/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ window.onresize = function onresize() { for (var i = 0; i < client.deck.childNodes.length; i++) scrollDown(client.deck.childNodes[i], true); } function onInputFocus() { } function showErrorDlg(message) { const XUL_MIME = "application/vnd.mozilla.xul+xml"; const XUL_KEY = "http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/" + "gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul"; const TITLE = "ChatZilla run-time error"; const HEADER = "There was a run-time error with ChatZilla. " + "Please report the following information:"; const OL_JS = "document.getElementById('tb').value = '%S';"; const TB_STYLE = ' multiline="true" readonly="true"' + ' style="width: 60ex; height: 20em;"'; const ERROR_DLG = '' + '' + '' + '' + ''; var content = message.replace(/\n/g, "\\n"); content = content.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/"/g, """); content = content.replace(//g, ">"); content = ERROR_DLG.replace("%S", content); content = encodeURIComponent(content); content = "data:" + XUL_MIME + "," + content; setTimeout(function() { window.openDialog(content, "_blank", "chrome,modal"); }, 100); } function onLoad() { dd ("Initializing ChatZilla {"); try { init(); } catch (ex) { dd("caught exception while initializing:\n" + dumpObjectTree(ex)); var exception = formatException(ex) + (ex.stack && "\n" + ex.stack); showErrorDlg(exception + "\n" + dumpObjectTree(ex)); } dd("}"); mainStep(); } function initHandlers() { var node; node = document.getElementById("input"); node.addEventListener("keypress", onInputKeyPress, false); node = document.getElementById("multiline-input"); node.addEventListener("keypress", onMultilineInputKeyPress, false); node.active = false; window.onkeypress = onWindowKeyPress; window.isFocused = false; window.addEventListener("focus", onWindowFocus, true); window.addEventListener("blur", onWindowBlue, true); client.inputPopup = null; // Should fail silently pre-moz1.4 doCommandWithParams("cmd_clipboardDragDropHook", {addhook: CopyPasteHandler}); } function onClose() { // Assume close needs authorization from user. var close = false; // Close has already been authorized. if ("userClose" in client && client.userClose) close = true; // Not connected, no need for authorization. if (!("getConnectionCount" in client) || (client.getConnectionCount() == 0)) close = true; if (!close) { // Authorization needed from user. client.wantToQuit(); return false; } return true; } function onUnload() { dd("Shutting down ChatZilla."); /* Disable every loaded & enabled plugin to give them all a chance to * clean up anything beyond the ChatZilla window (e.g. libraries). All * errors are disregarded as there's nothing we can do at this point. * Wipe the plugin list afterwards for safety. */ for (var k in client.plugins) { if ((client.plugins[k].API > 0) && client.plugins[k].enabled) { try { client.plugins[k].disable(); } catch(ex) {} } } client.plugins = new Object(); // Close all dialogs. if ("joinDialog" in client) client.joinDialog.close(); if ("configWindow" in client) client.configWindow.close(); if ("installPluginDialog" in client) client.installPluginDialog.close(); if ("aboutDialog" in client) client.aboutDialog.close(); // We don't trust anybody. client.hiddenDocument = null; uninitOfflineIcon(); uninitIdleAutoAway(client.prefs["awayIdleTime"]); destroy(); } function onNotImplemented() { alert (getMsg("onNotImplementedMsg")); } /* tab click */ function onTabClick(e, id) { if (e.which != 2) return; var tbi = document.getElementById(id); var view = client.viewsArray[tbi.getAttribute("viewKey")]; if (e.which == 2) { dispatch("hide", { view: view.source, source: "mouse" }); return; } } function onTabSelect(e) { var tabs = e.target; /* Hackaround, bug 314230. XBL likes focusing a tab before onload has fired. * That means the tab we're trying to select here will be the hidden one, * which doesn't have a viewKey. We catch that case. */ if (!tabs.selectedItem.hasAttribute("viewKey")) return; var key = tabs.selectedItem.getAttribute("viewKey"); var view = client.viewsArray[key]; dispatch("set-current-view", {view:view.source}); } function onMessageViewClick(e) { if ((e.which != 1) && (e.which != 2)) return true; var cx = getMessagesContext(null, e.target); cx.source = "mouse"; cx.shiftKey = e.shiftKey; var command = getEventCommand(e); if (!client.commandManager.isCommandSatisfied(cx, command)) return false; dispatch(command, cx); dispatch("focus-input"); e.preventDefault(); return true; } function onMessageViewMouseDown(e) { if ((typeof startScrolling != "function") || ((e.which != 1) && (e.which != 2))) { return true; } var cx = getMessagesContext(null, e.target); var command = getEventCommand(e); if (!client.commandManager.isCommandSatisfied(cx, command)) startScrolling(e); return true; } function onMessageViewContextMenu(e) { var elem = e.target; var menu = document.getElementById("context:messages"); while (elem) { if (elem.localName && elem.localName.toLowerCase() == "input") { menu = document.getElementById("context:edit"); break; } elem = elem.parentNode; } document.popupNode = e.target; if ("openPopupAtScreen" in menu) menu.openPopupAtScreen(e.screenX, e.screenY, true); else menu.showPopup(null, e.screenX + 2, e.screenY + 2, "context", "", ""); e.stopPropagation(); e.preventDefault(); } function getEventCommand(e) { let where = Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.link.open_newwindow"); if ((where != 3) && ((e.which == 2) || e.ctrlKey) && Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.tabs.opentabfor.middleclick", true)) where = 3; if (where == 2) return "goto-url-newwin"; if (where == 3) return "goto-url-newtab"; return "goto-url"; } function onMouseOver (e) { var i = 0; var target = e.target; var status = ""; while (!status && target && i < 5) { if ("getAttribute" in target) { status = target.getAttribute("href"); if (!status) status = target.getAttribute("status-text"); } ++i; target = target.parentNode; } // Setting client.status to "" will revert it to the default automatically. client.status = status; } function onMultilineInputKeyPress (e) { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode == 13) { /* meta-enter, execute buffer */ onMultilineSend(e); } else { if ((e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) && e.keyCode == 40) { /* ctrl/meta-down, switch to single line mode */ dispatch ("pref multiline false"); } } } function onMultilineSend(e) { var multiline = document.getElementById("multiline-input"); e.line = multiline.value; if (e.line.search(/\S/) == -1) return; onInputCompleteLine (e); multiline.value = ""; if (("multiLineForPaste" in client) && client.multiLineForPaste) client.prefs["multiline"] = false; } function onTooltip(event) { const XLinkNS = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink"; var tipNode = event.originalTarget; var titleText = null; var XLinkTitleText = null; var element = document.tooltipNode; while (element && (element != document.documentElement)) { if (element.nodeType == Node.ELEMENT_NODE) { var text; if (element.hasAttribute("title")) text = element.getAttribute("title"); else if (element.hasAttributeNS(XLinkNS, "title")) text = element.getAttributeNS(XLinkNS, "title"); if (text) { tipNode.setAttribute("label", text); return true; } } element = element.parentNode; } return false; } function onInputKeyPress (e) { if (client.prefs["outgoing.colorCodes"]) setTimeout(onInputKeyPressCallback, 100, e.target); switch (e.keyCode) { case 9: /* tab */ if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { onTabCompleteRequest(e); e.preventDefault(); } return; case 77: /* Hackaround for carbon on mac sending us this instead of 13 * for ctrl+enter. 77 = "M", and ctrl+M was originally used * to send a CR in a terminal. */ // Fallthrough if ctrl was pressed, otherwise break out to default: if (!e.ctrlKey) break; case 13: /* CR */ e.line = e.target.value; e.target.value = ""; if (e.line.search(/\S/) == -1) return; if (e.ctrlKey) e.line = client.COMMAND_CHAR + "say " + e.line; onInputCompleteLine (e); return; case 37: /* left */ if (e.altKey && e.metaKey) cycleView(-1); return; case 38: /* up */ if (e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey) { /* ctrl/meta-up, switch to multi line mode */ dispatch ("pref multiline true"); } else { if (client.lastHistoryReferenced == -2) { client.lastHistoryReferenced = -1; e.target.value = client.incompleteLine; } else if (client.lastHistoryReferenced < client.inputHistory.length - 1) { e.target.value = client.inputHistory[++client.lastHistoryReferenced]; } } e.preventDefault(); return; case 39: /* right */ if (e.altKey && e.metaKey) cycleView(+1); return; case 40: /* down */ if (client.lastHistoryReferenced > 0) e.target.value = client.inputHistory[--client.lastHistoryReferenced]; else if (client.lastHistoryReferenced == -1) { e.target.value = ""; client.lastHistoryReferenced = -2; } else { client.lastHistoryReferenced = -1; e.target.value = client.incompleteLine; } e.preventDefault(); return; } client.lastHistoryReferenced = -1; client.incompleteLine = e.target.value; } function onTabCompleteRequest (e) { var elem = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; var singleInput = document.getElementById("input"); if (document.getBindingParent(elem) != singleInput) return; var selStart = singleInput.selectionStart; var selEnd = singleInput.selectionEnd; var line = singleInput.value; if (!line) { if ("defaultCompletion" in client.currentObject) singleInput.value = client.currentObject.defaultCompletion; // If there was nothing to complete, help the user: if (!singleInput.value) display(MSG_LEAVE_INPUTBOX, MT_INFO); return; } if (selStart != selEnd) { /* text is highlighted, just move caret to end and exit */ singleInput.selectionStart = singleInput.selectionEnd = line.length; return; } var wordStart = line.substr(0, selStart).search(/\s\S*$/); if (wordStart == -1) wordStart = 0; else ++wordStart; var wordEnd = line.substr(selStart).search(/\s/); if (wordEnd == -1) wordEnd = line.length; else wordEnd += selStart; // Double tab on nothing, inform user how to get out of the input box if (wordEnd == wordStart) { display(MSG_LEAVE_INPUTBOX, MT_INFO); return; } if ("performTabMatch" in client.currentObject) { var word = line.substring(wordStart, wordEnd); var wordLower = word.toLowerCase(); var d = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (d.server) wordLower = d.server.toLowerCase(word); var co = client.currentObject; // We need some special knowledge of how to lower-case strings. var lcFn; if ("getLCFunction" in co) lcFn = co.getLCFunction(); var matches = co.performTabMatch(line, wordStart, wordEnd, wordLower, selStart, lcFn); /* if we get null back, we're supposed to fail silently */ if (!matches) return; var doubleTab = false; var date = new Date(); if ((date - client.lastTabUp) <= client.DOUBLETAB_TIME) doubleTab = true; else client.lastTabUp = date; if (doubleTab) { /* if the user hit tab twice quickly, */ if (matches.length > 0) { /* then list possible completions, */ display(getMsg(MSG_FMT_MATCHLIST, [matches.length, word, matches.sort().join(", ")])); } else { /* or display an error if there are none. */ display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_NO_MATCH, word), MT_ERROR); } } else if (matches.length >= 1) { var match; if (matches.length == 1) match = matches[0]; else match = getCommonPfx(matches, lcFn); singleInput.value = line.substr(0, wordStart) + match + line.substr(wordEnd); if (wordEnd < line.length) { /* if the word we completed was in the middle if the line * then move the cursor to the end of the completed word. */ var newpos = wordStart + match.length; if (matches.length == 1) { /* word was fully completed, move one additional space */ ++newpos; } singleInput.selectionEnd = e.target.selectionStart = newpos; } } } } function onWindowKeyPress(e) { var code = Number(e.keyCode); var w; var newOfs; var userList = document.getElementById("user-list"); var elemFocused = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; const isMac = client.platform == "Mac"; const isLinux = client.platform == "Linux"; const isWindows = client.platform == "Windows"; const isOS2 = client.platform == "OS/2"; const isUnknown = !