/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */ function test() { /** Test for Bug 463206 **/ waitForExplicitFinish(); let testURL = "http://mochi.test:8888/browser/" + "suite/common/tests/browser/browser_463206_sample.html"; var frameCount = 0; let tab = getBrowser().addTab(testURL); let window = tab.ownerDocument.defaultView; tab.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function testTabLBLoad(aEvent) { // wait for all frames to load completely if (frameCount++ < 5) return; tab.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", testTabLBLoad, true); function typeText(aTextField, aValue) { aTextField.value = aValue; let event = aTextField.ownerDocument.createEvent("UIEvents"); event.initUIEvent("input", true, true, aTextField.ownerDocument.defaultView, 0); aTextField.dispatchEvent(event); } let doc = tab.linkedBrowser.contentDocument; typeText(doc.getElementById("out1"), Date.now()); typeText(doc.getElementsByName("1|#out2")[0], Math.random()); typeText(doc.defaultView.frames[0].frames[1].document.getElementById("in1"), new Date()); frameCount = 0; let tab2 = ss.duplicateTab(window,tab); tab2.linkedBrowser.addEventListener("load", function testTab2LBLoad(aEvent) { // wait for all frames to load completely if (frameCount++ < 5) return; tab2.linkedBrowser.removeEventListener("load", testTab2LBLoad, true); let doc = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentDocument; let win = tab2.linkedBrowser.contentWindow; isnot(doc.getElementById("out1").value, win.frames[1].document.getElementById("out1").value, "text isn't reused for frames"); isnot(doc.getElementsByName("1|#out2")[0].value, "", "text containing | and # is correctly restored"); is(win.frames[1].document.getElementById("out2").value, "", "id prefixes can't be faked"); // Disabled for now, Bug 588077 // isnot(win.frames[0].frames[1].document.getElementById("in1").value, "", // "id prefixes aren't mixed up"); is(win.frames[1].frames[0].document.getElementById("in1").value, "", "id prefixes aren't mixed up"); // clean up getBrowser().removeTab(tab2); getBrowser().removeTab(tab); finish(); }, true); }, true); }