.TH @MOZ_APP_NAME@ 1 "August 05, 2020" @MOZ_APP_NAME@ "Linux User's Manual" .SH NAME @MOZ_APP_NAME@ \- an internet application suite (browser, mail, etc.) .SH SYNOPSIS .B @MOZ_APP_NAME@ [\fIOPTIONS\fR] [\fIURL\fR] .SH DESCRIPTION \fB@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@\fR is an all-in-one Internet application suite (previously made popular by Netscape and Mozilla). It includes an Internet browser, advanced e-mail, newsgroup and feed client, a calendar, IRC client, HTML editor and a tool to inspect the DOM for web pages. It is derived from the application formerly known as Mozilla Application Suite. .SH OPTIONS A summary of the options supported by \fB@MOZ_APP_NAME@\fR is included below. .SS "X11 options" .TP .BI \-\-display= DISPLAY X display to use .TP .B \--sync Make X calls synchronous .TP .B \-\-g-fatal-warnings Make all warnings fatal .SS "@MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ options" .TP .B \-h, \-help Show summary of options. .TP .B \-v, \-version Print \fB@MOZ_APP_NAME@\fR version. .TP \fB\-P\fR \fIprofile\fR Start with \fIprofile\fR. .TP \fB\-profile\fR \fIpath\fR Start with profile at \fIpath\fR. .TP \fB\-CreateProfile\fR \fIprofile_name\fR Create a new profile in the default directory, but do not start the application. The profile will be named \fIprofile_name\fR in the profile manager, the \fIprofile_name\fR must not contain spaces. Do not run \fIprofile_name\fR while running an instance of the application, you can use the \fB-no-remote\fR option to avoid connecting to a running instance. .TP \fB\-CreateProfile\fR "\fIprofile_name profile_dir\fR" The same, but creates a new profile in the \fIprofile_dir\fR directory. Note \fIprofile_name\fR and \fIprofile_dir\fR are quoted together, and are separated by exactly 1 space. .TP .B \-migration Start with import wizard (if you have proper import sources). .TP .B \-ProfileManager Start with profile manager. .TP .B \-no-remote Do not accept or send remote commands. Implies \fB-new-instance\fR. .TP .B \-new-instance Open new instance, not a new window in running instance, which allows multiple copies of application to be open at a time. .TP .B \-safe-mode Launches the application with all extensions disabled, for that launch only (extensions are not loaded, but are not permanently disabled in the extension manager data source). .TP .B \-headless Runs @MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ in headless mode, which is very useful for purposes such as debugging and automated testing. .TP .B \-addressbook Open the address book at startup. .TP \fB\-compose\fR [\fIurl\fR] Compose a mail or news message. Options are specified as string \fB"option='\fIvalue,...\fB',option=\fIvalue\fR,\fI...\fB"\fR and include: \fIfrom\fR, \fIto\fR, \fIcc\fR, \fIbcc\fR, \fInewsgroups\fR, \fIsubject\fR, \fIbody\fR, \fImessage \fR(\fIfile\fR), \fIattachment\fR (\fIfile\fR), \fIformat\fR (\fIhtml\fR | \fItext\fR). Example: .B "to=\fIjohn@example.com\fB,subject=\fI'Dinner tonight?'\fB" .TP .B \-jsconsole Open the Browser Console. .TP .B \-purgecaches Gecko (layout engine) has a JavaScript cache, which is not reset on startup, this clears it. .TP \fB\-edit\fR [\fIurl\fR] Start with editor (composer) for the given \fIurl\fR (optional). .TP .B \-mail, \-news Open the Mail&News folder view. .TP \fB\-mail\fR \fIurl\fR Open the message specified by this \fIurl\fR. .TP .B \-offline Start with the offline mode. This option will only work if @MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ is set to "detect automatically" the online/offline status on startup. To set this, go to Edit -> Preferences -> Mail & Newsgroups -> Network & Storage and in the "Offline" group choose "Detect automatically (if available)" in the "When starting up:" drop-down box. .TP .B \-suiteconsole Open the Error Console. .TP .B \-browser Open a browser window. .TP .B \-private Open a private browsing window. .TP \fB\-new-window\fR \fIurl\fR Open \fIurl\fR in a new browser window. .TP \fB\-new-tab\fR \fIurl\fR Open \fIurl\fR in a new browser tab. .TP \fB\-url\fR \fIurl\fR Open the specified \fIurl\fR. .TP \fB\-chrome\fR \fIchrome_url\fR Load the specified chrome. .TP \fB\-register\fR \fIchrome_url\fR Register the specified chrome, but do not start application. .TP \fB\-search\fR \fIterm\fR Search \fIterm\fR with your default search engine. .TP .B \-preferences Open Preferences window. .TP \fB\-remote\fR \fIcommand\fR Execute \fIcommand\fR in an already running @MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ process. For more info, see: \fIhttp://www.mozilla.org/unix/remote.html\fR .TP .B \-silent Don't open default windows. Useful with those command-line arguments that open their own windows but don't already prevent default windows from opening. .SH VERSION @MOZ_APP_VERSION@ .SH BUGS To report a bug, please visit \fIhttps://bugzilla.mozilla.org/\fR .SH "SEE ALSO" .BR firefox (1), .BR thunderbird (1) .SH AUTHORS .TP .B The @MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME@ Team. .I https://www.seamonkey-project.org