(isMac || isLinux || isWindows || isOS2); switch (code) { case 9: /* Tab */ // Control-Tab => next tab (all platforms) // Control-Shift-Tab => previous tab (all platforms) if (e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey) { cycleView(e.shiftKey ? -1: 1); e.preventDefault(); } break; case 33: /* Page Up */ case 34: /* Page Down */ // Control-Page Up => previous tab (all platforms) // Control-Page Down => next tab (all platforms) if ((e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey) || (e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey)) { cycleView(2 * code - 67); e.preventDefault(); break; } if (!e.ctrlKey && !e.altKey && !e.metaKey && !e.shiftKey && (elemFocused != userList)) { w = client.currentFrame; newOfs = w.pageYOffset + (w.innerHeight * 0.75) * (2 * code - 67); if (newOfs > 0) w.scrollTo(w.pageXOffset, newOfs); else w.scrollTo(w.pageXOffset, 0); e.preventDefault(); } break; case 37: /* Left Arrow */ case 39: /* Right Arrow */ // Command-Alt-Left Arrow => previous tab (Mac only) // Command-Alt-Right Arrow => next tab (Mac only) if (isMac && e.metaKey && e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.shiftKey) { cycleView(code - 38); e.preventDefault(); } break; case 219: /* [ */ case 221: /* ] */ // Command-Shift-[ => previous tab (Mac only) // Command-Shift-] => next tab (Mac only) if (isMac && e.metaKey && e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) { cycleView(code - 220); e.preventDefault(); } break; case 117: /* F6 */ // F6 => focus next (all platforms) // Shift-F6 => focus previous (all platforms) if (!e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey && !e.metaKey) { advanceKeyboardFocus(e.shiftKey ? -1 : 1); e.preventDefault(); } break; } // Code is zero if we have a typeable character triggering the event. if (code != 0) return; // OS X only: Command-{ and Command-} // Newer geckos seem to only provide these keys in charCode, not keyCode if (isMac && e.metaKey && e.shiftKey && !e.altKey && !e.ctrlKey) { if (e.charCode == 123 || e.charCode == 125) { cycleView(e.charCode - 124); e.preventDefault(); return; } } // Numeric shortcuts // The following code is copied from: // /mozilla/browser/base/content/browser.js // Revision: 1.748 // Lines: 1397-1421 // \d in a RegExp will find any Unicode character with the "decimal digit" // property (Nd) var regExp = /\d/; if (!regExp.test(String.fromCharCode(e.charCode))) return; // Some Unicode decimal digits are in the range U+xxx0 - U+xxx9 and some are // in the range U+xxx6 - U+xxxF. Find the digit 1 corresponding to our // character. var digit1 = (e.charCode & 0xFFF0) | 1; if (!regExp.test(String.fromCharCode(digit1))) digit1 += 6; var idx = e.charCode - digit1; if ((0 <= idx) && (idx <= 8)) { var modifier = (e.altKey ? 0x1 : 0) | (e.ctrlKey ? 0x2 : 0) | (e.shiftKey ? 0x4 : 0) | (e.metaKey ? 0x8 : 0); var modifierMask; if (client.prefs["tabGotoKeyModifiers"]) modifierMask = client.prefs["tabGotoKeyModifiers"]; else modifierMask = 0x1; // alt if ((modifier & modifierMask) == modifierMask) { // Pressing 1-8 takes you to that tab, while pressing 9 takes you // to the last tab always. if (idx == 8) idx = client.viewsArray.length - 1; if ((idx in client.viewsArray) && client.viewsArray[idx].source) { var newView = client.viewsArray[idx].source; dispatch("set-current-view", { view: newView }); } e.preventDefault(); return; } } } function onWindowFocus(e) { window.isFocused = true; } function onWindowBlue(e) { window.isFocused = false; // If we're tracking last read lines, set a mark on the current view // when losing focus. if (client.currentObject && client.currentObject.prefs["autoMarker"]) client.currentObject.dispatch("marker-set"); } function onInputCompleteLine(e) { if (!client.inputHistory.length || client.inputHistory[0] != e.line) { client.inputHistory.unshift(e.line); if (client.inputHistoryLogger) client.inputHistoryLogger.append(e.line); } if (client.inputHistory.length > client.MAX_HISTORY) client.inputHistory.pop(); client.lastHistoryReferenced = -1; client.incompleteLine = ""; if (e.line[0] == client.COMMAND_CHAR) { if (client.prefs["outgoing.colorCodes"]) e.line = replaceColorCodes(e.line); dispatch(e.line.substr(1), null, true); } else /* plain text */ { /* color codes */ if (client.prefs["outgoing.colorCodes"]) e.line = replaceColorCodes(e.line); client.sayToCurrentTarget(e.line, true); } } function onNotifyTimeout() { for (var n in client.networks) { var net = client.networks[n]; if (net.isConnected()) { if ((net.prefs["notifyList"].length > 0) && (!net.primServ.supports["monitor"])) { let isonList = net.prefs["notifyList"]; net.primServ.sendData ("ISON " + isonList.join(" ") + "\n"); } else { /* Just send a ping to see if we're alive. */ net.primServ.sendData ("PING :ALIVECHECK\n"); } } } } function onWhoTimeout() { function checkWho() { var checkNext = (net.lastWhoCheckChannel == null); for (var c in net.primServ.channels) { var chan = net.primServ.channels[c]; if (checkNext && chan.active && chan.getUsersLength() < client.prefs["autoAwayCap"]) { net.primServ.LIGHTWEIGHT_WHO = true; net.primServ.who(chan.unicodeName); net.lastWhoCheckChannel = chan; net.lastWhoCheckTime = Number(new Date()); return; } if (chan == net.lastWhoCheckChannel) checkNext = true; } if (net.lastWhoCheckChannel) { net.lastWhoCheckChannel = null; checkWho(); } }; for (var n in client.networks) { var net = client.networks[n]; var period = net.prefs["autoAwayPeriod"]; // The time since the last check, with a 5s error margin to // stop us from not checking because the timer fired a tad early: var waited = Number(new Date()) - net.lastWhoCheckTime + 5000; if (net.isConnected() && (period != 0) && (period * 60000 < waited) && !net.primServ.caps["away-notify"]) checkWho(); } } function onInputKeyPressCallback (el) { function doPopup(popup) { if (client.inputPopup && client.inputPopup != popup) client.inputPopup.hidePopup(); client.inputPopup = popup; if (popup) { if (el.nodeName == "textbox") { popup.showPopup(el, -1, -1, "tooltip", "topleft", "bottomleft"); } else { var box = el.ownerDocument.getBoxObjectFor(el); var pos = { x: client.mainWindow.screenX + box.screenX + 5, y: client.mainWindow.screenY + box.screenY + box.height + 25 }; popup.moveTo(pos.x, pos.y); popup.showPopup(el, 0, 0, "tooltip"); } } } var text = " " + el.value.substr(0, el.selectionStart); if (el.selectionStart != el.selectionEnd) text = ""; if (text.match(/[^%]%C[0-9]{0,2},?[0-9]{0,2}$/)) doPopup(document.getElementById("colorTooltip")); else if (text.match(/[^%]%$/)) doPopup(document.getElementById("percentTooltip")); else doPopup(null); } function onUserDoubleClick(event) { if ((event.button != 0) || event.altKey || event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey || event.shiftKey) { return; } var userList = document.getElementById("user-list"); if (!userList.view || !userList.view.selection) return; var currentIndex = userList.view.selection.currentIndex; if (currentIndex < 0) return; var nickname = getNicknameForUserlistRow(currentIndex); dispatch("query", {nickname: nickname, source: "mouse"}); } client.onFindEnd = CIRCNetwork.prototype.onFindEnd = CIRCChannel.prototype.onFindEnd = CIRCUser.prototype.onFindEnd = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onFindEnd = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onFindEnd = function this_onfindend(e) { this.scrollToElement("selection", "inview"); } CIRCChannel.prototype._updateConferenceMode = function my_updateconfmode() { const minDiff = client.CONFERENCE_LOW_PASS; var enabled = this.prefs["conference.enabled"]; var userLimit = this.prefs["conference.limit"]; var userCount = this.getUsersLength(); if (userLimit == 0) { // userLimit == 0 --> always off. if (enabled) this.prefs["conference.enabled"] = false; } else if (userLimit == 1) { // userLimit == 1 --> always on. if (!enabled) this.prefs["conference.enabled"] = true; } else if (enabled && (userCount < userLimit - minDiff)) { this.prefs["conference.enabled"] = false; } else if (!enabled && (userCount > userLimit + minDiff)) { this.prefs["conference.enabled"] = true; } } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpClientinfo = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_CLIENTINFO; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpAction = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_ACTION; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpTime = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_TIME; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpVersion = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_VERSION; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpSource = function serv_csrchelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_SOURCE; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpOs = function serv_oshelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_OS; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpHost = function serv_hosthelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_HOST; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpPing = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_PING; } CIRCServer.prototype.CTCPHelpDcc = function serv_ccinfohelp() { return MSG_CTCPHELP_DCC; } /** * Calculates delay before the next automatic connection attempt. * * If the number of connection attempts is limited, use fixed interval * MIN_RECONNECT_MS. For unlimited attempts (-1), use exponential backoff: the * interval between connection attempts to the network (not individual * servers) is doubled after each attempt, up to MAX_RECONNECT_MS. */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.getReconnectDelayMs = function my_getReconnectDelayMs() { var nServers = this.serverList.length; if ((-1 != this.MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS) || (0 != this.connectCandidate % nServers)) { return this.MIN_RECONNECT_MS; } var networkRound = Math.ceil(this.connectCandidate / nServers); var rv = this.MIN_RECONNECT_MS * Math.pow(2, networkRound - 1); // clamp rv between MIN/MAX_RECONNECT_MS rv = Math.min(Math.max(rv, this.MIN_RECONNECT_MS), this.MAX_RECONNECT_MS); return rv; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onInit = function net_oninit () { this.logFile = null; this.lastServer = null; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onInfo = function my_netinfo (e) { this.display(e.msg, "INFO", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onUnknown = function my_unknown (e) { if ("pendingWhoisLines" in e.server) { /* whois lines always have the nick in param 2 */ e.user = new CIRCUser(e.server, null, e.params[2]); e.destMethod = "onUnknownWhois"; e.destObject = this; return; } e.params.shift(); /* remove the code */ e.params.shift(); /* and the dest. nick (always me) */ // Handle random IRC numerics automatically. var msg = getMsg("msg.irc." + e.code, null, ""); if (msg) { if (arrayIndexOf(e.server.channelTypes, e.params[0][0]) != -1) { // Message about a channel (e.g. join failed). e.channel = new CIRCChannel(e.server, null, e.params[0]); } var targetDisplayObj = this; if (e.channel && ("messages" in e.channel)) targetDisplayObj = e.channel; // Check for /knock support for the +i message. if (((e.code == 471) || (e.code == 473) || (e.code == 475)) && ("knock" in e.server.servCmds)) { var args = [msg, e.channel.unicodeName, "knock " + e.channel.unicodeName]; msg = getMsg("msg.irc." + e.code + ".knock", args, ""); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; targetDisplayObj.display(msg, undefined, undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; } else { targetDisplayObj.display(msg, undefined, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } if (e.channel) { if (e.channel.busy) { e.channel.busy = false; updateProgress(); } } else { // Network type error? if (this.busy) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); } } return; } /* if it looks like some kind of "end of foo" code, and we don't * already have a mapping for it, make one up */ var length = e.params.length; if (!