var __create = Object.create; var __defProp = Object.defineProperty; var __getOwnPropDesc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; var __getOwnPropNames = Object.getOwnPropertyNames; var __getProtoOf = Object.getPrototypeOf; var __hasOwnProp = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; var __commonJS = (cb, mod) => function __require() { return mod || (0, cb[__getOwnPropNames(cb)[0]])((mod = { exports: {} }).exports, mod), mod.exports; }; var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true }); }; var __copyProps = (to, from, except, desc) => { if (from && typeof from === "object" || typeof from === "function") { for (let key of __getOwnPropNames(from)) if (!, key) && key !== except) __defProp(to, key, { get: () => from[key], enumerable: !(desc = __getOwnPropDesc(from, key)) || desc.enumerable }); } return to; }; var __toESM = (mod, isNodeMode, target) => (target = mod != null ? __create(__getProtoOf(mod)) : {}, __copyProps( // If the importer is in node compatibility mode or this is not an ESM // file that has been converted to a CommonJS file using a Babel- // compatible transform (i.e. "__esModule" has not been set), then set // "default" to the CommonJS "module.exports" for node compatibility. isNodeMode || !mod || !mod.__esModule ? __defProp(target, "default", { value: mod, enumerable: true }) : target, mod )); // node_modules/pvtsutils/build/index.js var require_build = __commonJS({ "node_modules/pvtsutils/build/index.js"(exports) { "use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); var ARRAY_BUFFER_NAME = "[object ArrayBuffer]"; var BufferSourceConverter19 = class { static isArrayBuffer(data) { return === ARRAY_BUFFER_NAME; } static toArrayBuffer(data) { if (this.isArrayBuffer(data)) { return data; } if (data.byteLength === data.buffer.byteLength) { return data.buffer; } return this.toUint8Array(data).slice().buffer; } static toUint8Array(data) { return this.toView(data, Uint8Array); } static toView(data, type) { if (data.constructor === type) { return data; } if (this.isArrayBuffer(data)) { return new type(data); } if (this.isArrayBufferView(data)) { return new type(data.buffer, data.byteOffset, data.byteLength); } throw new TypeError("The provided value is not of type '(ArrayBuffer or ArrayBufferView)'"); } static isBufferSource(data) { return this.isArrayBufferView(data) || this.isArrayBuffer(data); } static isArrayBufferView(data) { return ArrayBuffer.isView(data) || data && this.isArrayBuffer(data.buffer); } static isEqual(a, b) { const aView = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(a); const bView = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(b); if (aView.length !== bView.byteLength) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < aView.length; i++) { if (aView[i] !== bView[i]) { return false; } } return true; } static concat(...args) { if (Array.isArray(args[0])) { const buffers = args[0]; let size = 0; for (const buffer of buffers) { size += buffer.byteLength; } const res = new Uint8Array(size); let offset = 0; for (const buffer of buffers) { const view = this.toUint8Array(buffer); res.set(view, offset); offset += view.length; } if (args[1]) { return this.toView(res, args[1]); } return res.buffer; } else { return this.concat(args); } } }; var Utf8Converter = class { static fromString(text) { const s = unescape(encodeURIComponent(text)); const uintArray = new Uint8Array(s.length); for (let i = 0; i < s.length; i++) { uintArray[i] = s.charCodeAt(i); } return uintArray.buffer; } static toString(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(buffer); let encodedString = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { encodedString += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } const decodedString = decodeURIComponent(escape(encodedString)); return decodedString; } }; var Utf16Converter = class { static toString(buffer, littleEndian = false) { const arrayBuffer = BufferSourceConverter19.toArrayBuffer(buffer); const dataView = new DataView(arrayBuffer); let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < arrayBuffer.byteLength; i += 2) { const code = dataView.getUint16(i, littleEndian); res += String.fromCharCode(code); } return res; } static fromString(text, littleEndian = false) { const res = new ArrayBuffer(text.length * 2); const dataView = new DataView(res); for (let i = 0; i < text.length; i++) { dataView.setUint16(i * 2, text.charCodeAt(i), littleEndian); } return res; } }; var Convert10 = class { static isHex(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^[a-z0-9]+$/i.test(data); } static isBase64(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(data); } static isBase64Url(data) { return typeof data === "string" && /^[a-zA-Z0-9-_]+$/i.test(data); } static ToString(buffer, enc = "utf8") { const buf = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(buffer); switch (enc.toLowerCase()) { case "utf8": return this.ToUtf8String(buf); case "binary": return this.ToBinary(buf); case "hex": return this.ToHex(buf); case "base64": return this.ToBase64(buf); case "base64url": return this.ToBase64Url(buf); case "utf16le": return Utf16Converter.toString(buf, true); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.toString(buf); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${enc}'`); } } static FromString(str, enc = "utf8") { if (!str) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } switch (enc.toLowerCase()) { case "utf8": return this.FromUtf8String(str); case "binary": return this.FromBinary(str); case "hex": return this.FromHex(str); case "base64": return this.FromBase64(str); case "base64url": return this.FromBase64Url(str); case "utf16le": return Utf16Converter.fromString(str, true); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.fromString(str); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${enc}'`); } } static ToBase64(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(buffer); if (typeof btoa !== "undefined") { const binary = this.ToString(buf, "binary"); return btoa(binary); } else { return Buffer.from(buf).toString("base64"); } } static FromBase64(base64) { const formatted = this.formatString(base64); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert10.isBase64(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'base64Text' is not Base64 encoded"); } if (typeof atob !== "undefined") { return this.FromBinary(atob(formatted)); } else { return new Uint8Array(Buffer.from(formatted, "base64")).buffer; } } static FromBase64Url(base64url) { const formatted = this.formatString(base64url); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert10.isBase64Url(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'base64url' is not Base64Url encoded"); } return this.FromBase64(this.Base64Padding(formatted.replace(/\-/g, "+").replace(/\_/g, "/"))); } static ToBase64Url(data) { return this.ToBase64(data).replace(/\+/g, "-").replace(/\//g, "_").replace(/\=/g, ""); } static FromUtf8String(text, encoding = Convert10.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING) { switch (encoding) { case "ascii": return this.FromBinary(text); case "utf8": return Utf8Converter.fromString(text); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.fromString(text); case "utf16le": case "usc2": return Utf16Converter.fromString(text, true); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${encoding}'`); } } static ToUtf8String(buffer, encoding = Convert10.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING) { switch (encoding) { case "ascii": return this.ToBinary(buffer); case "utf8": return Utf8Converter.toString(buffer); case "utf16": case "utf16be": return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer); case "utf16le": case "usc2": return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer, true); default: throw new Error(`Unknown type of encoding '${encoding}'`); } } static FromBinary(text) { const stringLength = text.length; const resultView = new Uint8Array(stringLength); for (let i = 0; i < stringLength; i++) { resultView[i] = text.charCodeAt(i); } return resultView.buffer; } static ToBinary(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(buffer); let res = ""; for (let i = 0; i < buf.length; i++) { res += String.fromCharCode(buf[i]); } return res; } static ToHex(buffer) { const buf = BufferSourceConverter19.toUint8Array(buffer); const splitter = ""; const res = []; const len = buf.length; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) { const char = buf[i].toString(16).padStart(2, "0"); res.push(char); } return res.join(splitter); } static FromHex(hexString) { let formatted = this.formatString(hexString); if (!formatted) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } if (!Convert10.isHex(formatted)) { throw new TypeError("Argument 'hexString' is not HEX encoded"); } if (formatted.length % 2) { formatted = `0${formatted}`; } const res = new Uint8Array(formatted.length / 2); for (let i = 0; i < formatted.length; i = i + 2) { const c = formatted.slice(i, i + 2); res[i / 2] = parseInt(c, 16); } return res.buffer; } static ToUtf16String(buffer, littleEndian = false) { return Utf16Converter.toString(buffer, littleEndian); } static FromUtf16String(text, littleEndian = false) { return Utf16Converter.fromString(text, littleEndian); } static Base64Padding(base64) { const padCount = 4 - base64.length % 4; if (padCount < 4) { for (let i = 0; i < padCount; i++) { base64 += "="; } } return base64; } static formatString(data) { return (data === null || data === void 0 ? void 0 : data.replace(/[\n\r\t ]/g, "")) || ""; } }; Convert10.DEFAULT_UTF8_ENCODING = "utf8"; function assign(target, ...sources) { const res = arguments[0]; for (let i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { const obj = arguments[i]; for (const prop in obj) { res[prop] = obj[prop]; } } return res; } function combine(...buf) { const totalByteLength = => item.byteLength).reduce((prev, cur) => prev + cur); const res = new Uint8Array(totalByteLength); let currentPos = 0; => new Uint8Array(item)).forEach((arr) => { for (const item2 of arr) { res[currentPos++] = item2; } }); return res.buffer; } function isEqual(bytes1, bytes2) { if (!(bytes1 && bytes2)) { return false; } if (bytes1.byteLength !== bytes2.byteLength) { return false; } const b1 = new Uint8Array(bytes1); const b2 = new Uint8Array(bytes2); for (let i = 0; i < bytes1.byteLength; i++) { if (b1[i] !== b2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } exports.BufferSourceConverter = BufferSourceConverter19; exports.Convert = Convert10; exports.assign = assign; exports.combine = combine; exports.isEqual = isEqual; } }); // src/index.ts var src_exports = {}; __export(src_exports, { Any: () => Any, BaseBlock: () => BaseBlock, BaseStringBlock: () => BaseStringBlock, BitString: () => BitString, BmpString: () => BmpString, Boolean: () => Boolean, CharacterString: () => CharacterString, Choice: () => Choice, Constructed: () => Constructed, DATE: () => DATE, DateTime: () => DateTime, Duration: () => Duration, EndOfContent: () => EndOfContent, Enumerated: () => Enumerated, GeneralString: () => GeneralString, GeneralizedTime: () => GeneralizedTime, GraphicString: () => GraphicString, HexBlock: () => HexBlock, IA5String: () => IA5String, Integer: () => Integer, Null: () => Null, NumericString: () => NumericString, ObjectIdentifier: () => ObjectIdentifier, OctetString: () => OctetString, Primitive: () => Primitive, PrintableString: () => PrintableString, RawData: () => RawData, RelativeObjectIdentifier: () => RelativeObjectIdentifier, Repeated: () => Repeated, Sequence: () => Sequence, Set: () => Set, TIME: () => TIME, TeletexString: () => TeletexString, TimeOfDay: () => TimeOfDay, UTCTime: () => UTCTime, UniversalString: () => UniversalString, Utf8String: () => Utf8String, ValueBlock: () => ValueBlock, VideotexString: () => VideotexString, ViewWriter: () => ViewWriter, VisibleString: () => VisibleString, compareSchema: () => compareSchema, fromBER: () => fromBER, verifySchema: () => verifySchema }); // src/internals/utils.ts function assertBigInt() { if (typeof BigInt === "undefined") { throw new Error("BigInt is not defined. Your environment doesn't implement BigInt."); } } function concat(buffers) { let outputLength = 0; let prevLength = 0; for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; outputLength += buffer.byteLength; } const retView = new Uint8Array(outputLength); for (let i = 0; i < buffers.length; i++) { const buffer = buffers[i]; retView.set(new Uint8Array(buffer), prevLength); prevLength += buffer.byteLength; } return retView.buffer; } function checkBufferParams(baseBlock, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!