/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ var { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "AppConstants", "resource://gre/modules/AppConstants.jsm"); ChromeUtils.defineModuleGetter(this, "PlacesUtils", "resource://gre/modules/PlacesUtils.jsm"); #expand const __cz_version = "__CHATZILLA_VERSION__"; const __cz_condition = "green"; var warn; var ASSERT; var TEST; if (DEBUG) { _dd_pfx = "cz: "; warn = function (msg) { dumpln ("** WARNING " + msg + " **"); } TEST = ASSERT = function _assert(expr, msg) { if (!expr) { dd("** ASSERTION FAILED: " + msg + " **\n" + getStackTrace() + "\n"); return false; } else { return true; } } } else dd = warn = TEST = ASSERT = function (){}; var client = new Object(); client.TYPE = "IRCClient"; client.COMMAND_CHAR = "/"; client.STEP_TIMEOUT = 500; client.MAX_MESSAGES = 200; client.MAX_HISTORY = 50; /* longest nick to show in display before forcing the message to a block level * element */ client.MAX_NICK_DISPLAY = 14; /* longest word to show in display before abbreviating */ client.MAX_WORD_DISPLAY = 20; client.NOTIFY_TIMEOUT = 5 * 60 * 1000; /* update notify list every 5 minutes */ // Check every minute which networks have away statuses that need an update. client.AWAY_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000; client.SLOPPY_NETWORKS = true; /* true if msgs from a network can be displayed * on the current object if it is related to * the network (ie, /whois results will appear * on the channel you're viewing, if that channel * is on the network that the results came from) */ client.DOUBLETAB_TIME = 500; client.HIDE_CODES = true; /* true if you'd prefer to show numeric response * codes as some default value (ie, "===") */ client.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_CODE = "==="; /* Maximum number of channels we'll try to list without complaining */ client.SAFE_LIST_COUNT = 500; /* Minimum number of users above or below the conference limit the user count * must go, before it is changed. This allows the user count to fluctuate * around the limit without continously going on and off. */ client.CONFERENCE_LOW_PASS = 10; client.viewsArray = new Array(); client.activityList = new Object(); client.hostCompat = new Object(); client.inputHistory = new Array(); client.lastHistoryReferenced = -1; client.incompleteLine = ""; client.lastTabUp = new Date(); client.awayMsgs = new Array(); client.awayMsgCount = 5; client.statusMessages = new Array(); CIRCNetwork.prototype.INITIAL_CHANNEL = ""; CIRCNetwork.prototype.STS_MODULE = new CIRCSTS(); CIRCNetwork.prototype.MAX_MESSAGES = 100; CIRCNetwork.prototype.IGNORE_MOTD = false; CIRCNetwork.prototype.RECLAIM_WAIT = 15000; CIRCNetwork.prototype.RECLAIM_TIMEOUT = 400000; CIRCNetwork.prototype.MIN_RECONNECT_MS = 15 * 1000; // 15s CIRCNetwork.prototype.MAX_RECONNECT_MS = 2 * 60 * 60 * 1000; // 2h CIRCServer.prototype.READ_TIMEOUT = 0; CIRCServer.prototype.PRUNE_OLD_USERS = 0; // prune on user quit. CIRCUser.prototype.MAX_MESSAGES = 200; CIRCChannel.prototype.MAX_MESSAGES = 300; function init() { if (("initialized" in client) && client.initialized) return; client.initialized = false; client.networks = new Object(); client.entities = new Object(); client.eventPump = new CEventPump (200); if (DEBUG) { /* hook all events EXCEPT server.poll and *.event-end types * (the 4th param inverts the match) */ client.debugHook = client.eventPump.addHook([{type: "poll", set:/^(server|dcc-chat)$/}, {type: "event-end"}], event_tracer, "event-tracer", true /* negate */, false /* disable */); } initApplicationCompatibility(); initMessages(); initCommands(); initPrefs(); initMunger(); initNetworks(); initMenus(); initStatic(); initHandlers(); // Create DCC handler. client.dcc = new CIRCDCC(client); client.ident = new IdentServer(client); // Initialize the STS module. var stsFile = new nsLocalFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); stsFile.append("sts.json"); client.sts = CIRCNetwork.prototype.STS_MODULE; client.sts.init(stsFile); client.sts.ENABLED = client.prefs["sts.enabled"]; // Start log rotation checking first. This will schedule the next check. checkLogFiles(); // Start logging. Nothing should call display() before this point. if (client.prefs["log"]) client.openLogFile(client); // Make sure the userlist is on the correct side. updateUserlistSide(client.prefs["userlistLeft"]); client.display(MSG_WELCOME, "HELLO"); client.dispatch("set-current-view", { view: client }); /* * Due to Firefox 44 changes regarding ES6 lexical scope, these 'const' * items are no longer accessible from the global object ('window') but * are required by the output window. The compromise is to copy them on * to the global object so they can be used. */ window.__cz_version = __cz_version; window.__cz_condition = __cz_condition; window.NET_CONNECTING = NET_CONNECTING; importFromFrame("updateHeader"); importFromFrame("setHeaderState"); importFromFrame("changeCSS"); importFromFrame("scrollToElement"); importFromFrame("updateMotifSettings"); importFromFrame("addUsers"); importFromFrame("updateUsers"); importFromFrame("removeUsers"); processStartupScripts(); client.commandManager.installKeys(document); createMenus(); client.busy = false; updateProgress(); initOfflineIcon(); updateAlertIcon(false); client.isIdleAway = false; initIdleAutoAway(client.prefs["awayIdleTime"]); client.initialized = true; dispatch("help", { hello: true }); dispatch("networks"); setTimeout(function() { dispatch("focus-input"); }, 0); setTimeout(processStartupAutoperform, 0); setTimeout(processStartupURLs, 0); } function initStatic() { client.mainWindow = window; try { const nsISound = Components.interfaces.nsISound; client.sound = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/sound;1"].createInstance(nsISound); client.soundList = new Object(); } catch (ex) { dd("Sound failed to initialize: " + ex); } try { const nsIAlertsService = Components.interfaces.nsIAlertsService; client.alert = new Object(); client.alert.service = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/alerts-service;1"].getService(nsIAlertsService); client.alert.alertList = new Object(); client.alert.floodProtector = new FloodProtector( client.prefs['alert.floodDensity'], client.prefs['alert.floodDispersion']); } catch (ex) { dd("Alert service failed to initialize: " + ex); client.alert = null; } try { // Mmmm, fun. This ONLY affects the ChatZilla window, don't worry! Date.prototype.toStringInt = Date.prototype.toString; Date.prototype.toString = function() { let dtf = new Services.intl.DateTimeFormat(undefined, { dateStyle: "full", timeStyle: "long" }); return dtf.format(this); } } catch (ex) { dd("Locale-correct date formatting failed to initialize: " + ex); } // XXX Bug 335998: See cmdHideView for usage of this. client.hiddenDocument = document.implementation.createDocument(null, null, null); multilineInputMode(client.prefs["multiline"]); updateSpellcheck(client.prefs["inputSpellcheck"]); // Initialize userlist stuff if (client.prefs["showModeSymbols"]) setListMode("symbol"); else setListMode("graphic"); var tree = document.getElementById('user-list'); tree.setAttribute("ondragstart", "userlistDNDObserver.onDragStart(event);"); setDebugMode(client.prefs["debugMode"]); var version = getVersionInfo(); client.userAgent = getMsg(MSG_VERSION_REPLY, [version.cz, version.ua]); CIRCServer.prototype.VERSION_RPLY = client.userAgent; CIRCServer.prototype.HOST_RPLY = version.host; CIRCServer.prototype.SOURCE_RPLY = MSG_SOURCE_REPLY; client.statusBar = new Object(); client.statusBar["server-nick"] = document.getElementById("server-nick"); client.tabs = document.getElementById("views-tbar-inner"); client.tabDragBar = document.getElementById("tabs-drop-indicator-bar"); client.tabDragMarker = document.getElementById("tabs-drop-indicator"); client.statusElement = document.getElementById("status-text"); client.currentStatus = ""; client.defaultStatus = MSG_DEFAULT_STATUS; client.progressPanel = document.getElementById("status-progress-panel"); client.progressBar = document.getElementById("status-progress-bar"); client.logFile = null; setInterval(onNotifyTimeout, client.NOTIFY_TIMEOUT); // Call every minute, will check only the networks necessary. setInterval(onWhoTimeout, client.AWAY_TIMEOUT); client.awayMsgs = [{ message: MSG_AWAY_DEFAULT }]; var awayFile = new nsLocalFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); awayFile.append("awayMsgs.txt"); if (awayFile.exists()) { var awayLoader = new TextSerializer(awayFile); if (awayLoader.open("<")) { // Load the first item from the file. var item = awayLoader.deserialize(); if (isinstance(item, Array)) { // If the first item is an array, it is the entire thing. client.awayMsgs = item; } else if (item != null) { /* Not an array, so we have the old format of a single object * per entry. */ client.awayMsgs = [item]; while ((item = awayLoader.deserialize())) client.awayMsgs.push(item); } awayLoader.close(); /* we have to close the file before we can move it, * hence the second if statement */ if (item == null) { var invalidFile = new nsLocalFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); invalidFile.append("awayMsgs.invalid"); invalidFile.createUnique(FTYPE_FILE, 0o600); var msg = getMsg(MSG_ERR_INVALID_FILE, [awayFile.leafName, invalidFile.leafName]); setTimeout(function() { client.display(msg, MT_WARN); }, 0); awayFile.moveTo(null, invalidFile.leafName); } } } // Get back input history from previous session: var inputHistoryFile = new nsLocalFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); inputHistoryFile.append("inputHistory.txt"); try { client.inputHistoryLogger = new TextLogger(inputHistoryFile.path, client.MAX_HISTORY); } catch (ex) { msg = getMsg(MSG_ERR_INPUTHISTORY_NOT_WRITABLE, inputHistoryFile.path); setTimeout(function() { client.display(msg, MT_ERROR); }, 0); dd(formatException(ex)); client.inputHistoryLogger = null; } if (client.inputHistoryLogger) client.inputHistory = client.inputHistoryLogger.read().reverse(); // Set up URL collector. var urlsFile = new nsLocalFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); urlsFile.append("urls.txt"); try { client.urlLogger = new TextLogger(urlsFile.path, client.prefs["urls.store.max"]); } catch (ex) { msg = getMsg(MSG_ERR_URLS_NOT_WRITABLE, urlsFile.path); setTimeout(function() { client.display(msg, MT_ERROR); }, 0); dd(formatException(ex)); client.urlLogger = null; } // Migrate old list preference to file. try { // Throws if the preference doesn't exist. if (client.urlLogger) var urls = client.prefManager.prefBranch.getCharPref("urls.list"); } catch (ex) { } if (urls) { // Add the old URLs to the new file. urls = client.prefManager.stringToArray(urls); for (var i = 0; i < urls.length; i++) client.urlLogger.append(urls[i]); // Completely purge the old preference. client.prefManager.prefBranch.clearUserPref("urls.list"); } client.defaultCompletion = client.COMMAND_CHAR + "help "; client.deck = document.getElementById('output-deck'); } function getVersionInfo() { var version = new Object(); version.cz = __cz_version; var app = Cc["@mozilla.org/xre/app-info;1"].getService(Ci.nsIXULAppInfo); version.hostName = app.vendor + " " + app.name; version.hostVersion = app.version; version.host = version.hostName + " " + version.hostVersion + ", " + client.platform; version.hostBuildID = app.platformBuildID; version.ua = app.name + " " + app.version + "/" + version.hostBuildID; return version; } function initApplicationCompatibility() { // This function does nothing more than tweak the UI based on the platform. client.lineEnd = "\n"; // Set up simple platform information. switch (AppConstants.platform) { case "linux": client.platform = "Linux"; break; case "macosx": client.platform = "Mac"; break; case "win": client.platform = "Windows"; // Windows likes \r\n line endings, as notepad can't cope with just // \n logs. client.lineEnd = "\r\n"; break; default: client.platform = "Unknown"; } CIRCServer.prototype.OS_RPLY = navigator.oscpu + " (" + navigator.platform + ")"; } function getFindData(e) { // findNext() wrapper to add our findStart/findEnd events. function _cz_findNext() { // Send start notification. var ev = new CEvent("find", "findStart", e.sourceObject, "onFindStart"); client.eventPump.routeEvent(ev); // Call the original findNext() and keep the result for later. var rv = this.__proto__.findNext(); // Send end notification with result code. var ev = new CEvent("find", "findEnd", e.sourceObject, "onFindEnd"); ev.findResult = rv; client.eventPump.routeEvent(ev); // Return the original findNext()'s result to keep up appearances. return rv; }; // Getter for webBrowserFind property. function _cz_webBrowserFind() { return this._cz_wbf; }; var findData = new nsFindInstData(); findData.browser = e.sourceObject.frame; findData.rootSearchWindow = getContentWindow(e.sourceObject.frame); findData.currentSearchWindow = getContentWindow(e.sourceObject.frame); /* Wrap up the webBrowserFind object so we get called for findNext(). Use * __proto__ so that everything else is exactly like the original object. */ findData._cz_wbf = { findNext: _cz_findNext }; findData._cz_wbf.__proto__ = findData.webBrowserFind; /* Replace the nsFindInstData getter for webBrowserFind to call our * function which in turn returns our object (_cz_wbf). */ findData.__defineGetter__("webBrowserFind", _cz_webBrowserFind); /* Yay, evil hacks! findData.init doesn't care about the findService, it * gets option settings from webBrowserFind. As we want the wrap option *on* * when we use /find foo, we set it on the findService there. However, * restoring the original value afterwards doesn't help, because init() here * overrides that value. Unless we make .init do something else, of course: */ findData._init = findData.init; findData.init = function init() { this._init(); const FINDSVC_ID = "@mozilla.org/find/find_service;1"; var findService = getService(FINDSVC_ID, "nsIFindService"); this.webBrowserFind.wrapFind = findService.wrapFind; }; return findData; } function importFromFrame(method) { client.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); CIRCNetwork.prototype.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); CIRCChannel.prototype.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); CIRCUser.prototype.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); CIRCDCCChat.prototype.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.__defineGetter__(method, import_wrapper); function import_wrapper() { var dummy = function(){}; if (!("frame" in this)) return dummy; try { var window = getContentWindow(this.frame); if (window && "initialized" in window && window.initialized && method in window) { return function import_wrapper_apply() { window[method].apply(this, arguments); }; } } catch (ex) { ASSERT(0, "Caught exception calling: " + method + "\n" + ex); } return dummy; }; } function processStartupScripts() { client.plugins = new Object(); var scripts = client.prefs["initialScripts"]; var basePath = getURLSpecFromFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); var baseURL = Services.io.newURI(basePath); for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; ++i) { try { var url = Services.io.newURI(scripts[i], null, baseURL); var path = getFileFromURLSpec(url.spec); } catch(ex) { var params = ["initialScripts", scripts[i]]; display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_INVALID_PREF, params), MT_ERROR); dd(formatException(ex)); continue; } if (url.scheme != "file" && url.scheme != "chrome") { display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_INVALID_SCHEME, scripts[i]), MT_ERROR); continue; } if (!path.exists()) { display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_ITEM_NOT_FOUND, url.spec), MT_WARN); continue; } if (path.isDirectory()) loadPluginDirectory(path); else loadLocalFile(path); } } function loadPluginDirectory(localPath, recurse) { if (typeof recurse == "undefined") recurse = 1; var initPath = localPath.clone(); initPath.append("init.js"); if (initPath.exists()) loadLocalFile(initPath); if (recurse < 1) return; var enumer = localPath.directoryEntries; while (enumer.hasMoreElements()) { var entry = enumer.getNext(); entry = entry.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsIFile); if (entry.isDirectory()) loadPluginDirectory(entry, recurse - 1); } } function loadLocalFile(localFile) { var url = getURLSpecFromFile(localFile); var glob = new Object(); dispatch("load", {url: url, scope: glob}); } function getPluginById(id) { return client.plugins[id] || null; } function getPluginByURL(url) { for (var k in client.plugins) { if (client.plugins[k].url == url) return client.plugins[k]; } return null; } function disablePlugin(plugin, destroy) { if (!plugin.enabled) { display(getMsg(MSG_IS_DISABLED, plugin.id)); return true; } if (plugin.API > 0) { if (!plugin.disable()) { display(getMsg(MSG_CANT_DISABLE, plugin.id)); return false; } if (destroy) { client.prefManager.removeObserver(plugin.prefManager); plugin.prefManager.destroy(); } else { plugin.prefs["enabled"] = false; } } else if ("disablePlugin" in plugin.scope) { plugin.scope.disablePlugin(); } else { display(getMsg(MSG_CANT_DISABLE, plugin.id)); return false; } display(getMsg(MSG_PLUGIN_DISABLED, plugin.id)); if (!destroy) { plugin.enabled = false; } return true; } function processStartupAutoperform() { var cmdary = client.prefs["autoperform.client"]; for (var i = 0; i < cmdary.length; ++i) { if (cmdary[i][0] == "/") client.dispatch(cmdary[i].substr(1)); else client.dispatch(cmdary[i]); } } function processStartupURLs() { var wentSomewhere = false; if ("arguments" in window && 0 in window.arguments && typeof window.arguments[0] == "object" && "url" in window.arguments[0]) { var url = window.arguments[0].url; if (url.search(/^ircs?:\/?