(e.code in client.responseCodeMap) && (e.params[length - 1].search (/^end of/i) != -1)) { client.responseCodeMap[e.code] = "---"; } this.display(toUnicode(e.params.join(" "), this), e.code.toUpperCase(), undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.lastWhoCheckChannel = null; CIRCNetwork.prototype.lastWhoCheckTime = 0; CIRCNetwork.prototype.on001 = /* Welcome! */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on002 = /* your host is */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on003 = /* server born-on date */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on004 = /* server id */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on005 = /* server features */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on250 = /* highest connection count */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on251 = /* users */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on252 = /* opers online (in params[2]) */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on254 = /* channels found (in params[2]) */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on255 = /* link info */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on265 = /* local user details */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on266 = /* global user details */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on375 = /* start of MOTD */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on372 = /* MOTD line */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on376 = /* end of MOTD */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on422 = /* no MOTD */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on670 = /* STARTTLS Success */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on691 = /* STARTTLS Failure */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on902 = /* SASL Nick locked */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on903 = /* SASL Auth success */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on904 = /* SASL Auth failed */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on905 = /* SASL Command too long */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on906 = /* SASL Aborted */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on907 = /* SASL Already authenticated */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on908 = /* SASL Mechanisms */ function my_showtonet (e) { var p = (3 in e.params) ? e.params[2] + " " : ""; var str = ""; switch (e.code) { case "004": case "005": str = e.params.slice(3).join(" "); break; case "001": // Code moved to lower down to speed this bit up. :) var c, u; // If we've switched servers, *first* we must rehome our objects. if (this.lastServer && (this.lastServer != this.primServ)) { for (c in this.lastServer.channels) this.lastServer.channels[c].rehome(this.primServ); for (u in this.lastServer.users) this.lastServer.users[u].rehome(this.primServ); // This makes sure we have the *right* me object. this.primServ.me.rehome(this.primServ); } // Update the list of ignored users from the prefs: var ignoreAry = this.prefs["ignoreList"]; for (var j = 0; j < ignoreAry.length; ++j) this.ignoreList[ignoreAry[j]] = getHostmaskParts(ignoreAry[j]); // Update everything. // Welcome to history. addURLToHistory(this.getURL()); updateTitle(this); this.updateHeader(); client.updateHeader(); updateSecurityIcon(); updateStalkExpression(this); client.ident.removeNetwork(this); // Figure out what nick we *really* want: if (this.prefs["away"] && this.prefs["awayNick"]) this.preferredNick = this.prefs["awayNick"]; else this.preferredNick = this.prefs["nickname"]; // Pretend this never happened. delete this.pendingNickChange; str = e.decodeParam(2); break; case "251": /* users */ this.doAutoPerform(); // Set our initial monitor list if ((this.primServ.supports["monitor"]) && (this.prefs["notifyList"].length > 0)) { this.primServ.sendMonitorList(this.prefs["notifyList"], true); } this.isIdleAway = client.isIdleAway; if (this.prefs["away"]) this.dispatch("away", { reason: this.prefs["away"] }); if (this.lastServer) { // Re-join channels from previous connection. for (c in this.primServ.channels) { var chan = this.primServ.channels[c]; if (chan.joined) chan.join(chan.mode.key); } } this.lastServer = this.primServ; if ("pendingURLs" in this) { var target = this.pendingURLs.pop(); while (target) { gotoIRCURL(target.url, target.e); target = this.pendingURLs.pop(); } delete this.pendingURLs; } // Do this after the JOINs, so they are quicker. // This is not time-critical code. if (client.prefs["dcc.enabled"] && this.prefs["dcc.useServerIP"]) { var delayFn = function(t) { // This is the quickest way to get out host/IP. t.pendingUserhostReply = true; t.primServ.sendData("USERHOST " + t.primServ.me.encodedName + "\n"); }; setTimeout(delayFn, 1000 * Math.random(), this); } // Had some collision during connect. if (this.primServ.me.unicodeName != this.preferredNick) { this.reclaimLeft = this.RECLAIM_TIMEOUT; this.reclaimName(); } if ("onLogin" in this) { ev = new CEvent("network", "login", this, "onLogin"); client.eventPump.addEvent(ev); } str = e.decodeParam(e.params.length - 1); break; case "376": /* end of MOTD */ case "422": /* no MOTD */ this.busy = false; updateProgress(); /* Some servers (wrongly) dont send 251, so try auto-perform after the MOTD as well */ this.doAutoPerform(); /* no break */ case "372": case "375": case "376": if (this.IGNORE_MOTD) return; /* no break */ default: str = e.decodeParam(e.params.length - 1); break; } this.displayHere(p + str, e.code.toUpperCase(), undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onUnknownCTCPReply = function my_ctcprunk (e) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_FMT_CTCPREPLY, [toUnicode(e.CTCPCode, this), toUnicode(e.CTCPData, this), e.user.unicodeName]), "CTCP_REPLY", e.user, e.server.me, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onNotice = function my_notice(e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(e.decodeParam(2), "NOTICE", this, e.server.me, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onPrivmsg = function my_privmsg(e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(e.decodeParam(2), "PRIVMSG", this, e.server.me, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } /* userhost reply */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on302 = function my_302(e) { if (client.prefs["dcc.enabled"] && this.prefs["dcc.useServerIP"] && ("pendingUserhostReply" in this)) { var me = new RegExp("^" + this.primServ.me.encodedName + "\\*?=", "i"); if (e.params[2].match(me)) client.dcc.addHost(this.primServ.me.host, true); delete this.pendingUserhostReply; return true; } e.destMethod = "onUnknown"; e.destObject = this; return true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on303 = /* ISON (aka notify) reply */ function my_303 (e) { function lower(text) { return e.server.toLowerCase(text); }; var onList = new Array(); // split() gives an array of one item ("") when splitting "", which we // don't want, so only do the split if there's something to split. if (e.params[2]) onList = stringTrim(e.server.toLowerCase(e.params[2])).split(/\s+/); var offList = new Array(); var newArrivals = new Array(); var newDepartures = new Array(); var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); var displayTab; var i; if ("network" in o && o.network == this && client.currentObject != this) displayTab = client.currentObject; for (i = 0; i < this.prefs["notifyList"].length; i++) { if (!arrayContains(onList, lower(this.prefs["notifyList"][i]))) /* user is not on */ offList.push(lower(this.prefs["notifyList"][i])); } if ("onList" in this) { for (i in onList) if (!arrayContains(this.onList, onList[i])) /* we didn't know this person was on */ newArrivals.push(onList[i]); } else this.onList = newArrivals = onList; if ("offList" in this) { for (i in offList) if (!arrayContains(this.offList, offList[i])) /* we didn't know this person was off */ newDepartures.push(offList[i]); } else this.offList = newDepartures = offList; if (newArrivals.length > 0) { this.displayHere (arraySpeak (newArrivals, "is", "are") + " online.", "NOTIFY-ON", undefined, undefined, e.tags); if (displayTab) displayTab.displayHere (arraySpeak (newArrivals, "is", "are") + " online.", "NOTIFY-ON", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } if (newDepartures.length > 0) { this.displayHere (arraySpeak (newDepartures, "is", "are") + " offline.", "NOTIFY-OFF", undefined, undefined, e.tags); if (displayTab) displayTab.displayHere (arraySpeak (newDepartures, "is", "are") + " offline.", "NOTIFY-OFF", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } this.onList = onList; this.offList = offList; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on730 = /* RPL_MONONLINE */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on731 = /* RPL_MONOFFLINE */ function my_monnotice(e) { var userList = e.params[2].split(","); var nickList = []; var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); var displayTab; var i; var msg; if ("network" in o && o.network == this && client.currentObject != this) displayTab = client.currentObject; for (i = 0; i < userList.length; i++) { var nick = e.server.toLowerCase(userList[i].split("!")[0]); // Make sure this nick is in the notify list. if (this.prefs["notifyList"].indexOf(nick) < 0) { this.prefs["notifyList"].push(nick); this.prefs["notifyList"].update(); } nickList.push(nick); } if (e.code == "730") // RPL_MONONLINE msg = arraySpeak (nickList, "is", "are") + " online."; else // RPL_MONOFFLINE msg = arraySpeak (nickList, "is", "are") + " offline."; this.displayHere(msg, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); if (displayTab) displayTab.displayHere(msg, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on732 = /* RPL_MONLIST */ function my_732(e) { if (!this.pendingNotifyList) this.pendingNotifyList = []; var nickList = e.server.toLowerCase(e.params[2]).split(",") this.pendingNotifyList = this.pendingNotifyList.concat(nickList); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on733 = /* RPL_ENDOFMONLIST */ function my_733(e) { if (this.pendingNotifyList) { this.prefs["notifyList"] = this.pendingNotifyList; this.prefs["notifyList"].update(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_NOTIFY_LIST, arraySpeak(this.pendingNotifyList))); delete this.pendingNotifyList; if (e.params[2]) this.display(e.params[2], e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } else { this.prefs["notifyList"] = []; this.prefs["notifyList"].update(); display(MSG_NO_NOTIFY_LIST, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on734 = /* ERR_MONLISTFULL */ function my_734(e) { var nickList = e.server.toLowerCase(e.params[3]).split(",") var i; var msgname; for (i = 0; i < nickList.length; i++) { var j = this.prefs["notifyList"].indexOf(nickList[i]); if (j >= 0) arrayRemoveAt(this.prefs["notifyList"], j); } this.prefs["notifyList"].update(); if (e.params[4]) this.display(e.params[4], e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags) else this.display(MSG_NOTIFY_FULL); msgname = (nickList.length == 1) ? MSG_NOTIFY_DELONE : MSG_NOTIFY_DELSOME; this.display(getMsg(msgname, arraySpeak(nickList))); } /* away off reply */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on305 = function my_305(e) { this.display(MSG_AWAY_OFF, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); return true; } /* away on reply */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on306 = function my_306(e) { var idleMsgParams = [this.prefs["away"], client.prefs["awayIdleTime"]]; if (!this.isIdleAway) this.display(getMsg(MSG_AWAY_ON, this.prefs["away"]), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); else