#!/usr/bin/env python # This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public # License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, # You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. # This script provides one-line bootstrap support to configure systems to build # the tree. It does so by cloning the repo before calling directly into `mach # bootstrap`. # mozboot bootstrap.py was mangled and maimed in the creation of this script. # Note that this script can't assume anything in particular about the host # Python environment (except that it's run with a sufficiently recent version of # Python 3), so we are restricted to stdlib modules. import sys major, minor = sys.version_info[:2] if (major < 3) or (major == 3 and minor < 5): print("Bootstrap currently only runs on Python 3.5+." "Please try re-running with python3.5+.") sys.exit(1) import ctypes import os import shutil import subprocess import tempfile from optparse import OptionParser from pathlib import Path CLONE_MERCURIAL_PULL_FAIL = """ Failed to pull from hg.mozilla.org. This is most likely because of unstable network connection. Try running `cd %s && hg pull https://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central` manually, or download a mercurial bundle and use it: https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/vcs/mercurial_bundles.html""" WINDOWS = sys.platform.startswith("win32") or sys.platform.startswith("msys") VCS_HUMAN_READABLE = { "hg": "Mercurial", "git": "Git", } def which(name): """Python implementation of which. It returns the path of an executable or None if it couldn't be found. """ # git-cinnabar.exe doesn't exist, but .exe versions of the other executables # do. if WINDOWS and name != "git-cinnabar": name += ".exe" search_dirs = os.environ["PATH"].split(os.pathsep) for path in search_dirs: test = Path(path) / name if test.is_file() and os.access(test, os.X_OK): return test return None def validate_clone_dest(dest: Path): dest = dest.resolve() if not dest.exists(): return dest if not dest.is_dir(): print(f"ERROR! Destination {dest} exists but is not a directory.") return None if not any(dest.iterdir()): return dest else: print(f"ERROR! Destination directory {dest} exists but is nonempty.") print( f"To re-bootstrap the existing checkout, go into '{dest}' and run './mach bootstrap'." ) return None def input_clone_dest(vcs, no_interactive): repo_name = "mozilla-unified" print(f"Cloning into {repo_name} using {VCS_HUMAN_READABLE[vcs]}...") while True: dest = None if not no_interactive: dest = input( f"Destination directory for clone (leave empty to use " f"default destination of {repo_name}): " ).strip() if not dest: dest = repo_name dest = validate_clone_dest(Path(dest).expanduser()) if dest: return dest if no_interactive: return None def hg_clone(hg: Path, repo, dest: Path, watchman: Path): print(f"Cloning {repo} to {dest}...") # We create an empty repo then modify the config before adding data. # This is necessary to ensure storage settings are optimally # configured. args = [ str(hg), # The unified repo is generaldelta, so ensure the client is as # well. "--config", "format.generaldelta=true", "init", str(dest), ] res = subprocess.call(args) if res: print("unable to create destination repo; please try cloning manually") return None # Strictly speaking, this could overwrite a config based on a template # the user has installed. Let's pretend this problem doesn't exist # unless someone complains about it. with open(dest / ".hg" / "hgrc", "a") as fh: fh.write("[paths]\n") fh.write("default = https://hg.mozilla.org/{}\n".format(repo)) fh.write("\n") # The server uses aggressivemergedeltas which can blow up delta chain # length. This can cause performance to tank due to delta chains being # too long. Limit the delta chain length to something reasonable # to bound revlog read time. fh.write("[format]\n") fh.write("# This is necessary to keep performance in check\n") fh.write("maxchainlen = 10000\n") res = subprocess.call( [str(hg), "pull", "https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(repo)], cwd=str(dest) ) print("") if