\/?\/?$/i) == -1) { /* if the url is not irc: irc:/, irc://, or ircs equiv then go to it. */ gotoIRCURL(url); wentSomewhere = true; } } /* check to see whether the URL has been passed via the command line instead. */ else if ("arguments" in window && 0 in window.arguments && typeof window.arguments[0] == "string") { var url = window.arguments[0] var urlMatches = url.match(/^ircs?:\/\/\/?(.*)$/) if (urlMatches) { if (urlMatches[1]) { /* if the url is not "irc://", "irc:///" or an ircs equiv then go to it. */ gotoIRCURL(url); wentSomewhere = true; } } else if (url) { /* URL parameter is not blank, but does not not conform to the irc[s] scheme. */ display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_INVALID_SCHEME, url), MT_ERROR); } } /* if we had nowhere else to go, connect to any default urls */ if (!wentSomewhere) openStartupURLs(); if (client.viewsArray.length > 1 && !isStartupURL("irc://")) dispatch("delete-view", { view: client }); /* XXX: If we have the "stop XBL breaking" hidden tab, remove it, to * stop XBL breaking later. Oh, the irony. */ if (client.tabs.firstChild.hidden) { client.tabs.removeChild(client.tabs.firstChild); updateTabAttributes(); } } function openStartupURLs() { var ary = client.prefs["initialURLs"]; for (var i = 0; i < ary.length; ++i) { if (ary[i] && ary[i] == "irc:///") { // Clean out "default network" entries, which we don't // support any more; replace with the harmless irc:// URL. ary[i] = "irc://"; client.prefs["initialURLs"].update(); } if (ary[i] && ary[i] != "irc://") gotoIRCURL(ary[i]); } } function destroy() { destroyPrefs(); } function addURLToHistory(url) { url = Services.io.newURI(url, "UTF-8"); PlacesUtils.history.insert({ url, visits: [{ date: new Date(), transition: PlacesUtils.history.TRANSITIONS.TYPED, }], }); } function addStatusMessage(message) { const DELAY_SCALE = 100; const DELAY_MINIMUM = 5000; var delay = message.length * DELAY_SCALE; if (delay < DELAY_MINIMUM) delay = DELAY_MINIMUM; client.statusMessages.push({ message: message, delay: delay }); updateStatusMessages(); } function updateStatusMessages() { if (client.statusMessages.length == 0) { var status = client.currentStatus || client.defaultStatus; client.statusElement.setAttribute("label", status); client.statusElement.removeAttribute("notice"); return; } var now = Number(new Date()); var currentMsg = client.statusMessages[0]; if ("expires" in currentMsg) { if (now >= currentMsg.expires) { client.statusMessages.shift(); setTimeout(updateStatusMessages, 0); } else { setTimeout(updateStatusMessages, 1000); } } else { currentMsg.expires = now + currentMsg.delay; client.statusElement.setAttribute("label", currentMsg.message); client.statusElement.setAttribute("notice", "true"); setTimeout(updateStatusMessages, currentMsg.delay); } } function setStatus(str) { client.currentStatus = str; updateStatusMessages(); return str; } client.__defineSetter__("status", setStatus); function getStatus() { return client.currentStatus; } client.__defineGetter__("status", getStatus); function isVisible (id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if (!ASSERT(e,"Bogus id ``" + id + "'' passed to isVisible() **")) return false; return (e.getAttribute ("collapsed") != "true"); } client.getConnectedNetworks = function getConnectedNetworks() { var rv = []; for (var n in client.networks) { if (client.networks[n].isConnected()) rv.push(client.networks[n]); } return rv; } function combineNicks(nickList, max) { if (!max) max = 4; var combinedList = []; for (var i = 0; i < nickList.length; i += max) { count = Math.min(max, nickList.length - i); var nicks = nickList.slice(i, i + count); var str = new String(nicks.join(" ")); str.count = count; combinedList.push(str); } return combinedList; } function updateAllStalkExpressions() { var list = client.prefs["stalkWords"]; for (var name in client.networks) { if ("stalkExpression" in client.networks[name]) updateStalkExpression(client.networks[name], list); } } function updateStalkExpression(network) { function escapeChar(ch) { return "\\" + ch; }; var list = client.prefs["stalkWords"]; var ary = new Array(); ary.push(network.primServ.me.unicodeName.replace(/[^\w\d]/g, escapeChar)); for (var i = 0; i < list.length; ++i) ary.push(list[i].replace(/[^\w\d]/g, escapeChar)); var re; if (client.prefs["stalkWholeWords"]) re = "(^|[\\W\\s])((" + ary.join(")|(") + "))([\\W\\s]|$)"; else re = "(" + ary.join(")|(") + ")"; network.stalkExpression = new RegExp(re, "i"); } function getDefaultFontSize() { const PREF_CTRID = "@mozilla.org/preferences-service;1"; const nsIPrefService = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefService; const nsIPrefBranch = Components.interfaces.nsIPrefBranch; var prefSvc = Components.classes[PREF_CTRID].getService(nsIPrefService); var prefBranch = prefSvc.getBranch(null); // PX size pref: font.size.variable.x-western var pxSize = 16; try { pxSize = prefBranch.getIntPref("font.size.variable.x-western"); } catch(ex) { } var dpi = 96; try { // Get the DPI the fun way (make Mozilla do the work). var b = document.createElement("box"); b.style.width = "1in"; dpi = window.getComputedStyle(b, null).width.match(/^\d+/); } catch(ex) { try { // Get the DPI the fun way (make Mozilla do the work). b = document.createElementNS("box", XHTML_NS); b.style.width = "1in"; dpi = window.getComputedStyle(b, null).width.match(/^\d+/); } catch(ex) { } } return Math.round((pxSize / dpi) * 72); } function getDefaultContext(cx) { if (!cx) cx = new Object(); /* Use __proto__ here and in all other get*Context so that the command can * tell the difference between getObjectDetails and actual parameters. See * cmdJoin for more details. */ cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); return cx; } function getMessagesContext(cx, element) { if (!cx) cx = new Object(); cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (!element) element = document.popupNode; while (element) { switch (element.localName) { case "a": var href = element.getAttribute("href"); cx.url = href; break; case "tr": // NOTE: msg-user is the canonicalName. cx.canonNick = element.getAttribute("msg-user"); if (!cx.canonNick) break; // Strip out a potential ME! suffix. var ary = cx.canonNick.match(/([^ ]+)/); cx.canonNick = ary[1]; if (!cx.network) break; if (cx.channel) cx.user = cx.channel.getUser(cx.canonNick); else cx.user = cx.network.getUser(cx.canonNick); if (cx.user) cx.nickname = cx.user.unicodeName; else cx.nickname = toUnicode(cx.canonNick, cx.network); break; } element = element.parentNode; } return cx; } function getTabContext(cx, element) { if (!cx) cx = new Object(); if (!element) element = document.popupNode; while (element) { if (element.localName == "tab") { cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(element.view); return cx; } element = element.parentNode; } return cx; } function getUserlistContext(cx) { if (!cx) cx = new Object(); cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (!cx.channel) return cx; var user, tree = document.getElementById("user-list"); cx.userList = new Array(); cx.canonNickList = new Array(); cx.nicknameList = getSelectedNicknames(tree); for (var i = 0; i < cx.nicknameList.length; ++i) { user = cx.channel.getUser(cx.nicknameList[i]) cx.userList.push(user); cx.canonNickList.push(user.canonicalName); if (i == 0) { cx.user = user; cx.nickname = user.unicodeName; cx.canonNick = user.canonicalName; } } cx.userCount = cx.userList.length; return cx; } function getViewsContext(cx) { function addView(view) { // We only need the view to have messages, so we accept hidden views. if (!("messages" in view)) return; var url = view.getURL(); if (url in urls) return; var label = view.viewName; if (!getTabForObject(view)) label = getMsg(MSG_VIEW_HIDDEN, [label]); var types = ["IRCClient", "IRCNetwork", "IRCDCCChat", "IRCDCCFileTransfer"]; var typesNetwork = ["IRCNetwork", "IRCChannel", "IRCUser"]; var group = String(arrayIndexOf(types, view.TYPE)); if (arrayIndexOf(typesNetwork, view.TYPE) != -1) group = "1-" + getObjectDetails(view).network.viewName; var sort = group + "-" + view.viewName; if (view.TYPE == "IRCNetwork") sort = group; cx.views.push({url: url, label: label, group: group, sort: sort}); urls[url] = true }; function sortViews(a, b) { if (a.sort < b.sort) return -1; if (a.sort > b.sort) return 1; return 0; }; if (!cx) cx = new Object(); cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); cx.views = new Array(); var urls = new Object(); /* XXX The code here works its way through all the open views *and* any * possibly visible objects in the object model. This is necessary because * occasionally objects get removed from the object model while still * having a view open. See bug 459318 for one such case. Note that we * won't be able to correctly switch to the "lost" view but showing it is * less confusing than not. */ for (var i in client.viewsArray) addView(client.viewsArray[i].source); addView(client); for (var n in client.networks) { addView(client.networks[n]); for (var s in client.networks[n].servers) { var server = client.networks[n].servers[s]; for (var c in server.channels) addView(server.channels[c]); for (var u in server.users) addView(server.users[u]); } } for (var u in client.dcc.users) addView(client.dcc.users[u]); for (var i = 0; i < client.dcc.chats.length; i++) addView(client.dcc.chats[i]); for (var i = 0; i < client.dcc.files.length; i++) addView(client.dcc.files[i]); cx.views.sort(sortViews); return cx; } function getSelectedNicknames(tree) { var rv = []; if (!tree || !tree.view || !tree.view.selection) return rv; var rangeCount = tree.view.selection.getRangeCount(); // Loop through the selection ranges. for (var i = 0; i < rangeCount; ++i) { var start = {}, end = {}; tree.view.selection.getRangeAt(i, start, end); // If they == -1, we've got no selection, so bail. if ((start.value == -1) && (end.value == -1)) continue; /* Workaround: Because we use select(-1) instead of clearSelection() * (see bug 197667) the tree will then give us selection ranges * starting from -1 instead of 0! (See bug 319066.) */ if (start.value == -1) start.value = 0; // Loop through the contents of the current selection range. for (var k = start.value; k <= end.value; ++k) rv.push(getNicknameForUserlistRow(k)); } return rv; } function getFontContext(cx) { if (!cx) cx = new Object(); cx.__proto__ = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); cx.fontSizeDefault = getDefaultFontSize(); var view = client; if ("prefs" in cx.sourceObject) { cx.fontFamily = view.prefs["font.family"]; if (cx.fontFamily.match(/^(default|(sans-)?serif|monospace)$/)) delete cx.fontFamily; cx.fontSize = view.prefs["font.size"]; if (cx.fontSize == 0) delete cx.fontSize; } return cx; } function msgIsImportant(msg, sourceNick, network) { var plainMsg = removeColorCodes(msg); var re = network.stalkExpression; if (plainMsg.search(re) != -1 || sourceNick && sourceNick.search(re) == 0) return true; return false; } function ensureCachedCanonicalURLs(array) { if ("canonicalURLs" in array) return; /* Caching this on the array is safe because the PrefManager constructs * a new array if the preference changes, but otherwise keeps the same * one around. */ array.canonicalURLs = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < array.length; i++) array.canonicalURLs.push(makeCanonicalIRCURL(array[i])); } function isStartupURL(url) { // We canonicalize all URLs before we do the (string) comparison. url = makeCanonicalIRCURL(url); var list = client.prefs["initialURLs"]; ensureCachedCanonicalURLs(list); return arrayContains(list.canonicalURLs, url); } function cycleView(amount) { var len = client.viewsArray.length; if (len <= 1) return; var tb = getTabForObject (client.currentObject); if (!tb) return; var vk = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); var destKey = (vk + amount) % len; /* wrap around */ if (destKey < 0) destKey += len; dispatch("set-current-view", { view: client.viewsArray[destKey].source }); } // Plays the sound for a particular event on a type of object. function playEventSounds(type, event, source) { if (!client.sound || !client.prefs["sound.enabled"]) return; // Converts .TYPE values into the event object names. // IRCChannel => channel, IRCUser => user, etc. if (type.match(/^IRC/)) type = type.substr(3, type.length).toLowerCase(); // DCC Chat sessions should act just like user views. if (type == "dccchat") type = "user"; var ev = type + "." + event; if (ev in client.soundList) return; var src = source ? source : client; if (!(("sound." + ev) in src.prefs)) return; var s = src.prefs["sound." + ev]; if (!s) return; if (client.prefs["sound.overlapDelay"] > 0) { client.soundList[ev] = true; setTimeout(function() { delete client.soundList[ev]; }, client.prefs["sound.overlapDelay"]); } if (event == "start") { blockEventSounds(type, "event"); blockEventSounds(type, "chat"); blockEventSounds(type, "stalk"); } playSounds(s); } // Blocks a particular type of event sound occuring. function blockEventSounds(type, event) { if (!client.sound || !client.prefs["sound.enabled"]) return; // Converts .TYPE values into the event object names. // IRCChannel => channel, IRCUser => user, etc. if (type.match(/^IRC/)) type = type.substr(3, type.length).toLowerCase(); var ev = type + "." + event; if (client.prefs["sound.overlapDelay"] > 0) { client.soundList[ev] = true; setTimeout(function() { delete client.soundList[ev]; }, client.prefs["sound.overlapDelay"]); } } function playSounds(list) { var ary = list.split (" "); if (ary.length == 0) return; playSound(ary[0]); for (var i = 1; i < ary.length; ++i) setTimeout(playSound, 250 * i, ary[i]); } function playSound(file) { if (!client.sound || !client.prefs["sound.enabled"] || !file) return; if (file == "beep") { client.sound.beep(); } else { try { client.sound.play(Services.io.newURI(file)); } catch (ex) { // ignore exceptions from this pile of code. } } } /* timer-based mainloop */ function mainStep() { try { var count = client.eventPump.stepEvents(); if (count > 0) setTimeout(mainStep, client.STEP_TIMEOUT); else setTimeout(mainStep, client.STEP_TIMEOUT / 5); } catch(ex) { dd("Exception in mainStep!"); dd(formatException(ex)); setTimeout(mainStep, client.STEP_TIMEOUT); } } function openQueryTab(server, nick) { var user = server.addUser(nick); addURLToHistory(user.getURL()); if (!("messages" in user)) { var value = ""; var same = true; for (var c in server.channels) { var chan = server.channels[c]; if (!