/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const MEDIATOR_CONTRACTID = "@mozilla.org/appshell/window-mediator;1"; const nsIWindowMediator = Components.interfaces.nsIWindowMediator; const CONFIG_WINDOWTYPE = "irc:chatzilla:config"; /* Now we create and set up some required items from other Chatzilla JS files * that we really have no reason to load, but the ones we do need won't work * without these... */ var ASSERT = function(cond, msg) { if (!cond) { alert(msg); } return cond; } var client; function CIRCNetwork() {} function CIRCServer() {} function CIRCChannel() {} function CIRCChanUser() {} function CIRCUser() {} function CIRCDCC() {} function CIRCDCCUser() {} function CIRCDCCChat() {} function CIRCDCCFileTransfer() {} function CIRCSTS() {} function getObjectDetails(obj) { var rv = new Object(); rv.sourceObject = obj; rv.TYPE = obj.TYPE; rv.parent = ("parent" in obj) ? obj.parent : null; rv.user = null; rv.channel = null; rv.server = null; rv.network = null; switch (obj.TYPE) { case "PrefNetwork": rv.network = obj; if ("primServ" in rv.network) rv.server = rv.network.primServ; else rv.server = null; break; case "PrefChannel": rv.channel = obj; rv.server = rv.channel.parent; rv.network = rv.server.parent; break; case "PrefUser": rv.user = obj; rv.server = rv.user.parent; rv.network = rv.server.parent; break; } return rv; } /* Global object for the prefs. The 'root' of all the objects to do with the * prefs. */ function PrefGlobal() { this.networks = new Object(); this.commandManager = new Object(); this.commandManager.defineCommand = function() {}; this.commandManager.removeCommand = function() {}; this.entities = new Object(); this.hostCompat = new Object(); } PrefGlobal.prototype.TYPE = "PrefGlobal"; /* Represents a single network in the hierarchy. * * |force| - If true, sets a pref on this object. This makes sure the object * is "known" next time we load up (since we look for any prefs). * * |show| - If true, the object still exists even if the magic pref is not set. * Thus, allows an object to exist without any prefs set. */ function PrefNetwork(parent, name, force, show) { if (":" + name in parent.networks) return parent.networks[":" + name]; this.parent = parent; this.unicodeName = name; this.viewName = name; this.canonicalName = name; this.collectionKey = ":" + name; this.encodedName = name; this.prettyName = getMsg(MSG_PREFS_FMT_DISPLAY_NETWORK, this.unicodeName); this.servers = new Object(); this.primServ = new PrefServer(this, "dummy server"); this.channels = this.primServ.channels; this.users = this.primServ.users; this.prefManager = getNetworkPrefManager(this); this.prefs = this.prefManager.prefs; this.prefManager.onPrefChanged = function(){}; if (force) this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = true; if (this.prefs["hasPrefs"] || show) this.parent.networks[this.collectionKey] = this; return this; }; PrefNetwork.prototype.TYPE = "PrefNetwork"; /* Cleans up the mess. */ PrefNetwork.prototype.clear = function pnet_clear() { this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = false; delete this.parent.networks[this.collectionKey]; } /* A middle-management object. * * Exists only to satisfy the IRC library pref functions that expect this * particular hierarchy. */ function PrefServer(parent, name) { this.parent = parent; this.unicodeName = name; this.viewName = name; this.canonicalName = name; this.collectionKey = ":" + name; this.encodedName = name; this.prettyName = this.unicodeName; // Not used, thus not localised. this.channels = new Object(); this.users = new Object(); this.parent.servers[this.collectionKey] = this; return this; }; PrefServer.prototype.TYPE = "PrefServer"; /* Represents a single channel in the hierarchy. * * |force| and |show| the same as PrefNetwork. */ function PrefChannel(parent, name, force, show) { if (":" + name in parent.channels) return parent.channels[":" + name]; this.parent = parent; this.unicodeName = name; this.viewName = name; this.canonicalName = name; this.collectionKey = ":" + name; this.encodedName = name; this.prettyName = getMsg(MSG_PREFS_FMT_DISPLAY_CHANNEL, [this.parent.parent.unicodeName, this.unicodeName]); this.prefManager = getChannelPrefManager(this); this.prefs = this.prefManager.prefs; this.prefManager.onPrefChanged = function(){}; if (force) this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = true; if (this.prefs["hasPrefs"] || show) this.parent.channels[this.collectionKey] = this; return this; }; PrefChannel.prototype.TYPE = "PrefChannel"; /* Cleans up the mess. */ PrefChannel.prototype.clear = function pchan_clear() { this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = false; delete this.parent.channels[this.collectionKey]; } /* Represents a single user in the hierarchy. * * |force| and |show| the same as PrefNetwork. */ function PrefUser(parent, name, force, show) { if (":" + name in parent.users) return parent.users[":" + name]; this.parent = parent; this.unicodeName = name; this.viewName = name; this.canonicalName = name; this.collectionKey = ":" + name; this.encodedName = name; this.prettyName = getMsg(MSG_PREFS_FMT_DISPLAY_USER, [this.parent.parent.unicodeName, this.unicodeName]); this.prefManager = getUserPrefManager(this); this.prefs = this.prefManager.prefs; this.prefManager.onPrefChanged = function(){}; if (force) this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = true; if (this.prefs["hasPrefs"] || show) this.parent.users[this.collectionKey] = this; return this; }; PrefUser.prototype.TYPE = "PrefUser"; /* Cleans up the mess. */ PrefUser.prototype.clear = function puser_clear() { this.prefs["hasPrefs"] = false; delete this.parent.users[this.collectionKey]; } // Stores a list of |PrefObject|s. function PrefObjectList() { this.objects = new Array(); return this; } // Add an object, and init it's private data. PrefObjectList.prototype.addObject = function