/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* globals MozElements, MozXULElement */ "use strict"; // Wrap in a block to prevent leaking to window scope. { const MozPopupElement = MozElements.MozElementMixin(XULPopupElement); /** * The MozGlodacompleteRichResultPopup class creates the panel * to append all the results for the gloda search autocomplete. * * @augments {MozPopupElement} */ class MozGlodacompleteRichResultPopup extends MozPopupElement { constructor() { super(); this.addEventListener("popupshowing", event => { // If normalMaxRows wasn't already set by the input, then set it here // so that we restore the correct number when the popup is hidden. // Null-check this.mInput; see bug 1017914 if (this._normalMaxRows < 0 && this.mInput) { this._normalMaxRows = this.mInput.maxRows; } this.mPopupOpen = true; }); this.addEventListener("popupshown", event => { if (this._adjustHeightOnPopupShown) { delete this._adjustHeightOnPopupShown; this.adjustHeight(); } }); this.addEventListener("popuphiding", event => { let isListActive = true; if (this.selectedIndex == -1) { isListActive = false; } this.mInput.controller.stopSearch(); this.mPopupOpen = false; // Reset the maxRows property to the cached "normal" value (if there's // any), and reset normalMaxRows so that we can detect whether it was set // by the input when the popupshowing handler runs. // Null-check this.mInput; see bug 1017914 if (this.mInput && this._normalMaxRows > 0) { this.mInput.maxRows = this._normalMaxRows; } this._normalMaxRows = -1; // If the list was being navigated and then closed, make sure // we fire accessible focus event back to textbox // Null-check this.mInput; see bug 1017914 if (isListActive && this.mInput) { this.mInput.mIgnoreFocus = true; this.mInput._focus(); this.mInput.mIgnoreFocus = false; } }); this.attachShadow({ mode: "open" }); let slot = document.createElement("slot"); slot.part = "content"; this.shadowRoot.appendChild(slot); } connectedCallback() { if (this.delayConnectedCallback()) { return; } this.textContent = ""; this.mInput = null; this.mPopupOpen = false; this._currentIndex = 0; /** * This is the default number of rows that we give the autocomplete * popup when the textbox doesn't have a "maxrows" attribute * for us to use. */ this.defaultMaxRows = 6; /** * In some cases (e.g. when the input's dropmarker button is clicked), * the input wants to display a popup with more rows. In that case, it * should increase its maxRows property and store the "normal" maxRows * in this field. When the popup is hidden, we restore the input's * maxRows to the value stored in this field. * * This field is set to -1 between uses so that we can tell when it's * been set by the input and when we need to set it in the popupshowing * handler. */ this._normalMaxRows = -1; this._previousSelectedIndex = -1; this.mLastMoveTime = Date.now(); this.mousedOverIndex = -1; this.richlistbox = document.createXULElement("richlistbox"); this.richlistbox.setAttribute("flex", "1"); this.richlistbox.classList.add("autocomplete-richlistbox"); this.appendChild(this.richlistbox); if (!this.listEvents) { this.listEvents = { handleEvent: event => { if (!this.parentNode) { return; } switch (event.type) { case "mouseup": // Don't call onPopupClick for the scrollbar buttons, thumb, // slider, etc. If we hit the richlistbox and not a // richlistitem, we ignore the event. if ( event.target.closest("richlistbox, richlistitem").localName == "richlistitem" ) { this.onPopupClick(event); } break; case "mousemove": if (Date.now() - this.mLastMoveTime <= 30) { return; } let item = event.target.closest("richlistbox, richlistitem"); // If we hit the richlistbox and not a richlistitem, we ignore // the event. if (item.localName == "richlistbox") { return; } let index = this.richlistbox.getIndexOfItem(item); this.mousedOverIndex = index; if (item.selectedByMouseOver) { this.richlistbox.selectedIndex = index; } this.mLastMoveTime = Date.now(); break; } }, }; this.richlistbox.addEventListener("mouseup", this.listEvents); this.richlistbox.addEventListener("mousemove", this.listEvents); } } // nsIAutoCompletePopup get input() { return this.mInput; } get overrideValue() { return null; } get popupOpen() { return this.mPopupOpen; } get maxRows() { return (this.mInput && this.mInput.maxRows) || this.defaultMaxRows; } set selectedIndex(val) { if (val != this.richlistbox.selectedIndex) { this._previousSelectedIndex = this.richlistbox.selectedIndex; } this.richlistbox.selectedIndex = val; // Since ensureElementIsVisible may cause an expensive Layout flush, // invoke it only if there may be a scrollbar, so if we could fetch // more results than we can show at once. // maxResults is the maximum number of fetched results, maxRows is the // maximum number of rows we show at once, without a scrollbar. if (this.mPopupOpen && this.maxResults > this.maxRows) { // when clearing the selection (val == -1, so selectedItem will be // null), we want to scroll back to the top. see bug #406194 this.richlistbox.ensureElementIsVisible( this.richlistbox.selectedItem || this.richlistbox.firstElementChild ); } } get selectedIndex() { return this.richlistbox.selectedIndex; } get maxResults() { // This is how many richlistitems will be kept around. // Note, this getter may be overridden, or instances // can have the nomaxresults attribute set to have no // limit. if (this.getAttribute("nomaxresults") == "true") { return Infinity; } return 20; } get matchCount() { return Math.min(this.mInput.controller.matchCount, this.maxResults); } get overflowPadding() { return Number(this.getAttribute("overflowpadding")); } set view(val) {} get view() { return this.mInput.controller; } closePopup() { if (this.mPopupOpen) { this.hidePopup(); this.style.removeProperty("--panel-width"); } } getNextIndex(aReverse, aAmount, aIndex, aMaxRow) { if (aMaxRow < 0) { return -1; } let newIdx = aIndex + (aReverse ? -1 : 1) * aAmount; if ( (aReverse && aIndex == -1) || (newIdx > aMaxRow && aIndex != aMaxRow) ) { newIdx = aMaxRow; } else if ((!aReverse && aIndex == -1) || (newIdx < 0 && aIndex != 0)) { newIdx = 0; } if ( (newIdx < 0 && aIndex == 0) || (newIdx > aMaxRow && aIndex == aMaxRow) ) { aIndex = -1; } else { aIndex = newIdx; } return aIndex; } onPopupClick(aEvent) { this.input.controller.handleEnter(true, aEvent); } onSearchBegin() { this.mousedOverIndex = -1; if (typeof this._onSearchBegin == "function") { this._onSearchBegin(); } } openAutocompletePopup(aInput, aElement) { // until we have "baseBinding", (see bug #373652) this allows // us to override openAutocompletePopup(), but still call // the method on the base class this._openAutocompletePopup(aInput, aElement); } _openAutocompletePopup(aInput, aElement) { if (!this.mPopupOpen) { // It's possible that the panel is hidden initially // to avoid impacting startup / new window performance aInput.popup.hidden = false; this.mInput = aInput; // clear any previous selection, see bugs 400671 and 488357 this.selectedIndex = -1; let width = aElement.getBoundingClientRect().width; this.style.setProperty( "--panel-width", (width > 100 ? width : 100) + "px" ); // invalidate() depends on the width attribute this._invalidate(); this.openPopup(aElement, "after_start", 0, 0, false, false); } } invalidate(reason) { // Don't bother doing work if we're not even showing if (!this.mPopupOpen) { return; } this._invalidate(reason); } _invalidate(reason) { setTimeout(() => this.adjustHeight(), 0); // remove all child nodes because we never want to reuse them. while (this.richlistbox.hasChildNodes()) { this.richlistbox.lastChild.remove(); } this._currentIndex = 0; this._appendCurrentResult(); } _collapseUnusedItems() { let existingItemsCount = this.richlistbox.children.length; for (let i = this.matchCount; i < existingItemsCount; ++i) { let item = this.richlistbox.children[i]; item.collapsed = true; if (typeof item._onCollapse == "function") { item._onCollapse(); } } } adjustHeight() { // Figure out how many rows to show let rows = this.richlistbox.children; let numRows = Math.min(this.matchCount, this.maxRows, rows.length); // Default the height to 0 if we have no rows to show let height = 0; if (numRows) { let firstRowRect = rows[0].getBoundingClientRect(); if (this._rlbPadding == undefined) { let style = window.getComputedStyle(this.richlistbox); let paddingTop = parseInt(style.paddingTop) || 0; let paddingBottom = parseInt(style.paddingBottom) || 0; this._rlbPadding = paddingTop + paddingBottom; } // The class `forceHandleUnderflow` is for the item might need to // handle OverUnderflow or Overflow when the height of an item will // be changed dynamically. for (let i = 0; i < numRows; i++) { if (rows[i].classList.contains("forceHandleUnderflow")) { rows[i].handleOverUnderflow(); } } let lastRowRect = rows[numRows - 1].getBoundingClientRect(); // Calculate the height to have the first row to last row shown height = lastRowRect.bottom - firstRowRect.top + this._rlbPadding; } let currentHeight = this.richlistbox.getBoundingClientRect().height; if (height <= currentHeight) { this._collapseUnusedItems(); } this.richlistbox.style.removeProperty("height"); // We need to get the ceiling of the calculated value to ensure that the box fully contains // all of its contents and doesn't cause a scrollbar since nsIBoxObject only expects a // `long`. e.g. if `height` is 99.5 the richlistbox would render at height 99px with a // scrollbar for the extra 0.5px. this.richlistbox.height = Math.ceil(height); } _appendCurrentResult() { let controller = this.mInput.controller; let glodaCompleter = Cc[ "@mozilla.org/autocomplete/search;1?name=gloda" ].getService(Ci.nsIAutoCompleteSearch).wrappedJSObject; // Process maxRows per chunk to improve performance and user experience for (let i = 0; i < this.maxRows; i++) { if (this._currentIndex >= this.matchCount) { return; } let item; // trim the leading/trailing whitespace let trimmedSearchString = controller.searchString.trim(); let result = glodaCompleter.curResult; item = document.createXULElement("richlistitem", { is: result.getStyleAt(this._currentIndex), }); // set these attributes before we set the class // so that we can use them from the constructor let row = result.getObjectAt(this._currentIndex); item.setAttribute("text", trimmedSearchString); item.setAttribute("type", result.getStyleAt(this._currentIndex)); item.row = row; // set the class at the end so we can use the attributes // in the xbl constructor item.className = "autocomplete-richlistitem"; this.richlistbox.appendChild(item); this._currentIndex++; } // yield after each batch of items so that typing the url bar is responsive setTimeout(() => this._appendCurrentResult(), 0); } selectBy(aReverse, aPage) { try { let amount = aPage ? 5 : 1; // because we collapsed unused items, we can't use this.richlistbox.getRowCount(), we need to use the matchCount this.selectedIndex = this.getNextIndex( aReverse, amount, this.selectedIndex, this.matchCount - 1 ); if (this.selectedIndex == -1) { this.input._focus(); } } catch (ex) { // do nothing - occasionally timer-related js errors happen here // e.g. "this.selectedIndex has no properties", when you type fast and hit a // navigation key before this popup has opened } } disconnectedCallback() { if (this.listEvents) { this.richlistbox.removeEventListener("mouseup", this.listEvents); this.richlistbox.removeEventListener("mousemove", this.listEvents); delete this.listEvents; } } } MozXULElement.implementCustomInterface(MozGlodacompleteRichResultPopup, [ Ci.nsIAutoCompletePopup, ]); customElements.define( "glodacomplete-rich-result-popup", MozGlodacompleteRichResultPopup, { extends: "panel" } ); }