(user.collectionKey in chan.users)) continue; /* This takes a boolean value for each channel (true - channel has * same value as first), and &&-s them all together. Thus, |same| * will tell us, at the end, if all the channels found have the * same value for charset. */ if (value) same = same && (value == chan.prefs["charset"]); else value = chan.prefs["charset"]; } /* If we've got a value, and it's the same accross all channels, * we use it as the *default* for the charset pref. If not, it'll * just keep the "defer" default which pulls it off the network. */ if (value && same) { user.prefManager.prefRecords["charset"].defaultValue = value; } dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: user }); user.doAutoPerform(); } return user; } function arraySpeak (ary, single, plural) { var rv = ""; var and = MSG_AND; switch (ary.length) { case 0: break; case 1: rv = ary[0]; if (single) rv += " " + single; break; case 2: rv = ary[0] + " " + and + " " + ary[1]; if (plural) rv += " " + plural; break; default: for (var i = 0; i < ary.length - 1; ++i) rv += ary[i] + ", "; rv += and + " " + ary[ary.length - 1]; if (plural) rv += " " + plural; break; } return rv; } function getObjectDetails (obj, rv) { if (!rv) rv = new Object(); if (!ASSERT(obj && typeof obj == "object", "INVALID OBJECT passed to getObjectDetails (" + obj + "). **")) { return rv; } rv.sourceObject = obj; rv.TYPE = obj.TYPE; rv.parent = ("parent" in obj) ? obj.parent : null; rv.user = null; rv.channel = null; rv.server = null; rv.network = null; if (window && window.content && window.content.getSelection() != "") rv.selectedText = window.content.getSelection(); switch (obj.TYPE) { case "IRCChannel": rv.viewType = MSG_CHANNEL; rv.channel = obj; rv.channelName = obj.unicodeName; rv.server = rv.channel.parent; rv.network = rv.server.parent; break; case "IRCUser": rv.viewType = MSG_USER; rv.user = obj; rv.userName = rv.nickname = obj.unicodeName; rv.server = rv.user.parent; rv.network = rv.server.parent; break; case "IRCChanUser": rv.viewType = MSG_USER; rv.user = obj; rv.userName = rv.nickname = obj.unicodeName; rv.channel = rv.user.parent; rv.server = rv.channel.parent; rv.network = rv.server.parent; break; case "IRCNetwork": rv.network = obj; rv.viewType = MSG_NETWORK; if ("primServ" in rv.network) rv.server = rv.network.primServ; else rv.server = null; break; case "IRCClient": rv.viewType = MSG_TAB; break; case "IRCDCCUser": //rv.viewType = MSG_USER; rv.user = obj; rv.userName = obj.unicodeName; break; case "IRCDCCChat": //rv.viewType = MSG_USER; rv.chat = obj; rv.user = obj.user; rv.userName = obj.unicodeName; break; case "IRCDCCFileTransfer": //rv.viewType = MSG_USER; rv.file = obj; rv.user = obj.user; rv.userName = obj.unicodeName; rv.fileName = obj.filename; break; default: /* no setup for unknown object */ break; } if (rv.network) rv.networkName = rv.network.unicodeName; return rv; } function findDynamicRule (selector) { var rules = frames[0].document.styleSheets[1].cssRules; if (isinstance(selector, RegExp)) fun = "search"; else fun = "indexOf"; for (var i = 0; i < rules.length; ++i) { var rule = rules.item(i); if (rule.selectorText && rule.selectorText[fun](selector) == 0) return {sheet: frames[0].document.styleSheets[1], rule: rule, index: i}; } return null; } function addDynamicRule (rule) { var rules = frames[0].document.styleSheets[1]; var pos = rules.cssRules.length; rules.insertRule (rule, pos); } function getCommandEnabled(command) { try { var dispatcher = document.commandDispatcher; var controller = dispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command); return controller.isCommandEnabled(command); } catch (e) { return false; } } function doCommand(command) { try { var dispatcher = document.commandDispatcher; var controller = dispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command); if (controller && controller.isCommandEnabled(command)) controller.doCommand(command); } catch (e) { } } function doCommandWithParams(command, params) { try { var dispatcher = document.commandDispatcher; var controller = dispatcher.getControllerForCommand(command); controller.QueryInterface(Components.interfaces.nsICommandController); if (!controller || !controller.isCommandEnabled(command)) return; var cmdparams = newObject("@mozilla.org/embedcomp/command-params;1", "nsICommandParams"); for (var i in params) cmdparams.setISupportsValue(i, params[i]); controller.doCommandWithParams(command, cmdparams); } catch (e) { } } var testURLs = [ "irc:", "irc://", "irc://foo", "irc://foo/", "irc://foo/,isserver", "irc://foo/chatzilla", "irc://foo/chatzilla/", "irc://foo:6666", "irc://foo:6666/", "irc://irc.foo.org", "irc://irc.foo.org/", "irc://irc.foo.org/,needpass", "irc://irc.foo.org/?msg=hello%20there", "irc://irc.foo.org/?msg=hello%20there&ignorethis", "irc://irc.foo.org/%23mozilla,needkey?msg=hello%20there&ignorethis", "irc://libera.chat/", "irc://libera.chat/,isserver", "irc://[fe80::5d49:767b:4b68:1b17]", "irc://[fe80::5d49:767b:4b68:1b17]/", "irc://[fe80::5d49:767b:4b68:1b17]:6666", "irc://[fe80::5d49:767b:4b68:1b17]:6666/" ]; var testFailURLs = [ "irc:///", "irc:///help", "irc:///help,needkey", "irc://irc.foo.org/,isnick", "invalids" ]; function doURLTest() { var passed = 0, total = testURLs.length + testFailURLs.length; for (var i = 0; i < testURLs.length; i++) { var o = parseIRCURL(testURLs[i]); if (!o) display("Parse of '" + testURLs[i] + "' failed.", MT_ERROR); else passed++; } for (var i = 0; i < testFailURLs.length; i++) { var o = parseIRCURL(testFailURLs[i]); if (o) display("Parse of '" + testFailURLs[i] + "' unexpectedly succeeded.", MT_ERROR); else passed++; } display("Passed " + passed + " out of " + total + " tests (" + passed / total * 100 + "%).", MT_INFO); } var testIRCURLObjects = [ [{}, "irc://"], [{host: "undernet"}, "irc://undernet/"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org"}, "irc://irc.undernet.org/"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org", isserver: true}, "irc://irc.undernet.org/"], [{host: "undernet", isserver: true}, "irc://undernet/,isserver"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org", port: 6667}, "irc://irc.undernet.org/"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org", port: 1}, "irc://irc.undernet.org:1/"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org", port: 1, scheme: "ircs"}, "ircs://irc.undernet.org:1/"], [{host: "irc.undernet.org", port: 6697, scheme: "ircs"}, "ircs://irc.undernet.org/"], [{host: "undernet", needpass: true}, "irc://undernet/,needpass"], [{host: "undernet", pass: "cz"}, "irc://undernet/?pass=cz"], [{host: "undernet", charset: "utf-8"}, "irc://undernet/?charset=utf-8"], [{host: "undernet", target: "#foo"}, "irc://undernet/%23foo"], [{host: "undernet", target: "#foo", needkey: true}, "irc://undernet/%23foo,needkey"], [{host: "undernet", target: "John", isnick: true}, "irc://undernet/John,isnick"], [{host: "undernet", target: "#foo", key: "cz"}, "irc://undernet/%23foo?key=cz"], [{host: "undernet", charset: "utf-8"}, "irc://undernet/?charset=utf-8"], [{host: "undernet", target: "John", msg: "spam!"}, "irc://undernet/John?msg=spam%21"], [{host: "undernet", target: "foo", isnick: true, msg: "spam!", pass: "cz"}, "irc://undernet/foo,isnick?msg=spam%21&pass=cz"] ]; function doObjectURLtest() { var passed = 0, total = testIRCURLObjects.length; for (var i = 0; i < total; i++) { var obj = testIRCURLObjects[i][0]; var url = testIRCURLObjects[i][1]; var parsedURL = constructIRCURL(obj) if (url != parsedURL) { display("Parsed IRC Object incorrectly! Expected '" + url + "', got '" + parsedURL, MT_ERROR); } else { passed++; } } display("Passed " + passed + " out of " + total + " tests (" + passed / total * 100 + "%).", MT_INFO); } function gotoIRCURL(url, e) { var urlspec = url; if (typeof url == "string") url = parseIRCURL(url); if (!url) { window.alert(getMsg(MSG_ERR_BAD_IRCURL, urlspec)); return; } if (!url.host) { /* focus the *client* view for irc:, irc:/, and irc:// (the only irc * urls that don't have a host. (irc:/// implies a connect to the * default network.) */ client.pendingViewContext = e; dispatch("client"); delete client.pendingViewContext; return; } let isSecure = url.scheme == "ircs"; let network; // Make sure host is in lower case. url.host = url.host.toLowerCase(); // Convert a request for a server to a network if we know it. if (url.isserver) { for (var n in client.networks) { network = client.networks[n]; for (var s in network.servers) { let server = network.servers[s]; if ((server.hostname == url.host) && (server.isSecure == isSecure) && (!url.port || (server.port == url.port))) { url.isserver = false; url.host = network.canonicalName; if (!url.port) url.port = server.port; break; } } if (!url.isserver) break; } } let name = url.host; network = client.getNetwork(name); if (url.isserver) { let found = false; if (network) { for (let s in network.servers) { let server = network.servers[s]; if ((server.isSecure == isSecure) && (!url.port || (server.port == url.port))) { found = true; if (!url.port) url.port = server.port; break; } } } // If still no port set, use the default. if (!url.port) url.port = isSecure ? 6697 : 6667; if (!found) { name += ":" + url.port; // If there is no temporary network for this server:port, create one. if (!client.getNetwork(name)) { let server = {name: url.host, port: url.port, isSecure: isSecure}; client.addNetwork(name, [server], true); } network = client.getNetwork(name); } } else { // There is no network called this, sorry. if (!network) { display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK, name)); return; } } // We should only prompt for a password if we're not connected. if (network.state == NET_OFFLINE) { // Check for a network password. url.pass = client.tryToGetLogin(network.getURL(), "serv", "*", url.pass, url.needpass, getMsg(MSG_HOST_PASSWORD, network.getURL())); } // Adjust secure setting for temporary networks (so user can override). if (network.temporary) network.serverList[0].isSecure = url.scheme == "ircs"; // Adjust password for all servers (so user can override). if (url.pass) { for (var s in network.servers) network.servers[s].password = url.pass; } // Start the connection and pend anything else if we're not ready. if (network.state != NET_ONLINE) { client.pendingViewContext = e; if (!network.isConnected()) { client.connectToNetwork(network, url.scheme == "ircs"); } else { dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: network }); dispatch("set-current-view", { view: network }); } delete client.pendingViewContext; if (!url.target) return; // We're not completely online, so everything else is pending. if (!("pendingURLs" in network)) network.pendingURLs = new Array(); network.pendingURLs.unshift({ url: url, e: e }); return; } // We're connected now, process the target. if (url.target) { var targetObject; var ev; if (url.isnick) { /* url points to a person. */ var nick = url.target; var ary = url.target.split("!"); if (ary) nick = ary[0]; client.pendingViewContext = e; targetObject = network.dispatch("query", {nickname: nick}); delete client.pendingViewContext; } else { /* url points to a channel */ var key; var serv = network.primServ; var target = url.target; if (url.charset) { var chan = new CIRCChannel(serv, target, fromUnicode(target, url.charset)); chan.prefs["charset"] = url.charset; } else { // Must do this the hard way... we have the server's format // for the channel name here, and all our commands only work // with the Unicode forms. /* If we don't have a valid prefix, stick a "#" on it. * NOTE: This is always a "#" so that URLs may be compared * properly without involving the server (e.g. off-line). */ if ((arrayIndexOf(["#", "&", "+", "!"], target[0]) == -1) && (arrayIndexOf(serv.channelTypes, target[0]) == -1)) { target = "#" + target; } var chan = new CIRCChannel(serv, null, target); } if (url.needkey && !chan.joined) { if (url.key) key = url.key; else key = window.promptPassword(getMsg(MSG_URL_KEY, url.spec)); } client.pendingViewContext = e; d = {channelToJoin: chan, key: key}; targetObject = network.dispatch("join", d); delete client.pendingViewContext; if (!targetObject) return; } if (url.msg) { client.pendingViewContext = e; var msg; if (url.msg.indexOf("\01ACTION") == 0) { msg = filterOutput(url.msg, "ACTION", targetObject); targetObject.display(msg, "ACTION", "ME!", client.currentObject); } else { msg = filterOutput(url.msg, "PRIVMSG", targetObject); targetObject.display(msg, "PRIVMSG", "ME!", client.currentObject); } targetObject.say(msg); dispatch("set-current-view", { view: targetObject }); delete client.pendingViewContext; } } else { client.pendingViewContext = e; dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: network }); dispatch("set-current-view", { view: network }); delete client.pendingViewContext; } } function updateProgress() { var busy; var progress = -1; if ("busy" in client.currentObject) busy = client.currentObject.busy; if ("progress" in client.currentObject) progress = client.currentObject.progress; if (!busy) progress = 0; client.progressPanel.collapsed = !busy; client.progressBar.mode = (progress < 0 ? "undetermined" : "determined"); if (progress >= 0) client.progressBar.value = progress; } function updateSecurityIcon() { var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); var securityButton = window.document.getElementById("security-button"); securityButton.label = ""; securityButton.removeAttribute("level"); securityButton.removeAttribute("tooltiptext"); if (!o.server || !o.server.isConnected) // No server or connection? { securityButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", MSG_SECURITY_INFO); return; } let tooltiptext = MSG_SECURITY_INFO; switch (o.server.connection.getSecurityState()) { case STATE_IS_SECURE: securityButton.setAttribute("level", "high"); // Update the tooltip. var issuer = o.server.connection.getCertificate().issuerOrganization; tooltiptext = getMsg(MSG_SECURE_CONNECTION, issuer); break; case STATE_IS_BROKEN: securityButton.setAttribute("level", "broken"); break; case STATE_IS_INSECURE: default: securityButton.setAttribute("level", "none"); } securityButton.label = o.server.hostname; securityButton.setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltiptext); } function updateLoggingIcon() { var state = client.currentObject.prefs["log"] ? "on" : "off"; var icon = window.document.getElementById("logging-status"); icon.setAttribute("loggingstate", state); icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", getMsg("msg.logging.icon." + state)); } function updateAlertIcon(aToggle) { let alertState = client.prefs["alert.globalEnabled"]; if (aToggle) { alertState = !alertState; client.prefs["alert.globalEnabled"] = alertState; } let state = alertState ? "on" : "off"; let icon = window.document.getElementById("alert-status"); icon.setAttribute("alertstate", state); icon.setAttribute("tooltiptext", getMsg("msg.alert.icon." + state)); } function initOfflineIcon() { const PRBool_CID = "@mozilla.org/supports-PRBool;1"; const OS_CID = "@mozilla.org/observer-service;1"; const nsISupportsPRBool = Components.interfaces.nsISupportsPRBool; client.offlineObserver = { _element: document.getElementById("offline-status"), state: function offline_state() { return (Services.io.offline ? "offline" : "online"); }, observe: function offline_observe(subject, topic, state) { if ((topic == "offline-requested") && (client.getConnectionCount() > 0)) { var buttonAry = [MSG_REALLY_GO_OFFLINE, MSG_DONT_GO_OFFLINE]; var rv = confirmEx(MSG_GOING_OFFLINE, buttonAry); if (rv == 1) // Don't go offline, please! { subject.QueryInterface(nsISupportsPRBool); subject.data = true; } } else if (topic == "network:offline-status-changed") { this.updateOfflineUI(); } }, updateOfflineUI: function offline_uiUpdate() { this._element.setAttribute("offline", Services.io.offline); var tooltipMsgId = "MSG_OFFLINESTATE_" + this.state().toUpperCase(); this._element.setAttribute("tooltiptext", window[tooltipMsgId]); }, toggleOffline: function offline_toggle() { // Check whether people are OK with us going offline: if (!Services.io.offline && !this.canGoOffline()) return; // Stop automatic management of the offline status, if existing. Services.io.manageOfflineStatus = false; // Actually change the offline state. Services.io.offline = !Services.io.offline; }, canGoOffline: function offline_check() { try { var canGoOffline = newObject(PRBool_CID, "nsISupportsPRBool"); Services.obs.notifyObservers(canGoOffline, "offline-requested"); // Someone called for a halt if (canGoOffline.data) return false; } catch (ex) { dd("Exception when trying to ask if we could go offline:" + ex); } return true; } }; Services.obs.addObserver(client.offlineObserver, "offline-requested"); Services.obs.addObserver(client.offlineObserver, "network:offline-status-changed"); client.offlineObserver.updateOfflineUI(); } function uninitOfflineIcon() { Services.obs.removeObserver(client.offlineObserver, "offline-requested"); Services.obs.removeObserver(client.offlineObserver, "network:offline-status-changed"); } client.idleObserver = { QueryInterface: function io_qi(iid) { if (!iid || (!iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsIObserver) && !iid.equals(Components.interfaces.nsISupports))) { throw Components.results.NS_ERROR_NO_INTERFACE; } return this; }, observe: function io_observe(subject, topic, data) { if ((topic == "idle") && !client.prefs["away"]) { if (!client.prefs["awayIdleMsg"]) client.prefs["awayIdleMsg"] = MSG_AWAY_IDLE_DEFAULT; client.dispatch("idle-away", {reason: client.prefs["awayIdleMsg"]}); client.isIdleAway = true; } else if ((topic == "back" || topic == "active") && client.isIdleAway) { client.dispatch("idle-back"); client.isIdleAway = false; } } }; function initIdleAutoAway(timeout) { // Don't try to do anything if we are disabled if (!timeout) return; var is = getService("@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", "nsIIdleService"); if (!is) { display(MSG_ERR_NO_IDLESERVICE, MT_WARN); client.prefs["autoIdleTime"] = 0; return; } try { is.addIdleObserver(client.idleObserver, timeout * 60); } catch (ex) { display(formatException(ex), MT_ERROR); } } function uninitIdleAutoAway(timeout) { // Don't try to do anything if we were disabled before if (!timeout) return; var is = getService("@mozilla.org/widget/idleservice;1", "nsIIdleService"); if (!is) return; try { is.removeIdleObserver(client.idleObserver, timeout * 60); } catch (ex) { display(formatException(ex), MT_ERROR); } } function updateAppMotif(motifURL) { var node = document.firstChild; while (node && ((node.nodeType != node.PROCESSING_INSTRUCTION_NODE) || !(/name="dyn-motif"/).test(node.data))) { node = node.nextSibling; } motifURL = motifURL.replace(/"/g, "%22"); var dataStr = "href=\"" + motifURL + "\" name=\"dyn-motif\""; try { // No dynamic style node yet. if (!node) { node = document.createProcessingInstruction("xml-stylesheet", dataStr); document.insertBefore(node, document.firstChild); } else if (node.data != dataStr) { node.data = dataStr; document.insertBefore(node, node.nextSibling); } } catch (ex) { dd(formatException(ex)); var err = ex.name; // Mozilla 1.0 doesn't like document.insertBefore(..., // document.firstChild); though it has a prototype for it - // check for the right error: if (err == "NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED") { display(MSG_NO_DYNAMIC_STYLE, MT_INFO); updateAppMotif = function() {}; } } } function updateSpellcheck(value) { value = value.toString(); document.getElementById("input").setAttribute("spellcheck", value); document.getElementById("multiline-input").setAttribute("spellcheck", value); } function updateNetwork() { var o = getObjectDetails (client.currentObject); var lag = MSG_UNKNOWN; var nick = ""; if (o.server) { if (o.server.me) nick = o.server.me.unicodeName; lag = (o.server.lag != -1) ? o.server.lag.toFixed(2) : MSG_UNKNOWN; } client.statusBar["header-url"].setAttribute("value", client.currentObject.getURL()); client.statusBar["header-url"].setAttribute("href", client.currentObject.getURL()); client.statusBar["header-url"].setAttribute("name", client.currentObject.unicodeName); } function updateTitle (obj) { if (!