Periodic Taskgraphs =================== The cron functionality allows in-tree scheduling of task graphs that run periodically, instead of on a push. Cron.yml -------- In the root of the Comm directory, you will find `.cron.yml`. This defines the periodic tasks ("cron jobs") that run for Thunderbird. See `the Firefox CI cron documentation `_ for a description of `.cron.yml`. Disabling Cron Jobs ------------------- Sometimes due to build bustage, it's desirable to disable the automatic Thunderbird Daily builds. The best way to do this is to change `.cron.yml` so that the jobs are never scheduled. This is done by changing `when` to an empty list. The Daily build is started by the `nightly-desktop` job. Additionally, there is a `searchfox-index` job that should be disabled as well when disabling Dailies. For both of these, comment out the `when` line that sets a time and uncomment the next line which sets an empty list. .. code-block:: yaml :linenos: :emphasize-lines: 8,9 - name: nightly-desktop job: type: decision-task treeherder-symbol: Nd target-tasks-method: nightly_desktop run-on-projects: - comm-central when: [{hour: 11, minute: 0}] # when: [] L10n-bump Cron Job ------------------ `l10n-bump` runs daily on comm-beta. For RC week (week 4) it needs to be disabled by pushing a change directly to `comm-beta` setting ``when`` to an empty list as above. **Do not make the change on comm-central first.** `l10n-bump` will be re-enabled by merge day activities automatically.