/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at . */ // Tests the breakpoint gutter and making sure breakpoint icons exist // correctly "use strict"; // FIXME bug 1524374 removing breakpoints in this test can cause uncaught // rejections and make bug 1512742 permafail. PromiseTestUtils.allowMatchingRejectionsGlobally(/NS_ERROR_NOT_INITIALIZED/); add_task(async function testGutterBreakpoints() { const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-scripts.html", "simple1.js"); const source = findSource(dbg, "simple1.js"); await selectSource(dbg, source); // Make sure that clicking the gutter creates a breakpoint icon. await clickGutter(dbg, 4); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_BREAKPOINT"); is(dbg.selectors.getBreakpointCount(), 1, "One breakpoint exists"); await assertBreakpoint(dbg, 4); // Make sure clicking at the same place removes the icon. await clickGutter(dbg, 4); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "REMOVE_BREAKPOINT"); is(dbg.selectors.getBreakpointCount(), 0, "No breakpoints exist"); await assertNoBreakpoint(dbg, 4); }); add_task(async function testGutterBreakpointsInIgnoredSource() { info( "Ensure clicking on gutter to add breakpoint should not un-ignore source" ); const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-sourcemaps3.html"); dbg.actions.toggleMapScopes(); await waitForSources(dbg, "bundle.js", "sorted.js", "test.js"); info("Ignore the source"); await selectSource(dbg, findSource(dbg, "sorted.js")); await clickElement(dbg, "blackbox"); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "BLACKBOX_WHOLE_SOURCES"); // invoke test invokeInTab("test"); // wait to make sure no pause has occured await wait(1000); assertNotPaused(dbg); info("Ensure gutter breakpoint gets set with click"); await clickGutter(dbg, 4); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_BREAKPOINT"); info("Assert that the `Enable breakpoint` context menu item is disabled"); const popup = await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "gutter", 4); await assertContextMenuItemDisabled( dbg, "#node-menu-enable-breakpoint", true ); await closeContextMenu(dbg, popup); is(dbg.selectors.getBreakpointCount(), 1, "One breakpoint exists"); await assertBreakpoint(dbg, 4); is( findBreakpoint(dbg, "sorted.js", 4).disabled, true, "The breakpoint in the ignored source looks disabled" ); invokeInTab("test"); await wait(1000); assertNotPaused(dbg); ok(true, "source is still blackboxed"); }); add_task(async function testGutterBreakpointsForSourceWithIgnoredLines() { info( "Asserts that adding a breakpoint to the gutter of an un-ignored line does not un-ignore other ranges in the source" ); const dbg = await initDebugger("doc-sourcemaps3.html"); await waitForSources(dbg, "bundle.js", "sorted.js", "test.js"); await selectSource(dbg, findSource(dbg, "sorted.js")); info("Ignoring line 17 to 21 using the editor context menu"); await selectEditorLinesAndOpenContextMenu(dbg, { startLine: 17, endLine: 21, }); await selectBlackBoxContextMenuItem(dbg, "blackbox-lines"); info("Set breakpoint on an un-ignored line"); await clickGutter(dbg, 4); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_BREAKPOINT"); info("Assert that the `Disable breakpoint` context menu item is enabled"); const popup = await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "gutter", 4); await assertContextMenuItemDisabled( dbg, "#node-menu-disable-breakpoint", false ); await closeContextMenu(dbg, popup); info("Assert that the lines 17 to 21 are still ignored"); assertIgnoredStyleInSourceLines(dbg, { lines: [17, 21], hasBlackboxedLinesClass: true, }); info( "Asserts that adding a breakpoint to the gutter of an ignored line creates a disabled breakpoint" ); info("Set breakpoint on an ignored line"); await clickGutter(dbg, 19); await waitForDispatch(dbg.store, "SET_BREAKPOINT"); info("Assert that the `Enable breakpoint` context menu item is disabled"); const popup2 = await openContextMenuInDebugger(dbg, "gutter", 19); await assertContextMenuItemDisabled( dbg, "#node-menu-enable-breakpoint", true ); await closeContextMenu(dbg, popup2); info("Assert that the breakpoint on the line 19 is visually disabled"); is( findBreakpoint(dbg, "sorted.js", 19).disabled, true, "The breakpoint on an ignored line is disabled" ); }); async function assertContextMenuItemDisabled(dbg, selector, expectedState) { const item = await waitFor(() => findContextMenu(dbg, selector)); is(item.disabled, expectedState, "The context menu item is disabled"); }