(("currentObject" in client) && client.currentObject) || (obj && obj != client.currentObject)) return; var tstring = MSG_TITLE_UNKNOWN; var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); var net = o.network ? o.network.unicodeName : ""; var nick = ""; client.statusBar["server-nick"].disabled = false; switch (client.currentObject.TYPE) { case "IRCNetwork": var serv = "", port = ""; if (client.currentObject.isConnected()) { serv = o.server.hostname; port = o.server.port; if (o.server.me) nick = o.server.me.unicodeName; tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_NET_ON, [nick, net, serv, port]); } else { nick = client.currentObject.INITIAL_NICK; tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_NET_OFF, [nick, net]); } break; case "IRCChannel": var chan = "", mode = "", topic = ""; if ("me" in o.parent) { nick = o.parent.me.unicodeName; if (o.parent.me.collectionKey in client.currentObject.users) { let cuser = client.currentObject.users[o.parent.me.collectionKey]; if (cuser.isFounder) nick = "~" + nick; else if (cuser.isAdmin) nick = "&" + nick; else if (cuser.isOp) nick = "@" + nick; else if (cuser.isHalfOp) nick = "%" + nick; else if (cuser.isVoice) nick = "+" + nick; } } else { nick = MSG_TITLE_NONICK; } chan = o.channel.unicodeName; mode = o.channel.mode.getModeStr(); if (!mode) mode = MSG_TITLE_NO_MODE; topic = o.channel.topic ? o.channel.topic : MSG_TITLE_NO_TOPIC; var re = /\x1f|\x02|\x0f|\x16|\x03([0-9]{1,2}(,[0-9]{1,2})?)?/g; topic = topic.replace(re, ""); tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_CHANNEL, [nick, chan, mode, topic]); break; case "IRCUser": nick = client.currentObject.unicodeName; var source = ""; if (client.currentObject.name) { source = "<" + client.currentObject.name + "@" + client.currentObject.host +">"; } tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_USER, [nick, source]); nick = "me" in o.parent ? o.parent.me.unicodeName : MSG_TITLE_NONICK; break; case "IRCClient": nick = client.prefs["nickname"]; break; case "IRCDCCChat": client.statusBar["server-nick"].disabled = true; nick = o.chat.me.unicodeName; tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_DCCCHAT, o.userName); break; case "IRCDCCFileTransfer": client.statusBar["server-nick"].disabled = true; nick = o.file.me.unicodeName; var data = [o.file.progress, o.file.filename, o.userName]; if (o.file.state.dir == 1) tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_DCCFILE_SEND, data); else tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_DCCFILE_GET, data); break; } if (0 && !client.uiState["tabstrip"]) { var actl = new Array(); for (var i in client.activityList) actl.push ((client.activityList[i] == "!") ? (Number(i) + 1) + "!" : (Number(i) + 1)); if (actl.length > 0) tstring = getMsg(MSG_TITLE_ACTIVITY, [tstring, actl.join (", ")]); } document.title = tstring; client.statusBar["server-nick"].setAttribute("label", nick); } // Where 'right' is orientation, not wrong/right: function updateUserlistSide(shouldBeLeft) { var listParent = document.getElementById("tabpanels-contents-box"); var isLeft = (listParent.childNodes[0].id == "user-list-box"); if (isLeft == shouldBeLeft) return; if (shouldBeLeft) // Move from right to left. { listParent.insertBefore(listParent.childNodes[1], listParent.childNodes[0]); listParent.insertBefore(listParent.childNodes[2], listParent.childNodes[0]); listParent.childNodes[1].setAttribute("collapse", "before"); } else // Move from left to right. { listParent.appendChild(listParent.childNodes[1]); listParent.appendChild(listParent.childNodes[0]); listParent.childNodes[1].setAttribute("collapse", "after"); } var userlist = document.getElementById("user-list") if (client.currentObject && (client.currentObject.TYPE == "IRCChannel")) userlist.view = client.currentObject.userList; } function multilineInputMode (state) { var multiInput = document.getElementById("multiline-input"); var multiInputBox = document.getElementById("multiline-box"); var singleInput = document.getElementById("input"); var singleInputBox = document.getElementById("singleline-box"); var splitter = document.getElementById("input-splitter"); var iw = document.getElementById("input-widgets"); var h; client._mlMode = state; if (state) /* turn on multiline input mode */ { h = iw.getAttribute ("lastHeight"); if (h) iw.setAttribute ("height", h); /* restore the slider position */ singleInputBox.setAttribute ("collapsed", "true"); splitter.setAttribute ("collapsed", "false"); multiInputBox.setAttribute ("collapsed", "false"); // multiInput should have the same direction as singleInput multiInput.setAttribute("dir", singleInput.getAttribute("dir")); multiInput.value = (client.input ? client.input.value : ""); client.input = multiInput; } else /* turn off multiline input mode */ { h = iw.getAttribute ("height"); iw.setAttribute ("lastHeight", h); /* save the slider position */ iw.removeAttribute ("height"); /* let the slider drop */ splitter.setAttribute ("collapsed", "true"); multiInputBox.setAttribute ("collapsed", "true"); singleInputBox.setAttribute ("collapsed", "false"); // singleInput should have the same direction as multiInput singleInput.setAttribute("dir", multiInput.getAttribute("dir")); singleInput.value = (client.input ? client.input.value : ""); client.input = singleInput; } client.input.focus(); } function displayCertificateInfo() { var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (!o.server) return; if (!o.server.isSecure) { alert(getMsg(MSG_INSECURE_SERVER, o.server.hostname)); return; } viewCert(o.server.connection.getCertificate()); } function onLoggingIcon() { client.currentObject.dispatch("log", { state: "toggle" }); } function newInlineText (data, className, tagName) { if (typeof tagName == "undefined") tagName = "html:span"; var a = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, tagName); if (className) a.setAttribute ("class", className); switch (typeof data) { case "string": a.appendChild (document.createTextNode (data)); break; case "object": for (var p in data) if (p != "data") a.setAttribute (p, data[p]); else a.appendChild (document.createTextNode (data[p])); break; case "undefined": break; default: ASSERT(0, "INVALID TYPE ('" + typeof data + "') passed to " + "newInlineText."); break; } return a; } function stringToMsg (message, obj) { var ary = message.split ("\n"); var span = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:span"); var data = getObjectDetails(obj); if (ary.length == 1) client.munger.munge(ary[0], span, data); else { for (var l = 0; l < ary.length - 1; ++l) { client.munger.munge(ary[l], span, data); span.appendChild(document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:br")); } client.munger.munge(ary[l], span, data); } return span; } function getFrame() { if (client.deck.childNodes.length == 0) return undefined; var panel = client.deck.selectedPanel; return getContentWindow(panel); } client.__defineGetter__ ("currentFrame", getFrame); function setCurrentObject (obj) { if (!ASSERT(obj.messages, "INVALID OBJECT passed to setCurrentObject **")) return; if ("currentObject" in client && client.currentObject == obj) { if (typeof client.pendingViewContext == "object") dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: obj }); return; } // Set window.content to make screenreader apps find the chat content. if (obj.frame && getContentWindow(obj.frame)) window.content = getContentWindow(obj.frame); var tb, userList; userList = document.getElementById("user-list"); if ("currentObject" in client && client.currentObject) tb = getTabForObject(client.currentObject); if (tb) tb.setAttribute("state", "normal"); // If we're tracking last read lines, set a mark on the current view // before switching to the new one. if (tb && client.currentObject.prefs["autoMarker"]) client.currentObject.dispatch("marker-set"); client.currentObject = obj; // Update userlist: userList.view = null; if (obj.TYPE == "IRCChannel") { userList.view = obj.userList; updateUserList(); } tb = dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: obj }); if (tb) { tb.parentNode.selectedItem = tb; tb.setAttribute("state", "current"); } var vk = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); delete client.activityList[vk]; client.deck.selectedPanel = obj.frame; // Style userlist and the like: updateAppMotif(obj.prefs["motif.current"]); updateTitle(); updateProgress(); updateSecurityIcon(); updateLoggingIcon(); scrollDown(obj.frame, false); // Input area should have the same direction as the output area if (("frame" in client.currentObject) && client.currentObject.frame && getContentDocument(client.currentObject.frame) && ("body" in getContentDocument(client.currentObject.frame)) && getContentDocument(client.currentObject.frame).body) { var contentArea = getContentDocument(client.currentObject.frame).body; client.input.setAttribute("dir", contentArea.getAttribute("dir")); } client.input.focus(); } function checkScroll(frame) { var window = getContentWindow(frame); if (!window || !window.document || !window.document.body) return false; return (window.document.body.clientHeight - window.innerHeight - window.pageYOffset) < 160; } function scrollDown(frame, force) { var window = getContentWindow(frame); if (!window || !window.document || !window.document.body) return; if (force || checkScroll(frame)) window.scrollTo(0, window.document.body.clientHeight); } function advanceKeyboardFocus(amount) { var contentWin = getContentWindow(client.currentObject.frame); var contentDoc = getContentDocument(client.currentObject.frame); var userList = document.getElementById("user-list"); // Focus userlist, inputbox and outputwindow in turn: var focusableElems = [userList, client.input.inputField, contentWin]; var elem = document.commandDispatcher.focusedElement; // Finding focus in the content window is "hard". It's going to be null // if the window itself is focused, and "some element" inside of it if the // user starts tabbing through. if (!elem || (elem.ownerDocument == contentDoc)) elem = contentWin; var newIndex = (arrayIndexOf(focusableElems, elem) * 1 + 3 + amount) % 3; focusableElems[newIndex].focus(); // Make it obvious this element now has focus. var outlinedElem; if (focusableElems[newIndex] == client.input.inputField) outlinedElem = client.input.parentNode.id; else if (focusableElems[newIndex] == userList) outlinedElem = "user-list-box" else outlinedElem = "browser-box"; // Do magic, and make sure it gets undone at the right time: if (("focusedElemTimeout" in client) && client.focusedElemTimeout) clearTimeout(client.focusedElemTimeout); outlineFocusedElem(outlinedElem); client.focusedElemTimeout = setTimeout(outlineFocusedElem, 1000, ""); } function outlineFocusedElem(id) { var outlinedElements = ["user-list-box", "browser-box", "multiline-hug-box", "singleline-hug-box"]; for (var i = 0; i < outlinedElements.length; i++) { var elem = document.getElementById(outlinedElements[i]); if (outlinedElements[i] == id) elem.setAttribute("focusobvious", "true"); else elem.removeAttribute("focusobvious"); } client.focusedElemTimeout = 0; } /* valid values for |what| are "superfluous", "activity", and "attention". * final value for state is dependant on priority of the current state, and the * new state. the priority is: normal < superfluous < activity < attention. */ function setTabState(source, what, callback) { if (typeof source != "object") { if (!ASSERT(source in client.viewsArray, "INVALID SOURCE passed to setTabState")) return; source = client.viewsArray[source].source; } callback = callback || false; var tb = source.dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: source }); var vk = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); var current = ("currentObject" in client && client.currentObject == source); /* We want to play sounds if they're from a non-current view, or we don't * have focus at all. Also make sure stalk matches always play sounds. * Also make sure we don't play on the 2nd half of the flash (Callback). */ if (!callback && (!window.isFocused || !current || (what == "attention"))) { if (what == "attention") playEventSounds(source.TYPE, "stalk", source); else if (what == "activity") playEventSounds(source.TYPE, "chat", source); else if (what == "superfluous") playEventSounds(source.TYPE, "event", source); } // Only change the tab's colour if it's not the active view. if (!current) { var state = tb.getAttribute("state"); if (state == what) { /* if the tab state has an equal priority to what we are setting * then blink it */ if (client.prefs["activityFlashDelay"] > 0) { tb.setAttribute("state", "normal"); setTimeout(setTabState, client.prefs["activityFlashDelay"], vk, what, true); } } else { if (state == "normal" || state == "superfluous" || (state == "activity" && what == "attention")) { /* if the tab state has a lower priority than what we are * setting, change it to the new state */ tb.setAttribute("state", what); /* we only change the activity list if priority has increased */ if (what == "attention") client.activityList[vk] = "!"; else if (what == "activity") client.activityList[vk] = "+"; else { /* this is functionally equivalent to "+" for now */ client.activityList[vk] = "-"; } updateTitle(); } else { /* the current state of the tab has a higher priority than the * new state. * blink the new lower state quickly, then back to the old */ if (client.prefs["activityFlashDelay"] > 0) { tb.setAttribute("state", what); setTimeout(setTabState, client.prefs["activityFlashDelay"], vk, state, true); } } } } } function notifyAttention (source) { if (typeof source != "object") source = client.viewsArray[source].source; if (client.currentObject != source) { var tb = dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: source }); var vk = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); tb.setAttribute ("state", "attention"); client.activityList[vk] = "!"; updateTitle(); } if (client.prefs["notify.aggressive"]) window.getAttention(); } function setDebugMode(mode) { if (mode.indexOf("t") != -1) client.debugHook.enabled = true; else client.debugHook.enabled = false; if (mode.indexOf("c") != -1) client.dbgContexts = true; else delete client.dbgContexts; if (mode.indexOf("d") != -1) client.dbgDispatch = true; else delete client.dbgDispatch; } function setListMode(mode) { var elem = document.getElementById("user-list"); if (mode) elem.setAttribute("mode", mode); else elem.removeAttribute("mode"); if (elem && elem.view && elem.treeBoxObject) { elem.treeBoxObject.clearStyleAndImageCaches(); elem.treeBoxObject.invalidate(); } } function updateUserList() { var node, chan; node = document.getElementById("user-list"); if (!node.view) return; if (("currentObject" in client) && client.currentObject && client.currentObject.TYPE == "IRCChannel") { reSortUserlist(client.currentObject); } } function reSortUserlist(channel) { if (!channel || !channel.userList) return; channel.userList.childData.reSort(); } function getNicknameForUserlistRow(index) { // This wouldn't be so hard if APIs didn't change so much... see bug 221619 var userlist = document.getElementById("user-list"); if (userlist.columns) var col = userlist.columns.getNamedColumn("usercol"); else col = "usercol"; return userlist.view.getCellText(index, col); } function getFrameForDOMWindow(window) { var frame; for (var i = 0; i < client.deck.childNodes.length; i++) { frame = client.deck.childNodes[i]; if (frame.contentWindow == window) return frame; } return undefined; } function replaceColorCodes(msg) { // Find things that look like URLs and escape the color code inside of those // to prevent munging the URLs resulting in broken links. Leave codes at // the start of the URL alone. msg = msg.replace(new RegExp(client.linkRE.source, "g"), function(url, _foo, scheme) { if (scheme && !client.checkURLScheme(scheme)) return url; return url.replace(/%[BC][0-9A-Fa-f]/g, function(hex, index) { // as JS does not support lookbehind and we don't want to consume the // preceding character, we test for an existing %% manually var needPercent = ("%" == url.substr(index - 1, 1)) || (index == 0); return (needPercent ? "" : "%") + hex; }); }); // mIRC codes: underline, bold, Original (reset), colors, reverse colors. msg = msg.replace(/(^|[^%])%U/g, "$1\x1f"); msg = msg.replace(/(^|[^%])%B/g, "$1\x02"); msg = msg.replace(/(^|[^%])%O/g, "$1\x0f"); msg = msg.replace(/(^|[^%])%C/g, "$1\x03"); msg = msg.replace(/(^|[^%])%R/g, "$1\x16"); // %%[UBOCR] --> %[UBOCR]. msg = msg.replace(/%(%[UBOCR])/g, "$1"); return msg; } function decodeColorCodes(msg) { // %[UBOCR] --> %%[UBOCR]. msg = msg.replace(/(%[UBOCR])/g, "%$1"); // Put %-codes back in place of special character codes. msg = msg.replace(/\x1f/g, "%U"); msg = msg.replace(/\x02/g, "%B"); msg = msg.replace(/\x0f/g, "%O"); msg = msg.replace(/\x03/g, "%C"); msg = msg.replace(/\x16/g, "%R"); return msg; } function removeColorCodes(msg) { msg = msg.replace(/[\x1f\x02\x0f\x16]/g, ""); // We need this to be global: msg = msg.replace(new RegExp(client.colorRE.source, "g"), ""); return msg; } client.progressListener = new Object(); client.progressListener.QueryInterface = function qi(iid) { return this; } client.progressListener.onStateChange = function client_statechange (webProgress, request, stateFlags, status) { const nsIWebProgressListener = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgressListener; const START = nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_START; const STOP = nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_STOP; const IS_NETWORK = nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_NETWORK; const IS_DOCUMENT = nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_DOCUMENT; const IS_REQUEST = nsIWebProgressListener.STATE_IS_REQUEST; var frame; //dd("progressListener.onStateChange(" + stateFlags.toString(16) + ")"); // We only care about the initial start of loading, not the loading of // and page sub-components (IS_DOCUMENT, etc.). if ((stateFlags & START) && (stateFlags & IS_NETWORK) && (stateFlags & IS_DOCUMENT)) { frame = getFrameForDOMWindow(webProgress.DOMWindow); if (!frame) { dd("can't find frame for window (start)"); try { webProgress.removeProgressListener(this); } catch(ex) { dd("Exception removing progress listener (start): " + ex); } } } // We only want to know when the *network* stops, not the page's // individual components (STATE_IS_REQUEST/STATE_IS_DOCUMENT/somesuch). else if ((stateFlags & STOP) && (stateFlags & IS_NETWORK)) { frame = getFrameForDOMWindow(webProgress.DOMWindow); if (!frame) { dd("can't find frame for window (stop)"); try { webProgress.removeProgressListener(this); } catch(ex) { dd("Exception removing progress listener (stop): " + ex); } } else { var cwin = getContentWindow(frame); if (cwin && "initOutputWindow" in cwin) { if (!