polist_addObject(pObject) { this.objects.push(pObject); return pObject.privateData = new ObjectPrivateData(pObject, this.objects.length - 1); } /* Removes an object, without changing the index. */ PrefObjectList.prototype.deleteObject = function polist_addObject(index) { this.objects[index].privateData.clear(); this.objects[index].clear(); this.objects[index] = { privateData: null }; } // Get a specific object. PrefObjectList.prototype.getObject = function polist_getObject(index) { return this.objects[index].privateData; } // Gets the private data for an object. PrefObjectList.getPrivateData = function polist_getPrivateData(object) { return object.privateData; } // Stores the pref object's private data. function ObjectPrivateData(parent, index) { this.parent = parent; // Real pref object. this.prefs = new Object(); this.groups = new Object(); this.arrayIndex = index; this.deckIndex = -1; this.dataLoaded = false; var treeObj = document.getElementById("pref-tree-object"); this.tree = document.getElementById("pref-tree"); this.treeContainer = document.createElement("treeitem"); this.treeNode = document.createElement("treerow"); this.treeCell = document.createElement("treecell"); this.treeContainer.setAttribute("prefobjectindex", this.arrayIndex); this.treeCell.setAttribute("label", this.parent.unicodeName); switch (this.parent.TYPE) { case "PrefChannel": case "PrefUser": var p = this.parent.parent.parent; // Network object. var pData = PrefObjectList.getPrivateData(p); if (!("treeChildren" in pData) || !pData.treeChildren) { pData.treeChildren = document.createElement("treechildren"); pData.treeContainer.appendChild(pData.treeChildren); treeObj.view.toggleOpenState(treeObj.view.rowCount - 1); } pData.treeContainer.setAttribute("container", "true"); pData.treeChildren.appendChild(this.treeContainer); break; default: this.tree.appendChild(this.treeContainer); break; } this.treeContainer.appendChild(this.treeNode); this.treeNode.appendChild(this.treeCell); return this; } // Creates all the XUL elements needed to show this pref object. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.loadXUL = function opdata_loadXUL(tabOrder) { var t = this; /* Function that sorts the preferences by their label, else they look * fairly random in order. * * Sort keys: not grouped, sub-group name, boolean, pref label. */ function sortByLabel(a, b) { if (t.prefs[a].subGroup || t.prefs[b].subGroup) { // Non-grouped go first. if (!t.prefs[a].subGroup) return -1; if (!t.prefs[b].subGroup) return 1; // Sub-group names. if (t.prefs[a].subGroup < t.prefs[b].subGroup) return -1; if (t.prefs[a].subGroup > t.prefs[b].subGroup) return 1; } // Booleans go first. if ((t.prefs[a].type == "boolean") && (t.prefs[b].type != "boolean")) return -1; if ((t.prefs[a].type != "boolean") && (t.prefs[b].type == "boolean")) return 1; // ...then label. if (t.prefs[a].label < t.prefs[b].label) return -1; if (t.prefs[a].label > t.prefs[b].label) return 1; return 0; }; if (this.deckIndex >= 0) return; this.deck = document.getElementById("pref-object-deck"); this.tabbox = document.createElement("tabbox"); this.tabs = document.createElement("tabs"); this.tabPanels = document.createElement("tabpanels"); this.tabbox.setAttribute("flex", 1); this.tabPanels.setAttribute("flex", 1); this.tabbox.appendChild(this.tabs); this.tabbox.appendChild(this.tabPanels); this.deck.appendChild(this.tabbox); this.deckIndex = this.deck.childNodes.length - 1; this.loadData(); var prefList = keys(this.prefs); prefList.sort(sortByLabel); for (var i = 0; i < tabOrder.length; i++) { var pto = tabOrder[i]; var needTab = pto.fixed; if (!needTab) { // Not a "always visible" tab, check we need it. for (var j = 0; j < prefList.length; j++) { if (this.prefs[prefList[j]].mainGroup == pto.name) { needTab = true; break; } } } if (needTab) this.addGroup(pto.name); } for (i = 0; i < prefList.length; i++) this.prefs[prefList[i]].loadXUL(); if (this.tabs.childNodes.length > 0) this.tabbox.selectedIndex = 0; } // Loads all the prefs. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.loadData = function opdata_loadData() { if (this.dataLoaded) return; this.dataLoaded = true; // Now get the list of pref names, and add them... var prefList = this.parent.prefManager.prefNames; for (var i in prefList) this.addPref(prefList[i]); } // Clears up all the XUL objects and data. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.clear = function opdata_clear() { //dd("Removing prefs for " + this.parent.displayName + " {"); if (!this.dataLoaded) this.loadData(); for (var i in this.prefs) this.prefs[i].clear(); //dd("}"); if (this.deckIndex >= 0) { this.deck.removeChild(this.tabbox); this.treeContainer.removeAttribute("container"); this.treeContainer.parentNode.removeChild(this.treeContainer); } } // Resets all the prefs to their original values. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.reset = function opdata_reset() { for (var i in this.prefs) if (this.prefs[i].type != "hidden") this.prefs[i].reset(); } // Adds a pref to the internal data structures. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.addPref = function opdata_addPref(name) { return this.prefs[name] = new PrefData(this, name); } // Adds a group to a pref object's data. ObjectPrivateData.prototype.addGroup = function opdata_addPref(name) { // Special group for prefs we don't want shown (nothing sinister here). if (name == "hidden") return null; if (!