(inputBuffer instanceof Uint8Array)) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputBuffer must be 'Uint8Array'"; return false; } if (!inputBuffer.byteLength) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputBuffer has zero length"; return false; } if (inputOffset < 0) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputOffset less than zero"; return false; } if (inputLength < 0) { baseBlock.error = "Wrong parameter: inputLength less than zero"; return false; } if (inputBuffer.byteLength - inputOffset - inputLength < 0) { baseBlock.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded (inconsistent offset and length values)"; return false; } return true; } // src/ViewWriter.ts var ViewWriter = class { constructor() { this.items = []; } /** * Writes buffer * @param buf */ write(buf) { this.items.push(buf); } /** * Concatenates all buffers * @returns Concatenated buffer */ final() { return concat(this.items); } }; // src/HexBlock.ts var pvtsutils = __toESM(require_build()); // src/internals/constants.ts var powers2 = [new Uint8Array([1])]; var digitsString = "0123456789"; var NAME = "name"; var VALUE_HEX_VIEW = "valueHexView"; var IS_HEX_ONLY = "isHexOnly"; var ID_BLOCK = "idBlock"; var TAG_CLASS = "tagClass"; var TAG_NUMBER = "tagNumber"; var IS_CONSTRUCTED = "isConstructed"; var FROM_BER = "fromBER"; var TO_BER = "toBER"; var LOCAL = "local"; var EMPTY_STRING = ""; var EMPTY_BUFFER = new ArrayBuffer(0); var EMPTY_VIEW = new Uint8Array(0); var END_OF_CONTENT_NAME = "EndOfContent"; var OCTET_STRING_NAME = "OCTET STRING"; var BIT_STRING_NAME = "BIT STRING"; // src/HexBlock.ts function HexBlock(BaseClass) { var _a; return _a = class extends BaseClass { constructor(...args) { var _a2; super(...args); const params = args[0] || {}; this.isHexOnly = (_a2 = params.isHexOnly) != null ? _a2 : false; this.valueHexView = params.valueHex ? pvtsutils.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(params.valueHex) : EMPTY_VIEW; } /** * Binary data in ArrayBuffer representation * * @deprecated since version 3.0.0 */ get valueHex() { return this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } /** * Binary data in ArrayBuffer representation * * @deprecated since version 3.0.0 */ set valueHex(value) { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(value); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = inputBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(inputBuffer) : inputBuffer; if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const endLength = inputOffset + inputLength; this.valueHexView = view.subarray(inputOffset, endLength); if (!this.valueHexView.length) { this.warnings.push("Zero buffer length"); return inputOffset; } this.blockLength = inputLength; return endLength; } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { if (!this.isHexOnly) { this.error = "Flag 'isHexOnly' is not set, abort"; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } if (sizeOnly) { return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength); } return this.valueHexView.byteLength === this.valueHexView.buffer.byteLength ? this.valueHexView.buffer : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } /** * Returns a JSON representation of an object * @returns JSON object */ toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isHexOnly: this.isHexOnly, valueHex: pvtsutils.Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView) }; } }, _a.NAME = "hexBlock", _a; } // src/internals/LocalBaseBlock.ts var pvtsutils2 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalBaseBlock = class { /** * Aux function, need to get a block name. Need to have it here for inheritance * @returns Returns name of the block */ static blockName() { return this.NAME; } /** * @deprecated since version 3.0.0 */ get valueBeforeDecode() { return this.valueBeforeDecodeView.slice().buffer; } /** * @deprecated since version 3.0.0 */ set valueBeforeDecode(value) { this.valueBeforeDecodeView = new Uint8Array(value); } /** * Creates and initializes an object instance of that class * @param param0 Initialization parameters */ constructor({ blockLength = 0, error = EMPTY_STRING, warnings = [], valueBeforeDecode = EMPTY_VIEW } = {}) { this.blockLength = blockLength; this.error = error; this.warnings = warnings; this.valueBeforeDecodeView = pvtsutils2.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(valueBeforeDecode); } /** * Returns a JSON representation of an object * @returns JSON object */ toJSON() { return { blockName: this.constructor.NAME, blockLength: this.blockLength, error: this.error, warnings: this.warnings, valueBeforeDecode: pvtsutils2.Convert.ToHex(this.valueBeforeDecodeView) }; } }; /** * Name of the block */ LocalBaseBlock.NAME = "baseBlock"; // src/ValueBlock.ts var ValueBlock = class extends LocalBaseBlock { fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { throw TypeError("User need to make a specific function in a class which extends 'ValueBlock'"); } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { throw TypeError("User need to make a specific function in a class which extends 'ValueBlock'"); } }; ValueBlock.NAME = "valueBlock"; // src/BaseBlock.ts var pvtsutils5 = __toESM(require_build()); // node_modules/pvutils/build/ function utilFromBase(inputBuffer, inputBase) { let result = 0; if (inputBuffer.length === 1) { return inputBuffer[0]; } for (let i = inputBuffer.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { result += inputBuffer[inputBuffer.length - 1 - i] * Math.pow(2, inputBase * i); } return result; } function utilToBase(value, base, reserved = -1) { const internalReserved = reserved; let internalValue = value; let result = 0; let biggest = Math.pow(2, base); for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (value < biggest) { let retBuf; if (internalReserved < 0) { retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(i); result = i; } else { if (internalReserved < i) { return new ArrayBuffer(0); } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(internalReserved); result = internalReserved; } const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (let j = i - 1; j >= 0; j--) { const basis = Math.pow(2, j * base); retView[result - j - 1] = Math.floor(internalValue / basis); internalValue -= retView[result - j - 1] * basis; } return retBuf; } biggest *= Math.pow(2, base); } return new ArrayBuffer(0); } function utilConcatView(...views) { let outputLength = 0; let prevLength = 0; for (const view of views) { outputLength += view.length; } const retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(outputLength); const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (const view of views) { retView.set(view, prevLength); prevLength += view.length; } return retView; } function utilDecodeTC() { const buf = new Uint8Array(this.valueHex); if (this.valueHex.byteLength >= 2) { const condition1 = buf[0] === 255 && buf[1] & 128; const condition2 = buf[0] === 0 && (buf[1] & 128) === 0; if (condition1 || condition2) { this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format"); } } const bigIntBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHex.byteLength); const bigIntView = new Uint8Array(bigIntBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < this.valueHex.byteLength; i++) { bigIntView[i] = 0; } bigIntView[0] = buf[0] & 128; const bigInt = utilFromBase(bigIntView, 8); const smallIntBuffer = new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHex.byteLength); const smallIntView = new Uint8Array(smallIntBuffer); for (let j = 0; j < this.valueHex.byteLength; j++) { smallIntView[j] = buf[j]; } smallIntView[0] &= 127; const smallInt = utilFromBase(smallIntView, 8); return smallInt - bigInt; } function utilEncodeTC(value) { const modValue = value < 0 ? value * -1 : value; let bigInt = 128; for (let i = 1; i < 8; i++) { if (modValue <= bigInt) { if (value < 0) { const smallInt = bigInt - modValue; const retBuf2 = utilToBase(smallInt, 8, i); const retView2 = new Uint8Array(retBuf2); retView2[0] |= 128; return retBuf2; } let retBuf = utilToBase(modValue, 8, i); let retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); if (retView[0] & 128) { const tempBuf = retBuf.slice(0); const tempView = new Uint8Array(tempBuf); retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(retBuf.byteLength + 1); retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); for (let k = 0; k < tempBuf.byteLength; k++) { retView[k + 1] = tempView[k]; } retView[0] = 0; } return retBuf; } bigInt *= Math.pow(2, 8); } return new ArrayBuffer(0); } function isEqualBuffer(inputBuffer1, inputBuffer2) { if (inputBuffer1.byteLength !== inputBuffer2.byteLength) { return false; } const view1 = new Uint8Array(inputBuffer1); const view2 = new Uint8Array(inputBuffer2); for (let i = 0; i < view1.length; i++) { if (view1[i] !== view2[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function padNumber(inputNumber, fullLength) { const str = inputNumber.toString(10); if (fullLength < str.length) { return ""; } const dif = fullLength - str.length; const padding = new Array(dif); for (let i = 0; i < dif; i++) { padding[i] = "0"; } const paddingString = padding.join(""); return paddingString.concat(str); } var log2 = Math.log(2); // src/internals/LocalIdentificationBlock.ts var pvtsutils3 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalIdentificationBlock = class extends HexBlock(LocalBaseBlock) { constructor({ idBlock = {} } = {}) { var _a, _b, _c, _d; super(); if (idBlock) { this.isHexOnly = (_a = idBlock.isHexOnly) != null ? _a : false; this.valueHexView = idBlock.valueHex ? pvtsutils3.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(idBlock.valueHex) : EMPTY_VIEW; this.tagClass = (_b = idBlock.tagClass) != null ? _b : -1; this.tagNumber = (_c = idBlock.tagNumber) != null ? _c : -1; this.isConstructed = (_d = idBlock.isConstructed) != null ? _d : false; } else { this.tagClass = -1; this.tagNumber = -1; this.isConstructed = false; } } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { let firstOctet = 0; switch (this.tagClass) { case 1: firstOctet |= 0; break; case 2: firstOctet |= 64; break; case 3: firstOctet |= 128; break; case 4: firstOctet |= 192; break; default: this.error = "Unknown tag class"; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } if (this.isConstructed) firstOctet |= 32; if (this.tagNumber < 31 && !this.isHexOnly) { const retView2 = new Uint8Array(1); if (!sizeOnly) { let number = this.tagNumber; number &= 31; firstOctet |= number; retView2[0] = firstOctet; } return retView2.buffer; } if (!this.isHexOnly) { const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.tagNumber, 7); const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const size = encodedBuf.byteLength; const retView2 = new Uint8Array(size + 1); retView2[0] = firstOctet | 31; if (!sizeOnly) { for (let i = 0; i < size - 1; i++) retView2[i + 1] = encodedView[i] | 128; retView2[size] = encodedView[size - 1]; } return retView2.buffer; } const retView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.byteLength + 1); retView[0] = firstOctet | 31; if (!sizeOnly) { const curView = this.valueHexView; for (let i = 0; i < curView.length - 1; i++) retView[i + 1] = curView[i] | 128; retView[this.valueHexView.byteLength] = curView[curView.length - 1]; } return retView.buffer; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const inputView = pvtsutils3.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (intBuffer.length === 0) { this.error = "Zero buffer length"; return -1; } const tagClassMask = intBuffer[0] & 192; switch (tagClassMask) { case 0: this.tagClass = 1; break; case 64: this.tagClass = 2; break; case 128: this.tagClass = 3; break; case 192: this.tagClass = 4; break; default: this.error = "Unknown tag class"; return -1; } this.isConstructed = (intBuffer[0] & 32) === 32; this.isHexOnly = false; const tagNumberMask = intBuffer[0] & 31; if (tagNumberMask !