/* -*- Mode: Java; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var {Services} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var {XPCOMUtils} = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/XPCOMUtils.jsm"); const {AeroPeek} = ChromeUtils.import("resource:///modules/WindowsPreviewPerTab.jsm"); var {AppConstants} = ChromeUtils.import( "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm" ); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(this, { NetUtil: "resource://gre/modules/NetUtil.jsm", PluralForm: "resource://gre/modules/PluralForm.jsm", PrivateBrowsingUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PrivateBrowsingUtils.jsm", PromiseUtils: "resource://gre/modules/PromiseUtils.jsm", SafeBrowsing: "resource://gre/modules/SafeBrowsing.jsm", SitePermissions: "resource:///modules/SitePermissions.jsm", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyScriptGetter(this, "gEditItemOverlay", "chrome://communicator/content/places/editBookmarkOverlay.js"); const REMOTESERVICE_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/toolkit/remote-service;1"; const XUL_NS = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const nsIWebNavigation = Ci.nsIWebNavigation; var gPrintSettingsAreGlobal = true; var gSavePrintSettings = true; var gChromeState = null; // chrome state before we went into print preview var gInPrintPreviewMode = false; var gNavToolbox = null; var gFindInstData; var gURLBar = null; var gProxyButton = null; var gProxyFavIcon = null; var gProxyDeck = null; var gNavigatorBundle; var gBrandBundle; var gNavigatorRegionBundle; var gLastValidURLStr = ""; var gLastValidURL = null; var gClickSelectsAll = false; var gClickAtEndSelects = false; var gIgnoreFocus = false; var gIgnoreClick = false; // Listeners for updating zoom value in status bar var ZoomListeners = { // Identifies the setting in the content prefs database. name: "browser.content.full-zoom", QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIObserver, Ci.nsIContentPrefObserver, Ci.nsIContentPrefCallback2, Ci.nsISupportsWeakReference, Ci.nsISupports]), init: function () { Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIContentPrefService2) .addObserverForName(this.name, this); Services.prefs.addObserver("browser.zoom.", this, true); this.updateVisibility(); }, destroy: function () { Cc["@mozilla.org/content-pref/service;1"] .getService(Ci.nsIContentPrefService2) .removeObserverForName(this.name, this); Services.prefs.removeObserver("browser.zoom.", this); }, observe: function (aSubject, aTopic, aData) { if (aTopic == "nsPref:changed"){ switch (aData) { case "browser.zoom.siteSpecific": updateZoomStatus(); break; case "browser.zoom.showZoomStatusPanel": this.updateVisibility(); break; } } }, updateVisibility: function() { let hidden = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.zoom.showZoomStatusPanel"); document.getElementById("zoomOut-button").setAttribute('hidden', hidden); document.getElementById("zoomIn-button").setAttribute('hidden', hidden); document.getElementById("zoomLevel-display").setAttribute('hidden', hidden); }, onContentPrefSet: function (aGroup, aName, aValue) { // Make sure zoom values loaded before updating window.setTimeout(updateZoomStatus, 0); }, onContentPrefRemoved: function (aGroup, aName) { // Make sure zoom values loaded before updating window.setTimeout(updateZoomStatus, 0); }, handleResult: function(aPref) { updateZoomStatus(); }, onLocationChange: function(aURI) { updateZoomStatus(); } }; var gInitialPages = new Set([ "about:blank", "about:privatebrowsing", "about:sessionrestore" ]); //cached elements var gBrowser = null; var gTabStripPrefListener = { domain: "browser.tabs.autoHide", observe: function(subject, topic, prefName) { // verify that we're changing the tab browser strip auto hide pref if (topic != "nsPref:changed") return; if (gBrowser.tabContainer.childNodes.length == 1 && window.toolbar.visible) { var stripVisibility = !Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName); gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo(stripVisibility); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.forceHide", false); } } }; var gHomepagePrefListener = { domain: "browser.startup.homepage", observe: function(subject, topic, prefName) { // verify that we're changing the home page pref if (topic != "nsPref:changed") return; updateHomeButtonTooltip(); } }; var gStatusBarPopupIconPrefListener = { domain: "privacy.popups.statusbar_icon_enabled", observe: function(subject, topic, prefName) { if (topic != "nsPref:changed" || prefName != this.domain) return; var popupIcon = document.getElementById("popupIcon"); if (!Services.prefs.getBoolPref(prefName)) popupIcon.hidden = true; else if (gBrowser.getNotificationBox().popupCount) popupIcon.hidden = false; } }; var gFormSubmitObserver = { QueryInterface: XPCOMUtils.generateQI([Ci.nsIFormSubmitObserver, Ci.nsIObserver]), panel: null, init: function() { this.panel = document.getElementById("invalid-form-popup"); }, notifyInvalidSubmit: function (aFormElement, aInvalidElements) { // We are going to handle invalid form submission attempt by focusing the // first invalid element and show the corresponding validation message in a // panel attached to the element. if (!aInvalidElements.length) { return; } // Don't show the popup if the current tab doesn't contain the invalid form. if (aFormElement.ownerDocument.defaultView.top != content) { return; } let element = aInvalidElements.queryElementAt(0, Ci.nsISupports); if (!(element instanceof HTMLInputElement || element instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement || element instanceof HTMLSelectElement || element instanceof HTMLButtonElement)) { return; } this.panel.firstChild.textContent = element.validationMessage; element.focus(); // If the user interacts with the element and makes it valid or leaves it, // we want to remove the popup. // We could check for clicks but a click already removes the popup. function blurHandler() { gFormSubmitObserver.panel.hidePopup(); } function inputHandler(e) { if (e.originalTarget.validity.valid) { gFormSubmitObserver.panel.hidePopup(); } else { // If the element is now invalid for a new reason, we should update the // error message. if (gFormSubmitObserver.panel.firstChild.textContent != e.originalTarget.validationMessage) { gFormSubmitObserver.panel.firstChild.textContent = e.originalTarget.validationMessage; } } } element.addEventListener("input", inputHandler); element.addEventListener("blur", blurHandler); // One event to bring them all and in the darkness bind them. this.panel.addEventListener("popuphiding", function popupHidingHandler(aEvent) { aEvent.target.removeEventListener("popuphiding", popupHidingHandler); element.removeEventListener("input", inputHandler); element.removeEventListener("blur", blurHandler); }); this.panel.hidden = false; var win = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; var style = win.getComputedStyle(element, null); var scale = win.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .fullZoom; var offset = style.direction == 'rtl' ? parseInt(style.paddingRight) + parseInt(style.borderRightWidth) : parseInt(style.paddingLeft) + parseInt(style.borderLeftWidth); offset = Math.round(offset * scale); this.panel.openPopup(element, "after_start", offset, 0); } }; /** * Pref listener handler functions. * Both functions assume that observer.domain is set to * the pref domain we want to start/stop listening to. */ function addPrefListener(observer) { try { Services.prefs.addObserver(observer.domain, observer); } catch(ex) { dump("Failed to observe prefs: " + ex + "\n"); } } function removePrefListener(observer) { try { Services.prefs.removeObserver(observer.domain, observer); } catch(ex) { dump("Failed to remove pref observer: " + ex + "\n"); } } function addPopupPermListener(observer) { Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "popup-perm-close"); } function removePopupPermListener(observer) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "popup-perm-close"); } function addFormSubmitObserver(observer) { observer.init(); Services.obs.addObserver(observer, "invalidformsubmit"); } function removeFormSubmitObserver(observer) { Services.obs.removeObserver(observer, "invalidformsubmit"); } /** * We can avoid adding multiple load event listeners and save some time by adding * one listener that calls all real handlers. */ function pageShowEventHandlers(event) { checkForDirectoryListing(); } /** * Determine whether or not the content area is displaying a page with frames, * and if so, toggle the display of the 'save frame as' menu item. **/ function getContentAreaFrameCount() { var saveFrameItem = document.getElementById("saveframe"); if (!content || !content.frames.length || !isContentFrame(document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow)) saveFrameItem.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); else { var autoDownload = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir"); goSetMenuValue("saveframe", autoDownload ? "valueSave" : "valueSaveAs"); saveFrameItem.removeAttribute("hidden"); } } function saveFrameDocument() { var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (isContentFrame(focusedWindow)) saveDocument(focusedWindow.document, true); } function updateHomeButtonTooltip() { var homePage = getHomePage(); var tooltip = document.getElementById("home-button-tooltip-inner"); while (tooltip.hasChildNodes()) tooltip.lastChild.remove(); for (var i in homePage) { var label = document.createElementNS(XUL_NS, "label"); label.setAttribute("value", homePage[i]); tooltip.appendChild(label); } } function getWebNavigation() { try { return getBrowser().webNavigation; } catch (e) { return null; } } function BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags) { // Reset temporary permissions on the current tab. This is done here // because we only want to reset permissions on user reload. SitePermissions.clearTemporaryPermissions(gBrowser.selectedBrowser); // First, we'll try to use the session history object to reload so // that framesets are handled properly. If we're in a special // window (such as view-source) that has no session history, fall // back on using the web navigation's reload method. let webNav = getWebNavigation(); try { let sh = webNav.sessionHistory; if (sh) webNav = sh.