this.display(getMsg(MSG_IDLE_AWAY_ON, idleMsgParams), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); return true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on263 = /* 'try again' */ function my_263 (e) { /* Urgh, this one's a pain. We need to abort whatever we tried, and start * it again if appropriate. * * Known causes of this message: * - LIST, with or without a parameter. */ if (("_list" in this) && !this._list.done && (this._list.count == 0)) { // We attempted a LIST, and we think it failed. :) this._list.done = true; this._list.error = e.decodeParam(2); // Return early for this one if we're saving it. if ("file" in this._list) return true; } e.destMethod = "onUnknown"; e.destObject = this; return true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.isRunningList = function my_running_list() { /* The list is considered "running" when a cancel is effective. This means * that even if _list.done is true (finished recieving data), we will still * be "running" whilst we have undisplayed items. */ return (("_list" in this) && (!this._list.done || (this._list.length > this._list.displayed)) && !this._list.cancelled); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.list = function my_list(word, file) { const NORMAL_FILE_TYPE = Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE; if (("_list" in this) && !this._list.done) return false; this._list = new Array(); this._list.string = word; this._list.regexp = null; this._list.done = false; this._list.count = 0; if (file) { var lfile = new LocalFile(file); if (!lfile.localFile.exists()) { // futils.umask may be 0022. Result is 0644. lfile.localFile.create(NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o666 & ~futils.umask); } this._list.file = new LocalFile(lfile.localFile, ">"); } if (isinstance(word, RegExp)) { this._list.regexp = word; this._list.string = ""; word = ""; } if (word) this.primServ.sendData("LIST " + fromUnicode(word, this) + "\n"); else this.primServ.sendData("LIST\n"); return true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.listInit = function my_list_init () { function checkEndList (network) { if (network._list.count == network._list.lastLength) { network.on323(); } else { network._list.lastLength = network._list.count; network._list.endTimeout = setTimeout(checkEndList, 5000, network); } } function outputList (network) { const CHUNK_SIZE = 5; var list = network._list; if (list.cancelled) { if (list.done) { /* The server is no longer throwing stuff at us, so now * we can safely kill the list. */ network.display(getMsg(MSG_LIST_END, [list.displayed, list.count])); delete network._list; } else { /* We cancelled the list, but we're still getting data. * Handle that data, but don't display, and do it more * slowly, so we cause less lag. */ setTimeout(outputList, 1000, network); } return; } if (list.length > list.displayed) { var start = list.displayed; var end = list.length; if (end - start > CHUNK_SIZE) end = start + CHUNK_SIZE; for (var i = start; i < end; ++i) network.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_FMT_CHANLIST, list[i]), "322", undefined, undefined, list[i][3]); list.displayed = end; } if (list.done && (list.displayed == list.length)) { if (list.event323) { var length = list.event323.params.length; network.displayHere(list.event323.params[length - 1], "323", undefined, undefined, list.event323.tags); } network.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_LIST_END, [list.displayed, list.count])); } else { setTimeout(outputList, 250, network); } } if (!("_list" in this)) { this._list = new Array(); this._list.string = MSG_UNKNOWN; this._list.regexp = null; this._list.done = false; this._list.count = 0; } if (!("file" in this._list)) { this._list.displayed = 0; if (client.currentObject != this) display (getMsg(MSG_LIST_REROUTED, this.unicodeName)); setTimeout(outputList, 250, this); } this._list.lastLength = 0; this._list.endTimeout = setTimeout(checkEndList, 5000, this); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.abortList = function my_abortList() { this._list.cancelled = true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on321 = /* LIST reply header */ function my_321 (e) { this.listInit(); if (!("file" in this._list)) this.displayHere (e.params[2] + " " + e.params[3], "321"); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on323 = /* end of LIST reply */ function my_323 (e) { if (this._list.endTimeout) { clearTimeout(this._list.endTimeout); delete this._list.endTimeout; } if (("file" in this._list)) this._list.file.close(); this._list.done = true; this._list.event323 = e; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on322 = /* LIST reply */ function my_listrply (e) { if (!("_list" in this) || !("lastLength" in this._list)) this.listInit(); ++this._list.count; /* If the list has been cancelled, don't bother adding all this info * anymore. Do increase the count (above), otherwise we never truly notice * the list being finished. */ if (this._list.cancelled) return; var chanName = e.decodeParam(2); var topic = e.decodeParam(4); if (!this._list.regexp || chanName.match(this._list.regexp) || topic.match(this._list.regexp)) { if (!("file" in this._list)) { this._list.push([chanName, e.params[3], topic, e.tags]); } else { this._list.file.write(fromUnicode(chanName, "UTF-8") + " " + e.params[3] + " " + fromUnicode(topic, "UTF-8") + "\n"); } } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on401 = /* ERR_NOSUCHNICK */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on402 = /* ERR_NOSUCHSERVER */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on403 = /* ERR_NOSUCHCHANNEL */ function my_401(e) { var server, channel, user; /* Note that servers generally only send 401 and 402, sharing the former * between nicknames and channels, but we're ready for anything. */ if (e.code == 402) server = e.decodeParam(2); else if (arrayIndexOf(e.server.channelTypes, e.params[2][0]) != -1) channel = new CIRCChannel(e.server, null, e.params[2]); else user = new CIRCUser(e.server, null, e.params[2]); if (user && this.whoisList && (user.collectionKey in this.whoisList)) { // If this is from a /whois, send a /whowas and don't display anything. this.primServ.whowas(user.unicodeName, 1); this.whoisList[user.collectionKey] = false; return; } if (user) user.display(getMsg(MSG_IRC_401, [user.unicodeName]), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); else if (server) this.display(getMsg(MSG_IRC_402, [server]), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); else if (channel) channel.display(getMsg(MSG_IRC_403, [channel.unicodeName]), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); else dd("on401: unreachable code."); } /* 464; "invalid or missing password", occurs as a reply to both OPER and * sometimes initially during user registration. */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on464 = function my_464(e) { if (this.state == NET_CONNECTING) { // If we are in the process of connecting we are needing a login // password, subtly different from after user registration. this.display(MSG_IRC_464_LOGIN, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } else { e.destMethod = "onUnknown"; e.destObject = this; } } /* end of WHO */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on315 = function my_315 (e) { var matches; if ("whoMatches" in this) matches = this.whoMatches; else matches = 0; if ("pendingWhoReply" in this) this.display(getMsg(MSG_WHO_END, [e.params[2], matches]), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); if ("whoUpdates" in this) { var userlist = document.getElementById("user-list"); for (var c in this.whoUpdates) { for (var i = 0; i < this.whoUpdates[c].length; i++) { var index = this.whoUpdates[c][i].chanListEntry.childIndex; userlist.treeBoxObject.invalidateRow(index); } this.primServ.channels[c].updateUsers(this.whoUpdates[c]); } delete this.whoUpdates; } delete this.pendingWhoReply; delete this.whoMatches; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on352 = function my_352 (e) { //0-352 1-sender 2-channel 3-ident 4-host //5-server 6-nick 7-H/G 8-hops and realname if ("pendingWhoReply" in this) { var status; if (e.user.isAway) status = MSG_GONE; else status = MSG_HERE; this.display(getMsg(MSG_WHO_MATCH, [e.params[6], e.params[3], e.params[4], e.user.desc, status, e.decodeParam(2), e.params[5], e.user.hops]), e.code, e.user, undefined, e.tags); } updateTitle(e.user); if ("whoMatches" in this) ++this.whoMatches; else this.whoMatches = 1; if (!("whoUpdates" in this)) this.whoUpdates = new Object(); if (e.userHasChanges) { for (var c in e.server.channels) { var chan = e.server.channels[c]; if (chan.active && (e.user.collectionKey in chan.users)) { if (!(c in this.whoUpdates)) this.whoUpdates[c] = new Array(); this.whoUpdates[c].push(chan.users[e.user.collectionKey]); } } } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on354 = function my_354(e) { //0-352 1-sender 2-type 3-channel 4-ident 5-host //6-server 7-nick 8-H/G 9-hops 10-account 11-realname if ("pendingWhoReply" in this) { var status; if (e.user.isAway) status = MSG_GONE; else status = MSG_HERE; this.display(getMsg(MSG_WHO_MATCH, [e.params[7], e.params[4], e.params[5], e.user.desc, status, e.decodeParam(3), e.params[6], e.user.hops]), e.code, e.user, undefined, e.tags); } updateTitle(e.user); if ("whoMatches" in this) ++this.whoMatches; else this.whoMatches = 1; if (!("whoUpdates" in this)) this.whoUpdates = new Object(); if (e.userHasChanges) { for (var c in e.server.channels) { var chan = e.server.channels[c]; if (chan.active && (e.user.collectionKey in chan.users)) { if (!(c in this.whoUpdates)) this.whoUpdates[c] = new Array(); this.whoUpdates[c].push(chan.users[e.user.collectionKey]); } } } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on301 = /* user away message */ function my_301(e) { if (e.user.awayMessage != e.user.lastShownAwayMessage) { var params = [e.user.unicodeName, e.user.awayMessage]; e.user.display(getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_AWAY, params), e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); e.user.lastShownAwayMessage = e.user.awayMessage; } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on311 = /* whois name */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on319 = /* whois channels */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on312 = /* whois server */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on317 = /* whois idle time */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on318 = /* whois end of whois*/ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on330 = /* ircu's 330 numeric ("X is logged in as Y") */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onUnknownWhois = /* misc whois line */ function my_whoisreply (e) { var text = "egads!"; var nick = e.params[2]; var lowerNick = this.primServ.toLowerCase(nick); var user; if (this.whoisList && (e.code != 318) && (lowerNick in this.whoisList)) this.whoisList[lowerNick] = true; if (e.user) { user = e.user; nick = user.unicodeName; } switch (Number(e.code)) { case 311: // Clear saved away message so it appears and can be reset. if (e.user) e.user.lastShownAwayMessage = ""; text = getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_NAME, [nick, e.params[3], e.params[4], e.decodeParam(6)]); break; case 319: var ary = stringTrim(e.decodeParam(3)).split(" "); text = getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_CHANNELS, [nick, arraySpeak(ary)]); break; case 312: text = getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_SERVER, [nick, e.params[3], e.params[4]]); break; case 317: text = getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_IDLE, [nick, formatDateOffset(Number(e.params[3])), new Date(Number(e.params[4]) * 1000)]); break; case 318: // If the user isn't here, then we sent a whowas in on401. // Don't display the "end of whois" message. if (this.whoisList && (lowerNick in this.whoisList) && !this.whoisList[lowerNick]) { delete this.whoisList[lowerNick]; return; } if (this.whoisList) delete this.whoisList[lowerNick]; text = getMsg(MSG_WHOIS_END, nick); if (user) user.updateHeader(); break; case 330: text = getMsg(MSG_FMT_LOGGED_ON, [e.decodeParam(2), e.params[3]]); break; default: text = toUnicode(e.params.splice(2, e.params.length).join(" "), this); } if (e.user) e.user.display(text, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); else this.display(text, e.code, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on341 = /* invite reply */ function my_341 (e) { this.display (getMsg(MSG_YOU_INVITE, [e.decodeParam(2), e.decodeParam(3)]), "341", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onInvite = /* invite message */ function my_invite (e) { var invitee = e.params[1]; if (invitee == e.server.me.unicodeName) { client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(getMsg(MSG_INVITE_YOU, [e.user.unicodeName, e.user.name, e.user.host, e.channel.