(name in this.groups)) this.groups[name] = new PrefMainGroup(this, name); return this.groups[name]; } // Represents a single pref on a single object within the pref window. function PrefData(parent, name) { // We want to keep all this "worked out" info, so make a hash of all // the prefs on the pwData [Pref Window Data] property of the object. // First, lets find out what kind of pref we've got: this.parent = parent; // Private data for pref object. this.name = name; this.manager = this.parent.parent.prefManager; // PrefManager. this.record = this.manager.prefRecords[name]; // PrefRecord. this.def = this.record.defaultValue; // Default value. this.type = typeof this.def; // Pref type. this.val = this.manager.prefs[name]; // Current value. this.startVal = this.val; // Start value. this.label = this.record.label; // Display name. this.help = this.record.help; // Help text. this.group = this.record.group; // Group identifier. this.labelFor = "none"; // Auto-grouped label. // Handle defered prefs (call defer function, and use resulting // value/type instead). if (this.type == "function") this.def = this.def(this.name); this.type = typeof this.def; // And those arrays... this just makes our life easier later by having // a particular name for array prefs. if (isinstance(this.def, Array)) this.type = "array"; if (this.group == "hidden") this.type = "hidden"; // Convert "a.b" into sub-properties... var m = this.group.match(/^([^.]*)(\.(.*))?$/) ASSERT(m, "Failed group match!"); this.mainGroup = m[1]; this.subGroup = m[3]; return this; } /* Creates all the XUL elements to display this one pref. */ PrefData.prototype.loadXUL = function pdata_loadXUL() { if (this.type == "hidden") return; // Create the base box for the pref. this.box = document.createElement("box"); this.box.orient = "horizontal"; this.box.setAttribute("align", "center"); switch (this.type) { case "string": label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute("value", this.label); label.width = 100; label.flex = 1; this.box.appendChild(label); this.edit = document.createElement("textbox"); // We choose the size based on the length of the default. if (this.def.length < 8) this.edit.setAttribute("size", "10"); else if (this.def.length < 20) this.edit.setAttribute("size", "25"); else this.edit.flex = 1; var editCont = document.createElement("hbox"); editCont.flex = 1000; editCont.appendChild(this.edit); this.box.appendChild(editCont); // But if it's a file/URL... if (this.def.match(/^([a-z]+:\/|[a-z]:\\)/i)) { // ...we make it as big as possible. this.edit.removeAttribute("size"); this.edit.flex = 1; if (!this.name.match(/path$/i) && (this.def.match(/^(file|chrome):\//i) || this.name.match(/filename$/i))) { // So long as the pref name doesn't end in "path", and // it's chrome:, file: or a local file, we add the button. var ext = ""; var m = this.def.match(/\.([a-z0-9]+)$/); if (m) ext = "*." + m[1]; // We're cheating again here, if it ends "filename" it's // a local file path. var type = (this.name.match(/filename$/i) ? "file" : "fileurl"); type = (this.name.match(/folder$/i) ? "folder" : type); appendButton(this.box, "onPrefBrowse", { label: MSG_PREFS_BROWSE, spec: ext, kind: type }); } } break; case "number": label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute("value", this.label); label.width = 100; label.flex = 1; this.box.appendChild(label); this.edit = document.createElement("textbox"); this.edit.setAttribute("size", "5"); this.edit.setAttribute("type", "number"); this.edit.setAttribute("min", "-1"); editCont = document.createElement("hbox"); editCont.flex = 1000; editCont.appendChild(this.edit); this.box.appendChild(editCont); break; case "boolean": this.edit = document.createElement("checkbox"); this.edit.setAttribute("label", this.label); this.box.appendChild(this.edit); break; case "array": this.box.removeAttribute("align"); var oBox = document.createElement("box"); oBox.orient = "vertical"; oBox.flex = 1; this.box.appendChild(oBox); if (this.help) { label = document.createElement("label"); label.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.help)); oBox.appendChild(label); } this.edit = document.createElement("listbox"); this.edit.flex = 1; this.edit.setAttribute("style", "height: 1em;"); this.edit.setAttribute("kind", "url"); if (this.def.length > 0 && this.def[0].match(/^file:\//)) this.edit.setAttribute("kind", "fileurl"); this.edit.setAttribute("onselect", "gPrefWindow.onPrefListSelect(this);"); this.edit.setAttribute("ondblclick", "gPrefWindow.onPrefListEdit(this);"); oBox.appendChild(this.edit); var box = document.createElement("box"); box.orient = "vertical"; this.box.appendChild(box); // NOTE: This order is important - getRelatedItem needs to be // kept in sync with this order. Perhaps a better way is needed... appendButton(box, "onPrefListUp", { label: MSG_PREFS_MOVE_UP, "class": "up" }); appendButton(box, "onPrefListDown", { label: MSG_PREFS_MOVE_DOWN, "class": "down" }); appendSeparator(box); appendButton(box, "onPrefListAdd", { label: MSG_PREFS_ADD }); appendButton(box, "onPrefListEdit", { label: MSG_PREFS_EDIT }); appendButton(box, "onPrefListDelete", { label: MSG_PREFS_DELETE }); break; default: // This is really more of an error case, since we really should // know about all the valid pref types. var label = document.createElement("label"); label.setAttribute("value", "[not editable] " + this.type); this.box.appendChild(label); } this.loadData(); if (this.edit) { this.edit.setAttribute("prefobjectindex", this.parent.arrayIndex); this.edit.setAttribute("prefname", this.name); // Associate textbox with label for accessibility. if (label) { this.edit.id = this.manager.branchName + this.name; label.setAttribute("control", this.edit.id); } } if (!ASSERT("groups" in this.parent, "Must have called " + "[ObjectPrivateData].loadXUL before trying to display prefs.")) return; this.parent.addGroup(this.mainGroup); if (this.subGroup) this.parent.groups[this.mainGroup].addGroup(this.subGroup); if (!this.subGroup) this.parent.groups[this.mainGroup].box.appendChild(this.box); else this.parent.groups[this.mainGroup].groups[this.subGroup].box.appendChild(this.box); // Setup tooltip stuff... if (this.help && (this.type != "array")) { this.box.setAttribute("tooltiptitle", this.label); this.box.setAttribute("tooltipcontent", this.help); this.box.setAttribute("onmouseover", "gPrefWindow.onPrefMouseOver(this);"); this.box.setAttribute("onmousemove", "gPrefWindow.onPrefMouseMove(this);"); this.box.setAttribute("onmouseout", "gPrefWindow.onPrefMouseOut(this);"); } } /* Loads the pref's data into the edit component. */ PrefData.prototype.loadData = function pdata_loadData() { /* Note about .value and .setAttribute as used here: * * XBL doesn't kick in until CSS is calculated on a node, so the code makes * a compromise and uses these two methods as appropriate. Initally this * is called is before the node has been placed in the document DOM tree, * and thus hasn't been "magiced" by XBL and so .value is meaningless to * it. After initally being set as an attribute, it's added to the DOM, * XBL kicks in, and after that .value is the only way to change the value. */ switch (this.type) { case "string": if (this.edit.hasAttribute("value")) this.edit.value = this.val; else this.edit.setAttribute("value", this.val); break; case "number": if (this.edit.hasAttribute("value")) this.edit.value = this.val; else this.edit.setAttribute("value", this.val); break; case "boolean": if (this.edit.hasAttribute("checked")) this.edit.checked = this.val; else this.edit.setAttribute("checked", this.val); break; case "array": // Remove old entires. while (this.edit.firstChild) this.edit.removeChild(this.edit.firstChild); // Add new ones. for (var i = 0; i < this.val.length; i++) { var item = document.createElement("listitem"); item.value = this.val[i]; item.crop = "center"; item.setAttribute("label", this.val[i]); this.edit.appendChild(item); } // Make sure buttons are up-to-date. gPrefWindow.onPrefListSelect(this.edit); break; default: } } /* Cleans up the mess. */ PrefData.prototype.clear = function pdata_clear() { //dd("Clearing pref " + this.name); if (("box" in this) && this.box) { this.box.parentNode.removeChild(this.box); delete this.box; } try { this.manager.clearPref(this.name); } catch(ex) {} } /* Resets the pref to it's default. */ PrefData.prototype.reset = function pdata_reset() { //try { // this.manager.clearPref(this.name); //} catch(ex) {} this.val = this.def; this.loadData(); } /* Saves the pref... or would do. */ PrefData.prototype.save = function pdata_save() { //FIXME// } // Represents a "main group", i.e. a tab for a single pref object. function PrefMainGroup(parent, name) { // Init this group's object. this.parent = parent; // Private data for pref object. this.name = name; this.groups = new Object(); this.label = getMsg("pref.group." + this.name + ".label", null, this.name); this.tab = document.createElement("tab"); this.tabPanel = document.createElement("tabpanel"); this.box = this.sb = document.createElement("scroller"); this.tab.setAttribute("label", this.label); this.tabPanel.setAttribute("orient", "vertical"); this.sb.setAttribute("orient", "vertical"); this.sb.setAttribute("flex", 1); this.parent.tabs.appendChild(this.tab); this.parent.tabPanels.appendChild(this.tabPanel); this.tabPanel.appendChild(this.sb); return this; } // Adds a sub group to this main group. PrefMainGroup.prototype.addGroup = function pmgroup_addGroup(name) { // If the sub group doesn't exist, make it exist. if (!(name in this.groups)) this.groups[name] = new PrefSubGroup(this, name); return this.groups[name]; } // Represents a "sub group", i.e. a groupbox on a tab, for a single main group. function PrefSubGroup(parent, name) { this.parent = parent; // Main group. this.name = name; this.fullGroup = this.parent.name + "." + this.name; this.label = getMsg("pref.group." + this.fullGroup + ".label", null, this.name); this.help = getMsg("pref.group." + this.fullGroup + ".help", null, ""); this.gb = document.createElement("groupbox"); this.cap = document.createElement("caption"); this.box = document.createElement("box"); this.cap.setAttribute("label", this.label); this.gb.appendChild(this.cap); this.box.orient = "vertical"; // If there's some help text, we place it as the first thing inside // the , as an explanation for the entire subGroup. if (this.help) { this.helpLabel = document.createElement("label"); this.helpLabel.appendChild(document.createTextNode(this.help)); this.gb.appendChild(this.helpLabel); } this.gb.appendChild(this.box); this.parent.box.appendChild(this.gb); return this; } // Actual pref window itself. function PrefWindow() { // Not loaded until the pref list and objects have been created in |onLoad|. this.loaded = false; /* PREF TAB ORDER: Determins the order, and fixed tabs, found on the UI. * * It is an array of mainGroup names, and a flag indicating if the tab * should be created even when there's no prefs for it. * * This is for consistency, although none of the ChatZilla built-in pref * objects leave fixed tabs empty currently. */ this.prefTabOrder = [{ fixed: true, name: "general"}, { fixed: true, name: "appearance"}, { fixed: false, name: "lists"}, { fixed: false, name: "dcc"}, { fixed: false, name: "startup"}, { fixed: false, name: "global"}, { fixed: false, name: "munger"} ]; /* PREF OBJECTS: Stores all the objects we've using that have prefs. * * Each object gets a "privateData" object, which is then used by the pref * window code for storing all of it's data on the object. */ this.prefObjects = null; /* TOOLTIPS: Special tooltips for preference items. * * Timer: return value from |setTimeout| whenever used. There is only * ever one timer going for the tooltips. * Showing: stores visibility of the tooltip. * ShowDelay: ms delay which them mouse must be still to show tooltips. * HideDelay: ms delay before the tooltips hide themselves. */ this.tooltipTimer = 0; this.tooltipShowing = false; this.tooltipShowDelay = 1000; this.tooltipHideDelay = 20000; this.tooltipBug418798 = false; } PrefWindow.prototype.TYPE = "PrefWindow"; /* Updates the tooltip state, either showing or hiding it. */ PrefWindow.prototype.setTooltipState = function pwin_setTooltipState(visible) { // Shortcut: if we're already in the right state, don't bother. if (this.tooltipShowing == visible) return; var tt = document.getElementById("czPrefTip"); // If we're trying to show it, and we have a reference object // (this.tooltipObject), we are ok to go. if (visible && this.tooltipObject) { /* Get the boxObject for the reference object, as we're going to * place to tooltip explicitly based on this. */ var tipobjBox = this.tooltipObject.boxObject; // Adjust the width to that of the reference box. tt.sizeTo(tipobjBox.width, tt.boxObject.height); /* show tooltip using the reference object, and it's screen * position. NOTE: Most of these parameters are supposed to affect * things, and they do seem to matter, but don't work anything like * the documentation. Be careful changing them. */ tt.showPopup(this.tooltipObject, -1, -1, "tooltip", "bottomleft", "topleft"); // Set the timer to hide the tooltip some time later... // (note the fun inline function) this.tooltipTimer = setTimeout(setTooltipState, this.tooltipHideDelay, this, false); this.tooltipShowing = true; } else { /* We're here because either we are meant to be hiding the tooltip, * or we lacked the information needed to show one. So hide it. */ tt.hidePopup(); this.tooltipShowing = false; } } /** Window event handlers **/ /* Initalises, and loads all the data/utilities and prefs. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onLoad = function pwin_onLoad() { // Get ourselves a base object for the object hierarchy. client = new PrefGlobal(); // Kick off the localisation load. initMessages(); // Use localised name. client.viewName = MSG_PREFS_GLOBAL; client.unicodeName = client.viewName; client.prettyName = client.viewName; // Use the window mediator service to prevent mutliple instances. var windowMediator = Components.classes[MEDIATOR_CONTRACTID]; var windowManager = windowMediator.getService(nsIWindowMediator); var enumerator = windowManager.getEnumerator(CONFIG_WINDOWTYPE); // We only want one open at a time because don't (currently) cope with // pref-change notifications. In fact, it's not easy to cope with. // Save it for some time later. :) enumerator.getNext(); if (enumerator.hasMoreElements()) { alert(MSG_PREFS_ALREADYOPEN); window.close(); return; } // Make sure we know what host we're on. initApplicationCompatibility(); // Kick off the core pref initalisation code. initPrefs(); // Turn off all notifications, or it'll get confused when any pref // does change. client.prefManager.onPrefChanged = function(){}; // The list of objects we're tacking the prefs of. this.prefObjects = new PrefObjectList(); /* Oh, this is such an odd way to do this. But hey, it works. :) * What we do is ask the pref branch for the client object to give us * a list of all the preferences under it. This just gets us all the * Chatzilla prefs. Then, we filter them so that we only deal with * ones for networks, channels and users. This means, even if only * one pref is set for a channel, we get it's network and channel * object created here. */ var prefRE = new RegExp("^networks.([^.]+)" + "(?:\\.(users|channels)?\\.([^.]+))?\\."); var rv = new Object(); var netList = client.prefManager.prefBranch.getChildList("networks.", rv); for (var i in netList) { var m = netList[i].match(prefRE); if (!m) continue; var netName = unMungeNetworkName(m[1]); /* We're forcing the network into existance (3rd param) if the * pref is actually set, as opposed to just being known about (the * pref branch will list all *known* prefs, not just those set). * * NOTE: |force| will, if |true|, set a property on the object so it * will still exist next time we're here. If |false|, the * the object will only come into existance if this magical * [hidden] pref is set. */ var force = client.prefManager.prefBranch.prefHasUserValue(netList[i]); // Don't bother with the new if it's already there (time saving). if (!(":" + netName in client.networks)) new PrefNetwork(client, netName, force); if ((2 in m) && (3 in m) && (":" + netName in client.networks)) { let net = client.networks[":" + netName]; // Create a channel object if appropriate. if (m[2] == "channels") new PrefChannel(net.primServ, unMungeNetworkName(m[3]), force); // Create a user object if appropriate. if (m[2] == "users") new PrefUser(net.primServ, unMungeNetworkName(m[3]), force); } } // Store out object that represents the current view. var currentView = null; // Enumerate source window's tab list... if (("arguments" in window) && (0 in window.arguments) && ("client" in window.arguments[0])) { /* Make sure we survive this, external data could be bad. :) */ try { var czWin = window.arguments[0]; var s; var n, c, u; this.ownerClient = czWin.client; this.ownerClient.configWindow = window; /* Go nick the source window's view list. We can then show items in * the tree for the currently connected/shown networks, channels * and users even if they don't have any known prefs yet. * * NOTE: the |false, true| params tell the objects to not force * any prefs into existance, but still show in the tree. */ for (i = 0; i < czWin.client.viewsArray.length; i++) { var view = czWin.client.viewsArray[i].source; // Network view... if (view.TYPE == "IRCNetwork") { n = new PrefNetwork(client, view.unicodeName, false, true); if (view == czWin.client.currentObject) currentView = n; } if (view.TYPE.match(/^IRC(Channel|User)$/)) { n = new PrefNetwork(client, view.parent.parent.unicodeName, false, true); s = n.primServ; } // Channel view... if (view.TYPE == "IRCChannel") { c = new PrefChannel(s, view.unicodeName, false, true); if (view == czWin.client.currentObject) currentView = c; } // User view... if (view.TYPE == "IRCUser") { u = new PrefUser(s, view.unicodeName, false, true); if (view == czWin.client.currentObject) currentView = u; } } } catch(ex) {} } // Add the client object... this.prefObjects.addObject(client); // ...and everyone else. var