== 31) { this.tagNumber = tagNumberMask; this.blockLength = 1; } else { let count = 1; let intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(255); let tagNumberBufferMaxLength = 255; while (intBuffer[count] & 128) { intTagNumberBuffer[count - 1] = intBuffer[count] & 127; count++; if (count >= intBuffer.length) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (count === tagNumberBufferMaxLength) { tagNumberBufferMaxLength += 255; const tempBufferView2 = new Uint8Array(tagNumberBufferMaxLength); for (let i = 0; i < intTagNumberBuffer.length; i++) tempBufferView2[i] = intTagNumberBuffer[i]; intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(tagNumberBufferMaxLength); } } this.blockLength = count + 1; intTagNumberBuffer[count - 1] = intBuffer[count] & 127; const tempBufferView = new Uint8Array(count); for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) tempBufferView[i] = intTagNumberBuffer[i]; intTagNumberBuffer = this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(count); intTagNumberBuffer.set(tempBufferView); if (this.blockLength <= 9) this.tagNumber = utilFromBase(intTagNumberBuffer, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Tag too long, represented as hex-coded"); } } if (this.tagClass === 1 && this.isConstructed) { switch (this.tagNumber) { case 1: case 2: case 5: case 6: case 9: case 13: case 14: case 23: case 24: case 31: case 32: case 33: case 34: this.error = "Constructed encoding used for primitive type"; return -1; default: } } return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), tagClass: this.tagClass, tagNumber: this.tagNumber, isConstructed: this.isConstructed }; } }; LocalIdentificationBlock.NAME = "identificationBlock"; // src/internals/LocalLengthBlock.ts var pvtsutils4 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalLengthBlock = class extends LocalBaseBlock { constructor({ lenBlock = {} } = {}) { var _a, _b, _c; super(); this.isIndefiniteForm = (_a = lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) != null ? _a : false; this.longFormUsed = (_b = lenBlock.longFormUsed) != null ? _b : false; this.length = (_c = lenBlock.length) != null ? _c : 0; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = pvtsutils4.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (intBuffer.length === 0) { this.error = "Zero buffer length"; return -1; } if (intBuffer[0] === 255) { this.error = "Length block 0xFF is reserved by standard"; return -1; } this.isIndefiniteForm = intBuffer[0] === 128; if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { this.blockLength = 1; return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } this.longFormUsed = !!(intBuffer[0] & 128); if (this.longFormUsed === false) { this.length = intBuffer[0]; this.blockLength = 1; return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } const count = intBuffer[0] & 127; if (count > 8) { this.error = "Too big integer"; return -1; } if (count + 1 > intBuffer.length) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } const lenOffset = inputOffset + 1; const lengthBufferView = view.subarray(lenOffset, lenOffset + count); if (lengthBufferView[count - 1] === 0) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long encoded length"); this.length = utilFromBase(lengthBufferView, 8); if (this.longFormUsed && this.length <= 127) this.warnings.push("Unnecessary usage of long length form"); this.blockLength = count + 1; return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } toBER(sizeOnly = false) { let retBuf; let retView; if (this.length > 127) this.longFormUsed = true; if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1); if (sizeOnly === false) { retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = 128; } return retBuf; } if (this.longFormUsed) { const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.length, 8); if (encodedBuf.byteLength > 127) { this.error = "Too big length"; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(encodedBuf.byteLength + 1); if (sizeOnly) return retBuf; const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = encodedBuf.byteLength | 128; for (let i = 0; i < encodedBuf.byteLength; i++) retView[i + 1] = encodedView[i]; return retBuf; } retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(1); if (sizeOnly === false) { retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = this.length; } return retBuf; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isIndefiniteForm: this.isIndefiniteForm, longFormUsed: this.longFormUsed, length: this.length }; } }; LocalLengthBlock.NAME = "lengthBlock"; // src/TypeStore.ts var typeStore = {}; // src/BaseBlock.ts var BaseBlock = class extends LocalBaseBlock { constructor({ name = EMPTY_STRING, optional = false, primitiveSchema, ...parameters } = {}, valueBlockType) { super(parameters); = name; this.optional = optional; if (primitiveSchema) { this.primitiveSchema = primitiveSchema; } this.idBlock = new LocalIdentificationBlock(parameters); this.lenBlock = new LocalLengthBlock(parameters); this.valueBlock = valueBlockType ? new valueBlockType(parameters) : new ValueBlock(parameters); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const _writer = writer || new ViewWriter(); if (!writer) { prepareIndefiniteForm(this); } const idBlockBuf = this.idBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); _writer.write(idBlockBuf); if (this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) { _writer.write(new Uint8Array([128]).buffer); this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly, _writer); _writer.write(new ArrayBuffer(2)); } else { const valueBlockBuf = this.valueBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); this.lenBlock.length = valueBlockBuf.byteLength; const lenBlockBuf = this.lenBlock.toBER(sizeOnly); _writer.write(lenBlockBuf); _writer.write(valueBlockBuf); } if (!writer) { return; } return EMPTY_BUFFER; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), idBlock: this.idBlock.toJSON(), lenBlock: this.lenBlock.toJSON(), valueBlock: this.valueBlock.toJSON(), name:, optional: this.optional }; if (this.primitiveSchema) object.primitiveSchema = this.primitiveSchema.toJSON(); return object; } toString(encoding = "ascii") { if (encoding === "ascii") { return this.onAsciiEncoding(); } return pvtsutils5.Convert.ToHex(this.toBER()); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${pvtsutils5.Convert.ToHex(this.valueBlock.valueBeforeDecodeView)}`; } /** * Determines whether two object instances are equal * @param other Object to compare with the current object */ isEqual(other) { if (this === other) { return true; } if (!(other instanceof this.constructor)) { return false; } const thisRaw = this.toBER(); const otherRaw = other.toBER(); return isEqualBuffer(thisRaw, otherRaw); } }; BaseBlock.NAME = "BaseBlock"; function prepareIndefiniteForm(baseBlock) { if (baseBlock instanceof typeStore.Constructed) { for (const value of baseBlock.valueBlock.value) { if (prepareIndefiniteForm(value)) { baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm = true; } } } return !!baseBlock.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; } // src/BaseStringBlock.ts var BaseStringBlock = class extends BaseBlock { /** * String value * @since 3.0.0 */ getValue() { return this.valueBlock.value; } /** * String value * @param value String value * @since 3.0.0 */ setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.value = value; } constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING, ...parameters } = {}, stringValueBlockType) { super(parameters, stringValueBlockType); if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } this.fromBuffer(this.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : '${this.valueBlock.value}'`; } }; BaseStringBlock.NAME = "BaseStringBlock"; // src/internals/LocalPrimitiveValueBlock.ts var LocalPrimitiveValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ isHexOnly = true, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isHexOnly = isHexOnly; } }; LocalPrimitiveValueBlock.NAME = "PrimitiveValueBlock"; // src/Primitive.ts var _Primitive = class extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalPrimitiveValueBlock); this.idBlock.isConstructed = false; } }; var Primitive = _Primitive; (() => { typeStore.Primitive = _Primitive; })(); Primitive.NAME = "PRIMITIVE"; // src/internals/LocalConstructedValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils7 = __toESM(require_build()); // src/parser.ts var pvtsutils6 = __toESM(require_build()); function localChangeType(inputObject, newType) { if (inputObject instanceof newType) { return inputObject; } const newObject = new newType(); newObject.idBlock = inputObject.idBlock; newObject.lenBlock = inputObject.lenBlock; newObject.warnings = inputObject.warnings; newObject.valueBeforeDecodeView = inputObject.valueBeforeDecodeView; return newObject; } function localFromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset = 0, inputLength = inputBuffer.length) { const incomingOffset = inputOffset; let returnObject = new BaseBlock({}, ValueBlock); const baseBlock = new LocalBaseBlock(); if (!checkBufferParams(baseBlock, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength)) { returnObject.error = baseBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } const intBuffer = inputBuffer.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (!intBuffer.length) { returnObject.error = "Zero buffer length"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } let resultOffset = returnObject.idBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.idBlock.warnings.length) { returnObject.warnings.concat(returnObject.idBlock.warnings); } if (resultOffset === -1) { returnObject.error = returnObject.idBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } inputOffset = resultOffset; inputLength -= returnObject.idBlock.blockLength; resultOffset = returnObject.lenBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.lenBlock.warnings.length) { returnObject.warnings.concat(returnObject.lenBlock.warnings); } if (resultOffset === -1) { returnObject.error = returnObject.lenBlock.error; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } inputOffset = resultOffset; inputLength -= returnObject.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed && returnObject.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm) { returnObject.error = "Indefinite length form used for primitive encoding form"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } let newASN1Type = BaseBlock; switch (returnObject.idBlock.tagClass) { case 1: if (returnObject.idBlock.tagNumber >= 37 && returnObject.idBlock.isHexOnly === false) { returnObject.error = "UNIVERSAL 37 and upper tags are reserved by ASN.1 standard"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } switch (returnObject.idBlock.tagNumber) { case 0: if (returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed && returnObject.lenBlock.length > 0) { returnObject.error = "Type [UNIVERSAL 0] is reserved"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; } newASN1Type = typeStore.EndOfContent; break; case 1: newASN1Type = typeStore.Boolean; break; case 2: newASN1Type = typeStore.Integer; break; case 3: newASN1Type = typeStore.BitString; break; case 4: newASN1Type = typeStore.OctetString; break; case 5: newASN1Type = typeStore.Null; break; case 6: newASN1Type = typeStore.ObjectIdentifier; break; case 10: newASN1Type = typeStore.Enumerated; break; case 12: newASN1Type = typeStore.Utf8String; break; case 13: newASN1Type = typeStore.RelativeObjectIdentifier; break; case 14: newASN1Type = typeStore.TIME; break; case 15: returnObject.error = "[UNIVERSAL 15] is reserved by ASN.1 standard"; return { offset: -1, result: returnObject }; case 16: newASN1Type = typeStore.Sequence; break; case 17: newASN1Type = typeStore.Set; break; case 18: newASN1Type = typeStore.NumericString; break; case 19: newASN1Type = typeStore.PrintableString; break; case 20: newASN1Type = typeStore.TeletexString; break; case 21: newASN1Type = typeStore.VideotexString; break; case 22: newASN1Type = typeStore.IA5String; break; case 23: newASN1Type = typeStore.UTCTime; break; case 24: newASN1Type = typeStore.GeneralizedTime; break; case 25: newASN1Type = typeStore.GraphicString; break; case 26: newASN1Type = typeStore.VisibleString; break; case 27: newASN1Type = typeStore.GeneralString; break; case 28: newASN1Type = typeStore.UniversalString; break; case 29: newASN1Type = typeStore.CharacterString; break; case 30: newASN1Type = typeStore.BmpString; break; case 31: newASN1Type = typeStore.DATE; break; case 32: newASN1Type = typeStore.TimeOfDay; break; case 33: newASN1Type = typeStore.DateTime; break; case 34: newASN1Type = typeStore.Duration; break; default: { const newObject = returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed ? new typeStore.Constructed() : new typeStore.Primitive(); newObject.idBlock = returnObject.idBlock; newObject.lenBlock = returnObject.lenBlock; newObject.warnings = returnObject.warnings; returnObject = newObject; } } break; case 2: case 3: case 4: default: { newASN1Type = returnObject.idBlock.isConstructed ? typeStore.Constructed : typeStore.Primitive; } } returnObject = localChangeType(returnObject, newASN1Type); resultOffset = returnObject.