/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ const { Services } = ChromeUtils.import("resource://gre/modules/Services.jsm"); var gAppManagerDialog = { _removed: [], init: function appManager_init() { this.handlerInfo = window.arguments[0]; var bundle = document.getElementById("appManagerBundle"); var contentText; if (this.handlerInfo.type == TYPE_MAYBE_FEED) contentText = bundle.getString("descriptionHandleWebFeeds"); else { var description = gApplicationsPane._describeType(this.handlerInfo); var key = (this.handlerInfo.wrappedHandlerInfo instanceof Ci.nsIMIMEInfo) ? "descriptionHandleFile" : "descriptionHandleProtocol"; contentText = bundle.getFormattedString(key, [description]); } document.getElementById("appDescription").textContent = contentText; var list = document.getElementById("appList"); var apps = this.handlerInfo.possibleApplicationHandlers.enumerate(); while (apps.hasMoreElements()) { let app = apps.getNext(); if (!gApplicationsPane.isValidHandlerApp(app)) continue; app.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIHandlerApp); var item = list.appendItem(app.name); item.className = "listitem-iconic"; item.setAttribute("image", gApplicationsPane._getIconURLForHandlerApp(app)); item.app = app; } list.selectedIndex = 0; }, onOK: function appManager_onOK() { if (!this._removed.length) { // return early to avoid calling the |store| method. return; } for (var i = 0; i < this._removed.length; ++i) this.handlerInfo.removePossibleApplicationHandler(this._removed[i]); this.handlerInfo.store(); }, onCancel: function appManager_onCancel() { // do nothing }, remove: function appManager_remove() { var list = document.getElementById("appList"); this._removed.push(list.selectedItem.app); var index = list.selectedIndex; list.removeItemAt(index); if (list.getRowCount() == 0) { // The list is now empty, make the bottom part disappear document.getElementById("appDetails").hidden = true; } else { // Select the item at the same index, if we removed the last // item of the list, select the previous item if (index == list.getRowCount()) --index; list.selectedIndex = index; } }, onSelect: function appManager_onSelect() { var list = document.getElementById("appList"); if (!list.selectedItem) { document.getElementById("cmd_delete").setAttribute("disabled", "true"); return; } document.getElementById("cmd_delete").removeAttribute("disabled"); var app = list.selectedItem.app; var address = ""; if (app instanceof Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp) address = app.executable.path; else if (app instanceof Ci.nsIWebHandlerApp) address = app.uriTemplate; else if (app instanceof Ci.nsIWebContentHandlerInfo) address = app.uri; document.getElementById("appLocation").value = address; var bundle = document.getElementById("appManagerBundle"); var appType = app instanceof Ci.nsILocalHandlerApp ? "descriptionLocalApp" : "descriptionWebApp"; document.getElementById("appType").value = bundle.getString(appType); } };