/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment */
import * as pvtsutils from "pvtsutils";
import { Any } from "./Any";
import { Choice } from "./Choice";
import { Repeated } from "./Repeated";
import { localFromBER } from "./parser";
import { AsnType, typeStore } from "./TypeStore";
export type AsnSchemaType = AsnType | Any | Choice | Repeated;
export interface CompareSchemaSuccess {
verified: true;
result: AsnType & { [key: string]: any; };
export interface CompareSchemaFail {
verified: false;
name?: string;
result: AsnType | { error: string; };
export type CompareSchemaResult = CompareSchemaSuccess | CompareSchemaFail;
* Compare of two ASN.1 object trees
* @param root Root of input ASN.1 object tree
* @param inputData Input ASN.1 object tree
* @param inputSchema Input ASN.1 schema to compare with
* @return Returns result of comparison
export function compareSchema(root: AsnType, inputData: AsnType, inputSchema: AsnSchemaType): CompareSchemaResult {
//#region Special case for Choice schema element type
if (inputSchema instanceof Choice) {
const choiceResult = false;
for (let j = 0; j < inputSchema.value.length; j++) {
const result = compareSchema(root, inputData, inputSchema.value[j]);
if (result.verified) {
return {
verified: true,
result: root
if (choiceResult === false) {
const _result: CompareSchemaResult = {
verified: false,
result: {
error: "Wrong values for Choice type"
if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME))
_result.name = inputSchema.name;
return _result;
//#region Special case for Any schema element type
if (inputSchema instanceof Any) {
//#region Add named component of ASN.1 schema
if (inputSchema.hasOwnProperty(NAME))
(root as any)[inputSchema.name] = inputData; // TODO Such call may replace original field of the object (eg idBlock)
return {
verified: true,
result: root
//#region Initial check
if ((root instanceof Object) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong root object" }
if ((inputData instanceof Object) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 data" }
if ((inputSchema instanceof Object) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if ((ID_BLOCK in inputSchema) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
//#region Comparing idBlock properties in ASN.1 data and ASN.1 schema
//#region Encode and decode ASN.1 schema idBlock
/// This encoding/decoding is necessary because could be an errors in schema definition
if ((FROM_BER in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if ((TO_BER in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
const encodedId = inputSchema.idBlock.toBER(false);
if (encodedId.byteLength === 0) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Error encoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" }
const decodedOffset = inputSchema.idBlock.fromBER(encodedId, 0, encodedId.byteLength);
if (decodedOffset === -1) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Error decoding idBlock for ASN.1 schema" }
//#region tagClass
if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_CLASS) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagClass !== inputData.idBlock.tagClass) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region tagNumber
if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(TAG_NUMBER) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if (inputSchema.idBlock.tagNumber !== inputData.idBlock.tagNumber) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region isConstructed
if (inputSchema.idBlock.hasOwnProperty(IS_CONSTRUCTED) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if (inputSchema.idBlock.isConstructed !== inputData.idBlock.isConstructed) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region isHexOnly
if (!(IS_HEX_ONLY in inputSchema.idBlock)) // Since 'isHexOnly' is an inherited property
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly !== inputData.idBlock.isHexOnly) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region valueHex
if (inputSchema.idBlock.isHexOnly) {
if ((VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputSchema.idBlock) === false) // Since 'valueHex' is an inherited property
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema" }
const schemaView = inputSchema.idBlock.valueHexView;
const asn1View = inputData.idBlock.valueHexView;
if (schemaView.length !== asn1View.length) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
for (let i = 0; i < schemaView.length; i++) {
if (schemaView[i] !== asn1View[1]) {
return {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region Add named component of ASN.1 schema
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name)
(root as any)[inputSchema.name] = inputData; // TODO check field existence. If exists throw an error
//#region Getting next ASN.1 block for comparison
if (inputSchema instanceof typeStore.Constructed) {
// TODO not clear how it works for OctetString and BitString
//* if (inputSchema.idBlock.isConstructed) {