("_called_initOutputWindow" in cwin)) { cwin._called_initOutputWindow = true; cwin.initOutputWindow(client, frame.source, onMessageViewClick); cwin.changeCSS(frame.source.getFontCSS("data"), "cz-fonts"); scrollDown(frame, true); //dd("initOutputWindow(" + frame.source.getURL() + ")"); } } // XXX: For about:blank it won't find initOutputWindow. Cope. else if (!cwin || !cwin.location || (cwin.location.href != "about:blank")) { // This should totally never ever happen. It will if we get in a // fight with xpcnativewrappers, though. Oops: dd("Couldn't find a content window or its initOutputWindow " + "function. This is BAD!"); } } } // Requests stopping are either the page, or its components loading. We're // interested in its components. else if ((stateFlags & STOP) && (stateFlags & IS_REQUEST)) { frame = getFrameForDOMWindow(webProgress.DOMWindow); if (frame) { var cwin = getContentWindow(frame); if (cwin && ("_called_initOutputWindow" in cwin)) { scrollDown(frame, false); //dd("scrollDown(" + frame.source.getURL() + ")"); } } } } client.progressListener.onProgressChange = function client_progresschange (webProgress, request, currentSelf, totalSelf, currentMax, selfMax) { } client.progressListener.onLocationChange = function client_locationchange (webProgress, request, uri) { } client.progressListener.onStatusChange = function client_statuschange (webProgress, request, status, message) { } client.progressListener.onSecurityChange = function client_securitychange (webProgress, request, state) { } client.installPlugin = function cli_installPlugin(name, source) { function checkPluginInstalled(name, path) { var installed = path.exists(); installed |= (name in client.plugins); if (installed) { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_ALREADY_INST, MT_ERROR); throw CZ_PI_ABORT; } }; function getZipEntry(reader, entryEnum) { // nsIZipReader was rewritten... var itemName = entryEnum.getNext(); if (typeof itemName != "string") name = itemName.QueryInterface(nsIZipEntry).name; return itemName; }; function checkZipMore(items) { return (("hasMoreElements" in items) && items.hasMoreElements()) || (("hasMore" in items) && items.hasMore()); }; const DIRECTORY_TYPE = Components.interfaces.nsIFile.DIRECTORY_TYPE; const CZ_PI_ABORT = "CZ_PI_ABORT"; const nsIZipEntry = Components.interfaces.nsIZipEntry; var dest; // Find a suitable location if there was none specified. var destList = client.prefs["initialScripts"]; if ((destList.length == 0) || ((destList.length == 1) && /^\s*$/.test(destList[0]))) { // Reset to default because it is empty. try { client.prefManager.clearPref("initialScripts"); } catch(ex) {/* If this really fails, we're mostly screwed anyway */} destList = client.prefs["initialScripts"]; } // URLs for initialScripts can be relative (the default is): var profilePath = getURLSpecFromFile(client.prefs["profilePath"]); profilePath = Services.io.newURI(profilePath); for (var i = 0; i < destList.length; i++) { var destURL = Services.io.newURI(destList[i], null, profilePath); var file = new nsLocalFile(getFileFromURLSpec(destURL.spec).path); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { // A directory that exists! We'll take it! dest = file.clone(); break; } } if (!dest) { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_INSTALL_TO, MT_ERROR); return; } try { if (typeof source == "string") source = getFileFromURLSpec(source); } catch (ex) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_CHECK_SD, ex), MT_ERROR); return; } display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_INSTALLING, [source.path, dest.path]), MT_INFO); var ary; if (source.path.match(/\.(jar|zip)$/i)) { try { var zipReader = newObject("@mozilla.org/libjar/zip-reader;1", "nsIZipReader"); zipReader.open(source); // This is set to the base path found on ALL items in the zip file. // when we extract, this WILL BE REMOVED from all paths. var zipPathBase = ""; // This always points to init.js, even if we're messing with paths. var initPath = "init.js"; // Look for init.js within a directory... var items = zipReader.findEntries("*/init.js"); while (checkZipMore(items)) { var itemName = getZipEntry(zipReader, items); // Do we already have one? if (zipPathBase) { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_MANY_INITJS, MT_WARN); throw CZ_PI_ABORT; } zipPathBase = itemName.match(/^(.*\/)init.js$/)[1]; initPath = itemName; } if (zipPathBase) { // We have a base for init.js, assert that all files are inside // it. If not, we drop the path and install exactly as-is // instead (which will probably cause it to not work because the // init.js isn't in the right place). items = zipReader.findEntries("*"); while (checkZipMore(items)) { itemName = getZipEntry(zipReader, items); if (itemName.substr(0, zipPathBase.length) != zipPathBase) { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_MIXED_BASE, MT_WARN); zipPathBase = ""; break; } } } // Test init.js for a plugin ID. var initJSFile = getTempFile(client.prefs["profilePath"], "install-plugin.temp"); zipReader.extract(initPath, initJSFile); initJSFile.permissions = 438; // 0666 var initJSFileH = fopen(initJSFile, "<"); var initJSData = initJSFileH.read(); initJSFileH.close(); initJSFile.remove(false); //XXXgijs: this is fragile. Anyone got a better idea? ary = initJSData.match(/plugin\.id\s*=\s*(['"])(.*?)(\1)/); if (ary && (name != ary[2])) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_WARN_NAME, [name, ary[2]]), MT_WARN); name = ary[2]; } dest.append(name); checkPluginInstalled(name, dest); dest.create(DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o700); // Actually extract files... var destInit; items = zipReader.findEntries("*"); while (checkZipMore(items)) { itemName = getZipEntry(zipReader, items); if (!itemName.match(/\/$/)) { var dirs = itemName; // Remove common path if there is one. if (zipPathBase) dirs = dirs.substring(zipPathBase.length); dirs = dirs.split("/"); // Construct the full path for the extracted file... var zipFile = dest.clone(); for (var i = 0; i < dirs.length - 1; i++) { zipFile.append(dirs[i]); if (!zipFile.exists()) zipFile.create(DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o700); } zipFile.append(dirs[dirs.length - 1]); if (zipFile.leafName == "init.js") destInit = zipFile; zipReader.extract(itemName, zipFile); zipFile.permissions = 438; // 0666 } } var rv = dispatch("load ", {url: getURLSpecFromFile(destInit)}); if (rv) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_DONE, name)); } else { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_REMOVING, MT_ERROR); dest.remove(true); } } catch (ex) { if (ex != CZ_PI_ABORT) display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_EXTRACT, ex), MT_ERROR); zipReader.close(); return; } try { zipReader.close(); } catch (ex) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_EXTRACT, ex), MT_ERROR); } } else if (source.path.match(/\.(js)$/i)) { try { // Test init.js for a plugin ID. var initJSFileH = fopen(source, "<"); var initJSData = initJSFileH.read(); initJSFileH.close(); ary = initJSData.match(/plugin\.id\s*=\s*(['"])(.*?)(\1)/); if (ary && (name != ary[2])) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_WARN_NAME, [name, ary[2]]), MT_WARN); name = ary[2]; } dest.append(name); checkPluginInstalled(name, dest); dest.create(DIRECTORY_TYPE, 0o700); dest.append("init.js"); var destFile = fopen(dest, ">"); destFile.write(initJSData); destFile.close(); var rv = dispatch("load", {url: getURLSpecFromFile(dest)}); if (rv) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_DONE, name)); } else { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_REMOVING, MT_ERROR); // We've appended "init.js" before, so go back up one level: dest.parent.remove(true); } } catch(ex) { if (ex != CZ_PI_ABORT) { display(getMsg(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_INSTALLING, ex), MT_ERROR); } } } else { display(MSG_INSTALL_PLUGIN_ERR_FORMAT, MT_ERROR); } } client.uninstallPlugin = function cli_uninstallPlugin(plugin) { if (!disablePlugin(plugin, true)) return; delete client.plugins[plugin.id]; let file = getFileFromURLSpec(plugin.cwd); if (file.exists() && file.isDirectory()) { // Delete the directory and contents. file.remove(true); } display(getMsg(MSG_PLUGIN_UNINSTALLED, plugin.id)); } function syncOutputFrame(obj, nesting) { const nsIWebProgress = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress; const WINDOW = nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_WINDOW; const NETWORK = nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_STATE_NETWORK; const ALL = nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL; var iframe = obj.frame; function tryAgain(nLevel) { syncOutputFrame(obj, nLevel); }; if (typeof nesting != "number") nesting = 0; if (nesting > 10) { dd("Aborting syncOutputFrame, taken too many tries."); return; } /* We leave the progress listener attached so try to remove it first, * should we be called on an already-set-up view. */ try { iframe.removeProgressListener(client.progressListener, ALL); } catch (ex) { } try { if (getContentDocument(iframe) && ("webProgress" in iframe)) { var url = obj.prefs["outputWindowURL"]; iframe.addProgressListener(client.progressListener, ALL); iframe.loadURI(url); } else { setTimeout(tryAgain, 500, nesting + 1); } } catch (ex) { dd("caught exception showing session view, will try again later."); dd(dumpObjectTree(ex) + "\n"); setTimeout(tryAgain, 500, nesting + 1); } } function createMessages(source) { playEventSounds(source.TYPE, "start", source); source.messages = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:table"); source.messages.setAttribute("class", "msg-table"); source.messages.setAttribute("view-type", source.TYPE); source.messages.setAttribute("role", "log"); source.messages.setAttribute("aria-live", "polite"); var tbody = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:tbody"); source.messages.appendChild (tbody); source.messageCount = 0; } /* Gets the element associated with a view object. * If |create| is present, and true, tab is created if not found. */ function getTabForObject(source, create) { var name; if (!ASSERT(source, "UNDEFINED passed to getTabForObject")) return null; if (!ASSERT("viewName" in source, "INVALID OBJECT in getTabForObject")) return null; name = source.viewName; var tb, id = "tb[" + name + "]"; var matches = 1; for (var i in client.viewsArray) { if (client.viewsArray[i].source == source) { tb = client.viewsArray[i].tb; break; } else if (client.viewsArray[i].tb.getAttribute("id") == id) id = "tb[" + name + "<" + (++matches) + ">]"; } /* If we found a , are allowed to create it, and have a pending view * context, then we're expected to move the existing tab according to said * context. We do that by removing the tab here, and below the creation * code (which is not run) we readd it in the correct location. */ if (tb && create && (typeof client.pendingViewContext == "object")) { /* If we're supposed to insert before ourselves, or the next , * then bail out (since it's a no-op). */ var tabBefore = client.pendingViewContext.tabInsertBefore; if (tabBefore) { var tbAfter = tb.nextSibling; while (tbAfter && tbAfter.collapsed && tbAfter.hidden) tbAfter = tbAfter.nextSibling; if ((tabBefore == tb) || (tabBefore == tbAfter)) return tb; } var viewKey = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); arrayRemoveAt(client.viewsArray, viewKey); for (i = viewKey; i < client.viewsArray.length; i++) client.viewsArray[i].tb.setAttribute("viewKey", i); client.tabs.removeChild(tb); } else if (tb || (!tb && !create)) { /* Either: we have a tab and don't want it moved, or didn't find one * and don't wish to create one. */ return tb; } // Didn't found a , but we're allowed to create one. if (!tb && create) { if (!("messages" in source) || source.messages == null) createMessages(source); tb = document.createElement("tab"); tb.setAttribute("ondragstart", "tabsDNDObserver.onDragStart(event);"); tb.setAttribute("href", source.getURL()); tb.setAttribute("name", source.unicodeName); tb.setAttribute("onclick", "onTabClick(event, this.id);"); // This wouldn't be here if there was a supported CSS property for it. tb.setAttribute("crop", "center"); tb.setAttribute("context", "context:tab"); tb.setAttribute("class", "tab-bottom view-button"); tb.setAttribute("id", id); tb.setAttribute("state", "normal"); name = source.prefs["tabLabel"] || name; tb.setAttribute("label", name + (matches > 1 ? "<" + matches + ">" : "")); tb.setAttribute("tooltiptext", source.viewName); tb.view = source; var browser = document.createElement("browser"); browser.setAttribute("class", "output-container"); browser.setAttribute("type", "content"); browser.setAttribute("flex", "1"); browser.setAttribute("tooltip", "html-tooltip-node"); browser.setAttribute("onclick", "return onMessageViewClick(event)"); browser.setAttribute("onmousedown", "return onMessageViewMouseDown(event)"); browser.setAttribute("oncontextmenu", "return onMessageViewContextMenu(event)"); browser.setAttribute("ondragover", "contentDNDObserver.onDragOver(event);"); browser.setAttribute("ondrop", "contentDNDObserver.onDrop(event);"); browser.source = source; source.frame = browser; ASSERT(client.deck, "no deck?"); client.deck.appendChild(browser); syncOutputFrame(source); if (!