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, returnObject.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm ? inputLength : returnObject.lenBlock.length); returnObject.valueBeforeDecodeView = inputBuffer.subarray(incomingOffset, incomingOffset + returnObject.blockLength); return { offset: resultOffset, result: returnObject }; } function fromBER(inputBuffer) { if (!inputBuffer.byteLength) { const result = new BaseBlock({}, ValueBlock); result.error = "Input buffer has zero length"; return { offset: -1, result }; } return localFromBER(pvtsutils6.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer).slice(), 0, inputBuffer.byteLength); } // src/internals/LocalConstructedValueBlock.ts function checkLen(indefiniteLength, length) { if (indefiniteLength) { return 1; } return length; } var LocalConstructedValueBlock = class extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = [], isIndefiniteForm = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; this.isIndefiniteForm = isIndefiniteForm; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const view = pvtsutils7.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, view, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } this.valueBeforeDecodeView = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (this.valueBeforeDecodeView.length === 0) { this.warnings.push("Zero buffer length"); return inputOffset; } let currentOffset = inputOffset; while (checkLen(this.isIndefiniteForm, inputLength) > 0) { const returnObject = localFromBER(view, currentOffset, inputLength); if (returnObject.offset === -1) { this.error = returnObject.result.error; this.warnings.concat(returnObject.result.warnings); return -1; } currentOffset = returnObject.offset; this.blockLength += returnObject.result.blockLength; inputLength -= returnObject.result.blockLength; this.value.push(returnObject.result); if (this.isIndefiniteForm && returnObject.result.constructor.NAME === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { break; } } if (this.isIndefiniteForm) { if (this.value[this.value.length - 1].constructor.NAME === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { this.value.pop(); } else { this.warnings.push("No EndOfContent block encoded"); } } return currentOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const _writer = writer || new ViewWriter(); for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly, _writer); } if (!writer) { return; } return EMPTY_BUFFER; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), isIndefiniteForm: this.isIndefiniteForm, value: [] }; for (const value of this.value) { object.value.push(value.toJSON()); } return object; } }; LocalConstructedValueBlock.NAME = "ConstructedValueBlock"; // src/Constructed.ts var _Constructed = class extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalConstructedValueBlock); this.idBlock.isConstructed = true; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; const resultOffset = this.valueBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm ? inputLength : this.lenBlock.length); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.error = this.valueBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; if (!this.valueBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.valueBlock.blockLength; return resultOffset; } /** * @internal */ onAsciiEncoding() { const values = []; for (const value of this.valueBlock.value) { values.push(value.toString("ascii").split("\n").map((o) => ` ${o}`).join("\n")); } const blockName = this.idBlock.tagClass === 3 ? `[${this.idBlock.tagNumber}]` : this.constructor.NAME; return values.length ? `${blockName} : ${values.join("\n")}` : `${blockName} :`; } }; var Constructed = _Constructed; (() => { typeStore.Constructed = _Constructed; })(); Constructed.NAME = "CONSTRUCTED"; // src/internals/LocalEndOfContentValueBlock.ts var LocalEndOfContentValueBlock = class extends ValueBlock { fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { return inputOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return EMPTY_BUFFER; } }; LocalEndOfContentValueBlock.override = "EndOfContentValueBlock"; // src/EndOfContent.ts var _EndOfContent = class extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalEndOfContentValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 0; } }; var EndOfContent = _EndOfContent; (() => { typeStore.EndOfContent = _EndOfContent; })(); EndOfContent.NAME = END_OF_CONTENT_NAME; // src/Null.ts var _Null = class extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, ValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 5; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (this.lenBlock.length > 0) this.warnings.push("Non-zero length of value block for Null type"); if (!this.idBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (!this.lenBlock.error.length) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; this.blockLength += inputLength; if (inputOffset + inputLength > inputBuffer.byteLength) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded (inconsistent offset and length values)"; return -1; } return inputOffset + inputLength; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const retBuf = new ArrayBuffer(2); if (!sizeOnly) { const retView = new Uint8Array(retBuf); retView[0] = 5; retView[1] = 0; } if (writer) { writer.write(retBuf); } return retBuf; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME}`; } }; var Null = _Null; (() => { typeStore.Null = _Null; })(); Null.NAME = "NULL"; // src/internals/LocalBooleanValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils8 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalBooleanValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { get value() { for (const octet of this.valueHexView) { if (octet > 0) { return true; } } return false; } set value(value) { this.valueHexView[0] = value ? 255 : 0; } constructor({ value, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); if (parameters.valueHex) { this.valueHexView = pvtsutils8.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(parameters.valueHex); } else { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(1); } if (value) { this.value = value; } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const inputView = pvtsutils8.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } this.valueHexView = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); if (inputLength > 1) this.warnings.push("Boolean value encoded in more then 1 octet"); this.isHexOnly = true;; this.blockLength = inputLength; return inputOffset + inputLength; } toBER() { return this.valueHexView.slice(); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.value }; } }; LocalBooleanValueBlock.NAME = "BooleanValueBlock"; // src/Boolean.ts var _Boolean = class extends BaseBlock { /** * Gets value * @since 3.0.0 */ getValue() { return this.valueBlock.value; } /** * Sets value * @param value Boolean value * @since 3.0.0 */ setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.value = value; } constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalBooleanValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 1; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.getValue}`; } }; var Boolean = _Boolean; (() => { typeStore.Boolean = _Boolean; })(); Boolean.NAME = "BOOLEAN"; // src/OctetString.ts var pvtsutils9 = __toESM(require_build()); // src/internals/LocalOctetStringValueBlock.ts var LocalOctetStringValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(LocalConstructedValueBlock) { constructor({ isConstructed = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isConstructed = isConstructed; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = 0; if (this.isConstructed) { this.isHexOnly = false; resultOffset =, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) return resultOffset; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const currentBlockName = this.value[i].constructor.NAME; if (currentBlockName === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { if (this.isIndefiniteForm) break; else { this.error = "EndOfContent is unexpected, OCTET STRING may consists of OCTET STRINGs only"; return -1; } } if (currentBlockName !== OCTET_STRING_NAME) { this.error = "OCTET STRING may consists of OCTET STRINGs only"; return -1; } } } else { this.isHexOnly = true; resultOffset = super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); this.blockLength = inputLength; } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { if (this.isConstructed) return, sizeOnly, writer); return sizeOnly ? new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength) : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), isConstructed: this.isConstructed }; } }; LocalOctetStringValueBlock.NAME = "OctetStringValueBlock"; // src/OctetString.ts var _OctetString = class extends BaseBlock { constructor({ idBlock = {}, lenBlock = {}, ...parameters } = {}) { var _a, _b; (_b = parameters.isConstructed) != null ? _b : parameters.isConstructed = !!((_a = parameters.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.length); super({ idBlock: { isConstructed: parameters.isConstructed, ...idBlock }, lenBlock: { ...lenBlock, isIndefiniteForm: !!parameters.isIndefiniteForm }, ...parameters }, LocalOctetStringValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 4; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isConstructed = this.idBlock.isConstructed; this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; if (inputLength === 0) { if (this.idBlock.error.length === 0) this.blockLength += this.idBlock.blockLength; if (this.lenBlock.error.length === 0) this.blockLength += this.lenBlock.blockLength; return inputOffset; } if (!this.valueBlock.isConstructed) { const view = inputBuffer instanceof ArrayBuffer ? new Uint8Array(inputBuffer) : inputBuffer; const buf = view.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); try { if (buf.byteLength) { const asn = localFromBER(buf, 0, buf.byteLength); if (asn.offset !== -1 && asn.offset === inputLength) { this.valueBlock.value = [asn.result]; } } } catch (e) { } } return super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); } onAsciiEncoding() { if (this.valueBlock.isConstructed || this.valueBlock.value && this.valueBlock.value.length) { return; } return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${pvtsutils9.Convert.ToHex(this.valueBlock.valueHexView)}`; } /** * Returns OctetString value. If OctetString is constructed, returns concatenated internal OctetString values * @returns Array buffer * @since 3.0.0 */ getValue() { if (!this.idBlock.isConstructed) { return this.valueBlock.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } const array = []; for (const content of this.valueBlock.value) { if (content instanceof _OctetString) { array.push(content.valueBlock.valueHexView); } } return pvtsutils9.BufferSourceConverter.concat(array); } }; var OctetString = _OctetString; (() => { typeStore.OctetString = _OctetString; })(); OctetString.NAME = OCTET_STRING_NAME; // src/internals/LocalBitStringValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils10 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalBitStringValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(LocalConstructedValueBlock) { constructor({ unusedBits = 0, isConstructed = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.unusedBits = unusedBits; this.isConstructed = isConstructed; this.blockLength = this.valueHexView.byteLength; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!inputLength) { return inputOffset; } let resultOffset = -1; if (this.isConstructed) { resultOffset =, inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) return resultOffset; for (const value of this.value) { const currentBlockName = value.constructor.NAME; if (currentBlockName === END_OF_CONTENT_NAME) { if (this.isIndefiniteForm) break; else { this.error = "EndOfContent is unexpected, BIT STRING may consists of BIT STRINGs only"; return -1; } } if (currentBlockName !