key}.`); this._defaultPrefs = Services.prefs.getBranch("mail.smtpserver.default."); } /** * Set or clear a string preference. * * @param {string} name - The preference name. * @param {string} value - The preference value. */ _setCharPref(name, value) { if (value) { this._prefs.setCharPref(name, value); } else { this._prefs.clearUserPref(name); } } /** * Get the value of a char preference from this or default SMTP server. * * @param {string} name - The preference name. * @param {number} [defaultValue=""] - The default value to return. * @returns {string} */ _getCharPrefWithDefault(name, defaultValue = "") { try { return this._prefs.getCharPref(name); } catch (e) { return this._defaultPrefs.getCharPref(name, defaultValue); } } /** * Get the value of an integer preference from this or default SMTP server. * * @param {string} name - The preference name. * @param {number} defaultValue - The default value to return. * @returns {number} */ _getIntPrefWithDefault(name, defaultValue) { try { return this._prefs.getIntPref(name); } catch (e) { return this._defaultPrefs.getIntPref(name, defaultValue); } } get wrappedJSObject() { return this; } // @type {SmtpClient[]} - An array of connections can be used. _freeConnections = []; // @type {SmtpClient[]} - An array of connections in use. _busyConnections = []; // @type {Function[]} - An array of Promise.resolve functions. _connectionWaitingQueue = []; closeCachedConnections() { // Close all connections. for (let client of [...this._freeConnections, ...this._busyConnections]) { client.quit(); } // Cancel all waitings in queue. for (let resolve of this._connectionWaitingQueue) { resolve(false); } this._freeConnections = []; this._busyConnections = []; } /** * Get an idle connection that can be used. * * @returns {SmtpClient} */ async _getNextClient() { // The newest connection is the least likely to have timed out. let client = this._freeConnections.pop(); if (client) { this._busyConnections.push(client); return client; } const maxConns = this.maximumConnectionsNumber ? this.maximumConnectionsNumber : 1; if ( this._freeConnections.length + this._busyConnections.length < maxConns ) { // Create a new client if the pool is not full. client = new lazy.SmtpClient(this); this._busyConnections.push(client); return client; } // Wait until a connection is available. await new Promise(resolve => this._connectionWaitingQueue.push(resolve)); return this._getNextClient(); } /** * Do some actions with a connection. * * @param {Function} handler - A callback function to take a SmtpClient * instance, and do some actions. */ async withClient(handler) { let client = await this._getNextClient(); client.onFree = () => { this._busyConnections = this._busyConnections.filter(c => c != client); // Per RFC, the minimum total number of recipients that MUST be buffered // is 100 recipients. // @see https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc5321#section- // So use a new connection for the next message to avoid running into // recipient limits. // If user has set SMTP pref max_cached_connection to less than 1, // use a new connection for each message. if (this.maximumConnectionsNumber == 0 || client.rcptCount > 99) { // Send QUIT, server will then terminate the connection client.quit(); } else { // Keep using this connection this._freeConnections.push(client); // Resolve the first waiting in queue. this._connectionWaitingQueue.shift()?.(); } }; handler(client); client.connect(); } }