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIWebNavigation); } catch (e) { } try { webNav.reload(reloadFlags); } catch (e) { } } function toggleAffectedChrome(aHide) { // chrome to toggle includes: // (*) menubar // (*) navigation bar // (*) personal toolbar // (*) tab browser ``strip'' // (*) sidebar // (*) statusbar // (*) findbar if (!gChromeState) gChromeState = new Object; var statusbar = document.getElementById("status-bar"); getNavToolbox().hidden = aHide; var notificationBox = gBrowser.getNotificationBox(); var findbar = document.getElementById("FindToolbar") // sidebar states map as follows: // hidden => hide/show nothing // collapsed => hide/show only the splitter // shown => hide/show the splitter and the box if (aHide) { // going into print preview mode gChromeState.sidebar = SidebarGetState(); SidebarSetState("hidden"); // deal with tab browser gBrowser.mStrip.setAttribute("moz-collapsed", "true"); // deal with the Status Bar gChromeState.statusbarWasHidden = statusbar.hidden; statusbar.hidden = true; // deal with the notification box gChromeState.notificationsWereHidden = notificationBox.notificationsHidden; notificationBox.notificationsHidden = true; if (findbar) { gChromeState.findbarWasHidden = findbar.hidden; findbar.close(); } else { gChromeState.findbarWasHidden = true; } gChromeState.syncNotificationsOpen = false; var syncNotifications = document.getElementById("sync-notifications"); if (syncNotifications) { gChromeState.syncNotificationsOpen = !syncNotifications.notificationsHidden; syncNotifications.notificationsHidden = true; } } else { // restoring normal mode (i.e., leaving print preview mode) SidebarSetState(gChromeState.sidebar); // restore tab browser gBrowser.mStrip.removeAttribute("moz-collapsed"); // restore the Status Bar statusbar.hidden = gChromeState.statusbarWasHidden; // restore the notification box notificationBox.notificationsHidden = gChromeState.notificationsWereHidden; if (!gChromeState.findbarWasHidden) findbar.open(); if (gChromeState.syncNotificationsOpen) document.getElementById("sync-notifications").notificationsHidden = false; } // if we are unhiding and sidebar used to be there rebuild it if (!aHide && gChromeState.sidebar == "visible") SidebarRebuild(); } var PrintPreviewListener = { _printPreviewTab: null, _tabBeforePrintPreview: null, getPrintPreviewBrowser: function () { if (!this._printPreviewTab) { this._tabBeforePrintPreview = getBrowser().selectedTab; this._printPreviewTab = getBrowser().addTab("about:blank"); getBrowser().selectedTab = this._printPreviewTab; } return getBrowser().getBrowserForTab(this._printPreviewTab); }, getSourceBrowser: function () { return this._tabBeforePrintPreview ? getBrowser().getBrowserForTab(this._tabBeforePrintPreview) : getBrowser().selectedBrowser; }, getNavToolbox: function () { return window.getNavToolbox(); }, onEnter: function () { gInPrintPreviewMode = true; toggleAffectedChrome(true); }, onExit: function () { getBrowser().selectedTab = this._tabBeforePrintPreview; this._tabBeforePrintPreview = null; gInPrintPreviewMode = false; toggleAffectedChrome(false); getBrowser().removeTab(this._printPreviewTab, { disableUndo: true }); this._printPreviewTab = null; } }; function getNavToolbox() { if (!gNavToolbox) gNavToolbox = document.getElementById("navigator-toolbox"); return gNavToolbox; } function BrowserPrintPreview() { PrintUtils.printPreview(PrintPreviewListener); } function BrowserSetCharacterSet(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target.hasAttribute("charset")) getBrowser().docShell.charset = aEvent.target.getAttribute("charset"); BrowserCharsetReload(); } function BrowserCharsetReload() { BrowserReloadWithFlags(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_CHARSET_CHANGE); } function BrowserUpdateCharsetMenu(aNode) { var wnd = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; if (wnd.top != content) wnd = content; UpdateCharsetMenu(wnd.document.characterSet, aNode); } function EnableCharsetMenu() { var menuitem = document.getElementById("charsetMenu"); if (getBrowser() && getBrowser().docShell && getBrowser().docShell.mayEnableCharacterEncodingMenu) menuitem.removeAttribute("disabled"); else menuitem.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } function getFindInstData() { if (!gFindInstData) { gFindInstData = new nsFindInstData(); gFindInstData.browser = getBrowser(); // defaults for rootSearchWindow and currentSearchWindow are fine here } return gFindInstData; } function BrowserFind() { findInPage(getFindInstData()); } function BrowserFindAgain(reverse) { findAgainInPage(getFindInstData(), reverse); } function BrowserCanFindAgain() { return canFindAgainInPage(); } function getMarkupDocumentViewer() { return getBrowser().markupDocumentViewer; } function getBrowser() { if (!gBrowser) gBrowser = document.getElementById("content"); return gBrowser; } function getHomePage() { var URIs = []; URIs[0] = GetLocalizedStringPref("browser.startup.homepage"); var count = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.startup.homepage.count"); for (var i = 1; i < count; ++i) URIs[i] = GetLocalizedStringPref("browser.startup.homepage." + i); return URIs; } function UpdateBackForwardButtons() { var backBroadcaster = document.getElementById("canGoBack"); var forwardBroadcaster = document.getElementById("canGoForward"); var upBroadcaster = document.getElementById("canGoUp"); var browser = getBrowser(); // Avoid setting attributes on broadcasters if the value hasn't changed! // Remember, guys, setting attributes on elements is expensive! They // get inherited into anonymous content, broadcast to other widgets, etc.! // Don't do it if the value hasn't changed! - dwh var backDisabled = backBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled"); var forwardDisabled = forwardBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled"); var upDisabled = upBroadcaster.hasAttribute("disabled"); if (backDisabled == browser.canGoBack) { if (backDisabled) backBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled"); else backBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true); } if (forwardDisabled == browser.canGoForward) { if (forwardDisabled) forwardBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled"); else forwardBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true); } if (upDisabled != !browser.currentURI.spec.replace(/[#?].*$/, "").match(/\/[^\/]+\/./)) { if (upDisabled) upBroadcaster.removeAttribute("disabled"); else upBroadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", true); } } const nsIBrowserDOMWindow = Ci.nsIBrowserDOMWindow; const nsIInterfaceRequestor = Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor; function nsBrowserAccess() { } nsBrowserAccess.prototype = { createContentWindow(aURI, aOpener, aWhere, aFlags, aTriggeringPrincipal = null) { return this.getContentWindowOrOpenURI(null, aOpener, aWhere, aFlags, aTriggeringPrincipal); }, openURI: function (aURI, aOpener, aWhere, aFlags, aTriggeringPrincipal = null) { if (!aURI) { Cu.reportError("openURI should only be called with a valid URI"); throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } return this.getContentWindowOrOpenURI(aURI, aOpener, aWhere, aFlags, aTriggeringPrincipal); }, getContentWindowOrOpenURI(aURI, aOpener, aWhere, aFlags, aTriggeringPrincipal) { var isExternal = !!(aFlags & nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_EXTERNAL); if (aOpener && isExternal) { Cu.reportError("nsBrowserAccess.openURI did not expect an opener to be " + "passed if the context is OPEN_EXTERNAL."); throw Cr.NS_ERROR_FAILURE; } if (aWhere == nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_DEFAULTWINDOW) { if (isExternal) aWhere = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.link.open_external"); else aWhere = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.link.open_newwindow"); } let referrer = aOpener ? aOpener.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsIWebNavigation) .currentURI : null; let referrerPolicy = Ci.nsIHttpChannel.REFERRER_POLICY_UNSET; if (aOpener && aOpener.document) { referrerPolicy = aOpener.document.referrerPolicy; } var uri = aURI ? aURI.spec : "about:blank"; switch (aWhere) { case nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWWINDOW: return window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", uri, null, null); case nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NEWTAB: var bgLoad = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadDivertedInBackground"); var isRelated = referrer ? true : false; // If we have an opener, that means that the caller is expecting access // to the nsIDOMWindow of the opened tab right away. let userContextId = aOpener && aOpener.document ? aOpener.document.nodePrincipal.originAttributes.userContextId : Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DEFAULT_USER_CONTEXT_ID; let openerWindow = (aFlags & nsIBrowserDOMWindow.OPEN_NO_OPENER) ? null : aOpener; var newTab = gBrowser.loadOneTab(uri, {triggeringPrincipal: aTriggeringPrincipal, referrerURI: referrer, referrerPolicy, inBackground: bgLoad, fromExternal: isExternal, relatedToCurrent: isRelated, userContextId: userContextId, opener: openerWindow, }); var contentWin = gBrowser.getBrowserForTab(newTab).contentWindow; if (!bgLoad) contentWin.focus(); return contentWin; default: var loadflags = isExternal ? nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_FROM_EXTERNAL : nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE; if (!aOpener) { if (aURI) { gBrowser.loadURIWithFlags(aURI.spec, { flags: loadflags, referrerURI: referrer, referrerPolicy, triggeringPrincipal: aTriggeringPrincipal, }); } return content; } aOpener = aOpener.top; if (aURI) { try { aOpener.QueryInterface(nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(nsIWebNavigation) .loadURI(uri, loadflags, referrer, null, null, aTriggeringPrincipal); } catch (e) {} } return aOpener; } }, isTabContentWindow: function isTabContentWindow(aWindow) { return gBrowser.browsers.some(browser => browser.contentWindow == aWindow); } } function HandleAppCommandEvent(aEvent) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); switch (aEvent.command) { case "Back": BrowserBack(); break; case "Forward": BrowserForward(); break; case "Reload": BrowserReloadSkipCache(); break; case "Stop": BrowserStop(); break; case "Search": BrowserSearch.webSearch(); break; case "Bookmarks": toBookmarksManager(); break; case "Home": BrowserHome(null); break; default: break; } } /* window.arguments[0]: URL(s) to load (string, with one or more URLs separated by \n) * [1]: character set (string) * [2]: referrer (nsIURI) * [3]: postData (nsIInputStream) * [4]: allowThirdPartyFixup (bool) */ function Startup() { // init globals gNavigatorBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_navigator"); gBrandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); gNavigatorRegionBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_navigator_region"); gBrowser = document.getElementById("content"); gURLBar = document.getElementById("urlbar"); SetPageProxyState("invalid", null); var webNavigation; try { webNavigation = getWebNavigation(); if (!webNavigation) throw "no XBL binding for browser"; } catch (e) { alert("Error launching browser window:" + e); window.close(); // Give up. return; } // Do all UI building here: UpdateNavBar(); updateWindowState(); // set home button tooltip text updateHomeButtonTooltip(); var lc = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsILoadContext); if (lc.usePrivateBrowsing) { gPrivate = window; let docElement = document.documentElement; var titlemodifier = docElement.getAttribute("titlemodifier"); if (titlemodifier) titlemodifier += " "; titlemodifier += docElement.getAttribute("titleprivate"); docElement.setAttribute("titlemodifier", titlemodifier); document.title = titlemodifier; docElement.setAttribute("privatebrowsingmode", PrivateBrowsingUtils.permanentPrivateBrowsing ? "permanent" : "temporary"); } // initialize observers and listeners var xw = lc.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem) .treeOwner .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow); xw.XULBrowserWindow = window.XULBrowserWindow = new nsBrowserStatusHandler(); if (!window.content.opener && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.doorhanger.enabled")) { var tmp = {}; ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/PopupNotifications.jsm", tmp); window.PopupNotifications = new tmp.PopupNotifications( getBrowser(), document.getElementById("notification-popup"), document.getElementById("notification-popup-box")); // Setting the popup notification attribute causes the XBL to bind // and call the constructor again, so we have to destroy it first. gBrowser.getNotificationBox().destroy(); gBrowser.setAttribute("popupnotification", "true"); // The rebind also resets popup window scrollbar visibility, so override it. if (!