("userList" in source) && (source.TYPE == "IRCChannel")) { source.userListShare = new Object(); source.userList = new XULTreeView(source.userListShare); source.userList.getRowProperties = ul_getrowprops; source.userList.getCellProperties = ul_getcellprops; source.userList.childData.setSortDirection(1); } } var beforeTab = null; if (typeof client.pendingViewContext == "object") { var c = client.pendingViewContext; /* If we have a to insert before, and it is still in the tabs, * move the newly-created into the right place. */ if (c.tabInsertBefore && (c.tabInsertBefore.parentNode == client.tabs)) beforeTab = c.tabInsertBefore; } if (beforeTab) { var viewKey = beforeTab.getAttribute("viewKey"); arrayInsertAt(client.viewsArray, viewKey, {source: source, tb: tb}); for (i = viewKey; i < client.viewsArray.length; i++) client.viewsArray[i].tb.setAttribute("viewKey", i); client.tabs.insertBefore(tb, beforeTab); } else { client.viewsArray.push({source: source, tb: tb}); tb.setAttribute("viewKey", client.viewsArray.length - 1); client.tabs.appendChild(tb); } updateTabAttributes(); return tb; } function updateTabAttributes() { /* XXX: Workaround for Gecko bugs 272646 and 261826. Note that this breaks * the location of the spacers before and after the tabs but, due to our * own , their flex was not being utilised anyway. */ var tabOrdinal = 0; for (var tab = client.tabs.firstChild; tab; tab = tab.nextSibling) tab.ordinal = tabOrdinal++; /* XXX: Workaround for tabbox.xml not coping with updating attributes when * tabs are moved. We correct the "first-tab", "last-tab", "beforeselected" * and "afterselected" attributes. * * "last-tab" and "beforeselected" are updated on each valid (non-collapsed * and non-hidden) tab found, to avoid having to work backwards as well as * forwards. "first-tab" and "afterselected" are just set the once each. * |foundSelected| tracks where we are in relation to the selected tab. */ var tabAttrs = { "first-tab": null, "last-tab": null, "beforeselected": null, "afterselected": null }; var foundSelected = "before"; for (tab = client.tabs.firstChild; tab; tab = tab.nextSibling) { if (tab.collapsed || tab.hidden) continue; if (!tabAttrs["first-tab"]) tabAttrs["first-tab"] = tab; tabAttrs["last-tab"] = tab; if ((foundSelected == "before") && tab.selected) foundSelected = "on"; else if (foundSelected == "on") foundSelected = "after"; if (foundSelected == "before") tabAttrs["beforeselected"] = tab; if ((foundSelected == "after") && !tabAttrs["afterselected"]) tabAttrs["afterselected"] = tab; } // After picking a tab for each attribute, apply them to the tabs. for (tab = client.tabs.firstChild; tab; tab = tab.nextSibling) { for (var attr in tabAttrs) { if (tabAttrs[attr] == tab) tab.setAttribute(attr, "true"); else tab.removeAttribute(attr); } } } // Properties getter for user list tree view function ul_getrowprops(index) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.childData.childData.length)) { return ""; } // See bug 432482 - work around Gecko deficiency. if (!this.selection.isSelected(index)) { return "unselected"; } return ""; } // Properties getter for user list tree view function ul_getcellprops(index, column) { if ((index < 0) || (index >= this.childData.childData.length)) { return ""; } var resultProps = []; // See bug 432482 - work around Gecko deficiency. if (!this.selection.isSelected(index)) resultProps.push("unselected"); var userObj = this.childData.childData[index]._userObj; resultProps.push("voice-" + userObj.isVoice); resultProps.push("op-" + userObj.isOp); resultProps.push("halfop-" + userObj.isHalfOp); resultProps.push("admin-" + userObj.isAdmin); resultProps.push("founder-" + userObj.isFounder); resultProps.push("away-" + userObj.isAway); return resultProps.join(" "); } var contentDNDObserver = { onDragOver(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target == aEvent.dataTransfer.mozSourceNode) return; if (Services.droppedLinkHandler.canDropLink(aEvent, true)) aEvent.preventDefault(); }, onDrop(aEvent) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); var url = Services.droppedLinkHandler.dropLink(aEvent, {}); if (!url || url.search(client.linkRE) == -1) return; if (url.search(/\.css$/i) != -1 && confirm(getMsg(MSG_TABDND_DROP, url))) dispatch("motif", {"motif": url}); else if (url.search(/^ircs?:\/\//i) != -1) dispatch("goto-url", {"url": url}); }, } var tabsDNDObserver = { onDragOver(aEvent) { if (aEvent.target == aEvent.dataTransfer.mozSourceNode) return; // If we're not accepting the drag, don't show the marker either. if (!Services.droppedLinkHandler.canDropLink(aEvent, true)) { client.tabDragBar.collapsed = true; return; } aEvent.preventDefault(); /* Locate the tab we're about to drop onto. We split tabs in half, dropping * on the side closest to the mouse, or after the last tab if the mouse is * somewhere beyond all the tabs. */ var ltr = (window.getComputedStyle(client.tabs, null).direction == "ltr"); var newPosition = client.tabs.firstChild.boxObject.x; for (var dropTab = client.tabs.firstChild; dropTab; dropTab = dropTab.nextSibling) { if (dropTab.collapsed || dropTab.hidden) continue; var bo = dropTab.boxObject; if ((ltr && (aEvent.screenX < bo.screenX + bo.width / 2)) || (!ltr && (aEvent.screenX > bo.screenX + bo.width / 2))) { break; } newPosition = bo.x + bo.width; } // Reposition the drop marker and show it. In that order. client.tabDragMarker.style.MozMarginStart = newPosition + "px"; client.tabDragBar.collapsed = false; }, onDragExit(aEvent) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); /* We've either stopped being part of a drag operation, or the dragging is * somewhere away from us. */ client.tabDragBar.collapsed = true; }, onDrop(aEvent) { aEvent.stopPropagation(); // Dragging has finished. client.tabDragBar.collapsed = true; // See comment above |var tabsDropObserver|. var url = Services.droppedLinkHandler.dropLink(aEvent, {}); if (!url || !(url.match(/^ircs?:/) || url.match(/^x-irc-dcc-(chat|file):/))) return; // Find the tab to insertBefore() the new one. var ltr = (window.getComputedStyle(client.tabs, null).direction == "ltr"); for (var dropTab = client.tabs.firstChild; dropTab; dropTab = dropTab.nextSibling) { if (dropTab.collapsed || dropTab.hidden) continue; var bo = dropTab.boxObject; if ((ltr && (aEvent.screenX < bo.screenX + bo.width / 2)) || (!ltr && (aEvent.screenX > bo.screenX + bo.width / 2))) { break; } } // Check if the URL is already in the views. for (var i = 0; i < client.viewsArray.length; i++) { var view = client.viewsArray[i].source; if (view.getURL() == url) { client.pendingViewContext = { tabInsertBefore: dropTab }; dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: view }); delete client.pendingViewContext; return; } } // URL not found in tabs, so force it into life - this may connect/rejoin. if (url.substring(0, 3) == "irc") gotoIRCURL(url, { tabInsertBefore: dropTab }); }, onDragStart(aEvent) { var tb = aEvent.currentTarget; var href = tb.getAttribute("href"); var name = tb.getAttribute("name"); /* x-moz-url has the format "\n", goodie */ aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/x-moz-url", href + "\n" + name); aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/unicode", href); aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", href); aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/html", "" + name + ""); }, } var userlistDNDObserver = { onDragStart(aEvent) { var col = {}; var row = {}; var cell = {}; var tree = document.getElementById('user-list'); tree.treeBoxObject.getCellAt(aEvent.clientX, aEvent.clientY, row, col, cell); // Check whether we're actually on a normal row and cell if (!cell.value || (row.value == -1)) return; var nickname = getNicknameForUserlistRow(row.value); aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/unicode", nickname); aEvent.dataTransfer.setData("text/plain", nickname); }, } function deleteTab(tb) { if (!ASSERT(tb.hasAttribute("viewKey"), "INVALID OBJECT passed to deleteTab (" + tb + ")")) { return null; } var key = Number(tb.getAttribute("viewKey")); // Re-index higher tabs. for (var i = key + 1; i < client.viewsArray.length; i++) client.viewsArray[i].tb.setAttribute("viewKey", i - 1); arrayRemoveAt(client.viewsArray, key); client.tabs.removeChild(tb); setTimeout(updateTabAttributes, 0); return key; } function deleteFrame(view) { const nsIWebProgress = Components.interfaces.nsIWebProgress; const ALL = nsIWebProgress.NOTIFY_ALL; // We leave the progress listener attached so try to remove it. try { view.frame.removeProgressListener(client.progressListener, ALL); } catch (ex) { dd(formatException(ex)); } client.deck.removeChild(view.frame); delete view.frame; } function filterOutput(msg, msgtype, dest) { if ("outputFilters" in client) { for (var f in client.outputFilters) { if (client.outputFilters[f].enabled) msg = client.outputFilters[f].func(msg, msgtype, dest); } } return msg; } function updateTimestamps(view) { if (!("messages" in view)) return; view._timestampLast = ""; var node = view.messages.firstChild.firstChild; var nested; while (node) { if(node.className == "msg-nested-tr") { nested = node.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; while (nested) { updateTimestampFor(view, nested); nested = nested.nextSibling; } } else { updateTimestampFor(view, node); } node = node.nextSibling; } } function updateTimestampFor(view, displayRow, forceOldStamp) { var time = new Date(1 * displayRow.getAttribute("timestamp")); var tsCell = displayRow.firstChild; if (!tsCell) return; var fmt; if (view.prefs["timestamps"]) fmt = strftime(view.prefs["timestamps.display"], time); while (tsCell.lastChild) tsCell.removeChild(tsCell.lastChild); var needStamp = fmt && (forceOldStamp || !view.prefs["collapseMsgs"] || (fmt != view._timestampLast)); if (needStamp) tsCell.appendChild(document.createTextNode(fmt)); if (!forceOldStamp) view._timestampLast = fmt; } client.updateMenus = function c_updatemenus(menus) { // Don't bother if the menus aren't even created yet. if (!client.initialized) return null; return this.menuManager.updateMenus(document, menus); } client.checkURLScheme = function c_checkURLScheme(url) { if (!("schemes" in client)) { var pfx = "@mozilla.org/network/protocol;1?name="; var len = pfx.length; client.schemes = new Object(); for (var c in Components.classes) { if (c.indexOf(pfx) == 0) client.schemes[c.substr(len)] = true; } } return (url.toLowerCase() in client.schemes); } client.adoptNode = function cli_adoptnode(node, doc) { try { doc.adoptNode(node); } catch(ex) { dd(formatException(ex)); var err = ex.name; // TypeError from before adoptNode was added; NOT_IMPL after. if ((err == "TypeError") || (err == "NS_ERROR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED")) client.adoptNode = cli_adoptnode_noop; } return node; } function cli_adoptnode_noop(node, doc) { return node; } client.addNetwork = function cli_addnet(name, serverList, temporary) { let net = new CIRCNetwork(name, serverList, client.eventPump, temporary); client.networks[net.collectionKey] = net; } client.getNetwork = function cli_getnet(name) { return client.networks[":" + name] || null; } client.removeNetwork = function cli_removenet(name) { let net = client.getNetwork(name); // Allow network a chance to clean up any mess. if (typeof net.destroy == "function") net.destroy(); delete client.networks[net.collectionKey]; } client.connectToNetwork = function cli_connect(networkOrName, requireSecurity) { var network; var name; if (isinstance(networkOrName, CIRCNetwork)) { network = networkOrName; } else { name = networkOrName; network = client.getNetwork(name); if (!network) { display(getMsg(MSG_ERR_UNKNOWN_NETWORK, name), MT_ERROR); return null; } } name = network.unicodeName; dispatch("create-tab-for-view", { view: network }); dispatch("set-current-view", { view: network }); if (network.isConnected()) { network.display(getMsg(MSG_ALREADY_CONNECTED, name)); return network; } if (network.state != NET_OFFLINE) return network; if (network.prefs["nickname"] == DEFAULT_NICK) network.prefs["nickname"] = prompt(MSG_ENTER_NICK, DEFAULT_NICK); if (!("connecting" in network)) network.display(getMsg(MSG_NETWORK_CONNECTING, name)); network.connect(requireSecurity); network.updateHeader(); client.updateHeader(); updateTitle(); return network; } client.getURL = function cli_geturl () { return "irc://"; } client.load = function cli_load(url, scope) { if (!("_loader" in client)) { const LOADER_CTRID = "@mozilla.org/moz/jssubscript-loader;1"; const mozIJSSubScriptLoader = Components.interfaces.mozIJSSubScriptLoader; var cls; if ((cls = Components.classes[LOADER_CTRID])) client._loader = cls.getService(mozIJSSubScriptLoader); } if (client._loader.loadSubScriptWithOptions) { var opts = {target: scope, ignoreCache: true}; return client._loader.loadSubScriptWithOptions(url, opts); } return client._loader.loadSubScript(url, scope); } client.sayToCurrentTarget = function cli_say(msg, isInteractive) { if ("say" in client.currentObject) { client.currentObject.dispatch("say", {message: msg}, isInteractive); return; } switch (client.currentObject.TYPE) { case "IRCClient": dispatch("eval", {expression: msg}, isInteractive); break; default: if (msg != "") display(MSG_ERR_NO_DEFAULT, MT_ERROR); break; } } CIRCNetwork.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", net_getprefs); function net_getprefs() { if (!("_prefs" in this)) { this._prefManager = getNetworkPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefs; } CIRCNetwork.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", net_getprefmgr); function net_getprefmgr() { if (!("_prefManager" in this)) { this._prefManager = getNetworkPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefManager; } CIRCServer.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", srv_getprefs); function srv_getprefs() { return this.parent.prefs; } CIRCServer.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", srv_getprefmgr); function srv_getprefmgr() { return this.parent.prefManager; } CIRCChannel.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", chan_getprefs); function chan_getprefs() { if (!("_prefs" in this)) { this._prefManager = getChannelPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefs; } CIRCChannel.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", chan_getprefmgr); function chan_getprefmgr() { if (!("_prefManager" in this)) { this._prefManager = getChannelPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefManager; } CIRCUser.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", usr_getprefs); function usr_getprefs() { if (!("_prefs" in this)) { this._prefManager = getUserPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefs; } CIRCUser.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", usr_getprefmgr); function usr_getprefmgr() { if (!("_prefManager" in this)) { this._prefManager = getUserPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefManager; } CIRCDCCUser.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", dccusr_getprefs); function dccusr_getprefs() { if (!("_prefs" in this)) { this._prefManager = getDCCUserPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefs; } CIRCDCCUser.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", dccusr_getprefmgr); function dccusr_getprefmgr() { if (!("_prefManager" in this)) { this._prefManager = getDCCUserPrefManager(this); this._prefs = this._prefManager.prefs; } return this._prefManager; } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", dccchat_getprefs); function dccchat_getprefs() { return this.user.prefs; } CIRCDCCChat.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", dccchat_getprefmgr); function dccchat_getprefmgr() { return this.user.prefManager; } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefs", dccfile_getprefs); function dccfile_getprefs() { return this.user.prefs; } CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.__defineGetter__("prefManager", dccfile_getprefmgr); function dccfile_getprefmgr() { return this.user.prefManager; } /* Displays a network-centric message on the most appropriate view. * * When |client.SLOPPY_NETWORKS| is |true|, messages will be displayed on the * *current* view instead of the network view, if the current view is part of * the same network. */ CIRCNetwork.prototype.display = function net_display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags) { var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (client.SLOPPY_NETWORKS && client.currentObject != this && o.network == this && o.server && o.server.isConnected) { client.currentObject.display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } else { this.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } } /* Displays a channel-centric message on the most appropriate view. * * If the channel view already exists (visible or hidden), messages are added * to it; otherwise, messages go to the *network* view. */ CIRCChannel.prototype.display = function chan_display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags) { if ("messages" in this) this.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); else this.parent.parent.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } /* Displays a user-centric message on the most appropriate view. * * If the user view already exists (visible or hidden), messages are added to * it; otherwise, it goes to the *current* view if the current view is part of * the same network, or the *network* view if not. */ CIRCUser.prototype.display = function usr_display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags) { if ("messages" in this) { this.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } else { var o = getObjectDetails(client.currentObject); if (o.server && o.server.isConnected && o.network == this.parent.parent && client.currentObject.TYPE != "IRCUser") client.currentObject.display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); else this.parent.parent.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } } /* Displays a DCC user/file transfer-centric message on the most appropriate view. * * If the DCC user/file transfer view already exists (visible or hidden), * messages are added to it; otherwise, messages go to the *current* view. */ CIRCDCCChat.prototype.display = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.display = function dcc_display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj) { if ("messages" in this) this.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); else client.currentObject.display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); } function feedback(e, message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj) { if ("isInteractive" in e && e.isInteractive) display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); } CIRCChannel.prototype.feedback = CIRCNetwork.prototype.feedback = CIRCUser.prototype.feedback = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.feedback = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.feedback = client.feedback = function this_feedback(e, message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj) { if ("isInteractive" in e && e.isInteractive) this.