== BIT_STRING_NAME) { this.error = "BIT STRING may consists of BIT STRINGs only"; return -1; } const valueBlock = value.valueBlock; if (this.unusedBits > 0 && valueBlock.unusedBits > 0) { this.error = 'Using of "unused bits" inside constructive BIT STRING allowed for least one only'; return -1; } this.unusedBits = valueBlock.unusedBits; } return resultOffset; } const inputView = pvtsutils10.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.unusedBits = intBuffer[0]; if (this.unusedBits > 7) { this.error = "Unused bits for BitString must be in range 0-7"; return -1; } if (!this.unusedBits) { const buf = intBuffer.subarray(1); try { if (buf.byteLength) { const asn = localFromBER(buf, 0, buf.byteLength); if (asn.offset !== -1 && asn.offset === inputLength - 1) { this.value = [asn.result]; } } } catch (e) { } } this.valueHexView = intBuffer.subarray(1); this.blockLength = intBuffer.length; return inputOffset + inputLength; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { if (this.isConstructed) { return, sizeOnly, writer); } if (sizeOnly) { return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength + 1); } if (!this.valueHexView.byteLength) { return EMPTY_BUFFER; } const retView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.length + 1); retView[0] = this.unusedBits; retView.set(this.valueHexView, 1); return retView.buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), unusedBits: this.unusedBits, isConstructed: this.isConstructed }; } }; LocalBitStringValueBlock.NAME = "BitStringValueBlock"; // src/BitString.ts var _BitString = class extends BaseBlock { constructor({ idBlock = {}, lenBlock = {}, ...parameters } = {}) { var _a, _b; (_b = parameters.isConstructed) != null ? _b : parameters.isConstructed = !!((_a = parameters.value) == null ? void 0 : _a.length); super({ idBlock: { isConstructed: parameters.isConstructed, ...idBlock }, lenBlock: { ...lenBlock, isIndefiniteForm: !!parameters.isIndefiniteForm }, ...parameters }, LocalBitStringValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 3; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { this.valueBlock.isConstructed = this.idBlock.isConstructed; this.valueBlock.isIndefiniteForm = this.lenBlock.isIndefiniteForm; return super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); } onAsciiEncoding() { if (this.valueBlock.isConstructed || this.valueBlock.value && this.valueBlock.value.length) { return; } else { const bits = []; const valueHex = this.valueBlock.valueHexView; for (const byte of valueHex) { bits.push(byte.toString(2).padStart(8, "0")); } const bitsStr = bits.join(""); return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${bitsStr.substring(0, bitsStr.length - this.valueBlock.unusedBits)}`; } } }; var BitString = _BitString; (() => { typeStore.BitString = _BitString; })(); BitString.NAME = BIT_STRING_NAME; // src/Integer.ts var pvtsutils11 = __toESM(require_build()); // src/internals/LocalIntegerValueBlock.ts function viewAdd(first, second) { const c = new Uint8Array([0]); const firstView = new Uint8Array(first); const secondView = new Uint8Array(second); let firstViewCopy = firstView.slice(0); const firstViewCopyLength = firstViewCopy.length - 1; const secondViewCopy = secondView.slice(0); const secondViewCopyLength = secondViewCopy.length - 1; let value = 0; const max = secondViewCopyLength < firstViewCopyLength ? firstViewCopyLength : secondViewCopyLength; let counter = 0; for (let i = max; i >= 0; i--, counter++) { switch (true) { case counter < secondViewCopy.length: value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] + secondViewCopy[secondViewCopyLength - counter] + c[0]; break; default: value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] + c[0]; } c[0] = value / 10; switch (true) { case counter >= firstViewCopy.length: firstViewCopy = utilConcatView(new Uint8Array([value % 10]), firstViewCopy); break; default: firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value % 10; } } if (c[0] > 0) firstViewCopy = utilConcatView(c, firstViewCopy); return firstViewCopy; } function power2(n) { if (n >= powers2.length) { for (let p = powers2.length; p <= n; p++) { const c = new Uint8Array([0]); let digits = powers2[p - 1].slice(0); for (let i = digits.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const newValue = new Uint8Array([(digits[i] << 1) + c[0]]); c[0] = newValue[0] / 10; digits[i] = newValue[0] % 10; } if (c[0] > 0) digits = utilConcatView(c, digits); powers2.push(digits); } } return powers2[n]; } function viewSub(first, second) { let b = 0; const firstView = new Uint8Array(first); const secondView = new Uint8Array(second); const firstViewCopy = firstView.slice(0); const firstViewCopyLength = firstViewCopy.length - 1; const secondViewCopy = secondView.slice(0); const secondViewCopyLength = secondViewCopy.length - 1; let value; let counter = 0; for (let i = secondViewCopyLength; i >= 0; i--, counter++) { value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] - secondViewCopy[secondViewCopyLength - counter] - b; switch (true) { case value < 0: b = 1; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value + 10; break; default: b = 0; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value; } } if (b > 0) { for (let i = firstViewCopyLength - secondViewCopyLength + 1; i >= 0; i--, counter++) { value = firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] - b; if (value < 0) { b = 1; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value + 10; } else { b = 0; firstViewCopy[firstViewCopyLength - counter] = value; break; } } } return firstViewCopy.slice(); } var _LocalIntegerValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ value, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this._valueDec = 0; if (parameters.valueHex) { this.setValueHex(); } if (value !== void 0) { this.valueDec = value; } } setValueHex() { if (this.valueHexView.length >= 4) { this.warnings.push("Too big Integer for decoding, hex only"); this.isHexOnly = true; this._valueDec = 0; } else { this.isHexOnly = false; if (this.valueHexView.length > 0) { this._valueDec =; } } } set valueDec(v) { this._valueDec = v; this.isHexOnly = false; this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(utilEncodeTC(v)); } get valueDec() { return this._valueDec; } fromDER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength, expectedLength = 0) { const offset = this.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (offset === -1) return offset; const view = this.valueHexView; if (view[0] === 0 && (view[1] & 128) !== 0) { this.valueHexView = view.subarray(1); } else { if (expectedLength !== 0) { if (view.length < expectedLength) { if (expectedLength - view.length > 1) expectedLength = view.length + 1; this.valueHexView = view.subarray(expectedLength - view.length); } } } return offset; } toDER(sizeOnly = false) { const view = this.valueHexView; switch (true) { case (view[0] & 128) !== 0: { const updatedView = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.length + 1); updatedView[0] = 0; updatedView.set(view, 1); this.valueHexView = updatedView; } break; case (view[0] === 0 && (view[1] & 128) === 0): { this.valueHexView = this.valueHexView.subarray(1); } break; default: } return this.toBER(sizeOnly); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const resultOffset = super.fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { return resultOffset; } this.setValueHex(); return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return sizeOnly ? new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.length) : this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec }; } toString() { const firstBit = this.valueHexView.length * 8 - 1; let digits = new Uint8Array(this.valueHexView.length * 8 / 3); let bitNumber = 0; let currentByte; const asn1View = this.valueHexView; let result = ""; let flag = false; for (let byteNumber = asn1View.byteLength - 1; byteNumber >= 0; byteNumber--) { currentByte = asn1View[byteNumber]; for (let i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if ((currentByte & 1) === 1) { switch (bitNumber) { case firstBit: digits = viewSub(power2(bitNumber), digits); result = "-"; break; default: digits = viewAdd(digits, power2(bitNumber)); } } bitNumber++; currentByte >>= 1; } } for (let i = 0; i < digits.length; i++) { if (digits[i]) flag = true; if (flag) result += digitsString.charAt(digits[i]); } if (flag === false) result += digitsString.charAt(0); return result; } }; var LocalIntegerValueBlock = _LocalIntegerValueBlock; LocalIntegerValueBlock.NAME = "IntegerValueBlock"; (() => { Object.defineProperty(_LocalIntegerValueBlock.prototype, "valueHex", { set: function(v) { this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(v); this.setValueHex(); }, get: function() { return this.valueHexView.slice().buffer; } }); })(); // src/Integer.ts var _Integer = class extends BaseBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalIntegerValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 2; } /** * Converts Integer into BigInt * @throws Throws Error if BigInt is not supported * @since 3.0.0 */ toBigInt() { assertBigInt(); return BigInt(this.valueBlock.toString()); } /** * Creates Integer from BigInt value * @param value BigInt value * @returns ASN.1 Integer * @throws Throws Error if BigInt is not supported * @since 3.0.0 */ static fromBigInt(value) { assertBigInt(); const bigIntValue = BigInt(value); const writer = new ViewWriter(); const hex = bigIntValue.toString(16).replace(/^-/, ""); const view = new Uint8Array(pvtsutils11.Convert.FromHex(hex)); if (bigIntValue < 0) { const first = new Uint8Array(view.length + (view[0] & 128 ? 1 : 0)); first[0] |= 128; const firstInt = BigInt(`0x${pvtsutils11.Convert.ToHex(first)}`); const secondInt = firstInt + bigIntValue; const second = pvtsutils11.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(pvtsutils11.Convert.FromHex(secondInt.toString(16))); second[0] |= 128; writer.write(second); } else { if (view[0] & 128) { writer.write(new Uint8Array([0])); } writer.write(view); } const res = new _Integer({ valueHex: }); return res; } convertToDER() { const integer = new _Integer({ valueHex: this.valueBlock.valueHexView }); integer.valueBlock.toDER(); return integer; } /** * Convert current Integer value from DER to BER format * @returns */ convertFromDER() { return new _Integer({ valueHex: this.valueBlock.valueHexView[0] === 0 ? this.valueBlock.valueHexView.subarray(1) : this.valueBlock.valueHexView }); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString()}`; } }; var Integer = _Integer; (() => { typeStore.Integer = _Integer; })(); Integer.NAME = "INTEGER"; // src/Enumerated.ts var _Enumerated = class extends Integer { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 10; } }; var Enumerated = _Enumerated; (() => { typeStore.Enumerated = _Enumerated; })(); Enumerated.NAME = "ENUMERATED"; // src/internals/LocalSidValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils12 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalSidValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ valueDec = -1, isFirstSid = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.valueDec = valueDec; this.isFirstSid = isFirstSid; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (!inputLength) { return inputOffset; } const inputView = pvtsutils12.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) { return -1; } const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(inputLength); for (let i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { this.valueHexView[i] = intBuffer[i] & 127; this.blockLength++; if ((intBuffer[i] & 128) === 0) break; } const tempView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength; i++) { tempView[i] = this.valueHexView[i]; } this.valueHexView = tempView; if ((intBuffer[this.blockLength - 1] & 128) !