(xw.chromeFlags & Ci.nsIWebBrowserChrome.CHROME_SCROLLBARS)) gBrowser.selectedBrowser.style.overflow = "hidden"; } addPrefListener(gTabStripPrefListener); addPrefListener(gHomepagePrefListener); addPrefListener(gStatusBarPopupIconPrefListener); addFormSubmitObserver(gFormSubmitObserver); window.browserContentListener = new nsBrowserContentListener(window, getBrowser()); // Add a capturing event listener to the content area // (rjc note: not the entire window, otherwise we'll get sidebar pane loads too!) // so we'll be notified when onloads complete. var contentArea = document.getElementById("appcontent"); contentArea.addEventListener("pageshow", function callPageShowHandlers(aEvent) { // Filter out events that are not about the document load we are interested in. if (aEvent.originalTarget == content.document) setTimeout(pageShowEventHandlers, 0, aEvent); }, true); // Set a sane starting width/height for all resolutions on new profiles. if (!document.documentElement.hasAttribute("width")) { var defaultHeight = screen.availHeight; var defaultWidth= screen.availWidth; // Create a narrower window for large or wide-aspect displays, to suggest // side-by-side page view. if (screen.availWidth >= 1440) defaultWidth /= 2; // Tweak sizes to be sure we don't grow outside the screen defaultWidth = defaultWidth - 20; defaultHeight = defaultHeight - 10; // On X, we're not currently able to account for the size of the window // border. Use 28px as a guess (titlebar + bottom window border) if (navigator.appVersion.includes("X11")) defaultHeight -= 28; // On small screens, default to maximized state if (defaultHeight <= 600) document.documentElement.setAttribute("sizemode", "maximized"); document.documentElement.setAttribute("width", defaultWidth); document.documentElement.setAttribute("height", defaultHeight); // Make sure we're safe at the left/top edge of screen document.documentElement.setAttribute("screenX", screen.availLeft); document.documentElement.setAttribute("screenY", screen.availTop); } // hook up UI through progress listener getBrowser().addProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow); // setup the search service DOMLinkAdded listener getBrowser().addEventListener("DOMLinkAdded", BrowserSearch); // hook up drag'n'drop getBrowser().droppedLinkHandler = handleDroppedLink; var uriToLoad = ""; // Check window.arguments[0]. If not null then use it for uriArray // otherwise the new window is being called when another browser // window already exists so use the New Window pref for uriArray if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length >= 1) { var uriArray; if (window.arguments[0]) { uriArray = window.arguments[0].toString().split('\n'); // stringify and split } else { switch (Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.windows.loadOnNewWindow", 0)) { default: uriArray = ["about:blank"]; break; case 1: uriArray = getHomePage(); break; case 2: uriArray = [Services.prefs.getStringPref("browser.history.last_page_visited", "")]; break; } } uriToLoad = uriArray.splice(0, 1)[0]; if (uriArray.length > 0) window.setTimeout(function(arg) { for (var i in arg) gBrowser.addTab(arg[i]); }, 0, uriArray); } if (/^\s*$/.test(uriToLoad)) uriToLoad = "about:blank"; var browser = getBrowser(); if (uriToLoad != "about:blank") { if (!gInitialPages.has(uriToLoad)) { gURLBar.value = uriToLoad; browser.userTypedValue = uriToLoad; } if ("arguments" in window && window.arguments.length >= 3) { // window.arguments[2]: referrer (nsIURI | string) // [3]: postData (nsIInputStream) // [4]: allowThirdPartyFixup (bool) // [5]: referrerPolicy (int) // [6]: userContextId (int) // [7]: originPrincipal (nsIPrincipal) // [8]: triggeringPrincipal (nsIPrincipal) let referrerURI = window.arguments[2]; if (typeof(referrerURI) == "string") { try { referrerURI = makeURI(referrerURI); } catch (e) { referrerURI = null; } } let referrerPolicy = (window.arguments[5] != undefined ? window.arguments[5] : Ci.nsIHttpChannel.REFERRER_POLICY_UNSET); let userContextId = (window.arguments[6] != undefined ? window.arguments[6] : Ci.nsIScriptSecurityManager.DEFAULT_USER_CONTEXT_ID); loadURI(uriToLoad, referrerURI, window.arguments[3] || null, window.arguments[4] || false, referrerPolicy, userContextId, // pass the origin principal (if any) and force its use to create // an initial about:blank viewer if present: window.arguments[7], !!window.arguments[7], window.arguments[8]); } else { // Note: loadOneOrMoreURIs *must not* be called if window.arguments.length >= 3. // Such callers expect that window.arguments[0] is handled as a single URI. loadOneOrMoreURIs(uriToLoad, Services.scriptSecurityManager.getSystemPrincipal()); } } // Focus content area unless we're loading a blank or other initial // page, or if we weren't passed any arguments. This "breaks" the // javascript:window.open(); case where we don't get any arguments // either, but we're loading about:blank, but focusing the content // area is arguably correct in that case as well since the opener // is very likely to put some content in the new window, and then // the focus should be in the content area. var navBar = document.getElementById("nav-bar"); if ("arguments" in window && gInitialPages.has(uriToLoad) && isElementVisible(gURLBar)) setTimeout(WindowFocusTimerCallback, 0, gURLBar); else setTimeout(WindowFocusTimerCallback, 0, content); // hook up browser access support window.browserDOMWindow = new nsBrowserAccess(); // hook up remote support if (!gPrivate && REMOTESERVICE_CONTRACTID in Cc) { var remoteService = Cc[REMOTESERVICE_CONTRACTID] .getService(Ci.nsIRemoteService); remoteService.registerWindow(window); } // ensure login manager is loaded Cc["@mozilla.org/login-manager;1"].getService(); // called when we go into full screen, even if it is // initiated by a web page script addEventListener("fullscreen", onFullScreen, true); addEventListener("PopupCountChanged", UpdateStatusBarPopupIcon, true); addEventListener("AppCommand", HandleAppCommandEvent, true); addEventListener("sizemodechange", updateWindowState, false); // does clicking on the urlbar select its contents? gClickSelectsAll = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.clickSelectsAll"); gClickAtEndSelects = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.urlbar.clickAtEndSelects"); // BiDi UI gShowBiDi = isBidiEnabled(); if (gShowBiDi) { document.getElementById("documentDirection-swap").hidden = false; document.getElementById("textfieldDirection-separator").hidden = false; document.getElementById("textfieldDirection-swap").hidden = false; } // Before and after callbacks for the customizeToolbar code getNavToolbox().customizeInit = BrowserToolboxCustomizeInit; getNavToolbox().customizeDone = BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone; getNavToolbox().customizeChange = BrowserToolboxCustomizeChange; PlacesToolbarHelper.init(); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener("InstallBrowserTheme", LightWeightThemeWebInstaller, false, true); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener("PreviewBrowserTheme", LightWeightThemeWebInstaller, false, true); gBrowser.mPanelContainer.addEventListener("ResetBrowserThemePreview", LightWeightThemeWebInstaller, false, true); AeroPeek.onOpenWindow(window); if (!gPrivate) { // initialize the sync UI // gSyncUI.init(); // initialize the session-restore service setTimeout(InitSessionStoreCallback, 0); } ZoomListeners.init(); gBrowser.addTabsProgressListener(ZoomListeners); window.addEventListener("MozAfterPaint", DelayedStartup); } // Minimal gBrowserInit shim to keep the Addon-SDK happy. var gBrowserInit = { delayedStartupFinished: false, } function DelayedStartup() { window.removeEventListener("MozAfterPaint", DelayedStartup); // Bug 778855 - Perf regression if we do this here. To be addressed in bug 779008. setTimeout(function() { SafeBrowsing.init(); }, 2000); gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished = true; Services.obs.notifyObservers(window, "browser-delayed-startup-finished"); } function UpdateNavBar() { var elements = getNavToolbox().getElementsByClassName("nav-bar-class"); for (var i = 0; i < elements.length; i++) { var element = elements[i]; element.classList.remove("nav-bar-last"); element.classList.remove("nav-bar-first"); var next = element.nextSibling; if (!next || !next.classList.contains("nav-bar-class")) element.classList.add("nav-bar-last"); var previous = element.previousSibling; if (!previous || !previous.classList.contains("nav-bar-class")) element.classList.add("nav-bar-first"); } UpdateUrlbarSearchSplitterState(); } function UpdateUrlbarSearchSplitterState() { var splitter = document.getElementById("urlbar-search-splitter"); var urlbar = document.getElementById("nav-bar-inner"); var searchbar = document.getElementById("search-container"); var ibefore = null; if (isElementVisible(urlbar) && isElementVisible(searchbar)) { if (searchbar.matches("#nav-bar-inner ~ #search-container")) ibefore = searchbar; else if (urlbar.matches("#search-container ~ #nav-bar-inner")) ibefore = searchbar.nextSibling; } if (ibefore) { splitter = document.createElement("splitter"); splitter.id = "urlbar-search-splitter"; splitter.setAttribute("resizebefore", "flex"); splitter.setAttribute("resizeafter", "flex"); splitter.setAttribute("skipintoolbarset", "true"); splitter.setAttribute("overflows", "false"); splitter.classList.add("chromeclass-toolbar-additional", "nav-bar-class"); ibefore.parentNode.insertBefore(splitter, ibefore); } } function updateWindowState() { getBrowser().showWindowResizer = window.windowState == window.STATE_NORMAL && !isElementVisible(document.getElementById("status-bar")); getBrowser().docShellIsActive = window.windowState != window.STATE_MINIMIZED; } function InitSessionStoreCallback() { try { var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); ss.init(window); //Check if we have "Deferred Session Restore" let restoreItem = document.getElementById("historyRestoreLastSession"); if (ss.canRestoreLastSession) restoreItem.removeAttribute("disabled"); } catch(ex) { dump("nsSessionStore could not be initialized: " + ex + "\n"); } } function WindowFocusTimerCallback(element) { // This function is a redo of the fix for jag bug 91884. // See Bug 97067 and Bug 89214 for details. if (window == Services.ww.activeWindow) { element.focus(); } else { // set the element in command dispatcher so focus will restore properly // when the window does become active if (element instanceof Ci.nsIDOMWindow) { document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow = element; document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement = null; } else if (Element.isInstance(element)) { document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow = element.ownerDocument.defaultView; document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement = element; } } } function Shutdown() { AeroPeek.onCloseWindow(window); BookmarkingUI.uninit(); // shut down browser access support window.browserDOMWindow = null; getBrowser().removeEventListener("DOMLinkAdded", BrowserSearch); try { getBrowser().removeProgressListener(window.XULBrowserWindow); } catch (ex) { // Perhaps we didn't get around to adding the progress listener } window.XULBrowserWindow.destroy(); window.XULBrowserWindow = null; window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShellTreeItem).treeOwner .