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, e.channel.getURL()]), "INVITE", undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; if ("messages" in e.channel) e.channel.join(); } else { this.display(getMsg(MSG_INVITE_SOMEONE, [e.user.unicodeName, invitee, e.channel.unicodeName]), "INVITE", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on433 = /* nickname in use */ function my_433 (e) { var nick = toUnicode(e.params[2], this); if ("pendingReclaimCheck" in this) { delete this.pendingReclaimCheck; return; } if (this.state == NET_CONNECTING) { // Force a number, thanks. var nickIndex = 1 * arrayIndexOf(this.prefs["nicknameList"], nick); var newnick = null; dd("433: failed with " + nick + " (" + nickIndex + ")"); var tryList = true; if ((("_firstNick" in this) && (this._firstNick == -1)) || (this.prefs["nicknameList"].length == 0) || ((nickIndex != -1) && (this.prefs["nicknameList"].length < 2))) { tryList = false; } if (tryList) { nickIndex = (nickIndex + 1) % this.prefs["nicknameList"].length; if (("_firstNick" in this) && (this._firstNick == nickIndex)) { // We're back where we started. Give up with this method. this._firstNick = -1; tryList = false; } } if (tryList) { newnick = this.prefs["nicknameList"][nickIndex]; dd(" trying " + newnick + " (" + nickIndex + ")"); // Save first index we've tried. if (!("_firstNick" in this)) this._firstNick = nickIndex; } else if (this.NICK_RETRIES > 0) { newnick = this.INITIAL_NICK + "_"; this.NICK_RETRIES--; dd(" trying " + newnick); } if (newnick) { this.INITIAL_NICK = newnick; this.display(getMsg(MSG_RETRY_NICK, [nick, newnick]), "433", undefined, undefined, e.tags); this.primServ.changeNick(newnick); } else { this.display(getMsg(MSG_NICK_IN_USE, nick), "433", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } else { this.display(getMsg(MSG_NICK_IN_USE, nick), "433", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onStartConnect = function my_sconnect (e) { this.busy = true; updateProgress(); if ("_firstNick" in this) delete this._firstNick; client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_ATTEMPT, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL(), this.unicodeName, "cancel"]), "INFO"); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; if (this.prefs["identd.enabled"]) { try { client.ident.addNetwork(this, e.server); } catch (ex) { display(getMsg(MSG_IDENT_ERROR, formatException(ex)), MT_ERROR); } } this.NICK_RETRIES = this.prefs["nicknameList"].length + 3; // When connection begins, autoperform has not been sent this.autoPerformSent = false; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onError = function my_neterror (e) { var msg; var type = MT_ERROR; if (typeof e.errorCode != "undefined") { switch (e.errorCode) { case JSIRC_ERR_NO_SOCKET: msg = MSG_ERR_NO_SOCKET; break; case JSIRC_ERR_EXHAUSTED: // error already displayed in onDisconnect break; case JSIRC_ERR_OFFLINE: msg = MSG_ERR_OFFLINE; break; case JSIRC_ERR_NO_SECURE: msg = getMsg(MSG_ERR_NO_SECURE, this.unicodeName); break; case JSIRC_ERR_CANCELLED: msg = MSG_ERR_CANCELLED; type = MT_INFO; break; case JSIRC_ERR_PAC_LOADING: msg = MSG_WARN_PAC_LOADING; type = MT_WARN; break; } } else { msg = e.params[e.params.length - 1]; } dispatch("sync-header"); updateTitle(); if (this.state == NET_OFFLINE) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); } client.ident.removeNetwork(this); if (msg) this.display(msg, type); if (e.errorCode == JSIRC_ERR_PAC_LOADING) return; if (this.deleteWhenDone) this.dispatch("delete-view"); delete this.deleteWhenDone; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onDisconnect = function my_netdisconnect (e) { var msg, msgNetwork; var msgType = MT_ERROR; var retrying = true; if (typeof e.disconnectStatus != "undefined") { switch (e.disconnectStatus) { case 0: msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_CLOSED, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_CONNECTION_REFUSED: msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_REFUSED, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_NET_TIMEOUT: msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_TIMEOUT, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_NET_RESET: msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_RESET, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_NET_INTERRUPT: msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_INTERRUPT, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_HOST: msg = getMsg(MSG_UNKNOWN_HOST, [e.server.hostname, this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_UNKNOWN_PROXY_HOST: msg = getMsg(MSG_UNKNOWN_PROXY_HOST, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); break; case NS_ERROR_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED: msg = MSG_PROXY_CONNECTION_REFUSED; break; case NS_ERROR_OFFLINE: msg = MSG_ERR_OFFLINE; retrying = false; break; case NS_ERROR_ABORT: if (Services.io.offline) { msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_ABORT_OFFLINE, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); } else { msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_ABORT_UNKNOWN, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL(), formatException(e.exception)]); } retrying = false; break; default: var errClass = getNSSErrorClass(e.disconnectStatus); // Check here if it's a cert error. // The exception adding dialog will explain the reasons. if (errClass == ERROR_CLASS_BAD_CERT) { var cmd = "ssl-exception"; cmd += " " + e.server.hostname + " " + e.server.port; cmd += " true"; msg = getMsg(MSG_INVALID_CERT, [this.getURL(), cmd]); retrying = false; break; } // If it's a protocol error, we can still display a useful message. var statusMsg = e.disconnectStatus; if (errClass == ERROR_CLASS_SSL_PROTOCOL) { var nssErrSvc = getService("@mozilla.org/nss_errors_service;1", "nsINSSErrorsService"); var errMsg = nssErrSvc.getErrorMessage(e.disconnectStatus); errMsg = errMsg.replace(/\.$/, ""); statusMsg += " (" + errMsg + ")"; } msg = getMsg(MSG_CLOSE_STATUS, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL(), statusMsg]); break; } } else { msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_CLOSED, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL()]); } // e.quitting signals the disconnect was intended: don't use "ERROR". if (e.quitting) { msgType = "DISCONNECT"; msg = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_QUIT, [this.getURL(), e.server.getURL(), this.unicodeName, "reconnect"]); msgNetwork = msg; } // We won't reconnect if the error was really bad, or if the user doesn't // want us to do so. else if (!retrying || !this.stayingPower) { msgNetwork = msg; } else { var delayStr = formatDateOffset(this.getReconnectDelayMs() / 1000); if (this.MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS == -1) { msgNetwork = getMsg(MSG_RECONNECTING_IN, [msg, delayStr, this.unicodeName, "cancel"]); } else if (this.connectAttempt < this.MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS) { var left = this.MAX_CONNECT_ATTEMPTS - this.connectAttempt; if (left == 1) { msgNetwork = getMsg(MSG_RECONNECTING_IN_LEFT1, [msg, delayStr, this.unicodeName, "cancel"]); } else { msgNetwork = getMsg(MSG_RECONNECTING_IN_LEFT, [msg, left, delayStr, this.unicodeName, "cancel"]); } } else { msgNetwork = getMsg(MSG_CONNECTION_EXHAUSTED, msg); } } /* If we were connected ok, put an error on all tabs. If we were only * /trying/ to connect, and failed, just put it on the network tab. */ client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; if (this.state == NET_ONLINE) { for (var v in client.viewsArray) { var obj = client.viewsArray[v].source; if (obj == this) { obj.displayHere(msgNetwork, msgType); } else if (obj != client) { var details = getObjectDetails(obj); if ("server" in details && details.server == e.server) obj.displayHere(msg, msgType); } } } else { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); // Don't do anything if we're cancelling. if (this.state != NET_CANCELLING) { this.displayHere(msgNetwork, msgType); } } client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; for (var c in this.primServ.channels) { var channel = this.primServ.channels[c]; channel._clearUserList(); } dispatch("sync-header"); updateTitle(); updateProgress(); updateSecurityIcon(); client.ident.removeNetwork(this); if ("userClose" in client && client.userClose && client.getConnectionCount() == 0) window.close(); // Renew the STS policy. if (e.server.isSecure && ("sts" in e.server.caps) && client.sts.ENABLED) { var policy = client.sts.parseParameters(e.server.capvals["sts"]); client.sts.setPolicy(e.server.hostname, e.server.port, policy.duration); } if (("reconnect" in this) && this.reconnect) { if ("stsUpgradePort" in this) { e.server.port = this.stsUpgradePort; e.server.isSecure = true; delete this.stsUpgradePort; } this.connect(this.requireSecurity); delete this.reconnect; } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onCTCPReplyPing = function my_replyping (e) { // see bug 326523 if (stringTrim(e.CTCPData).length != 13) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_PING_REPLY_INVALID, e.user.unicodeName), "INFO", e.user, "ME!", e.tags); return; } var delay = formatDateOffset((new Date() - new Date(Number(e.CTCPData))) / 1000); this.display(getMsg(MSG_PING_REPLY, [e.user.unicodeName, delay]), "INFO", e.user, "ME!", e.tags); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.on221 = CIRCNetwork.prototype.onUserMode = function my_umode (e) { if ("user" in e && e.user) { e.user.updateHeader(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_USER_MODE, [e.user.unicodeName, e.params[2]]), MT_MODE, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } else { this.display(getMsg(MSG_USER_MODE, [e.params[1], e.params[2]]), MT_MODE, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onNick = function my_cnick (e) { if (!ASSERT(userIsMe(e.user), "network nick event for third party")) return; if (("pendingNickChange" in this) && (this.pendingNickChange == e.user.unicodeName)) { this.prefs["nickname"] = e.user.unicodeName; this.preferredNick = e.user.unicodeName; delete this.pendingNickChange; } if (getTabForObject(this)) { this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_NEWNICK_YOU, e.user.unicodeName), "NICK", "ME!", e.user, e.tags); } this.updateHeader(); updateStalkExpression(this); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onPing = function my_netping (e) { this.updateHeader(this); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onPong = function my_netpong (e) { this.updateHeader(this); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onWallops = function my_netwallops(e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; if (e.user) this.display(e.msg, "WALLOPS/WALLOPS", e.user, this, e.tags); else this.display(e.msg, "WALLOPS/WALLOPS", undefined, this, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } /* unknown command reply */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.on421 = function