== 0) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (this.valueHexView[0] === 0) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format of SID encoding"); if (this.blockLength <= 8) this.valueDec = utilFromBase(this.valueHexView, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Too big SID for decoding, hex only"); } return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } set valueBigInt(value) { assertBigInt(); let bits = BigInt(value).toString(2); while (bits.length % 7) { bits = "0" + bits; } const bytes = new Uint8Array(bits.length / 7); for (let i = 0; i < bytes.length; i++) { bytes[i] = parseInt(bits.slice(i * 7, i * 7 + 7), 2) + (i + 1 < bytes.length ? 128 : 0); } this.fromBER(bytes.buffer, 0, bytes.length); } toBER(sizeOnly) { if (this.isHexOnly) { if (sizeOnly) return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength); const curView = this.valueHexView; const retView2 = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength - 1; i++) retView2[i] = curView[i] | 128; retView2[this.blockLength - 1] = curView[this.blockLength - 1]; return retView2.buffer; } const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.valueDec, 7); if (encodedBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = "Error during encoding SID value"; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } const retView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf.byteLength); if (!sizeOnly) { const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const len = encodedBuf.byteLength - 1; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) retView[i] = encodedView[i] | 128; retView[len] = encodedView[len]; } return retView; } toString() { let result = ""; if (this.isHexOnly) result = pvtsutils12.Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView); else { if (this.isFirstSid) { let sidValue = this.valueDec; if (this.valueDec <= 39) result = "0."; else { if (this.valueDec <= 79) { result = "1."; sidValue -= 40; } else { result = "2."; sidValue -= 80; } } result += sidValue.toString(); } else result = this.valueDec.toString(); } return result; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec, isFirstSid: this.isFirstSid }; } }; LocalSidValueBlock.NAME = "sidBlock"; // src/internals/LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock.ts var LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock = class extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = []; if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = inputOffset; while (inputLength > 0) { const sidBlock = new LocalSidValueBlock(); resultOffset = sidBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, resultOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.blockLength = 0; this.error = sidBlock.error; return resultOffset; } if (this.value.length === 0) sidBlock.isFirstSid = true; this.blockLength += sidBlock.blockLength; inputLength -= sidBlock.blockLength; this.value.push(sidBlock); } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly) { const retBuffers = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const valueBuf = this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly); if (valueBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = this.value[i].error; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } retBuffers.push(valueBuf); } return concat(retBuffers); } fromString(string) { this.value = []; let pos1 = 0; let pos2 = 0; let sid = ""; let flag = false; do { pos2 = string.indexOf(".", pos1); if (pos2 === -1) sid = string.substring(pos1); else sid = string.substring(pos1, pos2); pos1 = pos2 + 1; if (flag) { const sidBlock = this.value[0]; let plus = 0; switch (sidBlock.valueDec) { case 0: break; case 1: plus = 40; break; case 2: plus = 80; break; default: this.value = []; return; } const parsedSID = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(parsedSID)) return; sidBlock.valueDec = parsedSID + plus; flag = false; } else { const sidBlock = new LocalSidValueBlock(); if (sid > Number.MAX_SAFE_INTEGER) { assertBigInt(); const sidValue = BigInt(sid); sidBlock.valueBigInt = sidValue; } else { sidBlock.valueDec = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(sidBlock.valueDec)) return; } if (!this.value.length) { sidBlock.isFirstSid = true; flag = true; } this.value.push(sidBlock); } } while (pos2 !== -1); } toString() { let result = ""; let isHexOnly = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { isHexOnly = this.value[i].isHexOnly; let sidStr = this.value[i].toString(); if (i !== 0) result = `${result}.`; if (isHexOnly) { sidStr = `{${sidStr}}`; if (this.value[i].isFirstSid) result = `2.{${sidStr} - 80}`; else result += sidStr; } else result += sidStr; } return result; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.toString(), sidArray: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { object.sidArray.push(this.value[i].toJSON()); } return object; } }; LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock.NAME = "ObjectIdentifierValueBlock"; // src/ObjectIdentifier.ts var _ObjectIdentifier = class extends BaseBlock { /** * Gets string representation of Object Identifier * @since 3.0.0 */ getValue() { return this.valueBlock.toString(); } /** * Sets Object Identifier value from string * @param value String value * @since 3.0.0 */ setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.fromString(value); } constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalObjectIdentifierValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 6; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString() || "empty"}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.getValue() }; } }; var ObjectIdentifier = _ObjectIdentifier; (() => { typeStore.ObjectIdentifier = _ObjectIdentifier; })(); ObjectIdentifier.NAME = "OBJECT IDENTIFIER"; // src/internals/LocalRelativeSidValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils13 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalRelativeSidValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(LocalBaseBlock) { constructor({ valueDec = 0, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.valueDec = valueDec; } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { if (inputLength === 0) return inputOffset; const inputView = pvtsutils13.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); if (!checkBufferParams(this, inputView, inputOffset, inputLength)) return -1; const intBuffer = inputView.subarray(inputOffset, inputOffset + inputLength); this.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(inputLength); for (let i = 0; i < inputLength; i++) { this.valueHexView[i] = intBuffer[i] & 127; this.blockLength++; if ((intBuffer[i] & 128) === 0) break; } const tempView = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength; i++) tempView[i] = this.valueHexView[i]; this.valueHexView = tempView; if ((intBuffer[this.blockLength - 1] & 128) !== 0) { this.error = "End of input reached before message was fully decoded"; return -1; } if (this.valueHexView[0] === 0) this.warnings.push("Needlessly long format of SID encoding"); if (this.blockLength <= 8) this.valueDec = utilFromBase(this.valueHexView, 7); else { this.isHexOnly = true; this.warnings.push("Too big SID for decoding, hex only"); } return inputOffset + this.blockLength; } toBER(sizeOnly) { if (this.isHexOnly) { if (sizeOnly) return new ArrayBuffer(this.valueHexView.byteLength); const curView = this.valueHexView; const retView2 = new Uint8Array(this.blockLength); for (let i = 0; i < this.blockLength - 1; i++) retView2[i] = curView[i] | 128; retView2[this.blockLength - 1] = curView[this.blockLength - 1]; return retView2.buffer; } const encodedBuf = utilToBase(this.valueDec, 7); if (encodedBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = "Error during encoding SID value"; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } const retView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf.byteLength); if (!sizeOnly) { const encodedView = new Uint8Array(encodedBuf); const len = encodedBuf.byteLength - 1; for (let i = 0; i < len; i++) retView[i] = encodedView[i] | 128; retView[len] = encodedView[len]; } return retView.buffer; } toString() { let result = ""; if (this.isHexOnly) result = pvtsutils13.Convert.ToHex(this.valueHexView); else { result = this.valueDec.toString(); } return result; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), valueDec: this.valueDec }; } }; LocalRelativeSidValueBlock.NAME = "relativeSidBlock"; // src/internals/LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock.ts var LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock = class extends ValueBlock { constructor({ value = EMPTY_STRING, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = []; if (value) { this.fromString(value); } } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { let resultOffset = inputOffset; while (inputLength > 0) { const sidBlock = new LocalRelativeSidValueBlock(); resultOffset = sidBlock.fromBER(inputBuffer, resultOffset, inputLength); if (resultOffset === -1) { this.blockLength = 0; this.error = sidBlock.error; return resultOffset; } this.blockLength += sidBlock.blockLength; inputLength -= sidBlock.blockLength; this.value.push(sidBlock); } return resultOffset; } toBER(sizeOnly, writer) { const retBuffers = []; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { const valueBuf = this.value[i].toBER(sizeOnly); if (valueBuf.byteLength === 0) { this.error = this.value[i].error; return EMPTY_BUFFER; } retBuffers.push(valueBuf); } return concat(retBuffers); } fromString(string) { this.value = []; let pos1 = 0; let pos2 = 0; let sid = ""; do { pos2 = string.indexOf(".", pos1); if (pos2 === -1) sid = string.substring(pos1); else sid = string.substring(pos1, pos2); pos1 = pos2 + 1; const sidBlock = new LocalRelativeSidValueBlock(); sidBlock.valueDec = parseInt(sid, 10); if (isNaN(sidBlock.valueDec)) return true; this.value.push(sidBlock); } while (pos2 !== -1); return true; } toString() { let result = ""; let isHexOnly = false; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) { isHexOnly = this.value[i].isHexOnly; let sidStr = this.value[i].toString(); if (i !== 0) result = `${result}.`; if (isHexOnly) { sidStr = `{${sidStr}}`; result += sidStr; } else result += sidStr; } return result; } toJSON() { const object = { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.toString(), sidArray: [] }; for (let i = 0; i < this.value.length; i++) object.sidArray.push(this.value[i].toJSON()); return object; } }; LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock.NAME = "RelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock"; // src/RelativeObjectIdentifier.ts var _RelativeObjectIdentifier = class extends BaseBlock { /** * Gets string representation of Relative Object Identifier * @since 3.0.0 */ getValue() { return this.valueBlock.toString(); } /** * Sets Relative Object Identifier value from string * @param value String value * @since 3.0.0 */ setValue(value) { this.valueBlock.fromString(value); } constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters, LocalRelativeObjectIdentifierValueBlock); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 13; } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.valueBlock.toString() || "empty"}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.getValue() }; } }; var RelativeObjectIdentifier = _RelativeObjectIdentifier; (() => { typeStore.RelativeObjectIdentifier = _RelativeObjectIdentifier; })(); RelativeObjectIdentifier.NAME = "RelativeObjectIdentifier"; // src/Sequence.ts var _Sequence = class extends Constructed { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 16; } }; var Sequence = _Sequence; (() => { typeStore.Sequence = _Sequence; })(); Sequence.NAME = "SEQUENCE"; // src/Set.ts var _Set = class extends Constructed { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 17; } }; var Set = _Set; (() => { typeStore.Set = _Set; })(); Set.NAME = "SET"; // src/internals/LocalUtf8StringValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils15 = __toESM(require_build()); // src/internals/LocalSimpleStringBlock.ts var pvtsutils14 = __toESM(require_build()); // src/internals/LocalStringValueBlock.ts var LocalStringValueBlock = class extends HexBlock(ValueBlock) { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.isHexOnly = true; this.value = EMPTY_STRING; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), value: this.value }; } }; LocalStringValueBlock.NAME = "StringValueBlock"; // src/internals/LocalSimpleStringValueBlock.ts var LocalSimpleStringValueBlock = class extends LocalStringValueBlock { }; LocalSimpleStringValueBlock.NAME = "SimpleStringValueBlock"; // src/internals/LocalSimpleStringBlock.ts var LocalSimpleStringBlock = class extends BaseStringBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters, LocalSimpleStringValueBlock); } fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.value = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, pvtsutils14.