/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ /* The serialized file format is pretty generic... each line (using any line * separator, so we don't mind being moved between platforms) consists of * a command name, and some parameters (optionally). The commands 'start' * and 'end' mark the chunks of properties for each object - in this case * motifs. Every command inside a start/end block is considered a property * for the object. There are some rules, but we are generally pretty flexible. * * Example file: * START * START 0 * "message" "Food%3a%20Mmm...%20food..." * END * START 1 * "message" "Busy%3a%20Working." * END * START 2 * "message" "Not%20here." * END * END * * The whitespace at the start of the inner lines is generated by the * serialisation process, but is ignored when parsing - it is only to make * the file more readable. * * The START command may be followed by one or both of a class name (enclosed * in angle brackets, as above) and a property name (the first non-<>-enclosed * word). Top-level START commands must not have a property name, although a * class name is fine. Only the following class names are supported: * - Object (the default) * - Array * * For arrays, there are some limitations; saving an array cannot save any * properties that are not numerics, due to limitations in JS' for...in * enumeration. Thus, for loading, only items with numeric property names are * allowed. If an item is STARTed inside an array, and specifies no property * name, it will be push()ed into the array instead. */ function TextSerializer(file) { this._initialized = false; if (typeof file == "string") this._file = new nsLocalFile(file); else this._file = file; this._open = false; this._buffer = ""; this._lines = []; this.lineEnd = "\n"; this._initialized = true; } /* open(direction) * * Opens the serializer on the file specified when created, in either the read * ("<") or write (">") directions. When the file is open, only the appropriate * direction of serialization/deserialization may be performed. * * Note: serialize and deserialize automatically open the file if it is not * open. */ TextSerializer.prototype.open = function ts_open(dir) { if (!ASSERT((dir == ">") || (dir == "<"), "Bad serialization direction!")) return false; if (this._open) return false; this._fileStream = new LocalFile(this._file, dir); if ((typeof this._fileStream == "object") && this._fileStream) this._open = true; return this._open; } /* close() * * Closes the file stream and ends reading or writing. */ TextSerializer.prototype.close = function ts_close() { if (this._open) { this._fileStream.close(); delete this._fileStream; this._open = false; } return true; } /* serialize(object) * * Serializes a single object into the file stream. All properties of the object * are stored in the stream, including properties that contain other objects. */ TextSerializer.prototype.serialize = function ts_serialize(obj) { if (!this._open) this.open(">"); if (!ASSERT(this._open, "Unable to open the file for writing!")) return; var me = this; function writeObjProps(o, indent) { function writeProp(name, val) { me._fileStream.write(indent + "\"" + ecmaEscape(name) + "\" " + val + me.lineEnd); }; for (var p in o) { switch (typeof o[p]) { case "string": writeProp(p, '"' + ecmaEscape(o[p]) + '"'); break; case "number": case "boolean": case "null": // (just in case) case "undefined": // These all serialise to what we want. writeProp(p, o[p]); break; case "function": if (isinstance(o[p], RegExp)) writeProp(p, ecmaEscape("" + o[p])); // Can't serialize non-RegExp functions (yet). break; case "object": if (o[p] == null) { // typeof null == "object", just to catch us out. writeProp(p, "null"); } else { var className = ""; if (isinstance(o[p], Array)) className = " "; me._fileStream.write(indent + "START " + className + ecmaEscape(p) + me.lineEnd); writeObjProps(o[p], indent + " "); me._fileStream.write(indent + "END" + me.lineEnd); } break; default: // Can't handle anything else! } } }; if (isinstance(obj, Array)) this._fileStream.write("START " + this.lineEnd); else this._fileStream.write("START" + this.lineEnd); writeObjProps(obj, " "); this._fileStream.write("END" + this.lineEnd); } /* deserialize() * * Reads in enough of the file to deserialize (realize) a single object. The * object deserialized is returned; all sub-properties of the object are * deserialized with it. */ TextSerializer.prototype.deserialize = function ts_deserialize() { if (!this._open) this.open("<"); if (!ASSERT(this._open, "Unable to open the file for reading!")) return false; var obj = null; var rv = null; var objs = new Array(); while (true) { if (this._lines.length == 0) { var newData = this._fileStream.read(); if (newData) this._buffer += newData; else if (this._buffer.length == 0) break; // Got more data in the buffer, so split into lines. Unless we're // done, the last one might not be complete yet, so save that one. var lines = this._buffer.split(/[\r\n]+/); if (!newData) this._buffer = ""; else this._buffer = lines.pop(); this._lines = this._lines.concat(lines); if (this._lines.length == 0) break; } // Split each line into "command params...". var parts = this._lines[0].match(/^\s*(\S+)(?:\s+(.*))?$/); var command = parts[1]; var params = parts[2]; // 'start' and 'end' commands are special. switch (command.toLowerCase()) { case "start": var paramList = new Array(); if (params) paramList = params.split(/\s+/g); var className = ""; if ((paramList.length > 0) && /^<\w+>$/i.test(paramList[0])) { className = paramList[0].substr(1, paramList[0].length - 2); paramList.shift(); } if (!rv) { /* The top-level objects are not allowed a property name * in their START command (it is meaningless). */ ASSERT(paramList.length == 0, "Base object with name!"); // Construct the top-level object. if (className) rv = obj = new window[className](); else rv = obj = new Object(); } else { var n; if (paramList.length == 0) { /* Create a new object level, but with no name. This is * only valid if the parent level is an array. */ if (!ASSERT(isinstance(obj, Array), "Parent not Array!")) return null; if (className) n = new window[className](); else n = new Object(); objs.push(obj); obj.push(n); obj = n; } else { /* Create a new object level, store the reference on the * parent, and set the new object as the current. */ if (className) n = new window[className](); else n = new Object(); objs.push(obj); obj[ecmaUnescape(paramList[0])] = n; obj = n; } } this._lines.shift(); break; case "end": this._lines.shift(); if (rv && (objs.length == 0)) { // We're done for the day. return rv; } // Return to the previous object level. obj = objs.pop(); if (!ASSERT(obj, "Waaa! no object level to return to!")) return rv; break; default: this._lines.shift(); // The property name may be enclosed in quotes. if (command[0] == '"') command = command.substr(1, command.length - 2); // But it is always escaped. command = ecmaUnescape(command); if (!obj) { /* If we find a line that is NOT starting a new object, and * we don't have a current object, we just assume the START * command was missed. */ rv = obj = new Object(); } if (params[0] == '"') // String { // Remove quotes, then unescape. params = params.substr(1, params.length - 2); obj[command] = ecmaUnescape(params); } else if (params[0] == "/") // RegExp { var p = params.match(/^\/(.*)\/(\w*)$/); if (ASSERT(p, "RepExp entry malformed, ignored!")) { var re = new RegExp(ecmaUnescape(p[1]), p[2]); obj[command] = re; } } else if (params == "null") // null { obj[command] = null; } else if (params == "undefined") // undefined { obj[command] = undefined; } else if ((params == "true") || (params == "false")) // boolean { obj[command] = (params == "true"); } else // Number { obj[command] = Number(params); } break; } } return null; }