res: print(CLONE_MERCURIAL_PULL_FAIL % dest) return None update_rev = {"mozilla-unified": "central", "comm-central": "tip"}[repo] print("updating to {}".format(update_rev)) res = subprocess.call([str(hg), "update", "-r", update_rev], cwd=str(dest)) if res: print( f"error updating; you will need to `cd {dest} && hg update -r {update_rev}` " "manually" ) return dest def git_clone(git: Path, repo, dest: Path, watchman: Path): print(f"Cloning {repo} to {dest}...") tempdir = None cinnabar = None env = dict(os.environ) try: cinnabar = which("git-cinnabar") if not cinnabar: cinnabar_url = "https://github.com/glandium/git-cinnabar/" # If git-cinnabar isn't installed already, that's fine; we can # download a temporary copy. `mach bootstrap` will clone a full copy # of the repo in the state dir; we don't want to copy all that logic # to this tiny bootstrapping script. tempdir = Path(tempfile.mkdtemp()) cinnabar_dir = tempdir / "git-cinnabar-master" subprocess.check_call( [str(git), "clone", "--depth=1", str(cinnabar_url), str(cinnabar_dir)], cwd=str(tempdir), env=env, ) env["PATH"] = str(cinnabar_dir) + os.pathsep + env["PATH"] subprocess.check_call( [sys.executable, str(cinnabar_dir / "download.py")], cwd=str(cinnabar_dir), env=env, ) print( "WARNING! git-cinnabar is required for Firefox development " "with git. After the clone is complete, the bootstrapper " "will ask if you would like to configure git; answer yes, " "and be sure to add git-cinnabar to your PATH according to " "the bootstrapper output." ) # We're guaranteed to have `git-cinnabar` installed now. # Configure git per the git-cinnabar requirements. cmd = [ str(git), "clone", ] if repo == "mozilla-unified": cmd += [ "-b", "bookmarks/central", ] cmd += [ "hg::https://hg.mozilla.org/{}".format(repo), str(dest), ] subprocess.check_call(cmd, env=env) subprocess.check_call([str(git), "config", "fetch.prune", "true"], cwd=str(dest), env=env) subprocess.check_call([str(git), "config", "pull.ff", "only"], cwd=str(dest), env=env) watchman_sample = dest / ".git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample" # Older versions of git didn't include fsmonitor-watchman.sample. if watchman and watchman_sample.exists(): print("Configuring watchman") watchman_config = dest / ".git/hooks/query-watchman" if not watchman_config.exists(): print(f"Copying {watchman_sample} to {watchman_config}") copy_args = [ "cp", ".git/hooks/fsmonitor-watchman.sample", ".git/hooks/query-watchman", ] subprocess.check_call(copy_args, cwd=str(dest)) config_args = [ str(git), "config", "core.fsmonitor", ".git/hooks/query-watchman", ] subprocess.check_call(config_args, cwd=str(dest), env=env) return dest finally: if not cinnabar: print( "Failed to install git-cinnabar. Try performing a manual " "installation: https://github.com/glandium/git-cinnabar/wiki/" "Mozilla:-A-git-workflow-for-Gecko-development" ) if tempdir: shutil.rmtree(str(tempdir)) def add_microsoft_defender_antivirus_exclusions(dest, no_system_changes): if no_system_changes: return if not WINDOWS: return powershell_exe = which("powershell") if not powershell_exe: return def print_attempt_exclusion(path): print(f"Attempting to add exclusion path to Microsoft Defender Antivirus for: {path}") powershell_exe = str(powershell_exe) paths = [] # mozilla-unified / clone dest repo_dir = Path.cwd() / dest paths.append(repo_dir) print_attempt_exclusion(repo_dir) # MOZILLABUILD mozillabuild_dir = os.getenv("MOZILLABUILD") if mozillabuild_dir: paths.append(mozillabuild_dir) print_attempt_exclusion(mozillabuild_dir) # .mozbuild mozbuild_dir = Path.home() / ".mozbuild" paths.append(mozbuild_dir) print_attempt_exclusion(mozbuild_dir) args = ";".join(f"Add-MpPreference -ExclusionPath '{path}'" for path in paths) command = f'-Command "{args}"' # This will attempt to run as administrator by triggering a UAC prompt # for admin credentials. If "No" is selected, no exclusions are added. ctypes.windll.shell32.ShellExecuteW(None, "runas", powershell_exe, command, None, 0) def clone(options): vcs = options.vcs no_interactive = options.no_interactive no_system_changes = options.no_system_changes hg = which("hg") if not hg: print( "Mercurial is not installed. Mercurial is required to clone " "Thunderbird%s." % (", even when cloning with Git" if vcs == "git" else "") ) try: # We're going to recommend people install the Mercurial package with # pip3. That will work if `pip3` installs binaries to a location # that's in the PATH, but it might not be. To help out, if we CAN # import "mercurial" (in which case it's already been installed), # offer that as a solution. import mercurial # noqa: F401 print( "Hint: have you made sure that Mercurial is installed to a " "location in your PATH?" ) except ImportError: print("Try installing hg with `pip3 install Mercurial`.") return None if vcs == "hg": binary = hg else: binary = which(vcs) if not binary: print("Git is not installed.") print("Try installing git using your system package manager.") return None dest = input_clone_dest(vcs, no_interactive) if not dest: return None add_microsoft_defender_antivirus_exclusions(dest, no_system_changes) if vcs == "hg": clone_func = hg_clone else: clone_func = git_clone watchman = which("watchman") mc = clone_func(binary, "mozilla-unified", dest, watchman) # Funny logic... the return value if successful needs to be the path # to mozilla-central. Only return "cc" if cloning comm-central # fails. if mc == dest: cc_dest = Path(dest) / "comm" cc = clone_func(binary, "comm-central", cc_dest, watchman) if cc: return mc else: return cc return mc def bootstrap(srcdir: Path, artifact_mode, no_interactive, no_system_changes): args = [sys.executable, "mach"] if no_interactive: # --no-interactive is a global argument, not a command argument, # so it needs to be specified before "bootstrap" is appended. args += ["--no-interactive"] args += ["bootstrap"] if artifact_mode: args += ["--application-choice", "Firefox for Desktop Artifact Mode"] else: args += ["--application-choice", "Firefox for Desktop"] if no_system_changes: args += ["--no-system-changes"] print("Running `%s`" % " ".join(args)) return subprocess.call(args, cwd=str(srcdir)) def mozconfig(srcdir): """Build Thunderbird, not Firefox!""" mozconfig = os.path.join(srcdir, "mozconfig") with open(mozconfig, "a") as mfp: mfp.write("ac_add_options --enable-project=comm/mail") return True def main(args): parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( "--artifact-mode", dest="artifact_mode", help="Build Thunderbird in Artifact mode. " "See https://firefox-source-docs.mozilla.org/contributing/build" "/artifact_builds.html for details.", ) parser.add_option( "--vcs", dest="vcs", default="hg", choices=["git", "hg"], help="VCS (hg or git) to use for downloading the source code, " "instead of using the default interactive prompt.", ) parser.add_option( "--no-interactive", dest="no_interactive", action="store_true", help="Answer yes to any (Y/n) interactive prompts.", ) parser.add_option( "--no-system-changes", dest="no_system_changes", action="store_true", help="Only executes actions that leave the system " "configuration alone.", ) options, leftover = parser.parse_args(args) try: srcdir = clone(options) if not srcdir: return 1 print("Clone complete.") print( "If you need to run the tooling bootstrapping again, " "then consider running './mach bootstrap' instead." ) if not options.no_interactive: remove_bootstrap_file = input( "Unless you are going to have more local copies of Firefox source code, " "this 'bootstrap.py' file is no longer needed and can be deleted. " "Clean up the bootstrap.py file? (Y/n)" ) if not remove_bootstrap_file: remove_bootstrap_file = "y" if options.no_interactive or remove_bootstrap_file == "y": try: Path(sys.argv[0]).unlink() except FileNotFoundError: print("File could not be found !") bootstrap( srcdir, options.artifact_mode, options.no_interactive, options.no_system_changes, ) return mozconfig(srcdir) except Exception: print("Could not bootstrap Thunderbird! Consider filing a bug.") raise if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main(sys.argv))