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIXULWindow) .XULBrowserWindow = null; // unregister us as a pref listener removePrefListener(gTabStripPrefListener); removePrefListener(gHomepagePrefListener); removePrefListener(gStatusBarPopupIconPrefListener); removeFormSubmitObserver(gFormSubmitObserver); window.browserContentListener.close(); } function Translate() { var service = GetLocalizedStringPref("browser.translation.service"); var serviceDomain = GetLocalizedStringPref("browser.translation.serviceDomain"); var targetURI = getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec; // if we're already viewing a translated page, then just reload if (targetURI.includes(serviceDomain)) BrowserReload(); else { loadURI(encodeURI(service) + encodeURIComponent(targetURI)); } } function GetTypePermFromId(aId) { // Get type and action from splitting id, first is type, second is action. var [type, action] = aId.split("_"); var perm = "ACCESS_" + action.toUpperCase(); return [type, Ci.nsICookiePermission[perm]]; } // Determine current state and check/uncheck the appropriate menu items. function CheckPermissionsMenu(aType, aNode) { var currentPerm = Services.perms.testPermission(getBrowser().currentURI, aType); var items = aNode.getElementsByAttribute("name", aType); for (let item of items) { // Get type and perm from id. var [type, perm] = GetTypePermFromId(item.id); item.setAttribute("checked", perm == currentPerm); } } // Perform a Cookie, Image or Popup action. function CookieImagePopupAction(aElement) { var uri = getBrowser().currentURI; // Get type and perm from id. var [type, perm] = GetTypePermFromId(aElement.id); if (Services.perms.testPermission(uri, type) == perm) return; Services.perms.add(uri, type, perm); Services.prompt.alert(window, aElement.getAttribute("title"), aElement.getAttribute("msg")); } function OpenSessionHistoryIn(aWhere, aDelta, aTab) { var win = aWhere == "window" ? null : window; aTab = aTab || getBrowser().selectedTab; var tab = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore) .duplicateTab(win, aTab, aDelta, true); var loadInBackground = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"); switch (aWhere) { case "tabfocused": // forces tab to be focused loadInBackground = true; // fall through case "tabshifted": loadInBackground = !loadInBackground; // fall through case "tab": if (!loadInBackground) { getBrowser().selectedTab = tab; window.content.focus(); } } } /* Firefox compatibility shim * * duplicateTabIn duplicates tab in a place specified by the parameter |where|. * * |where| can be: * "tab" new tab * "tabshifted" same as "tab" but in background if default is to select new * tabs, and vice versa * "tabfocused" same as "tab" but override any background preferences and * focus the new tab * "window" new window * * delta is the offset to the history entry that you want to load. */ function duplicateTabIn(aTab, aWhere, aDelta) { OpenSessionHistoryIn(aWhere, aDelta, aTab); } function gotoHistoryIndex(aEvent) { var index = aEvent.target.getAttribute("index"); if (!index) return false; var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent); if (where == "current") { // Normal click. Go there in the current tab and update session history. try { getWebNavigation().gotoIndex(index); } catch(ex) { return false; } } else { // Modified click. Go there in a new tab/window. Include session history. var delta = index - getWebNavigation().sessionHistory.index; OpenSessionHistoryIn(where, delta); } return true; } function BrowserBack(aEvent) { var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true); if (where == "current") { try { getBrowser().goBack(); } catch(ex) {} } else { OpenSessionHistoryIn(where, -1); } } function BrowserHandleBackspace() { switch (Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.backspace_action")) { case 0: BrowserBack(); break; case 1: goDoCommand("cmd_scrollPageUp"); break; } } function BrowserForward(aEvent) { var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true); if (where == "current") { try { getBrowser().goForward(); } catch(ex) { } } else { OpenSessionHistoryIn(where, 1); } } function BrowserUp() { loadURI(getBrowser().currentURI.spec.replace(/[#?].*$/, "").replace(/\/[^\/]*.$/, "/")); } function BrowserHandleShiftBackspace() { switch (Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.backspace_action")) { case 0: BrowserForward(); break; case 1: goDoCommand("cmd_scrollPageDown"); break; } } function BrowserBackMenu(event) { return FillHistoryMenu(event.target, "back"); } function BrowserForwardMenu(event) { return FillHistoryMenu(event.target, "forward"); } function BrowserStop() { try { const stopFlags = nsIWebNavigation.STOP_ALL; getWebNavigation().stop(stopFlags); } catch(ex) { } } function BrowserReload(aEvent) { var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true); if (where == "current") BrowserReloadWithFlags(nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE); else if (where == null && aEvent.shiftKey) BrowserReloadSkipCache(); else OpenSessionHistoryIn(where, 0); } function BrowserReloadSkipCache() { // Bypass proxy and cache. const reloadFlags = nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_PROXY | nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_BYPASS_CACHE; BrowserReloadWithFlags(reloadFlags); } function BrowserHome(aEvent) { var homePage = getHomePage(); var where = whereToOpenLink(aEvent, false, true); openUILinkArrayIn(homePage, where); } var BrowserSearch = { handleEvent: function (event) { // "DOMLinkAdded" event var link = event.originalTarget; var isSearch = /(?:^|\s)search(?:\s|$)/i.test(link.rel) && link.title && /^(https?|ftp):/i.test(link.href) && /(?:^|\s)application\/opensearchdescription\+xml(?:;?.*)$/i.test(link.type); if (isSearch) { this.addEngine(link, link.ownerDocument); } }, addEngine: function(engine, targetDoc) { if (!this.searchBar) return; var browser = getBrowser().getBrowserForDocument(targetDoc); // ignore search engines from subframes (see bug 479408) if (!browser) return; // Check to see whether we've already added an engine with this title if (browser.engines) { if (browser.engines.some(e => e.title == engine.title)) return; } // Append the URI and an appropriate title to the browser data. // Use documentURIObject in the check so that we do the right // thing with about:-style error pages. Bug 453442 var iconURL = null; var aURI = targetDoc.documentURIObject; try { aURI = Services.uriFixup.createExposableURI(aURI); } catch (e) { } if (aURI && ("schemeIs" in aURI) && (aURI.schemeIs("http") || aURI.schemeIs("https"))) iconURL = getBrowser().buildFavIconString(aURI); var hidden = false; // If this engine (identified by title) is already in the list, add it // to the list of hidden engines rather than to the main list. // XXX This will need to be changed when engines are identified by URL; // see bug 335102. if (Services.search.getEngineByName(engine.title)) hidden = true; var engines = (hidden ? browser.hiddenEngines : browser.engines) || []; engines.push({ uri: engine.href, title: engine.title, icon: iconURL }); if (hidden) browser.hiddenEngines = engines; else { browser.engines = engines; if (browser == getBrowser().selectedBrowser) this.updateSearchButton(); } }, /** * Update the browser UI to show whether or not additional engines are * available when a page is loaded or the user switches tabs to a page that * has search engines. */ updateSearchButton: function() { var searchBar = this.searchBar; // The search bar binding might not be applied even though the element is // in the document (e.g. when the navigation toolbar is hidden), so check // for .searchButton specifically. if (!searchBar || !searchBar.searchButton) return; searchBar.updateSearchButton(); }, /** * Gives focus to the search bar, if it is present on the toolbar, or to the * search sidebar, if it is open, or loads the default engine's search form * otherwise. For Mac, opens a new window or focuses an existing window, if * necessary. */ webSearch: function BrowserSearch_webSearch() { if (!gBrowser) { var win = getTopWin(); if (win) { // If there's an open browser window, it should handle this command win.focus(); win.BrowserSearch.webSearch(); return; } // If there are no open browser windows, open a new one function webSearchCallback() { // This needs to be in a timeout so that we don't end up refocused // in the url bar setTimeout(BrowserSearch.webSearch, 0); } win = window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", "about:blank"); win.addEventListener("load", webSearchCallback); return; } if (isElementVisible(this.searchBar)) { this.searchBar.select(); this.searchBar.focus(); } else if (this.searchSidebar) { this.searchSidebar.focus(); } else { loadURI(Services.search.defaultEngine.searchForm); window.content.focus(); } }, /** * Loads a search results page, given a set of search terms. Uses the current * engine if the search bar is visible, or the default engine otherwise. * * @param aSearchText * The search terms to use for the search. * * @param [optional] aNewWindowOrTab * A boolean if set causes the search to load in a new window or tab * (depending on "browser.search.openintab"). Otherwise the search * loads in the current tab. * * @param [optional] aEvent * The event object passed from the caller. */ loadSearch: function BrowserSearch_search(aSearchText, aNewWindowOrTab, aEvent) { var engine; // If the search bar is visible, use the current engine, otherwise, fall // back to the default engine. if (isElementVisible(this.searchBar) || this.searchSidebar) engine = Services.search.currentEngine; else engine = Services.search.defaultEngine; var submission = engine.getSubmission(aSearchText); // HTML response // getSubmission can return null if the engine doesn't have a URL // with a text/html response type. This is unlikely (since // SearchService._addEngineToStore() should fail for such an engine), // but let's be on the safe side. // If you change the code here, remember to make the corresponding // changes in suite/mailnews/mailWindowOverlay.js->MsgOpenSearch if (!submission) return; if (aNewWindowOrTab) { let newTabPref = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.search.opentabforcontextsearch"); let where = newTabPref ? aEvent && aEvent.shiftKey ? "tabshifted" : "tab" : "window"; openUILinkIn(submission.uri.spec, where, null, submission.postData); if (where == "window") return; } else { loadURI(submission.uri.spec, null, submission.postData, false); window.content.focus(); } }, /** * Returns the search bar element if it is present in the toolbar, null otherwise. */ get searchBar() { return document.getElementById("searchbar"); }, /** * Returns the search sidebar textbox if the search sidebar is present in * the sidebar and selected, null otherwise. */ get searchSidebar() { if (sidebarObj.never_built) return null; var panel = sidebarObj.panels.get_panel_from_id("urn:sidebar:panel:search"); return panel && isElementVisible(panel.get_iframe()) && panel.get_iframe() .contentDocument.getElementById("sidebar-search-text"); }, loadAddEngines: function BrowserSearch_loadAddEngines() { loadAddSearchEngines(); // for compatibility }, /** * Reveal the search sidebar panel. */ revealSidebar: function BrowserSearch_revealSidebar() { // first lets check if the search panel will be shown at all // by checking the sidebar datasource to see if there is an entry // for the search panel, and if it is excluded for navigator or not var searchPanelExists = false; var myPanel = document.getElementById("urn:sidebar:panel:search"); if (myPanel) { var panel = sidebarObj.panels.get_panel_from_header_node(myPanel); searchPanelExists = !panel.is_excluded(); } else if (sidebarObj.never_built) { // XXXsearch: in theory, this should work when the sidebar isn't loaded, // in practice, it fails as sidebarObj.datasource_uri isn't defined try { var datasource = RDF.GetDataSourceBlocking(sidebarObj.datasource_uri); var aboutValue = RDF.GetResource("urn:sidebar:panel:search"); // check if the panel is even in the list by checking for its content var contentProp = RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#content"); var content = datasource.GetTarget(aboutValue, contentProp, true); if (content instanceof Ci.nsIRDFLiteral) { // the search panel entry exists, now check if it is excluded // for navigator var excludeProp = RDF.GetResource("http://home.netscape.com/NC-rdf#exclude"); var exclude = datasource.GetTarget(aboutValue, excludeProp, true); if (exclude instanceof Ci.nsIRDFLiteral) { searchPanelExists = !exclude.Value.includes("navigator:browser"); } else { // panel exists and no exclude set searchPanelExists = true; } } } catch (e) { searchPanelExists = false; } } if (searchPanelExists) { // make sure the sidebar is open, else SidebarSelectPanel() will fail if (sidebar_is_hidden()) SidebarShowHide(); if (sidebar_is_collapsed()) SidebarExpandCollapse(); var searchPanel = document.getElementById("urn:sidebar:panel:search"); if (searchPanel) SidebarSelectPanel(searchPanel, true, true); // lives in sidebarOverlay.js } } } function QualifySearchTerm() { // If the text in the URL bar is the same as the currently loaded // page's URL then treat this as an empty search term. This way // the user is taken to the search page where s/he can enter a term. if (gBrowser.userTypedValue !