/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; /* import-globals-from head.js */ function _getSupportsFile(path) { const cr = Cc["@mozilla.org/chrome/chrome-registry;1"].getService( Ci.nsIChromeRegistry ); const uri = Services.io.newURI(CHROME_URL_ROOT + path); const fileurl = cr.convertChromeURL(uri); return fileurl.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIFileURL); } async function enableExtensionDebugging() { // Disable security prompt await pushPref("devtools.debugger.prompt-connection", false); } /* exported enableExtensionDebugging */ /** * Install an extension using the AddonManager so it does not show up as temporary. */ async function installRegularExtension(pathOrFile) { const isFile = typeof pathOrFile.isFile === "function" && pathOrFile.isFile(); const file = isFile ? pathOrFile : _getSupportsFile(pathOrFile).file; const install = await AddonManager.getInstallForFile(file); return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!install) { throw new Error(`An install was not created for ${file.path}`); } install.addListener({ onDownloadFailed: reject, onDownloadCancelled: reject, onInstallFailed: reject, onInstallCancelled: reject, onInstallEnded: resolve, }); install.install(); }); } /* exported installRegularExtension */ /** * Install a temporary extension at the provided path, with the provided name. * Will use a mock file picker to select the file. */ async function installTemporaryExtension(pathOrFile, name, document) { const { Management } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Extension.sys.mjs" ); info("Install temporary extension named " + name); // Mock the file picker to select a test addon prepareMockFilePicker(pathOrFile); const onAddonInstalled = new Promise(done => { Management.on("startup", function listener(event, extension) { if (extension.name != name) { return; } Management.off("startup", listener); done(extension); }); }); // Trigger the file picker by clicking on the button document.querySelector(".qa-temporary-extension-install-button").click(); info("Wait for addon to be installed"); return onAddonInstalled; } /* exported installTemporaryExtension */ function createTemporaryXPI(xpiData) { const { ExtensionTestCommon } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://testing-common/ExtensionTestCommon.sys.mjs" ); const { background, files, id, name, extraProperties } = xpiData; info("Generate XPI file for " + id); const manifest = Object.assign( {}, { browser_specific_settings: { gecko: { id } }, manifest_version: 2, name, version: "1.0", }, extraProperties ); const xpiFile = ExtensionTestCommon.generateXPI({ background, files, manifest, }); registerCleanupFunction(() => xpiFile.exists() && xpiFile.remove(false)); return xpiFile; } /* exported createTemporaryXPI */ /** * Remove the existing temporary XPI file generated by ExtensionTestCommon and create a * new one at the same location. * @return {File} the temporary extension XPI file created */ function updateTemporaryXPI(xpiData, existingXPI) { info("Delete and regenerate XPI for " + xpiData.id); // Store the current name to check the xpi is correctly replaced. const existingName = existingXPI.leafName; info("Delete existing XPI named: " + existingName); existingXPI.exists() && existingXPI.remove(false); const xpiFile = createTemporaryXPI(xpiData); // Check that the name of the new file is correct if (xpiFile.leafName !== existingName) { throw new Error( "New XPI created with unexpected name: " + xpiFile.leafName ); } return xpiFile; } /* exported updateTemporaryXPI */ /** * Install a fake temporary extension by creating a temporary in-memory XPI file. * @return {File} the temporary extension XPI file created */ async function installTemporaryExtensionFromXPI(xpiData, document) { const xpiFile = createTemporaryXPI(xpiData); const extension = await installTemporaryExtension( xpiFile, xpiData.name, document ); info("Wait until the addon debug target appears"); await waitUntil(() => findDebugTargetByText(xpiData.name, document)); return { extension, xpiFile }; } /* exported installTemporaryExtensionFromXPI */ async function removeTemporaryExtension(name, document) { info(`Wait for removable extension with name: '${name}'`); const buttonName = ".qa-temporary-extension-remove-button"; await waitUntil(() => { const extension = findDebugTargetByText(name, document); return extension && extension.querySelector(buttonName); }); info(`Remove the temporary extension with name: '${name}'`); const temporaryExtensionItem = findDebugTargetByText(name, document); temporaryExtensionItem.querySelector(buttonName).click(); info("Wait until the debug target item disappears"); await waitUntil(() => !findDebugTargetByText(name, document)); } /* exported removeTemporaryExtension */ async function removeExtension(id, name, document) { info( "Retrieve the extension instance from the addon manager, and uninstall it" ); const extension = await AddonManager.getAddonByID(id); extension.uninstall(); info("Wait until the addon disappears from about:debugging"); await waitUntil(() => !findDebugTargetByText(name, document)); } /* exported removeExtension */ function prepareMockFilePicker(pathOrFile) { const isFile = typeof pathOrFile.isFile === "function" && pathOrFile.isFile(); const file = isFile ? pathOrFile : _getSupportsFile(pathOrFile).file; // Mock the file picker to select a test addon const MockFilePicker = SpecialPowers.MockFilePicker; MockFilePicker.init(window); MockFilePicker.setFiles([file]); } /* exported prepareMockFilePicker */ function promiseBackgroundContextEvent(extensionId, eventName) { const { Management } = ChromeUtils.importESModule( "resource://gre/modules/Extension.sys.mjs" ); return new Promise(resolve => { Management.on(eventName, function listener(_evtName, context) { if (context.extension.id === extensionId) { Management.off(eventName, listener); resolve(); } }); }); } function promiseBackgroundContextLoaded(extensionId) { return promiseBackgroundContextEvent(extensionId, "proxy-context-load"); } /* exported promiseBackgroundContextLoaded */ function promiseBackgroundContextUnloaded(extensionId) { return promiseBackgroundContextEvent(extensionId, "proxy-context-unload"); } /* exported promiseBackgroundContextUnloaded */ async function assertBackgroundStatus( extName, { document, expectedStatus, targetElement } ) { const target = targetElement || findDebugTargetByText(extName, document); const getBackgroundStatusElement = () => target.querySelector(".extension-backgroundscript__status"); await waitFor( () => getBackgroundStatusElement()?.classList.contains( `extension-backgroundscript__status--${expectedStatus}` ), `Wait ${extName} Background script status "${expectedStatus}" to be rendered` ); } /* exported assertBackgroundStatus */ function getExtensionInstance(extensionId) { const policy = WebExtensionPolicy.getByID(extensionId); ok(policy, `Got a WebExtensionPolicy instance for ${extensionId}`); ok(policy.extension, `Got an Extension class instance for ${extensionId}`); return policy.extension; } /* exported getExtensionInstance */ async function triggerExtensionEventPageIdleTimeout(extensionId) { await getExtensionInstance(extensionId).terminateBackground(); } /* exported triggerExtensionEventPageIdleTimeout */ async function wakeupExtensionEventPage(extensionId) { await getExtensionInstance(extensionId).wakeupBackground(); } /* exported wakeupExtensionEventPage */ function promiseTerminateBackgroundScriptIgnored(extensionId) { const extension = getExtensionInstance(extensionId); return new Promise(resolve => { extension.once("background-script-suspend-ignored", resolve); }); } /* exported promiseTerminateBackgroundScriptIgnored */ async function promiseBackgroundStatusUpdate(window) { waitForDispatch( window.AboutDebugging.store, "EXTENSION_BGSCRIPT_STATUS_UPDATED" ); } /* exported promiseBackgroundStatusUpdate */