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer)); } fromString(inputString) { const strLen = inputString.length; const view = this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(strLen); for (let i = 0; i < strLen; i++) view[i] = inputString.charCodeAt(i); this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } }; LocalSimpleStringBlock.NAME = "SIMPLE STRING"; // src/internals/LocalUtf8StringValueBlock.ts var LocalUtf8StringValueBlock = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.valueHexView = pvtsutils15.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); try { this.valueBlock.value = pvtsutils15.Convert.ToUtf8String(inputBuffer); } catch (ex) { this.warnings.push(`Error during "decodeURIComponent": ${ex}, using raw string`); this.valueBlock.value = pvtsutils15.Convert.ToBinary(inputBuffer); } } fromString(inputString) { this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(pvtsutils15.Convert.FromUtf8String(inputString)); this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } }; LocalUtf8StringValueBlock.NAME = "Utf8StringValueBlock"; // src/Utf8String.ts var _Utf8String = class extends LocalUtf8StringValueBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 12; } }; var Utf8String = _Utf8String; (() => { typeStore.Utf8String = _Utf8String; })(); Utf8String.NAME = "UTF8String"; // src/internals/LocalBmpStringValueBlock.ts var pvtsutils16 = __toESM(require_build()); var LocalBmpStringValueBlock = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.valueBlock.value = pvtsutils16.Convert.ToUtf16String(inputBuffer); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = pvtsutils16.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer); } fromString(inputString) { this.valueBlock.value = inputString; this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(pvtsutils16.Convert.FromUtf16String(inputString)); } }; LocalBmpStringValueBlock.NAME = "BmpStringValueBlock"; // src/BmpString.ts var _BmpString = class extends LocalBmpStringValueBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 30; } }; var BmpString = _BmpString; (() => { typeStore.BmpString = _BmpString; })(); BmpString.NAME = "BMPString"; // src/internals/LocalUniversalStringValueBlockParams.ts var LocalUniversalStringValueBlock = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { const copyBuffer = ArrayBuffer.isView(inputBuffer) ? inputBuffer.slice().buffer : inputBuffer.slice(0); const valueView = new Uint8Array(copyBuffer); for (let i = 0; i < valueView.length; i += 4) { valueView[i] = valueView[i + 3]; valueView[i + 1] = valueView[i + 2]; valueView[i + 2] = 0; valueView[i + 3] = 0; } this.valueBlock.value = String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint32Array(copyBuffer)); } fromString(inputString) { const strLength = inputString.length; const valueHexView = this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(strLength * 4); for (let i = 0; i < strLength; i++) { const codeBuf = utilToBase(inputString.charCodeAt(i), 8); const codeView = new Uint8Array(codeBuf); if (codeView.length > 4) continue; const dif = 4 - codeView.length; for (let j = codeView.length - 1; j >= 0; j--) valueHexView[i * 4 + j + dif] = codeView[j]; } this.valueBlock.value = inputString; } }; LocalUniversalStringValueBlock.NAME = "UniversalStringValueBlock"; // src/UniversalString.ts var _UniversalString = class extends LocalUniversalStringValueBlock { constructor({ ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 28; } }; var UniversalString = _UniversalString; (() => { typeStore.UniversalString = _UniversalString; })(); UniversalString.NAME = "UniversalString"; // src/NumericString.ts var _NumericString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 18; } }; var NumericString = _NumericString; (() => { typeStore.NumericString = _NumericString; })(); NumericString.NAME = "NumericString"; // src/PrintableString.ts var _PrintableString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 19; } }; var PrintableString = _PrintableString; (() => { typeStore.PrintableString = _PrintableString; })(); PrintableString.NAME = "PrintableString"; // src/TeletexString.ts var _TeletexString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 20; } }; var TeletexString = _TeletexString; (() => { typeStore.TeletexString = _TeletexString; })(); TeletexString.NAME = "TeletexString"; // src/VideotexString.ts var _VideotexString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 21; } }; var VideotexString = _VideotexString; (() => { typeStore.VideotexString = _VideotexString; })(); VideotexString.NAME = "VideotexString"; // src/IA5String.ts var _IA5String = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 22; } }; var IA5String = _IA5String; (() => { typeStore.IA5String = _IA5String; })(); IA5String.NAME = "IA5String"; // src/GraphicString.ts var _GraphicString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 25; } }; var GraphicString = _GraphicString; (() => { typeStore.GraphicString = _GraphicString; })(); GraphicString.NAME = "GraphicString"; // src/VisibleString.ts var _VisibleString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 26; } }; var VisibleString = _VisibleString; (() => { typeStore.VisibleString = _VisibleString; })(); VisibleString.NAME = "VisibleString"; // src/GeneralString.ts var _GeneralString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 27; } }; var GeneralString = _GeneralString; (() => { typeStore.GeneralString = _GeneralString; })(); GeneralString.NAME = "GeneralString"; // src/CharacterString.ts var _CharacterString = class extends LocalSimpleStringBlock { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 29; } }; var CharacterString = _CharacterString; (() => { typeStore.CharacterString = _CharacterString; })(); CharacterString.NAME = "CharacterString"; // src/UTCTime.ts var pvtsutils17 = __toESM(require_build()); var _UTCTime = class extends VisibleString { constructor({ value, valueDate, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.year = 0; this.month = 0; = 0; this.hour = 0; this.minute = 0; this.second = 0; if (value) { this.fromString(value); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(value.length); for (let i = 0; i < value.length; i++) this.valueBlock.valueHexView[i] = value.charCodeAt(i); } if (valueDate) { this.fromDate(valueDate); this.valueBlock.valueHexView = new Uint8Array(this.toBuffer()); } this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 23; } fromBuffer(inputBuffer) { this.fromString(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, pvtsutils17.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer))); } /** * Function converting ASN.1 internal string into ArrayBuffer * @returns */ toBuffer() { const str = this.toString(); const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(str.length); const view = new Uint8Array(buffer); for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) view[i] = str.charCodeAt(i); return buffer; } /** * Function converting "Date" object into ASN.1 internal string * @param {!Date} inputDate JavaScript "Date" object */ fromDate(inputDate) { this.year = inputDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.month = inputDate.getUTCMonth() + 1; = inputDate.getUTCDate(); this.hour = inputDate.getUTCHours(); this.minute = inputDate.getUTCMinutes(); this.second = inputDate.getUTCSeconds(); } toDate() { return new Date(Date.UTC(this.year, this.month - 1,, this.hour, this.minute, this.second)); } fromString(inputString) { const parser = /(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})Z/ig; const parserArray = parser.exec(inputString); if (parserArray === null) { this.error = "Wrong input string for conversion"; return; } const year = parseInt(parserArray[1], 10); if (year >= 50) this.year = 1900 + year; else this.year = 2e3 + year; this.month = parseInt(parserArray[2], 10); = parseInt(parserArray[3], 10); this.hour = parseInt(parserArray[4], 10); this.minute = parseInt(parserArray[5], 10); this.second = parseInt(parserArray[6], 10); } toString(encoding = "iso") { if (encoding === "iso") { const outputArray = new Array(7); outputArray[0] = padNumber(this.year < 2e3 ? this.year - 1900 : this.year - 2e3, 2); outputArray[1] = padNumber(this.month, 2); outputArray[2] = padNumber(, 2); outputArray[3] = padNumber(this.hour, 2); outputArray[4] = padNumber(this.minute, 2); outputArray[5] = padNumber(this.second, 2); outputArray[6] = "Z"; return outputArray.join(""); } return super.toString(encoding); } onAsciiEncoding() { return `${this.constructor.NAME} : ${this.toDate().toISOString()}`; } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), year: this.year, month: this.month, day:, hour: this.hour, minute: this.minute, second: this.second }; } }; var UTCTime = _UTCTime; (() => { typeStore.UTCTime = _UTCTime; })(); UTCTime.NAME = "UTCTime"; // src/GeneralizedTime.ts var _GeneralizedTime = class extends UTCTime { constructor(parameters = {}) { var _a; super(parameters); (_a = this.millisecond) != null ? _a : this.millisecond = 0; this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 24; } fromDate(inputDate) { super.fromDate(inputDate); this.millisecond = inputDate.getUTCMilliseconds(); } toDate() { return new Date(Date.UTC(this.year, this.month - 1,, this.hour, this.minute, this.second, this.millisecond)); } fromString(inputString) { let isUTC = false; let timeString = ""; let dateTimeString = ""; let fractionPart = 0; let parser; let hourDifference = 0; let minuteDifference = 0; if (inputString[inputString.length - 1] === "Z") { timeString = inputString.substring(0, inputString.length - 1); isUTC = true; } else { const number = new Number(inputString[inputString.length - 1]); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); timeString = inputString; } if (isUTC) { if (timeString.indexOf("+") !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); if (timeString.indexOf("-") !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } else { let multiplier = 1; let differencePosition = timeString.indexOf("+"); let differenceString = ""; if (differencePosition === -1) { differencePosition = timeString.indexOf("-"); multiplier = -1; } if (differencePosition !== -1) { differenceString = timeString.substring(differencePosition + 1); timeString = timeString.substring(0, differencePosition); if (differenceString.length !== 2 && differenceString.length !== 4) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); let number = parseInt(differenceString.substring(0, 2), 10); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); hourDifference = multiplier * number; if (differenceString.length === 4) { number = parseInt(differenceString.substring(2, 4), 10); if (isNaN(number.