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); } function display (message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags) { client.currentObject.display (message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags); } client.getFontCSS = CIRCNetwork.prototype.getFontCSS = CIRCChannel.prototype.getFontCSS = CIRCUser.prototype.getFontCSS = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.getFontCSS = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.getFontCSS = function this_getFontCSS(format) { /* Wow, this is cool. We just put together a CSS-rule string based on the * font preferences. *This* is what CSS is all about. :) * We also provide a "data: URL" format, to simplify other code. */ var css; var fs; var fn; if (this.prefs["font.family"] != "default") fn = "font-family: " + this.prefs["font.family"] + ";"; else fn = "font-family: inherit;"; if (this.prefs["font.size"] != 0) fs = "font-size: " + this.prefs["font.size"] + "pt;"; else fs = "font-size: medium;"; css = ".chatzilla-body { " + fs + fn + " }"; if (format == "data") return "data:text/css," + encodeURIComponent(css); return css; } client.startMsgGroup = CIRCNetwork.prototype.startMsgGroup = CIRCChannel.prototype.startMsgGroup = CIRCUser.prototype.startMsgGroup = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.startMsgGroup = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.startMsgGroup = function __startMsgGroup(id, groupMsg, msgtype) { // The given ID may not be unique, so append a timestamp to ensure it is. var groupId = id + "-" + Date.now(); // Add the button to the end of the message. var headerMsg = groupMsg + " " + getMsg(MSG_COLLAPSE_BUTTON, [MSG_COLLAPSE_HIDE, MSG_COLLAPSE_HIDETITLE, groupId]); // Show the group header message. client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; this.displayHere(headerMsg, msgtype); client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; // Add the group to a list of active message groups. if (!this.msgGroups) this.msgGroups = []; this.msgGroups.push(groupId); // Return the actual ID in case the caller wants to use it later. return groupId; } function startMsgGroup(groupId, headerMsg, msgtype) { client.currentObject.startMsgGroup(groupId, headerMsg, msgtype); } client.endMsgGroup = CIRCNetwork.prototype.endMsgGroup = CIRCChannel.prototype.endMsgGroup = CIRCUser.prototype.endMsgGroup = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.endMsgGroup = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.endMsgGroup = function __endMsgGroup(groupId, message) { if (!this.msgGroups) return; // Remove the group from the list of active message groups. this.msgGroups.pop(); if (this.msgGroups.length == 0) delete this.msgGroups; } function endMsgGroup() { client.currentObject.endMsgGroup(); } client.display = client.displayHere = CIRCNetwork.prototype.displayHere = CIRCChannel.prototype.displayHere = CIRCUser.prototype.displayHere = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.displayHere = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.displayHere = function __display(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj, tags) { // We need a message type, assume "INFO". if (!msgtype) msgtype = MT_INFO; var msgprefix = ""; if (msgtype.indexOf("/") != -1) { var ary = msgtype.match(/^(.*)\/(.*)$/); msgtype = ary[1]; msgprefix = ary[2]; } var blockLevel = false; /* true if this row should be rendered at block * level, (like, if it has a really long nickname * that might disturb the rest of the layout) */ var o = getObjectDetails(this); /* get the skinny on |this| */ // Get the 'me' object, so we can be sure to get the attributes right. var me; if ("me" in this) me = this.me; else if (o.server && "me" in o.server) me = o.server.me; /* Allow for matching (but not identical) user objects here. This tends to * happen with bouncers and proxies, when they send channel messages * pretending to be from the user; the sourceObj is a CIRCChanUser * instead of a CIRCUser so doesn't == 'me'. */ if (me) { if (sourceObj && (sourceObj.canonicalName == me.canonicalName)) sourceObj = me; if (destObj && (destObj.canonicalName == me.canonicalName)) destObj = me; } // Let callers get away with "ME!" and we have to substitute here. if (sourceObj == "ME!") sourceObj = me; if (destObj == "ME!") destObj = me; // Get the TYPE of the source object. var fromType = (sourceObj && sourceObj.TYPE) ? sourceObj.TYPE : "unk"; // Is the source a user? var fromUser = (fromType.search(/IRC.*User/) != -1); // Get some sort of "name" for the source. var fromAttr = ""; if (sourceObj) { if ("canonicalName" in sourceObj) fromAttr = sourceObj.canonicalName; else if ("name" in sourceObj) fromAttr = sourceObj.name; else fromAttr = sourceObj.viewName; } // Get the dest TYPE too... var toType = (destObj) ? destObj.TYPE : "unk"; // Is the dest a user? var toUser = (toType.search(/IRC.*User/) != -1); // Get a dest name too... var toAttr = ""; if (destObj) { if ("canonicalName" in destObj) toAttr = destObj.canonicalName; else if ("name" in destObj) toAttr = destObj.name; else toAttr = destObj.viewName; } // Is the message 'to' or 'from' somewhere other than this view var toOther = ((sourceObj == me) && destObj && (destObj != this)); var fromOther = (toUser && (destObj == me) && (sourceObj != this) && // Need extra check for DCC users: !((this.TYPE == "IRCDCCChat") && (this.user == sourceObj))); // Attach "ME!" if appropriate, so motifs can style differently. if ((sourceObj == me) && !toOther) fromAttr = fromAttr + " ME!"; if (destObj && destObj == me) toAttr = me.canonicalName + " ME!"; /* isImportant means to style the messages as important, and flash the * window, getAttention means just flash the window. */ var isImportant = false, getAttention = false, isSuperfluous = false; var viewType = this.TYPE; var code; var time; if (tags && ("time" in tags)) time = new Date(tags.time); else time = new Date(); var timeStamp = strftime(this.prefs["timestamps.log"], time); // Statusbar text, and the line that gets saved to the log. var statusString; var logStringPfx = timeStamp + " "; var logStrings = new Array(); if (fromUser) { statusString = getMsg(MSG_FMT_STATUS, [timeStamp, sourceObj.unicodeName + "!" + sourceObj.name + "@" + sourceObj.host]); } else { var name; if (sourceObj) name = sourceObj.viewName; else name = this.viewName; statusString = getMsg(MSG_FMT_STATUS, [timeStamp, name]); } // The table row, and it's attributes. var msgRow = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:tr"); msgRow.setAttribute("class", "msg"); if (this.msgGroups) msgRow.setAttribute("msg-groups", this.msgGroups.join(', ')); msgRow.setAttribute("msg-type", msgtype); msgRow.setAttribute("msg-prefix", msgprefix); msgRow.setAttribute("msg-dest", toAttr); msgRow.setAttribute("dest-type", toType); msgRow.setAttribute("view-type", viewType); msgRow.setAttribute("status-text", statusString); msgRow.setAttribute("timestamp", Number(time)); if (fromAttr) { if (fromUser) { msgRow.setAttribute("msg-user", fromAttr); // Set some mode information for channel users if (fromType == 'IRCChanUser') msgRow.setAttribute("msg-user-mode", sourceObj.modes.join(" ")); } else { msgRow.setAttribute("msg-source", fromAttr); } } if (toOther) msgRow.setAttribute("to-other", toOther); if (fromOther) msgRow.setAttribute("from-other", fromOther); // Timestamp cell. var msgRowTimestamp = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); msgRowTimestamp.setAttribute("class", "msg-timestamp"); var canMergeData; var msgRowSource, msgRowType, msgRowData; if (fromUser && msgtype.match(/^(PRIVMSG|ACTION|NOTICE|WALLOPS)$/)) { var nick = sourceObj.unicodeName; var decorSt = ""; var decorEn = ""; // Set default decorations. if (msgtype == "ACTION") { decorSt = "* "; } else { decorSt = "<"; decorEn = ">"; } var nickURL; if ((sourceObj != me) && ("getURL" in sourceObj)) nickURL = sourceObj.getURL(); if (toOther && ("getURL" in destObj)) nickURL = destObj.getURL(); if (sourceObj != me) { // Not from us... if (destObj == me) { // ...but to us. Messages from someone else to us. getAttention = true; this.defaultCompletion = "/msg " + nick + " "; // If this is a private message, and it's not in a query view, // use *nick* instead of . if ((msgtype != "ACTION") && (this.TYPE != "IRCUser")) { decorSt = "*"; decorEn = "*"; } } else { // ...or to us. Messages from someone else to channel or similar. if ((typeof message == "string") && me) isImportant = msgIsImportant(message, nick, o.network); else if (message.hasAttribute("isImportant") && me) isImportant = true; if (isImportant) { this.defaultCompletion = nick + client.prefs["nickCompleteStr"] + " "; } } } else { // Messages from us, to somewhere other than this view if (toOther) { nick = destObj.unicodeName; decorSt = ">"; decorEn = "<"; } } // Log the nickname in the same format as we'll let the user copy. // If the message has a prefix, show it after a "/". if (msgprefix) logStringPfx += decorSt + nick + "/" + msgprefix + decorEn + " "; else logStringPfx += decorSt + nick + decorEn + " "; if (!("lastNickDisplayed" in this) || this.lastNickDisplayed != nick) { this.lastNickDisplayed = nick; this.mark = (("mark" in this) && this.mark == "even") ? "odd" : "even"; } msgRowSource = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); msgRowSource.setAttribute("class", "msg-user"); // Make excessive nicks get shunted. if (nick && (nick.length > client.MAX_NICK_DISPLAY)) blockLevel = true; if (decorSt) msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(decorSt, "chatzilla-decor")); if (nickURL) { var nick_anchor = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:a"); nick_anchor.setAttribute("class", "chatzilla-link"); nick_anchor.setAttribute("href", nickURL); nick_anchor.appendChild(newInlineText(nick)); msgRowSource.appendChild(nick_anchor); } else { msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(nick)); } if (msgprefix) { /* We don't style the "/" with chatzilla-decor because the one * thing we don't want is it disappearing! */ msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText("/", "")); msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(msgprefix, "chatzilla-prefix")); } if (decorEn) msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(decorEn, "chatzilla-decor")); canMergeData = this.prefs["collapseMsgs"]; } else if (msgprefix) { decorSt = "<"; decorEn = ">"; logStringPfx += decorSt + "/" + msgprefix + decorEn + " "; msgRowSource = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); msgRowSource.setAttribute("class", "msg-user"); msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(decorSt, "chatzilla-decor")); msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText("/", "")); msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(msgprefix, "chatzilla-prefix")); msgRowSource.appendChild(newInlineText(decorEn, "chatzilla-decor")); canMergeData = this.prefs["collapseMsgs"]; } else { isSuperfluous = true; if (!client.debugHook.enabled && msgtype in client.responseCodeMap) { code = client.responseCodeMap[msgtype]; } else { if (!client.debugHook.enabled && client.HIDE_CODES) code = client.DEFAULT_RESPONSE_CODE; else code = "[" + msgtype + "]"; } /* Display the message code */ msgRowType = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); msgRowType.setAttribute("class", "msg-type"); msgRowType.appendChild(newInlineText(code)); logStringPfx += code + " "; } if (message) { msgRowData = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); msgRowData.setAttribute("class", "msg-data"); var tmpMsgs = message; if (typeof message == "string") { msgRowData.appendChild(stringToMsg(message, this)); } else { msgRowData.appendChild(message); tmpMsgs = tmpMsgs.innerHTML.replace(/<[^<]*>/g, ""); } tmpMsgs = tmpMsgs.split(/\r?\n/); for (var l = 0; l < tmpMsgs.length; l++) logStrings[l] = logStringPfx + tmpMsgs[l]; } if ("mark" in this) msgRow.setAttribute("mark", this.mark); if (isImportant) { if ("importantMessages" in this) { var importantId = "important" + (this.importantMessages++); msgRow.setAttribute("id", importantId); } msgRow.setAttribute("important", "true"); msgRow.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive"); } // Timestamps first... msgRow.appendChild(msgRowTimestamp); // Now do the rest of the row, after block-level stuff. if (msgRowSource) msgRow.appendChild(msgRowSource); else msgRow.appendChild(msgRowType); if (msgRowData) msgRow.appendChild(msgRowData); updateTimestampFor(this, msgRow); if (blockLevel) { /* putting a div here crashes mozilla, so fake it with nested tables * for now */ var tr = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:tr"); tr.setAttribute ("class", "msg-nested-tr"); var td = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:td"); td.setAttribute ("class", "msg-nested-td"); td.setAttribute ("colspan", "3"); tr.appendChild(td); var table = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:table"); table.setAttribute ("class", "msg-nested-table"); table.setAttribute("role", "presentation"); td.appendChild (table); var tbody = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:tbody"); tbody.appendChild(msgRow); table.appendChild(tbody); msgRow = tr; } // Actually add the item. addHistory (this, msgRow, canMergeData); // Update attention states... if (isImportant || getAttention) { setTabState(this, "attention"); if (client.prefs["notify.aggressive"]) window.getAttention(); } else { if (isSuperfluous) { setTabState(this, "superfluous"); } else { setTabState(this, "activity"); } } // Copy Important Messages [to network view]. if (isImportant && client.prefs["copyMessages"] && (o.network != this)) { if (importantId) { // Create the linked inline button var msgspan = document.createElementNS(XHTML_NS, "html:span"); msgspan.setAttribute("isImportant", "true"); var cmd = "jump-to-anchor " + importantId + " " + this.unicodeName; var prefix = getMsg(MSG_JUMPTO_BUTTON, [this.unicodeName, cmd]); // Munge prefix as a button client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = true; client.munger.munge(prefix + " ", msgspan, o); // Munge rest of message normally client.munger.getRule(".inline-buttons").enabled = false; client.munger.munge(message, msgspan, o); o.network.displayHere(msgspan, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); } else { o.network.displayHere(message, msgtype, sourceObj, destObj); } } // Log file time! if (this.prefs["log"]) { if (!this.logFile) client.openLogFile(this); try { var LE = client.lineEnd; for (var l = 0; l < logStrings.length; l++) this.logFile.write(fromUnicode(logStrings[l] + LE, "utf-8")); } catch (ex) { // Stop logging before showing any messages! this.prefs["log"] = false; dd("Log file write error: " + formatException(ex)); this.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_LOGFILE_WRITE_ERROR, getLogPath(this)), "ERROR"); } } /* We want to show alerts if they're from a non-current view (optional), * or we don't have focus at all. */ if (client.prefs["alert.globalEnabled"] && this.prefs["alert.enabled"] && client.alert && (!window.isFocused || (!client.prefs['alert.nonFocusedOnly'] && !("currentObject" in client && client.currentObject == this) ) ) ) { if (isImportant) { showEventAlerts(this.TYPE, "stalk", message, nick, o, this, msgtype); } else if (isSuperfluous) { showEventAlerts(this.TYPE, "event", message, nick, o, this, msgtype); } else { showEventAlerts(this.TYPE, "chat" , message, nick, o, this, msgtype); } } } function addHistory (source, obj, mergeData) { if (!("messages" in source) || (source.messages == null)) createMessages(source); var tbody = source.messages.firstChild; var appendTo = tbody; var needScroll = false; if (mergeData) { var inobj = obj; // This gives us the non-nested row when there is nesting. if (inobj.className == "msg-nested-tr") inobj = inobj.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; var thisUserCol = inobj.firstChild; while (thisUserCol && !thisUserCol.className.match(/^(msg-user|msg-type)$/)) thisUserCol = thisUserCol.nextSibling; var thisMessageCol = inobj.firstChild; while (thisMessageCol && !(thisMessageCol.className == "msg-data")) thisMessageCol = thisMessageCol.nextSibling; let columnInfo = findPreviousColumnInfo(source.messages); let nickColumns = columnInfo.nickColumns; let rowExtents = columnInfo.extents; let nickColumnCount = nickColumns.length; let lastRowSpan = 0; let sameNick = false; let samePrefix = false; let sameDest = false; let haveSameType = false; let isAction = false; let collapseActions; let needSameType = false; // 1 or messages, check for doubles. if (nickColumnCount > 0) { var lastRow = nickColumns[nickColumnCount - 1].parentNode; // What was the span last time? lastRowSpan = Number(nickColumns[0].getAttribute("rowspan")); // Are we the same user as last time? sameNick = (lastRow.getAttribute("msg-user") == inobj.getAttribute("msg-user")); // Do we have the same prefix as last time? samePrefix = (lastRow.getAttribute("msg-prefix") == inobj.getAttribute("msg-prefix")); // Do we have the same destination as last time? sameDest = (lastRow.getAttribute("msg-dest") == inobj.getAttribute("msg-dest")); // Is this message the same type as the last one? haveSameType = (lastRow.getAttribute("msg-type") == inobj.getAttribute("msg-type")); // Is either of the messages an action? We may not want to collapse // depending on the collapseActions pref isAction = ((inobj.getAttribute("msg-type") == "ACTION") || (lastRow.getAttribute("msg-type") == "ACTION")); // Do we collapse actions? collapseActions = source.prefs["collapseActions"]; // Does the motif collapse everything, regardless of type? // NOTE: the collapseActions pref can override this for actions needSameType = !