== null) return gURLBar.value; return ""; } function BrowserOpenWindow() { //opens a window where users can select a web location to open var params = { action: gPrivate ? "4" : "0", url: "" }; openDialog("chrome://communicator/content/openLocation.xul", "_blank", "chrome,modal,titlebar", params); getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(params.url).then(data => { switch (params.action) { case "0": // current window loadURI(data.url, null, data.postData, true); break; case "1": // new window openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", data.url, null, null, data.postData, true); break; case "2": // edit editPage(data.url); break; case "3": // new tab gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(data.url, {allowThirdPartyFixup: true, postData: data.postData}); break; case "4": // private openNewPrivateWith(params.url); break; } }); } function BrowserOpenTab() { if (!gInPrintPreviewMode) { var uriToLoad; var tabPref = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.tabs.loadOnNewTab", 0); switch (tabPref) { default: uriToLoad = "about:blank"; break; case 1: uriToLoad = GetLocalizedStringPref("browser.startup.homepage"); break; case 2: uriToLoad = Services.prefs.getStringPref("browser.history.last_page_visited", ""); break; } if (!gBrowser) { var win = getTopWin(); if (win) { // If there's an open browser window, it should handle this command win.focus(); win.BrowserOpenTab(); return; } // If there are no open browser windows, open a new one openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "chrome,all,dialog=no", uriToLoad); return; } if (tabPref == 2) OpenSessionHistoryIn("tabfocused", 0); else gBrowser.selectedTab = gBrowser.addTab(uriToLoad); if (uriToLoad == "about:blank" && isElementVisible(gURLBar)) setTimeout(WindowFocusTimerCallback, 0, gURLBar); else setTimeout(WindowFocusTimerCallback, 0, content); } } function BrowserOpenSyncTabs() { switchToTabHavingURI("about:sync-tabs", true); } // Class for saving the last directory and filter Index in the prefs. // Used for open file and upload file. class RememberLastDir { // The pref names are constructed from the prefix parameter in the constructor. // The pref names should not be changed later. constructor(prefPrefix) { this._prefLastDir = prefPrefix + ".lastDir"; this._prefFilterIndex = prefPrefix + ".filterIndex"; this._lastDir = null; this._lastFilterIndex = null; } get path() { if (!this._lastDir || !this._lastDir.exists()) { try { this._lastDir = Services.prefs.getComplexValue(this._prefLastDir, Ci.nsIFile); if (!this._lastDir.exists()) { this._lastDir = null; } } catch (e) {} } return this._lastDir; } set path(val) { try { if (!val || !val.isDirectory()) { return; } } catch (e) { return; } this._lastDir = val.clone(); // Don't save the last open directory pref inside the Private Browsing mode if (!gPrivate) { Services.prefs.setComplexValue(this._prefLastDir, Ci.nsIFile, this._lastDir); } } get filterIndex() { if (!this._lastFilterIndex) { // use a pref to remember the filterIndex selected by the user. this._lastFilterIndex = Services.prefs.getIntPref(this._prefFilterIndex, 0); } return this._lastFilterIndex; } set filterIndex(val) { // If the default is picked the filter is null. this._lastFilterIndex = val ? val : 0; // Don't save the last filter index inside the Private Browsing mode if (!gPrivate) { Services.prefs.setIntPref(this._prefFilterIndex, this._lastFilterIndex); } } // This is currently not used. reset() { this._lastDir = null; this._lastFilterIndex = null; } } var gLastOpenDirectory; function BrowserOpenFileWindow() { if (!gLastOpenDirectory) { gLastOpenDirectory = new RememberLastDir("browser.open"); }; // Get filepicker component. try { const nsIFilePicker = Ci.nsIFilePicker; let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker); let fpCallback = function fpCallback_done(aResult) { if (aResult == nsIFilePicker.returnOK) { try { // Set last path and file index only if file is ok. if (fp.file) { gLastOpenDirectory.filterIndex = fp.filterIndex; gLastOpenDirectory.path = fp.file.parent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); } } catch (ex) { } openUILinkIn(fp.fileURL.spec, "current"); } }; fp.init(window, gNavigatorBundle.getString("openFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll | nsIFilePicker.filterText | nsIFilePicker.filterImages | nsIFilePicker.filterXML | nsIFilePicker.filterHTML); fp.filterIndex = gLastOpenDirectory.filterIndex; fp.displayDirectory = gLastOpenDirectory.path; fp.open(fpCallback); } catch (ex) { } } function updateCloseItems() { var browser = getBrowser(); var hideCloseWindow = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab") && (!browser || browser.tabContainer.childNodes.length <= 1); document.getElementById("menu_closeWindow").hidden = hideCloseWindow; var closeItem = document.getElementById("menu_close"); if (hideCloseWindow) { closeItem.setAttribute("label", gNavigatorBundle.getString("tabs.close.label")); closeItem.setAttribute("accesskey", gNavigatorBundle.getString("tabs.close.accesskey")); } else { closeItem.setAttribute("label", gNavigatorBundle.getString("tabs.closeTab.label")); closeItem.setAttribute("accesskey", gNavigatorBundle.getString("tabs.closeTab.accesskey")); } var hideClose = !browser || !browser.getStripVisibility(); document.getElementById("menu_closeOtherTabs").hidden = hideClose; if (!hideClose) document.getElementById("cmd_closeOtherTabs").disabled = hideCloseWindow; hideClose = !browser || (browser.getTabsToTheEndFrom(browser.mCurrentTab).length == 0); document.getElementById("menu_closeTabsToTheEnd").hidden = hideClose; if (!hideClose) document.getElementById("cmd_closeTabsToTheEnd").disabled = hideClose; } function updateRecentMenuItems() { var browser = getBrowser(); var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); var recentTabsItem = document.getElementById("menu_recentTabs"); recentTabsItem.setAttribute("disabled", !browser || browser.getUndoList().length == 0); var recentWindowsItem = document.getElementById("menu_recentWindows"); recentWindowsItem.setAttribute("disabled", ss.getClosedWindowCount() == 0); } function updateRecentTabs(menupopup) { var browser = getBrowser(); while (menupopup.hasChildNodes()) menupopup.lastChild.remove(); var list = browser.getUndoList(); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var label = list[i]; if (i < 9) { label = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("tabs.recentlyClosed.format", [i + 1, label]); menuitem.setAttribute("accesskey", i + 1); } if (i == 0) menuitem.setAttribute("key", "key_restoreTab"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", label); menuitem.setAttribute("value", i); menupopup.appendChild(menuitem); } } function updateRecentWindows(menupopup) { var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); while (menupopup.hasChildNodes()) menupopup.lastChild.remove(); var undoItems = JSON.parse(ss.getClosedWindowData()); for (var i = 0; i < undoItems.length; i++) { var menuitem = document.createElement("menuitem"); var label = undoItems[i].title; if (i < 9) { label = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("windows.recentlyClosed.format", [i + 1, label]); menuitem.setAttribute("accesskey", i + 1); } if (i == 0) menuitem.setAttribute("key", "key_restoreWindow"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", label); menuitem.setAttribute("value", i); menupopup.appendChild(menuitem); } } function undoCloseWindow(aIndex) { var ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); return ss.undoCloseWindow(aIndex); } function restoreLastSession() { let ss = Cc["@mozilla.org/suite/sessionstore;1"] .getService(Ci.nsISessionStore); ss.restoreLastSession(); } /* * Determines if a tab is "empty" using isBrowserEmpty from utilityOverlay.js */ function isTabEmpty(aTab) { return isBrowserEmpty(aTab.linkedBrowser); } function BrowserCloseOtherTabs() { var browser = getBrowser(); browser.removeAllTabsBut(browser.mCurrentTab); } function BrowserCloseTabsToTheEnd() { var browser = getBrowser(); browser.removeTabsToTheEndFrom(browser.mCurrentTab); } function BrowserCloseTabOrWindow() { var browser = getBrowser(); if (browser.tabContainer.childNodes.length > 1 || !Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.closeWindowWithLastTab")) { // Just close up a tab. browser.removeCurrentTab(); return; } BrowserCloseWindow(); } function BrowserTryToCloseWindow() { if (WindowIsClosing()) BrowserCloseWindow(); } function BrowserCloseWindow() { // This code replicates stuff in Shutdown(). It is here because // window.screenX and window.screenY have real values. We need // to fix this eventually but by replicating the code here, we // provide a means of saving position (it just requires that the // user close the window via File->Close (vs. close box). // Get the current window position/size. var x = window.screenX; var y = window.screenY; var h = window.outerHeight; var w = window.outerWidth; // Store these into the window attributes (for persistence). var win = document.getElementById( "main-window" ); win.setAttribute( "x", x ); win.setAttribute( "y", y ); win.setAttribute( "height", h ); win.setAttribute( "width", w ); window.close(); } function loadURI(uri, referrer, postData, allowThirdPartyFixup, referrerPolicy, userContextId, originPrincipal, forceAboutBlankViewerInCurrent, triggeringPrincipal) { try { openLinkIn(uri, "current", { referrerURI: referrer, referrerPolicy: referrerPolicy, postData: postData, allowThirdPartyFixup: allowThirdPartyFixup, userContextId: userContextId, originPrincipal, triggeringPrincipal, forceAboutBlankViewerInCurrent, }); } catch (e) {} } function loadOneOrMoreURIs(aURIString, aTriggeringPrincipal) { // we're not a browser window, pass the URI string to a new browser window if (window.location.href != getBrowserURL()) { window.openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", aURIString); return; } // This function throws for certain malformed URIs, so use exception handling // so that we don't disrupt startup try { gBrowser.loadTabs(aURIString.split("|"), { inBackground: false, replace: true, triggeringPrincipal: aTriggeringPrincipal, }); } catch (e) { } } function handleURLBarCommand(aUserAction, aTriggeringEvent) { // Remove leading and trailing spaces first var url = gURLBar.value.trim(); try { addToUrlbarHistory(url); } catch (ex) { // Things may go wrong when adding url to the location bar history, // but don't let that interfere with the loading of the url. } if (url.match(/^view-source:/)) { gViewSourceUtils.viewSource(url.replace(/^view-source:/, ""), null, null); return; } getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(url).then(data => { // Check the pressed modifiers: (also see bug 97123) // Modifier Mac | Modifier PC | Action // -------------+-------------+----------- // Command | Control | New Window/Tab // Shift+Cmd | Shift+Ctrl | New Window/Tab behind current one // Option | Shift | Save URL (show Filepicker) // If false, the save modifier is Alt, which is Option on Mac. var modifierIsShift = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("ui.key.saveLink.shift", true); var shiftPressed = false; var saveModifier = false; // if the save modifier was pressed if (aTriggeringEvent && 'shiftKey' in aTriggeringEvent && 'altKey' in aTriggeringEvent) { saveModifier = modifierIsShift ? aTriggeringEvent.shiftKey : aTriggeringEvent.altKey; shiftPressed = aTriggeringEvent.shiftKey; } var browser = getBrowser(); // Accept both Control and Meta (=Command) as New-Window-Modifiers if (aTriggeringEvent && (('ctrlKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.ctrlKey) || ('metaKey' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.metaKey) || ('button' in aTriggeringEvent && aTriggeringEvent.button == 1))) { // Check if user requests Tabs instead of windows if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.urlbar", false)) { // Reset url in the urlbar URLBarSetURI(); // Open link in new tab var t = browser.addTab(data.url, { postData: data.postData, allowThirdPartyFixup: true, }); // Focus new tab unless shift is pressed if (!shiftPressed) browser.selectedTab = t; } else { // Open a new window with the URL var newWin = openDialog(getBrowserURL(), "_blank", "all,dialog=no", data.url, null, null, data.postData, true); // Reset url in the urlbar URLBarSetURI(); // Focus old window if shift was pressed, as there's no // way to open a new window in the background // XXX this doesn't seem to work if (shiftPressed) { //newWin.blur(); content.focus(); } } } else if (saveModifier) { try { // Firstly, fixup the url so that (e.g.) "www.foo.com" works url = Services.uriFixup.createFixupURI(data.url, Ci.nsIURIFixup.FIXUP_FLAGS_MAKE_ALTERNATE_URI).spec; // Open filepicker to save the url saveURL(url, null, null, false, true, null, document); } catch(ex) { // XXX Do nothing for now. // Do we want to put up an alert in the future? Mmm, l10n... } } else { // No modifier was pressed, load the URL normally and // focus the content area loadURI(data.url, null, data.postData, true); content.focus(); } }); } /** * Given a string, will generate a more appropriate urlbar value if a Places * keyword or a search alias is found at the beginning of it. * * @param url * A string that may begin with a keyword or an alias. * * @return {Promise} * @resolves { url, postData, mayInheritPrincipal }. If it's not possible * to discern a keyword or an alias, url will be the input string. */ function getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(url) { return (async function() { let mayInheritPrincipal = false; let postData = null; // Split on the first whitespace. let [keyword, param = ""] = url.trim().split(/\s(.+)/, 2); if (!keyword) { return { url, postData, mayInheritPrincipal }; } let engine = Services.search.getEngineByAlias(keyword); if (engine) { let submission = engine.getSubmission(param, null, "keyword"); return { url: submission.uri.spec, postData: submission.postData, mayInheritPrincipal }; } // A corrupt Places database could make this throw, breaking navigation // from the location bar. let entry = null; try { entry = await PlacesUtils.keywords.fetch(keyword); } catch (ex) { Cu.reportError(`Unable to fetch Places keyword "${keyword}": ${ex}`); } if (!entry || !entry.url) { // This is not a Places keyword. return { url, postData, mayInheritPrincipal }; } try { [url, postData] = await BrowserUtils.parseUrlAndPostData(entry.url.href, entry.postData, param); if (postData) { postData = getPostDataStream(postData); } // Since this URL came from a bookmark, it's safe to let it inherit the // current document's principal. mayInheritPrincipal = true; } catch (ex) { // It was not possible to bind the param, just use the original url value. } return { url, postData, mayInheritPrincipal }; })().then(data => { return data; }); } function getPostDataStream(aStringData, aKeyword, aEncKeyword, aType) { var dataStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/io/string-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIStringInputStream); aStringData = aStringData.replace(/%s/g, aEncKeyword).replace(/%S/g, aKeyword); dataStream.data = aStringData; var mimeStream = Cc["@mozilla.org/network/mime-input-stream;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIMIMEInputStream); mimeStream.addHeader("Content-Type", aType); mimeStream.setData(dataStream); return mimeStream.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInputStream); } // handleDroppedLink has the following 2 overloads: // handleDroppedLink(event, url, name, triggeringPrincipal) // handleDroppedLink(event, links, triggeringPrincipal) function handleDroppedLink(event, urlOrLinks, nameOrTriggeringPrincipal, triggeringPrincipal) { let links; if (Array.isArray(urlOrLinks)) { links = urlOrLinks; triggeringPrincipal = nameOrTriggeringPrincipal; } else { links = [{ url: urlOrLinks, nameOrTriggeringPrincipal, type: "" }]; } let lastLocationChange = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.lastLocationChange; // Usually blank for SeaMonkey. let userContextId = gBrowser.selectedBrowser.getAttribute("usercontextid"); // event is null if links are dropped in content process. // inBackground should be false, as it's loading into current browser. let inBackground = false; if (event) { inBackground = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.loadInBackground"); if (event.shiftKey) inBackground = !inBackground; } (async function() { let urls = []; let postDatas = []; for (let link of links) { let data = await getShortcutOrURIAndPostData(link.url); urls.push(data.url); postDatas.push(data.postData); } if (lastLocationChange == gBrowser.selectedBrowser.lastLocationChange) { gBrowser.loadTabs(urls, { inBackground, replace: true, allowThirdPartyFixup: false, postDatas, userContextId, triggeringPrincipal, }); } })(); // If links are dropped in content process, event.preventDefault() should be // called in content process. if (event) { // Keep the event from being handled by the dragDrop listeners // built-in to gecko if they happen to be above us. event.preventDefault(); } } function readFromClipboard() { var url; try { // Get the clipboard. const clipboard = Services.clipboard; // Create a transferable that will transfer the text. var trans = Cc["@mozilla.org/widget/transferable;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsITransferable); trans.init(null); trans.addDataFlavor("text/unicode"); // If available, use the selection clipboard, otherwise use the global one. if (clipboard.supportsSelectionClipboard()) clipboard.getData(trans, clipboard.kSelectionClipboard); else clipboard.getData(trans, clipboard.kGlobalClipboard); var data = {}; trans.getTransferData("text/unicode", data, {}); if (data.value) { data = data.value.QueryInterface(Ci.nsISupportsString); url = data.data; } } catch (ex) { } return url; } /** * Open the View Source dialog. * * @param aArgsOrDocument * Either an object or a Document. Passing a Document is deprecated, * and is not supported with e10s. This function will throw if * aArgsOrDocument is a CPOW. * * If aArgsOrDocument is an object, that object can take the * following properties: * * URL (required): * A string URL for the page we'd like to view the source of. * browser (optional): * The browser containing the document that we would like to view the * source of. This is required if outerWindowID is passed. * outerWindowID (optional): * The outerWindowID of the content window containing the document that * we want to view the source of. You only need to provide this if you * want to attempt to retrieve the document source from the network * cache. * lineNumber (optional): * The line number to focus on once the source is loaded. */ function BrowserViewSourceOfDocument(aArgsOrDocument) { if (aArgsOrDocument instanceof Document) { // Deprecated API - callers should pass args object instead. if (Cu.isCrossProcessWrapper(aArgsOrDocument)) { throw new Error("BrowserViewSourceOfDocument cannot accept a CPOW " + "as a document."); } let requestor = aArgsOrDocument.defaultView .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor); let browser = requestor.getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .chromeEventHandler; let outerWindowID = requestor.getInterface(Ci.nsIDOMWindowUtils) .outerWindowID; let URL = browser.currentURI.spec; aArgsOrDocument = { browser, outerWindowID, URL }; } gViewSourceUtils.viewSource(aArgsOrDocument); } /** * Opens the View Source dialog for the source loaded in the root * top-level document of the browser. * * @param aBrowser * The browser that we want to load the source of. */ function BrowserViewSource(aBrowser) { gViewSourceUtils.viewSource({ browser: aBrowser, outerWindowID: aBrowser.outerWindowID, URL: aBrowser.currentURI.spec, }); } // documentURL - URL of the document to view, or null for this window's document // initialTab - id of the initial tab to display, or null for the first tab // imageElement - image to load in the Media Tab of the Page Info window; // can be null/omitted // frameOuterWindowID - the id of the frame that the context menu opened in; // can be null/omitted // browser - the browser containing the document we're interested in inspecting; // can be null/omitted function BrowserPageInfo(documentURL, initialTab, imageElement, frameOuterWindowID, browser) { if (documentURL instanceof HTMLDocument) { Deprecated.warning("Please pass the location URL instead of the document " + "to BrowserPageInfo() as the first argument.", "https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1575830"); documentURL = documentURL.location; } let args = { initialTab, imageElement, frameOuterWindowID, browser }; var windows = Services.wm.getEnumerator("Browser:page-info"); documentURL = documentURL || window.gBrowser.selectedBrowser.currentURI.spec; // Check for windows matching the url. while (windows.hasMoreElements()) { let win = windows.getNext(); if (win.closed) { continue; } if (win.document.documentElement .getAttribute("relatedUrl") == documentURL) { win.focus(); win.resetPageInfo(args); return win; } } // We didn't find a matching window, so open a new one. return window.openDialog("chrome://navigator/content/pageinfo/pageInfo.xul", "_blank", "chrome,dialog=no,resizable", args); } function hiddenWindowStartup() { // focus the hidden window window.focus(); // Disable menus which are not appropriate var disabledItems = ['cmd_close', 'cmd_sendPage', 'Browser:SendLink', 'Browser:EditPage', 'Browser:SavePage', 'cmd_printSetup', 'cmd_print', 'canGoBack', 'canGoForward', 'Browser:AddBookmark', 'Browser:AddBookmarkAs', 'cmd_undo', 'cmd_redo', 'cmd_cut', 'cmd_copy', 'cmd_paste', 'cmd_delete', 'cmd_selectAll', 'cmd_findTypeText', 'cmd_findTypeLinks', 'cmd_find', 'cmd_findNext', 'cmd_findPrev', 'menu_Toolbars', 'menuitem_reload', 'menu_UseStyleSheet', 'charsetMenu', 'View:PageSource', 'View:PageInfo', 'menu_translate', 'cookie_deny', 'cookie_default', 'View:FullScreen', 'cookie_session', 'cookie_allow', 'image_deny', 'image_default', 'image_allow', 'popup_deny', 'popup_default','popup_allow', 'menu_zoom', 'cmd_minimizeWindow', 'cmd_zoomWindow']; var broadcaster; for (var id in disabledItems) { broadcaster = document.getElementById(disabledItems[id]); if (broadcaster) broadcaster.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } // also hide the window list separator var separator = document.getElementById("sep-window-list"); if (separator) separator.setAttribute("hidden", "true"); // init string bundles gNavigatorBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_navigator"); gNavigatorRegionBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_navigator_region"); gBrandBundle = document.getElementById("bundle_brand"); } function checkForDirectoryListing() { if ( "HTTPIndex" in content && content.HTTPIndex instanceof Ci.nsIHTTPIndex ) { var forced = getBrowser().docShell.forcedCharset; if (forced) { content.defaultCharacterset = forced; } } } function URLBarSetURI(aURI, aValid) { var uri = aURI || getWebNavigation().currentURI; var value; // If the url has "wyciwyg://" as the protocol, strip it off. // Nobody wants to see it on the urlbar for dynamically generated pages. try { uri = Services.uriFixup.createExposableURI(uri); } catch (ex) {} // Replace "about:blank" and other initial pages with an empty string // only if there's no opener (bug 370555). if (gInitialPages.has(uri.spec)) value = (content.opener || getWebNavigation().canGoBack) ? uri.spec : ""; else value = losslessDecodeURI(uri); gURLBar.value = value; // In some cases, setting the urlBar value causes userTypedValue to // become set because of oninput, so reset it to null. getBrowser().userTypedValue = null; SetPageProxyState((value && (!aURI || aValid)) ? "valid" : "invalid", uri); } function losslessDecodeURI(aURI) { var value = aURI.spec; var scheme = aURI.scheme; var decodeASCIIOnly = !