my_421(e) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_IRC_421, e.decodeParam(2)), MT_ERROR, undefined, undefined, e.tags); return true; } /* cap reply */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onCap = function my_cap(e) { if (e.params[2] == "LS") { // Handle the STS upgrade policy if we have one. if (e.server.pendingCapNegotiation && e.stsUpgradePort) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_STS_UPGRADE, e.stsUpgradePort)); this.reconnect = true; this.stsUpgradePort = e.stsUpgradePort; this.quit(MSG_RECONNECTING); return true; } // Don't show the raw message until we've registered. if (this.state == NET_ONLINE) { var listCaps = new Array(); for (var cap in e.server.caps) { var value = e.server.capvals[cap]; if (value) cap += "=" + value; listCaps.push(cap); } if (listCaps.length > 0) { listCaps.sort(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_SUPPORTS_CAPS, listCaps.join(", "))); } } // Update the STS duration policy. if (e.server.isSecure && ("sts" in e.server.caps) && client.sts.ENABLED) { var policy = client.sts.parseParameters(e.server.capvals["sts"]); client.sts.setPolicy(e.server.hostname, e.server.port, policy.duration); } } else if (e.params[2] == "LIST") { var listCapsEnabled = new Array(); for (var cap in e.server.caps) { if (e.server.caps[cap]) { listCapsEnabled.push(cap); } } if (listCapsEnabled.length > 0) { listCapsEnabled.sort(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_SUPPORTS_CAPSON, listCapsEnabled.join(", "))); } } else if (e.params[2] == "ACK") { if (e.capsOn.length) this.display(getMsg(MSG_CAPS_ON, e.capsOn.join(", "))); if (e.capsOff.length) this.display(getMsg(MSG_CAPS_OFF, e.capsOff.join(", "))); } else if (e.params[2] == "NAK") { this.display(getMsg(MSG_CAPS_ERROR, e.caps.join(", "))); } else if (e.params[2] == "NEW") { // Handle a new STS policy if (client.sts.ENABLED && (arrayContains(e.newcaps, "sts"))) { var policy = client.sts.parseParameters(e.server.capvals["sts"]); if (!e.server.isSecure && policy.port) { // Inform the user of the new upgrade policy and // offer an option to reconnect. client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(getMsg(MSG_STS_UPGRADE_NEW, [this.unicodeName, "reconnect"])); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; } else if (e.server.isSecure && policy.duration) { // Renew the policy's duration. client.sts.setPolicy(e.server.hostname, e.server.port, policy.duration); } } } return true; } // Notify the user of received CTCP requests. CIRCNetwork.prototype.onReceiveCTCP = function my_ccrecv(e) { // Do nothing if we receive these. if ((e.type == "ctcp-action") || (e.type == "ctcp-dcc") || (e.type == "unk-ctcp")) return true; this.display(getMsg(MSG_FMT_CTCPRECV, [toUnicode(e.CTCPCode, this), toUnicode(e.CTCPData, this), e.user.unicodeName]), "CTCP_REQUEST", e.user, e.server.me, e.tags); return true; } /* SASL authentication start */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onSASLStart = function my_saslstart(e) { if (!e.mechs || e.mechs.indexOf("plain") !== -1) e.server.sendData("AUTHENTICATE PLAIN\n"); } /* SASL authentication response */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onAuthenticate = function my_auth(e) { if (e.params[1] !== "+") return; var username = e.server.me.encodedName; var password = client.tryToGetLogin(e.server.parent.getURL(), "sasl", e.server.me.name, null, true, getMsg(MSG_SASL_PASSWORD, username)); if (!password) { // Abort authentication. e.server.sendAuthAbort(); return; } var auth = username + '\0' + username + '\0' + password; e.server.sendAuthResponse(auth); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onNetsplitBatch = function my_netsplit_batch(e) { for (var c in this.primServ.channels) { if (e.starting) { this.startMsgGroup(e.reftag, getMsg(MSG_BATCH_NETSPLIT_START, [e.params[3], e.params[4]]), e.batchtype); } else { this.display(MSG_BATCH_NETSPLIT_END, e.batchtype); this.endMsgGroup(); } } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onNetjoinBatch = function my_netjoin_batch(e) { for (var c in this.primServ.channels) { if (e.starting) { this.startMsgGroup(e.reftag, getMsg(MSG_BATCH_NETJOIN_START, [e.params[3], e.params[4]]), e.batchtype); } else { this.display(MSG_BATCH_NETJOIN_END, e.batchtype); this.endMsgGroup(); } } } CIRCChannel.prototype.onChathistoryBatch = function my_chathistory_batch(e) { if (e.starting) { this.startMsgGroup(e.reftag, getMsg(MSG_BATCH_CHATHISTORY_START, [e.params[3]]), e.batchtype); } else { this.display(MSG_BATCH_CHATHISTORY_END, e.batchtype); this.endMsgGroup(); } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.onUnknownBatch = CIRCChannel.prototype.onUnknownBatch = CIRCUser.prototype.onUnknownBatch = function my_unknown_batch(e) { if (e.starting) { this.startMsgGroup(e.reftag, getMsg(MSG_BATCH_UNKNOWN, [e.batchtype, e.params.slice(3)]), "BATCH"); } else { this.display(MSG_BATCH_UNKNOWN_END, e.batchtype); this.endMsgGroup(); } } /* user away status */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onAway = function my_away(e) { var userlist = document.getElementById("user-list"); for (var c in e.server.channels) { var chan = e.server.channels[c]; if (chan.active && (e.user.collectionKey in chan.users)) { let index = chan.users[e.user.collectionKey].chanListEntry.childIndex; userlist.treeBoxObject.invalidateRow(index); e.server.channels[c].updateUsers([e.user.collectionKey]); } } } /* user host changed */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.onChghost = function my_chghost(e) { e.user.updateHeader(); } CIRCNetwork.prototype.reclaimName = function my_reclaimname() { var network = this; function callback() { network.reclaimName(); }; if ("pendingReclaimCheck" in this) delete this.pendingReclaimCheck; // Function to attempt to get back the nickname the user wants. if ((this.state != NET_ONLINE) || !this.primServ) return false; if (this.primServ.me.unicodeName == this.preferredNick) return false; this.reclaimLeft -= this.RECLAIM_WAIT; if (this.reclaimLeft <= 0) return false; this.pendingReclaimCheck = true; this.INITIAL_NICK = this.preferredNick; this.primServ.changeNick(this.preferredNick); setTimeout(callback, this.RECLAIM_WAIT); return true; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.doAutoPerform = function net_autoperform() { if (("autoPerformSent" in this) && (this.autoPerformSent == false)) { var cmdary = client.prefs["autoperform.network"].concat(this.prefs["autoperform"]); for (var i = 0; i < cmdary.length; ++i) { if (cmdary[i][0] == "/") this.dispatch(cmdary[i].substr(1)); else this.dispatch(cmdary[i]); } this.autoPerformSent = true; } } /* We want to override the base implementations. */ CIRCChannel.prototype._join = CIRCChannel.prototype.join; CIRCChannel.prototype._part = CIRCChannel.prototype.part; CIRCChannel.prototype.join = function chan_join(key) { var joinFailedFn = function _joinFailedFn(t) { delete t.joinTimer; t.busy = false; updateProgress(); } if (!this.joined) { this.joinTimer = setTimeout(joinFailedFn, 30000, this); this.busy = true; updateProgress(); } this._join(key); } CIRCChannel.prototype.part = function chan_part(reason) { var partFailedFn = function _partFailedFn(t) { delete t.partTimer; t.busy = false; updateProgress(); } this.partTimer = setTimeout(partFailedFn, 30000, this); this.busy = true; updateProgress(); this._part(reason); } client.setActivityMarker = CIRCNetwork.prototype.setActivityMarker = CIRCChannel.prototype.setActivityMarker = CIRCUser.prototype.setActivityMarker = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.setActivityMarker = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.setActivityMarker = function view_setactivitymarker(state) { if (!client.initialized) return; // Always clear the activity marker first. var markedRow = this.getActivityMarker(); if (markedRow) { markedRow.classList.remove("chatzilla-line-marker"); } if (state) { // Mark the last row. var target = this.messages.firstChild.lastChild; if (!target) return; target.classList.add("chatzilla-line-marker"); } } client.getActivityMarker = CIRCNetwork.prototype.getActivityMarker = CIRCChannel.prototype.getActivityMarker = CIRCUser.prototype.getActivityMarker = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.getActivityMarker = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.getActivityMarker = function view_getactivitymarker() { return this.messages.querySelector(".chatzilla-line-marker"); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onInit = function chan_oninit () { this.logFile = null; this.pendingNamesReply = false; this.importantMessages = 0; } CIRCChannel.prototype.onPrivmsg = function my_cprivmsg (e) { var msg = e.decodeParam(2); var msgtype = "PRIVMSG"; if ("msgPrefix" in e) msgtype += "/" + e.msgPrefix.symbol; client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(msg, msgtype, e.user, this, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } /* end of names */ CIRCChannel.prototype.on366 = function my_366 (e) { // First clear up old users: var removals = new Array(); while (this.userList.childData.childData.length > 0) { var userToRemove = this.userList.childData.childData[0]._userObj; this.removeFromList(userToRemove); removals.push(userToRemove); } this.removeUsers(removals); var entries = new Array(), updates = new Array(); for (var u in this.users) { entries.push(new UserEntry(this.users[u], this.userListShare)); updates.push(this.users[u]); } this.addUsers(updates); this.userList.childData.appendChildren(entries); if (this.pendingNamesReply) { this.parent.parent.display (e.channel.unicodeName + ": " + e.params[3], "366", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } this.pendingNamesReply = false; // Update conference mode now we have a complete user list. this._updateConferenceMode(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onTopic = /* user changed topic */ CIRCChannel.prototype.on332 = /* TOPIC reply */ function my_topic (e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; if (e.code == "TOPIC") this.display (getMsg(MSG_TOPIC_CHANGED, [this.topicBy, this.topic]), "TOPIC", undefined, undefined, e.tags); if (e.code == "332") { if (this.topic) { this.display (getMsg(MSG_TOPIC, [this.unicodeName, this.topic]), "TOPIC", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } else { this.display(getMsg(MSG_NO_TOPIC, this.unicodeName), "TOPIC", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } this.updateHeader(); updateTitle(this); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCChannel.prototype.on333 = /* Topic setter information */ function my_topicinfo (e) { this.display (getMsg(MSG_TOPIC_DATE, [this.unicodeName, this.topicBy, this.topicDate]), "TOPIC", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCChannel.prototype.on353 = /* names reply */ function my_topic (e) { if (this.pendingNamesReply) { this.parent.parent.display (e.channel.unicodeName + ": " + e.params[4], "NAMES", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } } CIRCChannel.prototype.on367 = /* channel ban stuff */ function my_bans(e) { if ("pendingBanList" in this) return; var msg = getMsg(MSG_BANLIST_ITEM, [e.user.unicodeName, e.ban, this.unicodeName, e.banTime]); if (this.iAmHalfOp() || this.iAmOp()) msg += " " + getMsg(MSG_BANLIST_BUTTON, "mode -b " + e.ban); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(msg, "BAN", undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; } CIRCChannel.prototype.on368 = function my_endofbans(e) { if ("pendingBanList" in this) return; this.display(getMsg(MSG_BANLIST_END, this.unicodeName), "BAN", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCChannel.prototype.on348 = /* channel except stuff */ function my_excepts(e) { if ("pendingExceptList" in this) return; var msg = getMsg(MSG_EXCEPTLIST_ITEM, [e.user.unicodeName, e.except, this.unicodeName, e.exceptTime]); if (this.iAmHalfOp() || this.iAmOp()) msg += " " + getMsg(MSG_EXCEPTLIST_BUTTON, "mode -e " + e.except); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(msg, "EXCEPT", undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; } CIRCChannel.prototype.on349 = function my_endofexcepts(e) { if ("pendingExceptList" in this) return; this.display(getMsg(MSG_EXCEPTLIST_END, this.unicodeName), "EXCEPT", undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCChannel.prototype.on482 = function my_needops(e) { if ("pendingExceptList" in this) return; this.display(getMsg(MSG_CHANNEL_NEEDOPS, this.unicodeName), MT_ERROR, undefined, undefined, e.tags); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onNotice = function my_notice (e) { var msgtype = "NOTICE"; if ("msgPrefix" in e) msgtype += "/" + e.msgPrefix.symbol; client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(e.decodeParam(2), msgtype, e.user, this, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCChannel.prototype.onCTCPAction = function my_caction (e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(e.CTCPData, "ACTION", e.user, this, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCChannel.prototype.onUnknownCTCP = function my_unkctcp (e) { this.display (getMsg(MSG_UNKNOWN_CTCP, [e.CTCPCode, e.CTCPData, e.user.unicodeName]), "BAD-CTCP", e.user, this, e.tags); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onJoin = function my_cjoin (e) { dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: e.channel }); if (userIsMe(e.user)) { var params = [e.user.