Directory ./rnp contains a copy of rnp which has been obtained from: [tag v0.17.0] If MZLA applied patches on top, the version number in file third_party/rnp/src/lib/version.h will contain a suffix that lists the upstream pull request IDs. For licensing information, please refer to the included documentation. Updates to this copy are managed by "mach vendor". The configuration file is at rnp/moz.yaml. > cd comm/third_party/rnp # validate the YAML config file > mach vendor -v ./moz.yaml ./moz.yaml: OK # check for new upstream versions > mach vendor --check-for-update ./moz.yaml v0.17.0 2023-02-27T16:49:53+02:00 # update to a new version > mach vendor -r v0.16.3 ./moz.yaml # If there are patches to apply in moz.yaml, the process is a little different > mach vendor ./moz.yaml --patch-mode none # followed by > mach vendor ./moz.yaml --patch-mode only Build notes: There are several configure options that can be added to mozconfig to control how librnp is built. --with-system-librnp Use system RNP (librnp) for OpenPGP support. This option will not build librnp at all. In order to provide OpenPGP support, librnp must be installed as a system package (RPM, DEB) and located where the dynamic loader will find it or copied separately into Thunderbird's application directory. --with-system-jsonc Use system JSON-C for librnp (located with pkgconfig) Build librnp from the in-tree sources, but link with a system-installed libjson-c. Build flags are determined with Pkg-config/pkgconf. --with-system-bz2[=prefix] Use system Bzip2 for librnp (pkgconfig/given prefix) Build librnp from in-tree sources, link with a system libbz2. This option does accept a prefix path (such as --with-system-bz2=/usr/local). (Bzip2 itself does not provide a pkgconfig file. Some Linux distributions include their own so the build system will look for one.) --with-system-zlib Link librnp to a system zlib. Pkgconfig only. --with-librnp-backend=(botan|openssl) ** ** "openssl" is only supported when targeting Linux. This option allows building librnp with the OpenSSL backend. When not provided, it defaults to "botan". When set to "openssl", OpenSSL will be located via Pkgconfig. --with-system-botan Link librnp to a system libbotan. Pkgconfig only. Note that it is not necessary to also set "--with-librnp-backend=botan". --with-openssl=prefix (Linux only) Used with "--with-librnp-backend=openssl" to use OpenSSL installed at "prefix" instead of one provided by Pkgconfig. Ex: --with-openssl=/usr/openssl-3 OpenSSL notes: Only Linux targets are supported. OpenSSL 1.1.1 and OpenSSL 3.0.x are supported. The version is checked during configure as RNP has slightly different code paths for 3.x. The OpenSSL backend has some limitations compared to Botan. The following features are disabled: TWOFISH, BRAINPOOL