["https", "http", "file", "ftp"].includes(scheme); // Try to decode as UTF-8 if there's no encoding sequence that we would break. if (!/%25(?:3B|2F|3F|3A|40|26|3D|2B|24|2C|23)/i.test(value)) { if (decodeASCIIOnly) { // This only decodes ascii characters (hex) 20-7e, except 25 (%). // This avoids both cases stipulated below (%-related issues, and \r, \n // and \t, which would be %0d, %0a and %09, respectively) as well as any // non-US-ascii characters. value = value.replace(/%(2[0-4]|2[6-9a-f]|[3-6][0-9a-f]|7[0-9a-e])/g, decodeURI); } else { try { value = decodeURI(value) // 1. decodeURI decodes %25 to %, which creates unintended // encoding sequences. Re-encode it, unless it's part of // a sequence that survived decodeURI, i.e. one for: // ';', '/', '?', ':', '@', '&', '=', '+', '$', ',', '#' // (RFC 3987 section 3.2) // 2. Ee-encode all adjacent whitespace, to prevent spoofing // attempts where invisible characters would push part of // the URL to overflow the location bar (bug 1395508). .replace(/%(?!3B|2F|3F|3A|40|26|3D|2B|24|2C|23)|\s(?=\s)|\s$/ig, encodeURIComponent); } catch (e) {} } } // Encode invisible characters (soft hyphen, zero-width space, BOM, // line and paragraph separator, word joiner, invisible times, // invisible separator, object replacement character, // C0/C1 controls). (bug 452979, bug 909264) // Encode bidirectional formatting characters. // (RFC 3987 sections 3.2 and 4.1 paragraph 6) // Re-encode whitespace so that it doesn't get eaten away // by the location bar (bug 410726). return value.replace(/[\u0000-\u001f\u007f-\u00a0\u00ad\u034f\u061c\u115f\u1160\u17b4\u17b5\u180b-\u180d\u200b\u200e\u200f\u2028-\u202e\u2060-\u206f\u3164\ufe00-\ufe0f\ufeff\uffa0\ufff0-\ufff8\ufffc]|\ud834[\udd73-\udd7a]|[\udb40-\udb43][\udc00-\udfff]/g, encodeURIComponent); } /** * Use Stylesheet functions. * Written by Tim Hill (bug 6782) * Frameset handling by Neil Rashbrook **/ /** * Adds this frame's stylesheet sets to the View > Use Style submenu * * If the frame has no preferred stylesheet set then the "Default style" * menuitem should be shown. Note that it defaults to checked, hidden. * * If this frame has a selected stylesheet set then its menuitem should * be checked (unless the "None" style is currently selected), and the * "Default style" menuitem should to be unchecked. * * The stylesheet sets may match those of other frames. In that case, the * checkmark should be removed from sets that are not selected in this frame. * * @param menuPopup The submenu's popup child * @param frame The frame whose sets are to be added * @param styleDisabled True if the "None" style is currently selected * @param itemPersistentOnly The "Default style" menuitem element */ function stylesheetFillFrame(menuPopup, frame, styleDisabled, itemPersistentOnly) { if (!frame.document.preferredStyleSheetSet) itemPersistentOnly.hidden = false; var title = frame.document.selectedStyleSheetSet; if (title) itemPersistentOnly.removeAttribute("checked"); var styleSheetSets = frame.document.styleSheetSets; for (var i = 0; i < styleSheetSets.length; i++) { var styleSheetSet = styleSheetSets[i]; var menuitem = menuPopup.getElementsByAttribute("data", styleSheetSet).item(0); if (menuitem) { if (styleSheetSet != title) menuitem.removeAttribute("checked"); } else { var menuItem = document.createElement("menuitem"); menuItem.setAttribute("type", "radio"); menuItem.setAttribute("label", styleSheetSet); menuItem.setAttribute("data", styleSheetSet); menuItem.setAttribute("checked", styleSheetSet == title && !styleDisabled); menuPopup.appendChild(menuItem); } } } /** * Adds all available stylesheet sets to the View > Use Style submenu * * If all frames have preferred stylesheet sets then the "Default style" * menuitem should remain hidden, otherwise it should be shown, and * if some frames have a selected stylesheet then the "Default style" * menuitem should be unchecked, otherwise it should remain checked. * * A stylesheet set's menuitem should not be checked if the "None" style * is currently selected. Otherwise a stylesheet set may be available in * more than one frame. In such a case the menuitem should only be checked * if it is selected in all frames in which it is available. * * @param menuPopup The submenu's popup child * @param frameset The frameset whose sets are to be added * @param styleDisabled True if the "None" style is currently selected * @param itemPersistentOnly The "Default style" menuitem element */ function stylesheetFillAll(menuPopup, frameset, styleDisabled, itemPersistentOnly) { stylesheetFillFrame(menuPopup, frameset, styleDisabled, itemPersistentOnly); for (var i = 0; i < frameset.frames.length; i++) { stylesheetFillAll(menuPopup, frameset.frames[i], styleDisabled, itemPersistentOnly); } } /** * Populates the View > Use Style submenu with all available stylesheet sets * @param menuPopup The submenu's popup child */ function stylesheetFillPopup(menuPopup) { /* Clear menu */ var itemPersistentOnly = menuPopup.firstChild.nextSibling; while (itemPersistentOnly.nextSibling) itemPersistentOnly.nextSibling.remove(); /* Reset permanent items */ var styleDisabled = getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled; menuPopup.firstChild.setAttribute("checked", styleDisabled); itemPersistentOnly.setAttribute("checked", !styleDisabled); itemPersistentOnly.hidden = true; stylesheetFillAll(menuPopup, window.content, styleDisabled, itemPersistentOnly); } /** * Switches all frames in a frameset to the same stylesheet set * * Only frames that support the given title will be switched * * @param frameset The frameset whose frames are to be switched * @param title The name of the stylesheet set to switch to */ function stylesheetSwitchAll(frameset, title) { if (!title || frameset.document.styleSheetSets.contains(title)) { frameset.document.selectedStyleSheetSet = title; } for (var i = 0; i < frameset.frames.length; i++) { stylesheetSwitchAll(frameset.frames[i], title); } } function setStyleDisabled(disabled) { getMarkupDocumentViewer().authorStyleDisabled = disabled; } function URLBarFocusHandler(aEvent) { if (gIgnoreFocus) gIgnoreFocus = false; else if (gClickSelectsAll) gURLBar.select(); } function URLBarMouseDownHandler(aEvent) { if (gURLBar.hasAttribute("focused")) { gIgnoreClick = true; } else { gIgnoreFocus = true; gIgnoreClick = false; gURLBar.setSelectionRange(0, 0); } } function URLBarClickHandler(aEvent) { if (!gIgnoreClick && gClickSelectsAll && gURLBar.selectionStart == gURLBar.selectionEnd) if (gClickAtEndSelects || gURLBar.selectionStart < gURLBar.value.length) gURLBar.select(); } function ShowAndSelectContentsOfURLBar() { if (!isElementVisible(gURLBar)) { BrowserOpenWindow(); return; } if (gURLBar.value) gURLBar.select(); else gURLBar.focus(); } // If "ESC" is pressed in the url bar, we replace the urlbar's value with the url of the page // and highlight it, unless it is about:blank, where we reset it to "". function handleURLBarRevert() { var url = getWebNavigation().currentURI.spec; var throbberElement = document.getElementById("navigator-throbber"); var isScrolling = gURLBar.userAction == "scrolling"; // don't revert to last valid url unless page is NOT loading // and user is NOT key-scrolling through autocomplete list if (!throbberElement.hasAttribute("busy") && !isScrolling) { URLBarSetURI(); // If the value isn't empty, select it. if (gURLBar.value) gURLBar.select(); } // tell widget to revert to last typed text only if the user // was scrolling when they hit escape return isScrolling; } function UpdatePageProxyState() { if (gURLBar.value != gLastValidURLStr) SetPageProxyState("invalid", null); } function SetPageProxyState(aState, aURI) { if (!gProxyButton) gProxyButton = document.getElementById("page-proxy-button"); if (!gProxyFavIcon) gProxyFavIcon = document.getElementById("page-proxy-favicon"); if (!gProxyDeck) gProxyDeck = document.getElementById("page-proxy-deck"); gProxyButton.setAttribute("pageproxystate", aState); if (aState == "valid") { gLastValidURLStr = gURLBar.value; gURLBar.addEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState); if (gBrowser.shouldLoadFavIcon(aURI)) { var favStr = gBrowser.buildFavIconString(aURI); if (favStr != gProxyFavIcon.src) { gBrowser.loadFavIcon(aURI, "src", gProxyFavIcon); gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; } else gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 1; } else { gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); } } else if (aState == "invalid") { gURLBar.removeEventListener("input", UpdatePageProxyState); gProxyDeck.selectedIndex = 0; gProxyFavIcon.removeAttribute("src"); } } function handlePageProxyClick(aEvent) { switch (aEvent.button) { case 0: // bug 52784 - select location field contents gURLBar.select(); break; case 1: // bug 111337 - load url/keyword from clipboard middleMousePaste(aEvent); break; } } function updateComponentBarBroadcaster() { var compBarBroadcaster = document.getElementById('cmd_viewcomponentbar'); var taskBarBroadcaster = document.getElementById('cmd_viewtaskbar'); var compBar = document.getElementById('component-bar'); if (taskBarBroadcaster.getAttribute('checked') == 'true') { compBarBroadcaster.removeAttribute('disabled'); if (compBar.getAttribute('hidden') != 'true') compBarBroadcaster.setAttribute('checked', 'true'); } else { compBarBroadcaster.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); compBarBroadcaster.removeAttribute('checked'); } } function updateToolbarStates(aEvent) { onViewToolbarsPopupShowing(aEvent); updateComponentBarBroadcaster(); const tabbarMenuItem = document.getElementById("menuitem_showhide_tabbar"); // Make show/hide menu item reflect current state const visibility = gBrowser.getStripVisibility(); tabbarMenuItem.setAttribute("checked", visibility); // Don't allow the tab bar to be shown/hidden when more than one tab is open // or when we have 1 tab and the autoHide pref is set const disabled = gBrowser.browsers.length > 1 || Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.autoHide"); tabbarMenuItem.setAttribute("disabled", disabled); } function showHideTabbar() { const visibility = gBrowser.getStripVisibility(); Services.prefs.setBoolPref("browser.tabs.forceHide", visibility); gBrowser.setStripVisibilityTo(!visibility); } function BrowserFullScreen() { window.fullScreen = !window.fullScreen; } function onFullScreen() { FullScreen.toggle(); } function UpdateStatusBarPopupIcon(aEvent) { if (aEvent && aEvent.originalTarget != gBrowser.getNotificationBox()) return; var showIcon = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("privacy.popups.statusbar_icon_enabled"); if (showIcon) { var popupIcon = document.getElementById("popupIcon"); popupIcon.hidden = !gBrowser.getNotificationBox().popupCount; } } function StatusbarViewPopupManager() { // Open Data Manager permissions pane site and type prefilled to add. toDataManager(hostUrl() + "|permissions|add|popup"); } function popupBlockerMenuShowing(event) { var separator = document.getElementById("popupMenuSeparator"); if (separator) separator.hidden = !createShowPopupsMenu(event.target, gBrowser.selectedBrowser); } function WindowIsClosing() { var browser = getBrowser(); var cn = browser.tabContainer.childNodes; var numtabs = cn.length; if (!gPrivate && AppConstants.platform != "macosx" && isClosingLastBrowser()) { let closingCanceled = Cc["@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"] .createInstance(Ci.nsISupportsPRBool); Services.obs.notifyObservers(closingCanceled, "browser-lastwindow-close-requested"); if (closingCanceled.data) return false; Services.obs.notifyObservers(null, "browser-lastwindow-close-granted"); return true; } var reallyClose = gPrivate || browser.warnAboutClosingTabs(browser.closingTabsEnum.ALL); for (var i = 0; reallyClose && i < numtabs; ++i) { var ds = browser.getBrowserForTab(cn[i]).docShell; if (ds.contentViewer && !ds.contentViewer.permitUnload()) reallyClose = false; } return reallyClose; } /** * Checks whether this is the last full *browser* window around. * @returns true if closing last browser window, false if not. */ function isClosingLastBrowser() { // Popups aren't considered full browser windows. if (!toolbar.visible) return false; // Figure out if there's at least one other browser window around. var e = Services.wm.getEnumerator("navigator:browser"); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { let win = e.getNext(); if (!win.closed && win != window && win.toolbar.visible) return false; } return true; } /** * file upload support */ /* This function returns the URI of the currently focused content frame * or frameset. */ function getCurrentURI() { var focusedWindow = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow; var contentFrame = isContentFrame(focusedWindow) ? focusedWindow : window.content; var nav = contentFrame.