i, j; /* We sort the keys (property names, i.e. network names). This means the UI * will show them in lexographical order, which is good. */ var sortedNets = keys(client.networks).sort(); for (i = 0; i < sortedNets.length; i++) { net = client.networks[sortedNets[i]]; this.prefObjects.addObject(net); var sortedChans = keys(net.channels).sort(); for (j = 0; j < sortedChans.length; j++) this.prefObjects.addObject(net.channels[sortedChans[j]]); var sortedUsers = keys(net.users).sort(); for (j = 0; j < sortedUsers.length; j++) this.prefObjects.addObject(net.users[sortedUsers[j]]); } // Select the first item in the list. var prefTree = document.getElementById("pref-tree-object"); if ("selection" in prefTree.treeBoxObject) prefTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0); else prefTree.view.selection.select(0); // Find and select the current view. for (i = 0; i < this.prefObjects.objects.length; i++) { if (this.prefObjects.objects[i] == currentView) { if ("selection" in prefTree.treeBoxObject) prefTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(i); else prefTree.view.selection.select(i); } } this.onSelectObject(); // We're done, without error, so it's safe to show the stuff. document.getElementById("loadDeck").selectedIndex = 1; // This allows [OK] to actually save, without this it'll just close. this.loaded = true; // Force the window to be the right size now, not later. window.sizeToContent(); // XXX: If we're on mac, make it wider because the default theme's // tabs are huge: if (client.platform == "Mac") window.resizeBy(140, 0); // Center window. if (("arguments" in window) && (0 in window.arguments)) { var ow = window.arguments[0]; window.moveTo(ow.screenX + Math.max((ow.outerWidth - window.outerWidth ) / 2, 0), ow.screenY + Math.max((ow.outerHeight - window.outerHeight) / 2, 0)); } } /* Closing the window. Clean up. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onClose = function pwin_onClose() { if (this.ownerClient) delete this.ownerClient.configWindow; if (this.loaded) destroyPrefs(); } /* OK button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onOK = function pwin_onOK() { if (this.onApply()) window.close(); return true; } /* Apply button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onApply = function pwin_onApply() { // If the load failed, better not to try to save. if (!this.loaded) return false; try { // Get an array of all the (XUL) items we have to save. var list = getPrefTags(); //if (!confirm("There are " + list.length + " pref tags to save. OK?")) return false; for (var i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { // Save this one pref... var index = list[i].getAttribute("prefobjectindex"); var name = list[i].getAttribute("prefname"); // Get the private data for the object out, since everything is // based on this. var po = this.prefObjects.getObject(index); var pref = po.prefs[name]; var value; // We just need to force the value from the DOMString form to // the right form, so we don't get anything silly happening. switch (pref.type) { case "string": value = list[i].value; break; case "number": value = 1 * list[i].value; break; case "boolean": value = list[i].checked; break; case "array": var l = new Array(); for (var j = 0; j < list[i].childNodes.length; j++) l.push(list[i].childNodes[j].value); value = l; break; default: throw "Unknown pref type: " + pref.type + "!"; } /* Fun stuff. We don't want to save if the user hasn't changed * it. This is so that if the default is defered, and changed, * but this hasn't, we keep the defered default. Which is a * Good Thing. :) */ if (((pref.type != "array") && (value != pref.startVal)) || ((pref.type == "array") && (value.join(";") != pref.startVal.join(";")))) { po.parent.prefs[pref.name] = value; } // Update our saved value, so the above check works the 2nd // time the user clicks Apply. pref.val = value; pref.startVal = pref.val; } return true; } catch (e) { alert(getMsg(MSG_PREFS_ERR_SAVE, e)); return false; } } /* Cancel button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onCancel = function pwin_onCancel() { window.close(); return true; } /** Tooltips' event handlers **/ PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefMouseOver = function pwin_onPrefMouseOver(object) { this.tooltipObject = object; this.tooltipTitle = object.getAttribute("tooltiptitle"); this.tooltipText = object.getAttribute("tooltipcontent"); // Reset the timer now we're over a new pref. clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimer); this.tooltipTimer = setTimeout(setTooltipState, this.tooltipShowDelay, this, true); } PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefMouseMove = function pwin_onPrefMouseMove(object) { // If the tooltip isn't showing, we need to reset the timer. if (!this.tooltipShowing) { clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimer); this.tooltipTimer = setTimeout(setTooltipState, this.tooltipShowDelay, this, true); } } PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefMouseOut = function pwin_onPrefMouseOut(object) { // Left the pref! Hide tooltip, and clear timer. this.setTooltipState(false); clearTimeout(this.tooltipTimer); } PrefWindow.prototype.onTooltipPopupShowing = function pwin_onTooltipPopupShowing(popup) { if (!this.tooltipText) return false; var fChild = popup.firstChild; var diff = popup.boxObject.height - fChild.boxObject.height; // Setup the labels... var ttt = document.getElementById("czPrefTipTitle"); ttt.firstChild.nodeValue = this.tooltipTitle; var ttl = document.getElementById("czPrefTipLabel"); ttl.firstChild.nodeValue = this.tooltipText; /* In Gecko 1.9, the popup has done no layout at this point, unlike in * earlier versions. As a result, the box object of all the elements * within it are 0x0. It also means the height of the labels isn't * updated. To deal with this, we avoid calling sizeTo with the box * object (as it's 0) and instead just force the popup height to 0 - * otherwise it will only ever get bigger each time, never smaller. */ if (popup.boxObject.width == 0) this.tooltipBug418798 = true; if (this.tooltipBug418798) popup.height = 0; else popup.sizeTo(popup.boxObject.width, fChild.boxObject.height + diff); return true; } /** Components' event handlers **/ // Selected an item in the tree. PrefWindow.prototype.onSelectObject = function pwin_onSelectObject() { var prefTree = document.getElementById("pref-tree-object"); var rv = new Object(); if ("selection" in prefTree.treeBoxObject) prefTree.treeBoxObject.selection.getRangeAt(0, rv, {}); else prefTree.view.selection.getRangeAt(0, rv, {}); var prefTreeIndex = rv.value; var delButton = document.getElementById("object-delete"); if (prefTreeIndex > 0) delButton.removeAttribute("disabled"); else delButton.