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName]; this.display(getMsg(MSG_YOU_JOINED, params), "JOIN", e.server.me, this, e.tags); /* Tell the user that conference mode is on, lest they forget (if it * subsequently turns itself off, they'll get a message anyway). */ if (this.prefs["conference.enabled"]) this.display(MSG_CONF_MODE_STAYON); addURLToHistory(this.getURL()); if ("joinTimer" in this) { clearTimeout(this.joinTimer); delete this.joinTimer; this.busy = false; updateProgress(); } /* !-channels are "safe" channels, and get a server-generated prefix. * For this reason, creating the channel is delayed until this point. */ if (e.channel.unicodeName[0] == "!") dispatch("set-current-view", { view: e.channel }); this.doAutoPerform(); } else { if (!this.prefs["conference.enabled"]) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_SOMEONE_JOINED, [e.user.unicodeName, e.user.name, e.user.host, e.channel.unicodeName]), "JOIN", e.user, this, e.tags); } /* Only do this for non-me joins so us joining doesn't reset it (when * we join the usercount is always 1). Also, do this after displaying * the join message so we don't get cryptic effects such as a user * joining causes *only* a "Conference mode enabled" message. */ this._updateConferenceMode(); } /* We don't want to add ourself here, since the names reply we'll be * getting right after the join will include us as well! (FIXME) */ if (!userIsMe(e.user)) { this.addUsers([e.user]); var entry = new UserEntry(e.user, this.userListShare); this.userList.childData.appendChild(entry); this.userList.childData.reSort(); } this.updateHeader(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onPart = function my_cpart(e) { this.removeUsers([e.user]); this.updateHeader(); if (userIsMe(e.user)) { var msg = e.reason ? MSG_YOU_LEFT_REASON : MSG_YOU_LEFT; var params = [e.user.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, e.reason]; this.display(getMsg(msg, params), "PART", e.user, this, e.tags); this._clearUserList(); if ("partTimer" in this) { clearTimeout(this.partTimer); delete this.partTimer; this.busy = false; updateProgress(); } if (this.deleteWhenDone) this.dispatch("delete-view"); delete this.deleteWhenDone; } else { /* We're ok to update this before the message, because the only thing * that can happen is *disabling* of conference mode. */ this._updateConferenceMode(); if (!this.prefs["conference.enabled"]) { var msg = e.reason ? MSG_SOMEONE_LEFT_REASON : MSG_SOMEONE_LEFT; var params = [e.user.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, e.reason]; this.display(getMsg(msg, params), "PART", e.user, this, e.tags); } this.removeFromList(e.user); } } CIRCChannel.prototype.onKick = function my_ckick (e) { if (userIsMe (e.lamer)) { if (e.user) { this.display (getMsg(MSG_YOURE_GONE, [e.lamer.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, e.user.unicodeName, e.reason]), "KICK", e.user, this, e.tags); } else { this.display (getMsg(MSG_YOURE_GONE, [e.lamer.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, MSG_SERVER, e.reason]), "KICK", (void 0), this, e.tags); } this._clearUserList(); /* Try 1 re-join attempt if allowed. */ if (this.prefs["autoRejoin"]) this.join(this.mode.key); } else { var enforcerProper, enforcerNick; if (e.user && userIsMe(e.user)) { enforcerProper = "YOU"; enforcerNick = "ME!"; } else if (e.user) { enforcerProper = e.user.unicodeName; enforcerNick = e.user.encodedName; } else { enforcerProper = MSG_SERVER; enforcerNick = MSG_SERVER; } this.display(getMsg(MSG_SOMEONE_GONE, [e.lamer.unicodeName, e.channel.unicodeName, enforcerProper, e.reason]), "KICK", e.user, this, e.tags); this.removeFromList(e.lamer); } this.removeUsers([e.lamer]); this.updateHeader(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.removeFromList = function my_removeFromList(user) { // Remove the user from the list and 'disconnect' the user from their entry: var idx = user.chanListEntry.childIndex; this.userList.childData.removeChildAtIndex(idx); delete user.chanListEntry._userObj; delete user.chanListEntry; } CIRCChannel.prototype.onChanMode = function my_cmode (e) { if (e.code == "MODE") { var msg = e.decodeParam(1); for (var i = 2; i < e.params.length; i++) msg += " " + e.decodeParam(i); var source = e.user ? e.user.unicodeName : e.source; this.display(getMsg(MSG_MODE_CHANGED, [msg, source]), "MODE", (e.user || null), this, e.tags); } else if ("pendingModeReply" in this) { var msg = e.decodeParam(3); for (var i = 4; i < e.params.length; i++) msg += " " + e.decodeParam(i); var view = ("messages" in this && this.messages) ? this : e.network; view.display(getMsg(MSG_MODE_ALL, [this.unicodeName, msg]), "MODE", undefined, undefined, e.tags); delete this.pendingModeReply; } var updates = new Array(); for (var u in e.usersAffected) updates.push(e.usersAffected[u]); this.updateUsers(updates); this.updateHeader(); updateTitle(this); if (client.currentObject == this) updateUserList(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onNick = function my_cnick (e) { if (userIsMe (e.user)) { if (getTabForObject(this)) { this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_NEWNICK_YOU, e.user.unicodeName), "NICK", "ME!", e.user, e.tags); } this.parent.parent.updateHeader(); } else if (!this.prefs["conference.enabled"]) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_NEWNICK_NOTYOU, [e.oldNick, e.user.unicodeName]), "NICK", e.user, this, e.tags); } this.updateUsers([e.user]); if (client.currentObject == this) updateUserList(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.onQuit = function my_cquit (e) { if (userIsMe(e.user)) { /* I dont think this can happen */ var pms = [e.user.unicodeName, e.server.parent.unicodeName, e.reason]; this.display(getMsg(MSG_YOU_QUIT, pms),"QUIT", e.user, this, e.tags); this._clearUserList(); } else { // See onPart for why this is ok before the message. this._updateConferenceMode(); if (!this.prefs["conference.enabled"]) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_SOMEONE_QUIT, [e.user.unicodeName, e.server.parent.unicodeName, e.reason]), "QUIT", e.user, this, e.tags); } } this.removeUsers([e.user]); this.removeFromList(e.user); this.updateHeader(); } CIRCChannel.prototype.doAutoPerform = function my_cautoperform() { var cmdary = client.prefs["autoperform.channel"].concat(this.prefs["autoperform"]); for (var i = 0; i < cmdary.length; ++i) { if (cmdary[i][0] == "/") this.dispatch(cmdary[i].substr(1)); else this.dispatch(cmdary[i]); } } CIRCChannel.prototype._clearUserList = function _my_clearuserlist() { if (this.userList && this.userList.childData && this.userList.childData.childData) { this.userList.freeze(); var len = this.userList.childData.childData.length; while (len > 0) { var entry = this.userList.childData.childData[--len]; this.userList.childData.removeChildAtIndex(len); delete entry._userObj.chanListEntry; delete entry._userObj; } this.userList.thaw(); } } CIRCUser.prototype.onInit = function user_oninit () { this.logFile = null; this.lastShownAwayMessage = ""; } CIRCUser.prototype.onPrivmsg = function my_cprivmsg(e) { var sourceObj = e.user; var destObj = e.server.me; var displayObj = this; if (!("messages" in this)) { var limit = client.prefs["newTabLimit"]; if (limit == 0 || client.viewsArray.length < limit) { if (e.user != e.server.me) { openQueryTab(e.server, e.user.unicodeName); } else { // This is a self-message, i.e. we received a message that // looks like it came from us. Display it accordingly. sourceObj = e.server.me; destObj = openQueryTab(e.server, e.params[1]); displayObj = destObj; } } } client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; displayObj.display(e.decodeParam(2), "PRIVMSG", sourceObj, destObj, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCUser.prototype.onNick = function my_unick (e) { if (userIsMe(e.user)) { this.parent.parent.updateHeader(); updateTitle(); } else if ("messages" in this && this.messages) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_NEWNICK_NOTYOU, [e.oldNick, e.user.unicodeName]), "NICK", e.user, this, e.tags); } this.updateHeader(); var tab = getTabForObject(this); if (tab) tab.setAttribute("label", this.unicodeName); } CIRCUser.prototype.onNotice = function my_notice (e) { var msg = e.decodeParam(2); var displayMailto = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; var ary = msg.match(/^\[([^ ]+)\]\s+/); if (ary) { var channel = e.server.getChannel(ary[1]); if (channel) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = displayMailto; channel.display(msg, "NOTICE", this, e.server.me, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; return; } } var sourceObj = this; var destObj = e.server.me; var displayObj = this; if (e.user == e.server.me) { // This is a self-message, i.e. we received a message that // looks like it came from us. Display it accordingly. var sourceObj = e.server.me; var destObj = e.server.addTarget(e.params[1]); var displayObj = e.server.parent; } client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = displayMailto; displayObj.display(msg, "NOTICE", sourceObj, destObj, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCUser.prototype.onCTCPAction = function my_uaction(e) { if (!("messages" in this)) { var limit = client.prefs["newTabLimit"]; if (limit == 0 || client.viewsArray.length < limit) openQueryTab(e.server, e.user.unicodeName); } client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.display(e.CTCPData, "ACTION", this, e.server.me, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCUser.prototype.onUnknownCTCP = function my_unkctcp (e) { this.parent.parent.display (getMsg(MSG_UNKNOWN_CTCP, [e.CTCPCode, e.CTCPData, e.user.unicodeName]), "BAD-CTCP", this, e.server.me, e.tags); } function onDCCAutoAcceptTimeout(o, folder) { // user may have already accepted or declined if (o.state.state != DCC_STATE_REQUESTED) return; if (o.TYPE == "IRCDCCChat") { o.accept(); display(getMsg(MSG_DCCCHAT_ACCEPTED, o._getParams()), "DCC-CHAT"); } else { var dest, leaf, tries = 0; while (true) { leaf = escapeFileName(o.filename); if (++tries > 1) { // A file with the same name as the offered file already exists // in the user's download folder. Add [x] before the extension. // The extension is the last dot to the end of the string, // unless it is one of the special-cased compression extensions, // in which case the second to last dot is used. The second // extension can only contain letters, to avoid mistakes like // "patch-version1[2].0.gz". If no file extension is present, // the [x] is just appended to the filename. leaf = leaf.replace(/(\.[a-z]*\.(gz|bz2|z)|\.[^\.]