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation); return nav.currentURI; } var gLastOpenUploadDirectory; function BrowserUploadFile() { if (!gLastOpenUploadDirectory) { gLastOpenUploadDirectory = new RememberLastDir("browser.upload"); }; const nsIFilePicker = Ci.nsIFilePicker; let fp = Cc["@mozilla.org/filepicker;1"].createInstance(nsIFilePicker); fp.init(window, gNavigatorBundle.getString("uploadFile"), nsIFilePicker.modeOpen); fp.appendFilters(nsIFilePicker.filterAll | nsIFilePicker.filterText | nsIFilePicker.filterImages | nsIFilePicker.filterXML | nsIFilePicker.filterHTML); // use a pref to remember the filterIndex selected by the user. fp.filterIndex = gLastOpenUploadDirectory.filterIndex; // Use a pref to remember the displayDirectory selected by the user. fp.displayDirectory = gLastOpenUploadDirectory.path; fp.open(rv => { if (rv != nsIFilePicker.returnOK || !fp.fileURL) { return; } gLastOpenUploadDirectory.filterIndex = fp.filterIndex; gLastOpenUploadDirectory.path = fp.file.parent.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFile); try { var targetBaseURI = getCurrentURI(); // Generate the target URI. We use fileURL.file.leafName to get the // unicode value of the target filename w/o any URI-escaped chars. // this gives the protocol handler the best chance of generating a // properly formatted URI spec. we pass null for the origin charset // parameter since we want the URI to inherit the origin charset // property from targetBaseURI. var leafName = fp.fileURL.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL).file.leafName; var targetURI = Services.io.newURI(leafName, null, targetBaseURI); // ok, start uploading... openDialog("chrome://communicator/content/downloads/uploadProgress.xul", "", "titlebar,centerscreen,minimizable,dialog=no", fp.fileURL, targetURI); } catch (e) {} }); } /* This function is called whenever the file menu is about to be displayed. * Enable the upload menu item if appropriate. */ function updateFileUploadItem() { var canUpload = false; try { canUpload = getCurrentURI().schemeIs('ftp'); } catch (e) {} var item = document.getElementById('Browser:UploadFile'); if (canUpload) item.removeAttribute('disabled'); else item.setAttribute('disabled', 'true'); } function isBidiEnabled() { // first check the pref. if (Services.prefs.getBoolPref("bidi.browser.ui", false)) { return true; } // now see if the app locale is an RTL one. const isRTL = Services.locale.isAppLocaleRTL; if (isRTL) { Services.prefs.setBoolPref("bidi.browser.ui", true); } return isRTL; } function SwitchDocumentDirection(aWindow) { aWindow.document.dir = (aWindow.document.dir == "ltr" ? "rtl" : "ltr"); for (var run = 0; run < aWindow.frames.length; run++) SwitchDocumentDirection(aWindow.frames[run]); } function updateSavePageItems() { var autoDownload = Services.prefs .getBoolPref("browser.download.useDownloadDir"); goSetMenuValue("savepage", autoDownload ? "valueSave" : "valueSaveAs"); } function convertFromUnicode(charset, str) { try { var unicodeConverter = Cc["@mozilla.org/intl/scriptableunicodeconverter"] .createInstance(Ci.nsIScriptableUnicodeConverter); unicodeConverter.charset = charset; str = unicodeConverter.ConvertFromUnicode(str); return str + unicodeConverter.Finish(); } catch(ex) { return null; } } function getNotificationBox(aWindow) { return aWindow.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor) .getInterface(Ci.nsIWebNavigation) .QueryInterface(Ci.nsIDocShell) .chromeEventHandler.parentNode.wrappedJSObject; } function BrowserToolboxCustomizeInit() { SetPageProxyState("invalid", null); toolboxCustomizeInit("main-menubar"); PlacesToolbarHelper.customizeStart(); var splitter = document.getElementById("urlbar-search-splitter"); if (splitter) splitter.remove(); } function BrowserToolboxCustomizeDone(aToolboxChanged) { toolboxCustomizeDone("main-menubar", getNavToolbox(), aToolboxChanged); UpdateNavBar(); // Update the urlbar var value = gBrowser.userTypedValue; if (value == null) URLBarSetURI(); else gURLBar.value = value; PlacesToolbarHelper.customizeDone(); } function BrowserToolboxCustomizeChange(event) { toolboxCustomizeChange(getNavToolbox(), event); } var LightWeightThemeWebInstaller = { handleEvent: function (event) { switch (event.type) { case "InstallBrowserTheme": case "PreviewBrowserTheme": case "ResetBrowserThemePreview": // ignore requests from background tabs if (event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView.top != content) return; } switch (event.type) { case "InstallBrowserTheme": this._installRequest(event); break; case "PreviewBrowserTheme": this._preview(event); break; case "ResetBrowserThemePreview": this._resetPreview(event); break; case "pagehide": case "TabSelect": this._resetPreview(); break; } }, get _manager () { delete this._manager; return this._manager = LightweightThemeManager; }, _installRequest: function (event) { var node = event.target; var data = this._getThemeFromNode(node); if (!data) return; if (this._isAllowed(node)) { this._install(data); return; } this._removePreviousNotifications(); getBrowser().getNotificationBox().lwthemeInstallRequest( node.ownerDocument.location.host, this._install.bind(this, data)); }, _install: function (newTheme) { this._removePreviousNotifications(); var previousTheme = this._manager.currentTheme; this._manager.currentTheme = newTheme; if (this._manager.currentTheme && this._manager.currentTheme.id == newTheme.id) getBrowser().getNotificationBox().lwthemeInstallNotification(function() { LightWeightThemeWebInstaller._manager.forgetUsedTheme(newTheme.id); LightWeightThemeWebInstaller._manager.currentTheme = previousTheme; }); else getBrowser().getNotificationBox().lwthemeNeedsRestart(newTheme.name); // We've already destroyed the permission notification, // so tell the former that it's closed already. return true; }, _removePreviousNotifications: function () { getBrowser().getNotificationBox().removeNotifications( ["lwtheme-install-request", "lwtheme-install-notification"]); }, _previewWindow: null, _preview: function (event) { if (!this._isAllowed(event.target)) return; var data = this._getThemeFromNode(event.target); if (!data) return; this._resetPreview(); this._previewWindow = event.target.ownerDocument.defaultView; this._previewWindow.addEventListener("pagehide", this, true); gBrowser.tabContainer.addEventListener("TabSelect", this); this._manager.previewTheme(data); }, _resetPreview: function (event) { if (!this._previewWindow || event && !this._isAllowed(event.target)) return; this._previewWindow.removeEventListener("pagehide", this, true); this._previewWindow = null; gBrowser.tabContainer.removeEventListener("TabSelect", this); this._manager.resetPreview(); }, _isAllowed: function (node) { var uri = node.ownerDocument.documentURIObject; return Services.perms.testPermission(uri, "install") == Services.perms.ALLOW_ACTION; }, _getThemeFromNode: function (node) { return this._manager.parseTheme(node.getAttribute("data-browsertheme"), node.baseURI); } } function AddKeywordForSearchField() { var node = document.popupNode; var doc = node.ownerDocument; var charset = doc.characterSet; var title = gNavigatorBundle.getFormattedString("addKeywordTitleAutoFill", [doc.title]); var description = PlacesUIUtils.getDescriptionFromDocument(doc); var postData = null; var form = node.form; var spec = form.action || doc.documentURI; function encodeNameValuePair(aName, aValue) { return encodeURIComponent(aName) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(aValue); } let el = null; let type = null; let formData = []; for (var i = 0; i < form.elements.length; i++) { el = form.elements[i]; if (!el.type) // happens with fieldsets continue; if (el == node) { formData.push(encodeNameValuePair(el.name, "") + "%s"); continue; } type = el.type; if (((el instanceof HTMLInputElement && el.mozIsTextField(true)) || type == "hidden" || type == "textarea") || ((type == "checkbox" || type == "radio") && el.checked)) { formData.push(encodeNameValuePair(el.name, el.value)); } else if (el instanceof HTMLSelectElement && el.selectedIndex >= 0) { for (var j = 0; j < el.options.length; j++) { if (el.options[j].selected) formData.push(encodeNameValuePair(el.name, el.options[j].value)); } } } if (form.method == "post" && form.enctype == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded") { postData = formData.join("&"); } else { // get spec += spec.includes("?") ? "&" : "?"; spec += formData.join("&"); } PlacesUIUtils.showMinimalAddBookmarkUI(makeURI(spec), title, description, null, null, null, "", postData, charset); } function getCert() { var sslStatus = getBrowser().securityUI .QueryInterface(Ci.nsISSLStatusProvider) .SSLStatus; return sslStatus && sslStatus.serverCert; } function viewCertificate() { var cert = getCert(); if (cert) { Cc["@mozilla.org/nsCertificateDialogs;1"] .getService(Ci.nsICertificateDialogs) .viewCert(window, cert); } } function openCertManager() { toOpenWindowByType("mozilla:certmanager", "chrome://pippki/content/certManager.xul", "resizable,dialog=no,centerscreen"); } function onViewSecurityContextMenu() { document.getElementById("viewCertificate").disabled = !getCert(); } function updateZoomStatus() { let newLabel = Math.round(ZoomManager.zoom * 100) + " %"; let zoomStatusElement = document.getElementById("zoomLevel-display"); if (zoomStatusElement.getAttribute('label') != newLabel){ zoomStatusElement.setAttribute('label', newLabel); } } function zoomIn() { FullZoom.enlarge(); updateZoomStatus(); } function zoomOut() { FullZoom.reduce(); updateZoomStatus(); } /** * Determine whether or not a given focused DOMWindow is in the content area. **/ function isContentFrame(aFocusedWindow) { if (!aFocusedWindow) return false; return (aFocusedWindow.top == window.content); } var browserDragAndDrop = { canDropLink: aEvent => Services.droppedLinkHandler.canDropLink(aEvent, true), dragOver(aEvent) { if (this.canDropLink(aEvent)) { aEvent.preventDefault(); } }, getTriggeringPrincipal(aEvent) { return Services.droppedLinkHandler.getTriggeringPrincipal(aEvent); }, dropLinks(aEvent, aDisallowInherit) { return Services.droppedLinkHandler.dropLinks(aEvent, aDisallowInherit); } };