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); minuteDifference = multiplier * number; } } } let fractionPointPosition = timeString.indexOf("."); if (fractionPointPosition === -1) fractionPointPosition = timeString.indexOf(","); if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { const fractionPartCheck = new Number(`0${timeString.substring(fractionPointPosition)}`); if (isNaN(fractionPartCheck.valueOf())) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); fractionPart = fractionPartCheck.valueOf(); dateTimeString = timeString.substring(0, fractionPointPosition); } else dateTimeString = timeString; switch (true) { case dateTimeString.length === 8: parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); break; case dateTimeString.length === 10: parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { let fractionResult = 60 * fractionPart; this.minute = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 60 * (fractionResult - this.minute); this.second = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 1e3 * (fractionResult - this.second); this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; case dateTimeString.length === 12: parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { let fractionResult = 60 * fractionPart; this.second = Math.floor(fractionResult); fractionResult = 1e3 * (fractionResult - this.second); this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; case dateTimeString.length === 14: parser = /(\d{4})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})(\d{2})/ig; if (fractionPointPosition !== -1) { const fractionResult = 1e3 * fractionPart; this.millisecond = Math.floor(fractionResult); } break; default: throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } const parserArray = parser.exec(dateTimeString); if (parserArray === null) throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); for (let j = 1; j < parserArray.length; j++) { switch (j) { case 1: this.year = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 2: this.month = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 3: = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; case 4: this.hour = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10) + hourDifference; break; case 5: this.minute = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10) + minuteDifference; break; case 6: this.second = parseInt(parserArray[j], 10); break; default: throw new Error("Wrong input string for conversion"); } } if (isUTC === false) { const tempDate = new Date(this.year, this.month,, this.hour, this.minute, this.second, this.millisecond); this.year = tempDate.getUTCFullYear(); this.month = tempDate.getUTCMonth(); = tempDate.getUTCDay(); this.hour = tempDate.getUTCHours(); this.minute = tempDate.getUTCMinutes(); this.second = tempDate.getUTCSeconds(); this.millisecond = tempDate.getUTCMilliseconds(); } } toString(encoding = "iso") { if (encoding === "iso") { const outputArray = []; outputArray.push(padNumber(this.year, 4)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.month, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.hour, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.minute, 2)); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.second, 2)); if (this.millisecond !== 0) { outputArray.push("."); outputArray.push(padNumber(this.millisecond, 3)); } outputArray.push("Z"); return outputArray.join(""); } return super.toString(encoding); } toJSON() { return { ...super.toJSON(), millisecond: this.millisecond }; } }; var GeneralizedTime = _GeneralizedTime; (() => { typeStore.GeneralizedTime = _GeneralizedTime; })(); GeneralizedTime.NAME = "GeneralizedTime"; // src/DATE.ts var _DATE = class extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 31; } }; var DATE = _DATE; (() => { typeStore.DATE = _DATE; })(); DATE.NAME = "DATE"; // src/TimeOfDay.ts var _TimeOfDay = class extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 32; } }; var TimeOfDay = _TimeOfDay; (() => { typeStore.TimeOfDay = _TimeOfDay; })(); TimeOfDay.NAME = "TimeOfDay"; // src/DateTime.ts var _DateTime = class extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 33; } }; var DateTime = _DateTime; (() => { typeStore.DateTime = _DateTime; })(); DateTime.NAME = "DateTime"; // src/Duration.ts var _Duration = class extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 34; } }; var Duration = _Duration; (() => { typeStore.Duration = _Duration; })(); Duration.NAME = "Duration"; // src/TIME.ts var _TIME = class extends Utf8String { constructor(parameters = {}) { super(parameters); this.idBlock.tagClass = 1; this.idBlock.tagNumber = 14; } }; var TIME = _TIME; (() => { typeStore.TIME = _TIME; })(); TIME.NAME = "TIME"; // src/Any.ts var Any = class { constructor({ name = EMPTY_STRING, optional = false } = {}) { = name; this.optional = optional; } }; // src/Choice.ts var Choice = class extends Any { constructor({ value = [], ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; } }; // src/Repeated.ts var Repeated = class extends Any { constructor({ value = new Any(), local = false, ...parameters } = {}) { super(parameters); this.value = value; this.local = local; } }; // src/RawData.ts var pvtsutils18 = __toESM(require_build()); var RawData = class { /** * @deprecated Since v3.0.0 */ get data() { return this.dataView.slice().buffer; } /** * @deprecated Since v3.0.0 */ set data(value) { this.dataView = pvtsutils18.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(value); } constructor({ data = EMPTY_VIEW } = {}) { this.dataView = pvtsutils18.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(data); } fromBER(inputBuffer, inputOffset, inputLength) { const endLength = inputOffset + inputLength; this.dataView = pvtsutils18.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer).subarray(inputOffset, endLength); return endLength; } toBER(sizeOnly) { return this.dataView.slice().buffer; } }; // src/schema.ts var pvtsutils19 = __toESM(require_build()); function compareSchema(root, inputData, inputSchema) { if (inputSchema instanceof Choice) { const choiceResult = false; for (let j = 0; j < inputSchema.value.length; j++) { const result = compareSchema(root, inputData, inputSchema.value[j]); if (result.verified) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } } if (choiceResult === false) { const _result = { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong values for Choice type" } }; if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME)) =; return _result; } } if (inputSchema instanceof Any) { if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME)) root[] = inputData; return { verified: true, result: root }; } if (root instanceof Object === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong root object" } }; } if (inputData instanceof Object === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 data" } }; } if (inputSchema instanceof Object === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (ID_BLOCK in inputSchema === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (FROM_BER in inputSchema.idBlock === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (TO_BER in inputSchema.idBlock === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } const encodedId = inputSchema.idBlock.toBER(false); if (encodedId.byteLength === 0) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Error encoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" } }; } const decodedOffset = inputSchema.idBlock.fromBER(encodedId, 0, encodedId.byteLength); if (decodedOffset === -1) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Error decoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_CLASS) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagClass !== inputData.idBlock.tagClass) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_NUMBER) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagNumber !== inputData.idBlock.tagNumber) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(IS_CONSTRUCTED) === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isConstructed !== inputData.idBlock.isConstructed) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (!(IS_HEX_ONLY in inputSchema.idBlock)) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly !== inputData.idBlock.isHexOnly) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly) { if (VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputSchema.idBlock === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" } }; } const schemaView = inputSchema.idBlock.valueHexView; const asn1View = inputData.idBlock.valueHexView; if (schemaView.length !== asn1View.length) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } for (let i = 0; i < schemaView.length; i++) { if (schemaView[i] !== asn1View[1]) { return { verified: false, result: root }; } } } if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( root[] = inputData; } if (inputSchema instanceof typeStore.Constructed) { let admission = 0; let result = { verified: false, result: { error: "Unknown error" } }; let maxLength = inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length; if (maxLength > 0) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) { maxLength = inputData.valueBlock.value.length; } } if (maxLength === 0) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } if (inputData.valueBlock.value.length === 0 && inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length !== 0) { let _optional = true; for (let i = 0; i < inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length; i++) _optional = _optional && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional || false); if (_optional) { return { verified: true, result: root }; } if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( delete root[]; } root.error = "Inconsistent object length"; return { verified: false, result: root }; } for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) { if (i - admission >= inputData.valueBlock.value.length) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional === false) { const _result = { verified: false, result: root }; root.error = "Inconsistent length between ASN.1 data and schema"; if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( { delete root[]; =; } } return _result; } } else { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) { result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].value); if (result.verified === false) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].optional) admission++; else { if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( delete root[]; } return result; } } if (NAME in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] && inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name.length > 0) { let arrayRoot = {}; if (LOCAL in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] && inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].local) arrayRoot = inputData; else arrayRoot = root; if (typeof arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] === "undefined") arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] = []; arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name].push(inputData.valueBlock.value[i]); } } else { result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i - admission], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i]); if (result.verified === false) { if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional) admission++; else { if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( delete root[]; } return result; } } } } } if (result.verified === false) { const _result = { verified: false, result: root }; if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( { delete root[]; =; } } return _result; } return { verified: true, result: root }; } if (inputSchema.primitiveSchema && VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputData.valueBlock) { const asn1 = localFromBER(inputData.valueBlock.valueHexView); if (asn1.offset === -1) { const _result = { verified: false, result: asn1.result }; if ( { =^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING); if ( { delete root[]; =; } } return _result; } return compareSchema(root, asn1.result, inputSchema.primitiveSchema); } return { verified: true, result: root }; } function verifySchema(inputBuffer, inputSchema) { if (inputSchema instanceof Object === false) { return { verified: false, result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema type" } }; } const asn1 = localFromBER(pvtsutils19.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer)); if (asn1.offset === -1) { return { verified: false, result: asn1.result }; } return compareSchema(asn1.result, asn1.result, inputSchema); } export { src_exports as asn1js }; /*! Bundled license information: pvtsutils/build/index.js: (*! * MIT License * * Copyright (c) 2017-2022 Peculiar Ventures, LLC * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all * copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE * SOFTWARE. * *) pvutils/build/ (*! Copyright (c) Peculiar Ventures, LLC *) */