/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* * This file tests recognizing a message as junk due to * SpamAssassin headers, and marking that as good * without having the message return to the junk folder, * as discussed in bug 540385. * * adapted from test_filterNeedsBody.js */ var { PromiseTestUtils } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://testing-common/mailnews/PromiseTestUtils.jsm" ); // Globals var { MailServices } = ChromeUtils.import( "resource:///modules/MailServices.jsm" ); var gMessage = "SpamAssassinYes"; // message file used as the test message var gJunkFolder; add_setup(function () { setupIMAPPump(); let server = IMAPPump.incomingServer; let spamSettings = server.spamSettings; server.setBoolValue("useServerFilter", true); server.setCharValue("serverFilterName", "SpamAssassin"); server.setIntValue( "serverFilterTrustFlags", Ci.nsISpamSettings.TRUST_POSITIVES ); server.setBoolValue("moveOnSpam", true); server.setIntValue( "moveTargetMode", Ci.nsISpamSettings.MOVE_TARGET_MODE_ACCOUNT ); server.setCharValue("spamActionTargetAccount", server.serverURI); spamSettings.initialize(server); }); add_task(async function createJunkFolder() { IMAPPump.incomingServer.rootFolder.createSubfolder("Junk", null); await PromiseTestUtils.promiseFolderAdded("Junk"); gJunkFolder = IMAPPump.incomingServer.rootFolder.getChildNamed("Junk"); Assert.ok(gJunkFolder instanceof Ci.nsIMsgImapMailFolder); let listener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener(); gJunkFolder.updateFolderWithListener(null, listener); await listener.promise; }); /* * Load and update a message in the imap fake server, should move * SpamAssassin-marked junk message to junk folder */ add_task(async function loadImapMessage() { IMAPPump.mailbox.addMessage( new ImapMessage(specForFileName(gMessage), IMAPPump.mailbox.uidnext++, []) ); /* * The message matched the SpamAssassin header, so it moved * to the junk folder */ IMAPPump.inbox.updateFolder(null); await PromiseTestUtils.promiseFolderNotification( gJunkFolder, "msgsMoveCopyCompleted" ); let listener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener(); gJunkFolder.updateFolderWithListener(null, listener); await listener.promise; }); add_task(function testMessageInJunk() { Assert.equal(0, IMAPPump.inbox.getTotalMessages(false)); Assert.equal(1, gJunkFolder.getTotalMessages(false)); }); add_task(async function markMessageAsGood() { /* * This is done in the application in nsMsgDBView, which is difficult * to test in xpcshell tests. We aren't really trying to test that here * though, since the point of this test is working with the server-based * filters. So I will simply simulate the operations that would typically * be done by a manual marking of the messages. */ let msgHdr = mailTestUtils.firstMsgHdr(gJunkFolder); msgHdr.setStringProperty("junkscoreorigin", "user"); msgHdr.setStringProperty("junkpercent", "0"); // good percent msgHdr.setStringProperty("junkscore", "0"); // good score /* * Now move this message to the inbox. In bug 540385, the message just * gets moved back to the junk folder again. We'll test that we * are now preventing that. */ MailServices.copy.copyMessages( gJunkFolder, // srcFolder [msgHdr], // messages IMAPPump.inbox, // dstFolder true, // isMove null, // listener null, // msgWindow false // allowUndo ); await PromiseTestUtils.promiseFolderNotification( IMAPPump.inbox, "msgsMoveCopyCompleted" ); }); add_task(async function updateFoldersAndCheck() { let inboxUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener(); IMAPPump.inbox.updateFolderWithListener(null, inboxUrlListener); await inboxUrlListener.promise; let junkUrlListener = new PromiseTestUtils.PromiseUrlListener(); gJunkFolder.updateFolderWithListener(null, junkUrlListener); await junkUrlListener.promise; // bug 540385 causes this test to fail Assert.equal(1, IMAPPump.inbox.getTotalMessages(false)); Assert.equal(0, gJunkFolder.getTotalMessages(false)); }); add_task(function endTest() { teardownIMAPPump(); }); /* * helper functions */ // given a test file, return the file uri spec function specForFileName(aFileName) { let file = do_get_file("../../../data/" + aFileName); let msgfileuri = Services.io.newFileURI(file).QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL); return msgfileuri.spec; } // quick shorthand for output of a line of text. function dl(text) { dump(text + "\n"); }