*|)$/i, "[" + tries + "]$&"); } dest = getFileFromURLSpec(folder); dest.append(leaf); if (!dest.exists()) break; } o.accept(dest); display(getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_ACCEPTED, o._getParams()), "DCC-FILE"); } } CIRCUser.prototype.onDCCChat = function my_dccchat(e) { if (!client.prefs["dcc.enabled"]) return; var u = client.dcc.addUser(e.user, e.host); var c = client.dcc.addChat(u, e.port); var str = MSG_DCCCHAT_GOT_REQUEST; var cmds = getMsg(MSG_DCC_COMMAND_ACCEPT, "dcc-accept " + c.id) + " " + getMsg(MSG_DCC_COMMAND_DECLINE, "dcc-decline " + c.id); var allowList = this.parent.parent.prefs["dcc.autoAccept.list"]; for (var m = 0; m < allowList.length; ++m) { if (hostmaskMatches(e.user, getHostmaskParts(allowList[m]))) { var acceptDelay = client.prefs["dcc.autoAccept.delay"]; if (acceptDelay == 0) { str = MSG_DCCCHAT_ACCEPTING_NOW; } else { str = MSG_DCCCHAT_ACCEPTING; cmds = [(acceptDelay / 1000), cmds]; } setTimeout(onDCCAutoAcceptTimeout, acceptDelay, c); break; } } client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.parent.parent.display(getMsg(str, c._getParams().concat(cmds)), "DCC-CHAT", undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; // Pass the event over to the DCC Chat object. e.set = "dcc-chat"; e.destObject = c; e.destMethod = "onGotRequest"; } CIRCUser.prototype.onDCCSend = function my_dccsend(e) { if (!client.prefs["dcc.enabled"]) return; var u = client.dcc.addUser(e.user, e.host); var f = client.dcc.addFileTransfer(u, e.port, e.file, e.size); var str = MSG_DCCFILE_GOT_REQUEST; var cmds = getMsg(MSG_DCC_COMMAND_ACCEPT, "dcc-accept " + f.id) + " " + getMsg(MSG_DCC_COMMAND_DECLINE, "dcc-decline " + f.id); var allowList = this.parent.parent.prefs["dcc.autoAccept.list"]; for (var m = 0; m < allowList.length; ++m) { if (hostmaskMatches(e.user, getHostmaskParts(allowList[m]), this.parent)) { var acceptDelay = client.prefs["dcc.autoAccept.delay"]; if (acceptDelay == 0) { str = MSG_DCCFILE_ACCEPTING_NOW; } else { str = MSG_DCCFILE_ACCEPTING; cmds = [(acceptDelay / 1000), cmds]; } setTimeout(onDCCAutoAcceptTimeout, acceptDelay, f, this.parent.parent.prefs["dcc.downloadsFolder"]); break; } } client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.parent.parent.display(getMsg(str,[e.user.unicodeName, e.host, e.port, e.file, getSISize(e.size)].concat(cmds)), "DCC-FILE", undefined, undefined, e.tags); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; // Pass the event over to the DCC File object. e.set = "dcc-file"; e.destObject = f; e.destMethod = "onGotRequest"; } CIRCUser.prototype.onDCCReject = function my_dccreject(e) { if (!client.prefs["dcc.enabled"]) return; //FIXME: Uh... cope. // // Pass the event over to the DCC Chat object. //e.set = "dcc-file"; //e.destObject = f; //e.destMethod = "onGotReject"; } CIRCUser.prototype.doAutoPerform = function my_autoperform() { var cmdary = client.prefs["autoperform.user"].concat(this.prefs["autoperform"]); for (var i = 0; i < cmdary.length; ++i) { if (cmdary[i][0] == "/") this.dispatch(cmdary[i].substr(1)); else this.dispatch(cmdary[i]); } } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onInit = function my_dccinit(e) { } CIRCDCCChat.prototype._getParams = function my_dccgetparams() { return [this.unicodeName, this.remoteIP, this.port]; } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onPrivmsg = function my_dccprivmsg(e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.displayHere(toUnicode(e.line, this), "PRIVMSG", e.user, "ME!"); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onCTCPAction = function my_uaction(e) { client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = client.prefs["munger.mailto"]; this.displayHere(e.CTCPData, "ACTION", e.user, "ME!"); client.munger.getRule(".mailto").enabled = false; } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onUnknownCTCP = function my_unkctcp(e) { this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_UNKNOWN_CTCP, [e.CTCPCode, e.CTCPData, e.user.unicodeName]), "BAD-CTCP", e.user, "ME!"); } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onConnect = function my_dccconnect(e) { playEventSounds("dccchat", "connect"); this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_DCCCHAT_OPENED, this._getParams()), "DCC-CHAT"); } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onAbort = function my_dccabort(e) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_DCCCHAT_ABORTED, this._getParams()), "DCC-CHAT"); } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onFail = function my_dccfail(e) { this.display(getMsg(MSG_DCCCHAT_FAILED, this._getParams()), "DCC-CHAT"); } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.onDisconnect = function my_dccdisconnect(e) { playEventSounds("dccchat", "disconnect"); this.display(getMsg(MSG_DCCCHAT_CLOSED, this._getParams()), "DCC-CHAT"); } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onInit = function my_dccfileinit(e) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype._getParams = function my_dccfilegetparams() { var dir = MSG_UNKNOWN; if (this.state.dir == DCC_DIR_GETTING) dir = MSG_DCCLIST_FROM; if (this.state.dir == DCC_DIR_SENDING) dir = MSG_DCCLIST_TO; return [this.filename, dir, this.unicodeName, this.remoteIP, this.port]; } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onConnect = function my_dccfileconnect(e) { this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_OPENED, this._getParams()), "DCC-FILE"); this.busy = true; this.speed = 0; updateProgress(); this._lastUpdate = new Date(); this._lastPosition = 0; this._lastSpeedTime = new Date(); } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onProgress = function my_dccfileprogress(e) { var now = new Date(); var pcent = this.progress; var tab = getTabForObject(this); // If we've moved 100KiB or waited 10s, update the progress bar. if ((this.position > this._lastPosition + 102400) || (now - this._lastUpdate > 10000)) { updateProgress(); updateTitle(); if (tab) tab.setAttribute("label", this.viewName + " (" + pcent + "%)"); var change = (this.position - this._lastPosition); var speed = change / ((now - this._lastSpeedTime) / 1000); // B/s this._lastSpeedTime = now; /* Use an average of the last speed, and this speed, so we get a little * smoothing to it. */ this.speed = (this.speed + speed) / 2; this.updateHeader(); this._lastPosition = this.position; } // If it's also been 10s or more since we last displayed a msg... if (now - this._lastUpdate > 10000) { this._lastUpdate = now; var args = [pcent, getSISize(this.position), getSISize(this.size), getSISpeed(this.speed)]; // We supress this message if the view is hidden. if (tab) this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_PROGRESS, args), "DCC-FILE"); } } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onAbort = function my_dccfileabort(e) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); updateTitle(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_ABORTED, this._getParams()), "DCC-FILE"); } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onFail = function my_dccfilefail(e) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); updateTitle(); this.display(getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_FAILED, this._getParams()), "DCC-FILE"); } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.onDisconnect = function my_dccfiledisconnect(e) { this.busy = false; updateProgress(); this.updateHeader(); updateTitle(); var msg, tab = getTabForObject(this); if (tab) tab.setAttribute("label", this.viewName + " (DONE)"); if (this.state.dir == DCC_DIR_GETTING) { var localURL = getURLSpecFromFile(this.localPath); var cmd = "dcc-show-file " + localURL; var msgId = (client.platform == "Mac") ? MSG_DCCFILE_CLOSED_SAVED_MAC : MSG_DCCFILE_CLOSED_SAVED; msg = getMsg(msgId, this._getParams().concat(localURL, cmd)); } else { msg = getMsg(MSG_DCCFILE_CLOSED_SENT, this._getParams()); } client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.display(msg, "DCC-FILE"); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; } var CopyPasteHandler = new Object(); CopyPasteHandler.allowDrop = CopyPasteHandler.allowStartDrag = CopyPasteHandler.onCopyOrDrag = function phand_bogus() { return true; } CopyPasteHandler.onPasteOrDrop = function phand_onpaste(e, data) { // XXXbug 329487: The effect of onPasteOrDrop's return value is actually the // exact opposite of the definition in the IDL. // Don't mess with the multiline box at all. if (client.prefs["multiline"]) return true; var str = new Object(); var strlen = new Object(); data.getTransferData("text/unicode", str, strlen); str.value.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsISupportsString); str.value.data = str.value.data.replace(/(^\s*[\r\n]+|[\r\n]+\s*$)/g, ""); // XXX part of what follows is a very ugly hack to make links (with a title) // not open the multiline box. We 'should' be able to ask the transferable // what flavours it supports, but testing showed that by the time we can ask // for that info, it's forgotten about everything apart from text/unicode. var lines = str.value.data.split("\n"); var m = lines[0].match(client.linkRE); if ((str.value.data.indexOf("\n") == -1) || (m && (m[0] == lines[0]) && (lines.length == 2))) { // If, after stripping leading/trailing empty lines, the string is a // single line, or it's a link with a title, put it back in // the transferable and return. data.setTransferData("text/unicode", str.value, str.value.data.length * 2); return true; } // If it's a drop, move the text cursor to the mouse position. if (e && ("rangeOffset" in e)) client.input.setSelectionRange(e.rangeOffset, e.rangeOffset); str = client.input.value.substr(0, client.input.selectionStart) + str.value.data + client.input.value.substr(client.input.selectionEnd); client.prefs["multiline"] = true; // We want to auto-collapse after send, so the user is not thrown off by the // "strange" input box if they didn't specifically ask for it: client.multiLineForPaste = true; client.input.value = str; return false; } CopyPasteHandler.QueryInterface = function phand_qi(iid) { if (iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports) || iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIClipboardDragDropHooks)) return this; throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } function UserEntry(userObj, channelListShare) { var self = this; function getUName() { return userObj.unicodeName; }; function getSortFn() { if (client.prefs["sortUsersByMode"]) return ule_sortByMode; return ule_sortByName; }; // This object is used to represent a user in the userlist. To work with our // JS tree view, it needs a bunch of stuff that is set through the // constructor and the prototype (see also a couple of lines down). Here we // call the original constructor to do some work for us: XULTreeViewRecord.call(this, channelListShare); // This magic function means the unicodeName is used for display: this.setColumnPropertyName("usercol", getUName); // We need this for sorting by mode (op, hop, voice, etc.) this._userObj = userObj; // When the user leaves, we need to have the entry so we can remove it: userObj.chanListEntry = this; // Gross hack: we set up the sort function by getter so we don't have to go // back (array sort -> xpc -> our pref lib -> xpc -> pref interfaces) for // every bloody compare. Now it will be a function that doesn't need prefs // after being retrieved, which is much much faster. this.__defineGetter__("sortCompare", getSortFn); } // See explanation in the constructor. UserEntry.prototype = XULTreeViewRecord.prototype; function ule_sortByName(a, b) { if (a._userObj.unicodeName == b._userObj.unicodeName) return 0; var aName = a._userObj.unicodeName.toLowerCase(); var bName = b._userObj.unicodeName.toLowerCase(); return (aName < bName ? -1 : 1); } function ule_sortByMode(a, b) { if (a._userObj.sortName == b._userObj.sortName) return 0; var aName = a._userObj.sortName.toLowerCase(); var bName = b._userObj.sortName.toLowerCase(); return (aName < bName ? -1 : 1); }