/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function initMessages() { var path = "chrome://chatzilla/locale/chatzilla.properties"; client.messageManager = new MessageManager(client.entities); client.messageManager.enableHankakuToZenkaku = true; client.messageManager.loadBrands(); client.defaultBundle = client.messageManager.addBundle(path); client.viewName = client.unicodeName = MSG_CLIENT_NAME; client.responseCodeMap = { "HELLO": MSG_RSP_HELLO, "HELP" : MSG_RSP_HELP, "USAGE": MSG_RSP_USAGE, "ERROR": MSG_RSP_ERROR, "WARNING": MSG_RSP_WARN, "INFO": MSG_RSP_INFO, "EVAL-IN": MSG_RSP_EVIN, "EVAL-OUT": MSG_RSP_EVOUT, "DISCONNECT": MSG_RSP_DISCONNECT, "JOIN": "-->|", "PART": "<--|", "QUIT": "|<--", "NICK": "=-=", "TOPIC": "=-=", "KICK": "=-=", "MODE": "=-=", "END_STATUS": "---", "DCC-CHAT": "[DCC]", "DCC-FILE": "[DCC]", "315": "---", /* end of WHO */ "318": "---", /* end of WHOIS */ "366": "---", /* end of NAMES */ "376": "---" /* end of MOTD */ }; } function checkCharset(charset) { return client.messageManager.checkCharset(charset); } function toUnicode (msg, charsetOrView) { if (!msg) return msg; var charset; if (typeof charsetOrView == "object") charset = charsetOrView.prefs["charset"]; else if (typeof charsetOrView == "string") charset = charsetOrView; else charset = client.currentObject.prefs["charset"]; return client.messageManager.toUnicode(msg, charset); } function fromUnicode (msg, charsetOrView) { if (!msg) return msg; var charset; if (typeof charsetOrView == "object") charset = charsetOrView.prefs["charset"]; else if (typeof charsetOrView == "string") charset = charsetOrView; else charset = client.currentObject.prefs["charset"]; return client.messageManager.fromUnicode(msg, charset); } function getMsg(msgName, params, deflt) { return client.messageManager.getMsg(msgName, params, deflt); } function getMsgFrom(bundle, msgName, params, deflt) { return client.messageManager.getMsgFrom(bundle, msgName, params, deflt); } /* message types, don't localize */ const MT_ATTENTION = "ATTENTION"; const MT_ERROR = "ERROR"; const MT_HELLO = "HELLO"; const MT_HELP = "HELP"; const MT_MODE = "MODE"; const MT_WARN = "WARNING"; const MT_INFO = "INFO"; const MT_USAGE = "USAGE"; const MT_STATUS = "STATUS"; const MT_EVALIN = "EVAL-IN"; const MT_EVALOUT = "EVAL-OUT";