(("motifSettings" in source) && source.motifSettings && ("collapsemore" in source.motifSettings)); } if (sameNick && samePrefix && sameDest && (haveSameType || !needSameType) && (!isAction || collapseActions)) { obj = inobj; if (columnInfo.nested) appendTo = source.messages.firstChild.lastChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; if (obj.getAttribute("important")) { nickColumns[nickColumnCount - 1].setAttribute("important", true); } // Remove nickname column from new row. obj.removeChild(thisUserCol); // Expand previous grouping's nickname cell(s) to fill-in the gap. for (var i = 0; i < nickColumns.length; ++i) nickColumns[i].setAttribute("rowspan", rowExtents.length + 1); } } if ("frame" in source) needScroll = checkScroll(source.frame); if (obj) appendTo.appendChild(client.adoptNode(obj, appendTo.ownerDocument)); if (source.MAX_MESSAGES) { if (typeof source.messageCount != "number") source.messageCount = 1; else source.messageCount++; if (source.messageCount > source.MAX_MESSAGES) removeExcessMessages(source); } if (needScroll) scrollDown(source.frame, true); } function removeExcessMessages(source) { var window = getContentWindow(source.frame); var rows = source.messages.rows; var lastItemOffset = rows[rows.length - 1].offsetTop; var tbody = source.messages.firstChild; while (source.messageCount > source.MAX_MESSAGES) { if (tbody.firstChild.className == "msg-nested-tr") { var table = tbody.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; var toBeRemoved = source.messageCount - source.MAX_MESSAGES; // If we can remove the entire table, do that... if (table.rows.length <= toBeRemoved) { tbody.removeChild(tbody.firstChild); source.messageCount -= table.rows.length; table = null; // Don't hang onto this. continue; } // Otherwise, remove rows from this table instead: tbody = table.firstChild; } var nextLastNode = tbody.firstChild.nextSibling; // If the next node has only 2 childNodes, // assume we're dealing with collapsed msgs, // and move the nickname element: if (nextLastNode.childNodes.length == 2) { var nickElem = tbody.firstChild.childNodes[1]; var rowspan = nickElem.getAttribute("rowspan") - 1; tbody.firstChild.removeChild(nickElem); nickElem.setAttribute("rowspan", rowspan); nextLastNode.insertBefore(nickElem, nextLastNode.lastChild); } tbody.removeChild(tbody.firstChild); --source.messageCount; } var oldestItem = rows[0]; if (oldestItem.className == "msg-nested-tr") oldestItem = rows[0].firstChild.firstChild.firstChild.firstChild; updateTimestampFor(source, oldestItem, true); // Scroll by as much as the lowest item has moved up: lastItemOffset -= rows[rows.length - 1].offsetTop; var y = window.pageYOffset; if (!checkScroll(source.frame) && (y > lastItemOffset)) window.scrollBy(0, -lastItemOffset); } function findPreviousColumnInfo(table) { // All the rows in the grouping (for merged rows). var extents = new Array(); // Get the last row in the table. var tr = table.firstChild.lastChild; // Bail if there's no rows. if (!tr) return {extents: [], nickColumns: [], nested: false}; // Get message type. if (tr.className == "msg-nested-tr") { var rv = findPreviousColumnInfo(tr.firstChild.firstChild); rv.nested = true; return rv; } // Now get the read one... var className = (tr && tr.childNodes[1]) ? tr.childNodes[1].getAttribute("class") : ""; // Keep going up rows until you find the first in a group. // This will go up until it hits the top of a multiline/merged block. while (tr && tr.childNodes[1] && className.search(/msg-user|msg-type/) == -1) { extents.push(tr); tr = tr.previousSibling; if (tr && tr.childNodes[1]) className = tr.childNodes[1].getAttribute("class"); } // If we ran out of rows, or it's not a talking line, we're outta here. if (!tr || className != "msg-user") return {extents: [], nickColumns: [], nested: false}; extents.push(tr); // Time to collect the nick data... var nickCol = tr.firstChild; // All the cells that contain nickname info. var nickCols = new Array(); while (nickCol) { // Just collect nickname column cells. if (nickCol.getAttribute("class") == "msg-user") nickCols.push(nickCol); nickCol = nickCol.nextSibling; } // And we're done. return {extents: extents, nickColumns: nickCols, nested: false}; } function getLogPath(obj) { // If we're logging, return the currently-used URL. if (obj.logFile) return getURLSpecFromFile(obj.logFile.path); // If not, return the ideal URL. return getURLSpecFromFile(obj.prefs["logFileName"]); } client.getConnectionCount = function cli_gccount () { var count = 0; for (var n in client.networks) { if (client.networks[n].isConnected()) ++count; } return count; } client.quit = function cli_quit (reason) { var net, netReason; for (var n in client.networks) { net = client.networks[n]; if (net.isConnected()) { netReason = (reason ? reason : net.prefs["defaultQuitMsg"]); netReason = (netReason ? netReason : client.userAgent); net.quit(netReason); } } } client.wantToQuit = function cli_wantToQuit(reason, deliberate) { var close = true; if (client.prefs["warnOnClose"] && !deliberate) { const buttons = [MSG_QUIT_ANYWAY, MSG_DONT_QUIT]; var checkState = { value: true }; var rv = confirmEx(MSG_CONFIRM_QUIT, buttons, 0, MSG_WARN_ON_EXIT, checkState); close = (rv == 0); client.prefs["warnOnClose"] = checkState.value; } if (close) { client.userClose = true; display(MSG_CLOSING); client.quit(reason); } } client.promptToSaveLogin = function cli_promptToSaveLogin(url, type, username, password) { var name = ""; switch (type) { case "nick": case "oper": case "sasl": name = username; break; case "serv": case "chan": name = url; username = "*"; break; default: display(getMsg(MSG_LOGIN_ERR_UNKNOWN_TYPE, type), MT_ERROR); return; } const buttons = [MSG_LOGIN_SAVE, MSG_LOGIN_DONT]; var checkState = { value: true }; var rv = confirmEx(getMsg(MSG_LOGIN_CONFIRM, name), buttons, 0, MSG_LOGIN_PROMPT, checkState); if (rv == 0) { client.prefs["login.promptToSave"] = checkState.value; var updated = addOrUpdateLogin(url, type, username, password); if (updated) { display(getMsg(MSG_LOGIN_UPDATED, name), MT_INFO); } else { display(getMsg(MSG_LOGIN_ADDED, name), MT_INFO); } } } client.tryToGetLogin = function cli_tryToGetLogin(url, type, username, existing, needpass, promptstring) { // Password is optional. If it is not given, we look for a saved password // first. If there isn't one, we potentially use a safe prompt. var info = getLogin(url, type, username); var stored = (info && info.password) ? info.password : ""; var promptToSave = false; if (!existing && stored) { existing = stored; } else if (!existing && needpass) { existing = promptPassword(promptstring, ""); if (existing) promptToSave = true; } else if (existing && stored != existing) { promptToSave = true; } if (promptToSave && client.prefs["login.promptToSave"]) client.promptToSaveLogin(url, type, username, existing); return existing; } /* gets a tab-complete match for the line of text specified by |line|. * wordStart is the position within |line| that starts the word being matched, * wordEnd marks the end position. |cursorPos| marks the position of the caret * in the textbox. */ client.performTabMatch = function gettabmatch_usr (line, wordStart, wordEnd, word, cursorPos) { if (wordStart != 0 || line[0] != client.COMMAND_CHAR) return null; var matches = client.commandManager.listNames(word.substr(1), CMD_CONSOLE); if (matches.length == 1 && wordEnd == line.length) { matches[0] = client.COMMAND_CHAR + matches[0] + " "; } else { for (var i in matches) matches[i] = client.COMMAND_CHAR + matches[i]; } return matches; } client.openLogFile = function cli_startlog(view, showMessage) { function getNextLogFileDate() { var d = new Date(); d.setMilliseconds(0); d.setSeconds(0); d.setMinutes(0); switch (view.smallestLogInterval) { case "h": return d.setHours(d.getHours() + 1); case "d": d.setHours(0); return d.setDate(d.getDate() + 1); case "m": d.setHours(0); d.setDate(1); return d.setMonth(d.getMonth() + 1); case "y": d.setHours(0); d.setDate(1); d.setMonth(0); return d.setFullYear(d.getFullYear() + 1); } //XXXhack: This should work... return Infinity; }; const NORMAL_FILE_TYPE = Components.interfaces.nsIFile.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE; try { var file = new LocalFile(view.prefs["logFileName"]); if (!file.localFile.exists()) { // futils.umask may be 0022. Result is 0644. file.localFile.create(NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0o666 & ~futils.umask); } view.logFile = fopen(file.localFile, ">>"); // If we're here, it's safe to say when we should re-open: view.nextLogFileDate = getNextLogFileDate(); } catch (ex) { view.prefs["log"] = false; dd("Log file open error: " + formatException(ex)); view.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_LOGFILE_ERROR, getLogPath(view)), MT_ERROR); return; } if (showMessage) view.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_LOGFILE_OPENED, getLogPath(view))); } client.closeLogFile = function cli_stoplog(view, showMessage) { if (showMessage) view.displayHere(getMsg(MSG_LOGFILE_CLOSING, getLogPath(view))); if (view.logFile) { view.logFile.close(); view.logFile = null; } } function checkLogFiles() { // For every view that has a logfile, check if we need a different file // based on the current date and the logfile preference. We close the // current logfile, and display will open the new one based on the pref // when it's needed. var d = new Date(); for (var n in client.networks) { var net = client.networks[n]; if (net.logFile && (d > net.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(net); if (("primServ" in net) && net.primServ && ("channels" in net.primServ)) { for (var c in net.primServ.channels) { var chan = net.primServ.channels[c]; if (chan.logFile && (d > chan.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(chan); } } if ("users" in net) { for (var u in net.users) { var user = net.users[u]; if (user.logFile && (d > user.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(user); } } } for (var dc in client.dcc.chats) { var dccChat = client.dcc.chats[dc]; if (dccChat.logFile && (d > dccChat.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(dccChat); } for (var df in client.dcc.files) { var dccFile = client.dcc.files[df]; if (dccFile.logFile && (d > dccFile.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(dccFile); } // Don't forget about the client tab: if (client.logFile && (d > client.nextLogFileDate)) client.closeLogFile(client); /* We need to calculate the correct time for the next check. This is * attempting to hit 2 seconds past the hour. We need the timezone offset * here for when it is not a whole number of hours from UTC. */ var shiftedDate = d.getTime() + d.getTimezoneOffset() * 60000; setTimeout(checkLogFiles, 3602000 - (shiftedDate % 3600000)); } CIRCChannel.prototype.getLCFunction = CIRCNetwork.prototype.getLCFunction = CIRCUser.prototype.getLCFunction = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.getLCFunction = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.getLCFunction = function getlcfn() { var details = getObjectDetails(this); var lcFn; if (details.server) { lcFn = function(text) { return details.server.toLowerCase(text); } } return lcFn; } CIRCChannel.prototype.performTabMatch = CIRCNetwork.prototype.performTabMatch = CIRCUser.prototype.performTabMatch = CIRCDCCChat.prototype.performTabMatch = CIRCDCCFileTransfer.prototype.performTabMatch = function gettabmatch_other (line, wordStart, wordEnd, word, cursorpos, lcFn) { if (wordStart == 0 && line[0] == client.COMMAND_CHAR) { return client.performTabMatch(line, wordStart, wordEnd, word, cursorpos); } var matchList = new Array(); var users; var channels; var userIndex = -1; var details = getObjectDetails(this); if (details.channel && word == details.channel.unicodeName[0]) { /* When we have #, we just want the current channel, if possible. */ matchList.push(details.channel.unicodeName); } else { /* Ok, not # or no current channel, so get the full list. */ if (details.channel) users = details.channel.users; if (details.server) { channels = details.server.channels; for (var c in channels) matchList.push(channels[c].unicodeName); if (!users) users = details.server.users; } if (users) { userIndex = matchList.length; for (var n in users) matchList.push(users[n].unicodeName); } } var matches = matchEntry(word, matchList, lcFn); var list = new Array(); for (var i = 0; i < matches.length; i++) list.push(matchList[matches[i]]); if (list.length == 1) { if (users && (userIndex >= 0) && (matches[0] >= userIndex)) { if (wordStart == 0) list[0] += client.prefs["nickCompleteStr"]; } if (wordEnd == line.length) { /* add a space if the word is at the end of the line. */ list[0] += " "; } } return list; } /* * 290miliseconds for 1st derive is allowing about 3-4 events per * second. 200ms for 2nd derivative allows max 200ms difference of * frequency. This means when the flood is massive, this value is * very closed to zero. But runtime issues should cause some delay * in the core js, so zero value is not too good. We need increase * this with a small, to make more strict. And when flood is done, * we need detect it - based on arithmetic medium. When doesn't happen * anything for a long time, perhaps for 2seconds the * value - based on last 10 events - the 2nd value goes * over 200ms average, so event should start again. */ function FloodProtector (density, dispersion) { this.lastHit = Number(new Date()); if (density) this.floodDensity = density; if (dispersion) this.floodDispersion = dispersion; } FloodProtector.prototype.requestedTotal = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.acceptedTotal = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.firedTotal = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.lastHit = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.derivative1 = 100; FloodProtector.prototype.derivative1Count = 100; FloodProtector.prototype.derivative2 = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.derivative2Count = 0; FloodProtector.prototype.floodDensity = 290; FloodProtector.prototype.floodDispersion = 200; FloodProtector.prototype.request = function () { this.requestedTotal++; var current = Number(new Date()); var oldDerivative1 = this.derivative1; this.derivative1 = current - this.lastHit; this.derivative1Count = ((this.derivative1Count * 9) + this.derivative1) / 10; this.derivative2 = Math.abs(this.derivative1 - oldDerivative1); this.derivative2Count = ((this.derivative2Count * 9) + this.derivative2) / 10; this.lastHit = current; } FloodProtector.prototype.accept = function () { this.acceptedTotal++; } FloodProtector.prototype.fire = function () { // There is no activity for 10 seconds - flood is possibly done. // No need more recall. In other way the first normal activity // overwrites it automatically earlier, if nessesary. if ((Number(new Date()) - this.lastHit) > 10000) return false; // The activity is not too frequent or not massive so should not be fire. if ((this.derivative1Count > this.floodDensity) || (this.derivative2Count > this.floodDispersion)) { return false; } this.firedTotal++; return true; } function toasterPopupOverlapDelayReset (eventType) { // it smells like a flood attack so rather wait more... if (client.alert.floodProtector.fire()) { setTimeout( toasterPopupOverlapDelayReset, client.prefs['alert.overlapDelay'], eventType); } else { delete client.alert.alertList[eventType]; } } var alertClickerObserver = { observe: function(subject, topic, data) { if (topic == "alertclickcallback") { var tb = document.getElementById(data); if (tb && tb.view) { tb.view.dispatch("set-current-view", {view: tb.view}); window.focus(); } } }, // Gecko 1.7.* rulez onAlertClickCallback: function(data) { var tb = document.getElementById(data); if (tb && tb.view) { tb.view.dispatch("set-current-view", {view: tb.view}); window.focus(); } }, onAlertFinished: function(data) { } }; // Show the alert for a particular event on a type of object. function showEventAlerts (type, event, message, nick, o, thisp, msgtype) { // Converts .TYPE values into the event object names. // IRCChannel => channel, IRCUser => user, etc. type = type.replace(/^IRC/i,'').toLowerCase(); var source = type; // DCC Chat sessions should act just like user views. if (type == "dccchat") type = "user"; var ev = type + "." + event; if (!(("alert."+ev) in thisp.prefs)) return; if (!thisp.prefs["alert."+ev]) return; client.alert.floodProtector.request(); if (ev in client.alert.alertList) return; client.alert.floodProtector.accept(); if(client.prefs['alert.overlapDelay'] > 0) { client.alert.alertList[ev] = true; setTimeout(toasterPopupOverlapDelayReset, client.prefs['alert.overlapDelay'], ev); } var clickable = client.prefs['alert.clickable']; var tabId = clickable ? getTabForObject(thisp,false).id : ""; var listener = clickable ? alertClickerObserver : null; message = removeColorCodes(message); if (nick) { if (msgtype == "ACTION") { message = "* " + nick + " " + message; } else { message = "<" + nick + "> " + message; } } if ((source == "channel") && o.channel) { source = o.channel.viewName; } else if ((source == "user") && o.network) { source = o.network.viewName; } // We can't be sure if it is a macOS and Growl is now turned off or not try { client.alert.service.showAlertNotification( "chrome://chatzilla/skin/images/logo.png", "ChatZilla - " + source + " - " + event, message, clickable, tabId, listener); } catch(ex) { // yup. it is probably a MAC or NsIAlertsService is not initialized } }