let admission = 0;
let result: CompareSchemaResult = {
verified: false,
result: {
error: "Unknown error",
let maxLength = inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length;
if (maxLength > 0) {
if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) {
// @ts-ignore
maxLength = inputData.valueBlock.value.length; // TODO debug it
//#region Special case when constructive value has no elements
if (maxLength === 0) {
return {
verified: true,
result: root
//#region Special case when "inputData" has no values and "inputSchema" has all optional values
// @ts-ignore
// TODO debug it
if ((inputData.valueBlock.value.length === 0) &&
(inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length !== 0)) {
let _optional = true;
for (let i = 0; i < inputSchema.valueBlock.value.length; i++)
_optional = _optional && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional || false);
if (_optional) {
return {
verified: true,
result: root
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name)
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
root.error = "Inconsistent object length";
return {
verified: false,
result: root
for (let i = 0; i < maxLength; i++) {
//#region Special case when there is an OPTIONAL element of ASN.1 schema at the end
// @ts-ignore
if ((i - admission) >= inputData.valueBlock.value.length) {
if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional === false) {
const _result: CompareSchemaResult = {
verified: false,
result: root
root.error = "Inconsistent length between ASN.1 data and schema";
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name) {
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
_result.name = inputSchema.name;
return _result;
else {
//#region Special case for Repeated type of ASN.1 schema element
if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0] instanceof Repeated) {
// @ts-ignore
result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].value);
if (result.verified === false) {
if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].optional)
else {
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name)
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
return result;
if ((NAME in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0]) && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name.length > 0)) {
let arrayRoot: Record = {};
if ((LOCAL in inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0]) && (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].local))
arrayRoot = inputData;
arrayRoot = root;
if (typeof arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] === "undefined")
arrayRoot[inputSchema.valueBlock.value[0].name] = [];
// @ts-ignore
else {
// @ts-ignore
result = compareSchema(root, inputData.valueBlock.value[i - admission], inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i]);
if (result.verified === false) {
if (inputSchema.valueBlock.value[i].optional)
else {
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name)
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
return result;
if (result.verified === false) // The situation may take place if last element is OPTIONAL and verification failed
const _result: CompareSchemaResult = {
verified: false,
result: root
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name) {
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
_result.name = inputSchema.name;
return _result;
return {
verified: true,
result: root
//#region Ability to parse internal value for primitive-encoded value (value of OctetString, for example)
if (inputSchema.primitiveSchema &&
(VALUE_HEX_VIEW in inputData.valueBlock)) {
//#region Decoding of raw ASN.1 data
const asn1 = localFromBER(inputData.valueBlock.valueHexView);
if (asn1.offset === -1) {
const _result: CompareSchemaResult = {
verified: false,
result: asn1.result
//#region Delete early added name of block
if (inputSchema.name) {
inputSchema.name = inputSchema.name.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g, EMPTY_STRING);
if (inputSchema.name) {
delete (root as any)[inputSchema.name];
_result.name = inputSchema.name;
return _result;
return compareSchema(root, asn1.result, inputSchema.primitiveSchema);
return {
verified: true,
result: root
* ASN.1 schema verification for ArrayBuffer data
* @param inputBuffer Input BER-encoded ASN.1 data
* @param inputSchema Input ASN.1 schema to verify against to
* @return
export function verifySchema(inputBuffer: pvtsutils.BufferSource, inputSchema: AsnSchemaType): CompareSchemaResult {
//#region Initial check
if ((inputSchema instanceof Object) === false) {
return {
verified: false,
result: { error: "Wrong ASN.1 schema type" }
//#region Decoding of raw ASN.1 data
const asn1 = localFromBER(pvtsutils.BufferSourceConverter.toUint8Array(inputBuffer));
if (asn1.offset === -1) {
return {
verified: false,
result: asn1.result
//#region Compare ASN.1 struct with input schema
return compareSchema(asn1.result, asn1.result, inputSchema);