/* Any copyright is dedicated to the Public Domain. http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ */ "use strict"; const EXAMPLE_COM_URI = "https://example.com/document-builder.sjs?html=<div id=com>com"; const EXAMPLE_ORG_URI = "https://example.org/document-builder.sjs?html=<div id=org>org"; add_task(async function () { const tab = await addTab(EXAMPLE_COM_URI); const toolbox = await openToolboxForTab(tab, "inspector"); const comNode = await getNodeBySelector(toolbox, "#com"); ok(comNode, "Found node for the COM page"); info("Navigate to the ORG page"); await navigateTo(EXAMPLE_ORG_URI); const orgNode = await getNodeBySelector(toolbox, "#org"); ok(orgNode, "Found node for the ORG page"); info("Reload the ORG page"); await navigateTo(EXAMPLE_ORG_URI); const orgNodeAfterReload = await getNodeBySelector(toolbox, "#org"); ok(orgNodeAfterReload, "Found node for the ORG page after reload"); isnot(orgNode, orgNodeAfterReload, "The new node is different"); info("Navigate back to the COM page"); await navigateTo(EXAMPLE_COM_URI); const comNodeAfterNavigation = await getNodeBySelector(toolbox, "#com"); ok(comNodeAfterNavigation, "Found node for the COM page after navigation"); info("Navigate to about:blank"); await navigateTo("about:blank"); const blankBodyAfterNavigation = await getNodeBySelector(toolbox, "body"); ok( blankBodyAfterNavigation, "Found node for the about:blank page after navigation" ); info("Navigate to about:robots"); await navigateTo("about:robots"); const aboutRobotsAfterNavigation = await getNodeBySelector( toolbox, "div.container" ); ok( aboutRobotsAfterNavigation, "Found node for the about:robots page after navigation" ); }); async function getNodeBySelector(toolbox, selector) { const inspector = await toolbox.selectTool("inspector"); return inspector.walker.querySelector(inspector.walker.rootNode, selector); }