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); var prefItem = prefTree.contentView.getItemAtIndex(prefTreeIndex); var pObjectIndex = prefItem.getAttribute("prefobjectindex"); var pObject = this.prefObjects.getObject(pObjectIndex); if (!ASSERT(pObject, "Object not found for index! " + prefItem.getAttribute("prefobjectindex"))) return; pObject.loadXUL(this.prefTabOrder); var header = document.getElementById("pref-header"); header.setAttribute("title", getMsg(MSG_PREFS_FMT_HEADER, pObject.parent.prettyName)); var deck = document.getElementById("pref-object-deck"); deck.selectedIndex = pObject.deckIndex; this.currentObject = pObject; } // Browse button for file prefs. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefBrowse = function pwin_onPrefBrowse(button) { var spec = "$all"; if (button.hasAttribute("spec")) spec = button.getAttribute("spec") + " " + spec; var type = button.getAttribute("kind"); var edit = button.previousSibling.lastChild; var rv; if (type == "folder") { try { // if the user set the pref to an invalid folder, this will throw: var current = getFileFromURLSpec(edit.value); } catch (ex) { // Just setting it to null will work: current = null; } rv = pickGetFolder(MSG_PREFS_BROWSE_TITLE, current); } else { rv = pickOpen(MSG_PREFS_BROWSE_TITLE, spec); } if (!rv.ok) return; edit.value = (type == "file") ? rv.file.path : rv.picker.fileURL.spec; }, // Selection changed on listbox. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListSelect = function pwin_onPrefListSelect(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); var buttons = new Object(); buttons.up = getRelatedItem(object, "button-up"); buttons.down = getRelatedItem(object, "button-down"); buttons.add = getRelatedItem(object, "button-add"); buttons.edit = getRelatedItem(object, "button-edit"); buttons.del = getRelatedItem(object, "button-delete"); if (("selectedItems" in list) && list.selectedItems && list.selectedItems.length) { buttons.edit.removeAttribute("disabled"); buttons.del.removeAttribute("disabled"); } else { buttons.edit.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); buttons.del.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } if (!("selectedItems" in list) || !list.selectedItems || list.selectedItems.length == 0 || list.selectedIndex == 0) { buttons.up.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { buttons.up.removeAttribute("disabled"); } if (!("selectedItems" in list) || !list.selectedItems || list.selectedItems.length == 0 || list.selectedIndex == list.childNodes.length - 1) { buttons.down.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); } else { buttons.down.removeAttribute("disabled"); } } // Up button for lists. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListUp = function pwin_onPrefListUp(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); var selected = list.selectedItems[0]; var before = selected.previousSibling; if (before) { before.parentNode.insertBefore(selected, before); list.selectItem(selected); list.ensureElementIsVisible(selected); } } // Down button for lists. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListDown = function pwin_onPrefListDown(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); var selected = list.selectedItems[0]; if (selected.nextSibling) { if (selected.nextSibling.nextSibling) list.insertBefore(selected, selected.nextSibling.nextSibling); else list.appendChild(selected); list.selectItem(selected); } } // Add button for lists. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListAdd = function pwin_onPrefListAdd(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); var newItem; switch (list.getAttribute("kind")) { case "url": var item = prompt(MSG_PREFS_LIST_ADD); if (item) { newItem = document.createElement("listitem"); newItem.setAttribute("label", item); newItem.value = item; list.appendChild(newItem); this.onPrefListSelect(object); } break; case "file": case "fileurl": var spec = "$all"; var rv = pickOpen(MSG_PREFS_BROWSE_TITLE, spec); if (rv.ok) { var data = { file: rv.file.path, fileurl: rv.picker.fileURL.spec }; var kind = list.getAttribute("kind"); newItem = document.createElement("listitem"); newItem.setAttribute("label", data[kind]); newItem.value = data[kind]; list.appendChild(newItem); this.onPrefListSelect(object); } break; } } // Edit button for lists. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListEdit = function pwin_onPrefListEdit(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); switch (list.getAttribute("kind")) { case "url": case "file": case "fileurl": // We're letting the user edit file types here, since it saves us // a lot of work, and we can't let them pick a file OR a directory, // so they pick a file and can edit it off to use a directory. var listItem = list.selectedItems[0]; var newValue = prompt(MSG_PREFS_LIST_EDIT, listItem.value); if (newValue) { listItem.setAttribute("label", newValue); listItem.value = newValue; } break; } } // Delete button for lists. PrefWindow.prototype.onPrefListDelete = function pwin_onPrefListDelete(object) { var list = getRelatedItem(object, "list"); var listItem = list.selectedItems[0]; if (confirm(getMsg(MSG_PREFS_LIST_DELETE, listItem.value))) list.removeChild(listItem); } /* Add... button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onAddObject = function pwin_onAddObject() { var rv = new Object(); /* Try to nobble the current selection and pre-fill as needed. */ switch (this.currentObject.parent.TYPE) { case "PrefNetwork": rv.type = "net"; rv.net = this.currentObject.parent.unicodeName; break; case "PrefChannel": rv.type = "chan"; rv.net = this.currentObject.parent.parent.parent.unicodeName; rv.chan = this.currentObject.parent.unicodeName; break; case "PrefUser": rv.type = "user"; rv.net = this.currentObject.parent.parent.parent.unicodeName; rv.chan = this.currentObject.parent.unicodeName; break; } // Show add dialog, passing the data object along. window.openDialog("config-add.xul", "cz-config-add", "chrome,dialog,modal", rv); if (!rv.ok) return; /* Ok, so what type did they want again? * * NOTE: The param |true| in the object creation calls is for |force|. It * causes the hidden pref to be set for the objects so they are shown * every time this window opens, until the user deletes them. */ switch (rv.type) { case "net": this.prefObjects.addObject(new PrefNetwork(client, rv.net, true)); break; case "chan": if (!(":" + rv.net in client.networks)) this.prefObjects.addObject(new PrefNetwork(client, rv.net, true)); this.prefObjects.addObject(new PrefChannel(client.networks[":" + rv.net].primServ, rv.chan, true)); break; case "user": if (!(":" + rv.net in client.networks)) this.prefObjects.addObject(new PrefNetwork(client, rv.net, true)); this.prefObjects.addObject(new PrefUser(client.networks[":" + rv.net].primServ, rv.chan, true)); break; default: // Oops. Not good, if we got here. alert("Unknown pref type: " + rv.type); } } /* Delete button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onDeleteObject = function pwin_onDeleteObject() { // Save current node before we re-select. var sel = this.currentObject; // Check they want to go ahead. if (!confirm(getMsg(MSG_PREFS_OBJECT_DELETE, sel.parent.unicodeName))) return; // Select a new item BEFORE removing the current item, so the // doesn't freak out on us. var prefTree = document.getElementById("pref-tree-object"); if ("selection" in prefTree.treeBoxObject) prefTree.treeBoxObject.selection.select(0); else prefTree.view.selection.select(0); // If it's a network, nuke all the channels and users too. if (sel.parent.TYPE == "PrefNetwork") { var chans = sel.parent.channels; for (k in chans) PrefObjectList.getPrivateData(chans[k]).clear(); var users = sel.parent.users; for (k in users) PrefObjectList.getPrivateData(users[k]).clear(); } sel.clear(); this.onSelectObject(); } /* Reset button. */ PrefWindow.prototype.onResetObject = function pwin_onResetObject() { // Save current node before we re-select. var sel = this.currentObject; // Check they want to go ahead. if (!confirm(getMsg(MSG_PREFS_OBJECT_RESET, sel.parent.unicodeName))) return; // Reset the prefs. sel.reset(); } // End of PrefWindow. // /*** Base functions... ***/ /* Gets a "related" items, such as the buttons associated with a list. */ function getRelatedItem(object, thing) { switch (object.nodeName) { case "listbox": switch (thing) { case "list": return object; case "button-up": return object.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[0]; case "button-down": return object.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[1]; case "button-add": return object.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[3]; case "button-edit": return object.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[4]; case "button-delete": return object.parentNode.nextSibling.childNodes[5]; } break; case "button": var n = object.parentNode.previousSibling.lastChild; if (n) return getRelatedItem(n, thing); break; } return null; } // Wrap this call so we have the right |this|. function setTooltipState(w, s) { w.setTooltipState(s); } // Reverses the Pref Manager's munging of network names. function unMungeNetworkName(name) { name = ecmaUnescape(name); return name.replace(/_/g, ":").replace(/-/g, "."); } // Adds a button to a container, setting up the command in a simple way. function appendButton(cont, oncommand, attr) { var btn = document.createElement("button"); if (attr) for (var a in attr) btn.setAttribute(a, attr[a]); if (oncommand) btn.setAttribute("oncommand", "gPrefWindow." + oncommand + "(this);"); else btn.setAttribute("disabled", "true"); cont.appendChild(btn); } // Like appendButton, but just drops in a separator. function appendSeparator(cont, attr) { var spacer = document.createElement("separator"); if (attr) for (var a in attr) spacer.setAttribute(a, attr[a]); cont.appendChild(spacer); } /* This simply collects together all the , and * elements that have the attribute "prefname". Thus, we generate a list of * all elements that are for prefs. */ function getPrefTags() { var rv = new Array(); var i, list; list = document.getElementsByTagName("textbox"); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].hasAttribute("prefname")) rv.push(list[i]); } list = document.getElementsByTagName("checkbox"); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].hasAttribute("prefname")) rv.push(list[i]); } list = document.getElementsByTagName("listbox"); for (i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].hasAttribute("prefname")) rv.push(list[i]); } return rv; } // Sets up the "extra1" button (Apply). function setupButtons() { // Hacky-hacky-hack. Looks like the new toolkit does provide a solution, // but we need to support SeaMonkey too. :) var dialog = document.documentElement; dialog.getButton("extra1").label = dialog.getAttribute("extra1Label"); } // And finally, we want one of these. var gPrefWindow = new PrefWindow();